FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS jCt BOX. M-lb., well constructed, clean. Ph. 25554. D98 3 NEW 823x30 tire J Ac tube. Fruit. Phone 401 1. Oregon n99 HOSKINS MUFFLER furnace, table size, 330 volt, 3000 degrees, with aluminum meltlnsT pot. Fred Anderson, 153 Mill St., Sheridan. Ore. nBD a" NEW TIRES. 650x17. 458 Mill St. nSO j SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION. I have one fine lane boned A.K.C. Utter, reg., 3 mos. old black Labrador ret. male pup left. From Ch. Whilmore strain, 160. Just right to start hunting this fall. Z. F. Martin, St. Paul. Ore. nl02 WESTINGHOUSE ref., 4 yr. guarantee: 40 lb. family size Ice box. '36 Cliev. se dan. Easy Spindry elec. wash. roach. 34 Park Ave, Oo out Center, turn left on Park. n98 SEE THE FAMOUS NEW 25-FOOT STEEL CRAFT SEDAN CRUISER NOW AT SALEM BOATHOUSE. M03' 1 HSF. GARDEN tractor with cultivators and disc. Nearly new. 1150.00, Lloyd Moscr. 507 Third St., Sllverton, Ore. nOB FOR SALE Used Universal" elec. range. right nana oven, uooa conamon, ssu.uu. Mrs. Bagley, 7359. nG8 BOAT, outboard motor and trailer, S. 12th. 1410 n97' MODERN enameled gas range, very reas. Ph. 3677 after 6. ii99 MARSHALL strawberry. Very good plants. $3.00 per thousand In the field. nl02 BEAUTIFUL pre-war twin beds, mattresses and springs. Ph. 8309. n99" riANO. upright, 130. Ph. 26289. Good condition. FOR SALE 7 slightly damaged oil burn ing heaters. Salem Navigation Co., 206 So. Cottage. n9B GIRLS' bicycle, standard size! Good ait new. Ph- 7943. GARDEN TRACTOR See the Nichols Garden Tractor at Ward's Farm Store, i All . urpose tractor designed and built j t for small larnu ana acreages, rowerea t will. 4.1 H.P. Heavy duty Wisconsin i engine. n97J msTORS, primroses, 3 dozen $1.00, Pep ners. 40c dozen. Tomatoes 25c dozen. Salvia, Lobellia 80c dozen. Mums 10c each. Wholesale and retail growers. Merrill's Greenhouse, Ph. 24351. nlOO WOOD clrc. heater, 20. Baby bed and mat., $8. Bedstead and springs, 4. Set of Encyclopedias, $50. 2410 Simp son St. n98 B(TtO 60 OAK TREES, 8 to 24-ln. diam eter. Rt. 8. box 1416. k ml. N. 811 Terton Rd., on Lancaster Dr. Ph. 25918. 098 JIORS" OWNERS See the two-horse trailer now available at Ward's Farm Store, High and Trade SLs., Salem. Also cattle trailer with built-in stanchions. Also available one and two wheel trail ers. Two wheel trailer has dump body. n97 NIGIITCRAWLERS, 2493 State. Bremmer. nl23 1(1-IN ELEC. power mower. Ph. S681. nlOL 393R JOnNSON 5 hp. outboard motor, 13-ft. plywood boat and boat trailer. 7!i 5 Breya Ave., Salem, n98 ONE 4-WHEEL farm trailer, tton, 680 Center. Shell Sta n8 BEAUTIFUL mahogany baby grand piano, 8705. 1885 N. 18th. 98 SINGLE rollaway bed with mattress, $16.50, Singer Sewing machine, treadle model, year's guarantee, 850. Garden hose, good aa new, fine Inlaid coffee table. 645 S. 25th St. n98 ABOUT 100 FT. 48-in. wire mesh fence costs and gate. As is and where is, siu. Man's new hand knit cardigan sweater with zipper, size 36, heather blue, $7.50, Ph. 4700. nOB" GERMAN P38 pistol with holster, $40. German 28 caliber pistol with holster, 825, German 32 caliber pistol with hol ster, 836. All In excel, shape. Ph. 24982 or sea at 1940 N. Front. n98 FAINT SPRAY oufflt, 3 guns, DeVllbis equipment. Wisconsln-Schramm motor and compr. Ph. 2510B. nlOl FIRTEX. 12x24 in. 16x32 in. ceiling pan els. 4x8x10 ft. sheets. 18 In. by 4 ft. by in. insulation board. Also 4 by 8 ft. by i in. Upson board. Rt. 7, Box 431-L McCain Ave., off Sllverton Rd. n98 ORGANIC FERTILIZER Ycry good for lawn and gardens. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere In Salem. 6 sacks Sfi.oo. 1 ton 810.00 Phone 8127 WEST MUSHROOM COMPANY nl00 KW 10-INCH table saw with motor. Phone 5252. n97 191 MODEL T Ford. Davenport St chair. Good cond. 3350 Garden Rd. d97 BABY CRIB, baby stroller, dining room table. Rt. 1, Box 67, Brooks. Modern Cabins, 99E , n97 S-FC. WALNUTdinini room set, library table. 2105 Yew St. n97 GAS ENGINE, $35, Gas engine St pump, like new, $75. 2 & 3 in. aluminum irri gation pipe St fittings, like new. 4 sprinklers, 150 ft. new, heavy duty garden hose. 34 ft, pipewrench. Some used lumber. Come St see it St make offer. 1735 Madison. Ph. 7805. n97 LAWNMOWER, $10. 370 N. 19th. n97 G. P. JOHN DEER tract. Good rubber, overhauled St painted, good cond. John Deere ulow. 14 Inch, good cond. See 9 mi. N. of Salem, 1 block N. of Brooks sch. Richard Boetger. Brooxs. uregon. nlOO MODERN trailer house, 8350. Wm, P. Jones, care of F. A. Garbe, Aumsville, Oregon. B1 ELECTRIC floor polishers, ideal for home or store. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. nl06' COOK COVER CROP DISCS In all sizes are now available at Ward's Farm Store, High and Trade Sts.. Salem. n97 HEAT YOUR home electrically It's con venient, clean, economical Sea us foi free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE OO 255 N Liberty o B BY GRAND Piano, good cond. Phone 21409. 97' FOR SALE--5-room size oil air cond. furnace. Sound metal 120 gal. oil tank, exc. cond. Installing elec. heat, Chinese Tea Garden, 1624 N. Commercial. (Closed Tues.) n87 COW FERTIL1ER. Ph. 7330. 097' WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, 30 cu. ft. Ideal for restaurant, grocery or large farm home. YEATER APPLIANCB CO. 255 North Liberty. n102 FULLER brushes FOR S4I.E Blue Test Marshall Straw berry plants certified by Oregon State college. It pays to Plant the best. We are contracting additional strawberry acreage. Phone 5502 or write United Growers. Inc.. Salem, Oregon. nioz' ..FANS, pedestal and table models for nomes, canneries, garages, loose offices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty nlOT ELECTROLCX cleaner St air purifier. Now available. Complete with all attach ments. 169 75 Home demonstration giv en. