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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1947)
Monday 'KSl M kftw ltFX lltTll M m ' "JZif tee cubes - ifitpossnt -t pal, JL - tcss- rot-m I rQ TV kbo ICA bo lrJIIN ens jgjy sJJ ccweour Live dp v rue ) Crrwiu. ) ' SfS ':- Hp H.rrir.1 Si I Terry . ritT T Frt F51'Eli THWJ """V Vyi 1 Vu,7 F 6:1 Superman Nsw. j .,, Kin Mu.l. (J , - J FEOM ANV f J - ystaj,' fWn ' ,ijt,' , rcn. :80 Cut. Mldnllbl To Be I JaK Arm.lreni sw, SjAi MAKE OKI THB 1 ( U' it, I I . 1 T C' ETV ' :48 Tom Mix AnnownecJ lNew. j New, S MEKTy 1 I 't XfiJ v Lv II I Ja v ' I) 6:00 News Contented Hoor Muile I Screen Guild AVWl TTP" jT'C "lfilT ' - -L- ysiWl ' :16 Studio Contented Hour I Rhythm I Htreen Guild Xvlf f 5EKP v-CV!H!v. .''IlV I I . 1." V " jfivTV " m"'0 Doctor !'"S B,n2 !Sb U"" j(; ' frroLn- y tK ' YJ H!n v ""Wr"- 4HiJ$ T-l"r'i Sni-POr-Ci'sii Tl.ontR.nrer iNewi "Sjjja-S IfSI j fKi Fv'fo ffijjf iKa&!Z "0 O J5L 7:80 Cisco Kid uavalcaae ! i oncrioeit "'loimes join Davis1 7fl . ejf Tfcj3 .IfJP f5 B1""V a7oo DetectiTS "rVleVnon. Hou 7um Abner I ine wnisner ' 'lil I in in7 -0 ' ' y '"B s " irC 1:15 lietectiTO j Telephone Hour snnt I tne vtnimer i ; g M.f rlTlK.A : lC3rWLJi' ' -cYjLl ly J IIVjl TTj '-.y MGP-HkPW?? i lftih c ( J Voice of I The Clock ! Inner Kanrtum V'J,;L , fc-rj-jfaTdjyA, j Jm yJ' V3J ( ! ' ' 'p ' : Now. Bofe-fiolintin fhotori-" TT iRadicT" Theater-- r jVi'tTt lie 7T"""Xv C ) A y C . 1 V.' 1 :lft Pictorial Hone-Goodman Report to People Radio Thealer kaf f-S K -frJ $S j&L'A63 ) Tl r1 )rJ, 1 1 v- :3 Sporla Muilo ot romand rorum Radio ThealCT , . . . V JrV JtA?l. V ;-rn .' ,: "T rV , , '4i- The Ma.ter. Portland r.j0 Theater r,Zl""1"- l-.rilf, f fffjjjI'g - ' ' ' '-'-1 ' 10:00 News New, New. "New, - 1 ' ' ' "" " rr 'U I 1 - r iWininrfitn-itl 10:1ft News I Muilo I Deciiion Srmphonetlo HenrV T?v f!flrl AnHoronn 10:80- New. I..f. n.nca I Concert ' Symphonelle ' ry tan iinaerSOIl 10:15 Orchctra ! Hand Waion I Concert ! se.tet I I I J l Ayi I . , , 1 11:00 Open "hou. I New. I Concert 'serenade yii nAl I 11 I fx "CTI 11:15 Open House Orehe.lra IConcert I Serenade i VU- " T II I (5f!"(?H!7 Jl3Gvy50, oi9rfvi, VIVWI n'c ' ' ' 11:80- Open Bou.e j sun. Gun. I Air Ho ft A i'i II . I feuWSlBS fK V 1 SiiVsQ'cr.f- A W 11:45- New. I Tint It Dream I Orchestra I Air Flo . iSr I II ltW(MMbfSim t fTlV'"'NN'EST T2iQr7i."n-o" iVun-Qft (0 i".nVii BOY 1 II WOTka. LAH W Tuesday 6 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. Id wanted L-4 1 B N (XYlTS ' Tto Re Ru.ler X I Wr.lern star. ( 1J ill I f I I I I V ' t1 I P'Jh 7 sA1 J V fr-Zv :I6 Musle Announeed I Busier X I KltlN Block V lk if I 1 TaOtfl ) V.lie I 1 :S0 March Tim New. ! Ruder X I K1M.N Klork iZjV ' ' yjaSScJBE. Zbl I AJySf' V .Ml W:t5 New. Dave Wett ! Busier X I hul.N klock ' TKjCL ' J ii REDUCE ".srytSJ XwC-tV ' ivicfi 5:00 New. Farm Timo rsTnslnT"Co"no Tku'" Knuk V 1 U.. ( ffl .- I 7 t "WrE. V iVfi :lt Rise Shlnt i B.nd Musle f News New. &.; aJC7 3 .,' I . Sffl A pCT ..V 1 A YmVL 1:m- New. I Old Sons. 