id. TS Km OR 8A1E MISCELLANEOUS t)R BALE or trade: O.E. refrigerator, westinghouse elec. sewing machine, 'Garod radio, phono combination, elec. 'vacuum cleaner, elec. stove. Ice box, elec. wash. mach. 34 Park Ave., go out Center, turn left on Park. nl04 '1ARGE oak desk and office chair, $40.00. .ha H Canital. Ph. 8218. 11104 NEW TABLE model radio 115.00, battery set ia.u, ibi,uiu -u...-jters 125.00, electric guitar 145.00. re corder 1150.00, generated flashlights $3, battery phone sets $10.00, and radio tube moat ill types. Freetag Radio Shop, 721 South 12th, Balem, Oregon. nlf4 VACUUM CLEANERS (tanks and up rights) with attachment. EUREKA GENERAL ELECTRIC PREMIER DUPLEX WESTINOHOUSE UNIVERSAL BEE-VAC FILTER QUEEN McCALLISTER Trade In allowance, easy terms. VINCE'S ELECTRIC 157 S. Liberty St. Salem, Ore. nl27 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 68 gallon water heaters lor lmmeaiate aewvcry. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Ltbrrty'St. nl26' vir.RTCRAWLERS. 3493 State. Bremmer. nl23 CANNING (I quart) pressure cookers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26' wnoo SAW for sale. Mounted on truck. H. B. Cross. 1145 N. 17th. nl04 K'n WAXING required with transpar ent Plastl-Kote for drain boards, floors. furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!20' FIKON DUCK setting egas. Green Apple Market, 3 ml. pass B9E. $1.00 dos. N. Under- nl04 ELECTRIC WIRE, 12-2 and 14-2 loom. i1 QRR N. T.lhertv St. nl28 lAN'O, ASCHENBACH uprlaht, excellent condition. Miner rryer, ion ugio oi., Woodburn. Ore. nl04 ELECTRIC floor polishers. Ideal for norm or store. YEATER APPLIANCE CO a 55 North Liberty. n 1 06 FRUIT AND nut tree, shade trees, flow ering shrubs, strawberry plants, root stock of all kinds now available In the shrubbery department of Wards Farm Store, High and Trade Bts Salem. nl02 METAL IRONING boards, pads Sz covers, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 ONE TENOR banjo and one guitar, each with case. Clarence Skaug, 1365 North 4th St., Salem. . nlQ4 BEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venlent, clean economical Set us fo: (re estimates YEATER APPLIANCE DO 256 N Liberty a GIRL'S JUNIOR World bicycle. Good con dition. Gene's Bicycle Shop, W. Salem ni04 ELECTRl"", AUTOMATIC, Sidearm water heaters. lasten to your present tang YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 WHITE COAT, all wool, satin lined, worn 3 times, size 16, sacrifice. 10 Abrams Ave. nl04 westinghouse refrigerator. 30 ou. Ideal for restaurant, grocery or large farm home. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 Nortti Liberty. nl03' BABY CHICKS, $18.50 per hundred, Wards Farm Store, High and Trade Sti., Salem. niua LAWN CARTS, lawn edit era, hand vators and hoes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. FULLER brushes 1745 Orant. Ph. 8357. nll4 washable. ONE coat Palletone walls, ceilings, and wallpaper, dries In one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. 1)136' FOR SALB-Blue Tag Marshall Straw hnrrv nlnnta certified by Oregon State college. It pays to plant the best. We are contracting additional strawberry . acreage. Phone 6502 or write United Growers, Inc., Salem, Oregon. n!03 RADIOS. RECORD players, recorders lor . immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl28 ELECTROLUX cleaner St air purifier. Now available. Complete with all attach ments. $69.75 Home demonstration giv en. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. nl08 SUN (ULTRA violet) lamps. Heat (infra red lamps And heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26" RIVER SILT. Phone 35912. n ELECTRIC BLANKETS lor immediate de livery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl28 WE BUY & sell furniture tools, itovei dishes motors radios, electric appli ances household goods tCLIQMANS 385 N Commercial Phone 9885 n1 PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 175 S. Hteh. Phone 6088. n!06 HOTPLATES. SINGLE and two burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl 28J ELEC'iRIC 43 Eflllon water heater I7B.60 TA. 4314. Portland nl08 ELECTRIC FANSt desk and pedestal, for offices, garages, restaurants, lodge rooms, canneries. Kitchen and Indus trial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 C E WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines Patts . all makes Pinking shearr ground Ph 5765 1940 N 18th n!02 REGRIGERATOR ICE trays, rubber k aluminum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. n!26' GARDEN sand gravel crusbed rock Shovel ft drag-line excavating WALL . INQ SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph 65 STOP "DEEDING your lawn, try Weed-No-More. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . 255 N. Liberty St. 0126 VHOT WATER tank, furnace, trash burn J rr. $70. Plaster board 3000 ft. 3c ft. R 3000 ft. lumber 2X4 Se 2x8, rafters, 3000 ft. flooring $55 thousand. 6x8, 2000 ft. 135 thousand. 144 Center St. H. Millar. nl03 8fl CHERRY TOPPING ladders, from" 16 ft. to 23 ft. long, 3.M each. Ph. 6369 eve. nl03' COFFEE TABLE, excl. cond; desk, vanity bench, magazine table, bedside table, wall mirror, floor lamp, 4 slice toaster. After 7 p.m. at 735 Brey's Ave. nl03 PREWAR DAVENPORT it Chair. Perfect cond. Call 8970. 103' TILER FROZEN food cabinets. Whole sale price. 195 S. 34th. nl06 RCLLER birds for $25, Ph. 4294. nl03' BLUE 9x12 Axmlnster Smith all wool rug. Good cond. Ph. 3656. H103 GOOD PADDED saddle, bridle with hackl more, curved bit, complete, $45.00. Ph. 4993. 4 ml. N. Of Swegle school. nl03 TRAILER HOUSE for sale. 940 N. Com'. nl03 DAVENPORThalr; walnut dining t able, 6 chairs; 9x13 rug St pad; 7x9 Wilton rug; kitchen table, 4 chairs. 925 N. Winter. nl02 M FAT WHITE FACE beef, Inspected. Phone 33639. Bl TWO FORMALS, one dinner dress, scarce ly worn. Smart, half priced. Ph. 31132. ni04 WHITE PORCELAIN wood range with oil burner. $60. Ph. 24B77. nl03 WESTINGHOUSE DDT bug bombs, type used by armed forces. Kills flies, mo squitoes, cockroaches Se related insects YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl36' FIRTEX Upson board, 13x24, 16x33. 