last Salem to Witness ialem Play Production East Salem, April 24 A special night meeting is scheduled for Fruitland district this week. In the school house Friday night The Civic Players of Salem will present their latest play, "How Could You." It is a three-act"? fcomedy. The public is invited Each new production of the Civic players is given for one more of East Salem com- hiunity night programs Edina Lane extension unit twill meet Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the home of Mrs Richard Rosecrans. Eleanor fTrindle, home demonstration will give the last lesson Jof the series on "Furniture Ar- trangement." The April meeting of Middle tjrove Community club was held vith 4-H achievement program leiven. Officers for the new club fcear were elected as the May Imeeting always ieaiures me Schwalbe eightn graauation exercises.' .New officers will be, president, IjMrs. William Kauffman, vice- president, Paul Barnham; sccre- ftary, Robert Wagers and treas gurer, Mrs. John Schafer. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Katherman have been guests for the past 10 days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Braucht and Mr. and IMrs. E. F. Braucht on Garden Jroad. They are the parents of k"Mrs. E. F. Braucht from Minot, Pfl. D. 1 1 Two new homes are being planned for the R. B. De Lapp acreage on Garden road. Their son, Floyd, has under construc tion a garage home at the rear of the present house, which will be torn down and a new home built on the same site and Mr. and Mrs. De Lapp will build another new home just to the east for themselves. The name of Mrs. William Benner should be added to the list of the workers on Sweegle community for the Cancer drive. Dr. Schwalbe Resigns Albany Dr. Oswald pastor of the First Presbyterian church here for the past four years, has resign ed to accept a pastorate in southern California. He will preach his last sermon here Sunday. Dr. Schwalbe came to Albany from Montana. No suc cessor has been named by the church. Vew-StreaAess AEROMIST GLASS CLEANER MIRRORS : ' Aeromist keeps (3 """" all glass gurfacasv crystal clear j insist on PUFF'S -the fully-prepared WAFFLE MIX Tick Control On Sheep Demonstrated Spraying sheep to control ticks was demonstrated at four Marion county farms this week, reports Ben A. Newell, assistant county agent. Breeders exhibit ed a great deal of interest in a tick control method which may soon eliminate the arduous yearly dipping task. Fall is really the best time to treat with the DDT spray, but spring treating on flocks that have not recently been dipped, will clean up both ewes and lambs. A few ticks on small lambs raise havoc with their early growth, says' Newell. Fifty percent DDT powder has been recommended at the rate of 8 pounds per 100 gallons of water. This heavy rate will al low ample residue on sheep to kill the tick and the pupae which develop in about 20 days. Hand nozzles under 400 pounds pressure were used in most the demonstrations, although a boom with 7 to 10 nozzles gave J Airfare 7$e fowruv... ns WINDOWS liteMigpc spray on a dash . . . jp' clean in a flash T gggf ECONOMY SiZf Magic Orthoielvat Only New Formula Clearer contains Onhotolvate. the magic ingredient that deans glass quicker, cuts grease easier and keeps glass dean longer. ft bast ratulrt gal CUARf X PLASTIC SPRAYEI . . . long lostlnf, won't rail or corrode, flit Hta six ownca bo Hit. M EN! IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR 2-PANTS SUITS IN .PREWAR QUALITY FABRICS of sturdy,. 100 wool, hard-finished, stay-pressed wors teds with exceptionally fine trimmings and tailoring, you will find your favorite pattern, color and style in single and double breasted models, sizes 36 to 44, most reasonably priced at the PCI A LIT Y STYLE CLOTHES SHOP iR J J VALUE ' A younj mn GREATER Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men 387 STATE STREET Two Doors West of Liberty on State Street WANT T ft BLUE T 2f NO EXTRA RINSE NO EXTRA WORK For the whitest washings . , , It's Quick ... It's Easy . . . It's the modern way. Just a few drops in the last rinse make such a difference! For washing guide write . . . MRS. STEWART'S BlUINO. Dpt. 07, Minneapolis 3, Minn. I'ail'f J very excellent cover on sheared sheep. Extension Unit Meets Lyons The extension unit met at the Community club, a lecture on buying