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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1947)
r DSoots and Spurs By Gloria Robinion In comparison to last week' three shows, the Salem riders pent a quiet week-end, but a pleasant one. Ethel Rowland and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Ward played host to the club Friday night for Fun Night, and presented a complete score of entirely differ ent games. Balancing a can on one's head and Tiding around the ring proved impossible for- Capital .TnnrnaT. 5nlem. Ore.. Thursday. 'April 2T. in 17 7 all but a few of the riders. Pairs of riders trying to eat ice cream with spoons tied together gave the audience a good laugh. Tom my Livesey, the club's newest member, made his first Fun Night appearance riding Sara toga. Odds and ends: Jumping prac tice this week will be Saturday afternoon with capable Jim Hall In charge. Jim held a few of his students spellbound Sunday afternoon while he jumped his beautiful marc, Lady of War, over some mighty high hurdles. . . . Peggy Turley's new hunter. Sky, is a handsome fellow and Peggy Is rightfully very proud of him. . . . Several of the riders took off Sunday for Mehama and a long trail ride. . . . The Van Weiders took a mid-week trip to Baker and came back with the news that the Salem calf ropers are expected in Red mond for a calf roping match this week-end, . . , Midge Rider has acquired a new horse, also, a big, handsome gray that she expects to train as a hunter. . . . Joanne MacFarlanS is riding her buckskin colt, Poncho, now and will probably be riding him at the club soon. . , , Little Donny Pyeatt is fast becoming an expert calf rider, a future champion in the making like his big brother, Jimmy Mac Prince is tying his calves in rec ord time, 15 seconds for ex ample. . . . Cowboy Hank Hess goes home from the hospital this week and he's not a bit un happy about it. . . . Calf roping ends in about two weeks as rodeos will take all of the boys' time. Good season and good luck, boys, and bring home the Irophies! Miss Carmen Navarro, bride elect of Jose Arichiga, was guest of honor at a shower at the home of Theresa and Carolin Aguilar. Guests were Mrs. Inez Marquex, Cecilia, Mary and Carmen, Miss Esther Etchemendy of Portland, Mrs. Rubalcaba of Albany, Mrs. Campus of Beavcrton, Mrs. Breg, Mrs. Condon, Miss Viola Jocoli son, Miss Anna Harly, Mrs. Ivy Swenwald, Anita, Hermina and Lupe Aguilar, Miss Lena Silbast of Salem and the hostesses. tfondtrfhf milk For BXtra smoothness, finest flavor, and deli cacy of tost cook with Dangold Evaporated Mifk. Famous for infant feeding. Pure Vita min Ds increased. Darigold brings added food value however used. ANNUAL HALF-PRICE SALEjW ' N iimiff 'J ) Cream Deodorant Generousl jar now only t for limited time 0 Thii exquisite deodorant faithfully protects your personal charm! It controls perspiration odor and unpleasant moisture for many, many hours. Yet it is unfailingly gentle to your skin and to fine fabrics. Surrounds you villi delicate fragrance. And it stays fluffy and smooth, easy to use. Try it now at half price! Don't delay! Get your jar todayl Come in... telephone or use this coupon ri, end i -dollar size jars of T 1 "oooani CHAM Tuny Oram Deodorant at special sale price or j Of a jar. UCheck ZChnrge C Money Order DCO D. Annie : A dfir ess . City Slate- 1'teuse add Federal Tax WILLETTS Capital Drug Store 405 State St. aki h& (ElHr M store I? I I 2 Value-Packed DAYS The Items You Want for Mother or Baby Save Money on These Values FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Mr Pink and Blue Trim INFANTS' FLANNEL KIMONOS 69c BABY ACCESSORIES Complete line of Baby Powders, Oils, Creams and Lotions. SWEATER SET Blue, White, Pink Sweater, bootees and cap in individual box. $2.49 DR. PARKER HOLT BABY PANTS Sizes 2 to 6 Fair Trade Price , 49c INFANT'S SLEEVELESS Pullover SHIRT Sizes 2-3-4 Regular 29c Value . Special 13c SMARTI-TITES BABY PANTS Small, Medium, Large. Unconditionally guaranteed waterproof and washable . . . pair 59c BLACK SATIN LACE TRIM SLIP Sizes 32-40. Braided rip-proof seams, scienti fically constructed. ... $1.99 Special SUNSHINE KIDDIE COTTON PRINT DRESSES Special purchase of 80 square cotton print dresses. Sizes 12-20. Priced to Save J7 at Only LADIES' RAYON HOSE Sizes ZVi-WA 79c Pair DRESS LENGTHS Better grade rayons, ro maines, alpacas, prints, spuns and cottons. Each containing enough mater ial for a dress. $098 Mother's Day Cards . 2 for 5c to 25c HANDKERCHIEFS Boxed 3 in Box box 79c BOXED SOAP 4Pnba,crL $1 00 Knit Panty V, DIAPER 10x20 Inches Reg. 29c Special Price . . 7c .Each QUILTED CRIB PAD Size 27x34 Inches $1.69 HAND-MADE MADEIRA Baby r : Made in Portugal f 'I. 'J Sizes 6 Months, (f' I and 2 Year $3.98 V3L If AiX2 100 ALL WOOL SOAKERS PINK WHITE BLUE $1.19 COTTON "T" SHIRTS FOR BABY Button shoulder in sizes 1-4. Regular 79c. SPECIAL BABY WEEK PRICE 67c Receiving Blankets Size 27x36 inches. White, Pink and Blue. A Money-Saver at . . . . 69c