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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1947)
Ii' 'Locals 'il The Chemeketans, Salem mountaineer organization, are sponsoring a trip to Silver Creek Falls Sunday where they will be joined by members of the Trails club of Portland. The two groups will meet at the North falls at 10 Sunday morn Ing, hike to the South falls where lunch .will be served and then return to . the original starting . point. Bessie Smith will lead the hikers. Registra tion should be made at 248 North Commercial street. Nesco electric roasters, 18 quart. Broadway Appliance Co., 419 Ferry, Salem. Oregon. 98 Johns-Manville Asphalt shin gles applied by expert roofers. Terms to suit your purse. Buy the best at no extra cost. Free estimates. Phone 4642. Mathis Brothers, 164 S. Commercial. Insured savings earn more than twi percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association. 130 Soutn Liberty street. Top dirt and filled dirt, free for the hauling. Reinholt & Lewis, 560 South 21st street Starting a 30 day furlough today is Master Sgt. Thomas J Massey, second in command of the Salem army recruiting sta tion. The sergeant will spend part of the furlough in Salem and then with Mrs. Massey and his two daughters, Maryalice and Patricia will leave for a visit in California. They plan a stop in San Francisco and in Los Angeles and will visit with relatives in Riverside. Dr. Wiles, Dentist, 701 First National Bank. Phone 4924 for immediate appointment. 5 drawer 27-in. chest. Pine $14.05. Woodrow's, 405 Center. 18 DeLuxe Cab. Phone 8050. 114' Get out of the dust for sum mer, oil it. Call Tweedie, 9696 119' See complete Ittie Color Per fect wall caper at Sears. Olson Washer Repair. 25100 "The Truman Doctrine" will be Dr. R. Ivan Lo veil's subject when he addresses members of the Salem Board of Realtors dur ing their Friday luncheon. Dr. Lovell is professor of history at Willamette university. Taxll Valley Cab. Prompt service. Phone 8624. Expert watch and clock re pairing. Five day service at Stevens Jewelry. New dresses. Fine assortment. Gilmore's, 439 Court, upstairs over Breithaupts, 98 River silt and fill dirt. Com mercial Sand and Gravel. Phone 21966 Purchase tickets for Virgil Fox organ concert at Commer cial Book Store and Stevens & Son Jewelry Store. 101 During the week ending on March 19 Marion county had 26 cases of influenza according to reports of 25 percent of the county's physicians. This infor mation is contained in the week ly issue of the Oregon Health Bulletin, compiled by the state department of health. Other in stances of communicable disease reported included eight of pneu monia, seven of scarlet fever, six chicken pox, three mumps and one each of whooping cough, undulant fever, muningococcic meningitis, and syphilis and two of tuberculosis. Broken windshields fixed in a hurry at Elfstrom's, 340 Court street. 100 Expectant mothers, let us take care of the extra work when you return from the hospital. Call Stork Laundry, 3027 or 25600. 9 Three room furnished apart ment or house in city limits to reliable couple. Will take best of care. Box 372, Capital Jour nal. 100 Student Tables; 2 sizes, $6.50. Woodrow's, 450 Center. 98 Rummage Sale. Jason Lee church basement, Jefferson & inter, Thursday and Friday. 98 4 drawer 24-in. Chest, $10.79 5 drawer 24-in. chest, $11.83, Woodrow's, 450 Center. 98 See the famous new 25-foot Steelcraft Sedan Cruiser now at Salem Boathouse. 102 Bookcases; 6 sizes, choice of any size, $6.60. Woodrow's, 450 Center. 98 The Salem Elks Lodge No. 336, will present to its members Thursday evening a vaudeville show from Portland; after the regular lodge meeting. 98 Fo.- sale Mollis azaleas in Hoom. Strayer Azalea fields, 589 Locust street. 100 New suits. Regular and half sizes. Gilmore s. 439 Court, over Breithaupts, 88 Mrs. Roy Mclntyre, who sus tained injuries in an auto acci dent April 17 is now at home at her residence at Alder Springs. Asparagus now ready for can ning and freezing. Fiala Ranch, three rriles north of Salem in Polk county. Phone 23072. Bring container. 100 For Rent Floor Sanders Woodrow's. 450 Center St. We install Auto Glass. Wood row's, 450 Center street. ' Stove oil. Cadwell Oil com pany. Phone 9788. 