J 2 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Saturday, April 26, 1917 Late Engineer To Be Honored The stale highway commis sion announces that the Oregon coast bridge at North Bend will be named the C. B. McCullough bridge in memory of the late state bridge engineer who de signed the coast bridges and who died a little over a year ago. Officers of the Corvallis Engi neers' club have been working for this for some time. McCullough, who received the honorary degree of doctor of en gineering at OSC in 1934, was professor and head of civil en gineering there from 1916 to 1919, leaving to become state bridge engineer for the highway department, a position he held until his death. His ability as a bridge engineer was recognized in 1935 when he was "loaned" for two years to the US public roads administra tion and assigned to assist Costa Rica with bridge building prob lems. During his period of serv ice he supervised the designing of most of the large bridges in Oregon which have won acclaim both for their utility and beauty. "Conde McCullough was one of the world's outstanding bridge engineers and it is entirely fit ting and proper that the high way commission should desig nate the beautiful bridge at North Bend, which he designed, as the C. B. McCullough bridge," declares Dr. C. A. Mockmorc, present head of the civil engi neering school at OSC. Airplane Brings Strawberries Here Strawberries that were picked in the Salinas valley, Calif., late Friday were scheduled to go on sale in Salem Saturday after noon. Paul Woodroffe, propri etor of Saving Center stores, fly ing his own plane, was scheduled to leave Salinas early Saturday morning with a load of 60 crates. His plane is a four place Slin son. This is believed to be the first shipment of this kind to be brought to Salem. The berries arc of the "Dris coll" type, being prdouced by Driscoll Brothers who control between 900 and 1000 acres and who expect to market two mil lion crates this year. The shipment was arranged by the Pacific Fruit and Produce company. Detroit Hi Glee Club Sings Here The weekly broadcast, "The Local Young People's Church of the Air" heard each Sunday at 12:30 p. m., will present the Detroit high school girls glee club over KSLM. Eighteen high schuol girls arc appearing in this glee club rep resenting the music department of that school and arc under the direction of the music instruc tor, W. Kay Krause. The hospital chaplain extends and invitation to anyone wish ing In attend the broadcast in person, requesting them to be present in the chapel studio. Oak and Winter, before 12:30 p. m. Scientists believe that the fa mous English "Cannel" coal was formed from million of spores from giant ferns of forests in 1he carboniferous age. 4-H Exhibit Awards Partial list of awards given at the 4-H club exhibit which closed Friday at the Salem Chamber of Commerce is given below. The remainder of the awards will be printed in Monday's paper: CLOTHING I-A Champion, Frances Fox, Valley View; other blue ribbons Shirley Nichol. Aumsvillc: Fiances Eck ROOM IMPROVEMENT Champion, Janice Scharf, Middle a. ,w. ...... All n,Tft.. T-T'i..- Ul UVU, ICC! B W H T U S MHKUHieil mony: Darlone Bye, Central How-jStjM nncl Carol Hilfiker b ele,KoD1edanc! Wo!- A: white awards-Donna ford and Connie Jarvell. both oi 'Rk Valley View; Carolee McCiacken i BeUy Rac Sutter- Mlddle Grove- and Joan n Grim, both Auburn:! KNITTING I June and Jane Dve. both of Loonov! Champion, Dawn Pierce, Rickey; Butte; Jovce Randall, Salem other blue ribbon Joyce Jensen, Hpi0hL;- Wilms Frmlrv and Marl- Auburn; red awards Rosemary lyn SetUrmeier.