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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1947)
2 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., School System Bus Proposed Albany Provision has been made by the Linn county non high school district budget com mittee for the establishment ot a school bus system to accom modate high school pupils throughout the county who live outside the high school district, County School Superintendent J. M. Bennett announces. To finance the program the budget board appropriated $21, 000, which, however, is offset for the most part by a reduction of $10,000 in estimated tuition costs and addition of $10,000 to estimated receipts from the basic school support fund. Superintendent Bennett said that the non-high school board will probably be able to con tract with existing school bus operators for transportation throughout most of the county but that it will probably be necessary to install three new buses to serve the Albany terri tory and one to transport stu dents from the Orleans district into Corvallis inasmuch as no existing school bus routes cover those areas. The budget provides $60,000 for tuition and otal expenditures og $83,245 including transporta tion. Estimated receipts are $10,339.60 leaving $72,905.40 to be levied. This levy is but $431.12 above the 1946-47 estimate but ap- Droximately $4,000 above the actual expenditures, the super intendent said. It is $44.78 un der the amount permissible un der the state 6 per cent limita tion law. The budget hearing was set for Saturday, May 17, at 10 a. m., at the court house. Spindizzy Display Calls Model Planes Lebanon Model plane activi ties of the year will be sum marized at the Spindizzy an nual exhibition on Sunday, April 27, at the city park. A total of 36 gas motored models will be flown. Judging the con test will be three Lebanon pi lots. Plans are also underway for a contest to be held at the air port on the last day of the straw berry fair, June 7. Floyd Guy ton, club leader who recently returned from Portland, an nounced that two model clubs from that city would partici pate and It is expected that other valley clubs will also Bring in models. Silverton Recent house guests of Mrs, Oscar Brolen and her daughter, Mrs. Cora Graden, were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lawrence and daughter, Ann Lynn, of Salem. Additional dinner guests at the Brotcn home were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitz, also of Salem. Mrs. Lawrence and Ann Lynn remained in Silverton for a week. Mrs. Brotcn is the grand mother of Mrs. Lawrence, and Mrs. Graden is her mother. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jay McCall were dinner guests o the Har old Bodeens at their Silverton Hills home. Mrs. Oscar Bcnlson entertain ed the Royal Neighbor club at her home. Carl Specht left Wednesday for Inglcwood, Calif., to be at the home of his son nnd daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Specht., Raymond, Jr., and Randolph, to remain for a fortnight. Specht is convalesc ing from major surgery at a Portland hospital a month ago. School Plan Temporary Fairview At a meeting held at the Fairview rural school with 41 legal voters present, 36 of them voted lo send students lo Amity for one year. At the end of that time patrons o( the district will -vote to ascertain if the plan is agreeable. Add Charm And Distinctiveness to Your Kitchen With Our Modern Built-in Units (We also make biillt-iiis to your order) SALEM, OREGON 175 N. Lancaster Drive Phone 9414 Wednesday, April 23, 1947 1 Detroit Club Women Assisting Library Detroit The Detroit Women's Civic club are sponsoring a li brary to be located in the De troit Hardware store. Books will be secured from the store li brary in Salem. For a time the library will be open only one day a week from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Mrs. Sally Krause was chairman of the committee ap pointed to secure this service for Detroit and this is the first public library this community has hod. April 