1 ft. x 8 ft.. 16x8 St 4x8. Rt. 7 Box 431L McCain off Silverton Rd., Salem. nl03' FARMERS, ATTENTION. Westinghouse. automatic electric milk cooler. 60 gal. capacity. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl36 M LB. Ice box. toilet bowls, sink. 3335 Portland Rd. After 6, nl06 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROSE MOnAIR Frieze davenport, chair and ottoman. Coco Cola box, holds 60 lbs. Ice, kitchen step stool, Carey steam cooker, 4 light fixtures. E. V. Ayle, 1908 N. Summer. nl03 FARMERS ATTENTION. Clean Easy por table Se trackater milking machines. i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. nl26 DAVENPORT chair set. Dining table St 6 chairs. 3 piece bdrm. suite. End ta bles. All new. 44 Abrams Ave. nl02 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED : USED sawdust furnace, com plete. 2250 N. Commercial, Salem. nal04 WANT GOOD used refrigerator. Ph. 24381. . nam WAN : Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Kelley. Ph. 2319B. naiao' USED FURNITURE Phone flit b' PERSONAL READING. Know the truth. 3381 State. pioo PROFESSIONAL ADvTsFlT Well known bv former name "Martin." Appts, dally, 1 p.m. to 0 p.m. 1271 Chemeketa street. ' plM aXcOHOLICB ANONYMOUS. P.O. Box 724. p27 AUTOMOBILES into PLY. 5 pass. Coupe. R. St H. Excel lent condition. Inquire at Lipstick Beauty-Shop. 1873 State Street. Q105 'il HARLEY Davidson. A26 Monmouth St. Monmouth. Ore. Q.104 Lonr.iNfi TRUCK and trailer for sale, 1943-K-7-Internatlonal. less than 20.- 000 miles. 1841 Fruehauf Tandem Trail er. Eleven miles North Salem on 219 Haw. Lee's Texaco Oarage. Price $4500. A-sk for A. L. Churchman. 0.104 DIXIE FLYER trailer house, 19 ft., sips, 4. Butnnn ranne. A-l condition. 30 Wil liams Ave. U07 I DM CHEV. sedan. Nice appearance. Runs well. Ph. B306 or see owner alter o p.m. 348 E. Myers. St. 0.104 FOR SALE: 1939 Studebaker Champion sedan. A-I condition, seal beam lights, radio, heater, six tiri-s. Price reduced to (850. 11 miles south on 99E. C. Rinne, Route 1 Box 56, Jefferson, Ore. ql04 'Si CHEVROLET Coupe, Just overhauled, J275. Ph. 23F2. Q1U FOR SALE: Fordson tractor, steel wheels, 1st house on Sunnyview w. oi Holly wood Dr. 0.103 WILL TRADE 1937 Chrysler Royal Phae ton. (4 dr. conv.) with new rust paint Job. Excel, tires, For best offer In 3 or 4 dr. sedan or will take cash, Ph, 21602 or inquire 380 S. 23rd. ql06' '41 Yi ton Ford pickup, 4 meed trans. Call after 6 p.m. or ph. 24451 for appoint ment. 245' Union St. across alley, Capns Used Cars. 0.103 GOOD BUY IN CAR 1910 OLDS 4 dr, 8 cylinder. Good radio Se heater, looks St runs good. Can be seen at 1326 State St. 11050. ql02 NICE CLEAN Chev. couple. Better than averrge. $395. 641 N. 16th. c.103 1041 HARLEY Davidson, foot shift, bud dy seat, excel, cond., 410 Ford St. Will trade lor car. c.103 '37 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sedan, 3155 Sunny view Ave. 0.103 FOR SALE or trade: '41 Ford sedan. Model A Ford sedan. 34 Park avenue, go out Center, turn left on Parte. qio MUST SELL, 1035 Pontlac 6, tudor, $305, Ph. 7372 eves after 6 through Friday. ql04 '42 FORD, St. i ton pickup, clean, 3383 State ql04 FO", SALE: 5 pass. '37 Hudson Terra Plane "6." 56.500 act. mileage. Orlg. fin ish, good tires, R. St H 100 miles on motor overhaul including new plugs, coll, dlstr., carburetor. (Must sell.) 1625 or best cash offer, 507 N. 19th. Ph. 24045. 4103 WANT TO buy good '37 or '3B Chev. Stand ard Coupe or Sedan. Ph. 3300. ql03 FOR SALE: 1037 4-door Dodge sedan. New paint, battery, rings. Heater. Very good rubber. 1516 N. 16th Bt. after 5:00 p.m. q!02 FOR SALE or trade, 1940 8uper-8 Bulck sedan. Phone 24387. ql02 MOD., ALL METAL, factory built trailer house, Elec. oraxes, Butane range, un circulating heater. Masonlte Interior, Insulated. 1220 Troy. 1 ml. N. Aluminum plant off Cherry Ave. qW3 WANTED to buy late model car, Inquire at Hayesvllle Auto court, rn. a t. Will pay cash. ql03 40 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan, very nice. '46 Pontlac Deluxe 4-Door, like new. Long Car Sales, B. First St., Silverton. H02 CLEARANCE OF LATE MODEL TRUCKS tH41 REO heavy duty, thoroughly recon ditioned And guaranteed 11875.00 IB40 INTERNATIONAL 3-3 ton cab-over, thoroughly reconditioned. This In ternational has a brownllpe nd stock body ,....$1650.00 1841 INTERNATIONAL K-5 with stock body thoroughly - reconditioned. 11200.00 1987 G.M.C. with 1941 motor In It, re conditioned 1 960.00 THESE TRUCKS carry our warranty, if you want a real good reconditioned used truck, now Is the time to buy. .'AM5S H. MADEN COMPANY 2955 Silverton Road Salem. Oregon Phone' 24123 q FOR SALE: 32 V-8 coupe. '38 motor. Ex cellent condition. Ph. 4587 or 3347 Breyman St. ql03 GOOD, CLEAN USED CARS PRICED RIOHT lim BUICK 4 dr. sedan, 1036 CHRYSLER 6 4 dr. sedan. 11)37 HUDSON coupe. R & H. SEE YOUR KAISER-FRAZER DEALER TEAOUE MOTOR CO. 355 N. Liberty Ph, 7001 q05 '87 FORD V-8 pickup. 1060 8. 14th after 5 p.m. week days. ql03 SILVER DOME trailer house, 34-ft. birch finish, butane equipped, Duo-therm heat, Winchester dolly, good tires In excellent condition. L. D. Bcott, Rt. 8. Box 810, M mile west of Keleer school. . ql04 'sTfORD la ton dump truck. Ph. 32388. ql02 '86 OLDS conv,, clean, R. R. Rt. 8, Box 1522. Ph. 32835 after 4 p.m. ql02 NEW FACTORY built Chevrolet Hat bed with stakes, fit 160-ln. wheelbase truck. Merrltt Truax, 205 Columbia. Ph. 24169. ql02 DeSOTO Sedan good as new. Ph. 6139 ql02 MOTORCYCLES INDIAN 8AIJE8 - SERVICE - PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought -sold - repaired , SHROCK MOTOR CO Pbont 8503 Salem HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates - overhauling oody and fender repair painting "Give Bhrock a try and you'll know why." SHROCK MOTOR CO Phone 8503 Salem FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loans made as small as 1300. See us about refinanc ing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS AVt O.I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION, 4 LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State Street, Phone 9261. Tl04 MONEY FOR EVERY PURPOSE IF VOU are eapable of building 10 to 100 bouses Balem or vicinity during 1947 and oeed financial assistance. Contact Us. We are also Interested in financing one or two larga apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO.. Lie 8216M333 163 & Blgb St. Ph. 4131 r PARM AND CITY LOANS and 5 fOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate OontracU and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 307 Pioneer Trust Bide Ph 7162 Real Estate Loans Farm City New Construction b A N Duncan U-14 Ladd & Bush Bant Bidg. Phon 9651 FINANCIAL tVi PERCENT money for loan on new or aireaay omw mooern nome nj w: r In the Willamette valley. 