18 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES EXTRA SPECIAL! CWNER LEAVING city mast sell. LI v. r., din. r.. kitch.. bath, lots ol bunt-ins. All hardwood floors, full basement with oil furnace, nice garage, pav. si. Seven yrs. old. Lifting price (10,000. NORTH HOLLYWOOD 90000 BOYS nearly new home. 60x120 lot, very nice oearms. ah piastei ed, gum floors, automatic heat, wired for range and water neater. HOME INCOME nooo VALUING distance of downtown, 3 bedrm. plastered house, wired for range. Basement, furnace. Apt. In Tear bringing in 348 per montn. SUBURBAN A g YR. OLD 3 bedroom plastered house, lots of bullt-lns. near fialem. Berries and fruit. S6500. 1 ACRE t00 BUYS this beautiful acre In Reis er dlst. Trees, large new house ad joining. 3 BEDROOMS DOWN fin.non LOVELY three bedrm, house :n good dlst., hdw. firs., fireplace, full basement. Near hum ana jr. mgn. RESTAURANT NORTH 8000 BUYS good restaurant, Good in come. Joe Spurlock Bill Estep R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 16 YEARS in Hollywood 1853 North Capitol St. Ph. 3031 a08' , FOR SALE by owner, 3 Bdrm. home, L.R., D.R., kit,, breakfast nook, partially furn. Some garden tools incl., new lawn ,.. mower. Reason, leaving state. 135 Breys Ave. al03 GOOD BUY EXTRA NICE 1 bedroom home well lo cated. L.R., kitch., shower bath, built ? yrs. ago, Only $3400. Call COLBATH. VETERAN ATTENTION - WHY PAY RENT? When you can buy a home on the O.T. Loan. We have very nice homes priced from S8500 to $10, 500. En.sy terms on 30 yr. plan. Call COLBATH. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol St. PH. 8216 Eve. 26023 alOO HUBBARD MODERN four room home, bath, fruit room, stationary wash tubs, place Is on a. city sewer line: also has a large work shop, oil house with 500 gal. oil tank. double garage; new oil circulator, gas raneo and water heater go with the place, can be bought with or without lovely furniture, good paying business goes with the purchase or this property. WAGEMAN, WAGEMAN is GUTHRIE Woodburn, Oregon alOO 34500 ONCE IN a great while do wo get a list ing as good as this one: A ONE bedroom home built six years ago when good dry lumber was more plen tiful. Located near in, North aide of Salem, on a good residential street with Bavins, sidewalk, and all other city Improvements in and paid for. The lot Is not deep but has large frontage and nice lawn and shrubs. The house 1a well constructed on a continuous con crete foundation. Has nice living ' room, kitchen, bedroom, utility room, extra nice complete bath. Shown only by advanco appointment. (The address will not be given out over tno pnone.) The price Is only 34900. OLAF THONSTAD Real Estate 941 N. Capitol St. Fhone7fl03alO3 iur0, SMOO down. 3 Bdrm., fine loca tion. N. E. Auto. Heat. No. 302. $?1,HHJ. 3 bdrms. A marvelous home in a grand setting. No. 322. foK.vj. 3 bdrms. Large kitchen with nook. Pretty sood. No.l 324. CI0.500. 8 bdrms. Party room. 3 fire places. In top condition. No. 328A. 15,000. 3 bdrms. Hollywood. Well de signed and finished. No. 320. 13,30'J. 8 bdrms. Mahogany trim. Auto, oil heat. Very complete. No. 320. $14,!ifl0. 4 bdrms. New house. Air cond. Heat. Good yard and location. No. 405. MAKE OFFER. 4 bdrm. old type. Poten tial Income. Modern. No. 414. iB.ftuo. A very fine 4 bdrm. home. En glewood. Really homey. No. 416. $371(00. VERY neat 2 bdrm. Fireplace, full basement, furnace. Vacant. No. 259. 11,01)0. DIFFERENT. 2 bdrms., excellent kitchen is bath. Nicely finished, extra large double garage. No. 261. fi500. CLOSE In South. ' Acre. 3 bdrm. mod. house, pleasant setting. No. 263, fftfhV). M Acre. 3 bdrms. Hdwd. floors, coved ceilings, Auto, oil heat. Well Im proved yard. No. 285. 11 1. B00. LARGE 2 bdrm. Roscmont Dlst. Elect, heat. Unusually good appearance. No. 260, 1350. W Acre. Kelzer Dlsl. Well Improv ed 5 R. mod. houAC. No. 361. I I, (100. VERY new. very modern. Eugle- wood. 2 bdrm. Unique. No. 269. $500 DOWN $40 MONTH FOUR NEW unfinished but liveable houses . locat:d Just off Parle Ave., between . Market it D streets. Watch for Itel ; mann Real Estate for Salo signs. No. 247. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 8. High Ph. 0203 aP8 $4600 MALL t B.R. house. Northeast on cor ner lot. Good terms. , $4000 MALL MODERN home, on corner lot Range and oil heater with tank. Terms. FOR FURTHER details call or sea Mr. Burt. Open Sunday P.M. MURPHY REALTY CO, Realtors 1260 a. com'i, ph-!!;1!Ltt91L' $6500. B rm. home. Nice L.R., Dinette, kit., bath. 2 Bdrms., taint., furnace. Lot 8x140. MELVIN JOHNSON 540 N. Cottage Ph. 3723 altm N. SALEM I BDRM. home, basemt., a ti to-oil heat, unlln. attic, very clean it In rxcrll, cond. Priced at $10,000. TO SEE THIS, call D. J. Dawson, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves, 25338 8. SALEM NEAR LESLIE Jr. HI. 2 bdrm. home with D.R., auto-oil floor furnace, L.R., very nice cond., excell. location. Price $7000. Call D. J. Dawson, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 25338 a08 FAIRMOUNT HILL I BDRM. home In a very pleasant set ting, auto-oll heat, flrepl., large patio, picket fence around bach. . 'd. Con venient arrangement. TO SEE THIS Hv'.it . , Call D. J, Dawaou. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves, 25338 a98 SMALL HOME ft'joo. I rms. with 2 bdrms,, plast., Ka ra a e. bath, located in N. Salem. Lot 72x80 ft. ttim. 4 rms. with 3 bdrms., bath, located South. Lot 100x100 ft. Call O. H. Grabenhorst. Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 131 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 22948 aB8 TWO. o. FOR a neat (-rm. house on 1 A. of nice trees and shrubbery on Cro lsen Creek Rrt. S. of Salem. 11ns L.R., D.R.. K. with bullions, nook, bath ii 3 B.R.'a. Artesian well, Call Jaclc Hrnningsen with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High 81. Tlione 4121 103 FLASH WE II AVE two 3-bdrm. homes N.. near HI Ben. Both havt full basmta and nice yds. Call for appt. T. A. BERGLAND REAL ESTATE 3305 Portland Rd. Ph. 21073, Rrs. 6438 FIRST TIME LISTED. NORTH X.OVELY 2 BR. plastered hse hdw. L, wired for range, fireplace, basement, lumace. $7350. Oood terms or will traae lor a Bedrm. house. G. I. SPECIAL BEAUTIFUL 4 rm. new modern home, enetlan bl., fir. furn., hdw. floors, a real good buy. $5750. 1500 down. See NELSON with WILLIAM K. MOSES 13 State. Phone 4993 a 1100.00 2 b.r. home on 3 lots, nice gar den spot, plenty fruit it shrubs. Call Mr. waiters. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt Phone 3781 Eves, 25260 a98' LOVELY 3 bedrm. home in Hollywood mat. nice oasement, oil pipe fur., fire p'.iee, hwd. floors, lv, rm., D. rra. it nook, can Mr. waiters. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa 81 Phone 3793 Eves, 25260 a98' To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. Ore., Thursday, April 24, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES A REAL VALUE FOR BALE: House. 804 N. Monmouth Ave, MonmouUt. Built 1S42. Lot 58x150. Two bcdr.ims, good bath, very nice kltcn en. wired for ratine, elec. wtr. heater, fireplace, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, new paint, Shrubbery, garage with overhead door, laundry tuns, con crete floor. Immediate possession. Price 14850, some terms, Jonn E. niacx, neai tor, 4"" N. High, Salem. Phone 34703, a09' ff-ROOM dwelling, quarter block In heart of Turner. This Is priced right and you can afford to live in it and drlva to Salem to work. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON, REALTORS 250 11. High St. Phone 34129. a08' NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL $-0,10 NICE 3 bedrm home. Large living rm., dining rm., kitchen, hdw. floors. Full sized basement, oil furnace. Over size 1 lot. This Is a buy. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa Ph. 21549. Eves. 35001. Mltmt SEE THIS 6 rm. home on corner lot. nouble garage. Adjoining ios ov 100 can be had. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa Phone 21549. Eves. 25091. 98' BY OWNER: 18500. 2 bedrm. 5 jr. Old inooern nome, num. n . floors. V-bllndJi. on bus line. 1335 Mii Hlon. Phone 7089. 02' 5 YEAR OLD 2 Bedrm. home, exc. cond. run Basement wim en .vu.... attached, patio, oil furnace, elec. hot water, fireplace, llwd. floors, fenced buck yard and good garden apace, 1815 N. 32nr1. Phone 39B2, ln 455 Court St. Phone 7696 HOME BARGAINS urn RIM. Bumtalow. New, V. Blinds. Plastered. Elect, heat it cook. Very clean place. OPEN HOUSE THIERS.. APRIL 24. New 5 rm.. auto, oil furnace, beaut. HW noorji mrouiiioui. 38500 with terms. Go out N. River Rd to Dearborn, turn right. 3 blocks then num. 'intra nouse on tikjil. 2 BDRM., full basement, plastered, 3 rm. apart, in rinscim. uhihkc. ciev. Illlioili, ir.n a int. iiun".. Elec. neat, nw, lira., nice tut. Dlsl. SDDUU. siltm uasn. iu. month. JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR .455 Court St Phone 7696 a99 HERE IT IS A NE'V strictly modern, spacious suburban hnn.i tvtri TnrO llvlntt rOOffl. big din ing room, lovely tile kitchen with life time asphalt tile floor, upnoistereo. hook, double Karaite, lot over one acre, north east. $18,000. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 14ft- N. High St. Phone 7660 a93 ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT NEW TWO bedroom with unfinished at tic; electric heat, hardwood floors, at tached garage; financing arranged. Price $10,500. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Ph. 7660; Eves. 24773 a99 VERY PLEASANT 3 bedroom Hollywood home. Excellent heat, fine fireplace, larae well Improved yard. Double ga rage. $11,000. $4000 Down. No. 301. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 s. High Phone 9203 Eve. it Sun, Ph. 26058 or 26790 a98 itv OWNER: New 2 large bedroom home. Attached garage. Hardwood floors, oil floor furnace, lots or bullt-lns it Jlnen closets. Insulated it weatherstrlpped. Deep well & pump. One block from bun. 2 blocks N. of Center. 1 block E. of Park. 3245 Knox Ave. afiO XHfton. Ni:V n-HM. Home North of Holly wood. Has oil floor furnace. Attached. Kflrauc. Large lot. SI 1.0(H). 311 R. HOME close to Hollywood. Has basement, furnace, large living room. 2-car garage. Large lot, Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 High Phone 4121; Eves. 25306 a09 NORTH 14th STREET ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom home, about 10 years old, has fireplace. Is wired for ranae, has gas water heater and gas furnace, garage, nmnll lot. $0300. SOUTH WINTER STREET WELL LOCATED, neat 2 bedroom home, fireplace, wlrrd for range, gai water heater, basement and furnace, garage, large lot, 55109, vacant move right In. $7900. NORTH RIVER ROAD MODERN suburban home In the Keiier District, 2 bedroom with an unfinished upstairs, basement with auto, sawdust furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, a very w I constructed home, about 8 years old. 1D500. MARKET 8REET LARGE S room home with unfinished up stairs, plumbing roughed in, part base ment with auto oil furnace, has large combination living room and dining room with fireplace, kitchen with nook, lot is 75110, fruit and nut t roes bus at door. $12,500. LOVELY HOME VIEW PROPERTY VERY ATTRACTIVE suburban home, 6 rooms Pius playroom In basement, auto, oil furnace, double fireplace, app. h acre of land, located less than 3 miles from edge of town. $14,000. LEE OHMART it CO.. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 9680 or 403.1 BARGAINS IN HOMES Sinjtn.flo Modern 2 B.R. with nice L.R.. D.R., plenty bullt-lns In kitchen, wired for range. Lot runs to creek. Close in. $(IHhmk) 2 B.R. home In Turner, Good location on ',4 acre. This home has lust been completely redecorated and Is modern throughout. KMHMW Modern 2 B.R., Just redecoratBd. New double garatie, close In South. Near schools, bus and stores. jttUMio.flo Luxurious country estate. This is an ultra-modern home set In center of 6 acres of orchard with a beautiful view of white topped mountains. House alone cost more than this price to build. Shown only between 10 and 11 a.m. by appointment. See MR, CHIPMAN with A. A. LARSEN. Broker Guardian Building Phone 4108 a98 $7750 New home N. Acre, large rooms, nwd. rir.i.. Elect. H. Water Heater, 2 bdrms. down, unfinished attic, Elec. Water Sys wired for range, fir, fur nace. Priced to Sell. OtaON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 9536 a98 Wi.nw New home In Keizer Dlst. Hwd. firs., plastered, wired for range, on pavement, near school. Attached garage. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4500; Eves. 9536 WHftO First time listed. 3 bdrmi., fire place, v. Dunus, close to school and bus. Easy Terms, Imm. Prws. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 943 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. B536 a98 BEAUTIFUL VIEW $11. M0 WILL buy this lovely view home. large spacious rooms, fireplace, dousle garane, near bus. Owner moving to country, must sell. Appointment only. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 915 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; JEve. 9538 a9B Sfifl.'Ml New home East, i Acre of fil berts, Elec. Water heater, near school, L. rm., D. rm., 2 bdrms.. Kitchen and ath. Wired for Tange. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 9536 a98 FOR SALE BY OWNER Beautiful mod em r r.