2490 State. Thor ironers for immediate delivery. Broadway Appliance Company, 419 Ferry. Phone 21565. 98" r Certificate of assumed business name for Anna's Flower shop has been filed with the county clerk by Robert A. and Anna B. Field 1152 Cleveland street, Wood burn, Apartment house electric ranges. For immediate delivery Broadway Appliance Company, 419 Ferry. Phone 21565. 9H' Get vour Imperial Color Har monizer at Elfstrom's wallpaper department, nac. Ice skating, Salem Ice Arena Evenings 8:30 to 10:30. 9E Ruth Cunningham is back in Ruth Loveall's Beauty Shop. 100 Horizon Club rummage sale, Saturday, April 26, above Greenbaum's. 99 Sheriff Norman Field and Deputy Sheriff T. M. Garrett of Sherman county were in Salem Thursday arranging for papers to extradite a man from Kansas wanted in this state on a larceny charge. Certificate of assumed bus! ness name for Val's store, Auras ville, has been filed with the county clerk by Robert Valen court, Aumsville. Reducing program, also Swe dish and therapeutic massage Open evenings. Phone 5731. 98 Rummage , sale and fancy work, Friday, April 25. Over Greenbaum's. 98 Top Hatters playing modern dance. Pop Edwards playing old time dance. . Saturday, Crystal Gardens. 100 Now enjoy the pleasant atmos phere, the frozen Summer Re freshments, the Cocktail hour, in the lounge at Shattuc's Cha teau. Now open at noon for your pleasure and convenience Summer Schedule of Prices, Dinners from 6:30 to 1 p.m. 98 There are 45 voices in the Renanah concert choire of the Simpson Bible Institute of Se attle, which is to appear at the Alliance church, North 5th and Gaines streets Friday night at 8 o'clock. The choice is returning to Seattle after being on a three weeks tour through the Pacific coast states. In addition to the choir the organizations features a brass trio and a male quartet It is reported as the best choir in the history of the institute. Insurance, Kenneth M. Potts. 339 Chemeketa. Phone 5706. 98 Your mother remembers the day your hobby-horse ran away remember her on Mother's Day, May 11. Herb Hunt. Phone 21863. Hollywood Florist, 2075 Fairgrounds Road. 98 Build with the best, it costs less. Use steel reinforced ma sonry, mortarless interlocking blocks of concrete or pumice. Call us for free estimate. Phone 7324. 100 Ask your grocer for NorWest Syrup. Made in Salem. 98 De Lux "Serve-Self" Laun dry. 385 Jefferson, Open for business Monday, April 28. 98 Mrs. fi-ene Bradford has re turned to her home, 1985 North Front street, from a Salem hos pital where she has been under treatment for several weeks. Her sister, Miss Helen Bradford of Tacoma, is visiting her. Pansies, perennials, cabbage, lettuce, tomato, bedding plants, shrubs, azaleas in bloom. Boyd nursery, Z44U state street. 98 Open meeting Friday, 8 p.m., April 25, at 495 North Cottage, by Mary B. Prendergrast. Sub ject: "What Soever You Ask." Portland group visiting. Re freshments. All welcome. 98 For sale by owner, new two bedroom house, unfinished but liveable. 1165 Lewis street, or phone 9367. $3,000.00. 100 The county court has receiv ed invitation to participate in the Marion County Livestock as sociation tour May 3 when ranches of Gath Brothers, Ahrens Brothers, Louis Hein- nies, Karl Wipper and Carl Booth, all in the Turner area, will be visited. - Principal objec tive of the tour will be to look over various breeds of sheep, also sheep dogs and to examine forage crops. Marriage licenses have been issued at Vancouver, Wash., to Reuben E. Wagner, 1911 North Church street, Salem and Aud rey L, Rife, Independence, route 1; Kermit G. Nyseth, Sil verton and Bertha Wahlster, 1159 Center street, Salem; Da vid M. Cunningham and Leora Schager, both of 524 South Wa ter street, Silverton; Frederick J Snyder, Turner and Isabel Duke, Salem; William A. De- Gecr, 345 South Winter street and Christina J. Chandler, route 7, box 309-K, both of Salem; Howard H. Knapp, Portland and Marie B. Jensen, Gervais route 1; James V. McCutcheon, 1376 North Church street and Delores E. Berthclson, 1363 North Church street, both of Salem and to Ernest S. Abrahamson, Woodburn and Bernice R. Hel mig, Gervais. Salem is fast becoming the best dressed city in the United Stales. This contention is based on .the amount of chairs and divans that have been recovered in the shop of the R. L. Elfstrom company. So many pieces have been recovered or slip covered that it has been necessary to establish a larger shop. Mate rials for the coverings are still displayed on the second floor where patrons select the want ed pattern and color. A truck is then sent to the home to pick up the articles to be recovered In a short time another well dressed living room is added to make Salem the best dressed city in the United States. 