10 to 35 year repayment plan. Also plenty of money foi building modern homes, financed during construction. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 6. High St. ADTO LOAN! WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO Stb FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO) LlctPU NO. M-1M HM I MONEY I REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS Wf Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contract STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTOR Lie S-216 M-322 153 S High St r WE LIKE to make LOANS WE LIKE to say "Yes" to loan request. because making loan of t25 to 1250 or more Is our ONLY business. Phone or vlilt Personal Finance Co.. You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" In Just 1-vlslt Call today. S18 State St.. Rm. 125, Salem Ph. 3191 E. Oalllnger, Mgr. I 3. 8. 133 M. 165 rl05 FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sal first mortgages on improved real estate, eaiem ana vicin ity, amount! $500 to $5000. NET In vestors 6 pet. interest. Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and Interest payments made by ua without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO, 153 8. High St. GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS 8-138 and U-33t and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 8 Commercial St Tel 916S Directory ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Center Ph 4036 APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. ol03 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER. 275 8 Com'l. Ph. 611 Brake St Wheel aligning specialist ol27 AUTOMOTIVE COrV. MOTOR overhaul, auto mech. serv ice. Body and fender, free estimate!, reasonable. Ph. 6313. 642 N. High. ollt MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phoat 16,38 Night. 24417 333 Center. BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush, virgii h us key. aoa rairview Ave Phone 23146, Salem. O108 GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 25370 0118' CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph. 4071. 0115' CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned, ENSLEY, 771 S. 21st St. Ph. 7176. Ol03 CONTRACTING NEW IIOMES. New roofs and alteration!. 1 to 3 years to pay. Kani Construe' tlon Co. Ph. 4830 or 36106. oll8' DECORATING DECORATING St general repair. Ph 5532. O103 DE'IVERY SERVICE SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. 0128' EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery. Ph. 7 00 175 N. High. oll4 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, tailoring and alterations. Brooks Trailer Camp, 1084 State St. ol26 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH, MOTII EXTERMINATOR servicfi. Ph. 3056. Lee Gross. 1260 N. 17th 0102 PEMBERTON'S FLOWER Shop. 1980 6 12th. Phone 23346. om- BREITHAUPT'S for (lowers Dial B196 a FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME Ph JB73 O FURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair Lee Bros.. 4020. E Stat. Ph. 31233 0153 NEWTON'S light pickup & delivery. Haul ing of all kinds. Household moving. Fully Insured. Phone 22812, ol3 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling Arthur McCleiiar Phone 3360. oioa- HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free 1e! 1717 Center Bt. Phone 5395. 0127- LANDSCAPING LEVELING A DOZING JOHNSON A BRIGGS, building streets ft roads. Ph. 8035. Salem. qlal LUMBER LUMBER, custom planing and car load ing. Lumber Industries, Inc.. success ors to H. St 8 Lumber Co.. Wallace road. West Salem. Ph. 9593. 0114 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H RAUSER, 925 Saginaw. P 7828 0107 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. O108 OIL vIPCULATOR8 OIL BURNER Sales and Servlct Drew. Phone 5395. GOOD WORK. REASONABLE. Free est! mat. O. Home, Phone 5313. 0124 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513. 857 Shipping. 0115' PAINTIWG ft PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. ROY C. HANSON. Phone 2-5838 decorating. 0113 PAPERHANGING EXPERT PAPERHANGING. worth. Phone 3015. PLASTERING. J Wood-O-108" CONTRACT PLASTERING. Ph. 35106. 0121 PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry Travl&s. 1029 Highland Ave Ph. 8601. 0113 PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads envelopes, business cards, office forms, briefs, small booklet Quick delivery Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 162 S. Liberty St. 7490. ol27 SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock Shovel ft dragline excavating Walling Sand ft Gravel Co Phone 8S61 0 SEPTIC TANKS SETTC TANKS and drain lines cleaned. 1067 Elm St Jack Boenlng. Ph. 9633. Oll4 ROTO-ROOTER SEWEB SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Pree estimate. Pro: 't service. Ph. 5327 or 8468. ol07 MIKE'S Cesspool ft Septic Service, moo . ern equipment 1079 Elm St.. W Salem Ph. 9468 or 5327. 0127' I F. HAMEL. Septlo Tanks Cleaned. 1143 8th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. 0II6 STRAYING. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. olJfl' COMPLET- spray equipment, lawn, trees, .hrubs & fields. Philip W. Belike, Dial 21708. 