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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1947)
East Salem Club Members 1 Kept Busy With Meetings East Salem, April 22 This past week was a busy one for the members of East Salem women's clubs. Mrs. Ervin C. Sunderlin was elected president of the Auburn Woman's club at their regular meeting. Mrs. Ray Fowler will ' serve as vice president and Har- A old Snook was re-elected as sec retary-treasurer. Mrs. Warren Shrake is the retiring president. Members of this club have spon sored the teaching of the reli gious education classes in the school this year and they will finish paying for these classes for the rest of this term. Delegates appointed to attend the county conference of the Fe deration of Women's clubs held at Jefferson were Mrs. Stewart Johns, Mrs, Ben Hawkins, Mrs. Arlo McLain, Mrs. J. Gordy and Mrs. Merle Van Cleave. The Rickey Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Albert Brant on Beck avenue at Four Corners on Wednesday night. Mrs. Henry Benz was assistant hostess. The program was ar ranged by Mrs. Waldo Miller. Safety pictures were shown by Sidney King from the office of the secretary of state and Mrs. Floyd Boyington who spent the winter in Florida, was welcom ed home. Guests were Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Green and Mrs. ! Biggs, who with her husband is a house guest of the Comings. Mrs. Oliver Rickman, the presi dent, appointed the following as a committee to make flower ar rangements for a display at the Men's Garden clulb meeting in! Salem this week, Mrs L. J. Ste wart, Mrs. E. E. Walker and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay. After some discussion it was voted to inves tigate the possibility of sponsor ing a tour Corners baseball team in the B league, with the team entering in the city play. Lunch was served for the social hour. Mrs. Clayton Gibb was host ess to members of the Merry-Go-Round club on Thursday at her home on Hollywood Drive It was a social afternoon with the following members present, Mrs. Oscar Forgard, Mrs. H. Curtis, Mrs. V. M. LaDue, Mrs. Cecil Frame, Mrs. Harold Bunn, IVirs. Melvin LaDue, Mrs. Glenn Larkins, Mrs. Paul Barnham Mrs. R. M. Froudfit and Mrs. Gibb. ' The regular meeting of the Garden Road Neighborhood club was held in Salem at the home of Mrs. G. A. Reeher. Mrs. Earl Wood was assistant hostess. Priz es for games played during the social hour were given to Mrs. W. E. Richardson, Mrs. Paul Lynch. Mrs. Jack Pcdersen and Mrs. E. F. Braucht. The poem "The Old Clay House" was read by Mrs. Wood and a letter from Grant Wicklander from South America by his mother, Mrs. Richard T. Wicklander. Special guests were Mrs. William Jud son, Mrs. Jack Pcdersen, Mrs. John C. N. Bradford and Mrs. J. W. Kathcrman. Guests at the Arthur Stowell home on Monroe avenue were Mr. Slowell's brother from Win nipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and for the spring vacation from the state university at Eugene, their . daughter, June. I Also home from the university , at Eugene for the spring vaca- I .,, 1M nnrt WOI1 Willi 11C1 jjcticiiia, mi. auu 5" W Ik, Harry C, France, considered an outstanding authority in the United States on finance, who will discuss "The Money Med ley" before the Salem Knife and Fork club at the Marion Wed nesday evening . As a former of ficial of the U.S. treasury de partment and one of the leading investment counselors in this country, his advice and experi encc have been sought out by men who make the headlines in the world of finance. Keep Cool in Summer Keep Warm in Winter j Insulate With Rock Wool Home much cooler in summer. Very material fuel saving i in winter Fire Proof. Moisture Proof, Vermin Proof. The j fuel saving pays the bill. I CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE j L. H. Clawson & Co. Insulation and Weather Stripping I 175 S. High St. Salem, Ore. Ph. 6088 Healthiest Boy And Girl Chosen Selected out of 84 4-H club members from 27 schools of Ihe county Rona'd Lethin, 140 Ewald street, 14-ycar-old stu dent at Salem Heights school, and Joyce Terrault, route 3, 15- Mrs. Walter Ludins and. grand mother, Mrs. Frank Smith, was Shirley Lukins. Allan Richard son came up from Eugene to spend the past week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Richardson in Garden Road. year-old pupil at Prospect school, were adjudged Marion county's healthiest boy and girl at the annual contest staged Monday under direction of Dr. W. J. Stone, county health of ficer, at the Dairy Cooperative building. Half a scholarship each at the annual 4-H club sum mer school at Corvallis gos to the winners and they also will lead the parade here Friday as color guards in connection with the 4-H club spring show. Assisting Dr. Stone in the ex amination of the boys and girls were Mrs. Bernice Yeary, coun ty public health nurse supervi sor, and Merwyn Darby and Mary Stebbens. James Bishop, county 4-H club leader, was in charge of the lontcst assisted by Mrs. Constance Hampton, as sistant 4-H club agent. Runners-lip to the winner Included the followlnc: For the KlrU Mary Louise Hatch. 