Court Marion Has Reception Mt. Angel An informal re ception was held Saturday eve ning at the St. Mary's clubrooms in compliment to the charter members of Court Marion, Cath olic Daughters of America, which this year is celebrating! the 25th year of organization of i the 59 signing the charter.) Twenty-eight are still active in the court. These include Mrs. Caroline Aman, Mrs. 'Rove Appleby, Mrs. Josephine Barr, Mrs. Cunnle Bauman. Miss Irene Butsch. Mrs. Rose Hasslng B h, Mrs. Mary Enale hart Butsch, Mrs. Anna Diehl, Mrs. Emma Inner, Mrs. Emma Young Ertelt. Miss Anne Erwert, Mrs. Mary Eberlc Hauth. Mrs. Henrietta Bernlrm Kaiser, Miss Hel en Kor-er, Mrs. Rose Koessler, Mrs, Emma Lasses, Mrs. Theresa May, Mrs. Tillle Mickel, Mrs. Josephine Oswald, Mrs. Rose Rolhenfluck, Mrs. Elizabeth Saalfeld, Mrs. Margaret Schwab Scharbach, Mrs. Ce celia Slconetznl, Mrs. Ma ma ret Smith, Miss Marie Travis, Miss Elizabeth Unser, Mrs. Louise Welton and Mrs. Bernadlne ' Zollner. Seated at the coffee urns were Mrs. K. Welton and Miss Elizabeth Unger. Cut "ting calces were Miss Helen Keber and Mrs. K. Plennett. Serving And assisting 'about the rooms were Miss Pauline Saal Jft)d, Mrs. Al Wilde. Miss Eustelle Bau man, Mrs. B. Schledlcr, Mrs, 5. C. Schmltt, Miss Henrietta Saalfeld and Mrs. 'Mary LeDoux. Miss Eustelle Bauman and 'Miss Pauline Saalfeld Rave vocal numbers accompanied at the piano by Miss Helen Keber. - Present were Mrs. Wllma Lewis, na tional O, D. of A. representative, Mrs. K. Walters, both of Los Angeles; Mrs. IVNellle Franzwa of Eugene, mother of the IsC. D. of A. in the west; Mrs. Rose Bell, fcatate regent of St ay ton; Mrs. Helen Van Tfoomtssen, state vice regent of Portland, I Mrs. Maud Rocque, state secretary of rJSalem; Miss Anne Erwert, state treasurer of Mt. Angel; Mrs. Agnes Mclqulst, state monitor of Pendleton: Mrs. Selby Shun terman. State Convert leacue chairman of Portland: Mrs. Dorothy Wohlheter and Mrs. Margaret Scharbach of Woodburn. Mrs. Otto Smith, Mrs. Ellen Ely and four others from Klamath Falls, Mrs. Peter Lesmeister of Brookings, Oregon: Mrs. M. Mark and Mrs. M. Conlon of Pendleton, Miss Helen Welsh and Miss Elizabeth Keber of Portland, Rev. Father Dam lan Jentgea, Rev. Father Hildebrand Mclchior and a large membership irom Mt. AngeJ. Diana of Molalla, are the own-J ers of a yearling fawn which was taken to Portland during the past week by Dick Schutte, publicist for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio. The young grace ful animal contributed to pub licity about opening of "The Yearling," motion picture now playing at J. J. Parker's United Artists theater. Fawn Enters Movies Aurora Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Looney and young daughter, Centennial Pageant Script Is Completed Lebanon Script for the cen tennial pageant, "Lebanon's One Hundred Years," lias been completed by Kce Buchanan Groves, who will also direct. Special emphasis will be placed on the founding days and the first 50 years of Lebanon's his tory, Mrs. Groves indicated. The Business and Professional Women's club sponsors the cen tennial pageant now planned for showing at the high school sta dium on the evenings of June 5 and 7. Amity Lodge Holds Advance Event Amity Myrtle Circle No. 68, Neighbors of Woodcraft, observed Advance night, with all new officers in their places except one. Reports of the year's work were given, and two candidates, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood were initiated into the order. New officers are Elona Wood, past Guardian Neighbor, Fay Morrison. Guardian MeignDor. Ralph Wood, adviser; Mary Smeltzer, magician; Bernicc Smeltzer, attendant; Orpha Glendon, flag bearer: Pete Mek kcrs, captain of the guards; Irene Panck, inner sentinel; Arthur Glandon, outer sentinel; managers, John Mahood, Rose Wood and Cordia Morrison. Installation of officers will be