ft f OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEAT YOCB bom tieetrleiJly Xt'i con. a vealent, clen, MovomloaL 8 u foe , trt e-stlmatea. Y EATER APPLIANOl OO. 353 H Liberty n ft' ESTING HOUSE refrigerator, 10 eu. ft. ideal (or restaurant, trocar or large lino home. TEATER APPLIANCE 00. 355 North Liberty. nl08 frjLLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8331. niu J"OR SALE Blue Tag Marshall Btraw berry plants certified by Oregon State college. It payi to plant the beat. We are contracting additional atrawberry acreage. Phone 5502 or write United Growers, Inc.. Salem, Oregon. nl02 ,,FAN8, pedestal and table models for homes, canneries, garages, lodge halls. ' offices. ' TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 265 N. Liberty M07 ELECTROLUX cleaner it air purifier, Nov available. Complete with all attach ments, (60.75 Home demonstration giv en. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. nl06 RIVER BILT. Phone 25912. IVE BUT t sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes, motors radios, electrlo appli ances, household goods (CLIO MAN '9 385 N. Commercial. Phono B885 n' NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 175 S. Hieh. Phone 6088. MOB ELECTRIC 42 gallon water heater. 179.50 TA. 4314, Portland. nlOB C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines Parts all makes. Pinking shear ground. Ph. 5765. 1940 N. 18th. n!03 GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock Shovel A drag-line excavating WALL ZNO SAND AND GRAVEL OO Ph 8M1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Washing machine with pump. w. C. Gruenfelder. 2615 K. itiver a nalOO WANTED elec. refrigerator. Ph. 22857, na WAN -: Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Kciiey, rn. Z3I5B. naio USED FURNITURE. Phone B18A PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL ADVISER. Well known bv former name "Martin." Appts. dally, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. 1271 Chemeketa street. P2 I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills for other than myseil. signea ttaroia R. Schaeffer. I BAB EE-TEND A REPRESENTATIVE, giving demonstrations this week. Fa. Mr. Burton, Hotel eaiem, p90 READING, know the truth. 2361 State. pOS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. Bog 724. , P276 AUTOMOBILES " " '45 FORD fl. like new. only 9000 miles, long wheelbase. 12-ft. flatbed and side racks, tarn. '39 Ford V-8, 21-ft. semi trailer, new motor and trans., 1650 two speed. '42 Jeep, good cond., new paint job, Ideal for small tractor and run about. Must sell. Priced right. Ralph's Repair Shop, Tnira ana Monroe m, Corvallls. Ph. 1419. Ask for Reger. qlOO 3937 DODGE stock truck, equipped with . Eaton 2-speed rear end, 8K tires. 1942 120-horsepower engine. Also large stock - trailer with duel wheels St tilt bed. Phone 6098 qioi 40 PONTIAC Deluxe Sedan, very nice. '46 Pontlao Deluxe 4-Door, like new. Long Car Sales. S. First 3t.. b.L"erton, . q!02 CLEARANCE OF LATE MODEL iUUCKS 19-tl REO heavy duty, thoroughly recon- dltioncd and guaranteed $1875.00 1040 INTERNATIONAL 2-3 ton cab-over, thoroughly reconditioned. This In ternational has a brownllpe .and stock body 11650.00 1911 INTERNATIONAL K-5 with stock body, thoroughly reconditioned. 1 1200.00 1987 G.M.C. with 1941 motor in It, re conditioned $ 050.00 THESE TRUCKS carry our warranty. II you want a real good reconditioned used i truck, now Is the time to buy. JAMES H. MADEN COMPANY I 2955 Silverton Road Salem, Oregon Phone 24123 FOR SALE or trade: '41 Ford two-door sedan. '36 Chcv, 34 Park Avenue. Go out Center turn left on Park. QlOO TRAILER HOUSE, factory made (Indian) 14 ft., sleeps four, plenty of built-lns, furn. with radio, elec. water heater, etc. Full price 1645.00. Call 2 1200. qOO SILVER DOME trailer house, 24-ft. birch finish, butane equipped, Duo-therm heat, Winchester dolly, good tires in excellent condition. L. D. Scott, Rt. 8, Box 810, mile west of Kelzer school. ql04 T943MERCURY- 4-dr, R. "&"H 61405 . 1942 Stude. Commander, R. Ac H... 1405 1938 Ford 2-dr 625 1940 Ford l'.a ton truck stake bed R. St H., new tires 1295 1935 Pontlac 2-dr., radio 425 SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 So. 12th qlOO '3fi FORD 4-dr. sedan, $190. Rt. 9, Boz 123. out E. Center. qlOO '38 CHEV. 6-pass cpe., radio, heater and extras, good cond., $950. 190 So. 14th, after 6. q99 GLIDER HOUSE trailer, $1700.00. 380 Ma drone Ave. qlOO WILL PAY $300.00 "for beat "v-8 offered. t 1335 State St.. eves. qlOO 1040 BUICK conv., excel, cond., radio, heater. 2335 So. 13th. Ph. 24677. Call after 5:30. qlOO NEW BRUDETTE trailer house. Square Deal Used Cars, 1155 So. 12th St. q 1 00 WANTED to buy a good pickup truck. Ph. 24485. nlOO '30 CHEV. sedan, rceond. motor, good rubber, radio, heater. Sell or trade for later mode). 3690 Sunnyvicw Ave. qlOO FOR "ALE: '39 Dla-T 40 JxD Motor, 5 yd. box. 900 rubber. Ph. 5195 or Port land Broadway 4698. ql00 3? FORD V2 ton dump truck. PhT222B8. ' ql02 ATTENTION BOUSE TRAILERS, 15, 18 & 21-ft. '38 to '42 models, Oregon titles. Sleeps 4. Reconditolned, H down, bal. like rent. . Priced to move. Also one wheel luggage trailer, spare tire, canopy, ' like new, ( S67.50. KINGWOOD USED CARS. W. A Salem. 