13. route 7. Turner, cloverdale achool; Edith NiRhtingale, 13, Staylon school: Darlene Hunhea, 13. Woodburn. Union achool; Reba Smallwood. 11, route 8. Kelzer achool. and Donna Dean Wat ford. II. Sllverton Junior high achool. Boy runnera-up were William Trask. ,4. Stayton school; Edwin Wallter. 13. 300 Mahrt avenue, Rickey school; Lee Rich ard, 13, route 3. Sllverton. Central Howell achool; John Wilbur, 11, 140 Salem Heights avenue, Snlem Heights school, and Mllai-d llenny, 11, route 1, Brooks, Pioneer achool. ly,: YAKDLEY SOLD AT DRUG, GROCERY, HARDWARE, I PAIN I, VARIETY, FEED-SEED AND DEPARTMENT STORES m S00 SIX VIBRANT AND FLATTERING SHADES SMOOTH AND LASTING. MATCHING ROUGE YAR&LIV PRODUCTS FOR AMERICA AS! CREATED IN ENGLAND AVTJ FINISHED IN Till U.S.A. FROM THE ORIGINAL ENGLISH FORMULAE, COMBINING IIIPORTEO AND COMLSrlC INGRtNENli WILLETT'S CAPITAL DRUG STORE. 405 State Street Phone 3118 mt AT SALEM HARDWARE Stainless Steel Ware, All 25 Off TEAKETTLES ... in th ree sizes MIXING BOWLS . . . SAUCE PANS SAUCE POTS . . . DUTCH-OVENS ATTENTION HUNTERS- We have at the present time the most complete supply of ammunition available for some time. We suggest you lay' in a supply now for your fall hunting needs. No limit. Salem Hardware Co. 120 North Commercial Weed-no-More Stop digging! Weed-No-More kills dandelions and other ugly broad-leaf weeds. Simply spray Veed-No-More on your lawn. Absolutely safe. Will not harm most lawn grasses. Use every couple of months. TrtiU r- V-.-; V VWf JSflfiztUwa -;V VvX el. UN Ceortonry quart stz Mew simplified sprayer 59 tick product of Sherwin-Williams Research The Britons used coal before the Roman invasion. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, April 22, 1947 5 Downtown Portland Property Leased Portland. Ap-ll 22 iP' Lease j of a 100 by 100 corner property! in downtwon Portland for aj minimum of $3,000,000 the first1 40 years was reported today by j the P. & D. Investment com- i pany. Tlie company said it would, i erect a multiple-story building at the site, the northeast corner of S.W. Washington street and Sixth avenue, to replace a iwo ! story building. Owner is the I Vial estate, a pioneer Portland lamiiv. MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts ore only SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem 33c t r i 1 tfekja CHAPMAN did icwfthirtE many years ago when (hey per fee ted the preservation of natu lal vitamin freahness of foods in Hontt Freezers) Handled t of long-time users will testify at to the Efficiency. .. Reliability . and Convenience of this Pioneer Home Freeier And now. with CHAPMAN'S most modern mean of production you get un&iirpatird value FOR SALE IN SALEM AT R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 Court St. EASY TERMS Broken windshields, and all other auto glass is re placed here with the skill of the trained mechanic. No rattles, leaks or other defects the work is done properly with the best glass and materials. Imme diate Service. W, " vv-v -.r ' ' ii, - i , , to 1,tr ,u for w v Uflif os fl ( ft 77- ifkWiLM pay since mov r If. Mrs. Kresal uses these appli- Lch 1 ancet in her All Electric Home I &v T L, In her former home they would cost Mrs. Kresal $10.67 a month In PGE area they cost her only $5.79 o monlfi I l...:.L A Everywhere PGE Lines Go, It's Economical to Live Electrically More than half of Oregon's people live in the Lower Willamette Valley region served by PGE. And every home in town or out can easily afford to go "all-electric" because PGE delivers electricity at the lowest region-wide rate in the nation. Among the 150,000 homes and farms served by PGE, average use of electricity is 2 times the national average, average cost per kilowatt-hour less than half the national average. The farmer enjoys the same low electric rate as the city dweller. PGE offers to each an equal opportunity for time-saving, economical and comfortable electrical living. Plan now to go "all-electric." If you cook and heat water elec trically, you can save money by applying for PGE's "All-Electric Home" rate. No other distributor delivers electricity so low in cost, to so many homes and farms, over so wide an area. ELECTRIC COMPANY Bonneville Power Distributor Phone 4906