8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, April 22, 1947 Guests Bidden To Friday Luncheon By Jean Taylor Mrs. F. H. Lehmer will pre tide Friday afternoon at t springtime luncheon to be giv en at the Dahl house in Oswego honoring a group of her friends. Luncheon will be at 1:30 o'clock. Guests bidden are Mrs. Doug las McKay, Mrs. Ercel Kay, Mrs Chester A. Downs, Mrs. Paul B Wallace, Mrs. Fred Stump, Mrs Wheeler Rilca, Mrs. William H Burghardt, Mrs. Arthur A. Rog ers, Mrs. William L. Phillips Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, Jr., Mrs. Wheeler R. English, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Peter Buck of Portland, Mrs. William McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. Frank Burlingham, Mrs. George Alex ander, Mrs. Wallace Bonestcele, Mrs. Merrill Ohling, Mrs. Karl Kugel, Mrs. William S. Cole, Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, Mrs. F. W Shepard, Mrs. Frank Hcaly, Mrs. George Schwarz, Mrs. Charles A. Spraguc, Mrs. G Frederick Chambers, Mrs. E. M Page, Mrs. Harry N. Crain, Mrs. Roy S. Keene, Miss Edith Schry ver. Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Dorathea Steusloff. Distinguished Visitor Mrs. Norton H. Pearl of Detroit, Mich., national president of the American Legion auxiliary, guest In Salem Wednesday who will be honored at a luncheon. State officers will accompany her. The Music Study group of AAUW will meet Friday after noon at 1:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. George Allen, 1010 , North list, instead of with Mrs. ' Bruce Spaulding, as has been announced. The event will be tea and the speaker, Mrs. Frank lin Stephens, music chairman of the Portland branch. Don't Feed Your Furs io the Moths BERNARDTY, Tailors and Furriers, Inc. Have the finest cold storage facilities for your furs and your winter garments. All furs and clothes de mothed free of charge. All fur garments left for remodeling, re pairing or restyling will be stored free of charge. You can still make your fur coat last longer by giving it a complete overhaul job and our prices are reasonable. So bring them to BERNARDTY, TAILORS AND FURRIERS, I N C, and get a free esti mate. BERNARDTY, Tailors and Furriers, Inc. Room 200, 1st National Bank Bldg. Phona 21995 Kingwood Club Holds Meeting' Kingwood Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Fred Kuhn for dessert luncheon. Mrs. Herbert Hilke presided at the business meeting when a report was given by Mrs. Don Kuhn on the Polk County Home- makers' festival. A nominating committee was appointed including Mrs. Lynn Richardson, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman and Mrs. W. C. Heise. Special guests were Mrs. Irene Parsons, Mrs. John Boen ing, Mrs. Herman Kortemcyer Mary Jo Rund Shower-Feted Miss Mary Jo Rund, who Sat urday becomes the bride of Da vid Doughton, was feted Mon day evening when Mrs. M. B. Doughton and Mrs. Tom Bryant were hostesses at the Doughton home for an informal party. The affair was a bridal mis cellaneous shower with white lilacs, spirea and narcissuses forming the decorations and an upside-down parasal arranged for the bride-elect. Guests were Miss Rund, Mrs. William Mickelson and Mrs. Webber Doughton of Albany; Mrs. Paul Roedy of Vancouver and Mrs. G. O. Boyce, Miss Ber nicc Boycc, Mrs. Albert Lock wood, Mrs. Ralph Harper, Mrs. M. E. Hilborn, Mrs. Hazelton, Mrs. Preston Doughton, Mrs. Aaron Dumbeck, Mrs. Clifford Ellis and the hostesses. Mrs. Nina Edwards of Long Beach, Calif., is visiting with friends in Salem and Portland. She will see her son, Major Charles Gillingham, at Ft. Lewis, before leaving for Gold en, Colo., where her son, Walter Gillingham, graduates from Col orado College of Mines. After two months there, she will visit her son, Lt. Gillingham at Day ton, O., before returning to Long Beach. Gucsls at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton, in Slate street, were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton of Gardiner, Oregon. Joint public installation of of ficers of West Salem post 4248, VFW and auxiliary will be held at the Kingwood American Le gion hall in West Salem Thurs day at 8 o'clock. STRIPES ON CALL . . . THE AMERICAN GOLFER ... IN COTTON Soft detail, line flattery and cool crispness all join to make this your full time duty dress. It will see you to the office, to the golf links or the classroom. There's a lush selection of colors. Sizes 10 to 22 $10.95 Sizes 38 to 42 . . . . . $12.95 Exclusive at Price's VfSsr I T Y" V It mm .jtF m : April Brule Mrs. Richard Schumacher of Sublimity glimpsed following her marriage at the immaculate Conception church in Slayton. She is the former Dorothy Gcscher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gescher of Stayton. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schumacher of Sublimity. A wedding dinner and dance followed the marriage ceremonies. (Jestin-Miller studio) Rebekahs to Fete Officer Final plans were made to en tertain C. A. Wheeler, sovereign grand master of the Rebekah lodge, of Austin, Texas and Mrs. Wheeler, who arrive in Salem Wednesday, April 30. All branches of the order will en tertain. At the First Methodist church that evening at 5:45 o'clock will be the banquet and the evening meeting, for which Mr. Wheeler will be speaker, will be held at the church at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Shafer, Mrs. Charles Newbauer and Mrs. Leon Frahm will decorate the church. The FL girls will act as ushers and the past noble grands will be in charge of the reception to fol low the meeting at the IOOF tomple. Next Monday evening will be social night with Mrs. Laura Groves, Mrs. John Versteeg, - 'i - 7 "4 Mrs. Leon Frahm in charge of the program. Mrs. E. R. Fred erickson, Mrs. O. L. Scott, Mrs. Faye Gressler, Mrs. Lloyd Wood, Mrs. Irene Kunz and Mrs. Florence Sherrill will head refreshments and Mrs. Paul Da vies, Mrs. Merlin Ready and Mrs. Glen Scherich will be in charge of decorations. Mrs. Dessie McClay reported on the state meeting of FL girls at Seaside. The ladies auxiliary, Pa triarchs Militant will meet Thursday at eight o'clock at the club rooms and the Three Links club will meet Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the club rooms. Present for Monday's meet ing were 22 from Woodburn who put on the drill and a total of 56 visitors from other lodges. The Royal Neighbors Sewing club will meet with Mrs. Fran ces Hoyt at 753 North Winter street Wednesday for a no-host luncheon at noon. v Banquet Honors Officers Monday evening at a formal banquet at Normandy Manor, members of the Beta Tau Beta chapter of the Alpha Chi Omega alumnae honored three national officers of the organization. Guests were Mrs. Arthur Young of Portland, alumnae state chairman, Mrs. Wilbur Carl of Portland, chairman of the northwest and Pacific prov ince and Mrs. Frederick Hart ung of Portland, northwest province president. Following the dinner, the regular alumnae meeting was held at the chapter house in Court street. Chairman of the event was Mrs. Gardner Knapp, assisted by Mrs. Lewis Griffith, president of the chapter, Mrs. Stearns Cushing and Mrs. John Minto. Sports Dance For Tillicum Tillicum Dancing club mem bers and their guests will dance Friday evening at the Marion hotel at an affair different from the usual monthly formal. The event will be a sports dance, to the music of Guy Al- bins and his orchestra. In charge of the event will be Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bone- steele and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Knox. Breakfast Club Petes Visitors Mrs. Bessie Kayser entertain ed at a dinner Sunday for mem bers of the Credit Woman's Breakfast club, honoring mem bers from Portland, Eugene and Centralia. Mrs. Kayser was as sisted by her daughter, Mrs. Betty Lou Weston and Mrs. Alta Myers. Guests from the Portland club were Mrs. Mabel Bliss, president of the Pacific North west Council; Miss Josephine Danna, president of the Port land club; Miss Esther Mackey, Miss Val Starburd, and Miss Emily Dureg. From Eugene were Mrs. Elizabeth Elkins, pre sident; Mrs. Helen Norris, Mrs. Mary Johnson, Miss Florence Goodwin, Mrs. Fanny Marlatte, Miss Sara Hoffer, and Miss Lois Hansen, Mrs. Stella F. Moll was a guest from Centralia, Washington. ,,,,,, ,,,Miii i ii i.,. 