499 , 'tt HUDSON, radio, heater, fine" "cond. Ph. 8273 during business hours. qlOO '41 FORD 2-door, radio, heater, fine cond. Ph. 8273 during business hours. 0,100 lOiO WILLIS KNIGHT, good cond. 360", State. Rm. 34. ,M CAB OVER engine Chcv. truck. Long wheelbase. ' Only 70.000 miles. See at Oregon Fruit Products Co., West Sa lem. Ph. 4011. q99 '3 OLDS conv., clean, R. St H. Rt. 8. Box 1522. Ph. 22835 after 4 p.m. ql02 FURNISHED trailer house. Reasonable. Ph. 24504. 75 Falrvlew Ave. q99 10.15 MASTER 2-dr. Chev. Excels tires. Mechanically okay. $310. 1097 N". Win ter, q99 44 CHEV."truck"l6,000 actual mileage, all heavy duty, long wheelbase, good bed and rack. 2333 Center. q99 NEW FACTORY built Chevrolet flat bed with stakes, fit 160-ln. wheelbase truck. Merrltt Truax, 205 Columbia. Ph. 24169. ql02 NEW 6x12 HOUSE Trailer for sa le . double construction. Sink, built-lns, Daveno bed. elec. wired for Iglhts and hot plate, aluminum top. $950.00. In quire at 119 Ash St., Dallas, or Mobile Service Station, Washington St., Dallas. q FORD. V ton pickup. Clean. 2382 state St. qioo 'S3 CHEV. cpe. Excel, cond. 735 Brers Ave. qlOl 1929 MODEL A Ford sedan. Ph. 6020. q9fi TOR SALE 1936 FORD V-8, good cond. Call 699 or 625 N. Capitol. qlOl beSOTO Sedan, good as new. Ph. 6139. ql02 WRECKING 1S3S Ford. Rebuilt motors lor Ford. Chevrolet. Plymouth. Dodge and Willys. 1934 Pord transmission. Dodge rear-end suitable for building posUholo digger for tractor. Everett's oarage. Salem-Dallas highway. Ph. J3. t AUTOMOBILES MOTORCYCLES INDIAN BALES SERVICE PARTS AM makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired. 8HROCK MOTOR CO. Phone 8502 Salem HUDSON BALES SERVICE PARTS Free estimates overhauling bod? and fender repair painting. "Give Bhroek a try and you'll know why." 8HROCK MOTOR OO. Phone 8503 flaism FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY if, INTEREST I to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261 rlOl MONEY FOR ITVERY PURPOSE IP you are capable of building 10 to 100 bouses Salem or vicinity during 1947 and need financial assistance. Contact Pa. We are also Interested In financing one or two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO.. Lie 6216M322 1S3 a. High St. Ph. 4121 r FARM AND CITY LOANS i and b VOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash tor Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO. 207 Pioneer Trust. Bids. Ph 7162 r 4Vi PERCENT money for loans on new or already bunt modern homes any' w) re In the Willamette valley. 10 to 35 years repayment plan. Also plenty of money foi building modern homes. financed durintc construction. STATE FINANCE CO.. 453 S. High St. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. 6th FLOOR--GUARDIAN BLDQ License No. U-159 6-164 Real Estate Loans Farm City New Construction 4 A N. Duncan 12-14 Ladd is Bush Bank BIdg. Phone 9658 WE LIKE to make LOANS WE LIKE to say "Yes" to loan requests, because making loans or lis to liao or more Is our ONLY business. Phone or visit Personal Finance Co.. You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" In Just 1-vlslt Call today. 518 State St.. Rm. 125. Salem Ph. 3191 E. Gallinger. Mgr. . . L'3. S. 122 M. 165 rlOi FTRST MORTGAGES"oN REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on improved, real estate, Salem and vicin ity, amounts $500 to $5000. NET In vestors 5 pet. interest. Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and interest payments made by us without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO.. 153 S. High St. I MONEY REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS OAR LOANS W Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Llo 6-216 M-222 153 8 High St. r . GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS 8-138 and M-338 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 S Commercial St Tel 9168. Directory APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 2-5100. 0100 ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service. Ralph Johnson Appliances 333 Center Ph. 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Gall 9621. o!02 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 275 8. Com'l. Ph. 5161 .Brake St Wheel aligning specialist. ol01 AUTOMOTIVE COMP. MOTOR overhaul, auto mech. serv ice. Body and fender, free estimates,' reasonable. Ph. 5313. 63 n. High. 0119 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 783S Night, 34417 . 333 Center. BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth lor brush. Virgil HusKcy. so. f'airvtew Ave. Phone 23146, Salem. O108 GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 35370. one- CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph. 4071. Q1I5' CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. , ENSLEY. 771 S. 21st St. Ph. 7176. o!03- CONTRACTING NEW HOMES. New roofs and alteratlcna. 1 to 3 years to pay. Kanz Construe tlon Co. Ph. 4630 or 25106. 0116' GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Harry Hill. Ph. 7641. olOO- DECORATING DE'.IVERY SERVICE EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery. Ph. 7:00 175 N. High. oil." SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Servlct 145 s. Church. Phone 4711. 0100' EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH. MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. Lee, Cross. 1260 N. 17th O102' PEMDERTON'S FLOWER Shop. 1980 S 12th. Phone 23346. 