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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1947)
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Monday, April 2S. i Newcomer Feted At Elf strom Tea Friday By Jean Taylor Smart event of Friday after noon will be the tea for which Invitations were in the mail Monday morning honoring Mrs. John L. Franzen, formerly of Oregon City. She is the wife of the city manager and has re cently come to Salem. Hostess for the event will be Mrs. Robert Lewis Elfstrom, wife of the mayor. Guests are asked to call be tween the hours of 3 o'clock and 5 at the Elfstrom home in Cen ter street. About 125 have been invited. The hostess has asked close friends to assist. Appointments will be in the. May Day theme. Canada-Bound Guests Here Arriving Monday at the J. S. Lochead home in North Sum mer street were Mr. Lockead's nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs Patrick Thyne of Hollywood, who are en route to Toronto. While there they will attend the famous King's Plate race, counterpart of our Kentucky Derby. Mr. Lochead's brother has a horse running in the race the first western bred ani mal ever to run in the Canadian classic. 4 The calling committee from St. Mark's Lutheran church guild will meet for a dessert luncheon at 1:45 o'clock Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. L J. Stewart at Four Corners. Mrs. Geneva Isaacson will assist. Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hudson of Salem have revealed the betrothal of their daughter, Blanche, to Kenneth F. Marecek of Salem, son of S. J. Marecek of San Bernardino, Calif. The couple will be married at the Calvary Baptist church early in August. (Jesten-Miller studio) D.An(l.. WA 11,1,. nlKo AUrilitm Dalonnfr rnqm-Inl A nH 12 in Salem. She is the former Dorothy Rathjen. (Eggen studio, Lebanon) Virgil Fox In Concert Here Virgil Fox, organist of the Riverside church in New York City, and head of the Organ de partment at Peabody conserva tory is being presented in con cert at First Presbyterian church Wednesday evening al 8:15 o'clock by Westminster guild. The program is revealed ns follows: Sonata No. 1 in F Minor Mendelssohn Allecro modcrato e serioso Adagio Andante recitativo Allegro a.s.sRi vivace II Prelude, FuRue and Variation ... Cesar Franck III Four Chorale Preludes. . J. S. Bach Sleepers Wake for Night Is Fleeing Rejoice Now Beloved Christians Come Savior of the World In Theo Is Joy Come Sweet Dentil J. S. Bach Prelude and Fucue In D Major J. S. Bach IV Communion Richard Purvis Andante i Reverie) Ms Elizabeth Spratuie Conlidgn From Sonata for Oboe and string quartet Studio da Concerto Manari Pedal Etude upon the Gregorian melodv "Salve Rc(?tna" Miss Kskow to Make Homo Hero Silverton Miss Wilma Es kew, daughter of Mrs. Cora F.skew who recently returned with her family to her former home in Muskegon, Mich., ar rived in Salem and Silverton during the week to make her home in the west. A brother. Vernon Eskew and Mrs. Eskew live in Salem where Miss Wilma Is a house guest. The vistor told of the marriage of her sister. Miss Elma Eskew's marriage on April fl to Arthur Williams in Michigan. . Mrs. George Griffith enter tained recently at her home in Mission street in compliment to Miss Gladys Kocssler of Wood burn, who will be married soon to James H. Stcffen, also of Woodburn. The affair was a bridal show er. Guests were Miss Kocssler. her mother. Mrs. Rose Kocssler, Miss Eva Koesslcr, Miss Doris Albin, Miss Joan Krauth, Miss Dorothy Chencvert, Miss Eunice Plcssingcr. Miss Beverly Boh!, Mrs. Edward Kingen. Mrs. Orin Bussey and the hostess. Lebanon Man Takes Bride At St. John's Lutheran church April 13, Miss Dorothy Rath jen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ralhjen, and Abraham J. Patapoff of Lebanon, son of Mrs. Anna Patapoff of Halsey, were married. Rev. II. W. Gross officiated. Bill O'Neil played the wedding music and Miss Pauline Krefl sang, accompanied by Mr O'Neil. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. She wore a light grey gabardine suit and carried a prayer book topped with a corsage of gardenias. Her accessories were navy blue and she wore a gold cross set witli seed pearls on a gold chain, a keepsake of her great-grandmother. Her only attendant was Miss Dorothy Patapoff, sister of the bridegroom, who wore a light blue gabardine suit with white accessories. Her corsage was of gardenias and pink roseouds. Duane Mittland of Corvallis was best man and Albert Saul of Salem and Bob Schacffer of Lebanon were ushers. The bride's mother wore a brown and white suit with brown accessories and a corsage of gardenias and Talisman roses. Mrs.-Patapoff wore a navy blue crepe dress, gardenias and red rosebuds with her navy blue accessories. The wedding reception was held at the newly completed home of the bride's parents, in Lansing avenue. Miss Norma Rathjen, sister of the bride, passed the guest bonk and Miss Lois Rathjen, another sister, cut the cake. Miss Joyce Turner and Miss Patricia Woodhul poured. Mrs. Halbert Kemper presided over the punch bowl. Mrs. Don Schacffer was at the gift table The couple left for Los An geles and other California points. They will be at home at 150 East Grant street in Lebanon after May 1. Mrs. Xihlci' Kntortains Woodburn Mrs. Clair Niblcr entertained Cchapter J of the PEO Sisterhood at her country home near South Woodburn. A general discussion on Russia was held during the program hour, led by Mrs. W. S. Scar borough. Mrs Charles Cornwell report ed on the Youth Center move ment and a speaker will be present at the nest meeting to explain the details of this proj ect. The next meeting, May 8. will be a musical program at the home of Mrs. Kenneth McGrath who will have charge of the program. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Mc Grath. Friends of Emory S. llobson, pianist, will be interested to know that he will play part of his master's degree recital Mon day evening at 8:15 o'clock over KOAC. His master's recital will be performed May 6 at the mu sic auditorium on the Univer sity of Oregon campus. .-.- . House guests at the home of Chief and Mrs. P. A. Raney arc Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. John Har ger and their two children, John, Jr., and Mary of Green Coves Springs, Fla. Lois Barrick Heads Xew Pomona Donu From Claremont, Calif., s comes news of another achievement in the career ol Miss Lois Barrick, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Barrick outstanding young Salem girl. who during her spring vaca- ,s lion at home announced her engagement to John French of Los Angeles. On April 20 was dedicated , Mudd hall, new $500,000 dormitory of which Miss Bar- rich is student president on the Pomona college campus She took part in the cere monies. Miss Barrick is also i. president of Blaisriell hall on :; the campus. , s Lebanon Home Wedding Scene Lebanon Baskets of spring flowers and candlelight formed background for the wedding ceremony on April 18, as Miss Janet Lee Durst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Durst, ex changed her vows with Donald Wayne Clarke, som of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Clarke of Sweet Home. The rites took place at the Lebanon home of the bride's parents. Rev. Holly Ray Jarvis reading the double ring cere mony. The bride was given In mar riage