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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1947)
12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April SO, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER HEW RANCH-STYLE home. 2 large bed rooms, hardwood floors. lots of built' Ins At linen closets, weather stripped and Insulated. Deep well and pump, Xlectrle h.w heater. One block from bus. 3 blocks N. ol center, l ojocx a. left past 3rd home on left. a!06 1 BY OWNER; New 3 bdrm. house, corner lot A bus line. Fnce a to sen. rn. aiuu, al06' " VIEW OF Mt. Hood, Jefferson Ac valley from this hillside location. Mod. 3 bed rm, home. Nearlng completion at 253 Vista Ave. OH furnace, fireplace, bamt., ' s. rooms, 7 closets, coved linoleum. See dur: if day or "ph. 4284 eve. am ( vnft HALE by owner. 3 Bdrm. home. L.R. DR., kit., breakfast nook, partially furn. Borne farden tools incl., new lawn ' mower. Reason, leaving state. 735 Breys Ave. a hi j WELL BUILT 3 bedrm. home In highly restricted dlst. Hwd. floors throughout. fDlsee. hsmt.. furnace. V. blinds, patio. lawn. F.H.A. terms on part. Ph. 933B RiUO ! ROOM house at 1644 No. 4th Bt. r.n 14x30 with fireplace. DR. Kit. and 3 Bedrooms. Garage, large fenced In lot, large shade trees and shrubbery. ROSTEIN Ac ADOLPH, INC. 110 N. Commercial St, Phone3030 Eves. 8314 al04 HEW HOME. 4 rm. house, bath, utility. Located 1343 8th St., W. Salem. Con tact E. D. Wells, Aumsvllle. a!05 $2250 FULL PRICE BRAND NEW am alt house on 1 acre. Lo cated east. Yes, it can be bought on terms. 14000 SMALL, MODERN home on So. 15th. Gas range, gas water heater and oil heater. - Corner lot. Nice yard and garden in. Some terms. See Mr. Burt for further details. MURPHY REALTY CO. REALTORS ' , 1300 So. Com'l Ph. 6026; Eve. 9785 al03 RBIMANN REAL ESTATE ENGLEWOOD HOME, Nearly new, well built, oak floors, 4 bedrooms. Dbl. plumb ' Inc. Delightful for $14,250. No. 405. I TOOMS. Modern, W Acre South, $3700. Terms. No. 3. BEAUTIFUL MILL Creek location. Un usual 3 bdrm. home. Very modern. Make an offer. No. 204. XEIZER DISTRICT. 3 bedrooms, large '' living room St kitchen. S1B00. No. 216. 'JiEW. COMPLETE. Vacant. 2 bdrm. Very ' modern. East of Garden Rd. $9750. No. ' 224. 1 NORTH BTH. A good buy. 2 bdrm. Full basement. Furnace. $6050. No. 240. NEW AND large. 3 bdrm.. hardwood firs, throughout. Located East. Completely Appointed. 18300. No. 242. VERT WELL built and arranged, nil elec tric. 3 bedrooms. $8950. No. 248. . PA1RMOUNT HILL. A grand, gracious 2 bdrm. home. 114,800. No. 250. 'VERY MODERN, radiant heat, really de lightful, 2 bdrm., Rosemont District. $11,200. No. 254A. CITY-COUNTRY living. Up to date 2 ' bdrm.. North, Acre. $8950. No. 255. 'SMALL FARM. 1 A. close In. North. Grand 3 bdrm. house, delightful setting. $10,- ' 500. No. 255A. to YR8. OLD, but well modernized. 2 bdrms., full basement, furnace, etc., $7500. No. 257. $500 DOWN, $40 MONTH FOUR NEW unfinished but liveable houses located Just off Park Ave. between Market St D streets. Watch for Rel ' mann Real Estate for Sale signs. No. ' 247. G.I. Loans Secured F.H.A. ' REIMANN REAL ESTATE 1 371 South High Phone 0203 " Eve. St Sun. 28056 or 26790 al03 $10,000. NEW 5-Rm. home In Englewood Dlst, Has oak floors, fireplace, 2 floor furnaces. Attached garage. Ready to move Into. $BJMO. 5-RM. New home North of Holly wood. Has oil floor furnace. Garage. Can give Immediate possession. i ,36000. NEW 2-BR. home and 'A A. North-; east. Attached garage. Several Cherry i i Trees. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS I , US 8. High St. Ph. 4121, Eves. 25306 al05 FOR BALK BY OWNER Beautiful moo-1 ' rn ' r-om home, full basement, hard-1 ' wood floors, first quality materials throughout. Can be bought with or wli out furniture. House may be seen ' any day until 8:30 p. m., 1420 Market 1 St. a NICE HOMES 17000.00 Large bldg. for horns or btMi njts. Good location In new subdivision. Close In on busy street, 97DA0.0O Nearly new 2 B.R., L.R.. D.R., . Hwd. thruout, auto-oll heat. Lot runs to creek. Nice district. fl 7,500 Beautiful brick home with 3 B.R., L.R., D.R., Kltch., on main floor. Spare B.R., play-room, utility and fur- , rm, in basement. Black onyx fire place In L.R. Brick fireplace and bar In play-rm. Automatlo sprinkler system. Air conditioning furnace. Lots of glass brick In kitchen and L.R. Hollywood District. Sea MB. CHIPMAN. Phone 4109 with A. A. LARSEN, BROKER 403 State St. a 104 FOR SALE or trade for larger house. Very good 2 bdrm. home, near Hollywood, ' that you will bo proud to own. Price $8650. Ph. 7175. al05 AN ELEGANT HOME BUILT SUBSTANTIALLY about 8 years ago and maintained like new ever since. Extra large Living Rm., Fireplace, nice Dining Rm., convenient well planned kitchen, nice Bedrm. and beautiful Bath down. 2 spacious Bedrms. and nice bath vp. Hardwood floors throughout with all rooms down carpeted except K. and Bath. Full basement with fireplace, shower, automatlo oil furnace. Attached double garage. Large well landscaped lot. A Grand View. Shown by appoint - . L.ent only. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 al05' HOME BARGAINS NSW 1 or., elec. syst. 'i a. river silt Poss. 10 days. $4950. Terms. NEW 1 br 2 pc. bath. Insulated. Kelzer Dlst. $5760. t LOTS, 1 br., part bath. Lots of fruit Si i berries, stoves inc. Highland Dlst. $3850. NfcWI.Y DECORATED mdrn. S rm. home St hobby shop. 6. Cottage. $8000. Terms. . JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 465 Court St. Phone 7698 al05 " BUSINESS PROPERTY BDRM. home located E. In No. 3 Bus. i Zone. Lot 50 x 345 feet. Home could i be converted Into apts, or duplex. Price $6900. I Call Dale L. Shepherd, with I GRAUENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 25089 ' a 103 NORTH SALEM I BDRM. Eng. typo home in excellent ; cond., nice yard, h.w. firs., full base ment, Iireplaoe. QUICK POSSESSION, Price $12,000. ! Call Dale L. Shepherd. With ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS , 114 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 25089 . aiiw 4 BEDROOMS THIS IS a real family home. Welt located East with fireplace, el. h.w. htr., auto l sawdust heat, dble. garage. Immediate i .rosaeision. rrice $io.soo. ( Call Dale L. Shepherd, with t ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS i r S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 24457 ! a 103 FA IIJ MOUNT 1IIT.I. MnMIT I LARGE BEDRMS., full basement, auto ' ail heat, beautiful location, fireplace, ' convenient arrangement, patio Si fenced back-yard, shads trees. A BARGAIN ai iii.sug. ' Call D. J. Dawson with 1 ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 25338 a 103 flAoo. 