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I Newa News I March Time I News I To Re Advised I I To Be Advised ' News I I Dave West I Farm Time t Music The Old Bonn I :16 :30 :45 News Rise & Shino New Farm Ms Home I News I Haven or Rest Haven of Rest Sons Ffontrrs j Orchestra t Fred Warinr I Fred Warinc J Jack Berth ( James Abbe - Notes at Nine - I Vie Llndlahr i Pastor's Calt -Art Baker . I News j Music News I IO He Advised ! To Be Advised Today's Children I Bint- Sines I Music t Woman In White Masquerade Light or World I I l.lfe Beautiful T I Ma Perkins j Pen iter Younr I i Hunt Happiness Harmony I Orianalllira Day Dreams I Queen for Day I Queen for Day I Spirit Tioneer News Hillbilly Serena Variety Show News I Stella Dallas I.oreno Jones Widder Brown I Jamboree I Girl Marries ! Porlla Faces Lifei f Just Plain Bill j I Front Pais l ! Road "of Life j I Lora Iawton Aunt Mary j 1 Dr. Paul News Orchestra I Orchestra Heart's Desire Heart's Desire Show Show Say It With Muslo News Orchestra j W oman's Secret Joyce Jordan j uacK state nue I To Be Advised I fi? Matinee t rtiO Matinee I Stars of Today I News Fulton Lewis, J Rex Miller fcrsKine jonnsoi News XateJt Patterns 2537 Dinah DollEvery little Rirl loves a "mammy" doll, and this adorable 12-inch toy is so easy to make. Use discarded clothing and odd scraps for the sny costume, petticoat and panties. A lov able, unusual doll to delight your daughter and you will have fun making it! Pattern envelope No. R2537 contains tissue pattern for doll and clothes, tracing for face and complete directions. To obtain this pattern, .send 15c in COINS, giving pattern number, your name, address and zone number to Peggy Roberts, care of Capital Journal, 828 Mission street, San Francisco 3, Calif ACROSS I. AsititNk I. Circuit 8. WfttltiiK Mid lit. Oci'iiKioiitti: Scouh 13. SllMwn in u lj. tomiK sheep 16. (iaiiuii )X. Ahead IS. Smo.ira 21. Symbol fnr sodium 12. Kitst Iml aji hut )lnii 24. KmlII.hI) river to. Aniniiil eni'lriMira ill. MutiHl mm pp.sil Imia n, MiKinvv Cl. Opornllc air Sit. AriKT 64. AlsitlK-matlcM ratio Onnuai to '." "r fJ? Ki-Klai fellers By Gene Byrnes Casey Has His Day Mephisto is a worthless no-good s: s.,..i'i f vBi A q SUSJite"? . dog to have around, though he's hi iin.!.r If H?SS?-iSi" I- I f i. . r- I never betrayed his contempt by i-K ;,, TARlgsRofslsMldtog . -iy-. ...', r J- : . . . m I so much as a eesture. Little 28. Tliln nf a knlRttt 10. Uncloee: poetic T3 j to 7 I? i'3 " 3 5 S 3 333f n W Bircf ,111 Itel I I V0A 1 I I P. M. 'KEX ABO CBS Terry and riraf.es Knoi Manning Sky Klnx I Musle Jack Armslronr Stnn t-ranx MrminiH) Nnws Dinner Muilo Columbia feature Studio Information ! Please Knyinmii Paul Whllrman Paul Whlleman Lent Ranter Lone Banter Michael Lorini Michael I.orin I Lowell Thomas j Jark Smith fchow Or. Christian News I Jark-Carson ) Jack Carson Sons Studio rColumblaraturr Studio j Northwest Neis-hburs n"Pive"starFinjil I Orchestra About Our Town I Voire of Army I.ura 'i Abner Sonis j Beulah I Beulah I Bins Crosby I Bin Crosby Henry Morgan Henry Marian Newi Mr. Motorist t Concert Hour Concert Hour Concert Hour t Concert Hour Orchestra t Orchestia "Txtra-Hour Orchestra I Orchestra I Air-flo ! News Tsisn Off to 4:45 P. M. ' Bujrler X Buelrr X Hurler X Bugler X I Western Stars Weather Report ; turiio ! KOIN Klork Singing Cowhov ! KOIN Klock Martin Asronsky Srven The Merediths News Stork Market Fred