Silverton Business Houses Being Sold Silverton An exchange of a ilocal business is reported to ma terialize the first of this week in the sale of "Bud and Frank's ' formerly "George's Place" when George Manolis was manager, to Pat Grogan of Silverton and John Werline of Independence. The business is a restaurant with fountain and beverage service. Also advertised for sale is Ca vender's confectionery on ac count of the serious illness ot Fred Cavender, injured in a fall at Salem and under special care at a Salem hospital. Gale's Grocery is also for sale. The business is meat, gro ceries, soft drinks and confec tions. Fo rum: Contributions to this column must be confined to 300 words and signed by writer. To the Editor: Your editorial about teachers break faith in the April 15 issue of your paper does not give a complete picture of the sales tax question. All government functions cost money that has to be secured through some form of taxation Legislatures have the responsi bility of formulating the meth ods of securing those funds through law. These laws can be important and fair, in which case they will be approved and accepted by the mass of people They can be oppressive, impov erishing to the mass of people, for the benefit of a small group that holds economic power over business. This kind of law caus es resentment and where refer endums are used, generally are rejected. Such a law is the sales tax. In the past your paper has analyzed the sales tax as a pyr amidal cost builder of the retail article, causing distress to peo ple of moderate and low in comes. Teachers as a group have been ignored in being com pensated for the effort and ex pense they made to qualify for their work. The small group that holds economic business power saw a chance to force the sales tax upon the small in come mass of people to be partly used in paying suitable compen sation to the teachers. All taxes are paid by the con sumer. Every increase in prices is a tax levied by those who own and control those products. To pay a sales tax, in addition to the increased tax of inflationary profit, makes this form of taxa tion an oppressive double tax. No tax can be impartial where there are conflicting groups striving for special favors through law. Herbert Dennett, West Stayton. To the Editor: In the April 11, 1947, edition of the Capital Journal there was carried an article relating to increasing the personnel of the Oregon state police force. In this article it was indicated that state police officers were subject to state civil service. Slate police officers are spe cifically exempt from provisions of the state civil service act and therefore not subject to any obligations or benefits which would apply under the civil service act to covered em ployes. Because a number of prospective applicants and other interested persons have raised a question with this department regarding the article, we would appreciate very much your pub lishing a correction if you can do so. Robert R. Johnson Acting Director General Yard Work Lawns Built and Renovated Weeds Killed, Shrubs Planted Phone 24774 Experienced Men Reasonable Rates Free Estimate! The hide of a hippopotamus Isl often almost two inches thick. I DR. FORREST I. GODDARD Naturopathic & Chiropractic Physician 1765 N. Capital, Ph. 21484 Open Eves, by Appointment mrnsm msm mmmmm Warren's RADIO SERVICE 2017 Fairgrounds Road in the Heart ot Hollywood Immediate service on your radio. We pick up and deliver. YOUR NEW CROSLEI Is Now Available PHONE 7681 I 0 Journal Want Ads Pay btjvkijao . . . in omr n&U Ucaaw blended with XiUSTBON. Brilliant fut. r drying. Bottlos ioy unnii non-up oaia. Willett's CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State Phone 3118 Electric Water H e a te r s Several Well-Known Makes from Which to Appliance Dept., Lower Floor 340 Court St. Ph. 9221 "From the rA'H" to You Woolen Yardage Goods $2.50 10 $5.85 yd. Pastel Blankets $11.50 and$12.50 Grey .Camp Blankets $5.95 and$6.95 Used Army Blankets As Low as $4.25 Thos. Kay Woolen Company 260 S. 12th Phone 4638 The time is ripe for flavor that's Pre-eminently Mellow . , , The stage is set for smoothness to match your Party Mood . . , The right time, the right place, the right whiskey . . . what a cue.' Enter your best friends and you.) National Distillers Products Corporation, New lork. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 71 Grain Neutral Spirits. r V V 1 1 S . ;$deiitifiiH!Mto your come m-see this superbly-engineered acousficon individual hearing loss , You Get Superbly-Engineered Precision Instrument made by the manufacturer of the nationally-famous, nationally-advertised ACOUSTICON IMPERIAL All-In-One-the world's first and oldest manufacturer of elec trical hearing aids. You Get In Person A Scientifically Ac curate Correction Of Your Individual Hearing Problem exclusive Acomticon Testing-Fitting reveals your individual de- acousticon The World's First and Oldest Manu facturer of Electrical Hearing Aids. ACOUSTICON OF SALEM 905 First National Bank Bid. Phone 6350 Salem ficiency on the spot shows the correction you need and provides it for you! You Get Exclusive Acousticon "Hearing Lenses" an entire aeries of air and bone re ceivers called "Hearing Lenses" because they correct sounds before they enter your ear as optical lenses correct images before they reach your eyes now making possible an accuracy in hearing correction that approaches the accuracy of results in eyesight corrections. All this pfusAwustkon., . ""t PeHrf hearing f service - Capital Journal. Salpm. Oregon. Tuesday, April 22, 1947 It grand OPEN ml 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 23 Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. 236 North High Street . In Senator Hotel Building Salem's Only Exclusive Lighting and Appliance Store Specializing in commercial, industrial and domestic lighting fixtures for the office, shop and home. Our trained lighting engineer will help you solve your lighting problem. You ore invited to see this new, modern store, displaying the latest styles and trends in lighting to beautify your home or office. Featuring only nationally advertised fixtures, lamps and appliances. OPENING SPECIALS! WED. THRU SAT. LAMP SHADES (Rayon) Your Choice $2,95 Junior Floor Lamp Table Lamp Bridge Lamp LAMP SHADES (Placetate) $1.35 Your Choice 19-Inch Shades 14-Inch Shades 12-Inch Shades 10-Inch Shades Boudoir Lamp Shades (Placetate) Your Choice of Several Colors 8-Inch Size . . . 65C Pin-lr-Up Lamps 1 Group, your choice of 8 models, in cluding plastic, brass and colored metal. $2.95 7.X StfiSeam automatic Swbeam 2?pv QjSSl MIXMASTER TOASTER (uF MATCHED I I "EW GRAY jL I STREAMLINE I X-CfKT XTSl ft"CCim S REMOVABLE jVj555 W BUILT-IN R I TRUE-TEMP y Js iSfcl S"1" I 1 MHT lJ. ) rT-J H 1320-WATT I I eotntHiL JlBlMBilli I NEW "HALL I PLUGS IN J I tVENWART DOUBLE-DUTY ANY A-C ) fijjM Sinbeam J V (( 1 I J diinbeam D0UVlE AUT0MATIC NS COfHiMASTIR IRONMASTER X ELECTRIC APPLIANCES MIXERS Sunbeam Hamilton Beach Kitchen Aid Dorme.ver TOASTERS Toastmastcr Sunbeam I General Electric Troctor IRONS Westinghouse Sunbeam General Electric Universal Proctor American Beauty Silex Steam Stcam-o-matic General Electric Traveling Irons Duru-Bilt Traveling Irons IMMEDIATE DELIVERY (While They Last) ROASTERS Wcstinghousc Nesco SHAVERS Sunbeam Shavemasters Schick Remington HEATING PADS Universal Casco Sampson COFFEEMAKERS Sunbeam Coffccmastcrs Universal Percolators Cory Silex CLOCKS Telechron Seth Thomas General Electric Wcstclox PRESSURE COOKERS Universal LIGHTING FIXTURES AND LAMPS Table Lamps Dining Room Fixtures Floor Lamps Pin-lt-Up Lamps Desk Lamps Boudoir Lamps Novelty Lamps Bridge Lamps Torcnicrs Living Room Fixtures Bathroom Fixtures Kitchen Fixtures Bedroom Fixtures Hall Fixtures Porch Fixtures Outdoor Lights HOTPLATES Wcslinghouse Hi-Temp ELECTRIC BLANKETS Universal Northern FANS General Electric Kmcrson Sampson Victron CHIMES Rillenhouse HEATERS LaSalle Thcrmador SUN LAMPS Spcrti, Stand Spcrti, Portable Come in and see the first showing of the Fluorescent Circline Six-Way Floor Lamp. (Engineered Lighting Service Costs You No More) SALEM LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE CO 236 North High Street n Senator Hotel Building ) v