1 A. with new plastered 1 BR home , East, Close to school St bus. Elect, , water heater. Elect, heating. New Elect. . Kange. immediate possession. S7AO0. CLEAN 3 BR. home close In 81 ( Elect, water htr. Wired for range. Floor coverings go. irge lot, B3M00. CLEAN 1 BR, hom on large lot , close in North. Fruit, garden space. . Immediate opasesslon. $6850. H A. with New 3-BR home close I in East. Garage. Good well. Elect i pump. Large filbert trees. Immediate . possession. ', Call Stanley Brown wiih STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS i :u 8. High St. Phone 4121, Eves. 25561 106' Ft OWNER: 3 bdrm. home. Elec. h.w ' heater, oil floor furnace, Att. gar. 37.- ' 000. 1635 N. Water. Ph. 35203. alos Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES a. I. SPECIALS SflOO.OO DOWN. New Large 2 bdrm. house. Lge. lot. 2 blocks to Bus. Same to school and stores. Kelzer Dlst. Fuji price $6500.00. Monthly payments un der $40.00. 1700.00 DOWN. New 3 bdrm. hse., auto. heat. Completely modern. Att. Gar. and Ut 1 ty Rm. Full price ioido.ou. Monthly payments under $40.00. This house is located Just on 14th St Market fits. S7IHJ.00 DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hse. Large Llv. Rm. and kitchen. Tnis house is very well arranged. Lot eoxiaz. Extra lot If desired. Full price $7200.00. Monthly payment under $42.00. New Dlst. in Kelzer. $800.00 DOWN. New 2 bdrm. hse. Very large llv. rm. Roomy Kitcnen. Plenty or bullt-tns. Attached Gar. utility Km. Elec. Water Heater. Full price $8650.00. Monthly pay menu around $52.00. House located Northeast In New dist. ABRAMS St SKINNER. INC. Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 or 6155 Insurance Mtg. Loans al05' HOUSE FOR sale by owner. 2 bdrm. home. located W, Salem. Incl. new gas range, gas circulator, auto. h.w. heater. Priced right. For further Info, write Box 392 Capital Journal. a 104 5 ROOM plastered home, basement, ex tra good location. Lot eoxiau. Home lur- i nlture. $7000. OLDER 5 room plast. home. North, fine location, for quick sale $4250. Terms. 5 YRS. OLD 2 B.R. modern home $9500. This Is really a nice home. C. H. SANDERS-231 N. High-5838 al03 BY OWNER: Englewood Dlst. New Ranch Style home. 2 B.R., bath, L.R. with fireplace, D.R., kitchen with lots of bulit-lns, utility rm. with dble. tubs, un fin. upstairs with room for two bed rooms, att. garage, new lawn. Ph. 8500. al04 BY OWNER. $5000 TWO BEDROOM home, South. Redecor ated, wired for electric range ana wa tpr heater, two corner lots, garage. 1320 Lewis. al04 BY OWNER: New modern 2 bedrm. home. hardwood floors, attached garage, East front, large lot. Kelzer dlst. Priced right. Phone 31302. al04 BY OWNER: Unfinished 6 room house. large corner lot, nice dlst. North. Mate rials available. Price $3250. Phone 31302. al07 3 ROOM house, bath, garage, 2 acres. Priced to sell. Owner leaving city, laao Candlewood Drive Ph. 24208. a 107 FIRST TIME Listed. $7850. 2 bdrm. home furnished, with 1 acre of fruit, this home Is ready to move Into, all wea ther stripped. Insulated, elec. heat, nice furniture. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 25830 al04 $inr0. 2 bdrm. home, fireplace, V. blinds, nico yard, dus in ironi oi aoor, imm. Poss., good terms, hurry, this won't last. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 25830 a 104 WE HAVE some really nice houses that can be bought for a small down pay ment. Come In and see what we have to offer. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 4590 Eve. 25630 al04 WE HAVE 3 very nice 3 bdrm. homes In Kelzer District, hdwd. firs., Vk Acre of land, clone to school and bus, OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 25830 al04 limn. 3 bdrm, homo all on one fir., full burnt., city bus In front of door, good terms. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eves. 25830 104 LOVELY 3 bdrm. suburban home. close In. large L.R., fireplace, tidwd. firs., weather stripped, nice modern kitchen, good easy terms. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 045 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 25830 al04a LEO N. CHILDS, INC. , REALTORS I BEST BUYS I NEAT LITTLE HOME In the shade of a large walnut tree, some plumbing, ga rnge and woodshed. Choice large well located lot on paved road with some berries and garden. Price1 only $3000. A DELIGHTFUL small home well land scaped. It has a nice size living room, dinette, bedrm., kitchen, bulit-lns and closets. Full basement with furnace, ga rage, bus by the door. The price $4800. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE: Nicely furnished home ready for occupancy. Living rm.. dining rm., kitchen, 2 lge. bedrms., bullt-lns, closets, utility porch. Clean throughout. Doubla garage, large cor ner lot. $6780. VERY ATTRACTIVE 6-yr.-old home con sisting of living rm. with fireplace, din ing rm., kitchen and beautiful glassed in nook: 3 nice bedrms,, full basement with .extra bedrm. and shower. Almost one acre with 43 bearing cherry trees, nice garage, located close to town on bus line. Must bo seen to be appreci ated. $10,500. Terms. HOME AND INVESTMENT. 11 rooms plus 3 extra sleeping rooms in basement. Oil furnace, fireplace, double garage. Shrubs. Located close In. Mostly furn ished. Present Income about $300 per montlL plus owner's quarters. Price $16,000. CALL or 8EE James B. Hart man or K. N. Voorhees with LEO N, CHILDS. INC., REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 Slate St. Ph. 9261 al04 FOR SALE BY OWNER GREATLY REDUCED for quick sale, own er leaving. New home 30x32 at $10 per sq, it. juuuu.uu. Loveiy Englewood lot. $1500.00. Attached garage, 12x18 at $3.50 per SO. It.. 57&0.00. TOTAL. $11,850.00. ALL THIS FOR ONLY $9750.00. Furni ture optional. 2075 N. 18th St. Phone 205BD. A 104 SEE IT TODAY THIS LOVELY THREE BEDROOM HOME IN LOVELY COMMUNITY ON WEST SIDE: HAS BASEMENT. FIREPLACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. NICE DININO BOOM AND NOOK. ELECTRIC" HEAT. DGUBLE OARAGE. VARIETY FAMILY FRUIT, NEARLY ONE-HALF ACRE. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 a 1031 5 RM. FURNISHED HOME ON HI'S, close to school. $6750. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 al04' SiHimo.oo. MV. rm kitchen, bdrm.. bath full size UFtnt., Up. lot. Call OMER HUKF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemekcta St, Ph. 31549 Eves. 35091 al04 NEAR SALEM HI MH0O.O0. bdrm. home. llv. rm. with nice fireplace, lge. Kitchen, Close to bus. Call OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Rraltors 341 Chemekcta St. Ph. 31549 Eves. 25091 a 104 $12,600.00. NEW 3 bdrm. home. Llv. rm, dining rm.. kitchen, patio, oil pipe fur nace, call OMlR HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemekcta St. Ph. 21549 Evrs. 25091 al04 BY OWNER: $4750. 6 rm. house furn., Incl. piano St radio, 4 lots, fruits of all kinds, chick, house St garage at Gervals. Call 24562. a 103 BY OWNER NEW SUB. RANCH HOME ON t ACRE. VIEW FRONT Ai BACK. Ue. living rm., circulating urepiace, a me. barms., knotty pine den. Kltch. St nook with new ref. As elec, stove, lots of built -1ns, 3 lge. cedar lined closets. Hdwd. floors, Insul., auto, oil heat. Attached celled snraae. City water. 