by her father. Maid ot honor was Miss Donna Robins, cousin of the bride. Little Suz- anna Woods, the bridegroom's cousin, carried the bride s train. Wedding music was played by Miss Betty Irvine and Miss Joyce Bartels lit the candles Ralph Cooper was best man. A reception followed the cere mony with Miss Bartels cutting the cake and Mrs. William Rob ins, aunt of the bride, pouring Out of town guests included Mrs. Emma Gilmore, grand mother of the bride, Jylr. and Mrs. William Robins, and Mrs. Glenn Ditto, all of Junction City. After a week's trip in Canada, the couple will be at home in Lebanon at 143 Third street. Credit "Women ( ! reel Members Salem Credit Woman's Break fact club met at Nohlgren for a buffet supper with covers placed for 35 members. Mrs. Ethel Gal- linger presided at the affair. Mrs. Lorna Lucas was in charge of the candle-lighted in itiation, presenting new mem bers with corsages. Welcomed !into the club were Mrs. Alice I Pickett. Miss Lois Hayworth. Miss Margaret Shrigley. Miss Geneva Brown. Mrs. Margaret Ringle. Mrs. Ellen Van Orsdal Miss Mildred Rauscher, Mrs. Velma Davis, Miss Billic Mcr- kel and Mrs. Nila Cluett. The next regular meeting will be May 8 with a Mothers' day breakfast. On vacation has been Miss Viola Jacobsen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jacobsen, ste wardess for United Air Lines, who flew to Washington, D. C, motored to Virginia Beach and took the steamer from Norfolk to New York. Following a visit with her parents In Salem, she visited in Los Angeles and is now once again at her work in San Francisco. THE OREGON BOB 101 Styles Machine Pcrma- Z50T nents W ltnW:Y Phone IMS 1HrjfWi,i "Cirrulette" is l&ZfrV the finest or all Permanent Waves. Exclusive at Mill er s R'uly Room Shop MiUtr Bid i Dr. Ferguson Guest Speaker Woman's Club Dr. David J. Ferguson was guest speaker at the Saturday afternoon meeting of the Salem Woman's club at the club house. His subject was "Life's Disillu sionments." Program chairman was Mrs. Estill Brunk. Mrs. Guy Hickok reported on the recent Marion County Fed eration meeting at Jefferson. Mrs. Glenn McCormick has been appointed to represent the club on the Cherry Festival board. The president of the National Federation of Women's club will speak at the state federa tion board meeting in Portland, May 27 and 28. Those interest ed may contact Mrs. Walter Spaulding for further details. Mrs. Charles A Ratcliff, chair man of the revisions committee, read the revised constitution and by-laws which will be posted and voted on at the last meeting in May. Tea chairman was Mrs. Ron ald Glover. Assisting were Mrs. Ralph Coolcy, Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. Herbert Ostlin, Mrs. A. A. Keene, Mrs. R. P. Bouffleur, Mrs. E. F. Carlcton, Mrs. J. F. Fon taine, Mrs. Leo Peterson and Miss Virginia Byrd. Pouring were Mrs. H. G. Carl and Mrs. B. F. Williams. ftjj 11 , April Kites Miss Ida La Verne Casev, daughter of H. P. Casey and Cecil H. Bassetl, for merly of Bangor, Maine and now of Salem, following their marriage at the First Christian church April 12 with Rev. Dud ley Strain officiating. (Hunts studio) ' iSi'', Guests at OES, Salem Chapter Salem chapter, Order of East ern Star, had as guests Satur day evening when it met in the Masonic temple, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shrock, worthy patron and matron of Athena chapter at Milwaukie. In charge of the decorations for the event were Miss Helen Fletcher and Mrs. Arthur Wal lace. Following the meeting, a dance was held, given by the men of the chapter with James Darby, Russel Beutler, Carl Snyder and Ronald Rossmer in charge. Special music included Mrs. Elma McMillan