98" Day's 100 percent wool for est green whipcord. Alex Jones, 121 North High street. 98 Open Friday evening lo ac comodate late comers for tackle and licenses. Shipment of am munition just received. Some rifles and shotguns. Fresh slock fishing tackle, rods, lines, flies. creels. Nollman & Engler, 362 State. 98 Permits to haul logs have been granted by the county court to Bert Oiler, route 1, Aumsville, and A. A. Smith route 2, Dallas. Davenport and chairs, walnut dining table and chairs, rug 9x12, folding double steel camp bed, tent, bed, springs and mat tress. Call after 3 p.m. at 345 South 18th St. 99 Day's college cords, cream color, zipper fly, cuffs. The very tops in corduroys. $6.50 Alex Jones, 121 North High street. 98 All tires, tubes and batteries at cost. Discontinuing these items. Nollman & Engler, 362 State. 99 One-third horsepower electric motors. Broadway Appliance Co., 419 Ferry, Salem, Oregon 98' County Commissioner Roy Rice renorteri he pxnepferf flip Buena Vista ferry would be Back In operation Wednesday alter undergoing needed repairs. Fishing tackle and license. Open nights and Sunday. Cad well's Service Station, 25th and State. Phone 9788. 100 Mrs. Arthur Kunke, of Tur ner, is convalescing at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook on East Center street after being hospitalized for the last two weeks. A. L. Adams hv A. Rnsmnscpn of Adams Airport, Silverton Flying Service, has notified the county court that notices have been ronerlv nosteri fnr neti- tion asking for a county road to the Silverton, airport, a dis tance of 750 feet, and asking ap propriate proceedings be had. Home n u r s i ng certificates were presented 17 senior girls at the Aumsville achievement day program by Louise Arne son, nursing director for the Marion county chapter of the Red Cross and Mrs. Ralph E, Moody, home nursing chairman Keceiving certificates were Kathleen Pierce, Ruth Littau Arta Lynn Fough, Velda J. Ann mon, . Doris Bennett, Ramona Watson, Joyce Whorton, Jeanne Darby, Hazel Briles, Lois Bales, Helen Jackobsen, Lucille Jau- quet, Imogene Garrison, Barbara Pruett, Lowena Horsley, Doro thy Gilbert and Betty Mollett. Jersey City, N.J., April 24 lP) Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. to day cut the price of bulk soap 10 percent, following a drop of 7 cents in the price of tallow in New York to 20 cents a pound. Highest Odd Fellow Coming C. A. Wheeler, Texas judge, and sovereign grand master of the world of the IOOF, who will be in Salem April 30. Diaper Derby Papas display their skill in speedy changing at Hollywood theater Thirteen Sa lem fathers and grandfathers competed in this feature sponsored by Disabled American Veterans and a record time of nine seconds was achieved by Andrew Clark who took top honors and the $10 award. Clark Wins Diaper Derby Andrew Clark of Salem, who diapered his baby in 9 seconds flat, belter time than is often made in a calf roping contest, won first place and a prize of $10 in the- Diaper Derby at the Hollywood theater Wednesday night, with Yi other fathers competing. The event was spon sored by the Disabled American Veterans and was a preliminary of the Kiddie Karnival to be held Saturday night at the sen ior high school auditorium. Second and third winners were John Erekstol and Guy Hastings. Two fathers were dis qualified when, as they held up the babies to show how clever they were, the diapers fell off. Other fathers who competed were LaVern Matteson, LeRoy Long, Seth Dodge, Jr., Richard Wherley, Edward Noskol, John Hagan, Ray Hudson, Lyle Ur