10 was the open ing date. Marion Church Host Church Convention Jefferson The Jefferson Dis trict Sunday school convention will be held in the Marion Friends church Sunday after noon, April 27, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Victor Loucks is president, and Mrs. Harold Pynch, secretary-treasurer. The program will include a song service led by Rev. Frank Haskins; scripture reading and prayer, by Andy Paschf.ll; spe cial music, by representatives from Stayton; business meet ing by President Loucks; spe cial feature for the young peo ple, Ed Holland; convention ser mon by Rev. Buckner of Stay ton. Faith Rebekah Lodge Sponsors Boy Scouts Lyons Faith Rebekah lodge held their meeting at the hall with Mrs. Ethel Huffman noble grand, and Mrs. Effie Hicneck vice grand presiding, with the regular routine of business car ried out. It was voted to sponsor the Boy Scouts again, with Mrs. Alta Bodeker, Mrs. Alma Olm stead and Mrs. Helen Andersen to secure a new Scout Master and get the troop going again. Delegates were elected to attend Grand lodge which will be held in May. Beulah Lewis and Alma Olmstead were elected the dele gales, Anna B. Julian and Mil dred Carr the alternates, Mrs. Julian was also recommended as District Deputy President. At the social hour Helen Ander sen, Verna West and Hazel Shields was the committee and served refreshments. Dinner Meeting Held By Church Society Falls City The WSCS of the Falls City Methodist church held their April meeting with Mrs. Jessie Moyer. A no-host dinner was served. Mrs. Fred Hughes, the president, held a short business meeting after din ner. Devotions were also led by Mrs. Hughes. Those present were Mrs. Fred Hughes. Mrs, William Stelzer, Mrs. Margaret Thompson, Mrs. Faye Frink, Mrs. D. J. Grant and Mrs. H E. Stan, both of Dallas and Mrs. Jessie Moyer. Guaranteed Watch Repairing quality l'arli Rrmmniblc Bain OK ON SHIPS -f INI oa FIN6CR TIPS- Oln ., 'tarn gem, mm. rti.rfrrMwmimf i prvi -m i if "i ppij MftW1 g-r. 1 jl l Case Settled Dallas A $10,000 damage ac tion instituted by Carl C. Dar rar as administrator of the estate of Walter C. Darrar against the Western Heavy Hauling company on October 3, 1946, resulted in the agreement between the defendant and the plaintiff to non-suit the plain tiff without prejudice in Polk county circuit court with Judge Arlie G. Walker presiding. The suit was an outgrowth of an auto-truck collision at Hick- reall on March 5, 1946, when four persons in the car, includ ing Walter Darrar, were fatally injured. After attorneys had exhausted a jury panel choosing a jury and additional persons were called from the body of the county, two witnesses were heard for the plaintiff, Fred El liott of Rickreall, a witness to the accident, and Lorctta Spanke who testified that the truck passed her on the highway at a fast rale of speed prior lo the accident. The plaintiff's complaint al leged that the truck, driven by George Keller, and owned by S. LeRoy Blakkolb, was travel ing at an excessive rate of speed and that it was not properly under control when it entered the intersection. The defense in answer to the complaint stat ed that Kenneth R. Jackson, driver of the auto and son-in- law of Darrar, failed to stop at the red light and stop sign as he approached the intersec tion from the east. An out of court settlement of over $3000 to the plaintiff was reliably reported to have been agreed upon to end the suit. At torneys for the plaintiff were Cake, Jaurcguy and Tooze of Portland and Bruce Spaulding of Salem represented the de fense. Jefferson Churches Hold Union Services Jefferson During the months of April and May, the Evangel! cal United Brethren, Christian and Methodist churches are holding union services on Sun day evenings, and the ministers change pulpits. Sunday evening Rev. Chester Rice, pastor of the Christian church preached the Evangelical U. B. church; and Mrs. Ivan Hadlcy sang. playing her accompaniment on the accordion. Next Sunday evening Rev. A. E. Bashford of the Evangelical U. B. church II preach