0122 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils eoai, Briquets Truck to Portland dally Agent Lyon Van Line for household goods to California points Larmer Transfer ft Storaie Ph 3131 o FACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACTTr CLEANER owners wlli service yout Roovet gieaoer torn piet for 13.50 piu psiu 11 rtqulrtd Bon Brat, Ph. 114s. r Grain Prices Bound Upward Chicago, April 29 W Sus tained demand developed in the grain futures pits toward the close of the session today and prices bounded upward from the morning's low point. At the finish wheat was 2V higher to lower than the pre vious close May $2.57 Yt-M. Corn was Vt higher to 3 low er, May $1.57-. Oats were Va higher to lower, May 85. Stocks Decline To Rally Later , New York, April 28 VP) A brief selling wave knocked over leading stocks fractions to 2 or more points in today's market but the list soon steadied and a modest rally in the final hour trimmed extreme losses or con verted them into advances. Transfers ran to around 850, 000 shares and compared with 590.000 Monday. Gainers included Bethlehem, Youngstown sheet, Chrysler, General Motors, Goodyear, Montgomery Ward, Internation al Harvester, Anaconda, Ken- necott, Union Carbide, Eastman Kodak, J. C. Penney, U. S. Gyp sum, American Woolen, Sunray Oil (on a raised diviqend), n. Y. Central, Illinois Central Southern Railway, Baltimore & Ohio and Texas Co. Casualties were U. S. Steel XJ. S. Rubber, Sears Roebuck, Woolworth, Douglas Aircraft, Consolidated Edison, North American, Westinghouse, Gen eral Electric, Du Pont, Allied Chemical, Johns-Manville, Great Northern Railway, Schenley and Pacific Western Oil. Closing Dow-Jones averages: Industrial, 168.70, off 0.15; rail, 44.69, up 0.13; utility, 33.79, off 0.01; 65 stocks, 59.91, up 0.01. Sales totaled 840,000 shares compared with 590,000 shares yesterday. Curb volume was 260,000 shares against 160,000 shares yesterday. Bond turn over of $3,790,000 compared with $2,970,000. In a recent survey in Wash ington state, 38 per cent of the children questioned listed a swimming pool as first choice for community recreation. New York Stock Quotations fBy the Associated Press v New York ft Closing quotations today Allied Ohem ft Dye m American Can ,. 90 Am Power ft Light 12 Amer Tel ft Tel, .;..i65h Anaconda Copper Atchison .... 38H .... 79"; .... 314 Bendlx Aviation Bethlehem Steel ... .... 854 Boeing Aircraft .... 17 .... 24H California Packing .... Canadian Paclfle J I Casa Chrysler Corp Commonwealth ft Sout .... n .... 33 ..... 81 n soil dated Edtsor .... 26" Consolidated Vultee Continental Insurance , Crown Ze lie mach Curtis Wright .... 15U .... 47i .... 25H .... 5 .... 614 iclas Aircraft Dupont at rfemoun General Electrlo General Poods General Motorr Goodyear rire Great Northern pfd . 40 . 56 ?i International Harvester int Paper pfd Johns Manvllle Kennecott Long Bell A Maytag . Miami Copper Montgomery War- Nash Mivinaior National Dairy N V Central North Am Qp Northern Paciflo ..... .... Pao A mot Fish ........ ,,,, Paciflo Gas Eleo Paciflo T ft T Pan American Penney J O ... RadiD Corp Rayomer Rayonier Pfd Reynolds Uetala Richfield Safeway Sear Roebuck Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Standard Brands Standard Oil Calif Stewart Warner Studebaker Sun Mining Union Oil .... , 80 '4 . 44i . 16 Vi . 9 . 15& . 51'i . 15S . 39 S . 14 . 26 . i6; . io . 36 .106 . 12 'i . 20 ! 3 8 '4 . 15 . 2174 . 32 . 154 . 37 . 30'i . 55 . 16 . 19'6 . 9 . SOU Union Pacllle ..m United Alrllnea .... United Aircraft . 38'i oalted States Steel 68 Mi Warner rirotheri 13 West Eleo Ufg Co 24 Woolworth , 44 DIRECTORY WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimate T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5965, O10T WHITTAKEB'S WELDING WORKS. . Ph 500. 0IU8 WELL DRILLING Chester J. Pugh, Rt. Oregon. Ph. 33413. 3, Box 388B Salem. 0II8 WELL DRILLING. M D. Enloe, Box 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 35198. J. A. SNEED ft SONS. Well drilling 3506 Brook St., Salem Phone 6809. 0127 WINDOW CLEANING SA..F.M WINDOW Service. House Clean Ing, floor waxing. Ph. 31342. oll9 ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows walls A woodwork cleaned Floors elean ed. waxed ft polished Ph. 1317 841 Court wtogdoo OulberUoo and Uttbu PROFESSIONAL Phone 4457 CLEAN INO SERVICE o ELECTRIC WIRING No dilay. Material available. Phone 9740. 0IO8 WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph 8178. LODGES Fraternal Order of E&xrlM metjt every mesaay at 8 pjii More tnan munon mem per a Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.P. & a.m. m. M. Degree Tuesday, April 29, 7 p.m. 102 I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday night, vial tors welcome. 1 Salem Lodee No. 4. A.F. & A.M.. Wednesday, April 30, Market Quotations Salem Livestock Hoes. 35c under Portland each weight. Spring lambs, 119.50. Wooled 1048 lambs, $18.50. Sheared 1948 lambs. $16.50. Yearlings, $14. Ewes, $2 to $7.50. Fat dairy cows, $13-14. Cutters, 8-13, Dairy heifers, $13-17. Bulls, $12-17. Calves, 300-450 lb $10-31, VeaL 160-300 lb, $13-24. Portland Esstilde Canby and Hood Rtver bunched aspara gus was quoted to 84 a 30-lb pyramid with loose ipacks listed at $3.76 a box, at today's session of the Portland Eastslde Farm ers' Wholesale Produce market. New crop spinach was offered at 80c $1.10 a 30-lb box. Onions were valued at 3S-40o a dosen bunches. Portland Prsoaee Bsnlianae Butter! al Tentative (subject to Imme diate change). Premium quality maximum Portia i 67-68c; first Quality 66-67e lb.; second quality 61-63c; valley routes and country points 3c lea than first, or 64-65c. Butter Wholesale r.o.b. bulk, 61 id cubes, AA. 93 score. 61c; A, 92 score, 60c: B, 90 score, 60c; C, 89 score, 67c. Cbeea Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon single 40l,i-4Bc; Ore gon loaf. 39 -Sac; triplet I8-50Vjc. Eggs To wholesanra A grade large 53Vi-53Vic; medium, 48A-49ttc: small, (pullet). 434c; B grade, large, 45tt-47ttc. Btsa Purchases iiom rar men. Current receipts 37-41e, buyers pay l-SHc dot below wholesale quotation on graded basis for best hennery tgga Portland Dairy Market Boiler Price to retailers Orad AA carton, 68c; AA prints, 65c; A prints 64c; A cartons, 65c; B print, 84c; one fourth r und cubes, 'A cent higher. E s Prices to retailers. AA extra large 60c; A, large (certified!. S8-59c: A large. 