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. nms' RIVER SILT. Phone 25912. WE BUY A sell furniture, tools, stoves . dishes motors radios, electric appli ances household goods KLIOMAN'S 385 N. Commercial. Phone 9885 n' NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 175 S. High. Phone 6088. mop1 ELECTRIC 43 Ballon water heater. $79.50 TA. 4314, Portland. nl06 C. E. WILLIAMS, sewins machine repair specialist. I do not sell new machines ' Parts all makes. Finktm shears sround. Ph. 5785. 1940 N. 16th. Pl02 GARDEN sand, travel, crushed rock Shovel ft draa-llne excavating WALL ING SAND AND GRAVEL CO Ph WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED elec. refrigerator. Ph. 22857. na99 OR 2R0 GAL. TANK mounted or un mounted. Give description and price. H. T. Wise. Rt. 2, Box 190, Dallas. na97 REFRIGERATOR urgently wanted. Must oe in gooa cond. Caii 1219. nana WANTED, one set of Dado blades. 5 or " m. for A mandrel. 3500 Sllverton nn cast WANTED MISCELLANEOUS S MEN with new power saw want con tract, falling St bucking. Wrtta Harry Japp, Rt. 3, Box 324-B. Salem. naSS WAN : Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Kelley, Ph. 23158. nal20 PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL ADVISER. Well known by former name "Martin." Appts. dally, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. 1371 Cheraeketa street. pio2 I WILL NOT be responsible for any bins for other than myself. Signed Harold R. Bchaeffer. p99 BABEE-TENDA REPRESENTATIVE, giving demonstrations this week. Ph. Mr, Burton, Hotel Salem. p99 READING, know the truth. 3361 State. p98 ALCOHOLICS AN6NYMOUSrp OBoi724. p270 AUTOMOBILES '37 FORD 1 ton dump truck. Ph. 22288. ATTENTION HOUSE TRAILERS, 15, 18 A: 21-ft. '31 to '42 models. Oregon titles. Sleeps 4. Recondltolned, Vi down, bal. like rent. Priced to move. Also one wheel luggage trailer, spare tire, canopy, like new, 167.50. KINGWOOD USED CARS, W. Salem, 0.99 qOB 'TOuiDSON. " radio, "heater."- fine con d . Ph. 8373 during business hours. qlOO '41 FOItD 2-door, radio, heater, fine cond. Ph. 8273 during business hours. glOO 1930" WILLIS KNIGHT, good cond. 360 'a State. Rm. 34. q99 CAB OVER engine Chev. truck. Long wheelbase. Only 70.000 miles, see at Oregon Fruit Products Co., West Sa lem. Ph. 4011. q98' '36 OLDS con v., clean, H. Rt. 8. box iaaa. pn. 32835 alter 4 p. ql03 FURNISDXD trailer house. Reasonable. Ph. 24504. 75 Falrvlew Ave. q99 1935 MASTER 2-dr. Chev. Excel, tires. Mechanically okay. 1310. 1097 N, Win ter. q99 '44 CHEV. truck 16.000 actual mileage, all heavy duty, long wheelbase, good bed and rack, 2335 Center. q99 NEW FACTORY built Chevrolet flat bed with stakes, fit 160-ln. wheelbase truck. Merrltt Truax, 205 Columbia. Ph. 24169. ql02 NEW 6x12 HOUSE Trailer for sale, double construction. Sink, bullt-ins. Daveno bed, elec. wired for Iglhts and hot plate, aluminum top. 8950.00. In quire at 119 Ash St., Dallas, or Mobile Service Station, Washington St., Dallas. q99 7 STUDEBAKER dump truck, fully equipped, with or without Job. Ph. Main 194. 444 Young St., Woodburn. 1914 OVERLAND, has extra motor, 15. Ph. 33F24. Rt. 6, Box 235R. q98' '48 FOItD, Vi ton pickup. State St. Clean. 2382 qlOO' FOR SALE Model D John Deere tractor mounted with 4-Inch Pacific centrifugal Irrigation pump with 6 V-belt drive and 15-ft. suction, pipe and foot valve. Also aiscnarge set-up. Cornelius vanaecoen' ering. Box 128 on Downs road, 3V& miles S.E., Mt. Angel, Ore, q98 '34 CHEV. coupe, good cond., priced for quicx saie. fn. ajra. t '38 CHEV. cpe. Excel, cond. 73S Breys Ave. qlOl 1029 MODEL A Ford sedan. Ph. 6020. q9fl FOR SALE 1936 FORD V-8, good cond. Call 699 or 625 N. Capitol. qlOl '41 FORD 2-door R. St H., new tires, Mer cury motor. 1440 Ferry St., after 5 p.m. q98 1937 V-8 6-pass. cpe., new overhaul and trans. 90 pet. tires, skirts, radio, heat er, good paint. Must see to appreciate. 2350 Broadway. q98 21-FT. TRAILER house, sleeps 4.furn. with radio, 2 beds, oil stove and heater. Plenty of built-lns. Full price, S495. Call 21200. q98 '37 PONTIAC sedan, clean, 4 new tires, $650. 950 N. 18th. q98 BY OWNER, 1940 Pontiac. Clean, Back 160 Union In trailer. q98 WILL PAY $500 cash for best car offered. 1563 Sixth St., West Salem, after 5:30 p.m. t q98 "WANTED good 1930 or '31 Model A cpe. 765 N. Cottage. q97 37 CHEV. coach, radio, heater, new tires. 530 N. 22nd. Phone 5445. , 098 I"39 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr. Sedan In good condition, reduced to $875 cash. Lots of extras. Phone 24649. Car to be seen by appointment only. i97 '30 BUICK 4 Dr. Exceptionally clean in i 1 out. Good glass, brakes, clutch St motor. Fair tires. $180. 455 Richmond. Q97 1937 FORD V-8 pickup, 1060 S. 14th. q97 WOULD like to buy low ord. No. on '47 Ford, Chev,, or Plymouth. Ph. 26629. q97 TWO 16-ft. trailer homes. Ave. Priced reasonably. 20 Williams q97 '39 CHEV. sedan. Recond., radio, heater, good rubber. 3690 Sunnyview Ave., or Ph: eves. 24391. qlOO' WRECKING 1936 Ford. Rebuilt motors for Ford, Chevrolet, Piymoutn, uoage tnri Wlllva. 1934 Ford transmission. Dodge rear-end suitable for building nost-hole digger for tractor, Everett's Garage, Salem-Dallas highway. 24336. DeSOTO Sedan, good as new. Ph. 6139. MODEL A FORD 2-dr., motor In excel. cond. Good rubber, corner ia ana Lee. 1225. Ph. 3639. o7 WANTED YOUR CAR foi cash. Will pay more for late clean models, see us now. SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th St. q9T MOTORCYCLES INDIAN , SALES SERVICE PARTS AH makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired SHROCK MOTOR OO. Phone 6502 Salem HUDSON SALES SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates overhauling Body and fender repair painting. "Give Shroek a try and you'll know why." SHROCK MOTOR OO Phone 8503 - Salem l"-4 CHEV. four-doir sedan. 1375. Matt Bronec, Box 236. Hubbard, Ore. q97 11 ft. House Trailer. Sleeps 4, factory built. $350. Good cond., 100 Highway Ave., Salem. 