12 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES SPECIALS G.l. OR CIVILIAN. $7250 cash Of $1275 down, bal. like rent. 2 bks., i-iv. oom, ninette. Kitchen, atttc. attached Ga rage. Elect, water system. 62,i x 150 rot. North, restrtctca district, rossrs- tnn thlJl week. NORTH OF SALEM. 3 BR., modern house. A, land, on pavement, close to school and stores. $5850; itdsu aown. JtOltTII. Ranch type home. Large Llv, Room, spacious Dining Room, nice Kitchen, lovely Bedrooms. Double Oa rage. Best location. Large lot. Priced at, II 0.900. 00. wort 11 mucn more. 0 ACE FARM. North of Kelrer. Good black land, an in cultivation, a an. modern home. barn, poultry house, paved highway, close to school. Price 18850.00. R. E. MEREDITH, REALTOR Phone 8841 176 S. Commercial a07' BV OWNER 3 bdrm. home In Kelxer, hwd. firs., fireplace, oil heat. Insulated, nicely landscaped, family orchard, strawberries. Turn East at Kelzer School. 4th house on right Bide, Rt. 8, Box880. a 97 ""BUY OR SELL YOUR PROPERTY AT" THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 4.13 N, High St. Phone 24793 al00 NEW 2 BEDROOM HOME KEIZER DIST. Large living rm., dinette, nit 1 kitchen, utility rm., attached Ka rate. An excellent value. $7500. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 247U3 a97 COMPLETELY FURNISHED INCLUDES bedding it linens it di.shes, lamps; 2 bedrms., living rm., fireplace, large kitchen. Good condition. 2 acres, live creek, double garnKC Price S7000. Located near small thriving city. See Allen Jones or Mrs. Ncedham, Realtors, 341 State St., Rm. 4. a93 FAIRMOUNT HILL BDRM. HOME. Auto-oll heat, fireplace, home In very nice condition. Back yard fenced, large patio. Priced 111,500. Call D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 253.18 805 ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT OWNER LEAVING city offers this 5 rm, Capo Cod home. Completely furnished, Full basemt., auto-sawdust heat, h.w, firs., fireplace, nice yard. Price si 1,500. Call Coburn L. Grahenhor.it. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 a95 N. CAPITOL ST. CREEK FRONTAGE. Don't miss this home, 7 bdrm s. , complete dble. plbK.. auto-oll heat, ige, living quarters, beau tifully decorated, carpeted thru-out downstairs, refrigerator it drapes go, dble. garage. This home can easily bo adapted to apts. Current Income over 1138 per month. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 a95 ENOLEWOOD DISTRICT JS.floo BUYS this new mod. 4 bdrm. home with nook, auto-oll heat. Carpeting thru-out. A real nice family home In a fine location. SI.V7r0 BUYS Hi 1.1 strictly mod. bung, style home, 5 nice rms., h.w, firs, thru out, L. R. is Din. rm. carpeted. Home In excellent cond., nice party rm. in basement, FOR FURTHER INFORM. Call O. H Grabenhorst, Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 22948 aS5 NELSON NEWS HOLLYWOOD DIST. HOME, $4350 WELL LOCATED cottage, nicely land scaped on paved street, close to bus, 1 rcl. size A 1 small bdrm.. L. R.. Kit. is bath, Ideal for couple or single person. IDEAL FAMILY HOME. SOUTH A MIDDLE-AGED plastered home with plenty or comfort, remodeled, newly re decorated large L. R., D. R., den, kit. it bath, 3 bdrms., part bits int.. piped wood furnace, garage, 1 rm. cottage on rear of lot, large garden area, lot 80 x 100. $8500. 8 AC. SUBURBAN DELUXE L. R., D. R., large kit., 2 bdrms.. bath, sun room, hwd. firs., large unfinished attic, dble. parage, elec. water system, few mln. out, price $18,000. IF NEITHER of these meet your require ments tell ua what you want. We prob ably have It listed. NELSON Aj NELSON diet I. Nelson Theo. a. Nelson Specializing Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Blelg., 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622, Eves. 21350 a95 ATTENTION G.I. HERE IS a home you'll like. Brautlful polished pecan floors, tile bath, two lovely bedrooms with spacious closets, utility room with laundry trays and electric water heater. Nicely arranged kitchen with corner sink, automatic oil furnace, roomy garage. All this for $7050. Only 10 down. SALEM REALTY COMPANY Realtors Hg N. High Street Phone 7660 n96 A GOOD BUY VERY WELL located Tour acres, Kelzer district, three bedroom home, large ga rage, barn; nearly all in orchard. This 1 a very desirable property and a location you will enjoy. Price $9250. SALEM REALTY COMPANY Realtors 149 N. High Street Phone 7600 9B R EI MANN REAL ESTATE ENGLEWOOD HOME. Nenrly new, welt built, oak floors, 4 bedrms. Dbl, plumb ing Delightful for (14,250. No. 405. 6 ROOMS. Modern. h Acre South. $3700. Terms. No. 3. BEAUTIFUL MILL Creek location. Un usual 2 bdrm. home. Very modern. Make an offer. No. 204. KEIZER DISTRICT 2 bedrooms, large living room it kitchen. $4800. No. 215. NEW. COMPLETE. Vacant. 2 bdrm. Very modem. East of Garden Rd. $9750. No. 224. NORTH 5TII, A good buy. 3 bdrm. Full basement. Furnace. $6950. No. 240. NEW AND large. 2 bdrm.. hardwood firs. thio.,Bhout. Located En.st. Completely appointed. $8300. No. 242. VERY WELL built and aminned. all elec tric. 2 brdrooms. J8950. No. 248. FAIRMOUNT HIM,. A grand, gracious 2 bdrm. home $15,300. No. 2.S0. VERY MODERN, radiant heat, really dr- llBlitful, 2 bdrm., Rosemont District. 1 1,200. No. 254A. CITY-COHNTKY living. Up to date 2 bdrm., Norih, Acre. $8850. No. 2j5 S.MALI, FARM. 1 A. close in. North. Grand 2 bdrm. house, delightful selling. $10,500. No. 255 A. 20 vits. old. but well modernised. 2 bdrms., full basement, furnace etc $7500. No. 257. $500 DOWN $40 MONTH FOUR NEW unfinished but liveable houses located Just off Park Ave., between Market As D streets. Watrh for Het mann Real EMate for Sale sldtw. No. 247 G.I. Loans Secured F.H.A. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 101 South High Pii. 9203 e95 BY OWNER. N. Summer St. Mod. English style home Excel, cond. throughout. Inc. 2 bdrms., liv. rm. 13x23, fplnce, hwd. floors, mod. bath, full tile floors La kit., tile drains, fmi bsmt.. oil fur nace, elec. water heater. lg, Rnr mcr yd., shrubbery. Price $flno0. Terms to r, ,rntle- Cal1 dlirie clay. 1605 N. Summer. B97. BY OWNER. Well built 2 bdfmTTtucco home, near Hollywood. Basement, fur nace, garage, bus at door. Trice $8650 Phone 7175. ,n7 CHAS. IIUDKIN3 Ai SON REALTORS ?M. FAIRMOUNT .L - J bedroom home in good cond. Part bsmt.. L.H p.R., kitchen, bath, garage. Large lot fruit trees. 10 days' possession IO.A0O: ROOMING HOUSE In fine diJ trle . 6 rooms first floor lor owner 4 b.drooma up rented for $32.50 tier week. New sawdust furnace, large lot On bus line. ON CENTER STREET, Walking distance to state bldgs. Older home completely reflnlshed Into a lovely home. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch on one floor. This home will bear Inspection. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 550 North High at. Phono 34129. - , a93 FOR SALE by Owner 2 bedroom bunga" low home. Picket fenced Play vard floor coverings Included, ample built Ins. Just redecorated, full basement furnace. Ideal location. See at 1191 Third Street. West Salem. Call 8253 or HQ11 for appt. g9fl Bono. 8 Room home N. with 65x"lfl5lot. House wired for range. 3-car tame. Can five Immediate possession. Call O. V, Hume with TAT EFINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High Phona 4iai Evening 35306 adflv Oregon, Monday, April 21, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES G.l. SPECIALS FROM A 100 O.I. FIRM THIS HOME la 5 yrs. old b very nlet. Large L.R.. D.R., full bath. 2 bedrms., nice kitchen, utility rm. Only 16500. Call Colbath. Eve. Ph. 26923. YOU WILL BE proud to own this love ly new modern home. Very large L.R., D.R., bath, kitchen, garage and hdw. firs. Easy terms: $800 dn. Call Col bath. Eve. Ph. 26923. NEW BEDROOMS, bath, living room, dining and kitchen, hdw. floors. Oar age att. $7000. See Dick Fones. NEW 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, aming room, xitcnen. how, rioors. Garage att. $7500. See Dick Fones. Eve. Ph. 9340. 2-3EDROOM plastered home, about 900 sq. ft. floor space. 5 miles from down town Salrm. A acres ground, other out Duuainas. 15500. see Joe. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR Phone 8216. 1140 N. Capitol St. Res. Ph. 7217. a97 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 453 Court St. Phone 1696 HOME BARGAINS MODERN HOME, 1 bedroom, Venetian blinds. Gas floor furnace. Garage with utility rm. 5 HDRM. Bui It-Ins, nook. Venetian blinds, elect, cook, it heating, oil furnace. Playroom in basement, in best of shape. 1 BDRM. 6 yrs. old. newly decorated In it out. hdwd. floors, elec. cooking, oil heat, on bus line, double garage, a fine home. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455Court St. Phone 76B6 a96 THIS WILL STTR ' YOUR SOUL SERENITY of country life within easy reach of Salem, over macadam road, 4 miles from Ladd and Bush bank. The lilt of the thrush, robins brooding their families, the babble of the brook at the rear of this acre breath-taking views of all the principal peaks In the northwest. Tile bath and tile drain boards in kitchen; spring water under pressure, amusement room basement, four bedrooms. Here Is the real thrill. Only $9000. We will show lb anytime. A E. DANIELSON, REALTOR REALTORS 168 No. 12th St. Ph. 34481 afffl- NICE 8 1IORM. home, plast., con, fdn., utility with trays, bath, li acre, nice shrubs, lawn, trees, wired for range, elec. water heater, oil heat. 45950, or $6750 turn., new dec. range, wasner, clrc. radio, living room, suite, occas. chair, dinette set, sewing mach., lamps, drapes, curtains and floor coverings, 4'4 miles North of city limits on North River Road, route 2. box 274D. 96 THREE room house. Double garage, $2000. 143 Abrams Ave. a9fl LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS SUPERIOR VALUFJ OWNER SAYS Sell for $6000. 2 Story 4 bedrm. plastered home. Hsa large liv ing room, dining room ana xitcnen. Double garage. Lot approx. 150x150. In spection invited. ufai:y for OCCUPANCY: New home of 5 rms. and bath. Hardwood floors, oil furnace, laundry rm., garage, lot ap i ox. 60x120. This is the fast disap pearing kind 17950. NORTH SUBURBAN DIST. 5 lovely acres. Modern & rm. home. Elec. water sys tem. Barn, woodshed, family orchard. You will want to see this for $7500. HERE IS VALUE: A soundly built com fort. ble 2 bedrm. home with living rm., C ;lightf ul kitchen and dinette. Hard wood floors and Insulated. Large dou ble garage, chicken house. Vi acre of rich soli. Wei landscaped and young family orchard. Located N.E. on bus litif. $9600. EVERYONE LOVES a spacious ranch type. This one has 2 bedrms., living rm., dining rm., kitchen, plenty of clo sets and bullt-ins, knotty-pine enclosed patio. Auto, oil air cond. overhead heat. Nice corner lot in one of Salem's best neighborhoods. $ 12.600. CALL or SEE James B. Hartman or K. N, Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 544 State St. Ph. 9261 a95 $1600 DOWN VERY NEAT clean 2 bedroom horns with apt. built in garaae, all improvements are In, nice sized garden spot. Let this place pay for Itself. $5600. EXQUISITE. SETTING on the creek. Very lovely 2 B.R. Home, living rm. with fireplace, D.R., Kit., hdwd. floors throiiKliout. plastered, 1 B.R. li sunk en, has French doors to patio over looking creek. Also French doors in din ing rm. Laige lot full of shrubbery and shade trees. Priced to sell at $10,000. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Ph. 4855 2342 8. Commercial Ph. 26596 a94 BURT PICHA, REALTORS $7950. APT. HOUSE INC.' ME JK.V00 per mo. plus owner' apt. 50x74' space In front for business bldg. On through street in shopping dlst. Call Craig. COMPLETELY FURNISHED MMHl a B.R.'i, L.R.. D.R., Kit., Batn, Utll, rm., all on one floor. Furniture Is of the finest and nearly new. A home all set, ready to mova in. Call Craig. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210. Eves. 5053. 337 N. High St. a95 FOR SALE BY OWNER Beautiful mod em 3 room home, full basement, hard wood floors, first quality materials throughout. Can be bought with or wit:. out furniture. House may be seen any day until 6:30 p. m., 1420 Market St. a MOD. 2 bed room. 1 yr. old, 1081 Warner. Phone 5788. a95 OUR BEST BUY $9500.00. Dandy 2 bdrm. English type home. LR, Dn rm. kit, rull fin. base ment, elec. wtr. htr, dble garage, best location. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3791 Eves., 9441 a95 $5800,00. Good 3 bdrm home on nice cor ner Int. Fruit trees and shrubbery. Call ' r. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eves., 25260 a95 $3500.00 down, bal. $45.00 per mo buys these 3 nice houf.es on one lot. Front home completely furnished, rear house partly furnished. 16th and Market St. Dlst. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt. Phone 3793 Eves., 9441 , " a95 BY OWNER cony mod. 2 bdrm. home, north, hwd. floors, runs, elect heat, Venetian blind , furn. new elect, stove, relrlg. washer, sewing machine, newly decorated inside and out. Nice yard, garden, garage, lawnmower and dishes. Bus ' blk. poss. soon, $8930 terms. 665 Norway St. 197 BY OWNER. Who wants a nice three bed room home, only 10 years old? Hdw. floors, fireplace, cove ceilings. $1500 down. $55 per month. Full prtca $6950. 2165 Berry Sfc a97 FOR SALE 4 bedroom house, shade trees, shrubbery, etc. air-conditioned furnace, fireplace, wired for range. Has electric water heater laundry trays, fruit room, fcltehf 1 with lots of built-lns. clothes drying room, double garage, lot 86x182 ft. More lot available, 1 block to city bus, school bus by door, oiled road. Would take good car as down payment. Owner 35 Lansing Ave. a96 O. I. ONLY -00.00. New 3 bdrm. home, LR, kit, r nook, bath. Hwd flra throughout, gas furnace, utility rm, weatheratripped, lmmed. poss. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phona 3191 Eves.. 9441 a95a $5300.00. See this 5 rm home on corner lot. Double garage. Adjoining lot 50 x 100 can be had. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549 Eves., 35091 e93 $13,000.00. 3 bdrm Colonial home. Large liv rm and dining rm, kit, den, hwd firs, fireplace, lg bsmt, oil furnace. Csll OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phona 21549 Ives., 25091 a95 $4350. DRIVE BY 1MB SOUTH HIGH Street. Excellent lo cation, a 6-room home, 1 bedroom down, 2 small bedrooms up. wired for range, elec. water heater, garage. Immediate possession, LEE OHMART A CO., REALTORS 477 Court Bt. Phone 8480 or 4031 It FOR SALE HOUSES NORTHEAST MODERN ATTRACTIVE and modern, fl-room home with unfinished u Data Irs. excellent auto. oil furnace fireplace. Insulated and weather stripped throughout, v. Dim as, I 1 te closets. Plenty of cupboard space. handy kitchen, utility room, 53100 lot, nicely landscaped, immediate possession terms $10,500. LEE OHMART ft CO., REALTORS 477 Coutt St. Phone 9680 or 4035 a' MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4 to 6-, Call for detain. BYRKJT A POTTS S39 Chemeketa Phona 6937 a 2 BDRM. HOME on Hillside, nearlng com pletion, at 253 Vista Ave. Valley and Mt. view, 1200 q. ft. oil furnace, am ple closet space- See during day nr ph. 4364 eves. ayy FOR SALE LOTS OWNER, city building lots. Near Engle- wood Dlst. 9700 ana up. ma Maaison aa97 LARGE LOT at Keizer. 108'xl48'. Has 9 walnut trees, high ground, 1 diock on highway. Real Building Site. Phone 3056 or 1260 N. 17th, aa95 BEAUTIFUL 60x100 lot In thriving neigh borhood suitable for home or commun ity store. Located on paved street with aidewalk. sewer, gas, water, etc. $1200. Inquire 1160 S. 14th. Telephone 7639. aa98 BUY NOW FROM OWNER U LARGE, Choice Lots in Loumar Heights Addition, just west or uommerciai, jum South of Hoyt. Close to schools. L. W. RATH. 396 Jerris St. Tel. 6849. aa SPECIAL PRICE: 10 lots, by owner. Wa ter furn. Oood soil. sch. A city bus N. E. 35 Lansing Ave. aal04 FOR SALE FARMS 10 A. North of Kelzer. Has old 3 B.R. home with lights and eleqt. water sys tem. About l'-j A. timber, bal. in cul tivation. Has 70 Cherry trees, also wal nuts, filberts, apple, pear and grapes. Price $6500. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 Evenings 25206 b96 B40O, 10 A. farm with 6-rm. home. Has barn and large brooder house. Tnis place is equipped to bring In a good income. Call O. V. Hum with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 Evenings 35206 b96 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court Bt. Phone 7696 FARM' VALUES in A., close In, 4 rm. bung.. Grade A Barn, Good Machine Shed, water to house, barn, paved road. A very ex cellent farm buy. 16.6 A., 6 A. hops with heavy produc prosr-ects. Good barn, 2 silos, chicken house, 7 rm. Plastered house, as A, cultlv.. some timber, balance pasture. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 4S5 Court St. Phone 7696 b96 CITY-COUNTRY 10 ACRES with perpetual water. Family orchard. Very modern 7 rm. home. Lots of machinery. 10 minutes from down town. $5000 gets possession. No. 824. A FARMER'S FARM PRESENT OWNER retiring after 17 yrs. on this 60 Acres. 25 A. bottom. 12 A, orchards. All crops in. 8 room house, good barn and other out bldgs. Price $14,000 Includes 4 milk cows. 4 young Stuff. No. 1013. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Ph. 9203 b95 45 ACRES North, several acres berries, wmch are snowing a high return cn investment. About 1 acre filberts, al most new house. Several outbuildings, 3 tr ctors. farm equipment, 3 dairy cows. Amity silt soil. Full price 118,- 000.00. Liberal terms can be arranged. 56 ACRES NEAR AURORA 22 ACRES Beaverdam, 5 room house, sev eral outDUiiaings. close to school. This farm is a real money maker. Full prlco 122,000.00. 12 ACRES JOINING LAKE LABISH BEAUTIFUL S bedroom home. 3 fire places, double bath room, automatic heat, Cl.challa Silt soil, large barn could be converted to dairy barn for about 30 dairy cows. Dog kennels with llv ins quarters, double constructed chick en house, machine shed, automatic elec. water system. Beautiful yard and ahrubi. More land available across road. Would exchange for city home as part payment. Full price $27,300.00. M. O. HUMPHREYS REALTOR 2386 Fairground Road Phone 24596 b96 9UOO.O0. Four rm home on 5 acres good soil. Lots of fruit, apples, pears, grapes, 1 acre filberts. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3792 Eves., 23280 NELSON FARMS BEFORE YOU BUY a farm or acreage check our new list of mora than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson A Nelson, Masonlo Bldg., Ph 4419. b FOR SALE ACREAGE BARGAIN ACREAGE EXCEPTIONAL buy: The crop will al most pay for this 10 acres of cher ries, pears and apples. Owner must sacrifice. $3250. Terms can be arrang ed. This will sell quick tt is good. .OE L. BOURNE, REALTOR Phone 8316. 1140 N. Capitol St. Res. Ph. 7317. bb07 EDGE OF CITY. Owner. li ac. Good garden soli. All in cult. $1795. Terms. ' ac. wooded building sites, city water. $673 ea. Owner, 1 ac, fine berry A: garden land, garage, some lumber. All in cult. Near city limits. $t393. Terms. 1725 Madison. Phone 7805. bb9T FIRST TIME LISTED " I AC. Swegle Dlst. Lovely 2 bdrm., mod. home. Hwd. floors, E. w. heater, wired for range. Dble gar. Close to sch. cn bus line. 37 young filbert trees, barn. $7350. $1850 down. $30 a month. HESS NELSON WITH WILLIAM E. MOSES 331li State St. Ph. 4993 bb97 BY OWNER. $3700. i ac. East. Mod. 2 bdrm. plastered home, barn, chicken house, gar., family orchard. Bus line, school. Terms. Phone 31318. bb97 i ACRE wooded tract. A neat 2 bedroom home, plastered interior, knotty pine in living room, wired for range, electric water heater, city water. Price $5000. I!i "HE sightly location, one bedroom home, practically all furniture Included. Buy this and get your money's worth. Price S4750. ONE ACRE tract Keller district. Late built two bedroom home, wired for ramie, electric water heater, variety small fruit and family orchard, addi tional building being converted Into apartment. $8500. SALEM REALTY COMPANY Realtors 149 North High Street. Phone 7660 bb96 li ACRE with NEW all electric home. two br, large closets, LR is DR, good flreplare, hardwood floors thrnout, bath with tub A shower, large 3-car garage, excellent construction, lmmed. poss. 910,500. LARSKN HOME A- LOAN CO. 164 8. Com'l St. Phona 9389 bb97" A REAL NICE HOME on t'4 acres east. Lv rm. D rm, kitchen, 2 bdrms, bath, hwd floors, fireplace, oil furnace, extra room with fireplace in basement. A good buy at $12,600.00. Call Mr. WAL- HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793 Eves.. 33360 bb95 7 RM. HOUSE on S A. fruit, nuts and berries. Eire, water system. $4500.00. north. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 344 Chemeketa St. Phone 21349 Eves.. 9441 bb93a WANTED REAL ESTATE WILL PAY $4000 cash for good 2 bdrm. house in Salem. What have you? Ph. 23410. ca9S HOMES NEEDED: We have several cash buyers desiring 2 bedrm. homes priced between 95000 and 97000. They prefer South Salem, For results LIST your property wnn LEO N. CHILDS, INC.. REALTORS 344 Stat St. Phona 9361 ra93 WK HAVE BUYERS WE NrED LISTINGS badly for 2 and 1- badroom homes, acreages, farms and large or small misinesi. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 . Commercial Ph. 1M97 S9 WANTED REAL ESTATE FOB PROMPT and courteous sanrlea Uat your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Est att Broker 653 N. Liberty Phona 7337 ea UST WITH 8 A LEU TO SELL EM. SA LEM REALTY CO O. W BARTLETT REALTOR, 149 N. HIGH ST FH- 7660 ca WE ABE tn need 01 good homes to sell tn or near Salem If you wish to Uat your property for aala, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phont 4131 ca NOTICE! If your property is tor sale, rent or exchange, Uat It wltb us. Wa have 'all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 133 8 High St a REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN qd mst mortgage 4 to Call fot details BYRKIT POTT 339 Chemeketa Phont 5981 96000 5 rooms, utility room, attached garage. Very neat. Ask us about tms one. $10.500 This modern home, located In Englewood Dlst.. warrants an inquiry. Insnection Invited. 37000 Good 4 bdrm. home, L.R., DR., kitchen, fireplace. A real vaiue, loeai for roomers. 90000 NEW, Just completed and ready to occupy, 2 bdrm. modern, large lot. Will carry veterans' loan of 90 pet. 97,100 Ready for veterans' 90 pet. loan. All electric 2 barm, nome in new aaai tlon. 937002 room small house In large lot. neat and cozy. 9'flfso One of the finest view lots In Salem, restricted district. LARSEN HOME it LOAN CO. 164 So. Com 1. Ph. 8389 c96 EXTRA SPECIAL! OWNER LEAVING city must sell. Llv. r., din. r.. kltch.. bath, lots of built-lns. All hardwood floors, full basement with oil furnace, nice garage, pav. at. Seven yrs. old. Listing price $10,500. NORTH HOLLYWOOD 90000 BUYS nearly new home. 50x120 lot, 1 very nice bedrms. All plaster ed, gum floors, automatic heat, wired lor range and water heater. HOME INCOME 97000 WALKING distance of downtown. 2 bedrm. plastered house, wirea lor range. Basement, furnace. Apt. In rear bringing in $48 per month. SUBURBAN 1 A., I YR. OLD 2 bedroom plastered house. lots of bullt-ins, near Salem. Berries and fruit. $6500. 1 ACRE 8800 BUYS this beautiful acre in Kelz er dist. Trees, large new house ad joining. 3 BEDROOMS DOWN 910,000 LOVELY three bedrm. house in good dlst., hdw. firs., fireplace, full basement. Near High and Jr. High, RESTAURANT NORTH S80O4I BUYS good restaurant. Good In come. Joe Spurlock Bill Estep R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 16 YEARS in Hollywood 1853 North Capitol St, Ph. 3031 r97- LOT S6M, LOT with 95 ft. frontage on N. Church St, Paved Street. Close to school. Call Burt Plcha. SUBURBAN 97200. FINE suburban home and S'.l acres. 3 mi. from city limits. 5 rm. house, good barn it chicken hse. Wired for range, elec. hot water, on good rd. Bus by door. Call Burt Plcha, ACREAOE MAKE OFFER. 68 acres, 4 miles South en old Pacific Hlway. Old S rm. house, large barn, 31 acres bottom ground, 17 acres oak timber, fenced, year around creek. Owner will take ' down, bal. 5'j. Call Burt Picha. 103 ACRES. 2'a miles N.E. of Salem lim its. $300 per acre for all or part. On good rd. Would make good subdivi sion. Call Burt Plcha. 93650. 5 acres good soil. 1 acres young iiiDens. About 3Vi miles East oft Sil verton Rd. Call Burt Picha. IW50. M ACRE. North of Salem. 3 B.R. 'a, ii.K.. Kit., Dinette, Bath, Plastered. Room for 2 Bdrms. up. School 3 blks. Furniture extra. All reduced to bar gain price. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph- 3210 337 N. High Street c96 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 SOUTH HIGH PHONE 6131 OR 8620 CITY 97950 Large lot, one story bungalow lyie. Dtirm. nouse, jivingroom, din Ingroom, kitchen, bath, built-lns, plas tered Interior, hdwd. floors, elec. cook ing and water heating, automatic oil heat, double garage, 1 block to bus, grade school close, utility room with laundry tray. 910,0003 bdrm. house, one and one-half stories, nvingroom. dining room, kit chen, bath, bullt-ins. Venetian blinds, plastered interior, fir floors, fireplace, basement, laundry trays, electric or gas cooking, wood furnace, double garage, nice lawn and shrubs, walnut tree, cherry tree, close to bus and schools. Immediate possession, will consider terms. Very nice district. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 94500 Cafe. 14 stools, averages 960 a aay, stock about 9200 goes with deal, rent 9 pet., low $30 a month, top $74, 6-year lease 18500 well located grocery store, small. out gooo. inree year lease at 40 a month, living quarters above store, rent at 960 a month, 2 bdrms., living room, kitchen, bath. Last month grossed ap prox. 9-1000. Stock, fixtures and equip, goes. About 92500 In stock. Meat case, cooler, cash register, scales, shelving and counter. FARM 9lt!,6flO 17 acres and 5 room house, new- ly painted, elec. light and elec. water pump, bath, part bsmt. garage, barn with 3 stanchions, 3 poultry houses, brooder house, boysenberries, 2 acres orchard, fenced. Some furniture goes, few implements, 200 chickens go, 2 registered Ouernsey cows go, and 1 horse. 915.00042 acres and 3 bdrm. house, un- nnisned upstairs, house 3 yrs. old, oil heat, elec. light, elec, pump, bath, ga rage, barn with 5 stanchions, 12 acres cultivated, crop of bulbs and fruit, family orchard, 30 acres pasture, 2 acres of Easter lily bulbs do not go but can be bouRht extra, 3 acres of second year strawberries. UNIMPROVED 99-joo 30 acres, no buildings, 23 acres prunes, n acres cherries and 1 acre fil berts. Grade school 14 miles, rolling land, all cultivated. Terms 92000 down. LOT 8lflii0 South, lot 110x176x168, beautiful view, water is piped to lot. PHONE 4131 or 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High Phone Evenings 7163690193404937 e96 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HAVE SPACE for a gift shop, antique shop, lunch counter, photograph gal lery, office, store or any acceptable line. Furnished apartment In connec tion. Good chance for man and wife. Husband could be employed elsewhere or will give him a chance to build up a good business of his own. Have complete equipment. Apartment NOT for rent separately. Write Box 371, care Capital Journal. edlOO INCOME AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES. Very good investment at THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Ph. 34793 cdlOO CAFE LOCATED In city limits. Brand new fixtures throughout. Some atock. Low rent. 3-year lease with option to renew. Living quarters available for only $?r.O0 per mo. Full price 94000.00. BUSINESS bldg. and 3 bdrm, home In rear. Highway frontage, close In, choice location. Full prtre $13,000.00. M. O. HUMPHREYS. REALTOR 3286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24596 cd96 SURl'RBAN grocery. Best of location. Good fixtures. Doing over 94500 per mo. Lease on bldg. reasonable rent. Price for fixtures and stock 96500. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 133 So. High Ph. 4121; eves. 25206 cd96 NEIGHBORHOOD grocery, doing good business, will exchange for city or coun try property. Write box 369, Capital Journal. cd96 SEVERAL VERY OOOD INCOME AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES AT THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 cd9S Fdl;RV6rsi7COURT. S bdrms each, llv rm. dinette, kit. and bath. Hwd firs, fireplace, full finished basement, fur nace. Very nice location. Call OMER HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Re ' ors 341 Chemeketa St. Phona 21549 Eve. 25091 cd3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION for lease In Salem, on main truck route in city. Fully equipped and stocked. Inventory at Invoice. 9150.00 to handle. No good will. Write 600 Columbian Bldg., Port land, Oregon. cd99 GROCERY and meat, good district, meat cast walk-in cooler, frozen food case etc., up-to-date shelves and islands. $10,000 plus Inventory. Write Box 366, Capital Journal. cd9S GAS STATION and work shop. Will sell stock and equipment. About $2500 will handle. Ph. 3485. P. O. Box 782, Mil! City. cd&a NEW LATH Mill, for sale or lease, Joe Slater, Mill City, Ore. cd95 SERVICE STATION on busy corner on four lane through highway Just out of Portland. 2 ca. garage, steam cleaner, 2 hydraulic hoist, tools, stock and equip., etc. 160O0. Body and fender shop adjoining. Can be had for $1000. Owner must go 'East. 8. M. O'Shaugh nessy, 3407 S.E. Floss Ave., Mllwaukie, Oregon. cdlOl FOR SALE SHORTY'S CAB CO. 1947 Packard Clipper Cab Phone 8774 146 Gerth 6t. FURNITURE FOR SALE WHITE enamel wood and coal cook atove, almost new. Small wood circulator. Iron bedstead, spring and renovated mattress. Dresser, linoleum rug. ' r-i. W. Kiizer school, Rt. 8, box 834. C. Daley. d99 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CASH prices for your furniture. BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 7511 da CASH FOR YOUR used furniture. Ph 7586 State Street Furn. 1900 Stale HIGHEST PRICES paid Phone Gleoa at Woodry Auction Market. Pb 8118 da AUCTIONS LANE SUDTELL'S COMMUNITY AUC TION WED., APRIL 33, AT 9:30 A.M. it 7 P.M., LOCATED 1U MI. E. OF FAIRGROUNDS ON SILVERTON RD. PH. 6098. DAYENOS, davenports and chairs, beds, mattresses, springs, tables, chairs, floor lamps, rugs, new blankets and sheets, cooking utensils, dishes and tools. 1937 Dodge truck with 120 h.p. 1942 Chrys. engine, with 2-speed Eaton rear end. Good 8U rubber with atock rack. Dual wheel stock trailer with tilt bed. 2 grain drills,- cultivators, spring tooth har rows, many day old and veal calves. Feeder and weiner pigs. A good selection or heifers and matured cows. Horses. Remember, It pays to buy or sell at Sudtell's Community Auction. dd95 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK AT STUD REG. Thoroughbred stallion. Ch. Broom slick blood line, also good quarter mare cross. Standing at Ward's Stables, Sil verton Rd. Rt. T, Box 404. Ph. 23153. e95 ONE heifer, 5 mo., 1 milk cow, 2 boars, Rt. 5, Box 91. Ph. 22943. e95" LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows it boars -t your farm or delivered mar ket price. E. C. MeCandltsh, Rt. 9, Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147. ca96 WANTED, alt kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at farm. Write E. Z. Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr.. Salem. Ph. 21345 morn, or eves. al03 RABBITS WINGS, Rabbit ry pays top prices for fryer rabbits, 4 to 6 pounds. Fertilizer for sale. 3985 State St. Phone 109F5. eb!30 PETS FEMALE Cocker, 7 mos. old. Golden blonde. 1254 3rd St., W. Salem. ec96 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure bred. Females $25, males $35. Roy fl. SI mm oos. Rl. 4, Box 370. Ph. 21143. FOR SALE WOOD OLD FIR it plywood cores. Ph. 3380. 844 Mill. Ashcraft. rellO CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 ee!14 16" Old growth fir and 16 " oak. Arnold Phillips. Box 361, Turner, Ore. eelll GOOD DRY 16 in. wood, lmmed. delivery OREGON FUEL CO.. Phona 3533. e93 TRI CITY FUEL I Cord Load $10.00 16" Mil) Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood it Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We Give &&H Green Stamps eel03 $4 CORD ON NTTE DELIVERIES IS" SLAB A EDGINGS. PH. 6683 eel03 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block. Double load 120.00- 1mm. deL Pb. 346, Yamhill, Ore. e102 GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY , Ph. 24031. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN ft DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove oil and dleael olL Ph. 3-4031. ta BONE-DRY mill wood 16" gretD slab, good for furnace Ph 7731 m FOR SALE POULTRY RED FRYERS, live or dressed. 3 miles 8,E. of Penn Four Corners, follow McClay road, turn right on Shaw road, first house, H. O. Webb, rt. 6. box 301. 199 Cnnf 'IE New Hampshire baby chicks every Wed. Boylngton's. 3710 State. f 1 15 BABY cnicKS batching twtca weekly la even varieties. New Hampshire! always available in chieka Or owing pulleta. any age. Phona 33861 Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, aoy number Prompt service. Dressed pout try wholesale our specialty Phona 32861 Lee'a Hatchery r WANTED HELP WANT 'D: Young married man for farm and ' .try work. Must be exp. Box 370. Capital Journal. aS6 ELDERLY WOMAN to cook for 2. Room, board it some wages. Ph. Dallas 6F34. g97 DENTAL ASSISTANT, exp. unnecessary, See Dr. Bain. Painless Parker Dentist, 125 North Liberty. bBT' WANTED: Stenographer. General office wor:., typing, shorthand. Lady 35 to 33 preferred to take charge of 2-girl downtown orrtce. Salary 9180-9175. de pending on experience. Phone Mrs. John ston, 9387, g96' EXTRACTOR man. Salem ' Laundry" Co! 263 So. High. g97' WANT FA.MIL Y with at least two persons capable of moving Irrigation pipe it hoeing on a peppermint ranch. House available to live in. For more Informa tion see Lorin Hoven. Rt. 1, Box 135, Jefferson, Oregon. g97 STRAWBERRY pickers register now. 21 acres good clean berries. No old patches. Mrs. C. A. Ztellnskl. Ph. 22018 and Joseph Henny, Ph. 32975. g99 REAL OPPORTUNITY WANTED, a first class all around mech., one who is also able to meet the pub lic. This position better than average. Ask for Van. Teage Motor Co., 355 N. Liberty. Ph. 700L gB9 WANTED full time woman bookkeeper and payroll clerk. Permanent, must have exp., excel, salary. Call 8496 for Interview. g96 HOI'VeK EE PE R OR practical nurse for-2 adults tn Dallas, Best of wages it if wanted a 2 rm. mod. house, rent free. Call Salem 2-4779 for particulars after 8 p.m. Sat, or Sun. forenoon. g95 WANTED: WOOD Cutters. 