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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1947)
I1 Locals 'i Ktnrlv of the election laws of ha state and the functions of the various state and county officers jire projects that will be under taken by the Marion County Re- Kalican Women. Decision to ke these studies was made at g meeting of the group held onday night at the Chamber of lommerce. During the business eeting Mrs. R. L. Wright, pres ent of the unit, gave a report n the regional conference of the ational Federation of Republi- an Women, which she attend- in Boise, Idaho, last week. Lawnmowers ground to a pa- cutting edge. Moore s 'Bike pjjop. Phone 3844. 102 p -Insurance, Kenneth M. Potts. mav L.nemeKeia. rnone oiuo. f , 1M' tjYour mother remembers the (diy your hobby-horse ran away, Iremember her on Mother's Day, 'May 11. Herb Hunt. Phone 21863. Hollywood Florist, 2075 fairgrounds Road. 102 .An overheated stove called .firemen Monday afternoon to he home of H. Haffner, 2510 (Laurel. No damage was done. Some burning grease called fire iefluipment to the Pioneer club, 353 State, late in the alter- ;i6on. Van Armitage, Pop Edwards playing Wednesday, Crystal Gardens. 103 & 4 x ci uuc iiiai. lawn nuu gaiucu ?iJ... UnHnlin n 1-,.,., J uliuw. i.iugiiuua aui lawn auu garden. 100 pound sack $3.39 at Busick's Marion Street Market. ; 102 s Van Armitage, Pop Edwards 'playing Wednesday, Crystal Gardens. 103" Former Willamette university an in Salem Monday was Jo seph J. Colasuonno, who recent ly has taken over the Del Monte Foods area, which includes Sa- J If Mother' towel supply is jetting low make it a Mother's Day remembrance gift of tow- ajls from The Better Bedding tore, 512 State St. A wide se lection of patterns and colors. 2.50 to $4.50 for 3-pc. matched lets. 103 A I See the famous new 25-foot teelcraft Sedan Cruiser now at 3$-lem Boathouse. 102 Frank B. Bennett, superin tendent of Salem public schools, .will discuss "Training the 17 and : 8-year-olds " during Thursday evening's meeting of the Indus trial Supervisors club. B For Rent Floor Sanders. fWoodrow's, 450 Center St We Install Auto Glass. Wood low's, 450 Center street The Willamette university a capella choir, directed by Dean Jtfelvin Geist, will be presented n concert during Wednesday s luncheon of the Rotary club. IThe choir recently returned from tour during which they made fl7 appearances. The annual JjRotary election will be held Wednesday. Gardner Knapp has Sno opposition for the presi dency. Get vour Imperial Color Har- Jmonizer at Elfstrom's wallpaper department, 25c. Guaranteed clock and watch repairing. The Jewel Box, 443 State. , . Taxll Valley Cab. Prompt I service Phone 8624. A fractured arm, the second time the arm had been- broken in two months, resulted at Bush school Monday for Marilyn Harr in a play accident. First aid attended the case and took her to a doctor. A broken left shoul der was suffered by Lydia Woot en, 631 South Commercial, Mon day night. First aid reported that Elmer Stutz of Portland got a broken ankle in a fall at lithe state fair grounds. Herb fiarrison, 935 Jefferson, sever ing a finger with an ax. m Rvnprt rontph anri elork re pairing. Five day service t Steven's Jewelry. Furniture upholstering. Call 9560. River silt and fill dirt. Com mercial sand and Gravel. Phone 21968 Townsend clubs 2 and 3 will hold a joint meeting in the Dairy Cooperative building Tuesday night. As an added attraction the Dairy Cooperative male quartet and accompanist of Portland, will provide a musical program. All persons Interest ed are invited to attend. There will be no admission charge and refreshments will be served. Get out of the dust for sum mer, oil it. Call Tweedie, 9698 119 Mr. and Mrs. Varney Kuhn have returned from a two weeks' vacation trip, a week of which was spent visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. Carl Larsen, Yuba City, Calif., and the other week visit ing another daughter, Mrs. Ted Paulus, of Grants Pass. Dr. Wiles, Dentist, 701 First National Bank Phone 4924 for immediate appointment The recent order of the postal service releasing all restrictions concerning the mailing of par cels to service men stationed in Europe, does not apply to civi lians, Postmaster Albert Gragg pointed out Tuesday. Service men may be sent packages up to 70 pounds in weight without re quest from the addressee. See complete Ime Color Per fect war paper at Sean Vnrnnrfn GA Knmncnn ITlen. trie Fans. Vince's Electric. 