1 West Salem Grade Pupils Presenting Costume Play West Salem, April 24 "Heidi," a four-act presentation of the original story by Johanna Spyri, will be offered Friday at the West Salem schools by students of the upper grades. The produc tion is under the direction off- Mrs. Evelyn Shultz, eighth grade Instructor, who has been assisted in rehearsals by Mrs. Doris Bell. "Heidi" will probably be the most elaborately staged perfor mance ever offered by the school. Enacting the story will require three scenes a moun tain setting; a luxurious home scene and a cottage scene. The cast will wear costumes of the Swiss people. A matinee will be presented at 1 o'clock in the afternoon principally for children and adults, who wish to take ad vantage of the afternoon per formance. The feature show will be at 8 o'clock in the eve ning. Betty Jo Davenport Is in charge of ticket sales. Assisting in the general ar rangements are Jay Surgeon, as head of the stage crew, aid ed by Bill Simmonton and Bill Huntley; Dorothy Bradford, Lantana Fite, Ila Jo Campbell, Jean Newton, Carol Vandiver, and June Stoutenberg, usher ettes; Beverly Bell, as produc tion manager; Karen Johnson, Bobby Willick, Jan Crenshaw, Donnadee Hindman, Wilma Willick, and Keith Johnson, property decorations. i the fact that the people are cur rently circulating 28 ti billion dollars in currency, possess checking accounts worth 82 bil lion and have series E bonds worth 30 billion or a total of 140 billion which can be used to purchase needed commodi ties. This is in comparison to 20 billion on hand in 1929. Competition and production, ! France predicted, will take care of the wage and price levels. U. S. Unable to Afford 'Bad Year' Economist Declares We had better arrange our affairs so that we will enjoy at least moderate prosperity for a number of years if we are not to have a political upheaval of unpredictable violence, warned Harry C. France, economist, writer and lecturer as he addressed mem bers of the Salem Knife and Fork club Wednesday evening. "Uncle Sam can't afford to have a 'bad year,' " he continu ed, for a country that has oper ated upon an unbalanced bud get for 17 years, piled up a debt of 240 billion dollars and established a tax rate that takes from 40 to 50 billion dollars out of the people's pockets annually, must have prosperity if it is to keep Its financial head above water. France credited the federal reserve bank system with put ting an end to money panics and said Uncle Sam was the only person who could borrow and borrow at a cheaper and cheaper rate of interest. Twenty years ago when we had a national debt of 20 billion dollars the buiumbiood TO GET MORE STRGHG70 If your blood LACKS IRON! You girls and women who suffer so from simple anemia that you're pale, weak, "dragged out" this may be due to lack of blood-iron. So try Lydla E. Plnkham's TABLETS one of tha best home ways to build up red blood in such eases. Plnkham's Tablets are one of the greatest blood Iron tonics you can buy! Buy them at any drugstore. Worth trying! lydia L Pinto's TABLETS FLEXALUM Venetian Blinds We measure, Install and Adjust All Orders Without Charge Rapid Service 340 Court St. 3rd Floor government was paying 4.1 per cent Interest. Now with a debt many times larger the money is being secured at two percent. France charged that taxation is killing incentive in America, but added that we could expect a measure of relief this year. On the brighter side of the picture the speaker pointed to THE OREGON BOB 1 CA 101 Styles Machine AaV& Vt as- 6"fS Phone 7953 fwSrJtMkit for appointment 'MlSi "Clrculctte" is IpJw the finest of all . Sfiffijfcir Permanent V''n. -Waves. V J Exclusive at Beauty Room ) Shop Miller Bide. Miller's Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Thursday, April 24, 1 947 S Close to 50,000 U. S. schools, serving from 7 to 8 million chil dren will participate in the Na-1 tional school lunch program I this year. THERE IS STRENGTH AND WITH --fil1 ill ill Not only safely in the accepted tense of fire resistance and com pressive strength butin the business of resisting wind, Wither, sun, water, rot and vermin. This is the true strength of a building material. FOR INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL AND FARM BUILDINGS Invntigete Today the Eidosiv Mratuu of Empire Concrete (Mi BORKMAN LUMBER AND HARDWARE SitiO Slate St. rhone 3101 EMPIRE BUILDING MATERIAL CO. 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