0124 BREITHAUPT'S or flowers. Dial 9195. 0' FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME Ph 3673 0' rURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair Lee Bros.. 4020 S. Stat. Ph. 21233 0153 NEWTON'S light pickup St delivery. Haul ing of all kinds. Household moving Fully insured. Phone 22812. 0134 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling Arthur McClellar. Phone 22453. O109- HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. WATKIN8 CO. PRODUCTS. Free del 1717 Center St. Phone 5395. olOl' LANDSCAPING LAWNS, planting, landscape plans. Ar bor Landscape Service. Phone 7665. ilO0 LEVELING DOZING JOHNSON & BRIGGS, building streets 61 roads. Ph. 8035, Salem. qui LUMBER LUMBER, custom planing and car load, lng. Lumber Industries. Inc.. success. ors to H. At 8. Lumber Co.. Wallace road, West Salem. Ph. 9593. 0114 MAOAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H HAUSEB. 925 Saginaw. P 7828 O107 MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4089. Ol08' OIL CIRCULATORS OIL BURNER Sales and Service. Wm. C. Drew. Phone 5395. olll GOOD WORK, REASONABLE. Free estl mate. C. Home. Phone 5313. 0124 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Free estimate. Ph. 9513. 857 Shipping. 0115' ROY C. HANSON. Phone 2-5836. Painting, decorating. 0113 PAINTING PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PAPERHANGING EXPERT PAPERHANGING. worth. Phone 3015. J. Wood-O-108' Journal Want Ads Pay Prizes Awarded 4-H Clubs For Showings in Parade Parkersville, Fruitland and Liberty schools won the high honors respectively for the one, two and three and four-room schools in the 17th annual all county 4-H club parade through the streets of Salem Fridayf" morning when a good share of the 2000 4-H clubbers of the county went through their paces to depict the theme for this year "Making Peace the 4-H Way." Given honorable mention for second places behind the cham pions were Crawford for one room schools, Scotts Mills for two and three-room schools and Stayton for four-room schools. The judges also added an espe cial' honorable mention for St. Mary's school at Mt. Angel. This school, while not a winner on ba sis of the general theme, made an outstanding showing as to pa rade and organization with its pretty and clock like marching display. Judges declared that there was much more color, better or ganization and superior carry ing out of the general theme in this year's parade than ever be fore. Especial reference also was made to the Jefferson band which led the procession and gave up another attractive dale to participate in the 4-H activi ties. Judges were Mrs. Agnes Booth, county superintendent, Gene Vandeneynde, manager of Sears Roebuck, and Keith Brown, president of the Salem Chamber of Commerce Final big features of the show are being, staged in the Salem high school auditorium Friday afternoon where the style re vue will steal the show. The 109 entrants who will display their dresses and suits all of their own make, represent by far the largest number ever competing in that phase of the spring show and judges who have been look ing over the entrants and their dresses in preparation for the big style revue finale have spoken highly of the general quality and class of work done on them this year. Following the style revue will come an nouncement of spring show win ners, presentation of awards, presentation of five, 10 and 15 year leaders' pins and the show concludes at 4 o'clock when ex hibits are released back to their owners. Announcement also was made at noon Friday of winners in the judging contests as follows: Clothing Salem Heights. Lorraine Battles and Charlotte Graber, first; Liberty, Inez Wal ker and Shirley Bingenheimer, second; Aumsville, Donna Bank- ston and Hattie Nichol, tnira; top individual honor to Sharon Strong, Salem rieignts. Homcmaking F r u 1 1 1 a nd school, Bertha Knupe and Mary Anne Wiekum, first; Sidney, Betty Wintermantle and Dona Zehner, second; Aumsville, Jan ice Riches and Sally Klein, DIRECTORS PLASTERING CONTRACT PLASTERING. Ph. 25106. 0131 PLOWING AND DISCING GARDEN PLOWING and discing In N Salem or Kelzer. Ph. 22160. olOC PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry Travlas. 1039 Highland Ave. Ph 8601. 0113" PRINTING commercial PRINTING. Letterheads envelopes, business cards, office forms. briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery. Johnson Printing Co. ID basement at 162 S. Liberty St. 7490. ol01 SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel & dragline excavating Walling Sand 8 Gravel Co Phone 8561 o SEPTIC TANKS SETIC TANKS and drain lines cleaned. 1067 Elm St Jack Boenlng. Ph. 9633. 0114 ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate. Pro: 't service. Ph. 5327 or 9468. O107 MIKE'S Cesspool & Scptio Service, moo em equipment 1079 Elm St.. W Salem Ph. 9468 or 5327. Ol0i' F. HAMEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned 1143 8th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. 0116 SPRAYINO SPRAYING. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. O100 COMPLETE spray equipment, lawn, trees, shrubs A fields. Philip W. Belike. Dial 21?08. 0122 TRANSFER AND 8TORAG1 LOCAL DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal, Drlqueta Trucks tc Portland dally. Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to California palnta Larmer Transfer St Storage Ph 8131 o VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACUT"! CLEANER owners. will .ervlce rout Hoover cleaner com plete for 12.50 plut paru li required Hogg Broa Ph 9149 0 WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates T. PULLMAN. WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph 5600. v 0108' WELL DRILLING Chester J. Pugh, Rt. 2, Box 268B Salem. Oregon. Ph. 23413. 0II8 WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe, Rt. 9 Box 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 25198. 0IO81 . A. SNEED 1 SONS. Well drilling 3505 Brooks St., Salem Phone 6809. 0127 WINDOW CLEANING SALEM WINDOW Service. House Clean ing, floor waxing. Ph. 21342. 0119 4.CME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows walls A woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed 61 polished Ph. 3337 847 Court uangdoo Oulbsrtsop and Mather 0. PROFESSIONAL OLEANINO SERVTCB Phone 4487 o" WIRING ELECTRIC WIRING No delay. Material available. Phone 9740. 0IO8 WOOD 8AWINQ R. B. Cross. Ph 8178. O102 LODGES Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pjn Mors than a million memDers A Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & wR a.m. e. a. Degree, i'Tiapy, April 25, 7 p.m. 99" I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday night. Visi tors welcome. third; individual top honor, Flor ence Marlatt, Sidney. Cooking Union, Mildred Parton and Darlene Hughes, first; St. Mary's school, Mt. An gel, Margaret Dummer and Ar lene Duda, second, and St. Mary's school, Mt. Angel, Bar bara Lacy and Margy Ammen, third. Champions selected in the var ious classes at the exhibit at the Chamber of Commerce fol lows;. Clothing, 1-A, Frances Fox, Valley View: clothing, II, Shar on -Laverty, Auburn; Clothing, I-B, Barbara Anderson, Salem Heights; Clothing III, Janice Riches, Aumsville; Clothing IV, Bonnie Klein, Aumsville; Cloth ing V, Martha DuRette, Gervais; bread baking, Deloris Castor, Parrish junior high; our home, Mertie Mae Hansen; Aumsville; my room, Sharon Laverly, Au burn; room improvement, Ja nice Scharf, Middle Grove. Knitting I, Dawn Pierce, Ric key; knitting II, Barbara With row, Rickey; art I, pastels, Vir gil Lucas, Gervais; art II, water colors, John Foster, Macleay; art III, oils, Geneva Poule, Stay ton; child care, Patty Lou Mc Laughlin, Jefferson; bachelor sewing, Eldon Jaquet, Aums ville. Cooking, I-A, drop cookies, Mary Wornom, Valley View; cooking 1-B, ice box cookies, Wayne Feller, Cloverdale; cook ing II-C, Phyllis Archibald, Cloverdale; cooking I, cup cakes, Peggy Dobbins, Porter; cooking II, nut bread, Shirley Page, Middle Grove; cooking II, sponge cake, Janice Riches, Aumsville; cooking III, white bread, Arlyne Hilfiker, Middle Grove; camp cooking, Keith Scott, Sublimity. Woodworking I, Leroy Far men, Looney Butte; woodwork ing II, Lyle Adams, Looney Butte; woodworking III, Gayle Gilmore, Sidney; bird houses, LaVonne Humphreys; . model planes, Duane Doyle, Liberty; airplanes II, John Paulsen, Lib erty; forestry I, Paul Thomas, Cloverdale. Additional Dams (Continued from Page 1) Wade Newbegin, a member of the commission, introduced the members of countv delegations, including Douglas McKay of Marion county; Blaine Brown, Washington county; R. L. Clark, Multnomah. Mr. Walker of Polk and Floyd Fox of Marion county. State Senator Eugene E. Marsh of Yamhill county made a brief talk supporting the proj ect, tellirig the engineers that control of the spring floods would save many farms situat ed on Grand, Island in his county and along the banks of the Wil lamette river. Chessman an Advocate State Senator Merle Chess' man, representing the Columbia Basin Fisheries Development commission, declared his group was not opposed to the WillanT ette valley basin project and recognized the pressing need of flood control. "Our only objection is to con struction of high dams which will serve as an obstruction to migratory fish," he said. "I am happy that modified plans for dams on both the McKenzie and Santiam rivers have made possi ble the withdrawal of objections to this phase of theproject. We still object to the projected high darfis on the main stem of the Willamette but feel that the en gineers will further modify the projects plans to protect the game and commercial fisheries as well as provide the other worthy benefits which will re suit from the completion of the project." , Mill City Urges Haste Charles Wolverton, editor and publisher of the Mill City En terprise, got from the Salem Chamber of Commerce Friday its endorsement of an effort be ing made, centering at Mill City, for immediate construction of the Detroit dam. The chamber's endorsement, along with numer ous others, were presented by Mr. Wolverton at the meeting of army engineers in session at the Salem armory. Among letters and resolutions collected by Mr. Wolverton were those from the Stayton Cham ber of Commerce, sawmills, realtors, merchants and other in dustrialists and business men in the North Santiam area. All point especially to the need of additional power facilities to meet expanding industry in that district and the Willamette val ley, as well as flood control and irrigation. GALL BLADDER SUFFERERS FIND CURB FOR MISERY OUE TO LACK OF HEALTHY BILE Sopply RvtlWd Hera Sufferers Refek New relief for gallbladder sufferer lack ing healthy bile Is seen today in announce mrnt of a wondrrfu preparation which acts with remarkable effect. Sufferern with agonizing colic, stomach and gallbladder misery due to Uck of healthy bile now tr-ll of remarkable result sfter using thin mcdi eine which has amazing powrr to stimulate flow of healthy bile. GALLUSIN la a very expensive medicine, but considering; result, the 13.00 (t coet la only pennies per dox. GALLUSIN 0-mulion, use only as directed) la sold with full money back guarantee by Scbaefer Drug, IJW N. CommerclaL Mali Orders Flllei Market Quotations Bal.m Livestock Hogs, 35 cents under Portland prices lor each type. 8prlng lambs, 30 cents. 