107 DeLuxe Cab. Phone 8050. 114 School boards at Turner and Aumsville rejected the proposed location of a new union high school district to serve these two and the Stayton district, which approved the proposal Monday night. The site under consideration is a little more than two miles from downtown Stayton on the south road and would serve 450 students in the area. The matter will not be re ferred to a vote because of the two negative actions. Stove oil. Cadwell Oil com pany. Phone 9788. 2490 State. One day service at Unique Cleaners, corner of Cottage and Fariground road. 1554 Fair ground road. 102 Electric alarm and kitchen clocks. Vince's Electric. 107 Robert S. Farrell, secretary of state, is attending an executive board meeting of the National Association of Secretaries of State in St. Paul, Minn., and is expected home the latter part of the week, accompanied by Frank Jordan, California secretary of state, who will spend a day here. If you have a child or are ex pecting a baby see the home for sale at 1191 Third Street, West Salem 105 Fertilize that lawn and garden now. Magnolia for lawn and garden. 100 pound sack $3.39 at Busick's Marion Street Market. 102 George Aiken, state budget di rector, is now able to sit up at home for a few hours each day but will not be able to return to his duties for at least a month. Aiken suffered a heart attack early in the winter. ' Visiting in Salem this week is Mrs. Ramie Marteil of BIythe. Calif. Standard Cleaners and Dyers; also rug and draperies cleaning. Pick up and delivery service at no extra charge. Phone 8779. 102 "The People and Their Gov ernment" will be discussed by Lyle Thomas, Polk county rep resentative in the legislature, over KOAC Wednesday eyening at 7 o'clock during the Farmers Union program. Y-Teens YWCA Rummage sale at Greenbaum's Thursday, May 1. 103 Standard Cleaners and Dyers; also rug and draperies cleaning. Pick up and delivery service at no extra charge. Phone 8779. 102 Mrs. William Hensel, who sold her store in scio, has pur chased the Leonard Nelson place on Garden road in the Swegle district. Insureo savings earn more than tw percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association. 130 Soutn Liberty street. Johns-Manville Asphalt shin gles applied by expert roofers Terms to suit your purse. Buy the best at no extra cost. Free estimates. Phone 4642. Mathis Brothers, 164 S. Commercial. Certificate of assumed busi ness name filed with the county clerk shows Frederick J. Bren nan has joined with Dan Hay in Associated Employers Labor Bureau, 415 Oregon building. He formerly was with the state se lective service offices here. Cer tificate of retirement from Iowa Specialty Machine shop, 205 Che- meketa street, has been filed by Philip R. and Minnie J. Peter son, route 8, box 159, and they have in turn filed an assumed busines name certificate for Pete's Specialty Machine shop. John and Fannie Golden, 910 Shipping street, have filed as sumed business name certificate for John Golden Jewelers, 311 State street. For Mothers' Dav. Mvrtle- wnnrl fflftg 25c UD. McEwan Photo Shop, 2058 N. Capitol. 1UB The South Salem Pharmacy will close each night at 6:30 p.m. till further notice. 103 Academic ' and extra-curricular activities of Leslie junior high school were portrayed in a stage show, "This Is Leslie," pre sented to students of Parrish junior high school Tuesday. The assembly was given by Leslie students in return for a similar Parrish production presented at Leslie several weeks ago. GE electric irons (automatic), only 6.26. Vince's Electric. 