ban, Arthur Tinker and O. A. Green. Master of ceremonies was R. C. Brewster, commander of the DAV. Joan Fabry, 12, one of the talent show contestants of the Karnival, opened the program with an accordion number. Abolish Office of Temporary Controls Washington, April 24 W) President Truman today signed orders formally abolishing the office of temporary controls and transferring rent controls to the housing expediter, - Mr. Truman's action calls for abolition of OTC June 1, but gives the housing expediter con trol over rents on May 4. Also on May 4 OPA's function with subsidies and price ad justments will be transferred to the reconstruction finance cor poration and the department of agriculture will take over price controls over rice. OPA's rent division has been handling rent controls. Under the order 6000 OPA employes will be transferred to the de partment of commerce which will take over remaining OTC functions, including liquidation of the civilian production ad ministration. Water Surveys Cut Off The proposed interior depart ment appropriation cuts will el iminate money necessary to sur vey underground water sources from which many cities in Ore gon obtain their water supplies, State Engineer Charles Stricklin said today. Salem Court News Circuit Court Order renewing Juriiimfint Med In Frankle vn. O E. Severaon. Acknowledg ment of (350 paid on the Judgment alao entered. nismisnl on motion of plaintiff grant- ed In Leona t. va. Bernard J. Kosse. Complaint for divorce by Fstalyne O. v. Raymond D. MarUolf alleitea cruel and Inhuman treatment, aaka custody or two children and I3S a month aupporl for each. Married June a, iujb, in wem Salem. Motion lo remand to Linn county al lowed In Kalhryn Cochell by guardian ad litem. Marie Cochell. v. Arden W. weaver. Dtvorca decree In Sharon M. v. Joseph A. OOOVBT Bivea cuaiwu? ui vmtu -v ........ tiff with 130 a month for lit aupport. Motion to make mora definita and cer tain overruled In John Harma vi. w, i. McDoutral and other and 10 day fiven to further plead. tlpulatlon In W. E. Way va. Orien F. and Zoa M. Sayles allow description of land to be changed without altering rejit of pleadings. Order in State va. Olen Laurence Hard- man release L, E. Relnholdt an mrety for Robert H. Sehuld, material wltnemi, and directs return of 1250 posted aa ball. Probate Court Order for sale oi real property entered Mary A. laham estate. William H. Noot named administrator of the (1000 estate of Thomaa Noot and Oeorge Doran. Floyd Batea and O. D. Need ham named appralaeri. Final decree entered In Auiust Qrlmm estate. Final decree entered in estat of Veneel . Hrudka. Authority granted Fidelia M. Waahburn an au dian of John, Philip Jamei, Oary David and Jerry Lea Washburn to me asset? for care and education of minors Final account filed by Stella Maten as administratrix Of tht aatata of Mathilda Spelbrint, Formation of a rural fire pro tection district to include the Scotts Mills section has been proposed with hearings to be held. The Scotts Mills proposal would include 16 sections in Clackamas county lying south east of Marquam and about 15 sections in Marion county lo include all property on Butte creek east of Scotts Mills and reach almost over the divide to Abiqua creek to ambrace all improved properly along the ridge dividing the two streams. Canners File Protest on Bez Washington, April 24 (U.B The California Fish Canners as sociation told a house merchant marine subcommittee today that its members were threalcned with ruin because of "unfair practices" by the Reconstruc tion Finance Corp. Donald P. Lokcr of Terminal Island, Calif., representing the canners association, said RFC had advanced $5,000,000 to Nick Bez, a salmon packer in the Pa cific northwest, to finance the activities of a vessel called the "Pacific Explorer." The vessel, Loker said, was supposed to explore possible new fishing grounds in the Pa cific. Instead, the witness char ged, the vessel is being used to compete with privately owned tuna fishing vessels. Loker urged the subcommit tee to "set things right by caus ing RFC to cancel the charter party of the Pacific Explorer or to amend the charter to comply with its original laudable