- both of Prinze; i Starr and Betty . Jane Mahaney, Sharon Guthrie. Lincoln of Wood-jO" Auourn; wnue awards hum- Hazl Ktapripli. Willard. t .Marilyn Goodrich, Auburn: Donna w leaerKonr, &aiem njgn ; Eunice Bear. Turner and Anna Pederson White awards: Arlys and Myrnii. Steinberger. both of Valley View;i Winifred Slater, Aumsvillc: Carvlonl Hage and Mary Warnom. ootn val ley View: Pauline Innledue. Au burn: Carol RiGgs, Sidney: Bcinie.se Rehm. Harmony; Barbara Bacon. Salem Heights, and Robert Hage man, Willard. CLOTHING IT Chamnion. Sharon Laverty. Au burn; other blue ribbons Sallv A urns vi He. KNITTING Champion. , Barbara Wi throw Rickey; other blue ribbons Greta Schrengost and ValJean Gosnell both of Rickey. ART I ipastcls) Champion, Virgil Lucas. GervaLs; other blue ribbons Charles Bart- lelt. Salem Heights; Janice Riches. Klein and Donna Lee Klein, both ! Aumsvillc; Dean Way. Central FLEXALUM Venetion Blinds We measure, Install and Adjust All Orders SrSl&t Without Charae TmbSkP Rapid Service f.r. 340 Court St. 3rd Moor ol Aumsville; Mnxine King. Au burn: Margaret Seeger. Liberty. Red awards Shirlev Brockart. Auburn; Norcne Kretier and Kar ken Drager. both o Cloverdale; Al lelic Sohervem and Ro.sclla McCar thy, both of Woodburn; Joan Chas tain. Auburn. White awards Betly Henne. Au burn: Lois Holmquist. Aumsyille; Florence Marlatt. Sidney; Mar garet McGonegal. Tlcne Farness and Annette Childreth, all of Wood burn; Joy and Joyce Graham, both of Lincoln, and Barbara Armstrong. Jefferson. CLOTHING 1-B Champion. Barbara Anderson Salem Heights; red awards Nancy Hageman. Salem Heights; white awards Lorraine Buttles, Salem Heights, and Doris Colvin, Aurora. CLOTHING TIT Champion. Janice Riches. Aums ville; other blue ribbon Joanne Fabry. Middle Grove; red awards Roseinarv Austin. Libert v. and Lu cille Calvin. Canbv; white award Vida Schaeier. Aumsville. CLOTHING IV Howell; Donna Hayes. GervaLs, Red awards Betty Hall. Jerry Lenhart and Ronald Helgeson. all of GervaLs; Colleen Maxwell, Sa lem Heights: Floyd Dye, Looney Butte; v h i t e awards Howard Watts and Eugene Fields, both Cen tral Howell; James Ponsford. Salem Heights; Lawrence Hamm. Looney Butte; Ronald Redenbaugh, Ger vais. ART II (Water colors Champion, John Foster, Macleay; red awards Danny Miller. Loretta Honsley and Arden Parker, all of Macleay; white awards Ardis Kwarlwout and Mullubill, both Mac leay. ART III (Oils) Champion. Geneva Poule. Stay ton; other blue ribbons Colleen McNeil. Salem Heights, and Rose Sheffer, Stayton; red awards Madge Sam ples and Betty Warp, both Stayton; Anita Tonnlng. Salem Heights; white awards Marilyn Ferguson. Janet Infer and Jerie Andrews, all Salem Heiuhts. CHILD CARE Champion, Patty Lou McLaugh lin. Jetlerson; other blue riooon Cut Feared AtChemawa Portland, Ore., April 26. (U.R) Reduction of appropriations for the department of interior's office of Indian affairs serious ly effects an education, health and welfare program benefiting approximately 7,000 Oregon In dians, John Providence, assist ant commissioner of Indian af fairs, said here Friday. Providence, enroute to Wasn ington, D. C, from San Fran cisco, said that more than $10. 000,000 has been shaved off the $44,509,520 necessary to run the nation's Indian affairs. "If allowed," Providence said, "the cut will force more than 5,000 Indian children oul of government schools and will eliminate all incracses in pub lic school contracts asked to meet rising teacher salaries and costs." He said that 2.000 Indians at tend public schools and nearly 700 are at a special Indian school at Chcmawa, near Sa lem. He did not state how many Oregon Indians would be affected, but said the cut would mean a loss of revenue for the public schools. Champion. Bonnie Klein. Aums-; I3ona zehncr.' Salem Height: white ville: other blue ribbon Maiilia DiiRelte. GervaLs: rcrl award Lucille .InnuPt. Aumsville: white award Donna Wiedri'kchr. Salem high. CLOTH 1 Nil v Champion. Mi'Nlui Durtette. ner vals: other blue ribbon Doris Lane. Liberty. BREAD BAKINCi Champion, Deloris CaMor. Parrish junior