107 SCdTCh Oil for 5 Model Planes Finders of model airplanes which disappeared in flight are not keepers and the tiny craft should be returned to owners or. at least the owners notified of their recovery, according to El mer Roth, Salem Model airplane club, 21st and Market streets, who urges cooperation along this line. Notification can also be made to the Salem Model Craft shop at 217 South High street. Five model planes disappeared after flights from the McMinn ville airport a week ago Sunday and are believed "grounded" in the McMinnville-Dayton area. One of the planes was recov ered Monday that had been found on the property of a farmer, the finder reluctantly giving it up after ownership had been estab lished. Two of the missing planes belong to members of the Port land Gas Hoppers who also took part in the contest. Several planes have disap peared entirely during the last few years but whether they came down In some remote sec tion or are being held by the finder is not known. All planes bear identification registration numbers and in addition usually carry the name of the owner and his address. Formal order has been enter ed by the county court giving the name of Byram avenue to the Third avenue 1800 feet east of Lansing avenue and running north from Sunnyview avenue. Asparagus now ready for can ning and freezing, Fiala Ranch, three miles north of Salem in Polk county. Phone 23072. Bring container. 107 Van Armitage, Pop Edwards playing Wednesday, Crystal Gardens. 103 Portable battery and electric radios; big discounts. Vince's Electric. 107 Margaret Rezniscek, auditor in the office of County Clerk Harlan Judd, went to Portland Tuesday to confer with officials of the state public officers re tirement system in regard to setting up classifications for Marion county employes coming under the system. Miss Witchell, Roux Tint tech nician, will be at the Oregon School of Beauty Culture, Thurs day, May 1, for corrective work and consultation in all hair dye problems. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 230 North Liberty. 1 03 The lasting gift of all for Moth er's Day, May 11th, a beautiful picture, an original or reproduc tion. R;- L. Elfstrom Co., Art Department, Third Floor. 104 Vacuum Cleaners (tanks and uprights) with attachments. 14 different makes. Free demon stration. Terms and tradeins. Vince's Electric. Ph. 6292. 107 Iiffhton C. Bovles and Phyl lis E. Jordan, both of Stayton, have been issued a marriage li cense in Linn county. Schick and Remington Razors. Vince's Electric. 107 Invitation to hold the 1948 state encampment in Salem was approved Monday night at a meeting of Marion Post No. 661 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. J. o. Pixe, aepartment service officer, spoke on veter ans' affairs. If you want lh acre of land east of town, with a good 2 bed room home, this is it. Price only $5500.00. Wm. Bliven, 429 Ore gon Bldg. L. C. Cooney, Phone 7906. Evenings 8918. 102 Stephen Foster Memorial con cert. The chorus of the Business and Professional Women's Club, assisted by the Salem Civic Players, male quartet and other artists. Waller Hall, Willamette University, April 29, 8:15 pm.. 102 Roseburg residents, who this week are visiting in Salem, are Mrs. Carl E. Peavey and Mrs. Althea Strange. Curt and Dean Flower Shop (Curt Service and Dean Daven port). Complete floral service. Sorsages of funeral designs, free delivery, located in Erickson's Super-Market. Phone 25014. 102 Olson Washer Repair. 25100. 125 Five of the 13 Salem high school boys who were expelled from their classes for the bal ance of the year because of al leged secret society activities, enrolled at Independence high school Monday. They are Wade Carter, Bud Michaels, Bill John son, Dave Chamberlain and Jer ry McReal, all Juniors. Certificate of assumed busi ness name has been filed with the county clerk for Oregon Sales company, used cars, trucks and trailers, by Harold D. Gordon, 3095 Portland road, and Jim McHone, 691 Rosemont avenue. Jim and Guy McHone have filed certificate of retire ment from Mac's Used Cars. Permit to haul logs has been granted by the county court to Willamette Builders' Supply company, Salem, I '10ne Company Local Service Monthly Charges Present Proposed S Business Individual $6.25 $7.50 ? Business Two-Party 5.25 6 00 I Residence Individual 3.25 4 00 I Residence Two-Party 2.75 3 25 Residence Four-Party 2.50 2.75 I Suburban Business '.75 3 50 I Suburban Residence '. 2.75 3.00 i Farmer Line Business 75 1.75 Farmer Line Residence 75 1.25 Extensions Business 1.00 1.25 f Extensions Residence 75 1.00 I Service Connection Charges I Business Present Proposed I No telephone in place $3.50 $6 00 1 Telephone in place (not working) 1.50 2.50 if Residence g No telephone in place 3.00 5.00 Telephone in place (not working) 1.50 2.50 Wall Set Telephones I The charge for service using a wall set telephone will be increased 25 cents a month, making a uniform rate for sf service regardless of type of instrument. 