54-65c; AA medium, 34c: A mediums, 50-51c: A small. Hoc dosen: carton, 3c additional. Cheese -Prices to retailers Portland Oregon singles, 364-54c lb.; Oregon loaf, 33H-56c; triplet, 38-54c. Poultry 1 Live Chickens Paying price to produ c No. 1 broilers, under 3 lb. 39-30C lb. fryers. 2 to 3 lb., 39-300 lb. 3 to 4 lbs., 34-SSo Ib.i roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 34-350 lb.: fowl. Lei horn, under Itt lbs.. If 20c lb.; over 3 lbs., 20-33e lb.; fowl color' ri. all wts., 33-33c lb. Rabbltt-Avtr&B to retailers 48-80-a tbi dreased prices to producers 48c, fryers live whit 30-20 lb.i colored, 17-3te lb Vegetables) Artichokes Calif.. 6 doz., 12.50-3.75. Aioaraxus Cal smalls. $3.50-4.00 box; Calif Cent. dist. No. 1, mediums, box. few I?. 85; ll12c lb.: Oregon. Hood River and Canby, 30 1-lb. bunches, $4-4.35: loose J3.75-3.85, No. 3 s. 13.35-3.60; Washington. Sunnyslde. mediums. No. 1, 13-13c lb.; unclassified and small, t-bc id. Beans Calif., 30-22c lb. Beets Cal., bunched, fl.15-i.30 doi. Brussci Sprouts 12-a.Jo CabbageRound head. 60 lb crate small J. 50-75. California cis, 13-3.35. red 18.50-9 50 crate: 1315e lb.; Cal. No. 1, S3-3.50; kraut, 11.65-1.75: red, Cal.. 15 5.50; Track sate, Cal., round head, S2.80-1 crate; local 60 lb. orate, small, up to S4 for best. Track sale, cam.. 12. a & Carrots Bunched, calif., 0 doz., 4.76, topped, 50-lb. sacks, topped $1.85. Track sales. Calif., bunched, 6 dot., $4.35; special brands up to $3.15. Backed, 50 lb., 11.35-1.60. Cauliflower Calif., trimmed std. crate $3.76-8. Track sales, Calif., std., $3.30- 3.40. Celery Sturdy crate, Pascal, $6-7. heart material. 4 and 6 dox 14.75-5; crates, $5.50-6; track sales, sturdy crates. Santa Monica. $5.15. Cueu-nbrrs Oregon hothouse, $7.76-8 3 dog. lugs; 30-33 -C ID. Eggplant 20 lb. lug, $5, Garlle Oregon white 25-30e lb.: Calif 28-300 lb. Lettuce Calif., 4 doz., $5.50-6. Stock ton. 3 doz., $3.75-4.26. Track sales, Calif. Delano, few $4.75-5.35. Stockton, 3-3lt doz., $4-4.35. Dried Onions Oregon yellows. No. 1 and larger, $3.50-2.60; mediums, ll.75-l.90; truck sale, mediums $1.60; Leek, local. 80-90c doz. Texas, white wax, 50-lb, sacks, $4-4.25. Green On I. ins Local. 75-80e dos. bun Local. mid-Columbia. 40-50c. Pariler- -Calif .. $5,-6.50, 10 dos. bunches Pamnlpt Local. 61.00-1.25 lua Peas Calif. 28-lh. hamper, $3.50-4. Pe. iters Mexico, 46 lb. $13-14 a mi Track sales, $13.60; 100 sc. 19-20r lb.; CaM., 18 Inch hampers, $3.75-3.90. Potatoes Ruaseta No. 1 per cwt. $3.75 4.00; Idaho No. 1. $3 50; No. 2s, 13.10 3.35; ' 0. 3 A, 26 lbs., $1.00-1.05; 16 lbs.. 60-65c; Deachute No. 3s, 60 lb., 11.35 1.30; Baker Ore.. Russets. No. 1. $3.SP 3.60. Track sales, No. 1 Calif., long long whites, 12.65-2.75; 100-lb. sacks, j $4.25 45. Track sales. No. 1 Calif., long whlte.1. 100 lb. sack, $4-4.15. I Radishes Local, 707So doa. Rutabagas--! 16-1.26 lug Spinach Local, mld-Columbla, 80c-$l a 20 lb. box; new crop, $1.10. Squash- Doii ist. iubk ll-l.l&i orange ooxe $2.50-3 76; Hubbard. Marbiehead. 6-7o lb.; Calif, bun ma, 5-&4c lb.; Calif.. Zucchini, $3.50-4 crate; 36-lb. lug, $4-4.26. Sweet Potatoes California Jersey 50 'b. basket, $4.50-4.75; Calif., yams, $4.15-4.25. Texas, $4.15-4.35. Tomatoes Mexican, as la, best, 38.50 9.50; repacked, $7.50-8: 30 tubs. $4-4.20. Track sales, lugs, $5.65-5.75; 12 lb. tubs, $3.85-4; 21 lb. tubs, $7.50-8. Track sales, '0, California, 4-brsket crate, to $7.25. Turnips Bunches $1.10-25 doa. bunches California 50-lb. sack, $2-2.26. fresh Frolti Apples Oregon delicious. 1. ft I., 14-4.25 uox. choir $3 76-86; Ortleys, w and $ comb grade 13 15-25; Newtons t and f $1.75-3: w and p $4-4.25. Wlnesaps w and P, 3.W-5.Wf He River, w nd p, .7tf 6,25. Avocados California Feurte. sizes 34 and 30, $4.40-4.75. Bananas Bunched, S3 26-3 60l cut nands, I12.0U-13.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif 24, 8 uz pkgs. 84,96-1. G ipefruit Texa pinks. 7O's-90's. $4.75 5.75; small, $3.50-8.75. Marsh seedless, 80'S-96's. $4-4.50; Ariz. White, $3.40-3.50. Ariz, Imp., $2.50-3. Lemons Calll., 300-360', $8.50-7i 432's. $3.60-3.75. Limes -California 16 tub ol I limes 12.78-3.00 OiiMM-CaMornla navels, 2dds and larger, $5.50-6.75: 220-353's, $4.50-5.25: 252's and smaller, $3.75-4; 260's and smaller, $1.90-3.10 Pears D Anjou. $4.75-86, wrapped and pacxeo; oosb. $3.2&i Boao, loose, $2.75-3 Yakima $3-3 35 Peralmmonii Call lues. la.2A-9.ftD Rhubarb Extra fancy. $3.50-2.65; fancy. j.uu-ju. enojee u.fa-su, lew nigh as $2.00: Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 16c lb., local neid grown, apple boxes, 90c-$l: wine, 85-Sf Strawberries Louisiana. California, $3.76-3.65 13-eup crate. Air express, $4 4.35; rail express, $3.45-3.85. Packagrd Vegetables Cellophane wrap . !, a dozen Broccoli, 13 oz., $1.75-1.85: spinach, 34 12-oz., $1.60; brussell sprout. 9-oz., $2.20-3.35, celery hearts, $3.26-3.50 aoz. Garlle Clevea 20 1-oa package. $1, 1.75. Dressed Meatsi veal Heavy top . quality 35-36c; top quality iignt, az-34c Ib.i B. 36-26c; O, 32 24c; cull, 18-aOc lb. Roga - Block outcher, packer style. 126-180 lbs, 37-38C, over 213 lb., 36-37o sows, all weights, 30-34o lb. Lambs A A. 38-40oi A. I7-!8ci B, 84-36c O, 38-30C Mutton 10-164 nj according to quality ano weignt Beef Bast cuaJIy, 37-)4e: B, SS-SSa O, 33-24ci canner and cutter, 18-lBcj bo .ogna bulls 35 -3 6c. Wool Caseara Barki Caesar Bark Oreen 8-IVtet dry, 30e Wool Valley coarse and medium grades, 43-43V4C. Mohair -4oc lb on 13-month growth Hides- -Oi-een Deef, 12-13e; ealveg, 40c id. kip nides, 30c. Rendered Inedible Pats 13 lb The above prices quoted to tbe whole sale trade are F.O.B shipping point Delivered eastern price is generally 1 cents higher than POJ1 plant quota uoo Chlraro Oraln Chicago, April 39 (U.ft)-Cah grain sales: Wheat: Nominally steady; no sales. Corn; One to al cents lower. No. 3 yellow 160-162; 3 yellow 154-160H: 4 yel low 151-155'; 5 yellow 148; sample grade yellow 08-130; 3 white 159; 4 white 154. Oats: Two to three e frits lower. No. 3 whit IB; 1 red special 91V Barley: Malting 160-180 nominal 1 iced 130-150 nominal. Chlrago Livestock Chicago, April 3D fJP) (DSDA1 Salable hogs 6500, total 10,000; mostly to 60 cents higher; some sales 76 rents higher; sows unevenly 50 cents to 1.00 higher: top 33.85; bulk good ad choice 170-350 lb 33.00-33.75: good and choice 260-280 lb 31.75-2.1,00: good and Choice 390-330 lb 28.