Wednesday KSLM ? IKGW Z'c Hop Hkrrls.rn j fltsn of Today Superman I Newi 1:30 Copt. Mldnlcbl I fiinf America 1:45 I Ton Mil News . News Duffr'a Tavern Music 1 Duffy's Tavtrn . American Forum Florltont - Amerkan Forum I Horizons American Forum ( Music I Cisco KI4 I Cisco Kid t Bit Story Hi Story Kyier'a KolWr I Kyier's Kolleta I Name of I Supper Club That Son I Fleetwood Lawlop Music I Glldersleev I Music Glldersleey I News Dennis Day Pictorial Dennis Day I Orchestra Dlt Attorney I Orchestra I Dial, Attorney 10:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr I News Flashes I News Musie :3ft i News ):45 I Orchestra l:ftft I Open Hqaso l:IS 1 Opeo Housa l:3() Open Houit 1:46 I News I Orch. I Band Warn j Newa j Orchestra I Orchestra I Orchestra : film Off I Sim Off Thursday 6 A. - News I Music rimekeepet March of Time t News t Honrrmnon Honeymoon ' Sons I News I R1 and Shins I News I Farm and noma I Farm Tima I Fiirm Time I The Old Soma I Newa - I naren of Rest i naven nf Rest Sons of Pioneers - i Vie Lindlahr I Fred Warlnr I Frrd Warins I Jack Berrh I James Abb ' Mnsle Orchestra - Music - I Paklnr's Call - Art Baker Mailt Music I Newa I Bine lnrs Fashionetta - Harmony ' Rrhnot I School ' Quintet I Joyce Jordan Tt od ay 'a" C h ildTet I Orrannlitfes ' I Day Ilrrams I Queen for a Day I Quern for a Pa I Women White I Masqurradr I Mle of World I Pioneer I News I HillhillT Serenade Variety Show i News I Ma Perkins I Prpner Vottni I Rifthl to llnpplns rnarkVt,are"'wife" h no un I Lift Mo I Stella Dallas I l.nrrnro .tones I Wirldcr Brown Orrlirntr Orrhetra I A Girl Marries I Portia Fares 1,'fr j Just riain Bill I Front Pite Farrell llPitrls Mesira I Hearts Hralre I flnad of I.ffe l.ora I.awton 1 Aunl Mary I Dr. Paul 11:30 Nem 8:tS Orchestra 1:0ft l:IS 1:30 Fulton Lewis. Jr. I Woman's Secret I News of World I Life Ileautlful ' News ' Re Miller fcrakine jonns I Nrwa iateM PattetiU R 2535' " Pattern No. R2535 The Latest Fashion.' As smart a purse as you can find, and vou can make it for only the cost of yarn and lining! Crochet it in 11 spring-like color or ever-smart black, fmacine how rhir it win look swinging from your shoulder. mm tmu imt. 1 he pericci spring accessory! Pattern envelope No. R2535 contains stitch illustrations, com plete crocheting, lining and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, send 15 numoer. your name, address and zone number to Pcggv Roberts Capital Journal, 828 Mission Street, San Francisco 3. Calif. ACROSS 21. Cuin nf AfKluinisUn 11. Fltxihle pa 1 111 ttriii Ifi. Atll.'ltiM lf fl.ull iiuir- 1 Km Hit' 4. Laitf n alu t. Hi (.hi ll. IJii.licnl tiiii liri" 1 1-1. SitiikIki H. .uiiiIki- 17. Hem, 1 11 Ira 19. Ilfniri.'ii.a Id. Com with nn l M.tlmnn .it h xti.i1 lid e)lnsn il.'Vi. -en Mininnilon ir tin il a I 22. rilltal r.nllllR r::. Aitcitiuini 21. I'ri'al ("Ml 2, Tin- lni'h dill :. Distri'fs rail Sn. Kill' j:.MiHy 12. C::i'l-t,naa vlxilui Hi fili'in-t- F I3 I ) 5 6 17 I "to bo T" 7y 55 aT 2b f 20 " " 55 -3y- T"?3 if s T 43" P. M. 'KEX ikoint;." ABO I Tcrrr and Plratei I News I 8kj Klnt I Mmia t .lek Armilroni News I llcminrwar , I News Dinner Muile Rhythm Paul Whltrman . I Paul Whlleman I Sonri I Honrs I Dinah Ahnra I Dlnab Staoro Before Time. Before Time I Information Information I,one Ranter I I-on Ranaer I Michael I.ortng I Michael Lorlns I n Abnsr I News i Jack Kmlth Show I Dr. Christian I Dr. Christian I Honrs Beulah I Beulab I Bine Crosby I Rim Crosby (Henry Mori an I Henry Morcan Jack Carson Jack Carson I N. W. Neighbors I N. W. Nelihbors I Newa Mr. Motorist I Concert Hnoi t Concert Hour Fire lar Final Tourkt Talk i Oar Town t Orchestra I