1946 lambs, wooled. $18.50. 1946 lambs, sheared, 616.80, Ewes, 3 to 17. Dairy cows, S6 to 814. ' Dairy bulls. (10 to 815.50, Veal, 12 to 34 cents. Portland Eastslde No. 1 large sited loose asparagus wss quoted at S4 a pyramid, bunched atock at 84.25-4.35 at ' today'a session of the Portland Eastslde Farmers' wholesale Pro duce market. Radishes were offered at 60-650 a doten bunches. New crop spinach sold up to 81.25 a 30-lb box. Old crop combination pack potatoes were sold at 32.75 a sack. Orecn onions were valued at 35-40O a doscn bunches. Portland Pro mac Cartas na Bulterfal Tentative (auoject to Imme diate chan se). Premium quality maximum Portia d 67-68c; first quality 6-67o Ib.t second quality 61-63c: valley routes and country points 3c less than first, or 64-65C. Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk. 08 lb cubes, AA, 93 score, 61c; A, 92 score, 60o; B, 90 score, 60c: C, 89 score, 57c. Cheesa Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 40 'i -49c: Ore gon loaf, 39'.3-52c; triplets SSli-SO'c. Ett To wholesaler A grade iarg 52'i-53l.jc: medium, 48,fe-494c: small, (pullet), 43 He; B grade, large, 45i-47c. Egn Purchases ttom rarmera. Current receipts 37-41c, buyers pay 3-3 io dog. below wholesale quotation on graaea basis for best hennery egia Portland Dairy Market Batter Prices to retailers- tirade AA carton, 66c; AA prints, 05c: A prints cartons, 65c; B prints, 64c: one- fourth r Jund cubes, U cent higher. E : Prices to retailers. AA extra larce 60c: AA large (certified), 58-59c: A Urge, 54-55c; AA medium, 54c; A mediums, 50-51c: A small, 45c dozen; carton 2c additional. Cheese -Prices to retailers Portland Oregon singles, 381--54c lb.: Oregon loaf. ll3-56c; triplets, 38-54c. Poultry: Live Chickens Paying price to produ c: No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs. 29-30C lb. fryers. 2 to 3 lbs., 29-30c lb. 3 to 4 lbs., 34-35o lb.: roasters, 4 lbs. and over. 34-350 lb.: fowl, Leghorn, under St lbs.. It 20c lb.: over 3 'A lbs.. 20-23o lb.; fowl colored, all wU 32-33C lb. dressed prices to producers. 43c. fryers live white 30-240 Ib.t colored. 17-2 lo lb Vegetables i Artichokes Calif., 6 dor., S2.50-2.75. Asparagus Cal. smalls. S3.50-4.00 box; Calif. Cent, dist. No. 1, mediums, box, few S3.85; ll-12c lb.; Oregon, Hood River and Canby, $3-3.25 box of 30 1-lb. bunch- Washington. Sunnyside. mediums. No. 1. 11-120 lb.; unclassified and small. 7-8'ic lb. Beans Calif., 20-22c lb. Beets Cal.. bunched, f 1.35-1.40 dot, Brusset Sproots S2-J.2B Cabbage Round Head. 80 lb crates small 2.50-75. California crates, 13-3.35, red S8.5O-0.6O crate; 12-lSc lb.; Cal. No. 1, S2.75-3: kraut, Jl. 65-1. 75; red. Cal.. J5 5.50: Track sale. Cal.. round head. 12.80-3 crate: local 80 lb. crate, small, up to m ior nest. iracK sales, cam., 12.25. Carrots Bunched. Calif.. 6 dor.. 13.1.0- 4.25; topped. 50-lb. sacks. S2-2.15. Track sales, Califi bunched. S3.50; special brands UP to S3. TA. Sacked, 50-lb.. Sl.35-1.60. Cauliflower Calif., trimmed std. crate. fa.va-j. Track sales, cam., std., '12.30 2.40. Celery Sturdy crates. Pascal. S6-7 heart material. 4 and 5 doz., $4.75-5; crates, S5.50-8: track sales. sturdy crattti, santa Monica. 15.15. Cucumbers Oregon hothouse. S7.75-8 J aoz. iuks; Ju-Aic id. Garlic Oregon white 25-aoe b.i Calif. 28-30O lb. Lettuce Calif., 4 doz., S4.25-4.75. Stock ton. 4 doz.. S3. 75. Track sales. Calif. Delano, few S3.90-4. Dried Onlcns Oregon yellows. No 1 itnfl larger, S2.50-2.60; mediums, S1.75-1.S0: truck sale, mediums. S1.60; Leek, local. 80-90c doz. Texas, white wax. 50-lb. saks, 1 34-4.25. Track snlcs, Texas Bermuda, S3-1 3.25; cold storage, No. l's. S2-2.25; medi ums, ,"1.75. Plant 22-250 Green Onions Local, 7A-80o doa, bun Locnl, mld-Columbla, 40-50C. Parsley Calif., S5.-5.50, 10 doa. bunches Parsnips Local, $1.00-1.25 lua Teas Calif. 28-lb. hamper, 13.60-4. Pe;ipers Mexico. 