1.1,1m. I m, & i r -CSJr -1 FRANCES FRICKER Miss Frances Fricker, who will demonstrate cookie baking in the automatic oven of the Ma gic Chef gas range Wednesday and Thursday from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M., joined the Portland Gas & Coke Company's home ser vice department in July of 1946 after graduating from the Ore gon State College school of home economics. UBU I ra W " GAS RANGES GAS REFRIGERATORS GAS WATER HEATERS Miss Parrish to Wed May 6 An event of May 6th at St. Joseph's Catholic church will be the marriage of Miss Rufina Parrish, of Salem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrish of Ebansburg, Pa., and Edmund Silvernagel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Silvernagel of Stayton. The rites will take place at 9 o'clock in the morning. Miss Parrish is on the staff of Salem Deaconess hospital. Miss Lindstrom Shower Feted Miss Muriel Lindstrom, who has announced the date of her wedding to Donald Eshleman as May 10, will be feted Tuesday evening at a shower for which Mrs. John Gardner and Mrs. Craig Coyner will be hostesses at the Batty Cooper home. Bridge will be in play with des sert supper following. A late supper will fete the bride-to-be. Guests will be Miss Lind strom, Mrs. T. A, Lindstrom, Jr., Mrs. Robert Lindstrom, Mrs. Gordon Krueger, Mrs. Marion Krebs, Mrs. Milton Miller, Mrs. Gordon Keith, Mrs. Clifford Stewart, Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Mrs. Jay Morrell, Mrs. Bruce Van Wyngarden, Mrs. Victor Collins, Jr., Mrs. Warren James, Mrs. Arthur Wilson, Mrs. Dean Trumbo, Miss Eleanor Bailey and the hostesses. Garden Pary At McClure Home Butteville Mrs. J. W. Mc Clure entertained at a break fast garden party at her large country home near Donald. The guests included a group of Don ald and Butteville ladies. Mrs. Claude Kells, member and past officer of the Salem Heights Garden club, was guest speaker, stressing chiefly the organizing of a garden club. Mrs. J. W. Feller invited the ladies to her home in Donald April 17 when a local club was organized and officers were elected. Attending the affair were Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. Sid Hendricks, Mrs. Vernon Miller, Mrs. A. M. Zahara, Mrs. D. Weathers, Mrs. Julius Sather, Mrs. Claude Kells, Mrs. C. V. Christopherson, Mrs. Paul Sing er, Mrs. W. O. Llndquist, Mrs. E. M. Zahara, Mrs. J. W. Feller, Mrs. Lyle Yergen, Mrs. Ralph Bear, Mrs. L. Peterson, Mrs. J. FREE COOKING DEMONSTRATION IN OUR STORE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 10:00 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. FREE COOKIES ALL DAY DURING THE DEMONSTRATION MAIN FLOOR - JUST INSIDE THE FRONT DOOR - COME AND GO . AS YOU WISH A. Bush, Mrs. Norman Yergen, Mrs. Dell Feller, Mrs. Ben Ep pers. and the hostess, Mrs. J. W. McClure. Woodburn Engagement an nounced at Oregon State col " """ ? a3 1 1 1 i &'mjrt 5 J'1 NOW! GfcLJ MAKE YOUR OLD KITCHEN MODERN KEEP YOUR MODERN KITCHEN NEW! COLOTYLE In the streamlined patterns and pleasing pas tel shades is now available, and we have the men to install it. Phone 9221 for an estimate to re-do your old kitchen or bath. Once done, always done. It's more permanent than a china plate and just as easy to clean. ! 340 COURT STREET SALEM j lege where they are students Is that nf Miss Arden Shepard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, C. Shepard of Salem to Calvin E. Welch, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Welch of Hubbard. The wedding is planned for August. 1 'ijFm 340 Court Street Phone 9221 Mm Journal Want Ads Pay