197 TWO-WHEEL Trailer with new box, good tires., make an offer. Ph. 21531. q97 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN WANTED: REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm prooertles; loans made as small as S300. See us about refinanc ing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED CITY LOANS 41,aT. O.I. LOANS ON NEW CONSTRUCTION. 4 LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 9261 t98 MONEY FOR BVERY PURPOSE IF YOU are capable of building 10 to 100 houses os Jem or vtcinuy during 1947 and need financial assistance. Contact Da. We are also Interested Is financing on or two large apartment house units. 8TATB FINANCE CO. Lie 8218U223 183 B. High St. Ph. 4131 r FAKil AND CITY LOANS 4Vj and 1 tOCR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO 307 Pioneer Trust Bid. Ph 7182 4H PERCENT money for loans on new or already built modern homes any wl re in the Willamette valley. 10 to 35 Tears repayment plan. Also plenty of money foi building modern homes, financed ilurlntr construction. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 8. Hifb St. ADTO LOAMS WILLAMPTTE CREDIT CO Its FLOOR GUARDIAN BLDO License Mo. U-151, S-lM FINANCIAL Real Istatt Loans Farm City New Construction 4 4tt A. N. Duncan 12-14 Ladd St Bush Bank Bids. Phone 9658 WE LIKE to make LOANS WE LIKE to say "Yes" to loan requests, because matting loans oi 12a to is so or more Is our ONLY business. Phone or visit Personal Finance Co.. You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" In lust l-vlsit Call today. 518 Stat St.. Rm. 125, Salem Ph. 3191 E. Galllnger, Msr. Vi.B. 122 M.. 165 rlOa' FIRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sale- first mortgages on Improved real estate, Salem and vicin ity, amounts 8500 to $5000. NET In vestors 5 pet interest. Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and Interest payments made by us without charge to the Investors. STATE FINANCE CO.. 163 S. High St. I MONEY I REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts STATE PfNANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie S-216 M-223 153 8 High St. t GENERAL FINANCE CORP LOANS 8-138 and U-338 and ROY H SIMMONS CNSURANOK AND LOANS 8 Commercial St. Tel 9168 Directory APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 2-5100. O1001 ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestic refrigeration service Ralph Johnson Appliances 833 Center Ph 4036 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9621. ol02 AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 275 S. Com'l. Ph. 6181 Brake St Wheel' aligning specialist. OlOl" AUTOMOTIVE COMP. MOTOR overhaul, auto mech. serv ice. Body and fender, free estimates, reasonable. Ph. 5313. 642 N. High. 0119 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 7838 Night. 24417 333 Center. BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Vlrei) Huskey. 305 Falrvlew Ave. Phone 23146, Salem. ol08 CATERING GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 25379 0116 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1905 N 19th St. Ph. 4071. OllS' CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. ENSLEY, 771 S. 2l8t St. Ph. 7176, Ol03 CONTRACTING NEW HOMES. New roofs and alterations. 1 to 3 years to pay. Kanz Construc tion Co. Ph. 4830 or 25106. 0118' GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING O100' Harry Hill. Ph. 7641. DECORATING DECORATING At general repair. Ph. 6522. 0103 DEMVERY SERVICE EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery, Ph. 7?00 175 N. Hich. Oll4 SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. O100 EXTERMINATORS COCKROACH. MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3056. Lee Cross. 1260 N. 17th 0102' PEMBERTON'S FLOWER Shop. 12th. Pr 23346. BREITHAUPT'S for flowers Dial 9195 o1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME Ph 3672 0 FURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair Lee Bros.. 4020 E. State. Ph. 21333 0153 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling. Arthur McCIellar.. Phone 22456. ol09 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J R. WATKINS CO. PRODUCTS. Free lei 1717 Center St. Phone 6395. O101 LANDSCAPING LAWNS, planting, landscape plans, bor Landscape Service. Phone 7665. LEVELING A DOZING JOHNSON & BRIGGS, building streets At roads. Ph. 8035, Salem. ql21 LUMBER LUMBER, custom planing and car load ing. Lumber Industries, Inc., success ors to H. St S. Lumber Co.. Wallace road. West Salem. Ph. 9593. o!14 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS MRS. P. H. HAUSER. 928 Saginaw. P 7828 O107" MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phone 4069. SALEAi MOVING A Delivery Phone 7665. Insured Carrier. Service 098 MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar, Mando lin, banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 7569.096 OIL "CIPCULATORS OIL BURNER Sales and Service. Wm. C. Drew. Phone 5395. olll OIL CIRCULATORS. 24 nr. service. Parts available. Phone 6072. 098 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGTNG. estimate. Ph. 9513. 857 Shipping. Free 0115 ROY C. HANSON. Phone 2-5838. PAINTING A PAPERHANGING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PAPERHANGING EXPERT PAPERHANGING. H. worth. Phone 3015. J. Wood-O-10S PLASTERING CONTRACT PLASTERING. Ph. PLOWING AND DISCING GARDEN PLOWING and discing In N. Salem or Kelzer. Ph. 2216O. 0100 PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service. Lurry Travlss. 1029 Highland Ave. Ph. 8601. oll3 PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads envelopes, business cards, office forms, briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 162 S. Liberty St 7490. olOl SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL crushed rock Shove) dragline excavating Walllni Band Gravel Co Phone 8561 SEPTIC TANKS SETIC TANKS and drain lines cleaned. 1067 Elm St Jack Boenlng. Ph. 9833. 