liiuli: ,lovro Kuonzi Parrish junior hich: third. Arlenc Hilliker. Salem high .school. OUR HOivI r. Champion. Mertie Mae Hansen. Aumsville: other blue ribbon Ar- lene Dalke. Pruitland: rod award Lucille Hammer. Pruitland: white awards Donna Zchner. Jelferson: Bonnie Klein, Aumsville, and Juan ita Hampton. Gervai.s. MY KOOM Champion. Sharon Lavertv. Au burn: other blue ribbon Barbara Anderson. Salem Heights; red awards Arlene Duda. Janet Teller. Ruth Kaiser nnd Elaine Uhlintt. all of St. Mary's: white awards Janice Bishop. Salem HeiRhl.s; Marll'n Ol son, Auburn, and Janice Riches. Aumsvillc. award Betty Wintermantel, Jef ferson. (More Monday) Red Cross Sels Annual Meet Annuiil meeting for Marion county chapter, American Red Cross, has been scheduled for the evening of May 20 as a din ner meeting at the Marion ho tel. Rabbi Henry J. Berkowitz of Portland is to be guest speak er. Directors will be elected and annual reports heard at the business session. Presiding will be Chief Justice George Ross man of the Oregon sunrrnip j court, who is the chapter chair-Iman. Three Will Study First Aid Cars Art Peters, general chairman of the first aid car committee of the Salem Central Trades and Labor council; C. M. Charlton, first aid captain with the fire department; and City Manager J. L. Franzen were appointed by Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom Friday as a special committee to decide on type of car to be purchased and report at a meet ing in May. Representatives of organized labor, sponsoring the move, re ported about $5500 now avail able for the car and it was thought about $2500 more should be raised. One question being studied is whether the old first aid car should be retained as an aux iliary aid vehicle. COMPARE OUR RATES CASH Monthly Payment VOU GET 15 mos. 12 mos. $100 $ 7.62 $ 9.2(, $J00 22 86 27.78 $500 38.10 46. Oli; $10110 7ft 11 02 .5"! Prompl, convaniin! friendly ttrvif 00 1G00 OR MORE Auto Personal A Cash LOAN will solve your problems , INCORPORATED SALEM AGENCY: 444 Center Street TeL 4168 AY SERVICE NO EXTRA CHARGE Alterations of All Kinds About half the known coal re serves of the world are in the North American continent. . l i 15 of Salem's 32 Entries Win Superior Rating, Albany Fifteen of Salem's 32 entries in the district school music contest at Albany Friday were awarded "superior" ratings by the judges, 13 entries were judged "excellent" and four were given "good" ratings. Over 2000 students from dozens of schools parti cipated in the festival, which was scheduled to wind up acti vities Saturday afternoon. In Friday's session, the Salem senior high school orchestra, di rected by Victor Palmason was, judged "superior" as was the Salem high school band, led by Vernon Wiscarson. The Parrish junior high band also plucked off one of the "superior" awards with the Parrish orchestra also grabbing a "superior" rating. The Leslie orchestra and Leslie band rated "excellent" and "good" respectively. Salem soloists honored with "superior" rates were Glenn Garrett, french horn; Don Beals, baritone horn; Deryl Peters, trombone: Ronald Little, tuba; Bud Lindstrand, tuba; Robert Miller, oboe; Richard Deen, alto saxophone; Ray Westenhouse, alto saxophone; Darlene Eng dahl, clarinet. Ensembles entered from Sa lem which gained "superior" marks were Salem high's school saxophone quartet, comprised of Deryl Yocum, Don Owens, Deryl Davis and Ronald Bart lett; Salem high's French horn quartet of Glenn Garrett, Bar bara Owens, Mary Swigart and Eldon Caley. Other ratings to Salemites in cluded the following: French horn solo Barbara Owens, ex cellent. Flute solo Janie Pear cy, excellent; Rodney Beals, ex cellent; Marilyn Brocr, excel lent. Flute quartet Rod Beals, Janie Pearcy, Merle Rhoten, Dick Fuhr, excellent. Woodwind trio two trios entered from Sa lem, one trio gaining an excel