pur poses." He said that unless ac tion is taken "we foresee noth ing but ruin ahead for the mil lions of private capital invol ved." Rep. Charles K. Fletcher, (R., Calif.), told the subcommittee he also believed the contract should be ordered canceled. He said the Pacific Explorer . has been engaged in "a commercial fishing venture, although that is not what was intended." Senate Votes for Hoover Dam Washington, April 24 The senate voted today to change the name of Boulder dam to Hoover dam in honor of the former president, Passage was by voice vote. The legislation now goes to Pre sident Truman. River Tunnel Proposed Portland, April 24 (P) A campaign to enlist Portland civ ic groups for support of a pro posal to tunnel under the Wil lamette river and relieve traffic congestion on the bridges was launched today by the Progres sive Businessmen's club. Mr. and Mr. Oscar Peterson have filed voluntary surrender of part of the palate of Abraham Peterson to Emma Peterson, sister of Oscar Peterson. Final order granted and inheritance tax receipt for tMO.07 filed In J. A. Moser estate. Fred A. Williams named administrator if the Harry H. Llndscy estate. Police Court Ohipr of Police Frank A. Mlntn an nounced that officers had been Instructed to enforce strictly the ordinance aaaliul double-parking of automobiles. No one had appeared on Hie blotter for that of fense up to the noon hour Wednesday, Violation o( stop siv 3136 Fairgrounds road. 3090 South Cottage. i: Gordon Allen, Orland J. Cox. Reckless driving with liquor Involved: Charlea DeOulre, Silverton, ball 1100. Violation of the bafllc speed rule: Albert J. Evans, 1360 North Cottatie. Frank H, Warner, Jr., Corvallis, bail 110. Claire E. Smith, Portland, bail 136. Ted J. Oulllc, 2305 Breyman. Disorderly conduct: William J. Kakocity, 196 North 33rd, ball 136. Juntice Court State va. Walter Ivle, Bend, larceny, 80 days In Jail Plea of Innocent entered hy Edwin Neher. BflO South 20th. to charge of driv ing truck with sifting load, trial set for April 25. Cameron Duane Campbell, 3020 North Commercial, no operator's license, con tinued for sentence to April 34, siate vs. John Raymond Draudi, Port land, driving while Intoxicated, fined 13n0 land sentenced to 10 days in Jail, driver's I llritnia ininanHcl Plea of guilty by Norman Rar Ward, Puyaliup, Wash., to violation of tha state motor transportation act, fined 110 and costs, Plea of guilty by Vlnll Leslie Brewer, Tacoma, to violation of the alan motor transportation Mt, fined 110 and coats. Raver Explains Power Program Spokane, Wash.. April 24 (I5) Dr. Paul J. Raver, Bonneville power administrator, said today the federal hydroelectric power program is designed "to under gird and expand the free enter prise system." In an address prepared for de livery before the National Rural Electric Cooperative association, he said the private capital sys tem depends for success upon an assured, expansible and cheap base of energy such as the fed eral government has developed in the northwest. Raver urged rapid expansion of power projects to hasten de velopment of the region's re sources. Within (he limits of available production and distribution fa cilities, Raver said, the Bonne ville administration is success fully achieving these five ob jectives: To make power a tool for the development of new wealth. To provide "increasingly large quantities of power at consist ently low rates lo create new op portunities for free enterprise." To make low-cost hydroelec tric power provide new sources of tax revenues. To provide asset-building jobs for veterans and former war workers. To "return to the people of the United States, with interest, their investment in federal pow er facilities." Children Wade in Septic Tank Drains Ankln-rioep water, even though it is the overflow from septic tanks used for sewage dis posal, Is too much of a tempta tion for some of the youngsters near the city to resist, and their parents want to know how they can got connection with the city sewer system. Just outside the city limits. near Silverton road, is an area where a group of houses use septic tanks. The overflow runs into a field. It looks nice and cool on warm days, so off