&0-22.7&; 330-37& Itt 1B.S0-20.7S; good and choice sows 17.50-18.50; few choice around 350 lbs to 19.00. Salable cattle 8000. total 8000: salable calves 1000; total 1000; slaughter steers and heifers mostly steady; cows steady to weak; bulls steady to 36 cents higher: vealers steady; load low-choice 1,150 lb fed steer 25.75: several loads good and choice steers 25.00-26.30; bulky medium to top-good light steers 1,100 lb down 30.00-24,50; medium and good heifers 17.50-33.50: bulk beef rows 13.50-16.50; canners and cutters 10.50-13.00; outside on good weighty sausage bulls 17.35; good rm tnon vtaT vnt ion. Salable sheep 2S00; total 3500; slaughter lambs fAlrly active, steady to mostly 35 cents higher; four doubles good and choice around 90-100 lb fed wooled Colo rados to shippers at 33.35, the top; around three doubles about comparable Colo ratios scaling under 100 lb 33.00; few shipments mostly good grade wooled lambs 33.00, load or so wooled lambs with weight un sold; slaughter ewes scarce, largely un changed; small lots good and choice wool ed ewes salable at 10.00-10.50 with com parable grade shorn 8.00-8.76. Portland Grain Portland, April 29 JP) No future quot ed: Cash grain: No. 1 flax 7-00. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 3.34: soft white (excluding rex) 2.34; white club 2.34; western red 3,34, Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.34; 10 per cent 2.37; 11 percent 3.43; 13 percent 3.55. Hard white Baart: 10 percent 2.35; 11 percent 3.39; 13 percent 2.46. Today's car receipts: Wheat 98; barley 4; flour 6; corn 13: hay 1; millfeed 10. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore.. April 29 ftJ.M Llvestork: Cattle salable ISO; calves 26. Market very slow on limited supply available. Most sales late Monday weak and slightly lower. One load fed steers held over. Kx treme top ettrly Mondny 2S.3Q, reeoref high. One lot 700-lb feeder heifers today 19.00; few canner cutter cows 11.00-13.00; fat dairy type cows held around 14.00 15.00: good beef cows quoted to 19.00; bulls scarce. Best beef bulls Monday 18.00; good to choice vealers around 24.00-27.00. Hogs salable 100. No early sales or bids. Sellers talking around 24.50-26,00 for good to choice 190-240 lb butch rm, Weights around 300-350 lbs late Monday downward to 22.00; good sows downward to 20.00; bulk feeder supply unsold car rying bids at 25.00 down. Sheen salable 50. Around 260 held over. Wo eaty nw'm ot "md. Pew sales late Monday .50 to l.oo lower; best spring lambs 20.60; best shorn old crop lambs 18.00; good shorn ewes salable steady around 7.00; wooled ewes 9.00. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Balem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Reader. (Revised dally.) Retail Prlee Rabbits Feed Pellets, $4.20 cwt. Eki- Mash 14.70 cwt. Dairy Feed 13.90 cwt. "ouliry Heavy colored hens, No. 1. 32c lb.; No. 38o, colored fryers, No. 1, 34c lb ElILV- Buyers' Prices Whit and Brown extra large- grade A, 52c; med.. 48c; standards. iZi dozen: pullets, 30c: crax, 30c. noiesaie Friet Large, 88c dozen; med.. 52c dosen. Butter Wholesale A, 64c. Retail Grade A, 69c. Bullerfat Premium, 66c; No. 1, 65c; No. 2, 61c. , Can't Inspect Labor Camps for Health Although literature concern ing the best methods of keeping their water supply and camp fa cilities in good condition is mailed to the several hundred operators of berry field and hop yards by the county health de partment each year, the office has found it virtually Impossible to make personal inspection be cause the task is too great for the number of employes availa ble. This was the information provided by the health depart ment Tuesday when told that Clackamas couhty is conducting an investigation of the berry fields prior to the harvesting of the fruit in May and' June. Establishment of the migrant labor camp at Stayton where conditions were maintained at a high standard, had a good influ ence on owners of bean and ber ry farms in that section, it was stated. Many producers prefer to have their pickers remain on their farms throughout the har vest season. Demand, Supply Of Labor Balance Demand and supply insofar as the agricultural labor market is concerned Is about In balance, H was stated Tuesday at the farm labor office, although when weather conditions are unfavor able all men who apply for work cannot be accommodated. Com plaint that striking telephone women are replacing men in the stringing of hop vines could not be justified by labor , employ ment office records where it was shown that approximately a half dozen young women had turned to the hop yards for temporary employment. Placement of men have been running between 125 and 170 daily with an average of 10 to 14 women being engaged. Many of the larger hop yards have op ened up their housing facilities for men and their families, al though in many instances trans portation Is being provided be tween the labor office and the scene of operations. Druggists' Prescription For Relief of lich When your skin id irritated with pimples, red blotches and other skin blemishes from external causes, and you're crazy with ttching torture try Sanltone Oint ment. Itching stops promptly. Smarting disappears immediately. San Hone Ointment is also won derful for itching feet, cracks be tween toes ana Athlete't Coot For Sale at Wlllett s Capital Drug 8tore State at Liberty Phone 3118 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, School Head 0(1 For Chicago Rex Putnam, state superin tendent of public instruction left Salem today for Chicago and Washington, D.C., where he will attend a number of meet ings and conferences. In Chicago on May 3 and 4 Superintendent Putnam wiU preside