'New. I New, 'Mf5 "fS MADAME JsV?M), . .nltfKfcl I ia lVV.ll 1:45 I Nr. ISlock Urkel I New. rKi j 1 FIFI S V lpl!"H ' ll.JJrP 8:o naren or Re.t I Fred Warrlnc IBreakra.t- t:iuh I tn.limer Kew."" If' CALON Ai 'S : . ' . sei aia 1 :I5 Haven of Rest Tred Warrlni I Breakfast Club I Aunt JennT WrW 11 1 v -V LOfij ftAA.0 I :3U Pioneer. Jack Bereh I Breakfast Club I Helen Trent xLj - In ' ' W J I -!!r L .C.ubJOrG.l e5tfcV -J 1 :ii- Music Kenny Baker (Bit Slsler MJJ . "- JkJS I :15- Hit Tim. I New. Kenny B.k.r Ma Perkln. W ,S & . n I :S0- Pa.tor'. Call Lew l.ccr I Breneman I Dr. Malone ' MUr CL Q I :45- Art Baker Utudlo I Breakfast I Road of Life I I 1 iw t i. ,.,, . .f -.. , 4 ;a AMOeMOM I 10:00 News I Today's ChrTdrrn fGalen Drake I Kate Smith ,"P7 N, , , ' 10:15 Bin. Sln.I Women In hllt Ted Malono 1 Perry Mason HIP lel)l). By HpSS Iln in (imnlp 10:80- Studio iMasouerade My True Slory Journe. 1 ; . U in nmKe 10:45- Studio ; LUht.l World I My True Slory 1 Rose of Dream A FINE STATE tl MAYOR SLIDER yTtsIS MIGHT HAVE Y 1 6UESS VOO SEE TKEVT;eWMAT FOR? Y'L&JSSD li:oo- oririn.mi,,, Btni i H-nina I Bob " vie " r s ) OF AFFAIRS' U 'S IN CHARGEOP BEEM Pl?EVErJTED-.lTHE BOYS NOT PAIO-W6 WAVE I UO MARCV4 W , Se,D,",mD.y p'eperr"kv.un. Kl. r j UrJ'" "WATS TME tTrJD OFATioTWE(vVw6s TWEFIRES S'"8 1 V J" iJS AVOLUWTEER FIReiVARADES?: J& V 11:45- Queen for P., l?htl.B"i. I Ethel A Albert I Grand Slam THBOOWsE ((gO TTflTOCJ SjAr li'XtZ m7. Dallas I sf.7. of Today Ic'.m' A Gel It T)7C5 lV? VSS5? TH-l-Msmneo3 I ll l4tiiiiH W r' ' " lt:80 Serenade l.oren.o Jones I News I fivelvn Winters C U I iieJ!WAfA!sfl ; Hi TWlTiLSJ? Lm LJ OIlfeA R T1 ' i4- Variety Show I Wldder Brown hose I Art Baker rT J I"-" .iiannee I Rhythm I Columbia PeatorerrTTTi I 1 . , I1t M! f Northnrsternert I Columbia l.ltlle Orphan Annie By Harold GraV Shp Tlifin'i Snv No 4:30News Sl.r. of Today i"c tracy Columbia Feature . '' '""'" J One illOn I Say INO ' - I I enncssre Ted Columbia feature t MuracoaraVfSBawawVX-n Km ' i. i i .asaassiw i n l . L, -- l iil l W , WAS THINKWe: OP Hffllftf. SOME 1 f IT SEEMS THERE'S A CHAP OVEpT SERGE SUNOPFSKI? 1 IM StHk "e w " bOWWY-CVt bEETt ( FOREIGN '5PIES-lm!3UEMIJP0eR- 1 HERE THAT NOBOCJ EVER HEARS SILLY Boyl DID I i L YM I I af OUIET-WHY ARE VOU I TRVINQ TO FIGURE H LOTS OF EXCITEMENT- BEEN DOiNQ I OF-" BUT HE'S THE BRAINS OF THE I YOU MOT JUST I ijVTPAT I 9tl0iiA NOT SmNV AND FULL OUT A PLOT FOR g LITTLE RESEARCH'"SURE GOT J I WHOLE SHEBANG-"GUY NAMED SERGE I SAY NO ONE I I HbtrVl f ULLCfflA? I OF FUN FOR VbXI? V "LITTLE WIDGET.1 H COME HOT MATERIAL- J V SUNOFF5KI-EVER WAR OF HIM? J HEAPS"oP HM? J '..': jiKE j Npl-"a&'i! Wi ISS5-Sy,V-J Iraki's 5tB t..i I WL. 'Utt. 1 I l X ..r a-j! sr Ji.hiisjvs. ',.'; yn-in.'Uiimi nuit-i ."r.V'UW.VJ'W.WJJ .A R2538 PATTI'BM Kilnf tj- . ...... . ktn a-ic i uuu.siiHi cnair sci lo cti'liRht filet fans The adorable puppy framed by pretty daisies protects your best furniture or covers worn snnts irnc, irt i Pattern envelope No. R2538 contains easy-to-follow dot-in-quare diagrams, stiteh illustrations and full directions. uuu.. hoih.mi, .M.