in the Methodist church. Shower for Mrs. Bennett Unionvale The Unionvale Missionary society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stockhoff. There were 19 mem bers present. Mrs. B. Bell con ducted the devotions. Mrs, James Richardson was lesson leader. A card shower compli menting Mrs. Robert Bennett was a feature. Refreshments were served. If you absolutely can't get along without your walch . . . we can have it OVERHAULS I), CHECKED and REGU LATED THE VERY SAME DAY! Our new timing: machine makes all this possible! iwmm, im, ik jywMKaaK 'r NOT COATED WITH PAINT OR SHELLAC no danger of skin Infection HOLLOW GROUND SURGICAL STEEL for perfect shaving comfort mm Grange to Present Degree at Silverton Union Hill The Union Hill Grange met at the hall with Master W. F. Krenz presiding. Plans were made to put on de gree work at Silverton Grange on Friday evening, April 25. Mrs. Orlo Humphreys, lectur er, presented a program of read ings, singing and a suit easier Bonnets." Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Byron McElhaney and Mr. and Mrs. A. Kostenbor der. The Union Hill Juvenile Grange will meet on Friday at the Grange hall. City Shower Honors Mrs. Budlong Mill City Mrs. Lowell Cree was hostess in her home with Mrs. Floyd Shepherd assisting for a gift shower honoring Mrs. Ralph Budlong. For diversion of the afternoon party hostesses presented several written games with Mrs. Wilbur Mienert, Mrs. Morris Howe and Mrs. Milton Roten receiving prizes. Honoring Mrs. Budlong were Miss Ruth Higdon, Mrs. W. J. Robinson, Mrs. Carl Chance, Mrs. Morris Howe, Mrs. George Cree, Mrs. Wilbur Mienert, Mrs. Delos Hoeye, Mrs. Perry Mason, Miy. Floyd Shepherd, Mrs. Mil ton Roten and Mrs. Lowell Cree. Sending gifts were Mrs. En- gle Johnson, Mrs. Harry Wood, Mrs. R. C. Saucier, Mrs. Curtis Cline, Mrs. Clyde Rogers. Mrs. Leland Kaplinger, Mrs. Vivian Hoenig, Miss Alice Waters, Miss Daisy Hendricson and Mrs. Paul Cree. Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chambers and son, Craig of Salem were guests at the Vern McGowan home. Mr. Chambers is in the state tax commission office. He was county judge in Umatilla county where the McGowans formerly lived. Johnnie Montgomery of Al bany was a week-end guest of Milo Graber. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Taylor were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauger. Julius Purvine and family of Corvallis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Z. E. Millhouser. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Busby from Camas, Wash., spent the week-end with relatives here. C. E. Miller broke his leg just above the ankle. He was taking care of his cows and the dog frightened them and Miller fell. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Bordle of Mill City called at the L, S. Pruthcr home. Mrs. Blanche Rust was able to resume her school teaching at Sweet Home this week, after suffering an attack of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beck of Mill City spent the week-end with Mrs. Beck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Short. FOR SALE BY OWNER in Loumar Heights Addition 1 Block West of Commercial, Just South of Hoyt , 35 CHOICE LARGE LOTS Very desirable location, close to 2 schools. Salem's south side higher elevation. L. W. Rath 396 Jerris St. Tel. 6849 m or FOR A LIMITED 1 L WILLETT'S Capital Drug Store Corner State and Liberty Fh. 3118 Two Church Circles Help Orphan Home Silverton Two Circles of Immanuel Lutheran senior Wo man's Guild held meetings the latter part of the week The Eastside Circle, Mrs. Oscar Loe, president, met at the Loe coun try home. Members worked at sewing rags for rugs to be given the Parkland, Wash., orphan home. Mrs. Loe named as her food sale chairman, Mrs. Clarence Haiverson, assisted by Mrs. Em il Loe, Mrs. Stanley Swanson and Mrs. Minnie Rue, who have announced the sale to be Sat urday, May 10, at the Elmer Johnson store, Water and Main streets. The town Circle, Mrs. Sam Bailer, president, and Mrs. Min nie Rue, secretary-treasurer, met