of electrical house with Mrs. Harley Scott, Mrs. John Kunkle and Mrs. Clyde McRae Hostess for the afternoon. Miss Viola Hansen. home demonstration agent, gave you can't buy a better wax yet It COSTS 10c LESS I That's right! OLD ENGLISH naves you 101 or more on every pint you buy. Dries quickly to a brighter, longer-lasting lustre. shines and wears wears and shines Uir it on all your floor. Jut iprmd t and omul It. S.vm time! work! warl Sve 10f or mor on every pint. NO RUBBING WAX I W 1 pint yj YH i equipment. Mrs. Roy Huber. vice president, was in charge of the meeting. The report of the nominating committee was heard, and plans were made to Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Thursday, "April 24, 1947 15 attend the Homemakers' festi val which was held in Albany Thursday. Fifteen U. S. stales require no vision tests before issuance of driving licenses. THE NATION yL MADtMMISOH E VI FINE If GRANULATED i 1 SUGAR I TMl AMM&AHAT10 S0B 1 COM Wit Always ask for White Satin Oregon's Own and Only Sugar ( Salem Women jJJTi t I Praise Veto! ( 1 Women everywhere praise ' vSSrTL I y.et0, new "wtlorant that f "" JT toS3Hi 1 checks perspiration, stops niini7 1 1 DouMp Preferred by Recia- g WTWr :.jpfcts tered Nurses! Survey shows . MiJA ' " M nurses who tried VETO pre- ' " fKZf "9eP?4HF fer it almost 2 to 1. Safe IV "I'M ift "-iw for normal skint Safe for .tsTVH . W &flSjtf clothes! Stays moist in jar. f V ::mwv 0 en w km w You get a regular 25' jar of Veto for only t one at the regular 5- asftsn . AW price! Here it is your money-Baving op portunity to join the thousands who use and praise VETO! But supplies of this special offer are limited so act mil HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK UP ON YOUR Men! Summer Furnishing Needs at Great Money-Saving Prices as we are selling out our entire stock of Sport Shirts, Neckties, Hose, T-Shirts, Briefs, Broadcloth Shorts, Handkerchiefs, Bath Robes, Sweaters, All-Weather Jackets, Rain coats, Belts, Suspenders, Tie Clasps, Key Chains, Collar Bars and Accessories. All nationally advertised merchandise. EVERYTHING JL Off ORIGINAL PLAINLY NOW ON SALE AT JlL MARKED PRICES When this stock is sold out, we will confine our line to the sale of Hats and Clothing exclusively. Complete selection is now available. Shop early for best selection. Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men QUALITY STYLE 387 State St. CLOTHES SHOP R Kjy J VALUE A k Qjouruj QlUn GREATER JorQ7U am. 2 Doors West of Liberty on State St. BAR GROCERY-MARKET PHONE 27 TURNER, OREGON Friday and Saturday April 25 and 26 Quick-Cooking Wheatena 1 lb., 6 ox. 22c Pkg. Sunshine Kriipie Crackers 2 lb. box . 39c Box Heinz Tomato Soup . . No. 1 cans . 10c Con All Standard Brands M M Coffee . . Alt Our Everyday Low Price Pound Pictsweet Corn Whole Kernel 19c No. 2 can Frozen Fancy A Peas . . . . 1C Regular Size Pkg. FISHERMEN! Kenny's Grill will open Saturday morning, April 26, at daylight for you. Ready to Eat 2 PKGS. Cheerio? . . 1JC With Goggles 7 ox. pkgs. Tasty Pak 2 CANS J g Tomatoes Solid Pak No. 2Vi cans Large Size V Soap . . . JjZ Oxydol Duz Rinso Elsinore Pkg. Salt 2 lb. pkg. . :6C Each Southern Beauty 2 CANS p Apricots . . JJt No. 2'i cans Pure Ground Beef . In Syrup . 38c Pound The Turner Fire Dept. offers for sale 450 ft. of DOUBLE JACKET 22-IN. HOSE at 25c per foot. Excellent irrigation. PLENTY WE HAVE LOW PRICES PARKING SPACE EVERY DAY 'fiM A Loder JTuneuP Wil1 CSffiP -Sbm Avoid a 'Breakdown1 J vllrti H ' I Being towed back to a garage because of engine failure if an aggravating experience . . . but it could have been and will be avoided of you let Loder Bros, give your car a I thorough motor tuneup . . . drive in today! I Serving Salem and Vicinity for 19 Years El2 AKlT You'H Firld I Pays' IV I ell- All Ways, to Shop J.J New Super Quality SUITS SPORT COATS SLACKS and PANTS New smart styles, new 100 wool durable fabrics that are guaran teed to hold their shape and stay p ressed. Here you will find your favorite pattern and color in QUALITY GOODS that you have long been waiting for. And best of all, at Most REASONABLE Prices Your Inspection Invited without Obligation Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men QUALITY STYLE C LOTTOS E: GREATER 7wr QTlen and, . 387 STATE STREET VALUE QJounj QTlen Two Doors West of Liberty on State Street