-om home, full basement, hard wood floors, first quality materials throughout. Can be bought with or wit out furniture. House may be seen any day until 6:30 p. m., 1410 Market St. MONEY TO LOAN on first morUagea to 6. Call for details. BYRKIT ft POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phont 9I a' SPECIAL BEAUTIFULLY lurn., mod., 1 family house, close to bus. dlst. Priced for quick sale at 1 18,000, Can bt teen this aeek. For appt. call LKLACE H. ELLIS Phone 21331 a98 NEW t BEDROOM home with utility room and garage attached. Keller district, Immediate possession. Call 32520 for particulars. a98 BY OWNER. New 2 bdrm home. 7 rooms and terrace, 1300 sq. ft., oak floors. In filiated throuahout, heatolator fireplace, saraae. Located 2050 Kaxel Are. Feder al Housing celling. MIA, loan for $6600 available. Inqufra 1935 Maple Ave. FOR SALE HOUSES 1250 NEW 2 rm. house, furnished. Close in. Some terms. 4500 NEW 3 B.R. home not far out. Larc lot. Septic tank. City water. $4500 LA ROE 8 rm. older type house with small house adjoining. I lots. Paved street, close In. If you need lots of room, see this. $r,7M 5 ACRES, 5 miles out south. 'Good 2 B.R, home. Small barn. Close to ous line. Hioo VERY NICE S rm. furnished house. Bus at door. 4 blks. to grade schl. Large lot, lots of fruit. I7O0O GOOD 3 B.R. home. Good loca tion, near schl. it bus. Oil clrc. Incl. $7800 NEW 3 B.R. home. L.R.. D.R., kitchen, attach, garage. Close In. This la a very nice place. $0600 OUT GARDEN Rd. 2 B.R. home, 2 yrs old. Hdw. firs., unfinlsh. upstairs, wired for range, on acre tract. Some terms, WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1233 Edgewater Phone 6109 a98 BY OWNER. Small mod. 5 rm. house near high school. Phone 3812. a08 777B.OO Well located 3 bedrm. home with LR.t DR. ie Com. Kit., bath, base ment it furnace, large lot, north. Call Ray Davis, WUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eves. 0441 a98 $0250.00 Home with Income of $65.00 per mo., completely furnished with nice modern furniture. This is a good, clean, well located place. A good buy. Call Ray Davis. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa Ot. Phone 3793 Eves. 0441 a98 BRICK HOME $28,5004 b.r., double plumb., dining room. hwd. floors, 2 fireplaces, party room n basm. Auto oil heat, insulated, weath erstrlpped, dbl. ga nice lawn it shrubs. Call Ed. Luklnbcal. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549 Eves. 26680 a93 7 500.00 Nice 1 yr. old 2 b.r. cottage close to bus. school it store. Neat it clean, nice lawn, Immcd. poss. Call Ed. Luklnbeal. HUF"' REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549 Eves. 26680 aS8- (9250 Furnished, 2 b.r., DR., Lv. rm. plus 2-room fur, apt., all fur. Is good, nice location, only 8 blocks from downtown. Call Ed. Luklnbeal. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Phone 21540 Eves, 26680 a98' BY OWNER 3 bdrm. home In Kelzer, hwd. firs., fireplace, oil heat, Insulated, nicely landscaped, family orchard, strawberries. Turn East at Kelzer School, 4th house on right side, Rt. 8, Box 980. alOO BUY OR SELL YOUR PROPERTY AT 1 HE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 alOO FOR SALE by Owner 2 bedroom bunga low home. Picket fenced play yard, floor coverings Included, ample bullt lns, Just redecorated, full basement. furnace. Ideal location, See at 1191 Third Street, West Salem. Gall 8353 or 4011 for appt. aoo THREE room house. Double garage, $2800. ju a Drams Ave. ass BY OWNER NEW $10,000, 3 bdrm. home for 18850. Finished with exception of 2 bdrms. 'awn and sidewalks in. Lot 76 x 190. 697 Norman Ave., off Center St. s98 BY OWNER FINE FURNISHED summer cottage. On all-year creek, fine timber, electricity, grand scenery. Just what you have al ways wanted. On easy terms. Phone days 8633: eves. 5355. ft 08 $12.600 Lovely 3 bdrm. home close In, This home has everything a real home needs. Imm. Poss. Shown by appoint ment only. OI-ON AND REEVE, REALTORS S45 8. Com' St. Ph. 4500; Eves. 25830 a98 FOR SALE LOTS BY OWNER: 2 choice lots 110x101 each. Kener Dlst. Close to school. Wondcrrul soil, apple trees. One lot on corner. nice home site. Ph. 3269 evenings. aal03 SALEM'S MOST CHOICE VIEW LOTS CANDALARIA HEIGHTS, Sunrise Hgts., Ben Vista Park it Mt. View Addition, located in S.W, Salem, Inside city lim its, lights, water available. Turn right off Hwy. 99E on Iowa or Hansen Aves., go to top or hill is observe the splen dors of the valley, mtna.. and city. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 aa38 Bflxlflo LOT. Fruit it nut trees. Good soil. 4oati.ee at. aalOO LOTS. WELL drained lota at city limits. wiwi ciiy waier, ituo and up. R. E. MEREDITH 178 S. Com'l. Ph. 8841 or 24844 aalOO' BY OWNER: Five lots on Electric Ave. n. n. naynDr, iuiu fiiecme Ave. aaOB BEAUTIFUL 50x100 lot In thriving neigh- uuiuuwu suna Die ior nome or commun ity store. Located on paved street with sidewalk, sewer, gas, water, etc. $1200. Inquire 1160 8. I4th. Telephone 7630. an98 nun i iiu.yi unrttii 85 LA ROE. Choice Lots in Loumar Heights Quu.iioii, JUSI wesi or commercial. Just south of Hoyt. Close to schools. L, W RATH, 306 Jerrls St. Tel. 6849. aa' SPECIAL PRICE: 10 lots, by owner. Vfn- N. E. 35 Lansing Ave. BaJ04 FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE or exchange by owner. 5 ac. mrm. j rm. oatn house, other bldgs. 2'i ac. strawberries, family orchard, strawberry crop goes with place now, or will exchange for house In Salem for equal amount. Rt. 5. Box 274. ; ml West of McClay. Vincent Fredrick. blOO BY OWNER. Make offer, 10 ac. heavy pruuucing irun. Mostly n.A. cherries. Clof) In. Nice bldg. aite. Ph. 35759. In quire 3111 Sunnyview Ave. . hirm FS SAI'E! 10 "Cl ,and' N- ln clr Lake ptivcmriu. rn. 33110. blOO HERE IS 0110 of the Willamette Valley's nUc n Dairies, located in a setting that enn't be beat, about 15 minutes from downtown Salem. This is a complete & modern plant, with B.l acres of excellent aoil all tiled is under cult. Drop in As let us show you the pictures of it. Price $30,000, reasonable terms. WALTER MUSGRAVE. REALTORS 12. . Edgewater Phone .lion txm- 174. ACRES, 10 a. Cultivated. $9800.00'. - ..... iiinru iiouse, riec. water sys tem, 1 good milk cow. 2 heifers. 50 hens lots of rabbits it hutches. Range, cur tains it floor coverings go. This Is a ciean. neat place. Call Ed. Smith. HUP"' REAL ESTATE COMPANY """ors 341 Chemeketa Bt. rnone 3(U3 10 A. on Wallace Road. 8 A. peaches'. "uni. urcnara Brings in very good income. Call 0. V. Huma with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 133 8. High. Phone 4131; Eves. 352(16 b99 TIMBER 103 ACRES, 9 Miles Weat of Valley June tlon on highway No. u. n.wnnn ft. Tim, ber plus good piling trees and aome Chittum. 