come the shoos and stockings and the youngsters run around in the water. The parents don t think it's sanitary, and want the city to do something about it. This particular area hasn't yet been annexed to the city, but has a petition for annexation on file. If it is annexed sewer con nections will come in due time. Clayton Nominated Washington, April 24 () President Truman today nomi nated Undersecretary of State William L. Clayton to represent the United States on the eco nomic commission for Europe. The commission was established by the economic and social council of the United Nations. Broken windshields, and all other auto glass is re placed here with the skill of the trained mechanic. No rattles, leaks or other defects the work is done properly with the best glass and materials. Imme diate Service. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., C of C Contacts New Businesses New businesses, operated by persons whose memberships in the Chamber of Commerce are desired, are multip!; ing faster than they can be contacted by the membership committee operating in the regular way. so a new method of contact has been worked out by Ed Schred- er, chairman of the membership committee, and the chamber management. About three times a week Schreder, two or three mem bers of his committee, and As sistant Manager Glenn Prathcr of the chamber invite three others from the general mem bership of the chamber to have a cup of coffee at some con venient cafe, not always the same one. This occurs about 10 o'clock in the morning. The committee has a list of persons who ought to be contacted for membership, maybe a hundred or so of them. It's too big a job for the committee. So three names are parceled out to each of the members invited to the coffee counter with the request that they see the prospects. 'Of course we don't land all of them," Schroder said. "But we get a good percentage. And even if we don't get the mem bership we get a lot of valuable information about the prospect and his business. We have cards prepared to get that informa tion." The plan is used also by the Eugene Chamber of Commerce and reports from there are that it is cffeclive. Indications so far are that it will be equally ef fective in Salem. Camn Adair (Continued from Page 1) Buyers included: Salem: Axel Jarnhsen, telethon on erntor'a quarters: Marvin E. Mat son, ad ministration hulldlno: Charles Wm. Bnr ker. storehouse: Orlle O. Yalr-N. barrack; Harold E. Andemnn, admlnis! rat Ion build in tr and Morehouse; I,. Ij. Freeman, ad ministration building; T. E. Hermnn, man, Morehouse; W. A. Slater, hairack; Mickey Hale, storehouse; Paul H. Car row, two grease racks; Alen T. Willis, bnrrack; John H. Hoffman, atorohouse; George C. Sheid, barrack; Leo O. Brown, barrack; D. A. Ftnh and V. 8. Cooper, barrack: V. A. Clement?,, mess hall; S. A. fiarker. storehouse; William S. Har rison, storehouse; R, .1. Bnrker, officer quarters: Ralph 8. Seror, mens hall; Jos eph 8. Miller, bnrrack; Waller A. Stevens, bar rank; Clarence Martin, storehouse; .Inmes O. Tryon, storehouse; Boyd Hilton, barrack; Orvllle Willis, mess hnll and storehouse; Julian Smith, mess hnll; J. P. Roblnetle and D. Jenkins, barrack; Leon Q.' MarRoslan, officer quarters; R. H. Bnldock, motor repair shop; Richard H. Snider, storehouse; J. A. Fenstcr macher, recreation building; George- H. Guerne, barrack; Hudson Harlan, mesa hall and Htmry A. Miller, barrack. Albany; L. J. Belden, barrack and achonl house; C. E. Stone, barrack; Lyle Wnch- schlcht, barrack: R. P. Anamus, store- housr; Dclmer C. Ransdell, mens hall; Georne A. Mier, barrack; Tho Mint com pany, wash rack-pump house and bar rack; Ray E. Schmidt, storehouse; P. L. Mller, barrack: DwinlU Glassey, barrack ; Kenneth Krsbll, atoreliouse; R, E. Mc Raynoldn, mess hall Floyd E. Fisher, atore liouse; Clay E. Kirk, mean hall; Ednnr Frost, mess hall; Lloyd E. Emerwyn, bar rack; Lester Hammimren, five barracks, one orricer quarters; Ainog C. Oerln, mens hall; H. W. Mascall, mesd hnll; Herbert Frlschmann. mesa hnll; C. A. Bolack. two brarncks; Donald Uken. grease rack and Arthur W. Hill, contractor's ahed, Changes Made In State Police Force Slate Pnlii'R Sal. Paul