CNsl Journal, Salem, Org.. Wednesday, April 23. 1947 5s Jill 1 1 1 i PRESSURE SAUCEPAN 4-qf- ' ! '. Cast Aluminum ELEC. TURNOVER TOASTER Reduced from 3.5? 45 319 Now! Follow the Crowds to Wards Greatest Sale of all the Year! Wards"Magic-Seal"with smart new long handle. Saves minerals anrl vilamins. Lower chrome-piated doors; bread re verses itself to brown both sides. ' 1 4.98 COTTONS REDUCED TO Smartest Variety o cottons in J44. 4.49 years! Spring colors. 9-15, 12 AUTOMATIC WATER SYSTEM NOW REDUCEDI Wards heavy-duty AUTOMATIC electric pump is built to give the average hrwiitHU-H.t farm Inmily plenty of walrr ,1."0 gallons per hour! Run! smoothly, quietly with Timken roller hearings and valve iilcnccic. Economical uses only K VI.P. motor. See it at Wards now! ' " d rrrr J -1 rr. "1 SHOWER CABINET NOW REDUCEDI 95 1 (Mine tuy m Not enough space for a tub? Wards compact shower cab inet (only 212-square feet) is the answer to your problem! It's designed and built to form a lasting, leak-proof unit! Has interchangeable grey enam eled steel walls, and a one piece steel receptor. 86 88 ALL-STEEL FURNACES NOW CUT-PRICEDI 32 Inrh 126 95 'wy hw- ray mmhi Yes. now's the time to buy your new furnace ... at Wards low price! It's built solidly ... to give years of trouble-free service. Thick firepot lining retains heat . , . protects steel. Gives quick, clean heat. 20-in. 105.00 24-in. 145.00 27-in. 159.95 C47 AUTOMATIC ELEC. IRON Regularly 5.95 ; : I Save Dial the fabric for correct heat. AC only. Chrome-plated; cord and plug. RECESSED CABINET Reg. 16.50 13 88 Reduced lit this Sale! White enameled cabinet with itainless sleel frame. 16x24 mirror 3 shelves! MEDICINE CABINET 5 47 Now Reduced! Attractive enameled steel cabinet has 16x22 mirror 2 adjustable shelves. CLOSET SEAT . 749 Buy in Word Week! k, Molded of magnesium perm anent, solid white all through. Won't crack, split. ROLLER SKATES -517 Regularly 2.69! Stream lined, all-steel skates with ball bearing wheels. Have leather ankle ttntpe. WW ""Xs GLASS COFFEE MAKER Reduced from 3.95 345 Heatproof Fireglas, plastic flam"' handle, glass filter rod. 8-cup size LAWNMOWER SALE Reduced hr Ward Week! Here's your chance to get an easy-lo- push, smooth, fast cutting lawnmowrr! i i Ol AOO IOOO-WATT POWERLITE V Reduced from 325.00 f. . t. faen-r An extremely dependable 115-Volt A.C. remote control electric generator. SALEI DISH DRAINER -j58 Reduced from 1.79 Rubberized wire, to save dishes from chipping and clattering. Red color. REGULAR 43c PLUGS Ward Week only 32c Riversides mine liner! Give quicker starting, better gas mileage; power I 15 I MEN'S FANCY DRESS HOSE .1 Rayon body, cotton feet 07 C and tops regular, slack for lengths. 10-12. MEN'S RANDOM WORK SOCKS Regular length extra 4 4 AA absorbent! Of strong cot- 1 (or X.vV ton. Sizes 10'4-13. MEN'S WORK SHOES REDUCED Regularly 5.98! Of black elk- ( tJL tanned leather. Choice of soles. 6-12. ROD-GUN CLUB SPORT SHIRTS Reduced from 6.98. Blue or tan and brown. 10-18. 3.79 HERRINGBONE 1NDUSTRI-AIXS 1-pc. outfits of sanforized col- A Aft ton. Forest green. Sizes 34 to 46. SEAMLESS NYLON HOSIERY Reg. 1.49! Semi-sheer in a f XQ new Spring shade, sun beige X.J 8 14 -10 ",4. REG. 3.85 DRESS SHIRTS Sanforized. Won't shrink over 1 4A 1. Patterns, stripes. 14 'A- 3eM,t 17. Assorted colors. MEN'S POPLIN JACKETS Lined, water-repellent zipper tr AO jackets. Sizes 86 to 44. PASTEL PRINT TABLECLOTH On lustrous white spun rayon and cotton. Reg. 2.29. 84x54 inches. 1.88 REG. 17.95 SPORT COATS Well-tailored 3-button single breasted models. Sizes 34 to 44. 15.25 REG. 5.98 BRENT HATS Pre-blocked, water-r.pellent! s" Am Genuine fur lelts! 6 to 714. 6 to 1A. SALE! 2.98 FABRIC OXFORD Women's multi-color playshoes. f I'm Rubber soles. Washable. A.O S. REG. 1.69 POPLIN HATS Water-repellent! Smart hats 4 with stitched brims. 64 to 7 X1l REG. 98c CRETONNE PRINTS Ideal for slip covers, draperies! ss. bright florals on fine cotton. OOC 40 inches. HIGH SPEED DRILL BET SALE! A 7-piecc set made of fine steel -to Sizes from 116" to 14 ". Stand A30 included. REG. S.25 ALUMINUM TILE It's rustproof . . . lightweight 4 AO comes in several colors. 5 sq. ft. X.tO REGULAR 2.25 TIRE RELINERS 8 tough plies! Add miles to worn ro tires! Cement eoeted, won't slip! X.JO 1 -smsmsmm. r: J