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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1947)
2 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, April 22, 1947 Musical Fefe Park Feature ' Woodburn The Seltlemeier park board has announced pre liminary plans for a Fourth of July celebration at the park this glimmer. Feature of the event will be a musical fete with local civic and church organizations being asked to furnish religious and secular vocal and Instru mental numbers. Games of various kinds, including horse shoe pitching and Softball will be played. Musical numbers will be given in the natural amphithea ter on the south side of the grove. Kenneth Thompson will be in charge of the music and direct the local band. Perry Williams will direct games and sports and Joe Nathman will be in charge of the horseshoe pitch ing. Work will begin soon on rest rooms at the park and a backstop is to be constructed for games. Albany Entertains High School Talent Albany R. E. McCormack, city school superintendent an nounced this week at the April meeting of the Albany high school Parent-Teacher associa tion meeting that Albany will become a musical center April 25 and 2fi when the regional music festival is held here. The festival will be far more extensive than was at first planned, said Superintendent McCormack. for its scope has been extended far beyond the original district limits of Linn and Benton counties and It is possible that 2,000 high school students will be here for the occasion. The sessions will be held in the Albany high school auditorium. Silverton Mrs. Lewis Hall of West Main street entertained the members of the Silverton Hills Sewing club Thursday, all day. with the guests doing mending for the lo cal hospital. A no-hostess lunch was served at noon. The K. O. Rues have as their guests the Rev. and Mrs. George Ncrison and son, Russell, of North Dakota, en route home from a few weeks spent in Cali fornia. Rev. Nerison is a brother of Mrs. Rue. Catherine and Peter Briedwell of Portland are with their grand parents, the Glenn Briedwells, Sr., for a fortnight, while their mother, Mrs. Glenn Briedwell, Jr., and very young baby broth er, David Glenn, weight seven pounds and four ounces, are in a Portland hospital. The Leslie McCalls have writ ten their local relatives that they met rather cold weather condi tions in a few inches of fresh snow when they reached their farm home at Half-Way during the past week after being in Silverton for several months. The Jack Burtons and Donna Lynnctte are at their Portland home for two days after a visit here with Mrs. Burton's parents, the A. M. Haugens, and plan to complete properly plans and leave for Burton's new work at Nyssa later this week. Living Nationalism Discussed by Dillin Silverton Dr. Harry L. Dil lin, president of Linfield col lege, McMinnville, spoke to the Silverton Rotary club at the luncheon program at Toney's on the topic: A Living Nation alism." The commit!' e in charge has decided to postpone the award ing of the heifer calf from the spring to the fall program meet ing. Pratum Community Club Ends Season Pratum The Pratum Com munity held its last meeting of the season Friday night. During the business meeting it was de cided the club will help pay for Venetian blinds for the school. Officers for next year were elected as follows: President, Donald Meyer; vice president, Elmer Hansen; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Adam Hersck. Loder brothers showed pic tures of Oregon scenes'. Music was furnished by Dick John son's Orchestra and Hubert As pinwall sang several numbers. After the program refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur de Vries and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gerig. Lincoln Lincoln Allan and Judy Mcissncr entertained small friends at an outdoor party re cently at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Meissner at Lincoln. The guests included Sharon and Gary Wal ling, Linda Lee Dye, Marvin and Norma Miller and Peggy and Jean Crawford. Additional guests were Mrs. Clifford Wal ling, Mrs. Frank Dye and Mrs. Avail Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Merrick of Portland, former residents here were house guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Merrick at Zena for several days. Jeff Williams, carpenter of Lincoln is at home recovering from penumonia. Geraldinc Edwards. R. N. and Howard Brog of Portland were visitors at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Yenckel here. Miss Edwards was overseas a year, then re turned to New Jersey to nurse, later was employed at the Vet erans' hospital at Pasadena and at present is employed at Em manuel hospital in Portland. Miss Edwards and Howard Brog are to be married in June. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Halterbcrg and Jerry and Robert of Silver- ton and Mrs. Paul Gcmmel were visitors last week at the H. W. Ashford home. Mrs. Lillian Oberer of Port land was a guest at the home of her old friend. Mrs. Eva Pur vine of Lincoln. Mrs. Lois Crawford had as her guests recently Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Haldeman and Kay and Lois, Robert and Wilma Craw ford. Last Day "Till the Clouds Roll By" In Technicolor! Also "Itlmide Alibi" Tomorrow Thrills ond hMU! nowi BE THERE WHEN IT HAPPENS! Friday! 