2 Streams, Electricity and Man rouie. call "CRAIG. 1 ACRE AND CABIN $M50, JUST outside cltv. New 4-ronm cabin set In fir grove. Good view, near iwio ous une. uau chaio." BURT PICHA, REALTORS Ph. 3310, Eve. 5033 337 N. High St D99' CITY. rntiNTny 10 ACRES with perpetual water. Family orchard. Very modern 7 rm. home. Lots 01 macninery. 10 minutes from down town. $5000 gets possession. No. 834. A FARMER'S FARM PRESENT OWNER retiring aiter 17 yrs. on thla 60 acres. 25 A. bottom, 12 A. orchards. All crops in. 0 room house. Lood barn and other out bldgs. Price $14,000 includes 4 milk cows, 4 young siuu, ano crops. No. 1013. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 South High Phone 9303 b98 !6 A. with neat attractive 4-BR home, Barn with 10 stanchions. Large poultry house. All In cultivation. Several acres in filberts and berries, family orchard. Located on paved road. Tractor, tools, ie.( 10 go witn place. Call O. V. Hum with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. High Phoiit 4121; Eves. 33316 D9' FOR SALE FARMS NELSON FARMS BEFORE YOU BUY a farm or acreage check our new list of mora than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson ii Nelson. Masonlo BldgM Ph 4419 . b BARGAIN 30 ACRES. ' Fruit is Nuts. Unfinished house. $3250. $1250 down, $25 month. . HESS NELSON with WILLIAM E. MOSES 331 '.4 State Phone 4993 b98 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7696 FARM VALUES OWNER MUST LEAVE. 17.5 A., 5 rm. modern house, large barn. Chick. House, 4 A. Prunes. Some pasture, timber. Equipment and Stock. PRODUCTIVE 6 A. Close In. 5 rm, house. Barn, Mach. Shed, Elec. Pump, Tractor fz Implements, 1 Cow ii Call, Chickens. Excellent Soil. JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7696 b99 FOR SALE ACREAGE $3500. A rms. 1 ac, North. .S.VMii). 5 rmfl. a ac. $1500 dn. W300. 1 rms. is Nk. 3i ac. North. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 8. Liberty Ph. 7113 bb98 HOME AND BUSINESS LOCATION IDEAL FOR Nursery and Greenhouse. 4 rms. it nk. Bath. Elec. h.w.h. Utility rm. Gar. About ?i ac. grand soil. North. Close in. Good bus service. Immedi ate possession. Some terms can be ar ranged. Price $6300 Inc. oil clr. is range. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 7113 bb98 17 A. Only 5 ml. Irom Salem on paved highway. 4 Bedrm. house, dble. plumb ing. Imm. possession. $10,000. R. E. MEREDITH REALTOR 176 S. Commercial Ph. 8841 bblOO ACREAGE HOME MOD. !i rm. home with rumpus rm. :n basemt., 2 fireplaces, auto-oil heat, hdwd. lira., flrepl., I'i A. of good soil, located East. THIS PROPERTY PRICED TO SELL. Price $12,600. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 7772 bb98 SMALL ACREAGES 610 A. located E. on McCleay Rd. 8. of ren.i 4 corners. New 4 rm. house with 2 bdrms. Very neat is clean. Lrge. dble. garage, cl. water heater, el. water sys tem. Home furnished. Price S6500. ;ift A. approx. 8 A. of fine bearing fil berts, some family fruit is berries. Bal. pasture it timber. Good 4 rm. plast. house with garage. New tile machine shed. Could be used for chicken or brooder house. Price $10,500. Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. Eves. 22948 A AC. suburban home. Hdwd. floors ln L.R., D.R., bdrm. Nice kit. Wired for range, elec. w.h, Elec. pump. Gar. Excel, soil. $6300. MELVIN JOHNSON 549 N. Cottage Ph. 3723 bblOO BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME SITES CHOICE LOCATION only 5 miles from Salem. 2 'a acrca up all in well cared for orchard of cherries, apples and prunes. A good set or fruit now grow ing should net $100.00 per acre each year. Priced right, easy terms. See Vick Bros, or F. G. Delano, 290 N, Church. Phone 5710. bb99 ONE-HALF ACRE wooded tract with neat two bedroom plastered home: knotty Pine living room, wired for range, elec tric water heater, city water. The price is only $5000. " ONE AND one-fourth acre, high location, one bedroom home, almost fully fur nished, a neat, comfortable little home; grounds nicely located for development. 14750. ONE ACRE tract Kelzer district. Late built two bedroom home, wired for range and water heater; outbuilding suitable for rental; berries and tree fruit. $8500. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone7660 Eve. 24773-35580 bb99 NEVER BEEN LIVED IN ft Acre, all elcc- iric, a u.k., iour large closets. L.R. it D.R., beautiful fireplace, hardwood floors thruout, tile bath with tub it shower. Larae 2 car. earnst. tin "inn PREWAR BUILT PREWAR PRICE. imineci. foss. on this beautiful 4 B.R. Suburban home on acre of fine fruit is berries. Just off 99 North. Hdwood firs., Venetian blinds, bullt-lns, plenty of closets, garage, barn, pltry. hse., all add up to a real buy. $9700. LARSEN HOME is LOAN CO. 164 S. Com'l St. Phone 8389 bb99 1 ACRl? tracts on good road, S',fc mllei I ACIEE, lumber enough to frame large 11UUOB. 1CIHU. 1UUU. 3 ACRES. New. mod. 8 rm., north, wired iui mime, VIUSB SCHOOL JUOUU. REMEMBER Call this office for good E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 8. Commercial Ph. 35497 bb99 GOOD ACREAGES ACRE young Royal Anne cherries. Mod ern 3 B.R. home, beautifully landscaped and close In. Bus at door. Priced for 5 ACRES suitably situated for subdivision, mue iijuacrn i U.K. nome wun hdw. firs, and full basement. Poultry house and double garage. Could sell up to 12 lots at $600.00. Priced at $12,000.00. Close 5 acres with nice electric heated 2 b.r. .lumr, uuuuic KRrage, oam and poultry house, crop already in. See MR. CHIPMAN with A. A. LARSEN, Broker Guardian Building Phone 4108 bb98 $081 Nice home on 5 acres, east, lg. lv. rm.. Kitchen, 2 bedrms., bath, stairs to unfinished at tic Berries is fruit trees. Call Mr. Walters. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Rfaltor5 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eves. 25260 bb98' FOR SALE: 5 acre tract. Magnificent view ui wiiiamcLie vauey and Cascade moun tains. 15 mln. from downtown Salem. Paved road, approx. 