1 Intrastate Long Distance Rates lj Principal changes in long distance rates within the state 2 include reductions ranging from 5 cents to 45 cents for 1 station-to-station calls over the longer routes. Other adjust- ments involve slight increases in certain charges and a change in the initial talking period from five to three min 1 utes on 15-cent, 20-cent and 25-cent calls. Report charges will be eliminated. i Examples of Day Station-to-Stotion Rates: I Present Proposed I Salem to Pendleton $115 $1.05 i Salem to La Grande 130 1.15 Salem to Huntington 1.45 1.25 f The British consul in Portland has written to County Clerk Harlan Judd stating it is the wish of his government to ex tend to British women married to United States service men or ex-service men who are involv ed in matrimonial proceedings such legal aid as may be neces sary and he has asked the coun ty clerk to Inform him of any such proceeding which may be instituted in this county in which it appears from the sum mons or complaint that the de fendant is a British woman resi dent outside of the United States. Articles of incorporation have been filed with the county clerk by M. H. and Margaret M. Stuhr and Charles H. and Edna E. Wright for Stuhr & Wright, Inc., to operate confectionery and kindred stores. Capital stock is placed at $50,000 and principal place of business is Salem. The Oregon Pulp and Paper company plant at Silverton, clos ed since May, 1945, is scheduled to reopen in July. The pond has been re-dredged and logs will be hauled to the pond both by trucks and railroad. At present the firm has a cold deck of 3,000,000 board feet in the pond. Estimated capacity of the re opened mill is given at 1,000,000 feet per day. Marshall Cornett, acting gov ernor, H. G. Maison, superinten dent of state police and Lee Bown, deputy superintendent of state police will go to Hood Ri ver Wednesday to attend thej funeral of Delmond E. Rondeau. state natrolman who wac ohnf and killed in a gun battle with John Omar Pinson, ex-convict. Pinson, who is said to have con fessed to shooting the police of ficer, is now awaiting trial. Ron deau is survived by his wife and two children. The United State nrnrinneH about 267 million pounds of popcorn in 1946. Salem Court News Circuit Court Revocation of parole has been ordered by Judie E. M. Fate for Arvln Schem well who on Nov. 2t, 1B4S, wax paroled from a sentence of alx months on a larceny charm. Revocation was baaed on a motion by Deputy District Attor ney Lawrence Ontermnn who sa(d tftnf Schemwell had been arrested by city police on a charse of blng intoxicated. Decree fluletln title to real property entered In Ercel and Dorthean Wilson va. Ella Blair and others, Motion to make more definite and certain filed In Bernlece L. vs. Bert O. Hllke. Divorce decree In Mae H. vs. Theodore t. Smith confirms property settlement and restores name Mae H. Bolton to plalntUI. ' Default orders entered in Marion vs Robert 8. Brisht and Helen Marie vs. Bruce Edgar Taylor. Petition in A. J. and Leta Schalk vs. A. Kum and others a ilea court to siin dacree as submitted by attorney tor plaintiffs. Application for trial filed In Patri cia J. vs. George M. Coleman. Order of dismissal on motion of plain tiff entered In Fred vs. Mabel Larsen. Complaint by Midland Lumber com pany, vs. Rlmann Manufacturing com pany and others aeelu to collect $1759.09. interest and attorney fee alleged due on a note. Probate Court Pinal order Uaued to Dr, L. E. Bar rick, executor of th tttt nt I.iict A Gilbert. Justice Court Plea of guilty by Vern William Harms. Wlllamlna, violation of the basic speed rule, fined 15 and costs. Seven men appeared in Justice court Monday morning for parking their auto m -biles In the restricted area of the courth . ue grounds. Each one was liven a suspended fine of 12.50 and required to pay court coats of 14.50. They were: Prank Jeppe, Harvey Gibbons, Paul Kuhn ly, Myron O. Men-ell. 318 South 18th, Ray Walker, 200 Mahrt avenue, L. E. Jackson and Norman B. 8eley. State vs. Kluaer Nelson Boden, Port land, driving while Intoxicated, contin ued for plea to April 29, ball 1375. Tlea of guilty by Raymond Wilbur Wal ker, 221 South 34th, violation of basic speed rule, fined 110 and costs. Plea of guilty by Prank Votl, being drunk on a public highway, fined 110 and costs, failed to pay and commit ment issued. Plea of tullty by oeorae Rasmuasen, Lloyd A. oodkln. 