0114 ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate Pro: -t service. Ph. 5327 or 9468. ol07 MIKE'S Cesspool ft Septic Service, mou ern equipment 1079 Elm St.. W Salrm Ph. 9468 or 5327. ol0i K F. HAMEL. Septic Tanks Cleaned 1143 8th St. W. Salem. Ph. 7404. 0II6 5PRAYING SPRAYING. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7D00. el 00 COMPLETE spray equipment, lawn, trees, shrubs Si fields. Philip W. Beilke. Dial 31708. 0123 TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, etorace Burner oils coai, briquets Trucks to Portland dally. Asent Lyon Van Lines for household rood to California points Larmer Transfer A Store Pn 3131 Journal Want Ads Pay Market Quotations Portland. Eailtide New crop splnacn was vaiuen ai a 30-lb box at today's session of the Portland Eastside Farmers' Wholesale Produce market. Radishes were offered at 70c a aoren bunches. fill Loose, No. 1 quality asparagus was sold for $4.25 a 30-lb pyramid. Green onions were quoted at Ave a dozen bunches. Portland Preffuee ftxraenta Bui terf atTentative (subject to Imme diate change). Premium quality maximum Portia d 67-68c; first quality 66-67c lb.; second quality 61-63c: valley routes and country points 3c less than first, or 64-6 Sc. Butter wholesale l.o.D. duik. ob is cubes, AA, 93 score, 61c: A, 92 score, 60c; b. bo score, doc; u. bv score, oic. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 40',4-49c; Ore gon loaf, 39a.fc-52c; triplets SS-SOVaC Esc To wholesalers A grade large 52 '4-5340: medium. 48'.i-49,.4c: small, (pullet), 43'ac; B grade, large, 451.4-47',sc. Etc. Purcnaaes ttom farmers, uurrem receipts 37-41c, buyers pay 3-3 ',4 c doz. below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery Hit Portland Dairy Market Batter Prices to retailers: Grade AA carton, 66c; AA prints, 65c; A prints 84c: A cartons, 65c; B prints, 64c; one fourth paund cubes, 4 cent higher. E a Prices to retailers. AA extra large. 60c: AA large (certified), 58-59c; A large, 54-55c; AA medium, 64c; A mediums, 50-51c; A small, 45c dozen; carton, 2 Vic additional. Cheeie Prices to retailers Portland Oregon singles, 38'4-Mc lb.; Oregon loaf. 41,i-56c; triplets, 38-54c. Poultry: LItb Chickens Paying price to produ ce No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs. 39-30c lb. fryers. 2 to 3 lbs., 29-30c lb. 3 to 4 lbs., 34-3So lb.; roasters. 4 lbs. and aver. 34-35C lb.; fowl. Leghorn, under 3U lbs.. IE 20c lb.; over 3'i lbs., 20-230 lb.; lowi colored, all wts 32-33c lb. Rabbit Average to retailers 4B-80e u; dressca prices to producers 43c. fryers live white 30-34o lb.: colored. 17-2lo ib Vezetnblesi Artichokes Calif. 4 and 5 dor,, $3-3.25. Asparagus Gal. smalls, $3.50-4.00 box; Calif. Cent, dlst. No. 1. mediums, box, few $3,85; ll-12c lb.; Oregon. Hood River and Canby. $3-3.25 box of 30 l-lb. buncn- Washington, Sunnyslde, mediumi, 1, ll-12c lb.: unclassified and small, 7-8o lb. Beans Calif.. 20-22c lb. Beets Cal.. bunched, $1.25-1.40 doz. Brussei Sprouts I2-J.20 Cabbage Round tie a a 80 Ib crate small C2. 50-75. California crates, $3-3.25, red 10-15c lb.: California No. 1, $3-3.60; kraut, $1.65-1.75; red. Calif., $5.00-5.50; Track sale, Calif., round head. $2.80-3.00 crate; local. 80 lb. crate, small, up to $4 for best. Track sales, Calif., $2.50. rar rod Bunched. Calif.. 6 doz.. $3.90- 4.25; topped, 60-lb, sacks, $2-2.15. Track .sales, Calif, bunched, J3.50; special pranas up to $3.15. sacxea, ao-io., si.'o. llflower calif... trimmca ua. crate. $2.75-3. Track sales, Calif., std., $2.50. Ce err Sturdy crates. Pascal, je-7 heart material, std. crate, $5.25-5.50; fair r-:ality. $4.50-4.75: track sales, sturdy crates, Santa Monica, $6.15. Track sales, $5. Cur ambers Oregon hothouse, $8.50-9 3 doz. lugs; 30-32 ',ic lb. Garlle Oregon white 25-3De lb.: Calif. 28-300 Ib. Lettuce Calif., 4 doz.. H.25-4.75. Track sales. Calif. Delano, few $3.90-4. Dried Onions Oregon yellows. No. 1 and larger, $2.50-2.60; mediums, 11.75-1.90; truck sale, mediums. $1.00; Leek, local. 60-90c doz. Texas, white wax, 50-lb. sacks, $4-4.35. Track sales, Texas Bermuda, 50-lb. sacks. $2.45. Err Plant 22-25C Green Onions Local, 7S-80o doa. bun Local, mld-Columbla, 4O-50C. Parsley Calif., $5.-5.50, 10 doz. bunches Parsnips Local. 81-00-1.25 lug Peas Calif. 28-lb. hamper. $3.50-4. Peepers Mexico, 45 lb. $13-14 a lug. Track sales, $12.50; 100 sc. 19-20c lb.; Calif., 45 lb $7-7.50. loose, 23-25c. Potatoes Russets No. 1 per cwt., $3.75 4.00; Idaho No. 1, $3.50; No. 2s, $3.10 3.25; 'o. 2 A, 25 lbs., $1.00-1.05: 15 lbs., 60-65CI Deschutes No. 2s, 50 lbs., $1.25 1.30; Baker, Ore., Russets, No 1, $3.50- 3.60. Track sales, No. 1 Calif., long long whites, $2.65-2.75; 100-lb. sacks. J4.25-..45. Track sales, No. 1 Calif., long whites, 100 lb. sack, S3.90-4. Radishes Local, 70-75C doz. Rutabagas 11 15-1.25 lug Spinach Local, mid-Columbia. 85-90c a 20 ib. ox; new crop, $1.25. Squash a li 1S nigs I1-1.IS; orange boxes $2.50-2 75: Hubbard. Marbleheai 6-7o lb.: Calif., banana, 6-6'ic lb.; Calif Zucchini, $3.50-4 crate: 26-lb. lug. $4-4.25. Sweet Potatoes California Jersey 50 'b. basket, $4.50-4.75; Calif., yams, $4.15-4.25. Tomatoes Mexican repacKea. $".50-6.75; 20 tubs. $4-4.20. Track sales, lugs, $5.65-5.75; 12 lb. tubs, $3.65-4; 21 b. tubs, $6.25-6.75. Truck sales, Mexican, 15.50. ' Turnips Bunches 11.10-25 doa. bunches California 60-lb. sacks, $2-2.26. rresn rruu: Apples Oregon delicious, 1. A I.. $4-4.35 uoxi choice $3 75-85; Ortleys. w. and t comb, grade, $3 15-25; Newtona. t. and. f. $1.75-2; w ano p $4-4.25. Red Delicious and p. up to 15.50; Winesaps w St o. $4.50-6.00 Hood River. W. and d.. $4.50-75 Avoraaos uaiuornia raurtes. sizes 34 and 30, $4.25-4.35. Bananas Bunched. 13 35-3 50: out hands, $12.00-13.50 a 100 lbs. Dates Calif 24. 8 vt pkgs. 64.85-6. G: ipefru it Texas pinks. 7O's-90's. 14.75. 5.75; small, $4.00-4.25. Marsh seedless. eO's-96's, $3.00-3.35; Ariz, white. $2.50-2.85 Ruby red, all sizes, $5.50-5.75. lemons uaill,, 300-360 4. $6-7; 432'S. $5-6.75. Limes California 1ft tuba ol 6 limes $2.76-3.00 Oranges California navels. 