-HU toe in cutiNS, Riving pattern number, your name, address and zone number to Pcrrv lioberls Carp Of f'anilnl .Innrnul nfl ii..;.. ..I 1 c-.. t.r ' . xti.vjuu ACROSS Flap Blades of cray Note of tho scale Conatt-llntiiin Klre tvoishliiei NeRHtiv e I land i ll inje Afternoon: abbr. Rli It ItaiiKini hohlnd a throne Rich man Declares Long Inland snnmier rcafrt Marries Pry Hlunt end Land measure Relatod throuirh the mother Tale Outfit l-'einliilne name I 'miermlne Within: coinh. form Names S.wnliol for lollui In in Province In llilllali India Horn lilt ivntrd Itmiianlan queen 4! frowsy women SO. L'ovprert with hair Feeble-minded person Oil: sulnt Outer bounda ries of plane flfcures F.srlamat Inn bl). Arcuttnm.: variant SO. Tear ' I" lJ P- i4 K I4 Ir I' I? h ''o i i fi M 73 'it Zi x $5" "71 n7 pi' h"5? 1 ""WW sT" 33 3? i3"6 3f J5 tfjg T, ?3 33,-733 jj. "rw Hr ijss 55 5 0tZi P. M. . ' issw . VH diucio .." ' m-v -wiii.-i mi a line WUQ- ii-i-i, oaii r rancisco j, L;ani DOWN 1. Faucet 3. tintigitiE masi of f rosea vnter .IS. Two-foe:. il Hiiltnals 31, W.ctiilpi ing IlilUlH t'lOliHt 12. Fnirllsh letter 35. 1'ertn.nitiff to unimil , I". Tonne l-ranch 43. Covprn, nlth rtoth 4. Proprietors 4S. ..o1iit of peace 4. ftonn 0. Hornehsflt ftm-key M. Mud 52. Hrbrew tiiemurt S Hronve Jfi. ,onr niTO Inlet 6T, Dlioovtr . - W - J. I I V. . . 'I I. Wtr;:?..T - Wl I C4V4 I -. t OoaCs. Sir Z t I I I niWol l-Bfehrts 11 kiw i-eiien By Gene Byrnes Vppv,.. iUsiUi , . : 7 Solution of S.turd.y. P,. AH?, VTl iZ "JU was TOB-. WONT M rr- I COULOfA l fonlunc-lloii 1 Psi.i I JJSTTH'QUY ) J WHA1 A ' PAY MI THAT DIME STAND SEEIM' A SWELL ESS 1 I i Reli' sln, " , , n r , I I WANTED MAtOuW ( TDU OWE ME. IO PE. N I LIKE YOU BEIN' ao LONSMME J . Ltler nlled I X T3Etf SttrV, 'I A TH' HAPPIP.ST FSUV JiAM-1 V. AMONS ALL US MIZZIBLfc I Journal Feature Donald Duck IISS3 I - the r vso'u. set rr Jit wilxI I I U I ' ' ' llnt( uiwl luff D.. D..J n'l-i.-l a... i , . . m . : n r " u uu" rmiier . my uounness i inougni me lelcplione Strike was Over I JEPP IS OUR Vuru t.. Knrihl T HAVPn'tWoh UlrtUT I UF1 I n dri I nil I' .. ., ' 1 VI 'phome fiked J rep:.r called wy wife I all now C is that vou A y-Am thats her I VET? rZl lA&kj FOR WEEKS.' rfTO SEE HOW -"W M'L0VE?J X THE 'PHONE III b-? ,. ff.7-rr1 IT WORKS' tWil V l'.r T1 V -..,r,, sTiV'wn rt - i .UL3i as. -rj r v j ki ' j'-v' c I isiy' rz i 1 wumo v I ' V g" . l arzan By Edgar Rice Burroughs Telltale Letter Wl'NG CHARGE THROUGH THE J Li J fl I OF SCONDER, HE WAS SURPRISED rf2fSfM V. A t' (k WIEBROHT A HALF HOUR LATER, "aBOARO 1l Ml I Siu jL'rt&lf'S!Sl PETKT1VE TO A.B. SCONPER'S ROOM. VHyLi'l rjf" A Bi5 LOUIE'S PLANE, THE RAPI0 MAN I 1 3JM 'tfff y-aJ I eu-irwunos BiA -?6;- ragys yg (j recfiveo a startlins wessaoe. 10 Capital Journal, Salem, By Walt Oregon, Monday, April 28, 1947 Disney Pae On the Square! By Cameron Dockery (Chapter 17) Jeff spent restles. night on a cot in the back room of the state patrol office. At 7 the fol lowing morning he caught the early bus back to McCloud. Lin da met him with the gelding; her eyes slid over him apprais ingly. "So you didn't find him?" Jeff forced a tired smile. "Am I as transparent as all that? Yes, I found him, Linda, but it was too late." Her eyes became