37, mill worker, and disorderly conduct, continued for aea-Elmrr Taw, as, stenof rapher, bout 8a tencc to April 29. lem Asks Rate Raise Anti-Hot Cargo Bill Battle On Sacramento, Calif., April 29 UP) The California assembly today overrode its industrial re lations committee by voting 42 to 28 to bring the Hatfield anti hot cargo bill to the floor for debate. Although proponents of the measure to make permanent the wartime act outlawing seconda ry strikes had only one vote more than the 41 needed to ov verrule the committee, its sup porters expressed confidence it will be passed and sent to the governor. Debate and a final roll call on the bill has been set for Thursday. The senate already has passed it. The statute, whose constitu tionality is being tested in the courts, was enacted in 1941 by a vote of the people over the veto of Gov. Olson. Assemblyman George Clarke who made the motion to take the bill away from the adverse committee, said it was vital to 140,000 workers in California to keep the law on the books to protect them in an industry pro ducing $2,000,000 a year. As enacted it contained a du ration clause which limited its life to the war period. Opponents to withdrawing the bill contended it had receiv ed a fair and adequate hearing in committee and that the com mittee action should be upheld. Today's Baseball Cincinnati 000 0OD 0000 4 I Boston 000 210 0-x 4 7 1 Beaas. Erautt st and Lamanno; Spahn and Masl. The Salem fire department Monday received a shipment of 12 turnout suits for firemen. Both jackets and trousers are ol double make-up, with inside suits of balloon silk that can be detached for summer use. Police Court Violation of traffic light: Ernest Chapman, 1188 Fir, ball t2.H0. Ruth Paulden, Corvallls, ball J2.5Q. Drunk and vagrancy: Tom Morris, tran sient, 71 days suspended. Vagrancy: James Ketlo, pleaded Inno cent, ball fi0. Reckless driving wih liquor Involved: J. R. Keyea, Bend, ball (100. No driver's license: lf.R0 Market. Weldon North 13th. Terrale Conway. E. Duggen, 1155 No light on motor vehicle: Norman H Bethell, Monmouth, ball 16. Illegal reverse turn: John Burgess Lay ton, 2805 North River road, naU J. J. Kuschnlck, Taylor' Trailer camp, ball 12.50. Violation of the noise ordinance: Mel vil RuAsell Case, SO Abrama. bail 16. Wil liam L. Hecht, 607 South Jefferson. Al bany, ball 15. William Lewis Bouffleur, route 4, bail 15. Violation of stop sign: Leah D. Wal ker, 660 North Commercial. No sounding device on vehlcla: William L. Hecht, 607 South Jefferaon, Albany, ball 15. Viola en of the basic speed rule: Paul Bennett, 328 Ruial. Robert C. Sunborg. 995 Tamarack, ball 110. Harley E. Wal dorff. Mill Valley. Calif., ball 17. iO. Qeorse L. Voik. 1616 North Flth. Ralph L. VanBlerlcom. 1926 Broadway. Calvin O. Lehman. Beaverton, ball 110. Lloyd K. Heide, Portland, ball 17.50. Haxel L. Mllllngton, Portland, bail 17.50. Assault and battery: Leland W. Springs Detroit, bail 1100. Reck lew driving: John Forbes Glatt. Hudson hall. Corvallls, ball 150. Carmen E. Clark, 2460 West Nob Hill. Excejwve speed throuth Intersection: Weldo: E. Duggen, 1156 North 13th. 8 hooting fireworks in ions 1: Spencer, 1973 North Capitol, Disorderly conduct, Involved: Ellen Wniktr. traruilenl. bill 175. Pas cual U. Ramos, Bellevlew hole, ball ISO. Marriage Licenses Olenn I. Staau. 20. apprentice atereo typer, and Mable If. Cupp, 17, waitress, both Ailem. Kenneth William Anderson, as. far mer, Salem, and Nadlne Cleta Klnf. 31, domestic, Oregon City. Orrel H. Ballantyne. 