16.00 per cord. 4 ft. Ph. 7868. R. W. Maker. 90 Beach Ave. g99 FRY COOK Nite work. White's Lunch. 1138 So. ConVi. St. g95 WANTED Stenographer for law office, Ph. 3443. g98 WOMEN past 35 who need permanent substantial Income, hours at own con venience. Write Avon DUt. Mgr., 8235 8.X. Yamhill, Portland. g I WANTED HELP NEAT attractive girls for full and part- Theatre, g TURKEY PICKERS wanted. Northwest Poultry. 1503 N. Front. WANTED: A capable woman for cooking and general house work. No washing or Ironing. Very good salary. Call 6617. 895 MATRON WANTED. Montgomery Ward it Co. g95 LARGE EASTERN CO. wishes lady repre sentative. Prefer lady with ability to meet public. Must be neat appearing with good personality. Very Interesting work and very attractive earnings. Won derful future. Give, full address for Interview. Box 367, Capital Journal. 89S EXP. UPHOLSTERERS. H. L. Stiff. 97a EXr FURNITURE salesman. H. L. Stiff. g97 FULL TIME office help. Jonas J. Byberg Co. SILVERTON. g96 PLASTERERS wanted, 920 day, 8 hrs unio:i. Housing. Ph. GA 0902 or write Bob Cherry, 3920 Apt, 3838 Broadacre, Vanport, Portland, Oreg. g95 MEN FOR hop yard work. Bus will pick up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m. Working hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Will Hart Hop Farm. Ph. Salem 33631. SILK FINISHER is wool presser. Fore man's Cleaners, 1070 a. Com'l. Ph. 9448. g WANTED POSITIONS INTERIOR PAINTING. Ph. 23745. hl05 WILL CARE for babies in my home days. Call 34582. h97 YOUNG LADY wishes evening work or Sat. afternoons it Sun. Call after 5 p.m. Ph. 24811 or 532 N. High. Apt. 7. h97 MAN, white, past 60. sober. Industrious, single, aome farm exp., wants work on poultry farm, cottage camp or In filling station. Write Box 368, Capital Journal. h98 IRONING. Mrs. Welti. Ph. 3347. h99 INTERIOR FAINTING. Ph. 6796. hll9 WILL CARE for child In my home, Ph. 9621. hlOl YOUNG I IDY, experienced bookkeeper pay-roll clerk wants work. Box 468. Capital Journal. hfla YET with family wishes steady work. Perm. Salem resident. Will consider any type work. Ph. 8038. h95 RADIO repairing on all makes. Pick-up and delivery. Phone 3188, Douglas Mc Kay Chevrolet Co. hl04 LEAVE your child with me while you shop or work. Ph, 7558, hBB LANDSCAPE GARDENING. New lawns a specialty, 20 yrs. exp. T. W. Reel, 1340 Saginaw. Ph. 25623. h98 KILL lawn weeds now. Philip, W. Beilke. Dial 21208. h96 LAWN MOWER need repairing, sharpen ing? Call Ted 7603 for quick expert service. Pick up and deliver. Old established place. Salem Saw Works. 1293 North 5th St. h96 WILL DO small cement lobs and patch ing. 571 8. 17th. Ph. 34751 after 5 P.m. hl02 GARDEN Plowing and Discing, Ferguson Tractor, 1880 Center St. Ph. 9809. h!12 OIL HEATER SERVICE Installation, adjusting, cleaning and re pairing. 24 hr. service. 3042 Portland Rd. Phone 6072. h96 SPRAY PAINTING. Ralph Alimio, 1720 Lancaster drive. Ph. 24248. bl07 WINDOW FRAMES and screens, cabinet doors, drawer and regular cabinet work. Larga or small orders accepted. Con venic , location, ',4 block Ladd As Bush Masterwood'a Cabinet Shop, 164 60. Commercial. Ph. 5596. hl06 G. A M. TRANSFER, light hauling. Ph. 35637; CVC8. Ph. 35665. hl04 SECRETARIAL: Stenographic service. Ph 8268. hi 03 SPRAYING. L. W. CANDLE. Ph. 1900. M00 GARDEN PLOWING A DISCING. Ford Tractor. Ray Satter. Ph. 32504. b96 PLOWING AND discing. No Job too lane or too itnall. Chas. B. Jayne & Bona, 1920 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 35753. hOS AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Etter Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 RESPONSIBLE middle-aged widow will care for children in your home. Days or eves. Ph. 3554. Ask for Kay. h95 WANTED Sewing and alterations. Ph. 8387. 285 W. Rural. hll5 EDUCATION U. S. GOVERNMENT JOBS! $1736-13021 year. Men-women. Prepare immediate ly for next Oregon examinations. Vets get preference. 32-page book on Civil Service, sample coaching FREE. Write Box 324, Capital Journal. hh95 FOR RENT WOULD LIKE to exchange 1 bedrm. furn. house for 2 or 3 bedrm. furn. house. Phone 25433 after 6. J100 1 FURNISHED apt. and one sleeping room. Phone Woodburn, Ore., Green 78, Also 3 nice shady lots for sale. 578 Arthur St., Woodburn, Ore, j97 PARTLY FURN, 1 bedrm. house for rent. Must sell furn., 3400. Call 9208 before 5 p.m. J97 LG., CLEAN sleeping room. Men pre ferred. Ph. 24543. 1793 8. Winter. J97 SLEEPING room. Auto. heat. 3131 Cen ter. J97' TWO choice sleeping rooms, hot and cold water, one or two. 478 North Cottage. . J95 BASEMENT room for men. Reasonable. 790 N. Church. JOB- SLEEPING ROOM in private home for busines girl. Close In. 405 union. J95 LARGE sleeping room, reasonable, mod ern. 722 Highland Ave. Ph. 7333. J96 ROOM for employed lady. Kitchen priv ileges. Ph. 24611. J96 LARGE CABIN near hop yards on Dallas Hiway. Rt. 4, Box 469. WILL exchange rent of lovely furn. 4 bedrm. home, piano, elec. stove and refrig. included for rental of smaller furn. home. Ph. 35836. J97 TRAILER space, all mod., near bus. 1005 6. 31st or 31st and Mission Bt. J118 ROOM.l. Women only. 1445 Saginaw. J98 ATMORAYS. Onone Good health. Rent sell. H. O. Pugh. 684 N. 17th. Ph. 4692 V GOOD USED PIANOS H. L. Stiff FLOOR sander for rant. UoDtaomtry Ward. I WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS GIRL, reflrted. neat, detlres room in private home with kitchen prlv preferably North Salem. Ph. 9431 between 9 At 6. Ja96 EMPLOYED WOMAN would like 3 room apt. Phone 5915. Ja93 PERMANENTLY emp. vet it family need 2 or 3 bedrm. furn. or unfurn. house, Desperately needed. Mr. Benson. J. C. Penney Co. jalOO WILL PAY 1 yr. rent in advance for furn. or unfurn. 