Brtk I Breakfast Club I Consumer News Breakfast Club I Aunt Jenny I Breakfast Club Helen Trent : Breakfast Club I Our Gal Sunday I Kenny Baker Bit Sister I Ma Perkins I Dr. Marine ! Road of Life Kenny Baker Breakfast In Hollywood Galen Drake I Kate Smith Ted Malone Perry Mason My True Storr ' I. one Journey My True Story i Rose of Dreams Hymns Bob & Vie Melody Bouquet for You Listening ot 'ind Mrs. Burton Ft he! A Albert ! Grand Slam Waiter Klernnn ( News Stars of Today i Come anil fiet 11 John R. Kennedy! Kvchn Winters Dave Rose I Art Baker Sunny Side l'p ' House Parly " Sunny Side L'p Studio Kay West Meet the Missus Kay West I Mret the Mlsus What's Doln' I Newspaper of Air Ladies? j Studio Bride ft Groom I Juke Box Revue Bride & Groom I News Ladles Re Sealed I Nrws Ladies Br Scaled I Clare Havs Dorothy Dlv I Mr, Kern, Northwest Today Tracer Varieties ("Columbia"- Feature Northwcsternrr I Columbia 1-raturc Dirk Trary Columbia feature Tfnnessee Jed I Studio li. (.;p1lH! ol Ilia I05B 7. Hat i.f n KinuK-ilo Hi'Hlt flHIlll LVllKWI :i2 Hilnu I't-iiiH'iit 3;i. Son nf Scth t tnip;i. pi Vi. a s une'i part Small wlM 47. Roluclant is. Mhsji horns i't. SrpHratA M. Asimtc country '4. Tuton .:u. Ai'i'ii-tonied -s;-n,i Rrfbwm-aTirTW 1 .-ri. -g,, , Solution of Yestcrdnv'a Puzzle CAStY. TM I AN' LET SOMEONE 1 Yil j0 I I ....... v ""r i v .w."t Mmr 1 !?: 'Kr1"" ; ' i I JF rfW IV- P 4 Uayn'r Room and Board . . . By Gene Ahern ii J&LrFFS WA0 raiatlaisWA. t. ys ogc '2- -W DRAT IT, W of SWEET CAR.BONATED HAVE i: i,'. '',t ' Wtt i j( Tf'T'THE j jpvws 1 1 ' X'iiii;!!';,; . y$Efte j-'tK sl?. j A&F soft drink? dimolwsSrard1y ff. fromoIe !l V; - '' .Mi 34 x u""y asthe carbonated bottle ' ivi.i.-iii 1 ' M P lr V WATER IS DRAWNt5 "7-. - ,ilrz!,n ' By Edjiar Rice Burroughs Big Louie Threatens Death (J t (&J 3Wff M Journal Feature Donald Duck Little Orphan Annie f und Jeff JEFF, you GAVE THAT OLD GENT THE WRONG DIRECTION,'.;.'. ' 1 " j' I WildBltHiMwwJ j j OH4 br Pimm JkM Henry By Carl Anderson " " Caou C I I I n.- r.i :.t.. w -. 4..30 AmoSIWOM The Nebhs By Hess A Good Job EXCEPT FOR ONE i IVOTE A SPeOAU) BAD POUTICS..THE "N I I SO THAT'S N b,bks1 - I THIK1S..NO ENGINE .ASSESSMENT ZJ TAXPAYERS WILLHatERj I VOUR MAIN ) y- CUEERUP.VUENWENEWlWEWD NO r- J rJHEIR UEADS CX$Zs XoNORRV y-rTTV PIEE ENGINE ARRIVES VTORWE ' Jir-m-v ' T7 zzz I n T1PI! r? trr f f , -vl L 1 IN WCi: MOBOCflf WOULD F" 1 UT WELL, SHE SAYS "LITTLE WIDGET" 1 I AREN'T VOU COTiq NO, RftTl THAT Kg BOTHER "TO READ IT-IME HM M M -OH. I I T SHOULD CUT OUT TRYING TO BE A II AHEAD WITH THE , STUFC IS TOO H6V jflj BEEN TALKING TO Wkl- 1 I QUITE lJK 1 ) CRUSADER fiND STICK TO THE SIWLE I I. PLOT ABOUT THE MOBODV WOULO SHE'S REALLY A f AGREE, TIK- jk KID STURr-WU KNOW SHE'S RIGHT I I FOREIGN SPIES, TIK?J BELIEVE IT, ANVWAV MM REMARKABLE PERSON- L J 1 1 WHEN WE STOP TInWVcTtT' J I i'he v.umpy ( By Gus Edson Sweet and Tough Sggjjr.-agUia'Mjfl I YOUR FIBBING IS T GREAT I PEA! I AM 1 I f UNOUESS 1T1 POSITIVELY POETIC, v-BROKE-HM--ER-IT'S ITS SWELL TO) Y0UT0E Jk ONE OF THE lr PERFECT, DEAREST CHLOE-- WONPERFUL SWEET 0DP YOUR HWE A SWEET THE MARkTI WOMPERSOF r EYES THAT MATCH GOLDEN BUT YOU'D BETTER HURRY 1 SUGGESTING Ll'LGIRLTO y BIG BOX YOU'D THE WORLD.' 