4 blocks from REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS SEVERAL IN $4000 BRACKET iCillT NOW we happen to have several smalt homes suitable for working cou ple or retired older folks. Prices range from $3700 to $4350. Some lots are small, some are large. Some are for sale for cash, others on easy terms Tell us what you want. We may be able to fix you up. FAIRLY NEW insulated house with L.R., , , , ' oam fixtures not installed), utility rm. with L. trays, unt. attic, wired for range, elec. water hraler, dbl. garage, bearing family or chnrd, lots ot street frontage, ideal for subdivision. $7500. nmi 1 U OUIIjIJ. WE NOW have a variety of lols, large o.uau. wmo in ine tuy with all Improvement, some In the country in good locations, prlcea range from J7R0 up. Regardless nt whether you are looking for a place to build a home or a business it will bi worth your while to check with us on lota available. Tell IF NEITHER of these 'meet your requlre- mi iu wnm you want, we pro bably have it hsted. NELSON St NELSON Chct I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson Specialising Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonio Bldg.. 495 State et. Ph. 4419 or 4632 Eves. 21350 c98' Si 150 2-A With clean 3-BR home North Close to bus. Garage. Elect, water neater. Good well, Elect, pump. Chick en House. Immediate oaMMxinn $C0.V M A. with New modern 2-BR home East. Garage. Elect, water htr. Good well. Elect, pump. Immediate posses sion. $9000 NEW modern 2-BR home North with unfinished upstairs. Attached ga rage. Large lot. Hardwood floors. Oil furnace. Elect, water heater. Wired for range. Immediate possession. Eligible ror u.i. Loan. M,V)M ni'SlNKSS Property. Pool hall, card room and restaurant. Completely equipped. Property and au goes. Do ing a big business. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. High St. Phone 4121 clOO MONET TO LOAN on fnst mortgages to V CmI! for details BYRKIT POTJTS 339 Chemeketa. Phone REAL ESTATE 5 -ROOM IN TURNER LARGE LOT. Low taxes. Full price $3500. $2000 down will handle, balance $35.00 per month. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 3 BEDROOM almost new. Cement foun dation. Hardwood floors. Plastered. Paved street. Full' price $6500.00. 4 BEDROOM, NORTH FURNISHED. Large lot. Garage, several fruit trees. Close to school and bus. Own r leaving city. Full price $7500.00. ".a ACRE, ' NORTH INSIDE CITY limits. 5 room with unfin ished upstairs. New roof. Garage, work shop, chicken house. Paved street, block from bus. Full prl'ce $7500.00. FARMS in ACRES. SOUTH 6 ROOM HOUSE. Barn, chicken house, double garage, wen wun auiomauc pump. Full price $6800.00. 35 ACRES, EAST 7 ROOM HOUSE, large barn, chicken house, double garage. Family orchard. Paved road. V mile from school. A bargain at 116,000.00. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GARAGE, located north on 99E. 2580 square feet floor space, i acre highway frontage. Living quarters tn rear. Deep well with electric pump. Full price $10,500.00. M. O. HUMPHREYS, REALTOR 2286 Fairgrounds Road Salem, Oregon c99 FOR EALE BY OWNER New 66' 32' home wltr double garage attached, 35' x 32" basement, 5 rooms and bath on first floor, upstairs sub floored but not fin ished, room for 2 large bedrooms and bath. River silt lawn in and up. Auto matic air condition oil heat, automatic hot and cold soft water, wired for elec tric range, stucco water proof plaster, view of entire valley. 50 acres with oak timber and live year around stream goes with house, almost all seeded to grass. 10 miles east of Salem on excellent paved road, Salem dial phone. Tot ap pointment call aaiem a-juaa, LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS nM wnim rwj GOOD VALUE: Very nice, well-arranged. two-oeoroom nome; uvui iuuiu, en. large nook: built-ins and closets. Nicely landscaped and fenced yard. On HOME AND INCOME: Five large rooms tor owner pius a-room biihiuiicui. mi rental. Large lot, best or locations. $8250 will trade for good two or three bedroom home north. 14 ACRE ECELLENT SOIL: $4200. Lovely small home: elec. water system: barn, chicken house. Lots ol shrubs, On' bus WOODED TRACT: Attractive 4-room cot tage; sun-room, large porcii. bath. Well and water system; double garage; small barn: 500 capacity chicken house. 4"a acres situated on good road. Price $7000, part terms. See or Call James B. Hartman or K. N. Voorheci with LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Phone 9261 cOS WANTED REAL ESTATE DAIRY WANTED WE HAVE client interested in first class dairy set-up. Must have good soil, 80 to 100 ac. or ao with Irrigation possi bilities. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTOR 1233 Edgewater Ph 5109 cal00 FOR PROMPT and courteous service Uat your property with FLOYD VOLKEU Real Estatt Broker 655 N. Ltberty Phone 7327 ea LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM. SA LEM REALTY CO. O. W BARTLETT. REALTOR, 149 N. HIGH ST. PH. 7680 WE ARE in need Ol good homes to tell ln or near Salem If you wish to Ut your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phono 4131 ea NOTICE! If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with as. We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE COM REALTORS 153 S High St ea" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE AN EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH PRODUCING GROCERY STORE! FINEST DOWN TOWN LOCATION, GROSSING UPWARDS OF $285,000.00 PER ANNUM. IF INTERESTED COME IN, SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Ph. 7660 edlOO1 $3,100 GROCERY Store is Service Station, close In, very good location. 6 rm. house rents with this deal. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS S45 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Evea. 25830 cd98 BEAUTY SALON 3 OPERATOR shop. Good location and good business on ground floor. Phone 90R or write 609 Mill St., Dallas, Ore. cdlOO AUTO COURT S ALMOST new units with very clean 3 B.R. hse. Enough room for about 8 more units. Average net Income over $500 per mo. Call for Mr. Isaak. M. O. HUMPHREYS REALTOR 2286 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-4596 cdlOO GROCER WANTED BUILDING with living quarters. Gas pump is tank. No competition. Inquire E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Com'l Phone 35497 cd99a 4 HOUSE COURT. Three bedrooms each. Living rm., dinette, kitchen, bath, hdw. floors, 'fireplace, full finished base ment, furnaco. Very nice location, Call Omer. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO.. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa Ph. 31549; Eves. 25091 cd98 ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT LARGE corner lot In Zone 4 with 30x60 ft. two-story building, full basement, gas furnace. Price $8000, part terms. See or call LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 9261 cd98 SPECIAL GROCERY MEATS Exclusive Residential Location. Definitely netting $500 a month. No close competition. Good lease at $75. Price $0000 And well worth it. No. 751 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 8. High Ph. 9203 Eve. it Sun. 26056 or 26790 cd98 ONE MAN GROCERY BUSY location. Good lease. Old estab lished business, priced to sell. See this $3900. No. 700 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 8. High Ph. 9203 Eve. is Sun. 26056 or 26790 cd98 INTERESTED in leasing business space In proposed new building at Hub of Wood burn on Hlway 99E? Will build to suit leasees requirement. Box 470, Capital Journal. cd99 SUBURBAN grocery. Extra good loca tion. Reasonable rent on bldg. This Is one of the better grocery stores ln Salem. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 6. High Ph. 4121; eves. 25206 cd9fl' GROCERY MARKET, small farm town :n heart of Willamette Valley near Salem. A real setup. Large, clean store on main street. 2 walk-in coolers, all lit est equipment, delivery truck, $10,000 stock, lots of warehouse space. Shows net Income in five figures. To make this a complete business there la also a lovely 3 bedroom home, near the store, with oil air-conditioned heat, double plumbing, beautltul grounds. Thla business will bear closest Inspection, No telephone information please, but see us soon. We can help you with the financing. CHAS. HUDKINS ft SON Realtors 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 cdl 00 RESTAURANT. New building and equip ment. Seats 32 people. Located near Salem, will have huge summer business. Stock and all equipment $6500, rental $63 oer month, or you can buy lot, building and all for $16,000 with plenty of space for a home. Thla can be seen ln the evening. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON Realtors 350 N. High St. Phone 3-4129 edlOO' 4 BLKS. N. OF CENTER $1X00. APT. house. 7 Apt's. Income per month $180.00. 64 ft. of frontage on Liberty St. This lot alone Is worth tne price, a good investment. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High St reet cd98' Journal Want Ads Pay BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED HELP BY" OWNER 19stool confectionery and EXPERIENCED full time chambermaid. ice cream establishment. Best location Box 378, Journal. glOO and doing good business In city. Write WANTED: WAITRESS. Night work. Black Box 376, Capital Journal. cd9B & WnUe Cotfce Shop. i99' MJSm J?jtUhly w?n'PrfPnCamorT BEmTestatB salesmen with ears. $1500.00 per month. Will do more as . , . ... .,,,.,,, .n- It is near Detroit dam-site. $6500.00. "cq ""'"''J wlth wlIltmetle See MR. CHIPMAN with Portland Rd. flOO A. A. LARSEN. BROKER EXP. SALES GIRL. Capital Variety Guardian Building Ph. 4108 cdflS store. 1262 State. glOO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANT several experienced insurance aales- HERE'S a good buy ln a pool hall, card men to help organise territory. Won- room and restaurant, doing better than derful opportunity. Dial 24693. 9 a.m. $1000.00 net per month. Completely to 2 p.m. for appointment. gl03a equipped, property and all equipment ,rPAr.Fn laflv fnr housekeeper on go at $15,500.00. Hurry on this one, it MIDDLEAGED lady for n , wnn't tmi farm near Toledo, Ore. Take full charge, Be? MR. CHIPMAN with 7" BduIt8 , ? r?U-,,B- Wi'0S A. A. LARSEN, BROKER L. T. Moore, Toledo, Ore, glOO Guardian Building Ph. 4108 cd98 WANTED TD-18 Cat or D-7 to log old COMPANY representative will be at -Hotel R"1" "mb(er- Dvld BcnaIer- Marlon. Salem, 9 a.m. until noon May 9 Route, Sllverton. g98 to Interview person Interested in oper- EXP. WAITRESS, over 21, $40 wk., room atlng own retail business ln Marlon & board. Call In person, Brooknook ; County. Car necessary. Write at once Restaurant, Brooks, Ore. gl03 for advance information and appoint- 7 - . , -. ,; ,.,, - p,en Kfc "r TJ'vTM7' 'S gt wnTmnAj Riinp MIDDLE AGED woman to attend bedfast PRICI InS bid,! Soii H i ,r. o.d m elderly man. 1615 8. Cott.t.. m ' good location, stock, pick-up delivery WOMAN wanted for newspaper office. No truck is business. J 12,000. previous exp. necessary. Call Oregon COURT APARTMENTS Journal office, 433 Ferry. 10 to 12 a.m.. 1 HERE '.RE two excellent business Invest- or 4 to 6 p.m. Ph. 7769. g99 ments that will produce a good return T . VTrnn u h.r , v,. jii- -,i,v, . -i-ib,,,-, . ASSISTANT COOK. Housemother, book- Ji .f?ort minimum ot per- kMpjr mMmt b00kkper. M,ln. , 1. TEN-UNIT ' court .part, one yr. old. ''""" " Sch001- F1'" all Inaulated elect, heated, unturn. except for ABO ranae, 2 larae laundry national manufacturer of food products 4s utility rms. Each unit rented for .., you, m 25 to 30 yra. of a,e 37.50, tenants pay utilities except M- m,ln, , Saltm ,,, Wan l0 m,ke '.',r. ht- '"' hot WBt"- Fu" prlct' "Mini a career. Sales experience help. ' . .. ,. , .. '"1 bl" t essential If you can Qualify. S. COURT APT. with nine very attractive SaUry ,nd eXDen,. 0ar jurnlshed. individual units. Each unit rented at Sub..,t rcctnl snapshot with letter If , J4S.50 per month. Tenants pay ut 111- possible to Box 315, Journal, for Inter nes except water is garbage. Full price .-irw ega j38.5oo. : irr WALTER MUSGRAVE. REALTORS MAN WITH llaht car to collect regular ; 123" Edgewater Phone 5109 cdD8. monthly accounts. Salem and vicinity. rTr Write or apply 731 Morgan Bldg., Port- SOMETHING MORE than Just a beauty land 0re .9l. shop. Needs 2 operators to handle. Box '- 379. Capital Journal. cdlOl Exp- GROCER YM AN. Ph. 6171 daytime - or 21836 evenings, .99 S7000.on GOOD going Cafe ln Salem. $3300,00 MUSIC Store, good lease, low MORNING 'waitress, Senator Food shop. rent. Call Ray Davis. 898 : HUPF REAL ESTATE COMPANY EXP. WAITRESS wanted. Steady eve". Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. ( shirt. Sundays off. Pad.'. Coffee Phone, days 21549 Eves. 91 cd98' shop, 124! state St. 98' HAVE SPACE for a gift shop, antique Hou SE It EEPE R for elderly lady, alone, shop, lunch counter, photograph gal- in tho country. Ph. 4665. 98 lery, office, store or any acceptable lino. Furnished apartment in connec- WANT part time clerk with previous groc- tlon. Good chance for man and wile. ery cxp. Ebner's Market. Apply In Husband could be employed elsewhere person, 21st & Market. 898. or will give him a chance to build WANT reliable party to glv. board and up a good business or his own. Have room to 1 year old baby. Ph. Mrs. complete equipment. Apartment NOT Lunt. 5588 between 9 and 1. 6972 for rent separately. Write Box, 371, between 3 and 11. a98 care Capital Journal. cdlOO INCOME AND BUSINESS cU.n " b.'f f I.'.'" No"' .M PR0 E,ERSEALV EST8ATE S' ' I. S2 TH433 NEHUsI.-pEl,."A793K"dl.O. ""' J"""' ""jj, SERVICE STATION for lease In Salem. REAL OPPORTUNITY on main truck route ln city. Fully WANTED, a Ilrst class all around mech., equipped and stocked. Inventory at one Who is also able to meet the pub- lnm0lC , ,?"2;?? J0 h;(ndle'B1JNo B00d c. This position better than average, will. Write 600 Columbian Bldg., Port- Ask for Van. Teage Motor Co., 355 N. land. Oregon. cdf9 Liberty. Ph. 7001. g90 . GROCERY and meat, good district meat WANTED: WOOD Cutters. $6.00 per cord. ; case walk-In cooler frozen food case 4 rt Phi 1fl58 Rt w Maker( fl0 Beach , etc., up-to-date shelves and Islands. Ave e99a J10.OO0 Plus Inventory. Write Box 366. : Capital Journal. cdoa wanted Stenographer lor law ofllce. 