held April 28 at I. O. O. F. hall. Mrs. Rose Wood, installing officer. The meeting will bo public. AUTOMOBILE TRUCK FIRE Standard Form Policies AT LOW COST Compare Our Rates Before You Buy V. J. "Bill" Osko 466 Court St., Salem Phone 5661 ZN INSURANCE X Prompt, Persona Claims Service Mill City Retail Lumber Co. LUMBER - SHINGLES Phone Mill City 344 IF RUPTURED TRY THIS OUT Modern Protection Provides Great Comfort and Holding Security WITHOUT TORTUROUS TRUSS WEARING An "eye-opening'' revelation in sensible and comfortable reduc ible rupture protection may be yours for the asking, without or obligation. Simply tear this out and mail with your name and address to William S. Rice, Inc.. Dept. 900-C. Adams. N. Y.. and full details of the new and different Rice Method will be sent you Free. Without hard flesh-gouging pads or tormenting pressure, here's a support that has brought ioy and comfort to thousands by releasing them from Trusses with springs and straps, that bind and cut. Designed to securely hold a rupture up and in where it belongs and yet give freedom of body and genuine comfort. For FREE TREATISE and full information write today! NAME ADDRESS (Moan Shell BRINGS TOGETHER THE BEST OF NEW-FOUND COMPONENTS A development of Shell Research, it provides engine protection beyond the demands of average driving NEW-FORMULA Golden Shell Motor Oil achieves a goal long-sought by lubrication engineers. For now, Shell 'Research takes the latest and most important of many steps forward: It brings together the best of new-found components... co mbincs them in a unique new formula for motor oil. In one of the most extreme tests ever made, this New-Formula Golden Shell Motor Oil ranked at the top in every oil quality. With all the important com pounds needed to clean your engine . . . to keep it clean . . . and to provide a pro tective oil film of lasting, staying strength, New-Formula Golden Shell is proved to provide engine protection far in excess of the demands of average driving. A premium quality oil at a non-premium price Yes, in every sense, this is a premium quality oil. Yet it sells at a non-premium price. Your nearest Shell Station has New-Formula Golden Shell Motor Oil now at just 30 cents a quart! SBLL on Home Econ Members Discuss Furniture Silverton Mrs. E. A. Kallis, secretary-treasurer, is announc ing a meeting of the home econ omics unit Thursday afternoon beginning at 1:30 o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Miss Eleanor Trindle, Marion county home economic demon stration agent, will direct the program talk on "Furniture Ar rangement. ' Mrs. Joe E. Stoy is unit president. Sncll Appoints Judge Governor Earl Snell today appointed Homer I. Watts, Ath ena, as circuit judge for the 6th judicial district (Morrow and Umatilla counties) to succeed Circuit Judge C. L. Sweek, who resigned effective May 1 be cause of illness. Union Hill Elects Extension Officers Union Hill The Union Hill Home Extension unit met at the J. J. Doerfler home with Mrs. J. O. Darby and Mrs. J. J. Doerfler hostesses. As project leaders they presented "Care of the Feet." Mrs. W. M. Tate, chair man, presided at the business meeting. Officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows, presi dent, Mrs. J. C. Krenz; vice president, Mrs. John Erickscn; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. J. O. Darby. The group will meet next on May 20 at the home of Mrs. W. M. Tate. Miss Eleanor Trindle will present "Furniture Arrangement," and Mrs. Floyd Fox will install officers. PriMriH w-re Mrs. W. M. Tnte, Mrs. J. O. Darby. Mrs. Henry Tate. Mrs. Jessie Cnrter. Mrs. W. F. Krriu. Mrs. II. E. Hubbard. Mrs. J. C. Krrnz, Mrs. Orlo Humwlirey.'s, Mrs. Floyd Fox. Mrs. A. T. Savaae. Mrs. M. M. Glymour, Mrs. Jolin Dorrller. Mrs. Marlon Miller, Mrs. Ward Terry, Mrs. Jolm Ertcksrn. Mrs. Bvron McElh ney. Mis Elizabeth Krenz and Mrs. Doerfler. Tea was served by Mrs. W. M. Tale and Mrs. Henry Tate. Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Tjcsday, April 22, 1947- bers at her home in an after noon program socially with C. D. Davis, Mrs. Bill Davis, Mrs. Alice Egan, Mrs. Jessi Egan, Mrs. Orlo Thompson, Mrs. Maggie Terry, Mrs. Carl Rutherford. Mrs. C. Weatherill and Mrs. Oscar Bentson. lunch served. Present were Mrs. Steve En- loe. Sr., Mrs. Gus Herr, Mrs. Gertrude Moon, Mrs. C. Van Geiscn. Mrs. Bertha Mnrlev. Mrs. Otto Dahl. Mrs. Will Run.! Eola Mrs. P. W. Noftsker. Mrs. George luson J,,ave bc,cn at , ...V i home of Ferguson's mother, Bowman. Mrs. George Kirk, Mrs- Nelie Fcrgl,son, have ieft Mrs. Josephine Ilartman. Mrs. 'for their home at Ocean Lake. -Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fer- Mrs. Bentson Hostess j Royal Neighbor Club i Silverton Mrs. Oscar Bcnt-t son entertained for a group ofj the Royal Neighbor club mem- if PAINT NOW! 50 Expert PAINTERS ON OUR STAFF For Quality Work, Phone Us II 340 Court Street Phone 9221 WAR SURPLU NAVY OXFORDS Black dress . Another C J shipment of popular sizes received .... J n I 3 COVERALLS Army fatigue, r Cf reclaimed ZJv PARACHUTE SEAT CUSHIONS 1 OC Handy for the ball game I SUBMARINE SANDALS a qp Top grade leather Z, 7 J SEABEE CAPS j p- Baseball type 0?C OFFICERS' WALL TENT ap ff 9 ft. by 9 ft A J UU Salem Surplus Store Phone 5697 976 South Commercial Veteran Owned and Operated BE THRIFTY AND SAVE HAVE Your Shoes Repaired AT DEPAKTMENT STORE GUARANTEED SERVICE! 9 Leather or Composition Half Soles Heel Lifts, Toe Tips WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE Are your shoes run down at the heels? Do they need soles or other repairing? Dcjn't worry just bring them to MILLER'S. Out-of-Town Orders Promptly Filled JP CWA Fill . jf , You're practically that, of course, the minute you take over any new 1947 Buick. Never before has any automobile so completely won the country by its beauty so clearly defined the shape of cars to come. But really to take the stage and hold it to cut a dashing figure in the smartest of smart company Mister, just picture yourself in this bold beauty here. It is without question the most wanted ver sion of America's most wanted car. It's wanted for the freedom that's yours when its handy control swings back the top and the sky becomes your roof and the biids your travel males. It's wanted for the lift and surge of its satiny straight- eight Fireball power plant, master of every grade and hill, monarch of the farthest horizon. It's wanted for bigness, and the deep com fort of low-set, cushiony scats wanted for the floating case of soft all-coil springing, and the sure-footed stride of a car that's hig enough and brawny enough for its job. It's wanted for styling that already has set the pattern for years to come it's wanted for fun, for adventure, and for year-round, all-round full family use. The demand for it? Great, of course. The supply? Mounting as fast as Buick's beaver-busy production stall can free up the supply of (he line materials that go into it. So with patience, one can be yours. With patience, that is and the foresight to get your order in now. ONLY BUICK HAS ALL THEIK MM Oil ftNDCRS HRCBAU POWER ACCURITt CYLINDER BORINO SILENT ZONE BODY MOUNrNOI FliTEWflGHT PISTONS BUfCOil SPRINGING rUU-ltNQTH TORQUE-rUBf DRIVI PIRMI-fIRM STEERING BROADRIfA WHttlS STIPON PARKING BRAKI DEEPHEX SEAT CUSHIONS CURL-AROUND BUMPERS NINE SMART MODELS BODY BY FISHER Turn in HENRY 1. MtOS, Mutval Nelwoik, Mondayt and Friday! A FINOER TOUCH and I hi door w'mdnw runt up or down automatically. Othtr handy tontrolt raitl cr hwtr tht top and adjutt tht front ttat. Otto J. Wilson Company 388 N. Commercial St. Phone 9961 Salem, Oregon Ntv-Formulo GOtDEN SHELL ii olio ovoiloblo in non-r.lillobU com. Bui Iht prit it iuil-30C A QUART plut tax