1G Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday. April 25. 194" Recreational Facilities to Be Discussed Tuesday Night Salem's recreational possibilities and the so-called "youth de linquency problem" will be discussed at a meeting called by the Salem Rotary club for Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock in the floral room of the Chamber of Com- mr TnvitPd tn attond the ernment. The association has meeting are representatives of Salem organizations and any other interested persons. Feeling, as do many informed men and women, that the youth delinquency problem is really an "adult delinquency prob 1cm." adults being delinquent in neglecting to do what they can to mitigate the evil, the Rotary club last July undertook a pro gram aimed at improving recre ational facilities here. Considered were the possibil ities of adding to or better co ordinating the city's existing fa cilities to make them more at tractive to a large number of persons. Toward this end the members of the youth and com munity service committees of the club have investigated rec reational conditions in other cit ies, collected some data pertain ing lo Salem's facilities and consulted with representatives of the National Recreation associa tion, which outlined the original general set-up for the play grounds and swimming pools here when they were construct ed about 12 years ago. The committees and a few in terested persons some month ago met with a representative of the National Recreation as sociation, non-profit organiza lion formed 40 years ago, and . considered expert in recreation al planning. Possibility of ; survey was considered and fig urcs of the survey given, which showed a highlight survey cost ing about $500 and a thorough survey about $1000. The highlight survey, done with the aid of volunteers would be made in connection with the public schools, welfare organizations and the ciiy gov- already rated Salem as sub standard in recreation facilities outside the schools. Taken into consideration in any survey would be municipal problems, future developments in recreation for the next 20 years, financial data and possi ble growth in that time. One aim of any survey would be to avoid the wasting of money in lack of planning. At the Tuesday night meet-1 ing W. M. Hamilton and Preston j F. Doughton will report the findings of their committees to the group and enlist their aid in improving the city's recreation al facilities, by making it a com munity project. A suggestion will be made that a temporary committee, selected from those represented at the meeting, be formed to consider the matter, with the thought that a perma nent committee be formed later as a city-wide organization. That committee will take the lead in developing better recreational facilities. RUPTURED? Don't dela? nte the new modern I eat urea gi aivkij.n intnats m ted by experts. Private Ffttlnc room. Willett's CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. Wallace Lampooned By Reserve Officers Henry Wallace was mildly lampooned at a meeting of the Reserve Officers' Association of Marion county meeting at the Golden Pheasant Wednesday night. By unanimous vote the asso ciation approved this motion: "That this association send a message to all heads of govern ments in Europe, and especially ministers of agriculture, advis- ig them to get Henry Wallace' advice on chickens, cattle, corn and hogs before he leaves Eu rope, and we recommend him as knowing something about these things." The motion was offered by the speaker of the evening, Sew ard P. Reese, dean of law at r COUPON Willamette university and a eol- onel in the air corps reserve. 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