Y. Mm-.. gnn, head of the Rosoburg office, will be promoted to lieutenant may in and assigned to have eharue of the Medfni-ri nrfin- State Police Supt. Harold G. Mni son announced today. Morgan will succeed Lt. J. Eric Tucker, who will be transferred lo the arson squad with head quarters at Milwaukie. hgl. J-,yle H. Harrell, now at Medford. will hp nssiDimd In Roseburg to succeed Morgan. Moving pictures will be shown at the Friday night meeting of the Lincoln Community club. TOWN & COUNTRY STORE 293 North Blanket Sale COTTON SHEET BLANKETS-1.98 WOOL BLANKETS Army 6.50 Just Received Summer Weight, Short Sleeve Union Suits DRESS SHIRTS 2.95 Beautiful assortment patterns .' . . sanforized fused collars. All sizes, 14 to 17. Guaranteed Handmade CALKED LOGGERS Spring or Block Heel 100 UNION STORE Thursday, April 24, 1947 17 Paulus Sells Umpqua Plant Sale of the warehouse in North Roseburg for a reported price of $50,000 to an unnamed firm and removal of all canning and fruit processing equipment to the new million dollar plant which opens here this spring, is announced by Paulus Bros, Packing company. The warehouse will be used as a lumber by-products manufac turing plant which will specialize in the production of broom han dles. The Roseburg equipment has been used as a branch of the main plant here and processed prunes, beans, cherries, apricots, dried prunes and tomatoes. The plant in Roseburg has had a weekly payroll of $11,000 dur ing the peak of the fruit season and a monthly payroll of $4000 during the winter. The packing concern will maintain a receiving station at the old Drager Fruit company warehouse where the Umpqua valley fruit growers may deliver their products for shipment to the Salem plant for processing, Picks Interim Senate Groups President of the Senate Mar shall E. Cornell, Klamath Falls. announced appointment today of the senate members of the 13 legislative interim committees which will investigate various matters and report to the 1949 legislature. The house members already have been announced. The senate committee assign ments follow: To study Juvenile delinquency Sens. Howard .C. Belton, Canby, and Orval N. hompson, Albany. To study wildlife resources Sen. Lew Wallace, Portland. To study sources or meat oen, unane , Zurcher, Enterprise. To study veterans affairs Sens. Lea Patterson and Thomas R. Mahoney, both of Portland. To study care and education of th9 blind Sens. Allan Q. Carson. Salem, and Thomas Parkinson, Rosebnrit. To study reforestation Sen. George F. Wlnslow, Tillamook. To invesUftate Columbia river fisher ies Seiifl. Merle R. Chessman, Astoria; P. J. Stndelman. The nalles, and Eu- acne E. Marsh. McMinnvllle. Sen. Doug- Ins McKay, Salem, was named an alter nate. To InvestlBate truck Insuranc Sen. Wnlter J. Pearson, Portland. To Investigate the state's highway needs and financing of roads Sens. Dou clns McKay, Salem; Ernest R. Fatland, Condon: and Earl T. Newbry, Ashland. To study aeronautics Sens. William E. Walsh, Coos Bay; and J. N. Jones, Junturn. To study salaries of county officers Sens. Jack Lynch, Portland, and W. W. uaiaerree, urn ins Haas. To study surface mining Sens. Rex Ellis. Pendleton: Paul Patterson, HUls boio; and Austin Dunn, Baker. To investiitate possibilities of giving employment to Inmates of state Institu tions -Sena, Frank H. Hilton and Irving Rand, both of Portland. Contrtt appointed Senators Marsh and Lvnch to write the affirmative, and na ffntlve arguments, respectively, on ths a per. nt sales tax bill for tht voters' pamphlet. Radio Equipment For Salem Taxis The Snlem Taxi Serviep. Man ager Robert Lynn Clark an nounced Wednesday, was ac corded a license Tuesday by the tenerai communications com mission for the installation of two-way radio equipment on its fleet of taxtcabs. Ultimately 10 cabs will be equipped, and it is believed the installations can be made in about fit) days. The two-way radio service will serve a double purpose, in tercommunication among the cabs and cooperation with the police. The company operates the yel low cabs In Salem. Chicle, the chief ingredient of chewing gum, is obtained from the Sapodilla tree. Commercial 1.49 3.98 . . .Sale and Navy Sale 4