8 -CapHal Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, April 24, 1947 n n &f$Wmlf$ coloramo A Colorful Panorama in Prints by the Yard in tank 1000 Yards! Exclusively at tHitlerA ... . t BUTTERtCK PATTERN f' A multitude of color from exotic sun-drenched Carib tjm OvY countries ... a wealth of romance in eighteen un- T) ill usual designs and a versatile fabric favorite . . . Tri- ijfv cot-Jersey. Luxurious to look at but modestly priced, ; jjM ' Tlsfe 3fi perfect for your spring, summer and vacation ward-. y LJ' robes. Caribbean Colorama prints will not shrink A? jr USuifi or stretch run or ravel - pack like a dream, retain I I w their mellow suede-like finish to the every end, and z are easily sewn. 38-39 inches wide . . . 1.98 yard! ' wd1 u -V fjDyWjy EXCLUSIVELY OURS ... , V' v SnA