Concert Hour Cnncert Hour I Orchestra I Orchestra I Army Trio Air-Flo News I X-Tra Hour 1 Silent M. to 4:45 P. M. I Hurler X I Butler X ! Ruder X I Bugler X I wi 'KOIN Kloik 1 KOIN Klork I KOIN Klock innnr low nor i ROIN Klock I Martin Arronsky f News I James Abba I News I Market Reports ' Fart Finder I Breakfast Club I Consumer News I Breakfast Club I Art Baker I Breakfast Club I Grand Slam I Breakfast Club I Rosemary t Kenney Raker I Kate Smith I Kenney Baker I Aunt Jenny Rreneman's Rft. ( Helen Trent I Rreneman's Rft. I Our Gal Sunday I Gatan Draka Ted Malone Mf Story I Mj Story Bl Sitter I Ma Perkins I Dr. Malone I Road of Lift I ?nd Mrs. Burton I Melod Mason I Listening Pnst I I, one Journey ! Rthel and Albert I Rose of Dreams I I I Walt Klrrnan Slar "f today mil llnvr flosr t Come and let I f J Sunny Side I Sunn Side t'p Mnune Party House Parly Nrirfcpancr of All Newspaper of Air School of Air School of Air t Meet the Missus I Meet the Missus Home I At Horn j j j j What's "lnin'" I I.adiea Bride A Groom Bride A Groom Ladles Be Seated I News Ladles Be Sealed Fvelrn Winters Domlh Dix Newa Northwest Today ' Sims Rhythm My Opinion Northwrlernr.ra i One fm Kuob Dirk Tracy Tracer t lennetiee Jrd ' Lost Persona Wonderfully roomy yet it is cents in COINS, giving pattern Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 7. r,-,i0r Ivs. TIh-kI i li al i'.t. OpcuiiiK DOWN Fit loRctliep SniKiiiK 'oiua . I'ttnly , I'toitoun , tJplllH, if I l chtjjiuui . Altraii.itn'a hirtliii.Aia Ki'is tliiuiifih t fin? ia.-a 1 Vim and I ;J. Oi-KMtis ol ic!,t -I. Soulli Ainei'Kan diftivM ?6. (I'Hcial ru Air If1. I.nte 4t t'.'valry nord i'2. Kronch city 4:, !)(wrv A.'i. l'iwid K. MentHl concept S. !Vn-ol.itr r0, ,-irfs)Hi1 .:!. iTtTieli niHraiiMi jj. Rnnsh laa: Haw aiian U L EHA ;"STC EA L C r f PpfE"RHT E E bio "tJJITn YWRfALl otn A - S(lll-iY GHifl R J A E!3 o? ABuS, n S'"E C)HP AjNTAjMlAlS R 1 J?L A Tli R eTUa t e 1 T HKIn A D l RllD Ap A Ni&T 7 3 'A D EIo R E R 1 A I M y S 1 M El D ffl wfo N Journal Feature Donald Duck Henry The Nebbs i.itllc Orphan Annie .Mull and Jeff i cam t give you THE JOB UNLESS VOU ANSWER. THESE QUESTIONS NOW, CITY VOU T "N i WMY- ,1J- t! WHY, tOU rttVEq I V1K1-SHE SfilD YOU MIGHT BE T VEAH! flMO NOW I DID C EVER NEAR OF OLIVER WABBUCKS? II HE JUST ABOUT THE A5KEO-BUT I THE SAME OMHIE-WHV, Vlkl MUST WHO IS V1K... ARE VOU KIDDING? WHY. HE WAS MY SORT II BIGGEST BUSINESS GUV HOW DID YOU I BE PSYCHIC! IMAGINE OUT Of I OR DO I j OF STEP-DADDY"-TILL -TILL THERE f THAT EVER WAS! HOW COT I HAPPEN TO j MILLIONS OF PEOPLE -AND i HAVE TO GUESS J WAS AN AWFUL ACCIDENT P i YOU NEVER TOLD ME? jf ASK NOW? 1 GUESSES WHO VOU ARE.' ITS AMAZHg! I THAT ONE- j I he ;;umps By Gus Edson A Ringing Statement " m i i ""'i,,,"--- ' ' jXtt3 I ZOWIE. A TEN S0 MANY DOZENS I I SET TWO ONE FOR ITflT CAKIJg BOmI - J LprsSEE AM THeWr!. ) BLOW A GASKET IF LONCa SINCE PROOP , r FORGETTING - NOSE " J "E S'SNS MANY "V THIS FAMILY CELLAR.' ANVTHINS?'oSf . , S J2) MORE CHECKS FOR THE HAD A ZZ X'THE WEPPING pV PFE - RING (ok. ASK! IN? CORRECTLY' r' lliv.' lar Kellers Tiiran ' NOW IF YOU WILL come to my ROOMS, " SAID PIG LOUIE, PURSUING tvIL KLArt, -ILL SHOW YOU PICTURES OF THE PROPERTIES I l FSCKKttni jl ( HAW.' HW "77 THA'S ANOTHtH. I QUESTION SHE J - I , , -U. MISSED.' r sS. I 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 23, 1947 By Walt By Carl By HOW CM 1 WILUE1 1 Ml DOm" UNOeRSTANDAI 1 GOT TlBED W IMPOSSIBLE! TUATS WUAT VOU I b, mss (FACE MVP00RWH006UTIdTwE LEFT VOOHAKIdJ OFWAlTIMG llHOUra UIMSELF) ITHINMVWIUIECAM J g i By Harold Gray Bv Bud Fisher WHAT WERE BORN i Wu IN THE A WHATVEAR I WAS ONLY L . 