'THE DARK MIKROlt" Music Program At Evans Valley Evans Valley Outstanding in artistic excellency was the musi cal program presented at the Evans Valley Community club session in the school auditorium in the appearance of students from the musical department of Willamette university. Miss Joan Johnston, concert pianist, gave several selections responding generously to en cores. Miss Johnston is trans ferred from a British Columbia university department of music for advanced work at Willam ette. She is not new to the Sil verton community as she was a special guest of the local Busi ness and Professional Woman's club, recently. An ensemble of three violins and piano were equally well re ceived in the appearance of Miss Katherine Schissler at the piano and violinists, Betty Kuhlman, Geraldine Schmoker and Wal lace Bjorke, giving a- brief con cert. Supplemental comedy stunts were a reading by Mrs. Minnie Rue of recorded jokes of her own experience, and a 15-min- utc fun playlet by members of the Delbert Reeves unit No. 7, American Legion auxiliary, di rected by Mrs. C. J. Towe, with character roles assumed by Mrs. S. A. Pitney, Mrs. John Demas, Mrs. Bea Wilson, Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs. Arthur Gottenbcrg, Mrs. F. M. Powell and Mrs. T. P. Heidenstrom. Master of ceremonies was Al bert Funrue, who with Mrs. Funrue, the Carl Andersons and the W. VanCleaves arranged the complete program. Don Miller, president of the club, was in charge of the business hour, as sisted by Miss Kathryn Loe, secretary. Serving refreshments for more than 100 guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sterno Vaughn. At the May meeting the pro ram committee includes the W. H. Metchkes. and the J. LeRuds. On the refreshment committee for May will be the A. E. Reids, the Albert Funrues and the Leonard Hudsons. Lauderback Visitors Pleased With Oregon Bethel Mr. and Mrs. Neil Flanigan of Stevensville, Mont., have been visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. James Lauderback, Jr. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lauderback. They were much interested in Oregon and in visiting Camp Adair where their son trained with the Tim- berwolf division in 1943. They visited O. S. C. where their son-in-law was graduated, and sev eral industrial plants in Salem area, and enjoyed a trip along the Oregon coast. Mr. and Mrs. James Lauder back, Jr., and Mrs. Lauderback drove them to Portland where they left for their home in Mon tana by plane. While in Port land the Lauderbacks called in their aunt, Mrs. Nellie Bran dow, and report her to be much improved since her serious at tack of cardiac asthma. Sublimity Exceeds Red Cross Quota Sublimity The Sublimity area has exceeded its quota in the Red Cross Fund Drive, ac cording to Mrs. E. A. Ditter, chairman for that district. Following is the amount re ceived and the solicitors for the various districts: Sublimity, $212.55: Jos. Guspacher, Leon ard Hendricks, Gilbert Bindel, Raymond Rauscher, Mrs. Fran ces Kintz, Mss Philomena Schrewe, Mrs. John JHeuoerger, Mrs. Fred Hottinger, Mrs. Cyril Zuber and Mrs. E. A. Ditter. McAlpin, $60 Mrs. Theo dore Fisher and Mrs. J. C. Krenz. Silver Falls, $52 Mrs. Frank Duerst. Independence, $40.32 Mrs. John Basl. Oak Grove, $19 Mrs. W. M. Tate. Triumph, $8.00 . Herman Gescher. Eola Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams are moving to the coast to make their home temporar- ly. Adams is employed by the Willamette Amusement Co. Lodge Honors Couple Leaving for Europe Aurora Over 200 persons at tended the surprise bon voyage reception in the Pythian temple rooms honoring Dr. and Mrs de Lespinasse of Hubbard, who early in May are leaving for Europe the Netherlands in par ticular, England, France and Germany. The affair was planned by Arion temple of Hubbard and Una temple of Aurora. Guests were present from Hubbard, Sa lem, Oregon City and Portland. Committees In charge of arrangements were Mrs. rred Schneider, Mil. William Pentel. MM. Frank Thlel. Mr. Lawrence Sertoli. Mrs. A. J. Smith, Joe Grolf. Wil liam Pry and Fred Schneider. A program wan presented as follows: Flag presentation by Grand Master cf Arms Hubert Thompson of Oregon City, escorted by Edward Miller and Don Covey: group singing, Woodburn boys: trumpet solo. Marvin Kell. accompanied by Law rence ooodlng; solo, Walter Fry. Mrs. William Lowrle. accompanist: banjo solo, Alvln Kell: Pythian band: Robert Hurst, "Advice to the Honored Couple Dn This Trip": Walter Oleason. grand keeper of records and seals, comments honoring Dr. and Mrs. De Lespinasse: Arlon temple staff, fancy drill, cults from Arlon and Una temples were presented to the cbuple by Pearl Klnzer, supreme Junior, of Salem. neiicaiiiiiciiu loiiowea. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Wrich of near Los Angeles, Calif., who purchased the John Jungwirth farm in Fox some time ago, have moved their household goods here. Mrs. Albert Julian has left for Missouri, where she was called by the serious illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry who have been living at Yachats have moved to Lyons. They have their trailer house located on the Albert Carr place. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garrison Mrs. Naegeli Injured Silverton Mrs. Herman Nae geli sustained nainful imnrips to her left hand Monday fore noon wnen in some way it was caught in the electric wringer, badly laceratinn the flpsh and bruising the hand to the wrist. Mrs. Naegeli was treated at the office of a physician. ANNOUNCING NEW Spring and Summer Policy Cocktail Hour New Prices - New Drinks SHATTUC'S ' CHATEAU Starting Tuesday Open at Noon Opens 6:45 r.M. Kntls Today! (Tue.) -'rank Morgan "Courage of Lassie" Preston Poster "Inside Job" Tomorrow! Ossa Massen Robert Stanton "(lent Misbehaves" - - Phil Terrv "Dork Horse" lUI;ld:)i.V, Opens 6:45 P.M. Ends Today! (Tue.) Jack llalcve "People Are Funny" Buster Crabhe . "His Brother's Ghost" Tomorrow! Johnny Wcistnullcr Virginia (irey "Swampfire" Johnny Mack Brown "Raiders of the South" ENDS TODAY! (TUE.) JANE F RAZEE "CALENDAR GIRL" Co-Hit! June Long "LIGHTHOUSE" Phone 3467 Matinee Daily From 1 P.M. STARTS TOMORROW! COT-HIT! THEIR EVERY KISS WAS A SCANDAL! BORN OF DANGER! 11 witi Jcm MASON Margaret L0CKW00D Plui! Latest Fox World Newt! Lyons and little daughter have moved to Plush, where he has em ployment. Mrs. Jack Johnston and grand son Leland Humphries went to Medford where they will attend the wedding of Miss Phyliss Thomas, niece of Mrs. Johnston Mrs. Daisy Johnston, Mrs Clyde Bressler and Elmer Hiatt visited at the Joe Weitman home in Aumsville Monday af ternoon. Weitman who is con valescing from a major opera tion is in a fair condition. Honor Certificates Presented Rebekahs Mill City Certificates of honor from the I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge of Oregon were presented ceremoniously this week during the meeting of Santiam Rebekah Lodge to the following: Nova Donnel, of the WAVES; Delso Hoeye and Robert Mundt. of the U. S. Army; David Epps of the U. S. Air Corps; Wilbur Mienert and Jack Lake, of the U. S. Navy. Color bearer was Wilbur Mie nert and making the presenta tion of the awards was Albert Julian, of the Lyons Lodge. Announcement was made during the meeting that the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs would join Saturday night, April 26 for a party to celebrate the an niversary of Odclfellowshtp. Committee in charge will be Lester Hathaway, Mel Robin son, Gladys Lake, Blanche Sy- verson. and Rachel Olmstead. Livestock Awards For Club Members Albany Winners of live stock improvement awards pro vided by the Albany Lions club were presented this week by N. John Hansen, Linn county 4-H club leader, who explained the objectives and achievements of 4-H club work and who assert ed that Oregon ranks second among states of the nation in 4-H club attainment. Receiving each a $15 award were Norman Coon, Oakville, 12-year-old swine grower, and Don Engdahl, 14, Scio, winner in the sheep division. Each of these topped his division for 1946. Taxi Service Nears Stayton Ben Hauck of Leb anon is starting a new taxi serv ice in Stayton beginning May 1. He is a World War II veteran and until recently operated a taxi in Lebanon, which he sold. SALEM ICE ARENA Starting Tuesday, April -22 Evening Sessions, 8:30 to 10:30 Monday, Party Night Private Instruction by Appointment Phone 6868 Teletype Operator Is Given Promotion ' Woodburn Donald J. Prins- low, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prinslow of Woodburn, has been promoted to corporal at Borin- quen field, Puerto Rico. He is a teletype operator with the AAF's airways and air com munications service. Cpl. Prinslow entered the army air forces in October, 1945. He completed his basic training at Sheppard Field, Texas, and attended the message center school at Scott Field, 111. After graduation he was assigned to the fourth airforce at Portland) Ore., and then to the AACs and has served overseas since Au gust, 1946. Guests in Corvallis Silverton A group of local relatives drove to Corvallis on Sunday as dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rue and daugh ter, Gloria Jean, former resi dents of Silverton. Making the. trip were Mr. and Mrs, S. K. Funrue, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Funrue and Norman, Donald and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Towe and Mrs. Minnie Rue, mother of Lester Rue. ; Mr. and Mrs Walter Rue of Sweet Home were afternoon guests. Fluorescent, Commercial and Industrial Lighting Fixtures For Immediate Delivery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary Location, 255 N. Liberty. Salem, Ore. Phone 9412 MAIL ORDERS NOW! Starts Monday, May 26 Sat. and Sun. Mats., 2:30 Nights at 8:00 Th Snpttjcfi and Mhmwi V OF 1947 Rend mall Or den q I PapIIbiiiI iMKl v EnelOKt) Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope, flrlnr lit and 2nd Dale Preference Sorry, No Phone Orders Make Checka Payable la Portland Arena, Nff tb at Binksfde, First i Rows on ildea, SS.M; First IB Rows Faclnr State, $3.60; Remainder of Sides (7 Rows). S3. 00: Remainder Farina- ait... All Others, Reserved, il.U (All Tax Incladed). Portland Arena N. W. XOto at Marshall He Left His Car Worries at Home During the few minutes it takes to get to his work, he can relax with the morn ing's news in the big comfortable and safe City Line buses without traffic or parking worries to bother him. And the family car is home, available for his wife. Ride the bus it's more convenient, and cheaper too. Ask Your Driver for Our Pocket Size Time Schedule