t Staff Talks On New Statutes New Oregon livestock legisla tion is being discussed today by the field staff of the division of animal industry of the state de partment of agriculture, called into the Salem headquarters for this purpose. This will also mark the first personnel meet ing with Dr. Charles Foster Haynes, newly appointed stale veterinarian. M. E. Knickerbocker, chief of the division, is in charge. Field veterinarians and inspectors are discussing uniform enforcement of the laws as well as being asked to analyze problems which they foresee as arising in con nection with the switch into new legislation. The meeting is expected to develop information which will be valuable when rules and regulations are pro mulgated under some of the new legislation. The four laws being discussed, and which the division will ad minister, arc the livestock iden tification and theft prevention act, which is a new code on the subject; the amendments to the Bang's disease law; and two new laws, the livestock auction sales and the livestock peddler mar ket acts. The latter are separ ate laws replacing Chapter 361, Oregon Laws 1943. which was repealed by the 1947 legislature 25,000 Expected At Elks Conclave Portland, April 24 (P) The Portland Elks' convention com mittee reported today it might have to quarter national conven tion delegates next July in towns as far away as McMinnville nearly 40 miles. Some 25,000 Elks and mem bers of their families are ex pected. Among attractions, the com mittee reported, would be pres ence of an escort carrier, a cruis er, two destroyers and two sub marines in the Willamette river. Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday, April 24, 194711 Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't he embarrassed by loose falsa tth slipping, dropping or wabbling when you eat. talk or laugh. Just sprin kle a little FASTEETH on your plates. This pleasant powder Rives a remark able sense of added comfort and secur ity by holding plates more firmly. No Ktimmy. gooey, pasty taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non-acid). Get FASTEETH at any drug store. Adr. Attention Hop Dryers Orders now being taken for RAY OIL BURNERS for Hop Dryer installation. JUDSON'S 279 N. Com'I. Phone 4141 Salem gin.Mii;!inl::iBi:inaii!iiaiiijiiiiiia;iaiaffla ma I Warren s f RADIO SERVICE p 2017 Fairgrounds t Road " in the f Heart of Hollywood k Immediate service on your j. radio. We pick up and " deliver. YOUR NEW CROSLES L Is Now Available PHONE 7681 Mill City Retail Lumber Co. LUMBER SHINGLES Phone Mill City 344 HOUSCHOLO LCTRIC APPLIANCCS RPAIRD We ore especially well equipped by experience, skill and facilities to service all the electrical appliances in your home. Mixers, irons, toasters, heaters, motors, fans, etc., are repaired, ser viced right by us. SAFEWAY There's one best way to know you're getting the most for your money. It's by comparing values. When you check prices item by item and quality by quality, you know where you get the best buys. Safeway invites exactly this sort of comparison. We base our bid for your food business on the values you will find in each section of the stores. Prices listed here reveal typical savings. For dozens more, visit Safeway today. Grocery features are effective Thursday, April 24, through Monday, April 28 Orange Marmalade III 39c Salad Vegetables Map"eNcoJ10 Orange Juice 0-uL 4623( Apples & Pears aK3W 19c Sunshine a i r i 2-ib. uranam wacners Pk9 46c Roly Poly Candy Bars C9n Regular 10c bar 5c APPLE BUTTER Dude Ranch Sweet, Spicy Spread 28-oz. Jar 29c Full Cream New Low Price Cheddar Cheese 45c Ocean Spray W Cranberry Sauce 306 LjZ Magic Pearl PICKLED ONIONS Libby's Sweet Mixed SWEET PICKLES Shoestring Potatoes BLUEBELL Pacific Pearl CRAB MEAT Mary Ann NBC COOKIES 07,. jar 12 ni. jar 4 07.. can 1 Ih. 25c 25c 15c 49c 25c Tender Peas Gardenside or Sweet Pickins No. 2 Cans 2 for 25 1 2 for $1.49 24 for $2.95 Edwards Coffee l-lb. size 47c 2-lb. 93c Wakefield Coffee l-lb. can 43c Nob Hill Coffee Mb. 42c, 2-lb. 83c Airway Coffee - 1 '- 39c '-$ 1. 