45 lb. S13-14 a lua. Track sales, $12.50: 100 sc. 19-20n lb.; Calif., 45 lb., $7-7.50: loose, 40-45c. I Potatoes Russets No. 1 per cwt., $3.75 4.00; Idaho No. 1, $3.50; No. 2s, $3.10 3.25; "o. 2 A, 25 lbs., $1.00-1.05; 15 lbs., 60-65c; Deschutes No. 2s, 50 lbs.. $1.25 1.30; Baker. Ore, Russets, No. 1. $3.50 3.60. Track sales. No. 1 Calif., lone long whites, S2.65-2.75: 100-lb. sacks, S4.25 ..45. Track sales. No. 1 Calif., long whites, 100 lb. sack, $3.90. Radishes Local, 70-75o doz. Rutabagas fl 16-1.25 lui ' Spinach Local, mid-Columbia, 85-SOc a 20 lb. ' )x; new crop, $1.25. Squash Daiilsn iuga $1-1,15; orange boxes $2.50-3 75; Hubbard, Marblehead, 6-7c lb.; Calif, banana, S-5l4c lb.; Calif., Zucchini, $3.50-4 crate; 26-lb. lug, $4-4.25. Sweet Potatoes California Jarsey 50 'b. basket, S4.50-4.75: Calif., yams, $4.15-4.25. Texas, $4.15-4.25. Tomatoes Mexican, m Is, best, $8.50 9.50; repacked,. $7.50-8; 20 tubs, $4-4.20. Track sales, lugs, S5.65.5.75; 12 lb. tubs, $3.85-4; 21 lb. tubs, $6.25-8.76. Track sales,- S9. Turnips Bunchfs il. 10-35 doa. bunches California 50-lb. sacks, $2-2.25. rresb Fraltt Apples Oregon delicious, t, A t., $4-4.25 uox: choice $3 75-85; Ortleys, w. and (. comb, grade. $3 15-25; Newtons f and f. $1.75-2: w and p $4-4.25. Wtnesaps w end P. 14.50-5.00; Ho- ' River, w and p, $4.75 5.25. Avocados California Feurtes, sizes 34 and 30. $4. 40-4.75. Bananas Bunched. S3. 25-3. 50; out hands. $12.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif 24, 8 ul pkgs. $4.35-1. G: ipefrult Texas pinks, 70's-90'a, S4.7S 5.75; small, S4.00-4.25. Marsh seedless, BO's-06's, S3.00-3.35: Ariz. White. $2.50-2.05 Lemons Call!., 300-360's, $6.50-7; 433's, $3.60-3.75. Limes California IS tubs ol 6 limes S2.75-3.00 Oranges California navels, 200' and larger, $5.50-5.75; 230-352's, $4. 50-5.25; 2 52 'a and smaller, $3.75-4; 2fl0's and smaller, S4.90-s.10 Pears D'AnJou, $4.75-85, wrapped &n0 packed; .oose. $3.26; Bosc loose. S2.75-3 Yakima. S3-3 35 Persimmons Call lugs. S3.25-3.S0 Rhubarb Extra fancy, S2.S0-2.63; fancy, $2.00-10; choice $1.75-80. few high as $2.00: Sumner, Wash., hothouse, 15c lb., local field grown, apple boxes, 90c-$l; wine, 85-9C strawberries Louisiana, California, S3. 75-3.85 18-cup crate. Air express, $4.25 4.40; rail express, S3. 45-3. 85. Packaged Vegetables Cellophane wrap- ' . I, a dozen Broccoli, 12 oz $1.75-1.85: 1 spinach, 24 12-oz., $1.60; brussell sprouts. 9-oz., $2.20-2.35; celery hearts, 13.25-3.50 doz, Oarlle Cloves 20 1-os packages, $1,65- 1.78. Dressed Meats. Veal Heavy top quality Itt-SSc; top quality light, 32-34o Ib.i B, 35-26ct O, 33- 1 2(c; cull. 18-200 lb. flogs Block butchers, packer style, 125-160 lbs. 37-SBc; over 213 lbs., 6-37c-sows, all weights, 30-34c lb, Lambs AA, 38-4001 A. 37-38ct B, S4-36C O, 28-30C Mutton 10-I60 lb according to qualltj and weight Beef Best quality. 32-34c: B. 2S-26c: O, 22-24c; canner and cutter, 18-lBc; bo-1 .ozna bulls 25-26o. Wool Caseara Bar lit Caicara Bar! Green 8-1 4c; dry, JOe Wool Valley coarse and medium grades, 42-43 'o. HEALTH TO YOU WHEN m Fissure Fistula Hemorrhoids Prolapse Itching , and other Rectal disorders are corrected. No Hospitalization Quick Relief Or. R. Reynolds Clinic ' Naturo-Proctoloeist 218 N. Liberty St, Salem, Oregon Mehftlr 40o lb. on 13-montb crowth. Hi dot Orcen betf, 1313c; cfclvet, 40c lb. Kip hid J, 30c. Rendertd Inedlbl rt 12s lb The ibov prices quoitd to th whol ial trtdt re P.OJ. inipplo polou Dellrtred autern prleo It icneraily 1 Vk ctnu blihtr thu P.OJI. plant uoU tioni Chicaio Grain Chicago. April 35 (U.fi) Cash train sale Wheat: Higher; No. 3 red 275; 1 mixed 171. Corn: Unchanged to one cent lower; No. 3 mtxrd 172'-,; 1 yellow 177; 2 yel low 176; 3 yellow noii-ni;: 4 yellow 187, -171'; 5 yellow 153U-161'j; sam ple grade yellow HT4 . Oats: Steady to firmer; No. 1 mixed heavy 95 m 7 white heavy Sb. Barley: Malting 180-180 nominal; feed 130-150. Chicago Llveitrok Chicago. April 3B OP) (USDAi Salable hogs 6500, total 9000; around 50-75 cents lower; bulk good and choice 180-250 lbs 22.50-23.35 with top weight good and choice 260-280 lb 21.00-22.50: good and choice 390-330 lb 19.76-21.00; few good and choice' 330-400 lb 18.75-20.00; most aooa ana cnoice sows 17.20-17.70. Salable cattle 2000. total 2500: saalble calves 400, total 400; no choice steers or heifers here: medium to low-good kinds steady at 19.60-23.50 mostly; load good grade long yearlings 24.50; best holers 22.26; cows steady to 25 cents lower; cut ters 13.00 down; most beef cows 13.75 18.50; bulls steady at 17.00 down; ve it ers unchanged at 24.00, Mostly 23.00 down: six loads strictly good to choice 875-950 lb South Dakota bred feeder steers 20.25- 31.50. Salable sheep 500, total 3500: actual re ceipts confined to less than 100 head of odds and ends; undertone fully steady: quotable top on good and choice fed wooled lambs 22.60; load mostly medium grade 104 lb woolskins late Thursday 20.00; load similar grade clipped lambs witn laii-inorn pens ib.oo. Portland Grain Portland, April 25 M Wheat futures not quoted. Cash grain: No. 1 flax 7.00. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.39. soft white (excluding rex) 2.39; white club 2.39: western red 2.39. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.39: 10 pe cent 2.42; 11 percent 2.48; 13 percent 2.00. Hard white Baart; 10 percent 3.40; percent 2.44: 13 percent 3.51. Today s car receipts: Wheat 17: bar ley 3; flour 3; corn 23: m .lifted 3. Portland Livestock Portland, Ore., April 25 (UP) Livestock: Cattle salable 35: calves 10. Mostly a cleanup market at unrhangeo prices; smalt lot medium rarit 559 lb steert. 