1 DAWNS AND A IF YOU'RE GOING TO WIRE WIRING BIM--I LOOK OUT St BETTER LOOK BEAUTIFUL SOULFUL VOICE fja(M BlW FOR A SALARY "WAS SECRETLY . FOR-- JS. OUT FOR ME.' J SIGHT, ISN'T ITj J LIKE THE SONG OF W'Jf ADVANCE TOAV-5ir PLANNING TO DO mXt. " 2LA S W-s'W )"'"- vr i HIM thai ITOUKLti-i I 3g U'fs- T-r I ,s2L-rJ WS??LJMn TERRIFIED BY THE SWINDLER'S TMHT I MATH. BPUF Ll tt V A V 4. lj&7ll I ISd M V -IS IS) J 1 I 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 30, 1947 By Walt By Harold By Bud Fisher CERTAINLY' NEW RlTUS IS NORTH.' You SENT CERTAINLY.' NEW RlJUS YoU DON'T KNOW f n ? j THIS IS AN "V3 IS NORTH.' YOU SENT I NOCTH FROM SOUTH.' 1 MV v EMFRSFNl-V l LI Wi V, n h rmiA SouTrtlJ IF YOU'RE FACING r.uAfey T want THE erT-iSfl I him south.' J CTTiiHT EAST WHAT'S ON C 7 cM UBY HATCH- Disney Gray Sorry Sir, You'll Have Page Three Bell Alarm His "Control" Talking to Dial Twilight Sleep 1492 By Cameron Dockery (Chapter 19) Upon his return home, Jeff handed Linda Whitey Evans' letter and disappeared around the side of the house. When next she saw him he had a kit of mining tools and a hand pick. He remounted Star and called out to her from the saddle. "I'm going to do a little In vestigating, be back around six. ' He didn t smile. His words and gestures seemed almost au tomatic and Linda wondered if he was even definitely aware of her sitting on the porch steps, and doubted it. His eyes had the obscure far-away ex pression of one lost in deep thought. After reading the let ter she understood why. For a young fellow he cer tainly stepped into a mess, didn't he?" Linda jumped slightly. "Dad! I didn't hear you come out." Hardy grinned down at her. His cheeks were a healthier color and he seemed to have re gained his strength in the pasl few days. Since Jeff's coming a revived zest for living had filled him, it was as though through the eyes of an ambi tious uninhibited young man he saw a new life extending be fore him. Both he and Linda slared 'after the diminishing fig ure of the man on horseback. 'He wants to' be alone," Lin da murmured almost to her self. "Growing fond of him, Lin?" She met his eyes then looked away as though distrusting her self. 'How can I help it? He's the sort of person you do grow fond of." 'Yes, Jeff is the real McCoy, Linda. Straight-forward, clean and decent-minded. He doesn't seem to have been touched by the seamy sid of army life." Her eyes questioned him steadily and he made., a wry face. "Oh, there is a seamy side. I haven't forgotten the last war by a long shot. And it's especial ly difficult for youngsters who come from good homes. I don't mean the battles and the wound cd and the terrible horror of war, but the other side . . . The revealing raw talk between bat tles, the discovery that human nature isn't quite what you ex pected, the liquor and women and the fatalistic attitude that creeps over you." 'I think I understand, Dad I was an army nurse, remem ber?" He snapped his thing fingers. So what? You nurses don't know so much." Laughter bubbled up in her throat. "I wish you'd tell that to Jeff. He said the other night that he thought nurses knew everything." "He did, eh? How was that?" Remembering the occasion of Jeff's remark, the kiss that had proceeded it, Linda blushed vio lently. "Oh, it wasn't impor tant," she said with deliberate casualness. Hardy reached down and put ting his hand under her chin tilted her face up to him. His keen eyes probed hers pitilessly yet affectionately, his voice was kind . . . "So that's the way It is?" "I'm afraid it is." "Does he know you love him, Linda?" "Of course not." "He will in