1 ml. from town, W. Salem Orchards Heights Rd., turn left past 3rd house on left. 106 3 B.H., only 2 blocks from high school, basemen, sawdust heat, well construct ed, nice East front, lot with fruit trees, poss. June 1st. A good value. $RP0O. 4 room mod. home North, basement, iuruare. near seni. a dus. $booo. -ARSEN HOME St LOAN CO. 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 8369 Eve. 7440 or 34501 al03 S50O0.00. GOOD 3 bdrm. home with L.rT, D.R.. kit., plastered, wirrd for ranit, ' good buy. Call RAY DAVIS HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Ohemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441 al04a MONET TO LOAN on first mortgages 4 to . Call tor details. BYRKIT POTTS 339 Chemekela Phona 5961 a Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES $5000.00. NEAT clean 3 bdrm. home. 1 blk. to city bus, small lot. This Is a dandy. Call ED lukinbeal HUPF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21649 Eves. 36680 al04' FOR SALE: Beautiful creek home. 5 rmi mod. Close to State Bldgs. Price 111. 000. To See this Call LELACE H. ELLIS Ph. 31231 al04 CAN YOU BEAT THESE TERMS? $1000 DOWN NEW t bedroom home. Hardwood floors, asphalt tile on kitchen floor, wired for range, gas or oil heat. Attached ga rage. Price J fld oo, oaiance nice rent. $1500 DOWN NEW t bedroom home, hardwood floors, Inlalf linoleum, kitchen and bath. Garaae with overhead door. Be sure and see this. Price $9300. Pay out like rent. $1500 DOWN AN EXCEPTIONALLY nice new 3 bed room home. Plastered, hardwood floors, dining room, large utility room, fire place, large lot. Attached garage, con crete driveway. Price $9500, pay out nice rent, $2000 DOWN 8 BEDROOM home all on one floor. Plas tered throughout, hardwood floors in living and dining room. Asphalt tile In the tchen. Your own choice of col ors In decoration. Attached garage and concrete driveway. Lot 80x162. Terms like rent on balance. MORRIS REALTY CO. 070 8. Com'l. Phone 4217 Call 3-3669 after 8 p.m. al03 "C" KILGORE S70O0. VERY nic 3 B.R. plastered home. nice location, lovely cor. lot, fenced yard. Close to schls., bus at door. O.I. . S7000. WE have 3 nice 3 B.R. homes lol sell to veterans. 100x165 lots. View pro perty. Also lots at $900. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 '. 7th Ph. 4855 Eves. 7829 3342 S. Commercial Ph. 26596 al03 $6,100.00. OUTE 2 bdrm. plastered home with fireplace Sc gas furnace, very good location. Call RAY DAVIS HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441 ft 104 $4500 ONCE IN ft great while do we get ft list ing as goo a as inis one: A ONE bedroom home built six years ago when good dry lumber was more plen tiful. Located near In, North aide of Salem, on a good residential street with paving, sidewalk, and all other city Improvements In and paid for. The lot Is not deep but has large frontage and nice lawn and shrubs. The house is well constructed on a continuous con crete foundation. Has nice living room, kitchen, bedroom, utility room, extra nice complete bath. Shown only by advance appointment. The address will not be given out over the phone.) The price Is only $4500. OLAP THONSTAD Real Estate 041 N. Capitol St. Phone 7903 ft 103 S7600.00. FOR ft neat 5-rm. house on 1 A. of nice trees and shrubbery on Cro lsen Creek Rd. S. of Salem, Has L.R.. D.R.. K. with bullt-lns, nook, bath & 3 B.R. 'a. Artesian well. Call Jack Hennlngsen with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 al03 NEAT BUNGALOW home on corner lot va block from sohool, shrubbery and lawn, awnings electric hot water heat er, tiled shower, two bedrooms, large living room, full basement, fuel for next winter goes with hoise. See at 1191 Third Street, West Salem. Call 8253 or 4011 for appointment. al06 NEW 4 rm. house, 3 ac. walnuts, 2 ac, cnerries f. prunes, view property, looo yearly Income. 2 ml. S. of Salem. Ph. 7089. . ft 106 FOR SALE LOTS LOT 110x197, V mile of Cherry Ave. on Shady Lane. 30x20 concrete slab' ror garage house, $390. 380 Grove. Phone 3517. Call anytime In the morning or after 6:30. aalOB LOT FOR sale by owner on paved St. Price $425. Call 8963. aal05 EXCLUSIVE LOTS SEVERAL NICE building lots, having fruit trees, Englewood school district, these are good buys. $600 to $650, excellent terms, $125 down, $10 per month. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216 Eve. 7217 an 104 VIEW LOT. 100x330. Can be cut Into two lots. Street, water, elect, on both ends. Owners leaving town. A wonderful buy for only $1500. Phone 0494 If inter ested. aal07 VIEW LOTS: 2 lots. 64x143, $750. 1 lot, 04X13, isao. Lioerty Ka. case iront, bus service, gas St water, school near. J. G. Stewart, 165 Salem Heights. aal04 BY OWNER: 2 choice lots 110x101 each, Kelzer Dlst, Close to school. Wonderful soli, apple trees. One lot on corner, nice home site. Ph. 3269 evenings. aal03 BUY NOW FROM OWNER 35 LARGE, Choice Lots In Loumar Heights Addition, Just west or Commercial, Just South of Hoyt. Close to schools. L. W RATH, 396 Jerrls St. Tel. 6849. aa SPECIAL PRICEi 10 lots, by owner. Wa ter turn. Good soil. sen. it city bus. N. E. 35 Lansing Ave. aal04 FOR SALE FARMS S ACRES northeast with neat 3 bdrm. home furnished. Also 30x30 shop. Land ideal to subdivide. Price $7800.00. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Ph. 4131; eves. 25208 bl05 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7696 BEAVERDAM ACREAGE IX ACRES Beaverdam. 43 A. Will. silt. Is under nttr. lease. Ask to see this today. Owner says sell. fXZ.n STOCK FARM. 50 a. In cultivation. 25 In vetch. On pvd. hgwy. Ac creek. 4 rm. house, A bargain for $16,500. JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7696 bl05 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE OR TRADE MUST MOVE TO SALEM 120 ACRE Farm, 3 miles from Waldport, Ore., up Atsea. not on river. Adjoins Nat'l. Forest. Family orchard, cherry, pear, apple, prune. 8 cleared acres, about 5 others overgrown 1,500,000 tim ber. Five 2nd growth fir Ac hemlock, all on 60 acres in patch. Alder too. 4 -at a 11 barn, garage, 4 room cabin, run down now. New supplies for renovation, stove. trash hot water heater, shower, etc. (No electricity). Fine berry, bulb or graz ing land. Road now being repaired. 17, 500 cash or swap for home St acreage In Salem or 20 mile radius. Phone Owner 3914. bl04 GRADE A DAIRY 63 ACRES bottom land could ba Irrigated. 2 houses, 2 silos, large barn and shed room on good paved road 8 ml. Salem. $26,500 80 ACRES BOTTOM LAND. 33 cult. S rm. modern late built house, double garage, alio, large barn, timber, creek, 8 ml. Salem. A good buy at $12,000. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Com'l. Ph. 25497 b!04' CITY. COUNTRY 10 ACRES with perpetual water. Family orchard. Very modern 7 rm. home. Lots or machinery. 10 minutes from down town. $5000 gets possession. No, 834. A FARMER'S FARM PRESENT OWNER retiring after 17 yrs, on this 60 acres. 