3!bI WERE YOU A LITTLE BABV E-- I I ok ai- i tr,r i i kokn N J i ncn: i luulwi i jjt is" -V 1- : rO L- A READCAIFNDABSlES J- By Gene donY 'RIDICULE, 4i THE. POOR. JIMMIt.' AFTER ALL .THAT 13 HARD By Kdpar TOTALLY PECEIVED BY THE GENIAL MANNER OF THE SWINDLER, HAVNES ACCOMPANIED HIM TO HIS ROOMS. Disney d- 3 a Anderson Hess So What? Neither Byrnes LADY, A fUIZ ' j Rice Burroughs fl KNOW, MOfO A BUT VOU 0ONT I t UNNAiTAN'vT "MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE," SAID SCONDER. AS HIS GUEST M SEATED HIMSELF--- ' Page It Never Misses! Slight of Hand Who's Who? 1 Could You or I at That Age Whad Do You Know! Swindler's Plan BIS LOUe STEALTHILY 1 picked up a pillow and at the same time drew a pistol . CJWoH OH, I DUNNO.' N-a,B' 7" she's my IbR) By Cameron Dockery Chapter 13 As Jeff Irskine on Star left the palatial Gentry estate be hind, he found his train of thought confused. Obviously the copper magnate's secretary, Ran som Fawcett, had a feeling of intense dislike for Jeff. His eyes had hardened rather than warmed with friendliness as Monica introduced them. Yet on what was his emotion based? Jealousy? Surely the fact that Jeff met Monica on a traffic less road and changed a tire for her was not enough to cause that. Or was his attitude formed! from something Coulter had said? It was a puzzle but the antagonism was definitely there. He wished Monica had not in terrupted his talk with Gentry. He felt certain the industrialist had wanted to assist him with out actually seeming to; yet just when Jeff was warming up to the purpose of his visit, Gentry had switched the conversation to the cigarette box as though it were of equal importance. The cigarette box . . . what was it Gentry had said about it? Malachite . . . azurite , . . Quite a market for it now! Jeff pulled on the reins in his excitement so that Slar took a side step and almost pranced in to the jagged thorns of an im mense barrel cactus. Instinc tively the gelding had headed for the small adobe and the fragrant-smelling stall that he knew awaited him, now a tug on the right rein informed him they were turning in the opposite direction toward town. In McCloud, Jeff went im mediately to the town's small drug store. Old Mr. Perry who ran it had refused to bow to time and the public; his store still sold drugs and nothing else. He'd have no truck with sody fountains and new-fangled trash, he informed traveling "salesmen who thought him a good prospect, and because of his integrity his pharmacy was still -well patronized. He filled Jeff's order for bot ties of alcohol, ammonia and hydrochloric acid with only a faint lift of his white eyebrows. Making some mineral tests? "I have nothing to go on," Jeff said quickly. "Please don't mention it." "Wouldn't think of it, boy. Talk between me an' my cus tomers is purely confidential business ethics, ye know." Linda was cultivating her flower bed and sensed his ex citement at once; she blew a golden tendril of hair back from her flushed face and scanned him anxiously. "What is it? Did Mr. Gentry tell you some thing?" "He may have 1 don't know yet." Her eyes grew enormous. "Sounds interesting and confus ing." He led Star around to his stall, calling back over his shoul der, "Bring that cardboard box of rocks around here and we'll find out." In the tool shed that was a part of the stable he rummaged around until he found his fath er's old mining equipment. He cleaned the alcohol lamp and put it aside then searched for a few strands of platinum wire. Af ter finding them he carried the whole business around to the new adobe room which was still unroofed. Linda joined him