the clear mirrored blue of lake water. "You mean that Amos Larabee is dead?" ' He nodded soberly. "Dead with a neat round bullet hole through his temple." "Oh Jeff, I'm so sorry." "So am I. Sorry that a clean, decent, harmless old fellow who lived by the code of an honest man should meet a violent death because of my thoughtlessness and stupidity." Linda's hand relinquished the reins and crept to her throat. For a moment she seemed un able to speak. "Then it was murder?" "Yes. The police don't seem to think so, but after a few tests I believe t h e y'l 1 come around to my way of figurine. Whitey Evans, a friend of mine, is going to mail me a report as soon as he gets the facts." She reached over and touched his arm briefly. "Jeff. I'm so sorry, I know that in a way It's a personal loss for you." "Oh Lord, Linda. I was such a fool! Such a fool! If I'd only kept my mouth shut Amos would be alive today. And yet it never occurred to me it still doesn t seem possible " A series of puckers appeared between her level brows. "I'm afraid I don't under stand . . ." He increased Star's pace as they entered the defile where Brasher had taken a shot at him; Linda's mare was forced to a fast canter to keep up with the gelding. Now that he knew the calibre of the men he dealt with, Jeff decided against all unneces sary risks. The Hardy's must not become involved in any dan ger that might threaten him. "Coulter didn't know about Amos Larabee," he explained, "You and your father and Gen try were the only people I had spoken to about him. Don't you see what that means?" 'It means that Gentry is just the sort of person I suspected him of being a cold, unscrupu lous money-maker who will stoop to any sort of trickery and crime to get what he wants." "But you haven t met him, Linda. I tell you the man sim ply doesn't seem like that type." But you haven't met him. Linda. I tell you the man sim ply doesn't seem like that type." You can t go by appearances any more. Jeff, that theory has been disproved a thousand times over. Some of the kindest, nicest people in the world look like crooks and vice versa." "Maybe, but I've found that that old bromide about the 'eyes being the mirrors of the soul' usually rings pretty true. Gen try's eyes are shrewd and clever and appraising, but they're not deceitful. And neither was he." Linda stiffened slightly in the saddle. "Well, I can assure you, Jeff, that Dad and I haven't men tioned your affairs to anyone." "Of course not, Linda, I trust you both implicitly. It was Gen try there's no other conclu sion. But it contradicts all my theories about the man. Be sides, he was certainly making a point of living me a hint about the malachite. Why wouldn't he go out of his way to do that if he wanted my property badly enough to have old Amos Lara bee murdered?" "Perhaps he's a sadist." They fell silent, each ponder ing the implications of the old prospector's death. Past the de file the desert spread out be fore them, a vast mesa covered with the blue-gray of octillo and sotol, the fresh verdancy of vari-toned cacti, colors that within a month would revert to the dull