2 or 3 bedroom house. Consider option to buy. Ph. 21935 or 3606. JalOO MITJDL EAGED couple and 3 grown chil dren want to rent 3 or 3 bedroom furn. Not over 950 a mo. Can be in or Just outside city limits. On city bus line. Prefer acreage with farden and fruit trees. Have been In present location 5 years. No smoking or drinking. Can furnish character references. Would consider buying If proper terms ar ranged. Ph. 7067. ja96 EMP. local cple want 3 rm. apt., un furn. or partly furn. See John M. Doer fler. Valley Motor Co. Ja95 VET and wife want a small house. Call 7517, ask for Lucille. Ja95 VET, wife, and 3 children need partly furn. house lmmed. Rt. 7, Box 229H. Ja98 PERMANENTLY employed veteran and family desperate for house. Will keep up repairs. Ph. 33124. Ja95 THREE ADULTS (3 Vets) urgently need furn. Apt., or house before May 1st. Dnd : $43. Write box 365, Capital Jour nal. JS98 BY JUNE 13, 4 room apt. or 3 bedroom home, furnished. Vicinity of Senior High. Couple with daughter 17. son. 13, from Rochester, NY. Graham, 335 8. 13th St. Ja95 WANTED TO RENT apt. HSKPING. rm., or small house. Mother it 3-yr. son. Woodburn. Main 170. Ja97 IF YOIf are looking for a reliable tenant for 3 BR. house, call 5754. Ja97 BALLPLAYER, wife and baby would like furn. apt or house. Call Paul Boder burg, Marlon Hotel. Ja96 BALLPLAYER and wife would like furn. apt., or small house. Call Ben Gregory, Hotel Marion. ja96 WANTED TO RENT or lease furnished house by permanent factory represen tative for Oregon. Bast of references. No children. P. O. Box 1065, Eugene, . Oregon. Ja96 YOUNG Willamette vet and wife wish small furnished apt. Call 4171 Ext. 460 days or 4360 eves. Ja95 LOST AND FOUND LOST near St. Joseph church, billfold. containing $20 and house key. Finder return to 1440 Mill or Ph. 36487. Money very urgently needed. Reward. k97 LOST, plastic rimmed glasses in green case, newara. rn, Mrs, cowan 0992. k98 LOST, billfold. Ph. 21580. Reward. k95 GAMMA PHI BETA sorority pin. jeweled. rewara. rn. oszo. K96 MISCELLANEOUS BASEMENTS, DITCHES, Clearing Level ing. PACIFIC EXCAVATING COMPANY Power Shovela-Bulldozers-Trucks Salem, Oregon. Phones 3436 or S793 m DEAD AND WORTHLESS atock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 6000. mll3 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, 91.00. LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. mll3 TAKE YOUR clocks to 190 S. 14th for repair. Clock Doctor. m97 BEAT your home electrically H'a con venient, clean, economical Sea ua for free estimates. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 356 N Liberty n FREE DIRT. Salem Armory. m&7 HEAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing, doaer work ditching basement excavation, aaud gravel, crushed rock mason sand, eon erete mix cement. SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL CO. 1405 N FRONT ST SALEM ORJEOON Phone 9408 or 31924. m DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 3-RR SERVICE IN MOST CASE! DR. HARRY 8 EMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State A Commercial Sta SALEM Phont 8311 m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ORGANIC FERTILIZER Very good for lawn and gardeni. Also very good mulch. Delivered anywhere In Salem. 6 sacks 35.00. 1 ton 910.00 Phone 8137 WEST MUSHROOM COMPANY nl00' GARDEN TOOLS and cultivators. See them at Wards Farm Store, High and Trade Sts., Salem. n95 sr.w 10-INCH table saw with motor. Phone 5252. n97 191 'i MODEL T Ford. Davenport it chair. Good cond. 3350 Garden Rd. n97 BABY CRIB, baby stroller, dining room table.' Rt. 1, Box 67, Brooks. Modern Cabins, 99E n97 8-PC. WALNUT dining; room set, library tame, zios Yew St. n97 GIRL'S BICYCLE, Elgin, good cond. Used only a months, $35. 382 N. Knox St.. Monmouth. nBS GAS ENGINE, $35. Gas engine is pump, iiKs new, tto, -a et j in. aluminum irri gation pipe is fittings, like new. 4 sprinklers, 150 ft. new, heavy duty garden hose. 34 ft. pipewrench. Some used lumber. Come it see it ta wake offer. 1735 Madison. Ph. 7805. n97 LAWNMOWER. $10. 370 N. 19th. n97 G. P. JOHN DEER tract. Good rubber. overhauled it painted, good cond. John Deere plow, 14 inch, good cond. See 9 ml. N. of Salem, 1 block N. of Brooks sch. Richard Boetger, Brooks, Oregon. nlOO MODERN trailer house, 8350. Wm. P. jones, care 01 f. a. oarbe, Aumsville, Oregon. ri97 COTTAGE, large lot, 666 4th St., Inde pendence, ure. n96 THOR ELEC. washing machine. 936 Trade. n96 ARE YOU TIRED OF HIGH prices? Then by all means read cms. we are oirering a nationally fa mous davenport suite. 1947 atyllng, guaranteed construction. 100 wool mohair cover. In choice of color. Guar anteed to be a bonified $359 aet. Yours today for only 3189. You save 970. Terms as low as $52, bal. easy pay ments, WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Bummer Headquarters for Thrifty Buyers n95' ELECTRIC floor polishers. Ideal for home Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 North Liberty. mo8 DAVENOS, FULL coil construction. At tractive covers, matcning awing rock ers. Reg. value $H9. Yours today for $89, You save $30. Terms as low as $19 down, bal. monthly. WOODRY FURNITURE MARKET 1605 N. Summer n95' COMMERCIAL RANGES, 4 burner and 1 umuBf wim nan gnu. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty HERE'S BEAT. VAT.ITR HIGH GRADE coil box springs ft Inner eviuiK mBurrss. very special $49. Woo dry Furniture Market. 1605 N. Sum- mcr. lerma, iraqes, lowest prices. n95' CANVAS PAINT to maks awnlnga, bug ica una n lurnuun took like new YEATER APPUANOE CO. 255 n Liberty n95' COMB. WOOD it elec. range. Very mod. run enamel, omootn top. Woodry Fur niture Mantei, jeoa n. summer. n93' HEAT YOUR home electrically It'a con. venlent, clean, economical See us foe free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO ass n Liberty LG. ELEC. range. Recond. White enamel. oo. wooary f-urmiure Market, 1605 N. Summer. n95 TELEPHONE A intercomm. sets. Af fblANCfi CO 40a h, ijioerty REG IN A VACUUM cleaner $15. Woodry mmiiure Marxec. laos . summer. 9S TREADLE SEWING mach. $15. Woodry rurnuure Mantei. iaos ri. summer. n03 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and oimr on uuoresceni ana incandes cent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty w GOOD used single beds, complete, in cluding bleached wood bed, coll springs good mattress. While they last $22. Woodry Furniture Market. 1605 N. Summer. ti93 ELECTRIC AND mechanical door chimes X CA J ILK At FbUINCK CO. 335 N. Liberty . n9$' LOOM WTlir. 19.9 anrf W- TEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty H05' BEST QUALITY garden and grass aeed. Wards Farm Store. High and Trade Sts.. Salem. ngj CHICK-BED can solve your litter prob lem. It's the perfect noultrv ltttr. Tt absorbs moisture. Helps save ehieks. it a nreprooi. 11 saves labor, cut costs. It insulates. For chicks, poults, laying hens. Wards Farm Store, High and Trac Sts.. Salem. n.93 WARDS elec. washer. Ph. 35413, after 1 Saturday and 4 week days. r96 1 1941 Vi H.P. Johnson outboard motor. aau. ana so. commercial, apt. . n98 STOVE OIL heater, also baby buggy. 