and Russel Beutler as well as a trio com posed of Mrs. John Graybill, Mrs. Charles Boyer and Mrs. William Merriott. Young Musicians Reap Honors Young Salem musicians have once against achieved honor in the field of original musical composition, judged recently in the east by the national examin er for the Federated Music clubs. Winners are Miss Sandra Nordyke, adjudged superior for the third successive year. "Su perior" was also rated Miss Jody Bush for the second time. These two names are again on the Mrs. ' David Hazcn state superior cup again to be kept in Salem. First place state cup went to Bruce Goldblatt and second to Marjorie Little, both with ex cellent ratings. The young people are students of Mrs. David Eason. Mrs. Frank Marshall enter tained in honor of the past presi dents of Capital unit. American Legion auxiliary and associate past presidents. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Minnie Gregory, Mrs Hattie Cook. Mrs. H. G. Kottke. Installing team will take charge of installation of officers of the Idanha unit on May 6. A history of the present Pan - American study of Colombia was given (1 J 1 11 1 J Hi j) KMira quicklr help, relieve eater- I caused pimplca. limpl. raahei pa .often blackhead tipa for eaay I val. Bur al dniemni tod.Yl jtieuhaI The Beauty Bar Phon 3925 Ml 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Operated by Nan William and Zana Hale FBAtiirlni Neotle Permanent HaUlwell Cold wTt ' Other Permanrntsi Si and op O.. Wei. St, b? Aatelatajestt lit 1 Studio Couch Covers lllill $6.95 Full Size Cotton Jacquard Bedspreads Reg! $7.98 . . $3.98 98c $1.98 Cotton House Frocks Kiy9.8.. d fi.oi Reg. $5.95 2nd Floor $2.98 Cotton Frocks in Street Styles Rayon and Cotton Dresses li Reg. to $39.95 Lace and Net, Rayon and Taffeta Formals REDUCED A variety of styles priced way low! 2nd Floor Luxite Girdles Made by Holeproof Reg. $2.00 79c Satin, Trico Girdles, all sizes Reg.$5.oo 98c Girls' Wool Skirts, plain, plaid, check f&Y $2.50' Girls' Wool Slacks fto u $4.95 Reg. $5.00 Women's Wool Slipover Sweater $2.98 Reg. S7.9S Women's Wool Slacks-Brown, Blue, Gold, Red, $4.95 Reg. $29.95 (9, 11, 13, 15 Women's sizes) Women's Wool Suits, Knit Sports Style $10.95 Reg. to $35.00 Wnmen c Pnnf-e Ti"et quarters toppers ' w kfaawaiit ri vuu (Sizes (Sizes 12 to 20) $19.95 Children's Sweaters, Play Suits, Shorts, etc. oSef $1.00 Child ren's Wardrobe Bag with zippers Rts. $4.95 $2.98 Little Girls' and Boys' Hats oddL.t, Choice 50c Remnants Half Price! Remnant Day , . . with Wool, Rayon, other. Remnants Women's Handbags, Rambler brand Reg. ,5.95 $3.79 Table of Odds in Dress Trimming Braids Odds! One Lot Women's Play Shoes,, b. ....$2.95 Cotton Anklets, Part WoolAnklets 3 pairs $1.00 Women's Rayon Full Fashioned Hose Sharmeer $1 00 Compacts Jewelry Dept. Sale of Ziegfeld Compacts Vz $2.79 aa KA - L--iv- Gift Shop offers "Range-Tex" Glass . ,.1'ce Makers vurree matters (SiX to eight cups) s. Gift Wares Special Lot Gift Wares at Half Price! Reg. 5c Spool Notion Dept. Sale of Nylon Thread 2 Spools 5c $2.89 $1.69 Sizes 36 to 44 (Downstairs) Uon'c Rik Ovak'mIIc High back blue denim overalls tbji. viis wtwiuio Sizes Boys' Waist Overalls 6 to 16, also 29 to 32 waist (DomKl-if.l 8 OUNCE DENIM WITH COPPER RIVET REINFORCEMENTS 51.98 Men's Work Shirts Aifes" 0Van?oi?zedblue and.T"y.(.Uuw.ns!a'r.s $1.69 CottOn GlOVeS 10 oz. (Men's Canvas Gloves) (Downstairs) 27c Downstairs ... Women's Coats Rcf $35 0o . $17.95 Downstairs . . . ' ' Women's Tailored Suits , $11.95 Downstairs . . . 2-Piece Bolero Wool Suits $7,95 Downstairs .'. . ' Women's Sheer Dresses .Res. $i4 95 $5.95 TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY! Milled