300's and larger, $6.00-6.15: 320-252's. $4.75-5.50 252's and smaller, $5.40-5.60; 260'g and smaller, I4.90-s.10. Pears D' An jo u. $4.75-85. wrapped and paeicea; toose. $3.25: eose. loose. $2.75-3; Yakima, $3-3 25 Persimmons Call lugs. $3.25-3.60. Rhubarb Extra fancy. $2.60-2.65: fancy. $2.00-10; choice $1.75-80. few high as $2.00; Sumner, Wash., hothouse, ISc ib., local field grown, apple boxes, 90c-$l ; wine. ea Strawberries Louisiana. California. 13.75-3.85 12-cup crate. Packaged Vegetables Cellophane wrap 1, a dozen Broccoli, 12 oz.. $1.75-1.85: spinach, 24 12-ox., $1.60; brussell sprouts, DIRECTORY VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVES VACtrmi CLEANER owners, wt win service your hoovbi cleaner com plete for S2.50 piu peru if required Hogg jiroa ph 9149 o WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates T. PULLMAN. Ph. 5985 ol07 WH ITTAKER'8 WELDING WORKS. Ph 5600. 01U81 WELL DRILLING Chester J. Push. Rt. J, Box 288B Salem, Oregon. Ph. 23412. 0II8 WELL DRILLING. M. D. Entoe. Rt. 6 OlOB' Box 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 35198 J. A. KNEED SONS. Well drilling 350S Brooks St., Salem Phone 6809. ol37 WINDOW CLEANING SALEM WINDOW Service. House Clean- Ina, f!oor waxlns. Ph. 31343. oll9 CMB WINDOW CLEANERS Windows walls St woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed waxed Si oollahed Ph 3337 141 Oourt wnidoc Culbertsoo and Mather CLEANING SERVICE ELECTRIC WIRING No delay, available. Phone 074O. WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph 8178 LODGES I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday nuht. . Third "Degree. Visitors welcome. Fraternal Order of Eagles meets every Tuesday at 8 pJii More than a minion merriDers A Salem Lodge No. 4, A-P. & Vliy am,, wm., Apru a, m. m degree. 7:00 pJri. 97' A Pacific Lodge Wo. 50. A. P. & A.M. E. A. Degree. Fridpv. April 25, 7 pJti. 86 9-oz., $2.20-2.35; celery hearts, $3.35-3.50 aoz. Garlle CIotcs 20 1-oa packages. $t.66 1.76 Dressed Meats: Veal Heavy top quality 35-36c: top quality light, 32-34c lb.; B. 25-26c; O. 32 34c; cull, 18-20C lb. mos H ioc it outcners, pacaer styie, 135-160 lbs. 37-38c; over 113. lbs., IB-37c: sows, all weights, 30-34e lb. Lambs AA. 3S-40C: A. 87-3801 B. I4-J00 D. 28-30C Mutton 10-1 5e ft- according to quality and weight Beef Best quality. 33-34c; B. 23-26c; O, 22-24c; canner and cutter, 1819c; bo- .ogna bulls 25-aec. Wool Cascara Barki Caseara Bark Green 8-8V4CJ dry. 10c Wool Valley coarsr and medium grades, 42-43 He. Mohair 40c lb en 13-mnntb growth Hides Green beet, 12-13ct calves, 40c lb. Kip hides, 20c. Rendered Inedible Fata 12e lb The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are F.O.B shipping points Delivered eastern price Is generally m cents higher than F.O.B plant quota tions Chicago Grain Chicago, April 23 (U.PJ Cash grain sales: Wheat: No sales reported. Corn: Down one-half to one cent. No. i yeuow 178; 3 yellow 173i-177'i; 4 yel low I67'i-173i4; 5 yellow 148-166; sam ple grade yellow 100-154. Onts: Up one-half to one cent. No. 1 mixed 93?i: 1 white heavy 95'; 1 white 93 s -95 '4: 2 white heavy 954; 2 white m: l red special extra heavy 95 '4 Barley: Maltln 160-190, nominal; feed uu-iau, nominal. Chicago Livestock Chicago, April 23 m fUSDA) Salable hogs esoo. total 10.000; weights under 250 lb now fairly active and 25-50 lower; heavier weights slew and generally 50-75 lower; sows 50-75 lower; top 23.00 paid freely for 180-230 lb; bulk good and choice 170-250 lb 22.25-23.00; 2C0-28O lb 21.00-22.00; 290-330 lb 19.75-21.00: few lots 330-375 lb 19.25-20.00; most good and choice sows 17.25-75 with 17.50 popular price. Salable cattle 13,000. total 13,300; sal able calves 800. Total 800; slaughter steers and heifers moderately active, most ly steady but spots weak to 25 lower on good and choice steers; 'cows slow but steady; bulls unchanged; vealers strong: top 27. 50 for load strictly choice around 1.350 lb steers; bulk good to low choice steers 22.50-25.50; common and me dium 15.50-21.50; choice heifers 24.00-50: good beer cows 17.00-18.00: canncrs nad cutters 10.50-13.25; most medium weight and heavy bulls 16.00-17.00; practically top choice vealers 23.00, Salable sheep 2500; total 250Q; slaughter tamos active, mostly la-aa nigner; rooci and choice fed wooled western lambs 22.00-22.25; latter price top for arouni five cars Color ados; load good and choice around 105 lb fed clipped lambs with mostyl No. 2 pelts 19.75; slaghter ewes scarce around steady; fat wooled ewes 10.00, down with good and choice shorns 8.00-50. Portland Grain Portland, Ore.. April 23 Wheat: No futures quoted. Cash grain: Flaxseed 7.2a. Cash wheat (bidt: Soft white 2.36. soft white (excluding Rex) 2.38, white club 2.38, western red 2.38. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.38. 10 per cent 2.40, 11 percent 2.46, 12 percent 2.5(1. Hard white Baart: Ten percent 2.40, 11 percent 3.44, 12 percent 2.51. Today's car receipts: Wheat 35, barley 1. flour 2. corn 3. oats 0. hay 0. millfeed 4, flax 0. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore., April 23 (U.W Livestock: Cattle salable 150: calves 50. Market fairly active: mostly steadv. but fat. dairy-type cows under pressure: odd com mon steers 17.00; Rood fed steers held above 23.00; common heifers 14.50-17.00; canner and cutter cows largely .11.00-13.00; aairy type cows 14.00-15.00: shells downward to 8.00; Rood beef cows up to jb.ou; ouiis siow; gooa 10 enolec vealers steady at 24.00-27.00; select to 28.00; sev eral loads stocker cows recently at 110 to 150 dollars head, depending; on age, flesh condition and accompanying calf. Hogs salable 100. Market 50 cents lower: good to hcoice 180-250 lbs 25.25; few 265-330 lb weights 24.00-24.50: sood sows largely 21.00-22.00; no feeder pigs available; choice quotable to 28.00 or aoove. Sheep salable 50. Early offerings lim ited to one lot good to choice 74 lb spring lambs steady at 32.00; good to choice wooled lambs quoted to 30.50; shorn iambs salable around 19.00 down: good to choice shorn ewes salable around 7.00; wooled ewes quotable to 9.00. Salem Markets Completed Irom reports ol Salem dealers for the guidance ol Capi tal Journal Readers (Revised dally.) Retail Prices Rabbit Feeds Pellets, 14.25 cwt. Egg Mash 14.75 cwt. Dairy Ferd 13.90 cwt. Poultrr Heavy colored hens. No. 1, 32c lb.; No. 28c; colored fryers. No. 1, 34c ID Ens Buyers' Prlees White and Brown extra large grade A. 52c; med.. 48c: standards, 48c dozen; pullets, 30c; crax, 30c. Wholesale Price Large, 56c dozen; med., 52c dozen. Butter Wholesale A, 64c. Retail Grade A, 69c, Butterfat Premium, 67c; No. 1, 86c; No. 2, 62c. California Town Starts Price Cuts Sherman Oaks., Cal., April 23 (U.R) Forty-eight of this city's merchants today pledged themselves to cut prices 10 to 50, percent for a week, starting tomorrow, "To see if we can't get the price-cut ball rolling a little faster." ine plan, similar to one adopted by merchants of New buryport, Mass., was outlined at a hastily called meeting last night at which Movie Actor Ar thur Treacher, honorary mayor of this unincorporated town of 30,000, presided. Hitchhiker Found Guilty of Murder Raton, N. M., April 23 (U.B Edward C. Jones, 28, of Hous ton, Texas, today faced death in the electric chair for the hitchhike slaying of Jes V. Lar son, Denver paper salesman. A district court found the hitchhiker guilty of first-degree murder after less than an hour of deliberation last night. The verdict carries a mandatory death sentence. Jones, an ex-army paratroop er who had admitted in a state ment to police that he fatally shot Larson on a backwoods road near here March 5 and then fled in the victim's car, heard the verdict calmly. CORNS GO FAST l.njoy quick relief and anoedllv remove aching corns with thin, cushion ing Dr. Scholl's 'ino- pans. uoet but a trine. Steady Tone On Grain Mart Chicago, April 23 (ft Mod erate commercial buying gave a steady tone to the grain fu tures market today. In contrast, lard futures back ed down sharply under moder ate selling. Losses extended to more than $1 a hundred pounds in near-by deliveries. Wheat closed K-ZVi higher, Mav $2.58 Vt-M, corn unchanged to IVi higher. May $1.73-1.73 14, oats unchanged to lis higher, May 89-88 7s, and lard 45 cents to $1.45 a hundred pounds low er, July $21.50. Wheat Conference Fails in Price Fixing London, April 23 iff') The in ternational wheat conference adjourned today after failing to reach an agreement on world prices and allocations. The conference adopted a United States proposal to refer back to the international wheat council in Washington a tenta tive draft proposal framed dur ing the five-week session here. The final action came after the United Kingdom and India, two of the biggest importers, had announced they would not sign the tentative long term contract which had been drafted here. The draft had fixed a maximum price of $1.80 per bushel. New York Stock Quotations 1 By the Associated Press New York ft Closing quotations todav Allied Chem ft Dyt 17 3', American Can .... Am Pawei ft Llgh; ... Amer re) ft Tel Anaconda dapper Atchison Bendlx Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing aircraft ...... California Pncktng Canadian Pacific J I Case Chrysler Corp Commonwealth ft Sout t .naolldated Edisor Consolidated Vultee Continental Insurance . Crown Zeileroacb U' 34' 92 H 27 15H 50 26 - Curt us Wright D jglaa Mrcrait ...... Dupont de rtemouri ... General Electric Oenera) oods General Motor; Ooodyaai 1'ire 181 a 57 Great Northern pfd International Harvester tnt Papet pfd ... . .. 82 Johns Maovllla Kennecott Long Bell A 18 :. 16 , Maytag Miami Copper Montgomery War' .... Nash Kelvinaio' National Dairy N Y Centra; North Am Co Northern Pacific Pao Amei Fish Pacillc 0s Clee Pacific T ft T Pan American Penney J O Radio Corp Rayonier tfayouler Pfd Reynolds Metals Richfield Safeway , Sear 1. Roebuck Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Standard Brands ..... Standard OH Calif ... 16 37ai 20 32-i 31 Stewart Warner ...... s Btudebaxet 20', duo Mining 10 Union Oil jo'k uuiud racuiv . United Airlines 127'. United Alrciaft 19' waited States Steel 70 Warner brothers H'i nesi tiec Mil UO Woo 1 worth 250 Sportsmen Pilots Due May 18 A hundred airplanes carrvine afjout 25 U members of the Ore gon Sportsmen Pilots associa tion are tentatively dated to ar rive in Salem early in the morn ing Sunday, May 18, on one of the association s monthly good will air tours. The fliers are to arrive at McNary field about 8:45. At 9 o'clock they will be guests of the Chamber of Commerce at breakfast, with a brief speak mg program, and a short air show may follow at the airport, A definite program is to be worked out later. Most of the fliers are from Portland. Throughout the spring and summer season they make a practicg of going to different cuies once a monin. (By the United Press) Stocks firm in quiet trading. Bonds irregularly higher; U. S. governments did not trade. Curb stocks higher. Chicago stocks irregularly higher. Silver unchanged in New York c.t 758 cents a fine ounce. Grains in Chicago: Wheat fu tures closed up 4 to 2 cents. Gas on Stomach Kcliitfd In 5 minuUi rfeubU jeur mom back When nrfmntjimnrh nrlrl mi mm ualnfiil anrrnfit. trigga .nourfltnmncl and heartburn. doctors unually prenmrm trio i a tent-acting medicines known for fivrnntomallc mtlrf mrdklnesllke thtme In rtall-ana 1 Ablets, Nolstatlve. Ilrll-ans brings comfort in a imy urreturu uuuu rauBtwavuuramoaeyoaca. zoo. Get relief from PIMPLES Follow directions. Use Cuticura Soap and hot water. Then apply sooth ing, healing Cuticura Ointment. Satisfaction GUARANTEED or maker will refund money. Cuticura eoati only a few cents. Buy at your druggist's today. aittrnall) eautad. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 23, 1947 13 Stocks Advance After Early Drop New York, April 23 (P) Stocks recovered their balance after an early dip in today's mar ket but enthusiasm was lacking and progress was negligible. Many rails and industrial re treated at the opening only to make their way to higher ground later. Trading followed a slow pace with total transfers in the neighborhood of 750,000 shares. Gains and losses, limited to fractions for most leaders, were well distributed at the close. Among gainers were Chrys ler, Bethlehem, American wool en, Eastman Kodak, Union Paci fic, Pullman, American Smelting, International Nickel, Air Reduc tion, Texas Co., and Caterpillar Tractor. Westvaco climbed on a stock split proposal. Earnings and dividend news propped Joy Manufacturing and Kayser. Lag gards included Colgate-Palmol- ive-Peet, Procter & Gamble, An aconda, United Carbon, Sun Oil, American Can, Goodrich and Schenley. Gales Cripple British Shinninq London, April 23 () The 31,000-ton British battleship Warspite, stripped of her guns and en route to the junk 'heap. was swept aground on England's rocky southeast coast today by a gale that endangered shipping from the English channel to the Irish sea. The liner Maurentania, on a trial run before leaving for New York, rode out high seas off Liv erpool, unable to dock because of a 70-mile-an-hour wind. The disabled 7,181-ton Ameri can freighter Robert H. Harri son, her propeller gone, was in tow of the tug Turmoil in St George's channel. Tug company officials said she could not put into port because of the danger of grounding. A lifeboat slood by seven fishing craft off Bridlington har bor, on the North Sea, and an other lifeboat removed the crew of two from a barge in distress off the North Sea port of Har wich. Births, Deaths Blrllis Lee To Mr. and Mrs. Archie ft. Lee, 22ao N. commercial, a daughter, Linda Mary, March 8. Hamrick To Mr. and Mrs. PhuI O. Hnmrlck. 915 South 22nd, a daughter, Pamela Kay, April 17. BurRess To Mr. and Mrs. Edison A. Rurgesn. 184ft North Summer, a son Larry Dale, April 30. Harris To Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth D. Harris. 1595 Shady Lane, a son, Oary Lee, April 10. Mill CityTo Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith a daughter, Judith Ann, on April 17. Monmouth A daughter. Cheryl Lynn. was born in Salem on April 11 to S8vt. and Mrs. Roger Bnkcr. Sgt, Baker Is cn duty with the marine corns at Quantlco, Va. The baby is the first grandchild of Mr, and Mrs. Martin Baker of Monmouth. Amity To Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Wood. Lafayette, a son, April 20. He Is their second child. Grandmother is Mrs. Rose Wood of Amity. Deaths Lewis A. Swlsart Lewis A. Swlgarl. at the residence, 1142 Seventh street, West Salem. Survived by his wife, Ollle R. Swlgart of Salem; three daughters, Mrs. Elsie Cooper of Liberal, Mo., Mrs, Lola Ketterman and Mrs. Artie Phillips, both of Salem; two sons, Charles Swlgart of Pendleton and Rex Swigart of Salem; three grandchil dren and two great grandchildren. Serv ices vlll be held Thursday, April 24, at 3:30 p.m. from Clough-Barrlck ehnpel, Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment at Belcrest Memorial park. Sarah V. Galbrailh Sarah V. Galbraith. late resident ol route 8, Salem, at the Albany General nospitai, April 21, at the age of R3 years. Survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary Jenks at Tangent and several nieces and nephews. Services will be held Thursday, April 24, at 2 p.m. at the Clou ah -Bar rick chapel with Rev. H. G. Humphrey of Tangent of ficiating. Interment in the Albany Ma sonic cemetery. Frank Bell Frank Bell, at the residence at route 9, Salem, April 21, at the age of 6.7 years. Husband of Mrs. Anna Bell of Salem Oravealde services will be held Thursday, DO YOU OWN k A STOMACH that torments you because of ex. ceaa acid and gas? Fastest relief with TEBSIN TABLETS or mon ey back. Non habit forming No Soda No Laxative. Aik Your Druggist for TEBSIN! BETTER HEALTH I Hemorrhoid ftacfaf one Co oft AllmmntB Oaitrie Uctr Treated without Hospital Operation Write or cell (or FFFK descriptive Booklet Mtndsy tbrtugh Fridmyt 10 A. M. It J P. M. Evtnm$i! Monday, Wtdnttdaj, Friday until ft Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Phyiitian and Surgeon H. E, Comer E. Bumsldi and Grand Avenue. Telephone EAil 3918. Portland 14. Oregon HEALTH TO YOU WHEN Fissure Ur Fistula I -;fv Hemorrhoids let it, Prolapse f"! Itchin Kr.' and other Rectal disorders are I"? ! .' corrected. ' No Hospitalization Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic , Naturo-Proctologist 218 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon April 34. at S p.m. at Belcrast Memorial park Direction Clough-Barrtclc company. Rattle B. Buslck Cady In Pasadena, Calif., April 2, Hattle B. Buslclc Cady, former resident of Salem and late resident of Pasadena, Survived by a son. Edwin Buslclc, with the U.S. rmy in Germany. Member of Chadwlcie chapter No, 37, Order of Eastern Star; Willamette Shrine No. 3 of the White Shrine, 1'anna Rosa Court No. 8 of Order of Amaranth and the Rebejtnhs, An nouncement of services later by W. T. Rig don company. Clayborne Hills In Portland, April 18. Clayborne Hills, late resident of route 3, Salem, at the ase of 61 years; husband of Marie Hills or Salem: fathrr of Rimell Hills of New Philadelphia. Ohio: Pranlc Hills of Km- ston, N. C, and James Hills of Salem; brother of Prrd Hills and Mrs. Alice Thomas, both of Salein. and Mrs. May Bon df son of Olascow, Mont, Member of the Eagles lodee. Recitation of the Ros ary Wednesday, April 23, at 1:30 p.m. at the W. T. RlBdon chapel. Services will be held Thursday, April 34. at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph's church with interment In Belcrest Memorial park. Mrs. Olive Kislman In this city, April 33. Mrs. Olive Eg si. man, late resident of Stlverton, route 3. Wife of Albert E. Eggiman of Sllverton, route 3. Survived by brothers. Lew and Eldon Oarber of Salem, and sisters, Mrs. A'.na Zurchcr and Mrs. Henry Baer of Salem. Announcements of services later by W. T. Riadon company. Mrs. Jeanne L. Rradfield Mrs. Jeanne L. BradField. at her home at 1100 Donna avenue, Salem, Wednesday, April -a. wnr oi . A. Bradlleld of Salem, and mother of Mrs, Aunts Drummond and Earl F. Bradfield, both of Salem and Miles D. Bradfield of Boulder, Colo. Also survived by two grandchildren. Services will be held Saturday, April 38, at 10 a.m. from the Clouith-Barrlclc chapel with Rev. R. c. Mann officiating Interment 111 be at Belcrest Memorial park. Harry Hate ilvrrton Hnrry hhrp. m. men -ines-' evening at the Sllverton hospital. Resident of route 3 for S5 years. Born in Norway, 10. 