Capital Journal. Sale-m, Ore., Wednesday, April 13, 19477 Save More, at Wards This Week! Weekend Specials! Cut Prices! RAINBOW OK SPUN RAYONS Linen-type weave, rich and radi- mi ant tn brilliant rainbow shades. ' n BIG COCKTAIL TABLE Ward Week special! Duncan AA ft ft Phyfe style, mahogany finish. Vvvv 2x3' BRAIDED RUGS CUT TO Color bright ovals! Reversible, ii long-wearing! Other sizes re- 1't duced! STEEL TOOL BOX CUT PRICED! Hip-roof design. Baked enamel 2.88 inside and out. 16x8 4x7 U- inch size. PLIERS CUT PRICED FOR SALE! Slip-joint pliers made of steel for hard use. 6 inches long. 48c LAWN CULTIVATOR Sale Priced! A speedy cultivator! tines of 1-piece steel, handle. Has 4 JO 52-inch A0 FIELDER'S GLOVE Reduced! "Joe Medwick" glove. Tan cowhide with laced heel. 2.88 PRICE CUT! PLIER WRENCH ' Holds rods like a wrench! Has 3-step jaws, length of 6V4 in. 1.38 REG. 2.98 PEASANT SKIRT Swinging dirndl of black spun A A rayon with eyelet trim. 24-30. A.ft JACKKNIFE NOW REDUCED! Has 2 blades of finest cutlery lmn steel. Bone handle 3 inches long. 6-WAY FLOOR LAMP Reduced! Ivory base in bronze- 4 m SO color finish, handsome rayon . .00 shade. Stripes and prints of 33"32" Plisse. No ironing required. 63c REG. 2.19 BAND-TOPS Sanforized covert . won't 4 OO shrink over 1. Bar-tacked 30 to 44. Limited amount. x.oo WALLPAPER CLEANER Reduced! Cleans thoroughly. Economical! 4 for 12-oz. can cleans average AAp room. 3.45 GLASS COFFEE MAKER. Heatproof Fireglas, flameproof handle, glass filter rod, 8-cup. STURDY COASTER WAGON Wood body, 14 by 32 inches Q mt 8-inch steel wheels and under- Oet gear. SINK FAUCET CUT PRICED! Gleaming chromium plated B 00 swing spout fauced priced low O.OO at Wards! REGULAR 2.89 TEAKETTLE 5-qt. chrome-plated copper tea- LA kettle, easy to. keep shining. ' HOUSEHOLD BROOM, REG. 1.25 Strong corn, firmly sewed, and Afit bound at top with wire. Save! OC SPECIAL! WIRE CLOTHESLINE 100-ft. coil of B-strand twist- Mf, ed wire. Rust-resisting. Hurry I H 1 1 ; 5 '1 Suds-Worlhy Seersucker. 1 1 i i FLUORESCENT CHANN Reduced from 4.45 388 Just the thing for concealed light ing! It's easy to install. Less 20 watl bulb. 1 WARDS VITALIZED OIL 2.Ba, 62 SALE Fed. tax included cim Cleans as it lubricates! Gives your engine smoother power! Save now! V f 1 16-OZ. RIP HAMMER PnceW for Ward Week! 98c For home or professional use. Has straight-grain hickory wood handle. 24-PC. CUTLERY SET Reduced from 5.95 147 Save! Slainless sleel, with bright plastic handles. Wonl rust, no polishing. CUSHION DOT PAIRS 3.49 Alter Ward Week! 2 Snowy-while! Thick, fliirfvdots on ? Iiccr marquisetle. Each side 41" by 9U"t 'A i 16' COTTON CRASH 1. 19 After Ward Week I 70 Handsome multicolor stripes in a lirm, durable weave ootton. Save now! SCREEN DOOR LATCH Cut Price! Fine lor scicrn 39c or slorm doors. Locks from inside. Steel with dull brass finish. WARDS DOOR CHIME Reduced from 2.95. 268 Install this melodious chime. Mas 2-loncs for front door, 1 tone for rear. FLUFFY BATH TOWELS Heavy, absorbent turk- 66c ish towels . . . ready to drink up the wa ter. Generous size with colored border. SALE! CARPET SWEEPER Reduced from 5.98 :47 Streamlined case, protective bumper, rubber w heels. For thick or thin rugs. 6-WAY FLOOR LAMP Reduced lor Ward Week I Heavy mclal base in bron.e-color finish, handsome rayon shade. 9.45 WARDOLEUM RUGS Heaviest printed enamel Q97 felt base at this low price! 0 8'xl2' size. I 7 X 1 1788 SPECIAL FOR WARD WEEK ; : : DINNER SERVICE FOR 8 For delightful dining . . . curving flutes, with huge floral spray on ivory- white semi-porcelain. 8 dinner and bread-and-butter plates; cups and saucers; soup and sauot dishes. 1 vegetable dish, platter, utility bowl creamer and covered sugar howl. 54 pieoeg! SPECIAL PURCHASEI DELUXE EQUIPPED GAS RANGES r;r-! JT Completely equipped gas range with lamp, while control Lnuhs and han dles. The LARGE, fast-heating oven has an accurate heat control . . , fully insulated to keep heat in oven and out of kitchen. Centered cook-top with 4 non-i log burners broiler! When All America Shops & Saves! Hurry! Some Quantities Limited! 21 so 82 95 1 t