4 Ph. 3443. g98" 1 SERVICE STATION on busy corner on : four lane through highway Just out of WAITRESS WANTED: Day shift, ro Portland. 2 ca. Karaite, steam cleaner, Sun l" work' Tne Ace, 137 N. High St. . a hydraulic hoist, tools, stock and 1 enuip. etc. $8000. Body and fender neat attractive girls lor full and part shop adjoining. Can be had for $1000. time usherettea. Apply In person. Grand Owner must go East. S. M. O'Shaunh- Theatre g ne&sy, 3407 8.E. Floss Ave., Milwaukie, ' Orenon. cdlOl MEN FOR noD yard work. Bus will pick " 'r, . T up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m. - Workina hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 P.m. ' ,B?tHSRTY S 5?,AB C0- . W1" Hart Hop Farm. Ph. Salem 22631. 1947 Packard Clipper Cab Phone 8774 146 Gerth St. , ,., , , j cdl 12 5ILK EINISIIER is wool presser. Fore- g'sjsst man'i Cleaners, 1070 8. Com'. Ph. FURNITURE FOB SALE "ixxxWWWWWWWJ? DAVENPORT, WALNUT bed. set bunk WANTED POSITIONS beds. 1213 N. Church after 7 Eves. , ; dloo ELECTRIC wiring, no delay. Free estl- male which Is the full price. Ace Elec- BEAUTIFTJL old square Grand Piano. trie Co Dial 8740 hl03 i Good cond. 2094 Center. Ph. 38S8. '- : - - ' f8 EXP. SAWYER and edgerman, day work, non-union. Eugene Osburn, Rt. S, Box WANTED FURNITURE F-L-c- h98 HIGHER CASH prices for your furniture. -LL D 1It0N!NG- Pn- - ' BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 7511 LADY prefers work for 1 or 2 in Salem. da 468 N. 12th. hOO CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph LAWNMOWING, reasonable. Ph, 3411. 7396. State Street Furn. 1900 State h WALNUT BLIGHT spray. Philip W. HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at Belike, Dial 21208. hl03 wwwrxyAxVwJjyijA WOULD like position as watchman-or guard In cannery or other place. Can FOR SALE I IVESTOCK "fer to Columbia Metals Corp., P.O. . . Box 269, Salem, as references. L. Chris- 1 YR. OLD bay horse, $150. Western tenson, 898 Breya Ave. hlOl bronc saddle, 175. Lee Rushin, Rt. 7. . --, - - Box 130-C. e99' WOULD like position ai Janitor. Can refer to Columbia Metals Corp. P.O. J.ERIEY .cow 1 Gu-crnscy. milking. box 269. Salem. Ore., as reference. L. sfl'shVsl'sPssVIfhsJt Crirtstenson.-SOS Br? ATe- "01 , f ivircrrrtr-ir nrAMTrn GS nd furnitur upholstery cleaned LIVESTOCK WANTED Bnd moth proofed ln your home. Ph. : WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows 37361 h121 it b-ars at your farm or delivered mar- TEACnER of pastel, oil and chlnaware ket price. E. C. McCandlsh, Rt. 9. Box painting. Orders, mending, firing. Mrs. 233. across from Ball Park on South Elfie Morgan. 1467 Court St. h98 25th. Phone 8147. earn- DO HOUSEWORK by the hour. Ph. 8523. : WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. Mrs. Johnson. References. h98 Will call at farm. Write E. I. Snethen. .,' .vw. .""I,,,,, ,. . 1 n.r 1530 Lancaster Dr.. Salem. Ph. 21345 TAKE any Jtind of odd Job.. Gar- ; morn or evea eal03 denlng and lawn work preferred. Good rJyJylrfwTSfSMTrTsswJ work done. 85c hour. L. A. Jenness. . RABBITS 1505 Alder Ave. Ph. 34225. hlOO 1 HlGn SCHOOL boy wants odd Jobs after , WINGS. Rabbltry pays top prices for school and Saturday. Ph. 8792. h98 1 fryer rabbits, 4 to 6 pounds. Fertilizer for - rrjTT rrr, sale. 3985 State St. Phone 109F5. INTERIOR PAINTING. Ph. 25745. h!05 ebl20 3 ME wlt-1 new Pwer want con- . rssry.y, tract, falling & bucking. Write Barry : PETS Japp, Rt. 2, Box 224-B,. Salem h98 ,.,.o ; MAN, white, past 60, sober, industrious, COCKERS All kindj, colors, ages, pure- 6lngiet 80mfl iarm exp-i wants work on breds, cross breds, pups, grown dogs, poultry farm, cottage camp or In filling , miniatures. Ralph Miller, Rt. 8, Box 6tatlon. Write Box 368, Capital Journal. ' 372, Salem. ' ec!21 h98 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure- ironing. Mrs. Welti. Ph. 3347. hl08 bred. Females $2S, males $35. Roy H. .,. ,.,. . .. rrr. BImmona. Rt. 4. Box 270. Ph. 21143 INTERIOR PAINTING. Ph. 67B6. hU9 wt'.l CAnE for child in my home. Ph. xxx"vr"rvrs' 9621. hlOl i FOR SALE WOOD radio repairing on all makes. Pick-up FRESH cut sawdust, immediate delivery. and delivery. Phone 3188, Douglas Mc- Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ecl08 Kay Chevrolet Co. hl04' OLD Fir. it plywood cores. Phi 3380. LEAVE your child with me while you , 844 Mill. Ashcraft. ec!20 shop or work. Ph. 7558. h98 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR LANDSCAPE GARDENING. New lawns a Tlesel and Stove Oils specialty, 30 yrs. exp. T. W. Reel, 1340 FRESH CUT SAWDUST Saginaw. Ph 25623. h98 ; Dry Slab Wood WWiL D0 tmll eCment Jobs and patch- Phone 6444 eelU lntt 571 8. 17th. Ph. 24751 after B P.m. 16" Old growth fir and 16 " oak. Arnold hlM Phillips, Box 261. Turner. Ore. eelll GARDEN Plowing and Discing. Ferguson TRI CITY FUEL Tractor, 1680 Center St. Ph. 9809. hll2 3 Cord Loai $10.00 16" Mill Wood SPRAY PAINTING, Ralph Aliman. 1720 Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Lancaster drive. Ph. 24248. hl07 Dry 16" Slab Wood is Edslngs - - , Heavy 4 ft. Slab WINDOW FRAMES and screens, cabinet PHONE 6683 doors, drawer and regular cabinet work. We Gire S&H Green Stamps Large or small orders accepted. Con eel 03 vcnt' location. 4 block Ladd A Bush .,:r. r. ' Masterwood Cabinet Shop, 164 So. ft. Cw ?NJLPELIraJ,T Commercial. Ph. 5596. M06 16' SLAB EDGINGS. PH. 6683 - - r- ecios G- M- transfer, light hauling. Ph. 35637: eves. ph. 35665. hl04 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block ' : Double load 130.00 Imm. del. Ph 346 SECRETARIAL! Stenographic aert.ee. Ph Yamhill. Ore. ee!02 8238. M03 GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SPRAYING. L. W. CANDLE. Ph. TOM. SCREENED SAWDUST P100 PROMPT DELIVERY AUTO PAINTING just a ahada better DJ Ph. 34031. m B Kttir Cau shreci Motor Co y3 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN A DRY WOOD and sawdust Stove WANTED Sewing and alteration. Ph. oil and dlesel OIL Ph. 3-4031. 8387t 385 W. Rural. M15 I BONE-DRY mill wood 16" green alab. rrsjffSSssrrrt . f 1 J21 Ju.rn ?CA . IV) " FOR RENT t-An C AI p pnm TRT FREE TRAILER space to party to man- FOR SALE POULTRY age trailer park. Ph. 6997. JlOO' COLORED fryers, 355 Salem Heights Ave. COMFORTABI,E sleeping room on ground noa floor. No drinkers. 343 Bo. Cottage St. DRESSED FRYERS, $1, Phone us your iM order for Frl., Sat. it Sun. 24325. 