25 A. bottom, 13 A, orchards. All crops In. 8 room house, .ood barn and other out bldgs. Price $14,000 Includes 4 milk cows, 4 young liuir, and crops. No. 1013. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9303 blOS DAIRY FARM It ACRES, 10 acres oats St vetch. 60 acres excellent pasture land, aeveral live springs rise on property, small timber tract, a very comfortable, modern, two1 bedroom home, two barns with 20 stanchions, auto. elec. water system, family orchard, tractor and other equipment included, miles out. $18 500. LOVELY COUNTRY HOME EIGHT ACRES of beautiful wooded grounds on Little Pudding river, almost new attractive two bedroom home with full basement and furnace heat, large new chicken house. This place Kould be ideal for picnic grounds: nice young orchard and berries. Price $15,000. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 blOS 816.000.00. 15 ACRES Will. soil. 6 A. tim ber, 37 A. clover. Good 36x43 barn. 1 rm. blast, mod. nse.. pva. ra.. eiee. wtr., close to srh., 6 ml. from Salem. Call ED LUKINREAL HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors J41 Chemeketa St. Ph. 215a Eves. J6680 D104 FOR SALE FARMS BY 0 NER. Make offer, 10 ac. heavy t -oduc na fruit. Mostly R A. cnerries. Clo in. Nice bldg. site. Ph. 35759. In quire 3111 Sunnyvlew Ave. bl03' CHERRY St WALNUT FARM LOCATED 4 miles out on paved road. 6 acres of bearing Royal Ann cnerries, 4 acres of bearing walnuts. Some fil berts. Good 7 room plastered home with elec. water system, barn and ga rage. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Price 812.000. Call G. H. Orabenhorst. Jr. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; eve. 22948 bl03" FARMS SO ACRES, 67 under cult., S springs and creek. Good 3 B.R. nouse, uairy oarn for is cows. Family orchard. lit acres 87 ac. under cult.. 40 in crop. 13 Jersey cows, 4 neiiers ana duu. aiiik Check $200.00 per mo. now. Tractor, ninv drill, spreader, cultivator, har rows, mower and rake. 7 hogs and 28 chickens, overneaa irrigation oysiciu r.-r 20 acres. Level ground, good soil. in acres. 4 Ac. filberts. 3 A. young boy- sens, rest in grain, zoo cnicxens ana 3 C ernsey cows. 2 B.R. home, priced far anlric sale. Close to Haiem. Sift ACRES 140 under cult., rest In tim ber and pasture. Stock or turkey rancn. 5000 poults go with place. Nice large home and smaller home and plenty of bldgs. Completely equipped and stocked. Illness forces sale, See MR. CHIPMAN. Phone 4108 with A. A. LARSEN, BROKER 402 State St. bl04 FOR SALE ACREAGE sdim A. Close in. S. Modern 3 bedroom, garage A: electric water system, by owner. $6850. Cash. Call after 5 p.m. 625 N. 14th. bbl05 SROOO 3' ACRES, with 6 room house, ga rage, chicken house ana oarn. un pavea road and bus line, off Silverton Rd. on Hollywood Drive. ROSTEIN Ac ADOLPH. INC, 110 N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 bbl04 NORTH 3 ACRES rich sol), 6 room new modern plast. home. Berries, price juauu. CHOICE PLACE LOCATED 99E. North. 6acres rich soil 4 A. filberts 18 yrs. old, other iruit and berries. Good 3 B.R. plastered home, barn, bldgs. Only $12,000. ',a Cash. 5 ACRES N.East, with fruit, modern 3 B.R. home, hdwd. floors, double piumo ing. Only $11,800. UNIMPROVED 214 ACRES, all fruit. View of 4 snow- covered mountains. Price $1375, . $350 down, balance easy. LARGE LOT, 80x100, with view. Close to bus. $1000. PLAN TO BUILD SfiSO LOT 50x90. North. $200 down. MOO CORNER lot, 48x108. Terms. $850 LOT 70X80, North. $250 down. $1050 GOOD lot 50X150. North. shoo FINE river frontage. North. SI 300 LOT 90x100. Zone 3. $3700 WELL located lot 80x141. Zone 4. C. H. SANDERS-231 N. Hlgh-5838 bbl03' CLOSE-IN ACREAGE 10 A. GOOD dark soil, all under cult. As irrigation. Mod. 6 rm. home with basemt. St oil furnace. Family fruit. Garage, barn A: chicken house. Good tractor, disc, plow, harrow, Implement trailer Ac cow go with sale. A real good Place located close In. Price $14,000, $5000 down, bal. $500 per year at 5. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr., with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St, Ph. 4131; Eves. 22948 bbl03 S30.10. ',i A. and late built 2 BR home close to 4-Corners. Well and Elect, water system. Terms. Call O. V. Humo with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 So. High St. Ph. 4121: Eves. 35206 bbl05- ACREAGES S ACRES Nice home and outbuildings. Crop in. $7000.00. 10 ACRES 2 B.R. home, barn and poul try hse., some equip. $6500.00. 10 ACRES Nice 3 B.R. home and barn. 4 acrejs orchard, 2 of pasture, 4 to be In berries. Cow, chickens and equip, ra at $13,500.00. 5 ACRES Good subdividing property. Nice 2 B.R. home with dbl. garage and poul try hse. Home Is completely modern. $11,000.00. See MR. CHIPMAN. Phone 4109 with A. A. LARSEN, BROKER 402 State St. bbl04 REAL ESTATE DANDY little home of 3 B.R., garage at tached. Fine lot. Kalzer Dlst. $4750. SEVERAL good lots Bt $600. MCREAGE with good house, frontage 09 tiiway. j (sou. LUSE REALTY Oregon Bldg. Ph. '7952 C103 SMALL HOME $4250 COZY one bedroom home, excellent West eaiem location. 3 BEDROOMS NORTH $5950 C 1' CLEAN 3 B.R home on River Rd. llodern. plastered, located on Vi acre of excellent garden soil. 2 BEDROOMS $6500 St $6900 THESE TWO homes are good buys that you should see. Both are new, have hdwd. firs,, auto, elect, heat, utility rms. and attach. ' garages, Attractive homes priced right. 3 BEDROOMS. KINGWOOD HTS. HERE ARE two lovely homes on the Heights. Both have large living rooms, two fireplaces, full basements As oil furnaces, one has hdwd. firs, through out, one has wall to wall carpet down stairs, hdwd. firs. up. These houses were ouiit lor Homes. NEW DUPLEX electric throughout. Wall to wall rugs. siu.vuu. DANDY GROCERY STORE WITH MEAT market cold lockers, located in line town close to Salem. Doing $7000 per month in groc. This is a nice clean business and wilt stand close Inspection. Will sell bldg. Ac equlpt. Ac stock at inventory. Some terms can lie arranged. WALTER MUSGRAVE. REALTORS 1233 Edgewater Phone 5109 c!05' NELSON NEWS $4000 COTTAGE NORTH IDEAL COTTAGE for working couple, ii. k.. Kit., nook, utility rm.. 3 bdrms. St bath, garage, small lot, easy to maintain. Terms. NEAR NEW BUSH PARK L. R. WITH fplace. dinette. Kit., 3 bdrms.. oam, on circulator neat, garage, gar den, lawn As shrubbery, paved st. Ac sidewalk, convenient to all city services. Bush Grade School As Leslie Jr. High 5 ACRES NEAR PRINGLE STRAWBERRIES Ac boysenberrics for com i ?rciai income, l ac. permanent open pasture, a ac. umocr As pasture, 4 rm. cottage with bath As utility porch, elec water heater, wired for elec. range, oinnii utiui. tune cnerries. saauu. IF NEITHER of these meet your reaulre- ments ten us wnat you want. We prob- auir nave it iistea. NELSON As NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson Specialising Realtors Rm. 300-3 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622. Eves. 21350 cl03 LEE OHMART Ac CO., REALTORS SMALL NEAT HOME NICE living room with fireplace. 