2. food techni cian. Corvallu, and Melba Kelleny, 23 Salem. Mrs. Graham Dies in Hospital In ill health for many months, Mrs. Minnie Theodora Graham, member of a prominent old Ore gon family and a late resident of 461 South High street, died Sunday at a local hospital where she had been a patient for the past nine months. Mrs. Graham, daughter of Mi thra and Julia Ann Jones, was born December 1, 1862, on the old donation land claim of her grandparents, Charles and Mar garet Hubbard, pioneers of 1847. The town of Hubbard is located on part of the land claim on which she was born. In 1882 Minnie Jones was married to John Smith Graham, prominent educator of Salem and Marion county. The couple spent the first years of their mar ried life in the Hubbard vicin ity and moved to Salem in 1892 when Mr. Graham was elected Marion county school superin lendent. Since then she had made her home in Salem, resid' ing at 461 South High street for the past 40 years. Two chil dren were born to the couple, Leo Jasper, who died in infancy, and Leona G. Johnson, who sur vives her mother. The only other survivor is a granddaugh ter, Julia Graham Johnson of Chicago, 111. Mrs. Johnson' was a member of the First Methodist church. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, April 30. at 3 p.m at the W. T. Rigdon chapel with Dr. Joseph M. Adams official ing. Concluding services will be in the Hubbard cemetery. Mrs. Haverson Passes at Home A resident of Oregon since 1912, Mrs. Rosamond jane Hav erson, late resident of 630 North 20th street, died at her homo Monday morning at the age of 80 years. Mrs. Haverson was born in Knox. 111., March 24. 1867, and in 1889 l'n South Dakota was married to James Haverson, who died in 1925. The couple came to Oregon in 1912 and settled on Howell Prairie where she re sided for 30 years prior to re moving to Salem. She was a member of the First Congregational church but in later years had attended the Assembly of God church. Surviving are seven children Mrs. Beatrice Welch and Ern est F. Haverson, both of Port land, Mrs. Edith Strange, Mrs Rosa J. Hammer, Mrs. Mary O'Brien and Waller Haverson all of Salem and Mrs. Louise Miles of Fresno, Calif.; 11 grand children and one great-grand child. Services will be held at the Howell - Edwards chapel Thurs day, May 1, at 1:30 p.m. with concluding services In the Beth any cemetery at Silverton. Recreational Meeting May 1 Social games for community groups will be demonstrated at a county-wide recreational meet ing Thursday evening, May 1, at 7:30 o'clock, at the Salem Chamber of Commerce. The meeting, sponsored by the Mar ion county 4-H advanced club will be conducted by Miss Jean A. Williams, OSC extension spe cialist in community and social organization. Floyd T. Fox, Jr.. Silverton. is president of the ad vanced club. Individuals, community groups, social organizations and churches interested in recrea tion planning and social func tions are urged to be present. Training will be given and ma terial furnished to help in con ducting social hours and recrea tional programs adaptable to any group or occasion, reports James F. Bishop, county club agent. $400 Tools Stolen From Parked Car Tools valued at about $400 were reported Monday morning to the police to have been stolen from the automobile of Erwin Speer, route 1, Aumsville, while the car was parked in the Mar ion county courthouse yard. Over 50 different tolls were taken. All were in a tool-box. Theft of a rowboat 12 feet long from its mooring place at the foot of Hickory street was reported to the police by Earl Duchien, 2495 North Fifth street. Warren Valdez, 1940 Lewis, reported the theft of two hub caps and a fog light from his car while it was parked in the 200 block on Marion street. Moving pictures regarding the spread and prevention of tuber culosis will be shown at the Witzcl school at 1 o'clock Tues day by Mrs. Ruby Bunnell, ex ecutive secretary of the Marion County Public Health associa tion. Hazel Peterson, Salem sopho more in physical education, has been elected president of the University of Oregon Outing club. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peterson, of route 6. Capital Journal, Salem, Orcgnn. s?.v- . . . .. . . -fi The city of Independence now has a new police car. The car was donated to the city by the Independence Improvement asso ciation, a newly formed group of men who are out to do things for the city. Funds to pay for the car were raised by a dance held at the high school gymnasium last Friday. Above is pictured Mayor Elmer Barnhart presenting the car to Ray Howard, chief of police. The car was presented to the city at the dance Friday evening by Dee Taylor, extreme right, vice president of the asso ciation. Dr. C. A. Fratzke, left, chairman of the city council, accepted the car. Plane Lost Wiih 2 Men Aboard Eugene, Ore., April 29 (P) A light plane with two men aboard was missing between Mcdford and Eugene today and a lifting ceiling was awaited by search planes. La Verne Hughes, 21, Port land, widely known ski enthusi ast, was a passenger on the plane piloted by Thomas Miller, Milwaukie salesman. The CAA reported tte pant left Medford at 6 p.m. yesterday bound for Eugene. When it failed to arrive, all emergency landing fields were checked without results. Low ceilings and light rain were reported along his route. The plane, a yellow and red Acronca, was not equipped with radio according to John Inman of Hillsboro from whom Miller rented the plane for a business trip to Medford. The CAA notified the air res cue service at McChord field, Ta coma. Hughes, also a pilot, was twice the Pacific northwest junior four-way ski champion. In 1941 he won the Birger Underdahl trophy as Oregon's outstanding junior ski speedster. Since then he has competed in senior events throughout the west. (Another plane was reported missing late yesterday at Astor ia, but R. E. Wnrdell, Hillsboro, arrived on a flight from Trout dale after having been reported overdue.) Another ONG Unit To Be Activated Activated tonight at Portland will be another Oregon national guard unit, headquarters and headquarters company, second battalion, 162nd infantry. Rep resenting the Sixth army at the ceremony will he Lt. Col. L. H. Prather of Fort Lewis. Commanding the battalion will be Maj. Donald N. Ander son of Portland and company commander for headquarters company is Capt. George J. Mur ray, Jr., of Portland. Other offi-1 cers assigned to the company are Capt. Dale C. Billups, intelli gence, S-2; First Lt. Lynn A. Freeman, motor transport offi cer; and First Lt. Reed A. Gal lier, Jr., supply olticer, S-4. Hearing on a request for a 50-foot road from highway No. 214 leading 750 feet into the Silverton airport will be held at the courthouse May 9. The peti tion, filed with the court in Feb ruary, is signed by 17 residents. The road is requested because Ihe only other road leading into the airport is heavy with con- slant traffic. Log hauling permits have been granted by the county court to C. M. Pomeroy, route 2, Wood burn; H. A. Dyer, Turner; E. A. Larrance, Canby; Joseph A. Her ber, route 7, Salem, and Nor man Jette, route 1, Aurora. Qunlltr fart! Rtaiontblf Ratct aa)4akaAaaa iraU ! If Tuesday, April 29. 194-7 13 School Budget To be Upped Although the Salem school district will receive $279,310 by reason of the operation of the basic school support fund, or approximately $100,000 more than would have been the case if the measure had not been adopted, the budget for the 1047-48 term will be consider ably higher than a year ago. This was indicated Monday by Council Ward, clerk and man ager as he prepared his esti mates for consideration of the board Tuesday night. The in crease in instructional costs is largely responsible for the tilt in the budget. As has been the case for sev eral years, a special election will be ncessary because the budget exceeds the six percent limitation. ' The district has either spent or has ear marked all of the money raised through operation of the special six mill levy voted by the people three years ago and when new construction is undertaken the district is ex pected to float bonds for this purpose. The recent consolida tion with a number of outlying districts eliminates the six mill levy plan which had two years to run. Petition by L. H. Odom and others to the county cocrt asks that a road 1340 feet east of Bargers four corners and run Badgers Four Corners and run ning southerly for approximate ly 2100 feet be given the name of Tierra drive. Hearing on the petition has been set for 10 May 9. Y A RDLEY Ctvril Vuileta DUSTING POWDER 50 Mm Ton A LOVELY FLORAL SCENTED AFTER BATH POWDER WILI.ETTS Capital Drug Store 405 Slate St. If you absolutely can't get along without yonr watch ... we can have It OVERHAULED. CIIKCKED and REGU LATED THE VERI SAME DAY! Our new timing machine makes all this possible! 1