time." She shook her head firmly. Not from me he won't. If he begins to feel that way too, then maybe things " She left the sentence unfinished. "He has has enough on his mind already without the added worry of a one-sided love affair." "Give him time, my dear, he's been home only ten days." "I know. Isn't it funny though how well you can get to know a person in a short while when they're living under the same roof with you? I've learned so much about Jeff. He doesn't like veal cutlets though he was too polite to tell me; he prefers green or blue ties; he likes to sing cowboy laments to himself while he's shaving; he- loves all sorts of animals but he thinks Mephisto is a worthless no-good dog to have around, though he's never betrayed his contempt by much as a gesture. Little things, yet they're distinctly things that all put together make AP Ntwfsfvrt a man called Jeff Irskine." Hardy patted her shoulder. I'm afraid you've got it bad." Linda made an exaggerated pout. "Who said love was won derful? I think it's decidedly painful." He grinned. "Buck up Jell will see the light, maybe he already has, but his hands are tied right now. And if it's any satisfaction to you, Lin, I ap prove of your choice. He's fine clear through." They sat on the porch In si lence, absorbing the sunshine that beat down upon their legs. In the distance a dust cloud which always indicated some ve hicle moving across the dessert, grew until the gleaming hfldy of the Gentry station wagon halted before the adobe. Monica, smart ly clad in a monogrammed sports dress and Mexican sandals, step ped out and came toward them. After an introduction and a few polite remarks Hardy excused himself and went inside. As soon as he had gone Monica turned to Linda impatiently . . . 'Where's Jeff?" she demand i ed. "In town?" "No. he's off checking up o his property." Linda pointed'' vaguely toward the rocky for mations that covered the south ern portion of the Irskine land. 'What's he doing mining? ' 'I don't think so. He may be examining some of his father's diggings checking up to see tf they've caved in. Why do you want to know?" "Oh, I have reasons." She turned bright inquisitive eyes on Linda. "You think a great deal of Jeff, don't you?" 'Don t you? Linda counter ed. "He's certainly attractive, I was ust going to say 1 nope you haven't a jealous nature be cause I'm going to give you a run for your money." Linda stiffened with resent ment at Monica's tone. 'How could Jeff mean any thing to you and your way of living? night clube, theatres, cocktail parties " Monica laughed triumphant ly. "He's handsome and inter esting and I have another month to kill before going back east. That's enough reason for me!" (To Be Continued) Adaptable Washable Free and easy, cool and comfortable for any crisp washable, with trimming bands that offer spe cial opportunities to stripes. Use the normal neckline in back, or, if you're a sun-lover, bring the dress out in the open with the V-cut in back. No. 3022 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, and 48. Size 36 requires 4 yds., ?5-inch, and 2 'is yds. ric rac. f Send 20c for PATTERN, whldh includes complete sewing guiarc. Print your name, address aha style number plainly Be sure to state size you wish. Include postal unit or zone number In your address Address: Pattern Department Capital Journal, 552 Mission bt., San Francisco, Calif i I fTr 1 fe-srl 1 kOlUllJc,. f U