1505 NEWLy COMPLETED stores for lease to Alder Ave., out Cherry St., past alnml- aeSirftbe retail tenants. 601 Edgewa- num plant. 1102- tcr street, West Salem. J103J CHRI1 'IE New Hampshire baby chicks HOLLYWOOD DIST. alpg. rooms. Outside every Wed. Boylngton'i. J710 State. entrance. Employed. No drinkers. Break- 1115 fast It desired. 2084 Warner. 1100 BABY CHICKS hatching twice weekly to rARTLT fvrn. light housekeeping room, even varieties. New HampshJrei alwayt 4th uno- available to chteka Orowlng pulleta. any "a age. Phont 22661. Lee's Hatchery. f GENTLEMAN'S room. But at door. 1143 CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any ak' Pb-"948- number Prompt serrlee. Dressed poul SLEEPING rm., near bus and rest. 1480 try wholesale oui specialty Phone 32861 Broadway. J99' WANTED HELP COSMETIC SALES lady wanted. No exp. necessary. Call 6146 for interview from 9 to 5 week days. s99 WANTED 10 men to work at pleasant profitable employment with fuutre. Ex perience unnecessary but Interest in meeting people paramount. Dial 34fl93. I a.m. to 3 p.m. for appointment. gl03 rm. Close In. Men preferred. 1371 SLEEPING ROOM for business man. 7fS N. Capitol. Phone 5333. 199' SLEEPING room with kitchen privileges. 1520 N. ISth. J98 ROOMS for rent, girls or women only. 1445 Saginaw. J9 GOOD USED PIANOS, H. L, Still. FOR RENT SPACE In new modern ttyller park. Cloia in on oua una. 1105 so. nin. Ph. 6997. NICELY furn. sleeping room in prlvat' nome. wanting distance. Business men or women preferred. 368 No. 13th St. JM SLEEPING ROOM. No smoking, no drink J98' ing rnone ibm. WOULD LIKE to exchange 1 bedrm. . furn. house. J100- houso for 2 or 3 bedrm. furn. Phone 25433 after 6, TRAILER space, all mod., near bus. 1005 JUS B. gist or zist and Mission St. Rein, 4692. ell. H. Q. Pugh, 684 N. 17th. Ph. FLOOR tander for rent. Moot 01 Ward. WANTED TO RENT MAN AND WIFE would like to Tent or. lease email or large acreage with bldgs. Will pay one yr, cash rent ln advance. Rest of references, Write Box 380, Capital Journal or Ph. 21835. Jal03 employe. Ph. 4981 or call 21663. Ask for Dean. J a 103 furn. apt. or house. Call Mrs. Sadler, Salem Clinic, between S a.m. and 5:30 p.m. JalOO Call 25588 between 8 & 5. Tucs. through Sat. jaioo- TWO BDRM. house, 4 in family, oest 01 reierenccs. rn. 2171a. Jal02 N. section. June 15. Ph. 2-6231 between 1 and 6 p.m. Ja99 husband. Both employed. No children or pets. Phone 25355. jaioa ployes, desire 2 or 3 room unfurn, apt., close In. Box 374, Capital Journal. JalOl TWO BDRM. APT., furn. or unfurn.. teiepnone employe, wife, 6'a year old. boy. Ph. 4389. Ja98T MARRIED VET, state employe, wishes to rent smai nouse or apt. Fn. 3JJ3. JalOl WANTED to rent, table saw, 8-in. tilting, aroor, motor not necessary, asou sin verton Rd. ' Ja08 PERMANENTLY emp. vet is family need 3 or 3 bedrm. furn. or unfurn, house, Desperately needed. Mr. Benson, J, C. Penney-Co. Jaioo WILL PAY 1 yr. rent in advance for lurn. or unfurn. 2 or 3 bedroom house. Consider option to buy. Ph. 21935 or 3606. JalOO VET, wife, and 2 children need partly urn. nouse immea. Rt. 7, Box 329H. Ja9S THREE ADULTS (2 Vets) urgently need lurn. Apt., or house before May 1st. Unc - tf,. write box 365, Capital Jour nal. 0a98 ROOM AND BOARD LOST AND FOUND Scout circus. Reward. 545 N. Capital. X99 brown piece of circulating heater, approx. 10x6 Inches. Appreciate return. C. W. Bethel), Monmouth. Ore. x98 MISCELLANEOUS strom's, 340 Court St. tax. PACIFIC EXCAVATING COMPANY Power Shovels-Bulldozers-Trucks Salem, Oregon. Phones 3456 or 8793 r DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 5000. mils LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. mll3 repair. Clock Doctor, mi03 HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean, economical See us for free estlmatea, Y EATER AFPLXANCB CO. 255 N. Liberty n HEAVY HAULING excavation and road ' building, land clearing, dozer wora, V ditching basement excavation, eaud, gravel, crushed rock, maaon aand. con crete mix cement. SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO 1405 N FRONT ST., SALEM, OREGON Phone 8408 or 31924. m DENTAL PLATB REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State A Commercial Sta. SALEM Phone 8311 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 512, buckhorne rear sight, silver front, $25. Also '37 SUvertone console radio. All new tubes, $25. Rt. 3, Box 702. Ph. 22656. nl03 . Rt. 9, Box 123. Out E. Center. moo Madrona Ave. items, also embroidered lunch cloths. 2581 Cherry Ave. nlOO case. Tallman's, 395 So. 12, a mile from high prices. 1.103' BRIDAL ring set, $67.50. 435 Locust. nlOO excel, cond.. $20. Good treadle sewing machine, $25. Triple panel plate glass mirror for dressing table $10. Double bed, complete, $15. 2 drapery poles and fixtures, $2.00. T65 N. Cottage. n98" board control for late model Fords. After 6.00 p.m. 345 Fairview Ave., at Bluff Street, nlOO $200. Coolerator, large size, $40. Ph. 31147. n99- PIANOS T.TSY ROSS spinets, blonde mahogany, lime oak, leatherette and dark mahog any finishes. Immed. del. Shop Tall man's and Save, 395 So. 12, corner of ' Mill. n!03" set. Blonde finish. 1118 Ruge St.. W.i Salem. nlOO - ONE DAVENPORT and chair $30. Call 21993. nlOO UPRIOIIT piano, excel, cond., reasonable. 1975 bo. cottage. nlOO KRAKAUER spinet piano, America's greatest piano vaiue. see at Tallman's, 305 So. 12th. A mile from high prices. nl03 PORTABLE, heavy duty. H.P. gas paint outfit, also Hoskiiu z?o volt muifle fur nace, melting temperature 2000 degrees. Fred Anderson, 753 Mill St,, Sheridan, Oregon. n98 GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator, large size. Trash burner with copper coils. Inquire 1585 Madison St. nl03 wash. mach. Apex Wash. Mach. These machines are recond. it guaranteed. Ph. 8085. 936 Trade. nlOO WORKING GIRLS, here's your chance for a change, almost new women's dresses, suits is coats In excel, cond. Slscs 10 to 14. After 7:30. 160 E. Superior. n98 APT. SIZE elec. stove. Love seat, mahog any comer covered, solid walnut lamp table. Zenith portable radio, 1394 N. Summer. Ph. 36761. nlOO SPRING TOOTH and Spike Tooth Harrow for immediate delivery at Wardi Farm Store, High and Trade Sts.. Salem. nfl8" ICE BOX. 50-lb., well constructed, clean. rn. 33354. n9B 6 NEW 835x20 tires it tubes. Oregon Fruit. Phone 4011. n99' HOSKIN5 MUFFLER furnace, table size. 330 volt, 2000 degrees, with aluminum melting pot. Fred Anderson, 753 Mill St.. Sheridan, Ore. n99 5 NEW TIRES. 350x17. 458 Mill St. n99 WESTINGHOL'SC ref., 4 yr. guarantee; 40 lb. family size ice box. '36 Che v. se dan. Easy Spindry elec. wash. mach. 34 Park Ave. Go out Center, turn left on Park. nos (Continued on Page 19)