with the' rock specimens, her face glowing with anticipation. "Dad's as excited as I am," she said. "I didn't mean to exclude him," Jeff explained, "but these tests will give off fumes. I was afraid for his lungs." "You are so considerate, Jeff." She said it so solemnly that he thought she was being sar castic until he saw her eyes, then he smiled. "Well, we'll see now. Maybe nothing will happen af ter all." Selecting a rock specimen he spilled drops of hydrochloric acid on it. It effervesced vio lently, Ljnda gave a small cry of surprise . , . "What does that mean?" "It means it's probably mala ciiite or azurite." Next he powdered a bit of the mineral, dipped his test wire in Room and Board . A FEW YEARS AGO I LOST $AO BACKING TH'JUDGE ON A RECIPE FOR. A SOFT drink..---it had a habit of dissolving tn" cork, in th' bottle caps - AND I ADVISED HIM TO LEAVE OUT TH' CHERRY FLAVOR AND SELL IT AS A CARBON R.fc,VOVER. F 1 At Ntwittattiw acid, touched the specimen and placed it in the flame of the al cohol lamp. It produced a blue green flame almost at once. He went through the other tests then ammonia, charcoal and borax bead. On the final one, heating the specimen with hy drochloric acid, the fumes did not have the smell of rotten eggs, which would have Indi cated one of the copper-sulphur minerals. i Jeff wiped smoke and pers piration from his forehead; he was grinning. "It's malachite, all right. That's what Gentry was trying to tell me. Linda, you've mis judged him he's a good egg after all." She pouted, doubtfully. "May be. Tell 'me, what is mala chite?" "You've probably seen it of ten and not recognized it. It's. a copper ore, about fifty-one per cent copper. It's used in orna mental jars, jewelry and is very important in mining. Gentry says there's a big market for it now. Her eyes flamed until they were as blue as the copper solu tion. "Then a vein of it on your land would be very valuable?" He smiled at her enthusiasm. "Except it doesn't come in veins. Massive formations, crusts and nodules, usually with azurite." "Well, anyway, it's valuable?" "Yes, quite valuable. If only these specimens are from my property." They went Into the house and told Mr. Hardy. Jeff described the details of his meeting with Gentry, then added, "By the way, Linda, you and I are invited to a homecoming celebration for young Gentry tomorrow night." Linda frowned but her father nodded. "I want you to go, my dear." "But I haven't anything lo wear!" she wailed. Hardy burst into laughter. "Hear that, Jeff? If you ever get married remember it . . . It's the eternal cry of the fe male; you'll hear it often." (To be continued) The revolution of the Sicilians in 1282 is called the "Sicilian Vespers" because it broke out at the hour of vespers on Easter Sunday. 2968 SIZES 10 - 40 Simple Sewing Simplicity if the key to the charm of this dress, cut in one piece from shoulder to hem . , , it's so easy to sew . . . and you'll find it a wonderful foil for your new jewelry or favorite button: and wide belt! No. 2968 is cut in sizes 10, 12, j 14. 16. 18. 20, 36, 38 and 40. Size 16 requires S:i yards 35-in, Send 20c foi PATTERN, whict lificludes complete sewing guide Print your name, address anc Istyle number plainly. Be sure tc ! state size you wish Include 'postal unit or zone number ii your address Address: Pattern Department 1 Capital Journal, 552 Missior St., San Francisco, Calif . . By Gene Ahem yOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN 1 HERE WHEN HE CAME OUT ' WITH HIS'PINE-APPO-LADE- TAbTfcD LIKE AN INDELIBLE PENCIL AT FIRST SWALLOW THEN LEFT AN AFTERTASTE Or A TEMPORARY DENTAL f PACKING Ay", J