20 00; sorted loans good holdover steers late Thursday 24.0 J; week's inr 35.00 for two carloads including one experimentally fed load; week's best lieiftrs 23.00, canner and cutter cowa today 11 00-13.00; Ut. dairy-type cofs 14.00-1S.25; medium beef cows 16.00-17.00; good sausaRe bulis up to 17.78: medium to Rood vcalers 20.00-25 00; choice salable to 27.00 or above, Hogs salable none. Market nominal; rod dto choice 190-240 lb butchers t, noted to 2S.25: good sows mlable artund 21.00 22.00; choice feeder pigs quotable to 28 00 or above. Sheep salable none. Market nominal; good to choice wooled lambs quoted 19,50 30.50; spring lambs to 22.00; shorn lambs salable 19.00 down; good to choice shorn ewes quoted 7.00-7.50; wooled ewes to 9.00. Salem Markets Completed from reports of Salem dealers for the guldanct ot Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Prices Rabbit Feeds Pelleu, 14.2s cwt. K( Mash H.lt cot. Dairy Feed S3.00 cwt. "oultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1. 32c lb.; No. 2, 28c; colored fryers, No. 1, See lb Esse Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra luge Krade A, &2c; med., 48c; standards, .uc aosen; puiteu, ituc; orax, sue. Wholesale Prlee-Large, 88c dozen; med., 82c dozen. Butter Wholesale A, 84c. Retail rjrade A, 89c. nutterfat Premium, 87c; No. 1, 66c; No. 2, 62c. New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press. New York A- Closing quotations today Allied Oh em & Dj 173 American Can do1 Am Pawer & Ltgh ni mer Tel St Tei 164'i Anaconda Copper 36 Atchison .. , 80 Bendl Aviation 30i Bethlehem Steel 85'i Boeing Aircraft is alifornia Packing . 2b'i Canadian Pacific iiv, J 1 Case 33.;, Chrysler Oorp B9',i Commonwealth A Soul 2T4 C.nsoltoated Bdisor 26?; Consolidated Valiee tsi Continental insurance i0 Crown Zeilernacb 26 Curtlaa Wright rij D jgias Aircraft B2 Dupont oe tfemoun ... 119 General Electric 34 '4 General Poods 40 ' General Uotorr 56 ri Ooodyear Tire f0 Great Northern pfd SBS International Harvester 81 int Papet pfd . .. 102'i Johna Uanvllta U6'.H Kennecott 43 i Loni BeU A 16 Maytag D1 Miami Copper Montgomery War 0 Nash Itamnator la- National Dairy 31 tt Y Central 13 North Am Co 26'4 Northern PaelM I5 Pae Amer Man Pacific Gas Eleo 13 Pacific T ft T 1"8 Pn American 12 'M Penney J 0 0 Radio Corp Rayonier 20 Payonter Pfd Reynolds Metals 37'i Richfield l4;i Safeway 21 Seam Roebuck a2 Sinclair Oil 15'i Southern Pacific 36 Standard Brandu au'r Standard OH Calif 9tewart Warner Studebaaer 19 ' Bun Mining 9 Union Ol) Union Pacifla United Alrllnei " United Aircraft - united States Steal Warner rtrotheri ' West Eleo Mti Co Wnoiworth " PROMPTLY HELP RELIEVE Itch, at to pain of plies with toothing, tcttntifieaUy medicated Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall tut our Chinese dies. Amailng success for 6OO0 lean id China No matter with what ali ments your are afflicted dtaordera unualtls- heart, ttnga, liver, kidney caa. constipation, alaera, dlaoetea. rheumatism, gall ant) bladder fvar skin, female eomplainta CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE BEBB CO. Offle Boars I I Tvea. ana tai. tsary tJM H. Ce saver tax Phn HUM MLEM OBI JaSV Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Wheal Higher On Friday Marl Chicago, April 25 (P) Wheat spurted as much as 5 'k cents on the board of trade today, but corn displayed a weak under tone. Oats, lower at the start, advanced later in sympathy with the run-up in wheat. Wheat closed 3V4-5V4 higher, May $2.6iy--, corn spurted in the closing minutes in sym pathy with wheat and finished -34 higher, May $1.70-'s, and oats closed Vs-lVi higher, May 8834-7e. Stocks Decline Irregularly New York, April 25 (U.R) Stocks lost fractions to more than a point today and ap proached their low for the year, in spite of good labor news and several favorable corporate earnings statements. Bethlehem Steel yesterday reported record March quarter earnings and concluded a wage agreement with the CIO Steel Workers at the same time that General Motors Corp. was reaching agreement on wages with the CIO Auto Workors. Bethlehem Steel had an ex treme gain of a point on the news but General Motors open ed unchanged and then lost a point from its previous case. An outstanding strong spot, however, was Standard Oil of California, which ran up ZVt points then reacted moderately. Standard directors last night de clared a dividend of 85 cents against f5 cents previously and reported higher March quarter net income. Wm..Gorsline Dies at Hospital . Funeral services will be held at the W. T. Rigdon chapel Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock for William Gorsline, native Ore- gonian, who died early Friday morning at a local hospital, where he was taken after suf fering a heart attack at his home on Plymouth drive, north of Sa lem. Rev. Wilmer Bfown will officiate at the rites. Born December 3, 1881, at Mission Bottom, north of Salem, Gorsline was the son of Delmer D. and Mehala Gorsline. He spent his boyhood at Mission Bottom and attended the school there. He was married to Matide Sears at Dallas, Oregon, in 1905 and the couple took up their residence at McCoy, Ore gon. A farmer until ill health forc ed his retirement three years ago, Gorsline moved from Mc Coy, to a farm on the Wallace Road, which he operated until removing to another farm in the Rickreall area in 1932. The couple came to Salem from Rick reall three years ago. Gorsline was a member of Sa lem Elks lodge, No. 336, which will have charge of the ritual ist services at the funeral Mon day. Surviving besides the widow are two daughters, Lois D. Mor ris of Salem, and