1 5 Nescafe Instant Coffee h" 37c Our Mother's Cocoa '" 1 4c Hershey's Cocoa Mb.bo25c Cocomalt cw,. DrM '--43c Grape Juice cre cw 37c. pint 20c Grapefruit Juice rw" Ho 4--M" 19c Grapefruit Juice ", " 2 1 c Blended Juice No. 10c; 46-oi.23c Tangerine Juice yifa N? 10c Sunny Dawn Tomato Juice 4-t 25c Libby Tomato Juice 47h " 29c Vegetable Juice n-m -" 29c FLOUR Sperry, Pillsbury, Gold Medal, 25-lb. Fisher's or Kitchen Craft sack $189 1 50 $W ib. 0 Kippered Snacks s Steero Bouillon Cubes Noodle Soup Mix up"'' Soup Mix CWf, 1- Hotdl Pea Soup Mix CrodM Beef Noodle Soup " Chicken Soup cvwri Cream of Tomato Soup HtiM Heinz Vegetable Soup Rancho Tomato Soup Vegetable Soup " No. I, con 2 25c P.cUg. of 12 23c 3p-28c 3p-29c 3p29c ll-OLCM 7C IOVi-olcoh f I I'M. CM 2c ll-oi. c 4C H-Vt. OM 5C U-oo. coo 20c Mayonnaise N' Uad 29cr p" 47c Sandwich Spread - 24c p'- 43c Duchess Salad Dressing 79c; P" 43c Chili Sauce Mwnf ny-- 25c Cheese Spreads Knft 229c Green Beans GoroWoV-cw No. i wi 4C Green Beans "' fr No-1 19c Fancy Corn Cory Hum, wm KwmI No. ic gc Com "'9T ftrfro Stunthrd-fat. Poc. 12-oc con 5c Cream Corn "''. No. 2 cm -jc Canned mlZft'Z! Xt (41) SS.4 Tea Biscuits A' Assorted Cookies Soda Crackers l9r Soda Crackers s Soda Crackers Graham Crackers Wor WW Ritz Crackers Fancy Grapefruit Grapefruit Highway troit, Citrus Salad Diced Pears HH '' Choice Plums 7i 7-ot pit-23c Vrou pig. IQc Mb. pto. 39C l-lb. b 24c i-ib. pi9.25c l-fb. pig. 29C No. I en I 7e N 2.1 No. 2 co 23c No. 2'j con 25c No. 2, eon 1 9e (44) $S.t l-lb. P9. 27c l2-35c 12-ox. jtr 59c ot, pig. 23c 'r-lb. pio. 55c --pk9-39c 1-lb.pio. 29c Baking Soda A,m 3 p- 25c Royal Baking Powder i2- 49c Baker's Chocolate 22c Baking Chocolate 1 8c Gum Drops Assorted Caramels orUn$ Hard Candy ro,e' So,Vl w,Jt Mint Chew Candies Walnut Meat ,Mh-H M Pecan Meats Sori . Roasted Peanuts Theto Prieei Iffeeriro in All Sofewoy Store in Salem, Silverfon, Dallai GRADE A BUTTER Market weak visit our stores and take advantage of the new lower prices. EGGS Grade A Large . . Grade Medium 56c 54c Gem Fried POPCORN Blue Ribbon BLACK FIGS Fancy Oregon No. 1 WALNUTS Banana Flakes Price Reduced KANANA 1 !4 01 can 12 ni. Pklf. 29c 19c , 38c 35c CHEESE Breeze or 2-lb. O O Kraft Velveeta box "Jt Kraft Sj-lb. i. 4m J Velveeta nk(f. Kraft h-lb. OQ American Kraft Pimiento lkR. !,-lb. 90 Wind 'n' Sea 1t MINCED ABALONE fi " 1VC . Seaside LIMA BEANS All Popular Brandt SHORTENING No. 2 can 17c $1.39 Subject lo Siockt on Hand They must be tender and juicy, or your money back. Ground Beef From lean gristle-free OQc meat LB. J Sliced Bacon J' On'0' Ib. 65c Assorted Luncheon Meats Ib. 49c Fillet of Sole y'- lb. 45c Chinook Salmon Steaks Ib. 65c Fresh Cooked Crabs' Ib. 25c Fryers ''' p lb. 67c Roasters 'WsewofW-w lb. 67c Fricassee Fowl "''' p lb. 57c mil! Le9 lamb Loin Lamb Roast StiouWtf Roast to. 59c to. t to.lAl or Breast ot Lamo Meot feotures are for Friday and Saturday Fresh, crisp, and right at their flavorful best. Fresh PEAS Giant Strides Bright cjren pod well filled GREEN ONIONS flavorful Lb. ZU Sweet, Juicy GRAPEFRUIT Tex" Ruby b. 9' Reds Produce features ore for Friday and Saturday. New Potatoes U. S. No. l's 'A' sis Shaitw White Sunkist Lemons Avocados Rhubarb Carrots Lettuce PUin frtk Ifodt Radishes 2 ib5. 2Sc 5 ib5. lb. 11 Vie Ib. 43c Ib. 5c Ib. 6V2C Ib. 12Vic Ib. 18c ASPARAGUS J4J4c Tender, green young spears Early Spring Crop!