1 bed room, xiicnen ana bath, hardwood floors, piped for gas. about 10 years old, utility room. Located on North 18th NEW MODERN HOME fltlBlTRHAN LOCATED NORTH. Just Off the Hlwov muaern room nome. nardwoori flnnr throughout, fireplace. Insulated and weather stripped, excellent deep well with electric water system, large lot worm tne price. J8800. NORTHEAST A WELL PLANNED modern 5 room home wiwi an unnnisned upstairs, auto, air conditioned oil furnace, fireplace In llv ring room. V. blinds n(. lated and weather-stripped, wired for 5""r. wtr heater, ft large closets, landscapped yard, large garden space, lot is'53 10"). $10,500. LARGE COLONTAT. nnuf LOCATED near the State Hmi i h-j. uwuiur piumDing. lull basement "uto- gas iurnace, V. blinds, wired for range, elec. water heater, tit riace. A lovely home. $17,000. FARM SPECIAL IM'i ACRES of land. 13S A. in .,ih. tlon, 70 A. walnuts, 50 A. filberts, some '"""" suiunmaoie o room nome. lights, water and bath, large bhrn, good 2 tun nel dryer. Priced tor immediate $26,000, Including tractor, disc and drill. LBS OHMART As CO., REALTORS 47? Court St. Phone 9680 or 4035 e HONEY TO LOAN on mil mortgage, to 6 Call for details. BYRKIT POTTl 339 Chemeketa Pfcom 5961 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE $7800 NEW O. I. HOUSE ISA.. 2. bedr., shingled, plastered hse. Venetian blinds. Wired for range. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. $2000 down, Pal. 4 loan that can be transferred. KEIZER DISTRICT '.4 A. O. I. hse. Hdwd. Firs. Plastered. A beautiful new place. Wired for range. S7500. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 810 A. NEW 3 r. hse. Shower bath. tLiec. water sys. wen locatea. ioiuu. CLOSE IN FIVE ACRES SCR50 BUYS this neat, attractive 2 bedr. hse. Elec. heat. Wired for range As water heater. Elec. water sys. Double garage. Poultry hse. FIVE ACRES EXCELLENT soil. Fruits: pears, apples. cherries. $3500. KEIZER DISTRICT N ;W S BEDR. plastered hse. Llv. r., din. r kit., bath. All hdwd. nrs. on iurn. Large gar. Laundry r. Elec. water heat er. Lot 60 x 120. $7900. Only $4500 down. 30 DAY POSSESSION S YRS. old. Liv. r., din. r.. kit., nook. bath, 2 bedr. fin.; upstairs unnn. nawo. firs. Fireplace. Venetian blinds. Wired for range As water heater. Oil floor fur nace. $8950. i down. NEAR HI As JR. HI SCHOOLS LOVELY 3 bedr. hse. in good district. Hdwd. firs,, fireplace, lull oasement. $10,000. IT'S GOOD yi'.nofl FOR a REAL HOME. 4 large bedr.. large llv. r., din. r., very nice Kit. wirea for range, water heater. Hdwd. firs. Full basement, new furnace. Lot has 120' frontage. Flowers, shrubs, fruit. JOE SPURLOCK BILL ESTEP R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 16 years Hollywood Dlst. 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 Cl05 (SUBURBAN SPECIAL) 1 ACRE, Lovely 2 B.R. double constructed house. Double garage, ndwa. uoors, cov ed linoleum1, wired for range, Venetian blinds, lovely yard, barn, 27 filbert trees, strawberries. $7350. Only $1850 down. Bus line, close to school. 3 ACRES. 2 bedroom home, hdwd. firs.. neat Ac clean. $4450, IVa ACRES, 2-3 B.R. nearly new mod. home. On bus line, close to scnooi. S6950. $3500 down. CITY PROPERTY. N. 4 R. mod. home, largo wash, house, lot 50x150. $4000. $1850 down. See this. BRING US your listings. We'll sell them. FOR TRADE OR SALE LOVELY 2 B.R. home, fireplace. Full basement, furnace, wired for range. Wants to trade for 3 B.R. home of equal value or will pay difference. $7350. 1780 Fairgrounds road. G.I. SPECIAL BEAUTIFUL 4 rm. new modern home. Venetian bl., fir. turn., hdwd, floors, a real good buy. $5750. $500 down. ONE GOOD acre In Swegle community, $750. SEE HESS NELSON WITH WILLIAM E. MOSES 3314 State St. Ph. 4993 Cl04 BURT PICHA. REALTORS HOUSES LOVELY HOME, N.E. Furnished. 3 B.R.'a, bath, L.R.. D.R.-Klt. combined, oil nr. furn., excellent furniture. Only $7750. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON. $7000. 8 room plastered house, full base ment, N. 21st St., near Center. Call Cratz. Eve. 5053. $3850. FURNISHED 4 room house on one Acre partly woods. 3 oiks, to dus ana store. Call Craig. Eve. 5053. LOTS nnv vniiRS now W. SALEM hillside lots, 1556 up, In cludes city water, can "elmek ' am TiNnsnN. 8 LOTS 60x102 near Leslie Jr. HI. $700 each. Call "Elmer" amundson. ACREAGE 68 ACRES, 4 Mi miles from city limits. about 51 Acres bottom land, large oarn. old 6 rm. house, some oak timber. On paved road. A good buy. $15,000. Va dn., balance at S'--. Call Burt Plcha. BUSINESS 17950. S Apts. and one sleeping room. In come $135.00 per mo. 71x125' lot. Busi ness xone. Room for store bldg. In front. Call Craig. Eve. 5053. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High Street C104 PHONE 5131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High CITY I $95008 B.R. house, L.R., D.R., K bath, Plastered interior, two stories, ur lioors, 1 fireplace, basement and wash trays, garage, gas or electric cooking, oil furnacD heat, Immediate possession, lots of flowers and a cherry tree. $9950 ENGLISH style, 3 B.R. house, one and one-half stories, plastered interior, oak and fir floors, fireplace, L.R., D.R., K., bath, Venetian blinds, basement with wash trays, electric cooking and water heating, automatic oil heat, ga rage, close to bus and schools, fruit! and nut trees. i S10..WO- 'LARGE lot, bungalow style, one- story nouse. z b.r., oatn, L.R., U.K.. K., built-ins, Venetian blinds, hdwd.1 floors, plastered interior, laundry travs, electric cooking and water heating, oil heat, garage, close to bus and school, nic clean house, yard with nice shrubs. Rugs In L.R. and one B.R, go. Electric stove goes. Furniture is all new and can be purchased. Possession time can be arranged. $11,000 WEST Salem, beautiful home, l.dwf. floors throughout, coved ceilings In L.R, Ac D.R., fruit trees. Hip roof style, house about 11 months old, plas terc ' Interior, 2 B.R.'s and bath, klt ch eh with nook, Venetian blinds, elec tric cooking and heating. Garage, bus by door. Immediate possession. $11.750 BUNGALOW style. 2 B.R.. bath. L.R., D.R., K.. bullt-lns. Plastered in terior, hdwd. floors, fireplace, basement, electric cooking and water heating, au tomatlo sawdust heat, garage, nice lo cation for bus and schools, lots of shrubs and lawn. SUBURBAN $7.01', ACRES, and 3 B.R. house. L.R., Dinette, K., built-ins, Venetian blinds, automntlc oil heat, garage, bus oy door, 15 day possession, utility room, fruit and nut trees, timber and pasture and H acre in cultivation, electric wa ter system, good soil, some furniture goes also. $10,5001 110 ACRES, two story bunga low. 3 B.R.. bath. L.R.. D.R.. K.. nook Venetian blinds, electric cooking and water heating, oil heat, garage, bus by door, not far from city center for a suburban, 1 acre of filberts, garden tools go, very nice place. BUSINESS $1 9,300 RESTAURANT building, fixtures ana equipment and house with 2 B.R. Immediate Possession. Terms. ' $5000 down. Sir, (loo APARTMENT House, five rentals. Plastered interior, nawd. and fir floors. gas cooking, sawdust heat, close to ous ana scnoois. uacn apt. furnished. Basement hat, a washer, vacuum clean er, lawn mower, and 50 ft. hose. , McKILLOP REAL ESTATE 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8620 Evenings Phone 4937-9340-6901-7163 cl03 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED, 5 to 15 acres with desirable home. $15,000 to $18,000. North or east or Salem. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 So. High Ph. 9203 cal03 TO BUY or exchange for city property, a farm or acreage. Must be close to Sa lem St on well known road. In reply give run in: to. as to Price, location. size, etc. Write to box 390 Capital Jour nal, caioe WANTED: Small camp grounds on good nignway. it run down can build up. Must be reasonable price. Part cash. 2209 Telegraph Ave., Oakland, Calif. Apt. 15. cal04 FOR PHOMPT and courteous service list youT property with FLOYD VOLKEL, Real Estate Broker S55 N. Liberty Phone 7327 ca LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM. SA- LKM REALTY CO. C. W BARTLETT, REALTOR, 149 N. B1GB ST. PH. 7660 e' Wl ARE In need oi good homes to sell in or near Salem II you wish to Ut your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea NOTICE! If your property Is for sale. rent or exchange, list tt with us. We nave an ginas casn buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS ? I r J i!f ? jxx tttJtssstsjJ EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 40 A. FARM by Owner. 112.000. Bides. alone worth $14,000. $1000 worth live stock, poultry As equipment, take house In Portland to $6000. 35 ml. north of Salem. 22 south of Portland, 5 ml. east of Canby, Go via Canby Cemetery Rd. We live on Union Hall Rd.. white house. red roof, red bldgs. or write Box 1182, , Portland. cbl05 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION on busy corner on four lane through highway Just out of Portland. 2 car garage, steam cleaner, 2 hydraulic hoist, tools, stock and equip., etc. $8000. Body and fender shop adjoining. Can be had for $1000, Owner must go East. 8. M. O'Shaui ti neas y, 3407 S.E. Floss Ave., Milwaukle, Oregon. cdl08 SUBURBAN filling: station stock. Doing a good business. Good location. Price $1200 for stock. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 So. High St. Ph. 4121; eves. 25206 cdl05' VENDINQ MACHINE BUSINESS 36 VENDING machines, 44 on location. Ask about this profitable part time bus. now. You own machines and Salem territory. $1900. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court St. Ph. 7696 cdlOS FOR SALE, reasonable. Complete shoe repair shop equipment, I Landls stitch er, 1 American finisher, 1 new McKay 77, some material, Carl Pedersen, Rt. 2. Box 258, Dallas, Oregon. cdlOS BROWN STORE AT SWEGLE CORNERS THIS IS really a busy spot, stock, fix tures, 2 gas pumps, complete with liv ing quarters, $5500. Rent $30 per month. Long lease. See Hess Nelson with WILLIAM E. MOSES 331 'i State St. Ph. 4993 cdl05 S20.0OO.00. GROCERY store. Gross $7000. Good stock, all late mdn. equip. Hiway frontage in Salem. This is a money maker Ac worth the price. No phone lnfor. Come In As ask for ED LUKIN BEAL. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. cd!04 BUSINESS PROPERTY " RESTAURANT: Located downtown doing goqa ousiness. 7 Dooms, l stools. All stock and equipment. Long lease. $5500. Shown by appointment. Call LEO N, CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9201 cdl04 FOR SALE: Store. Children's clothing. Needlework. Good business town. Lease, Write box 391 Capital Journal. cdl04 GOING GROCERY in valley town, do ing arouna svuuu a montn. Kent $ao. Rti-wlr anH nlilnmnnf 1Q nn LOT AND building arranged for cfean- mg and pressing business. Ideal loca tion. $21,000. QUARTZ GOLD MINE A REAL money maker, beautiful place to live. Modern home. Hunting, fishing timber. For sale or lease. C. H. SANDERS-231 N. Hlgh-5838 cdl03 HOUSE, GARAGE Ac filling station at H. .Jewell. S. M, Roberts. Ph. 29x2 Day ton, cdl 06 IF YOU plan to manufacture concrete building blocks and have the neces sary capita we can furnish the equip ment complete to put you In a per manent lucrative business. The build ing season Is just beginning. Act now. WESTSRN SALES As MFG. CO., INC. Dept. R 517 W. 65th, Seattle 7, Wash. cdl03 FORCED TO SELL 1 AS GkOCERY As Meat Market. Sacri fice. Fixtures $2500, plus stock at In ventory. REIMANN REAL ESTATE . 201 8. High Ph. 9203 Eve. As Sun. 26056 or 26790 cdl03 FURN. HOUSE As 2 ac. on highway, 1 ml. n. oi vaiiey town, ideal lor court site or subdivision. $9700. T. A. BERGLAND REAL ESTATE 3205 Portland Rd. Ph. 21073, Res. 6438 cd!03" "C" GILGORE $14,000 COTTAGE COURT. 5 three room cottages mostly furnished, and owner's 3 BR home. This court is nicely kept, centrally located As has Income of $160 per Afo. plus owner's home. AUTO COURT WE HAVE a dandy, you'll be interested. come in ana see us. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 So. 12th Phone 4855, Eves. 7829 3342 So. Commercial Ph. 36596 cdl03 HARDWARE STORE VERY CLEAN store with almost new fix tures, choice downtown location, 3 yr. lease with 5 yr. option. Reasonable rent. Priced for quick sale. Doing good bus. No phone Information. M. O. HUMPHREYS, REALTOR 3286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596 cdl03 LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY COIN OPERATED RADIOS MANAGER WANTED to OWN and operate sensational u-l approved KAUlOTEL CONSOLE COIN - CONTROLLED RA DIOS FOR HOTELS AND MOTELS In this territory. No radio experience re quired. Part or full time. Offers op portunity for EXCEPTIONAL INCOME. For Interview with factory representa tive write Box 387, Capital Journal. cdl04 SPECIAL GROCERY MEATS Exclusive Residential Location. Definitely netting $500 a month. No close competition. Good lease at $75. Prica $9000 And well worth It. No. 7S1 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 S. High Ph. 9203 Eve. As Sun. 26056 or 26790 cdl03 $16,000.00 Nice large living quarters with sizu.uo per mo. income from 4 lurnished apts. Close to State Office bldgs. Mod ern, good condition. Best location. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793; eves. 9441 cdl04- FOR SALE SHORTY'S CAB CO. 1947 Packard Clipper Cab Phone 8774 146 Gerth St. WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CASH prices for your furniture. BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 7511 da CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Pb 7596 Stat Street Furn. 1900 State HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Woodry Auction Market Ph 511C. da AUCTIONS SPECIAL FURNITURE Auction tonight at 7 P.m. at LANE SUDTELL S COMMUN ITY AUCTION LOCATED 1" MI. E. OF FAIRGROUNDS ON SILVERTON RD, PH. 6098. ddl03 FOR SALE IIVESTOCK AT STUD REG. Thoroughbred stallion. Ch. Broom stick blood line, also good quarter mare cross, standing at vards staoies, on verton Rd. Rt. 7, Box 404. Pb. 25153. el03' FOUR WELL bred, well spotted Guernsey bulls. Trade for old bulls. White's Ranch, 1 Mile East of Turner. el03 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows Ac t.ars at your farm or delivered mar ket price. E. O. McCandish, Rt. 9. Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 35th. Phone 8147. eal22 WANTED all kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Dr.. Salem. Pb. 21345 morn, or eves. eal03 RABBITS WINGS. Rabbltry pays top prices for fryer rabbits. 4 to 6 pounds. Fertilizer for sale. 3985 Stata St. Phone 109F5. ebI20 PETS COLLIE PUPS. A. K. C. Reg. pedigree. 76 Williams. Ph 3561. ecl08' WANTED: LONG hair, all black kitten 10 wks. Old. Ph. 3873. ecl05' COCKERS All kinds, colors, ages, pure- breds, cross bred, pups, grown dogs, miniatures. Ralph Miller, Rt, 8, Box 372, Balem. ecl31 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure bred. Females $25, males 3S, Roy u. Simmons. Rl 4, Box 370. Ph. 21143 FOR SALE WOOD 16 IN. HEAVY alabwood. Delivered In 3'4 cord loads. $15. Ph. 3843 days. 8556 eves. eel28 SLAB WOOD AS edgings. 3 cord load. $8, Oregon Fuel Co.. Ph. 5533, eellO $4 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB e EDGINGS. PH. 6683 eel 03 FOR SALE WOOD FRESH cut sawdust, Immediate delivery. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. eel08 OLD Fir. As plywood cores. Ph. 3380. 844 Mill. Ashcraft. eel20 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR : lesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 eell4' 16" Old growth fir and 16 " oak. Arnold Phillips, Box 261, Turner, Ore. eelll TRI CITY FUEL 3 Cord Lorn. $10.00 16" Mill Wood Screened Presh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood As Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We Give BStH Green Stamps eelOS INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double load $30.00 Imm. deL Pb 346 Yamhill, Ore. eel28 GREEN OR DR? SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 34031. WEST 8ALEM FUEL CO. green a dry WOOD and sawdust. Stove oil and dtesel oil. Ph. 2-4031. ee BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green slab, good for furnace Ph 7721 ee FOR SALE POULTRY FRIES. 51.00. Dressed if ordered early. Ph. 34225. 1505 Alder St. North of Alu minum plant. 1105 CHRI' 'IE New Hampshire baby chicks ever? we a. Boytngton's, alio state. 1115" BABY CHICKS batching twice weekly In even varieties New Hampshire! always available In chlcka Growing pullet, any age. Phone 22861 Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 33861 Lee's Hatchery f" PRODUCE NS 'TED GEMS, 2c lb. Phone 2-2102 ff!08 WANTED HELP FINGERPRINT CLASSIFIERS NEEDED. Get ready quickly for a permanent lob in law enforcement. Learn In own home at low cost without interfering with present Job. Send Name, Phone, Ad dress. Write Box 394, Capital Journal. WANTED: HOUSEKEEPER for 3 adults. Mod. home. Ph. 7362. g!05" EXP WOOL prcsser. Kennedy's City Cleaning Works. 1245 State. gl05 EXP. .MECHANIC. Commission basis. Hathaway Garage. Mill City, Ore. gl05 YOUNG MAN 20-26 for door man. Gcnd working cond. Good future. See Mr. Jones, Capital Theatre, Wed. night 8 P.m. 8103 BOY TO work around greenhouses. Ar thur Plant's Greenhouses, 1298 S. 13th Street. gl05 DELIVERY MAN for an afternoon news paper route. Must have good car. Phone Salem 26576 after 6 p.m. gl05 AMBITIOUS MAN or woman to manage office business. No selling. Can be learned in own home at low cost. Earn while you learn and still keep your Job. Send Name, Phone, Address. Write Box 304, Capital Journal. glOS CHAMBERMAID, 6 days weekly. Sundays - off. Box 471 Capital Journal. gl06 WANT WOMAN comb, fry cook As dish washer. Brook Nook Restaurant, Brooks, Ore. Ph. 21182. glOS EXP. HOUSEKEEPER, 3 or 4 days a week. Call after 6 p.m. 4887. g FOR RENT Large business offices, also 40x60 lower floor. Contact Anderson Ac Misner on L street, or 411 K street. Sweet Home, Oregon. gl04 OFFICE CLERK. permanent position with retail home St auto supply store. Bookkeeping As typing exp. helpful but not necessary. Apply mornings 9nly at jao h, itioerty. oee Mr. uuutiey or Mr. Kingman. . g!07 TWO ADULTS need middle age house keeper. Give age Ac salary expected, P.O. Bx. 93, Amity. gl04 l REGISTER FOR strawberry picking. VA 365-J. Ph. 25780. C104' MEN TO peel Ac split pulpwood. Work until July 30th or longer. Good wages. Phillips Bros. Rt. 6 Box 118 Salem. 4 ml. E. State St. gl07 STRAWBERRY PICKERS register HOW, patch close In on N. Lancaster Dr. Ph. 8642. W. D. Gardner. 1990 McOoy St. gl07 ROUTE MAN, Lebanon territory, exclus ive, this is exceptionally good, one oi my very best territories, car essential. Contact distributor, J. R. Watkins Co. Products. 1717 Center St. Ph. 5395. gl04 CARPENTER WANTED OUT OF town, sixty day Job. No heavy work, two by lour and quarter inch ply wood. Inside work. Elderly man pre ferred. Address Box 137, Zdanha, Ore. 8104 EXP. SECRETARY, typing As shorthand, ror worn in insurance adjusting of fice. Ph. 5760. sl04 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. Elliott Fisher operator for Central Oregon lumber operation. Permanent. Write full par ticulars first letter, stating age, refer ence, experience, etc., to box 393 Capi tal Journal. gl04 SALESMAN WANTED: A real opportunity lor a man willing to work. No. exp. necessary. Ph. 8496. gl03 WANTED STRAWBERRY pickers. Register now, Herr As Rlensche, Rt. 7, Box 409. Ph, 21363. K104' WANTED 10 men to work at pleasant prontaoie employment with future. Ex perience unnecessary but interest In meeting people paramount. Dial 24693, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for appointment. gl03' WANT several experienced Insurance sales men to help organize territory. Won derful opportunity. Dial 34693. S a.m. to 3 p.m. for appointment. gl03 EXP. WAITRESS, over 31, $40 wk., room st ooara. can in person, BrooknooK Restaurant, Brooks, Ore. gl03 WAITRESS WANTED: Day shift, no Sun :ay work. The Ace, 127 N. High St. 5IEN FOR hop yard work. Bus will pick up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m Working hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 P.m Will Hart Hop Farm. Ph. Salem 22631. SILK FINISHER As wool presser. Fore man's cleaners. 1070 a. com'l. Ph 9448. g WANTED POSITIONS EXP. GIRL in taking care of children As general housework. Ph. 8885. hl03' CHILDREN CARED for in tar home any time or your home eves. Ph. 24823. hi 04' CLEMENT BROS. Well Drillers. Rte. 1, Gervals. Ore Phone 24378 Salem. h!27 WILL CARE for 2 small girls In my home by day. Ph. 5095 or call at 1686 Che meketa. hl04 LAW NMO WE R S quickly, expertly sharp ened, repaired. Pick up Ac deliver, Ph Ted 7603. 