greens and browns that resulted from scorching unre mitted heat. A dust cloud to the south of them grew larger. "Here comes the Gentry sta tion wagon," Linda said and they heigned their horses to one side Room and Board W SO FAR. THE EARL HASNT W SIGN THIS PAPER. GIVING ME H f ADVANCED ANY MONEY FOR. W HALF THE SUM THE EARL WILL B 1 YOUR. EXPERIMENTS TO INVEST, AND I'LLTELLMDU M V PRODUCE A NEW SOFT Jf MY BRILLIANT IDEA FOR A rT V. DRINK, BECAUSE YOU M NEW SOFT DRINK --IT'S X HAVENT SHOWN HIM Jfc SENSATIONAL J -7777 ANYTHING J x , mrT r ""gun formula could AP Wtwrtffuroa of the road to let the car pass, but instead it slowed down be side them. Young Gentry wai at the wheel with the house guests Jeff and Linda had met at the party, occupying the other seats. He leaned out, grinning genially. "Hey, I'm taking this tribe up to Phoenix but I'll be back in a day or two. How about com- MORE ing over then and trying out Dad's new swimming pool?" "Sounds wonderful," Linda agreed with enthusiasm. Jeff felt a twinge of surprise at her attitude, then tried to accept the invitation with equal cordiality, but he was unable to keep the coolness of his thought! from creeping into his tone of voice. Gill Gentry looked surprised and Monica pulled up her coat collar with an exaggerated ges ture. "Brrr," she mocked. "And I thought this was a hot day!" After" they had driven on, Linda smiled at Jeff. "You're not very good at hiding your feelings, are you?" j "Afraid not." His voice wllj still frosty. "But you certain!)' sounded as if you meant to ac cept Gentry's offer." "I did After all. Gill and Mon ica are not responsible for their father's actions ... It would be a shame to spoil Gill's good time by refusing him friendship when there are so few young people around here." Jeff's lips thinned to a tight line. "Especially when Gill Gen try is a good looking guy with plenty of what it takes," he ad ded sarcastically. "Yes, he is, very good look ing." "Considering your opinion of his father I should thing it would be a little hard to accept his hospitality." "Didn't you ever hear that there's more than one way to skin a cat?" Jeff didn't answer and a mali cious twinkle lingered in Lin da's eyes, but she spurred her mare ahead and Jeff saw only the firm straight line of her back. He frowned, wondering at the strange inner dismay that seemed to have gripped him. (To Be Continued) 2699 Bright Cover-Up Look what you can have from only one yard of material an apron that's large enough for ample protection, in the kitchen, yet allows you to move freely and look your best. Note the clever cut of the back that holds the shoulder straps in place, while bright binding on the hem, patch pockets and neck gives the eye-appeal. No. 2699 is cut in one size and requires only 1 yard of 35-in. fabric, and 13A yds. binding. Send 20c for PATTERN, whitf b includes complete sewing guidU. Print your name, address and style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include) postal unit or zone number la your address. Address: Pattern Department Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif By Gene Ahem