Helen L. Scott, of Hoquiam, Wash.; three sisters, Mrs. Myrtle Beckner and Mrs. Minnie Schoenemann, both of Salem, and Mrs. Sadie Moritz of Turner, and two grandchildren. Ole Roemer, in Paris in 1676, first deducted that light travels at a definite speed by observing the eclipses of the planet Jupi ter. ANOTHER FACTORY PACKED OWES! Vi Case 8 Dozen Dozen Don't Misi This Money-Saving Opportunity to Buy at Wholesale Prices! SAVING At the Foot of the Bridge WEST SALEM Friday, April 25, 1947 15 Markets Briefed (By th United Press) Stocks lower in quiet trading. Bonds irregularly lower; U.S. governments did not trade. Curb stocks lower. Wheat futures closed up 3Vi to 5 cents. Hogs lower, cattle and sheep steady. Births, Deaths Births Silverton A daiuht.r, April . to Mr. a. Mrs. Warren Bremer ot Hubbard, at Silverton hospital. Death, William Gorillne In this city, on April 35, William Gors line, at the ate of 65 years. Survived by his wife, V. Maude of Salem, two daugh ters. Lois D. Morris of Salem and Helen Scott of Hoquiam, Wash.: three ais i, Mrs. Myrtle Berliner, Mrs. Mlnnl Schoenemann, both of Salem and Mrs. Sadie Mrrits of Turner and two grand children. Services will be held Mondar, April 38 at S p.m. in the dispel of W. Riadon company with Rev. Wilmer Brown officiating. Ritualistic services will be performed by the BPO Ellu, No. 336. Bert Taylor Bert Taylor, late rrsident of Turner. Oregon, at a local hospital April 24. Survived by his wife. Lucy Taylor: three daughters. Mrs. Laura Greer ot Turner, Mrs. Florence Von Bredel of Alberta. B. C, and Mrs. Marian Want land of Ver- nonia, Oregon: two sons, Floyd Taylor pf Turner and Harold Taylor of Cedro Wool- Iry, ash.; and 17 grandchildren. Ser vices will be held Monday, April 28, at 1:30 p.m. at the Clough-Barrlck chapel with interment at Twin Oalu cemetery. Turner. Baby Girl Sholarth Baby Girl Sholseth, at a local hospl 1, April 23. Survived by parents. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sholseth of Salem. An nouncement of services later by Clouiii Barrick company. Hattie B. Ruilck Cady in paianena. Calll.. Anrll 3. Halt e B. Buslck Cady, former resident of Salem and late resident of Pasadena. Survived by a son, Edwin Buslck, with tht U.S. army In Germany. Member of Chad wick chapter 'No. 37, Order of Eastern Star: Willamette Shrine No. 3 of the White Shrine, I'anna Rosa Court No. 6 of Order of Amaranth and the Rebekatu. An nouncement of services later by W. T. Rig don company. Mrs. Oliva Egslman In this city, April 33. Mrs. OUva Zggt a i, late resident of Silverton. route 3. Wife of Albert E. Egg 1 man of Silverton, route 2. Sister of Louis and Eldon Ger- ber, Mrs. Alma Zurcher and Mrs. Hen ry Baer all of Salem. Member of the Pratum Mennonlte church. Services will be held Saturday, April 36, at 3 p.m. at the Pratum Mennonlte church under the direction of W. T. Rigdon company. Con cluding services at the Pratum cemetery Rev. John Franz will officiate. Mrs. Jean L. Bradfield Mrs. Jean L. Bradfield. at her noma at 1100 Donna avenue, Salem, Wednesday. April 23. Wife of E. A. Bradfield of Salem, and mother of Mrs. Agnes Drummond and Earl F. Bradfield. both of Salem and Miles D. Bradfield of Boulder. Colo. Also survived by two grandchildren. Services win oe neifl Saturday, April 26, at 10 a.m. from the Clough-Barrlck chapel with Rev. S. Raynor Smith officiating. Inter ment will be at Belcrest Memorial park. Marcella Ada Grant Marcella Ada Grant, late resident f 895 North Winter street, at a local hos- imai, rnursuay, April a, at the age of 63 yeura. Survived by her husband, Ward Grant of Salem; five daughters. Mrs. Harold Masaey of Balem. Mrs. Harold Me. Call of Corvallls, Mrs. Rod Ralnbolt of ijosaaen, ureg., Mrs. Everet Kimball of Davenport, Iowa, and Mrs. George Wall of Hlghpolnt, N.C.; a son, Kenneth Grant of Tacoma; and U grandchildren. Mem ber of the Seventh Day Adventlat church. Services will be held at the Howell-Edwards chnrel Monday, April 28, at 1:30 P.m. with Elder O. T. Dickinson offici ating. Interment In the Clan ett. ceme tery. Obituary Wlllard B. McKoirn Palls City wlllard B. McKown died April 23 at his home in Falls City. He was born in Miller county, Iowa, October 16, 1663. His parents were Orin McKown and wife Laurelgn Brunelle McKown. He was married to Rachel Chambers at Amity September 30, 1881, He came to Falls City In 1893 where he has lived tha rest Of his life. Mrs. McKown passed away in November, 1043. He leaves eight nephews and three nieces to mourn his death. Services will be held at tha Henkle & Bolman chapel In Dallas, Sun day at 2 o'clock. Rev. Quenten Schenk, pastor of the church, oinciaiing. in terment In the Falls City cemetery. Mrs. Eliiabeth Pattenger Silverton Mrs. Elisabeth Pattenaer. 60. resident of Silverton for 66 years, died Friday morning at her home 133 W. Cen ter street. Surviving are her husband. Otto Pattenger and two sisters, Mrs. Emll Romer. Pratum, and Mrs. Christina Jaeckcl, West Bend. Wis. Announcements later from the Ekman funeral home. Harry Hage Silverton Funeral services for Harry Hater will be held from the Immanurt Lutheran church at 3 o'clock Saturday with burial In the Silverton cemetery under the direction of the Ekman funeral home. CARLOAD! CASE $3.65 $1.98 $1.00 15c CENTER Vi Mile North of the Underpass SALEM