1293 N. 5lh. hl07 LAWNMOWING. REASONABLE. Ph. 3411 hl04 LAWN MOWING and yard work wanted Experienced. Call 6316. hl04' POSITION AS Bldg. Mgr., qualified steam As elec. engr. Can give bond As refer ences. Box 388 Capital Journal. hl03 HOUSEKEEPING, FOR gentleman or motherless family. Home, more than wages. Box 389 Capital Journal. hl03' TWO MEN with tools want to cut cord- wood. Write C. W. Jensen. Rt. 7 Box 229E. hl06 LANDSCAPED GARDENING, new lawns a specialty, can after 6 p.m. Ph. 25623. h!12 EXP. YOUNG man wants yard A lawn work. 1310 South 13th. hl05 ROTOTILLER garden plowing. Ph. 33132 hl03 EXPERT accountant. 25 years' experience. wishes position of responsibility with established Salem firm. New resident. Write Hardy P. Nystrom, 1509 North Fourth St. hl04 ELECTRIC wiring, no delay. Free est! mate which is the full price. Ace Elec tric Co. Dial 9740. hl03 RUGS and furniture upholstery cleaned and moth proofed In your home. Ph. 3736. M21 IRONING. Mrs. Welti. Ph. 3347. hi 08 INTERIOR FAINTING. Pb, 6796, hilt WANTED POSITIONS RADIO repairing on all makes. Pick-up and delivery. Phone 3180, Douglas uc, Kay Chevrolet Co. hl047 GARDEN Plowing and Discing, Ferguson ractor, 1880 Center Bt. Ph. 9809. hll3 SPRAY PAINTING. Ralph A Ism an, 1720 Lancaster drive. Ph. 24248. bl07 WINDOW FRAMES and screens, cabinet doors, drawer and regular cabinet work. Large or small orders accepted. Con vent' location, block Ladd As Bush. Masterwood'v Cabinet Shop. 164 So. Commercial. Ph. 6596. h!06 G. A M. TRANSFER, light hauling. Ph. 25637; eves. ph. 25805. nio SECRETARIAL! Stenographic service. Ph. AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better oy Ray Etter OaJJ Bbrock Motor Co 9502. WANTED Sewing and alterations. Ph. 8387, 285 W. Rural. h!15 EDUCATION U.S. GOVERNMENT JOBSI $1756-$3021 year. Men-Women. Prepare immediately for next Ore. examinations. Vets set preference. 32-page Book on Civil Ser vice. Sample coaching FREE. Write Box 324 Capital Journal. hhl03 FOR RENT CLOSE IN rooms for Men. 414 Bellvlew As S. Liberty. J105 SLEEPING rooms with kitchen privileges. 1520 North 19th. J107" LARGE, PLEASANT room for gentleman. Good restaurant in same Diocx. ua rage space available. 1143 S. Liberty. J104 SLEEPING ROOM. For Men. 395 N. 14th. J107 SINGLE SLEEPING room for em P. girl or lady. Near boarding house. 631 N. Winter. J103 LARGE SLEEPING room near post office. No drinkers. 242 S. Cottage. J103 slpg. RM St trailer house for rent. 040 ( N. com'l. St. jiud SLEPING RM. for employed gentleman. ! Ph. 7273. J 103 SLP. ROOMS St gar. by middle aged work ing oman. No smoking. 2010 N. com i. J 103 SLEEPING ROOMS for men. Single or double bed. Private entrance. Ph. 3425. 1505 N. Capitol. J105 3 ROOMS. Will take 3 boys. Ph. 3777. J105" NEWLY COMPLETED stores for lease to desirable retail tenants. 601 Edgewa ter Street, West Salem. J103 GOOD USED PIANOS H L Stiff SPACE In new modern trailer park. Close in on ous line, lies so. itn. rn. e&D7. J103 trailer space, all mod., near bus, 1005 S. 21st or 21st and Mission St. Jl IB ATMORAYS. .Ozone Good health. Rent. sell u. u. rugn. em n. inn. rn ohj. FLOOR lander for rent Montgomery Ward 1" WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO rent by middle aged worn- an. apt. or small house. Prefer garage. Call 9853. JalOS WANTED: 3 bedroom house In or near Salem. Ph. Ore. City 2-2081 Collect. JalOS 3 ADULTS want small apt. 120 Cadcny St. jaios SMALL FURN. apt. Call 21475. MIDDLE AGED couple want apt. No smokers or other habits, pets, or pest. 1085 N. 16th St. Jal04 WANTED: Garage. W. M. Garner. Ph. 6631. Jal03 RELIABLE young gentleman desires room l: room Ac board in private home. Mr. Wheatley. Phone 6006. Jal05 DENTIST AND wife desire furnished apt. Call Dr. Wiles 4924. Jal07 WORKING COUPLE want partly furn. or furn. apt. Ph. 4781. Jal04 VET , St wife, no children. Desperately ncea oraau turn, nouao or apt. rn. 7329. Jal07 STEADY WORKING couple want small unfurnished house or apartment by May 15. Ph. 2-6095 after 3 p.m. A. E. Flathers, 1235 'A N. 16th. Jal03 OR 3 bedroom unfurn. house. Railroad man. Must have by 15th of May. Box 386, Capital Journal. Jal03 WANTED TO lease Ig. .bldg. Will pay up to $200 per mo. Ph. 9346 or 24379 eves. Will buy If reasonable. Jalll" WILL PAY 6 months rent In advance for 3 or 4 bedroom home for family who can give best of reference and care. Ph. 6810 or Box 382, Capital ournal. JalOS WANTED TO RENT: Unfurnished house. Couple only. Telephone 25841. Jal04 MAN AND WIFE would like to rent or lease small or large acreage with bldgs. Will pay one yr. cash rent in advance. Best of references, Write Box 380, Capital Journal or Ph, 3183S. Jal03a 4 ADULTS need furn. 2 bdrm. house, govt. employe, rn. laoi or can aiBOJ. ask for Dean. Jal03 MIDDLE AGED couple wish apt. Perma nent tenants. Ph. 3719 after 6 p.m. Jal04 ROOM AND BOARD ? DIABETIC ladles At 3 men. Ph. 24936. JJ104 LOST AND FOUND LOST IN Kelzer District, a black with wmte irons uocxer bpaniei iemaie dog. Answers by name Tootsie. Reward. Mrs. A. L. Baker, Rt. 8 Box 930. kl05 MISCELLANEOUS WHEEL CHAIRS. Hospital beds, crutches. Buy, sell, rent, exchange. Max Buren, 745 Court. Ph. 7775. ml27 3 YEAR old roan riding mare. Gentle. Rt. 1 no . 371. out wauace to Oak Knoll. ml03 AUTO GLASS Installed, fast service. Elf- strom's, 340 court St. mi33 BASEMENTS, DITCHES, Clearing Level ing. PAUIFIO EXCAVATING COMPANY Power Shovels-Bulldozers-Trucks Salem, Oregon. Phones 3456 or 8793 m MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked. $1.00. LE.S springer 464 Court St mil3 TAKE YOUR clocks to 190 B. 14th for repair. Clock Doctor. ml03 HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean economical See us for free estimates Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N Liberty -n DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice, pn. 5000. mils HEAVY HAULING excavation and rod building, land clearing, dozer work, ditching basement excavation, sand, gravel, crushed rock mason sand, con crete mix cement. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO 1405 N FRONT ST., SALEM OREGON Phone 9408 or 31924. m DENTAL PLATB REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE D4 MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. Jit ate Ai Commercial St SALEM Phone 8311 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PIANO, small size, $75. Singer sewing ma- cmne. tig, ourner gas piate, sj.oo. Ph. 7175. ni03 CHILD'S CAR, almost new, $12.50. 1695 uroaaway. nlOS PANSIES. salvia, lobleia. phlox, SOc doi. oeraniums, luscnias, 35c and up. Mer rill's Greenhouse, Brooks. Ph. 24351. D106 HEAVY GREEN roofing paper. About 8 roiis. caiaweii, 55 Highway Ave., Salem, Ore. nl05 BARN and 3 garages. Ph. 7330. BAND SAW. All American meat Sz bone cutter, model 515. Ph. 7103. ni05 BLACK COCKER Spaniel puppies. Blacks, jjuiis. saiem veterinary Hospital, Port land Road. nl06 LARGE TRAVELING bag. Holds 3 men's suits. Good cond. Ph. 26519. nl04 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bathroom, fluorescent and Incandescent. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. B136 AUTOMOBILE-TRUCK-FIRE Insurance at a SAVINGS. See Bill Osko. 466 Court St. or Ph. 6661. n (Continued on Page 13)