1545 Plata St. Ph. 7328. n96 NEW 4-PCE. bedroom suite, springs and mattress. Reasonable. 2340 N. 5th. n96 WOOD pipe furnace. Cheap. 923. Ph. B004. B96' IRRIGATION system, 19S0 ft. pipe. 34 sprinklers, pump and V-9 engine com plete. Earnest Walker, Mt. Angel, Ore. Ph. 96. n96 THOR I R ONERS, $89.95 Rude's Hubbard Home Appliances, Highway 99, Hubbard, Oregon. Ph. 4311. a9 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS lb" GALLON Columbia water heaters 395.95. Rude's Hubbard Home Appli ances. Highway 99, Hubbard, Oregon Ph. 4511. n95 HOMEMADE BERRY tractor, good cond For sale or trade for walking garden tractor, a. T. Hayes, 701 E. Lincoln St. Woodburn, Ore. Ph. Blue 94. n91 TAVENO. 1705 8. Cottage. n95 10 FT. x It FT. boat, small trailer house. 1018 7th St.. W. Salem. Ph. 7876. n9 B'BY GRAND Piano, good cond. Phone 21409. n97 HOFFMAN Console radio, phonograph combination, $159.30, Rude's Hubbard Home Appliance, Highway 99, Hubbard, Oregon. Ph. 4311. n95 CUSTOM AIRE oil heaters, 8 inch, 869. 10 inch. $96. Rude's Hubbard Home Appliances. Highway 99, Hubbard, Ore. Ph. 4511. n95 THOR Automatic washers with or with out dishwashing attachment, $179.50. Rude's Hubbard Home Appliances, Highway 99, Hubbard, Oregon. Phona 4511. n95 CROCHET table cloth and other crochet items; also embroidered lunch cloths, 2581 Cherry Ave. n95 1500 fl. new bdw. flooring. H. Ear) Reed. Rt. 1, Box 177 Scio. . n95 FOR SALE 5-room size oil air cond. furnace, sound metal izo gal. oil tank, exc. cond. Installing elec. heat. Chinese Tea Oarden, 162 '.4 N. Commercial. (Closed Tues.) n97 COW FERTILIER. Ph. 7330. n97" MONARCH gas range with trash burner, 20 Beech Avenue. Reasonably priced. n96 DISSTON CHAIN SAWS for Sale. Sea t-s for parts. Industrial Supply Co. uf -Salem, 1058 S. Commercial St. Phone 8023. n96 GREENHOUSE grown vegetable and flow er plants 20c and 35c dor., first house west of Keizei school. n96s BUTTER CHURNS Electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty AMPLIFIER, suitable for guitar dance band work. Ph, 3528 or 1433 8. Liberty. n95. TRANSPARENT PLASTI-Kote for drain- boards, floors and furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty n9S COMPLETE fireplace set, new fire screen, andirons, shovel and brush. 705 South street. n95 WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, 30 cu. ft. iaeai ror restaurant, grocery or large farm home. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 North Liberty. nl02 7 COCKTAIL tables, 3 china, lamps, 2 end tables, two 9x12 rugs, one 7x9 rut. Swing rocker, 1440 Perry after 5 p. m. n95 PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty MODERN trailer house with dolly, air brakes, hand signal. Insulated, 31200. Call 22486 or 22484. n9S FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant. Ph. 8357. nllt RESTAURANT GRILL, automatic, elec tric, 24 inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty . n95 FOR SALE Blue Tag Marshall Straw berry plants certified by Oregon State college. It pays to plant the best. We are contracting additional strawberry acreage. Phone 5502 or write United Growers. Inc.. Salem, Oregon. nl02 PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 953 N. Liberty nBS . .FANS, pedestal and table models for homes, canneries, garages, lodge halls, offices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty nun ELECTROLUX cleaner it air purifier. Now avauaoie. complete with all attach ments. $69.75 Home demonstration giv en. 17ft S. High. Ph. 8088. nl06 HOT PLATES, single is 2-burner. XfiATCH APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n9B RIVER SILT. Phone 35913. IRONING BOARDS, metal and wooden. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty a96 FOB YOUR cabin at the coast, a radio mat assures gooa reception, "The Tro pio Master." YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 If. Liberty nns WE BUY ea sell furniture, tools, stoves, dlshea. motors, radios, electric appli ances, household goods. KLIGMAN'S oa n. commercial, mono BS5. PLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane tin- mn ior noors, lurniture, autornobilej, on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 If. Liberty njs NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 175 a. nun, fnont ouoa. nl06 ELECTRIC 42 gallon water heater. 879.50. n. un, ruimniii niOB C. E, WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair fcciaua. aa noi ecu new machines. Paits ' all makes. Pinking shears Kfouna. rn. aea. imp h. isth. nl02 PALLETONE, ONE coat, washable oil wa.ua, ceilings ana waiipaper, dries in one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 M. Liberty nJ5 t.E.S. LAMPS and Torchlers. X tAIEK APPLIANCE CO. 333 . uoerty ngs ,30, 40, 50 and 66 eal. water heaters tor uimcuiiii aeiivery, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty Q96a COMPLETE Steam heating system, heat m wuib. u new aoors ana windows, casings and hardware. H ft. sheet roc!s for plastering. Robert Renn. Woodburn. n9S . FISHING TACKLE boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty no5. FIVE ft. heavy-duty Tandam Disc. E. W. FRUIT JUICERS and can openers. tnian turruiAiiUE CO- 353 N. Liberty n96 ELECTRIC FANS, kitchen and industrial XiSATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty t MAYFLOWER furnace with elec. blower1 ducts, fire brick. Oil burner can oe attached. One coal and wood burner water heater and tank. One 14 ft. van for truck, priced to sell cheap. w f"Mni ai w. eajem. n9 PRESSURE CnOKVBB in x xml KM AfFUANCE CO. 356 N. Liberty ABC washing machine, good cond. Ph. TOASTERS, t slice. $2,10. 4 slice, 13.85. StAiXH AFPUANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty nDi 5IDEARM WATER heaters, automatlo, vuii., i.sirn 10 your present tank. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 355 N. Liberty n93 RADIOS, RECORD player, recorders (or YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty nS5 CEDAR FENCE POSTS, Shakes. Hop posts. w.mw iiuw, mnj mouni, a iso reason able hauling. Phone 23162. n95 FLASHLIGHTS, GUARANTEED fOVr uauta requiring no naileries. XfcATEK APPLIANCE CO. IRON AND exteruinn 1 EATER APPLIANCE CO. ass n. ijioerty n5 ULTRA ' VIOLET (sun) lamps, infra-red meat tamps ana n eating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty BI5 FOR SALE i Baby Buggy, Also age S to f little girl's dresses. 378 N. 20th. n98 ELECTRIC ROOM beaters. All types, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 359 N. Liberty niS WASHING MACHINES that fit on your laundry trays lull slit. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 333 N. Liberty nS GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock. Shovel drag-line excavating. WALL D?0 SAND AND GRAVEL CO Fn 1561. (Continued on Page 13)