1863. Survived by ll chllclrou: Ben nnge nnti Annie uanson, Los Ancr-les: EUrn Zurfhpr, Hilda Pol lork and Oscnr Hace. Seattle: Charles of Calgary. Alberta; Henry of Sparks. Nev.; Elmer of lmlny, Ncx.; Jennie Hane of Oakland. Calif.; Clara Hall of Klamath Falls and Roy Harte or Sllverton; i grandchildren and two great grandchil dren. Funeral arrangements later by Ekman funeral home. Luererla Brown Aumsville Lurreria Brown died at the home of her daughter, Darrlel Lee. at West Stay ton Tuesday at t p.m. Sur viving are hrr husband. H. Delnicr Brown; two sons. 8. Norlyn Brown of Lebanon and N. Dunne Brown of Aumsville; two daughters, Durrlcl Lee and Coy Brown of Aiimsvllle; three sisters. Mrs. Elste Osborne and Mrs. Elda Osborne of Al bany i.nd Mrs. Gladys Klempen of Oregon City; , o brothers. Clifford Downing of Carnation. Wnsh., and Raymond Down ing or Seattle. Funeral services at 3 p.m. Friday at Weddle funeral home, Slay ton. Burial In Aumsville cemetery. Frank Wesley Bliss Amity Frank Wejilry Burns, resident of Amity, died at his home Monday, ase 6S years, one month and one day. Memorial services will be held at 1:30 o'clock Thurs dny at Mocy's chapel with burial In ths Evcrfirrfii Memorial park. Surviving art his widow; two sons, Frank and Denny; three daughters, Mrs. Ella Bosshart and Mary of Portland. Mrs. Dorothea Groves of Las Vegas, Nev., and several grand children. Sarah V. Oalbrallh Albany Sarah V. Galbraith. 83. Tan cfnt. died in the Albany Genera) hospital Monday of henrt disease. Funeral serv ices will be held from the Cloush-Barrick mortuary in Salem, 2 p.m.. Thursday, with the Fisher Funeral home, Albany, in charge. Burial will be in the Albany Ma sonic cemetery. She was born near Mar ion, January 20. 1804, and had lived in Albany Irom IRtiH to lime. Mrs, oaioraun also lived in Salem and St. Louis, Ore., before moving to Tangent a year ago. She was mnrrlrd to Jesse C. Oalhralth, Janu ary 5. 189A, In Albany, who died Inst year. She Is .survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary Jen Its, Tnnarnt, also a number of nieces nnd nephews. Gcorse Benjamin Marlln Dallas Funeral services were held Wed nesday at 2 p.m. in the Henkte and Boll man chapel for Oeorae Benjamin Martin, 51, who died at his home In Dallas Sat urday following a paralytic stroke suf fered two weeks earlier. Rev. Evelyn Collins officiated at the servlcrs and in- lermrnt un.s in the Dallas Odd Fellows cemetery. Mr. Martin was born on June U. I a 90, in Oakland. Ore., the son of Wilson M. and Lydia Martin. On June 14, 1921, he was married to Ethel Mitchell at Eugene. The family lived In Cottage Grova until 11112 when they moved to Spring field, leaving there In 1043 to come to Dallas, Mr. Martin, a railroad section foreman by occupation, was a veteran of World War I In which he had served for 22 months. The Dallas American Lesion post assisted In the funeral services. Sur viving are the widow, two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Ella Ferauson or Eugene and France Lucille Martin or Dallas; eight sons, Charles Edward of Eugene, Pfc. Richard F. Martin of Fort Dix, N, J.: Norman, MirrJ, Ralph, Kenneth, Donald and Ar thur, all living at home; his mother, Lydia Ann Andrews of Dallas; two sisters. Esther Snndcrs or Eugene and Alice Denton of Hollnnd, Ore., and one grandson, Larry Lee Lou a timi of Sfliita Clara, Ore. ITCH Srahle) Is hlghiy contagious ana mil nntlnue for life If nol topprd. lit snle cans I the Itch-mile wnien I Immune le ordinary treatments. T.X KORA klllx the ltrh-mfte almost Instant ly. Only three day EXSORA treatment U required At Vour Nearest FRED MEYER Drug Section Chafes Chaps from stinRine soreness, in this reliable ointment MEYOUPALE due to MONTHLY LOSSES? Tou girls and women who lose so much during monthly periods that you're pale, weak, "drasKcd out" this may be due to lack of blood-Iron. So try Lydla E. Plnkham's TABLETS one of the best home ways to build up red blood In such cases. Pinkham's Table U are one of tht best blood-Iron tonics you can buy I Lydia E. Pinkham's TAQIETS "UHBIOCKX DIGESTIVE TRACT And Stop Dosing Your Stomach With Soda and Alkalizara Dnn't expert to Ret real relief from headache, sour itomsrn, rhs nd bad breath by taking sods and other alkalisers i( the true cause of your trouble is constipation. In this case, y?ur real trouble Is not In tha stomach at all. But in the intestinal tract where 80 of your food is diRfstpd. And when the lower part gets blocked food may fail to digest properly. what you want for real relief fi some thing tn "unblock" your lower intnstinal tract. Something to clean it out effectively help Nature evt back on her feet. (it Carter's Pills right now. Take as di rected. They gently and effectively "unblock" your digestive tract. This permits all 6 ol Nature's own digestive juires to mix better with your food. VoU get genuine relief from indigestion so you can feel rtally good sgain. Buy Carter's lJills today. "Unblock" your Intestinal tract for real relief from indigestion mm