at the Rue home all day with no-hostess noon luncheon and sewed on garments for the Parkland orphan home. Four Corners Home Unit Has Election L Four Corners Miss Eleanor Irindle gave the lesson on "Fur niture Arrangement" when the Four Corners Home Extension Unit met at the home of Mrs. Harold Colgan. Officers elected for the com ing year were Mrs. L. J. Shrake. chairman, Mrs. Wilfred Wilier, vice-chairman, and Mrs. Clif ford Morris, secretary-treasurer. Members and guests present included the Mesdames Nettie Shrake, L. C. Mitchell, Wilfred Wilier, W. G. Brown, Jess Mc Ilnay, Charles Warren. Harold Colgan, L. J. Stewart, Ralph Merceer, L. J. Shrake, E. E. Walker, S. H. Cable, Cecil Snook, Ervin Sunderlin, H. W. Snook, Rex Morris, W. C. Mil ler, Ralph King and Harry Eckstein. Nothing Down 12 Months to Pay RE-ROOF NOW WITH TOP QUALITY Pabco Slate Covered Composition Shingles. EACH Shingle welded in place, 340 Court St. TIME ONLY if. Gates Mrs. Ruby Horner, Mrs. Lulu Collins and Mrs. Edward Chance were delegates from the Gates Women's club attending the Marion County Federation of Women's clubs in Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Faxton from Mases lake were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo Jauquin for several days last week. Elmer Cooper spent several days in Portland last week where he received medical at tention. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garrison and Carol Jean have moved to Plush, where Garrison is em ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards from Junction City are in Gates preparing to operate a trailer camp on the Garrison place. Mrs. Edwards is the mother of Alvin and Norman Garrison. On the evening of May 16 a benefit musical, sponsored by the Gates Women's club will be given by pupils from the Pris- cilla Meisinger studio in Salem. A small admission will be charg ed, proceeds to go toward the building fund. ANNOUNCING NEW Spring and Summer Policy Cocktail Hour New Prices - New Drinks SHATTUC'S CHATEAU Starting Tuesday Open at Noon 2nd Terror in 'She Wolf FROM EXCLUSIVE r ? j ss Ng vpfrhpf fir K - - ..1 a e,TW W.I' IH4k , I f fT-V? The decorative beauty, color and soft tones of gorgeous hand-loomed fabrics are captured in United Wallpaper WEAVES. They're the new style-trend in wall decoration. United Wallpaper WEAVES are adaptable to any room, whether furnished in modem or tra ditional motifs. This luxurious wall beauty and guaranteed quality is amazingly inexpensive. Plans for Italian Dinner Announced Silverton The annual spring Italian dinner was announced for Sunday, May 4, at the Inez Heater home when the St. Mon ica's Altar society of St. Paul's Catholic parish members met for regular session the last of the week. The dinner will be served in the school dining rooms with Mrs. Luigi DeSantis in general charge and Mrs. J. H. McCul lough directing the arrange ments of the dining room. Also announced has been the Sunday evening, April 27, card party sponsored by the Altar NOW! BE THERE WHEN IT HAPPENS! CO-HIT RICHARD DIX in mil HOUR" Fridav! "THE DARK MIRROR" STARTS TODAY O Continuous From 1:00 P.M. PLUS 1 HIT the Night! of London' aiia! ,,,'1 f niM 5UUH:rLUAUKIUU5rBtAUJlY: HAND LOOM ORIGINALS PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY 254 N. Commercial St., Phone 3636 society at the church hall. Mrs. Ralph Francis, president of the group, will announce hef assisting committees for both af fairs, later. OPENS 6:45 P.M. Comedy! Laughs! Robert Young "LADY LUCK" Jimmy Wakely "MOON OVER MONTANA" Plus D.A.V. DIAPER DERBY On Our Stage 8:36 p.m. Tonight Only! Mat. Daily From 1 p.m. -Now! Dynamic Thrills! WHITE TIE AND TAILS OPENS 6:45 P.M. Now! Ossa Massen Robert Stanton "GENT MISBEHAVES" Phil Tcrrv "DARK HORSE" OPENS 6:45 P.M. Now! Virginia Grey Johnny Weissmullcr "SWAMPFIRE" Johnnv Mack Brown "RAIDERS OF THE SOUTH" Journal Want Ads Pay i .. i- ' nil"? M BY WORLD FAMOUS ( DAN 4 DURYEA Vf? RAINES v WILLIAM BENDIXh. ffi I Frank JINKS-Donold CURTIS I iiJ JL Dangerous MIIto Romancc! W WW iiM 1 i