at a meeting of the ex ecutive committee of the coun cil of chief states school officers. Following this session he will attend a joint meeting of state superintendents and state direc tors of vocational education to consider revision of the voca tional education program in line with the recently approved George-Barden act. At this meeting action will be taken on the so-called Prosser resolution, introduced by Charles Allen Prosser, known as the "father" of vocational edu cation in the nation, in an effort to formulate an educational pro gram for high school students who cannot profit from either vocational education or aca demic courses. Mr. Putnam said today that this group represents 60 percent of all high school graduates. Following his Chicago meet ings Superintendent Putnam will proceed to Washington, D.C., where he has been invited to confer with J. W. Studebaker, national commissioner of edu cation on various educational subjects. He expects to return to Salem about the middle of May. 10 Percent Cut In Prices Tried Newburyport, Mass., experi ment of a 10 percent slash in prices is also being tried in this area with a few firms having an nounced a 10 percent reduction. Almost all building material firms have announced the 10 percent cut and among the other Salem firms advertising the price reduction are the Style Arch Shoe company, Knight Pearcy Nursery, and C and K Lumber company. Trying the experiment too are the Muhlhausen store at Donald, which advertised a "straight 10 percent reduction" to be figured over the counter far the period from April 26 through May 3 and Penner's food store at Mt. Angel, the advertisement of which was headed "10 percent cut on all food prices." Births, Deaths Births Carey To Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Carey, Independence, a daughter, Danielle Gae, April 33. Mundt To Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mundt, Mill City, a son, Frederick Robert, March 36. Dean--To Mr. Dean, Detroit, a and Mrs. Howard R son, Terry Raymond, March 37, Rees To Mr. and Mrs. Reginald H. Rcci, 1630 Ferry, a aon, Ronald Davis, April 2. Zeltler To Mr. and Mrs. Thurman F. Zeltler, 155 Fisher road, a son, Zane Aldln. OlaseP To Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Olaser, Route 1, Jefferson, a ion, Den nis Frank, April i. Wrlghtr-To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wright, Jr.. 1275 North 16th, a daugh ter, Jeanne, April 4. Klrkland To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis O. C. Klrkland, Lyons, a aon, Tommy Clay, April 6. Borter To Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Bor ltr. Bio Mill, a son, Larry Dean, AprJJ Neufeldt To Mr", and Mrs. Samuel P. Neufeldt, 246 South Winter, a daughter, Sylvia Rae, April 8. Wilson To Mr. and Mrs. Arch L. Wil son. 538 E street, a son, Carry LeRoy, April 8. Elll--To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. El lis, route 9, a daughter, Margaret Kath leen, April 9. OustTo Mr. and Mrs. Duke M. Oust. Salem a daughter Christina Oayle April n-rrv To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Berry. 2381 Hazel, a daughter, Nancy Lynn, April 23, Keeney To Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy L Kreney. Monmouth, a daughter, Marga ret Lynne, April 20. Lundak To Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Lundak, 2410 Mission, a daughter, Diane Marie, April 21. Troxell To" Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Tnw- ell, 1041 Third. West Salem, a daugh ter. Lea Rae, April aa. Freeman To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Freeman, 770 8. Commercial, a aon, Tho mas Edward, Apr 1,1 23. Sholseth To Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Sholseth. 611 Klniwood Drive. West Sa lem, a daughter, Kathleen Prances, April 23. Silverton To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hel- vey of MolnlU. a daughter. April 27; and to Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Pllger, a daughter, April 27, both at Silverton hospital. Maiuer To Mr. and Mrs. John W. Majuer, Aumsvllle, a son, Frank Ken- nettt, April 10, SaMerlee To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest O. Satterlee, Salem, a daughter, Bettle Ma rie. April 10. THE TRUTH ABOUT PIIM70RT.1S Serious facta aro revealed hy recent medi cal reports. One out of avarv thre rjnla samlned was found In In victim, ot Pin-Worms often without suspecting; It I And this ugly Infection eu causa real distress If neglected. Bo watch for the warning! alami that may mean PI n - Wo rma -specially in air (rravatinr rectal itch. Get JAYNkVS f-W right away. P-W la a medically sound treatment based on an officially recngnited nd highly effective drug; elem-nt. Tho am all.'tak P-W UbleU wnrk In pecial way to ramova Pin-Worma easily nd aaelj. Aik your drontiti P-W for PlnWormi Tuesday, April 29, 1947 19 Ak.r To Mr. and Mr,. Geort. . Ak- r, rout. 1. AumftVlUe, . son, Geo, Al Kn, April 11. W.ttmin To Mr. and Mr. Stanley . Wrltman, rout. 1, Aumsvllle, a ion. Rickia Si. , April 11. To Mr. and Mn. Dale W. Live ly. 7ao North 17th, a daughter, Cheryl Ann, April la. CannonTo Mr. and Mr.. Oeone H. Gannon, Orand Ronde, a dauchter, Con nie Kay, April 13. Jutt - To Mr. and Mra. Ralph R. Juat. as Norway, a daughter, Beverly Ann. April 4. Mitchell To Mr. and Mr,. Walter H. Mitchell, Mill City, a daughter, Martta Loulae, April 1ft. Drager To Mr. and Mr,. Oeo. E. Dra ger, 1710 State, a aon, Oary Lynn, April Smith To Mr. and Mrs. Donald B, Smith, Mill City, a daughter, Judith Ann, Wolf To Mr. and Mr. Albert R. Wolf, route 1, Aumsvllle, a daughter, Gloria Marie, April 17. RothTo Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. P. Roth, 1106 Columbia, a daughter, Nancy Loulie, April 24. Bower To Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Bower, 310 Division, a daughter, Clau dia Ann, April 24. Oirard To Mr. and Mrs. James W, Oirard, 3195 Silverton road, a son, Jamei Andrew, April 22. Deaths Mrs. Irene Fisher Mrs. Irene Plsher, lata resident of route 9. Tuesday. April 29, in Oregon City, Wife of Edward E. Plsher of Salem: moth er of Mrs. Edna Rlggs, Mrs. James C. Thomas, both of Salem. Mrs. Earl Perraer of San FrnncUco and Elsa E. Fisher of MoMlnnvllle. Survived also by 11 grand children and three great grandchildren. Announcement of services will be made later by Clough-Barrlck company. Schuyler T. DeSart Schuyler T. DeSart. late resident of 650 Locust street, at a local hospital. Monday, April 23, Mt the ttte al 93 rears. Brother of Mrs. Parthene Morris of Florence, Mrs. Anna Brooks of Everett, Wash.. Mrs. Maude Pooler of Pratum. Mrs. Elisabeth Turner of Raymond, Wash and Mrs. Marie McAllister, Mrs. Echo Bowen and Ralph DeSart. all of Salem. Services will be held Thursday. May 1. at 1:30 p.m. at the Clough-Barrlck chapel with inter ment In the Odd Fellows cemetery. Giistav C. Mllhrrlt Ciustav Carl Mllbrett, 81. at the resi dence, route 6, box 267, Salem, Friday, April 25. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. W. "HiViway. Sugene and Mrs. George nnen. saiem; lour sons, William oi New London, Minn.: Otto of Buffalo Lake, Minn.; Walter of New Ulm, Minn., and Arthur Milbrett of Madison Lake. Minn.: one sister, Mrs. Marie Sperling of Albany, ore., and two sisters in Germany, ser vices will be held at the Howell-Edwarda chapel. Wednesday, April 30, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. H. W. Gross officiating. Ship ment will be made to New ulm, Minn., for final services and interment. Ilattie B. Bttslek Cady in Pasadena. Com., April 3, Hattle B. Buslck Cady. former resident of Salera and late resident of Pasadena. Survived by a son, Edwin Buslck, with the U.S. In Germany. Member of Chadwlck chapter No. 37, Order of Eastern Stan Willamette Shrine No. 3 of the White Shrine, I'anna Rosa Oourt No. 6 of Order Amaranth and the Rebekahs. An nouncement of services later by W. T. Igdon company. Tom Shortell In this city April 24. Tom Shorten, lata resident of Salem. Brother of Katherlno Shortell of New York. Graveside services will be held at St. Barbara cemetery, Wednesday, April 30. at 11 a.m. under the direction of W. T. Rlgdon company. Rev. Dan O'Connell will officiate, Orrn C. McDowell Oren O. McDowell, late resident of 171 South Commercial street, Sunday, Ap ril 27 at the veterans hospital in Port land at the age of 55 years. Survived by his mother, Mrs. Sarah McDowell of Salem, a son, Oren McDowell, Jr., of Salem: and three brothers, Roy McDow ell of Long Beach. Calif., and Ralph Mc Dowell and Clay McDowell of Salem. Member of the Salem Elks lodge, the Ea gles and VPW. Private services wtll be ' held Wednesday, April 30. at the Clough Barrlck company with Interment In Bel-tit-t M-Tntfi'i put. Aft. 6Vi'.Tk wtll officiate. Mrs. Katie S a main Mrs. Katie Bamaln. at her home at 35 Falrvlew avenue, Sunday, April 37. Survived by her husband, Charles O. Ba maln of Salem; a niece. Alma Huber nl Paul. Minn.; and two nephews. Wayne Huber of New Mexico and Roy Huber of Lyons, Oregon. Services will be held Wednesday, May 7, at 3 p.m. at the Clough-Barrlck chapel with Interment in Belcrest Memorial park. Laura Mae Ileseman Laura Mae Hescman. six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William T. He seman of Sweet Home, Oregon, at a En aene hospital. Sunday, April 37, 1947. Born at Portland, December 11, 1941. In addition to her parent she is survived by a sister, Gertrude Marie Heseman at Sweet Home; a brother, James Heseman of Sweet Home; and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Alson Cummina of Eu grne. Services will be held at the Hows Houston chapel In Sweet Home Thurs-d-r. May 1, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Glen Vernon of the Church of Christ offi ciating Interment wtll be in the Rest Haven Memorial park at Eugene with the Simon chapel of Eugene in charge arrangements. Minnie Theodora Graham In this city April 37. Minnie Theodora Graham, late resident of 461 South High street, at the age of 84 years; mother of Leona Johnson of Balem and grand mother of Julia Graham Johnson of Chi cago. Funeral services will be held Wed nesday April 30. at 3 p.m. In the W. T. Rlgdon chapel with concluding services at Hubbard cemetery. Dr. Joseph M. Ad m will officiate. Rosamond Jane Haverson Rosamond June Haverson. late resi dent of 630 North 30th street, at a .o cal hospital, Monday. April 38. at the aer of 80 years. Survived by seven chil dren, Ernest F. Haverson and Mrs. Be atrice Welch both of Portland. Mrs. Ed ith Strang. Mrs. Rosa J. Hammer, Mrs. Mary O'Brien and Walter Haverson. all of Salem, and Mrs. Louise Miles of Fres no, Calif.: 11 grandchildren: and one (treat grandchild. Services will be held at the Howrll-Edward chapel Thursday, May 1, at 1:30 p.m. with concluding ser vices In the Bethany cemetery at Sil verton. Obituary Mrs. Edward F. Jarkoon Albany Funeral services for Mrs. Ed ward F. Jackson. 48, who died at ner home Sunday, will be held from the Fish er funeral home Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Burial will be In the Masonic cemetery at McMinnvtlle at 4 p.m. She was born March 18, 1809 at McMinnvtlle and came to Albany In 1929. She was married' to Edward F. Jackson. October 33, 1932 at McMinnvtlle, by whom she Is survived. Two brothers and two sisters also sur vive. They are: Carroll White, Battle ground. Wash.: Vernon White. McMinn vilif and ffvefyn Staffcop anrf Sfonn Esnley both of McMlnnville. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and the Ladles oi the GAR. ASTHMA SUFFERERS FIND CURB FOR MISERY DUE TO ASTHMA ATTACKS Supply Rushed Here Sufferers Reolc Now hope for relief from distress of asth ma paroxysms x a-mwwweA Vniy Vfi iT"ot of surceu with a palliative formula which hat the power to relieve asthmatic and bron chial congestion. Mrn and women who for merly suffered with dread coughing, choking, wheeting attacks of asthma paroxysma n'iw tell of blessed relief after using lU PROMETIN costs 13.00. but considering re mits experience), this is not expensive, amounts to only a few pennies a dote, lCaution-i!onlv directed.! PROMETIN Is "M wMh mnnevhaek ('--"tee by Schaefer St Perry Drug Store Mali Order Filled J