4 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 30, 1947 Rent Control Continues Here A letter from the San Fran cisco regional office of tempo rary controls Tuesday assured the federal rent control office In Salem that rent control will continue here after May 4, the date on which responsibility for rent control is transferred to the housing expediter. The or der is effective for all the Pa cific coast region. There will be no important change in the program other wise, the letter indicated. It said that in cooperation with the expediter the OPA office would study the need of control in all areas, with the objective of lifting controls in whatever places improved relationship between housing demand and supply develops. The letter said: "Regulations and procedures remain in effect, We shall go forward with an adequate pro gram in all areas where rent controls are still in effect with in whatever framework congress provides." Although Britain produced only a third the food she con sumed In 1939, she produced 70 percent of her rations during World War II. Salem and Silverton Men Get Permits Albert G. Hedstrom of Salem and Robert T. Morris of Silver ton received for sale permits Tuesday from the Oregon office of the federal housing adminis tration, each receiving two per mits. The permits authorize con struction. The agency authorized Tues day construction of 24 units in Oregon and southwest Washing ton, 11 for rent and 13 for sale. Americans are said to eat more cabbage than any other vegetable except potatoes. Electric Water Heaters Several Well-Known Makes from Which to Choose Appliance Dept., Lower Floor Children Win in Senior Division In the Capital Journal's story on results of the judging in the Kiddie Karnival Saturday night FLEX ALUM Venetian Blinds We measure, Install and Adjust All Orders Without Charge Rapid Service inadvertently left out were the names of Dennis Lindberg and Joyce Rawlins, winners in the senior king and queen division. Dennis is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Lindberg, 125 Lana av- 340 Court St. 3rd Floor 340 Court St. Ph. 9221 BUG BLASTER Now, for the first time, one purchase, one product packed in one container, will keep your flowers and vegetables healthy and free of insects I 98 V raid, ready- USD noDucror SHlKWIN-WlUIAMS ttCStAKCH Available in Salem at the 340 COURT ST. JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT General Electric FLOOD LIGHTS FOR OUTSIDE USE $395 Adjustable to All Angles Phone Your Order If You Wish Electrical Department, Third Floor enue, and Joyce a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rawlins, 1310 North 17th. The Karnival was held at the senior high school auditorium under the sponsorship of the Disabled American Veterans. Dried herbs are three to four times stronger than fresh herbs 340 Court Street Miii 11 mi in mi urn 1 1 1 mil ' 111 1 iii 1 in mi Expert r-'lSJBsA Painters j J0, J f Now is the time jj f, ill it"0' "r"- 'CJ fiSPy gffij Free estimotes. j tmg ' '"A 'If T 340 Court stph 9221 S JS" i j fM A Compact Radio-Phonograph With Storage 2& Space For Over 100 Records In Albums 3& This smart looking Con sol arte is so compact that it takes Jpf up less room than an ordinary chair yet it has all the 1 advantages of a real btg radio-phonograph. ;: coMf in and set these matures! ' m 'm Automatic Record Changer Slngla Button Control Ef 2 Band Standard and Short Wave Room for over 100 Records In Albums p SftfjSj Powerful Alnlco Speaker for inrlched Ton Beautiful Cabinets of Mahogany, $1 $S Walnut or Knotty Pine VVt jl And the price li only jl Cash or Easy Term V-PvPf I PRODUCT OP BINDIX AVIATION CORPORATION W$ li 340 COURT STREET PHONE 9221 f .....tXA.... ,?.. t .... ..-t... . , Phone 9221 IN A NEW . Ji d SLIPCOVER ' i iJL Made Right Here I ' Slipcover Dept. iJTpLf i We will do one " " '"'"JIl, f ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN Now Is the Time to Dress Up Your Home 340 COURT STREET Use Capitol Journol Wont Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs? 4M mast fan WOULD IT BE ASKING TOO. MUCH? YOU FURNISH THE BRIDE... EVERYTHING ELSE IS HERE FOR JUST CONSISTING OF . . . Full size divan, opens to full size bed. Matching club choir with reversible spring-filled cushions, a swing rock er upholstered in contrasting material, lamp table with two drop leofs, coffee table with magazine shelf below. Okay, we'll put an end table in for good measure. For the dinette there is a beautiful blonde shade, sandblasted extension table with four chairs and the daintiest little dish hutch you could wish for. Now that you've finished in the dinette, let's go into the bedroom blonde shade, modern styled in the SAWTH, you-all know what we mean. There is a bed with a genuine Simmons spring, a 501b. felted cotton mattress, a vanity, chiffonier, bed itand, bench and a ploid bedspread with drapes to match all right, it's so dark so we'll put in a set of two boudoir lamps on the vanity. There, that brightens it up to where we're going to quit. Wish we could go on and on, but even $398 has its limit and this one is really bulging. tudJc onnuQ rnMDi ftp 24 PI ECES , : : TERMS? WHY SURE . . . We give terms on everything we sell. Take as long as 18 months to pay. IT 340 Court Street ATTENTION! Tourist cabin owners . Beach cabin owners . . Figure any way you like, you just cannot beat this deal if there ever was one! Phone 9221 (