lent rating and the other a good mark. English horn solo Don na Wiedcrkehr, good. Bassoon solo Layton Gilson, excellent. Alto saxophone solo Glen Le Rud, excellent. Violin solo Phil Blankcnship, excellent; Frieda Carlson, good. Trombone quartet Deryl Peters, Robert Goffrier, Jack Brooks, Dick Roth, excellent. ers in Yakima, composed of lo cal people familiar with settle ment problems. Insufficient capital was the reason for the largest number of rejections. Other causes were lack of farm experience and failure to com pletely fill out the applications. DANCE TONIGHT SILVERTON ARMOR! WOODRY'S 14 Piece Orchestra Keesecker One Of Lucky 28 E. K. Keesecker of Salem wa? among veterans whose names were drawn from the "fish bowl" in the drawing for 28 homestead units on the Roza division of the Yakima federal reclamation project in Yakima. Wash., Friday. Robert B. Grimps of Wood burn and William Osterhout of Corvallis were drawn among 28 alternates. Names of 1252 World War II veterans were in the "fishbowl" for the drawing. Applications of 250 veterans were originally rejected by the board of examin- Protect Your Child's Vision One out of every five school children has defective vision. Poor lighting is often responsible. Provide your child with ade quate lighting and properly fitted glasses when he studies. MELLOW -FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts are only SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem NEW KAISER HYDRAULIC DISH WASHERS 10 Discount for Limited Time Come in today and see an actual demonstration. NO DELAY DELIVERY NOW TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 355 No. Liberty Phone 7001 STRAWBERRIES! STRAWBERRIES! AN AIRPLANE LOAD! Direct to Salem by Airplane from Salinas, California ONLY 29c BASKET These berries compare with our best local berries. They are field ripened, large in size and in perfect condition! SAVING (ENTER II! For SEEING and HEARING MORRIS OPTICAL j 444 State St. SALEM Phone 5528 33c I S "HOLLY" SAYS: This h ii sy- II V") YOUR Guarantee of. m ! ; LASTING VALUE I J l , M.L.. .... L I I I J i At the Foot of the Bridge WEST SALEM Vt Mile North of the Underpass SALEM NOTE BERRYGROWERS: These are the new "Driicoll" berry. Come in and see it. Jackson Jewelers g Sa no. Liberty opposite raramounr market 4 UNIQUE CLEANERS 1554 Fairgrounds Rd. Corner of Cottage SALEM YOUTH RALLY 7:30 P.M. City Armory Tonight Bob Waggoner, Portland Speaker Orwin Dexter, Salem Song Master King Sisters Marimba Players Calvary Chapel Mixed Quartet Pat Stockhoff Whistler A rally especially adapted for young people. For sonielliiiie different attend Salem Youth for Christ. You'll have "the time of your life." Orwin Dexter Tat Stockhoff Now Available Give new life to your car Mr. V-8 Owner Rebuilt Motors 13000 Plus 5.72 Excise Tax Plus installation New Motors 202'5 Plus installation THESE MOTORS ARE GUARANTEED Now you V-8 car owners can take advantage of the thousands of "extra" miles built into your automobiles by the simple expedient of letting ui Install a new or reconditioned "MERCURY" mo tor. Driving can again become the pleasure you want it to be . . . Quickly, without extended loss of your car while the exchange is being made. CALL AND MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TODAY AT WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 No. Commercial Phone 7249 Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer FARMERS! Listen to VALLEY LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Furnished by the Valley Packing Co., Salem BEGINS MAY 1 Daily Mon. Thru Fri. 12:13 TO 12:15 On "Top Trades" KSLM-1390 K.C. Featuring latest local prices on hogs, cattle, and sheep, eastern trends of the day, and tips on market runs, shortages, and other in formation to help you market your stock to your best advantage with a local packer.