i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CROCHET table cloth and other crochet Items; ai0 emuiuiucieu iuuui ! asm Oherr Ave. nM" 1500 It. new hdw. ftoorlm. H. Karl Reed. HI. 1. OP hi uvm. foR SALE 5-room slie oil air cond. 4 furnace. Sound metal 130 gal. oil tank, 3 exe. cond. Installing elec. heat. Chinese 4 Tea Garden, 162 N. Commercial, "i (Oloaed Tum.) n97 COW FERTIL1ER. Ph. 1330. n97 FULL SI7X dble. bed, box springs and 4 mattreas, dresser to match. 1620 N. 1 20th Street. n04 EVINRUDE Sportwln Outboard Motor ,i 3.3 H.F., In 1st class condition. 2380 S So. Church. Tel. 2-1187. nP4 3 phonograph. Beautiful Instrument In excel, cond. L. A. Dashlell, Daliaa, Ore gon, Rt. 1, Box 329. Ph. Dallas 21F4. n9 joofl PUMICE-CEMENT brick. 5c each. 164 Grande St., Independence. Pn. ibbj, 1)94 MONARCH las ranie with trash burner, 20 Beech Avenue. KeaaonaDiy pncea. n96 DISRTON CHAIN SAWS lor Sale. Sea us for parts. Industrial supply go. oi Salem, 105S 8. Commercial 8t. Phone 8023. ' n96 GREENHOUSE grown vegetable and flow er plants 20c and 35c dot., nrsi noose west of Kelzer achool. n96 BUTTER cnURNS Electric. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 2S5 N. Liberty . AMPLIFIER,' suitable for guitar dance band work. Ph. 3528 or 1433 S. Liberty. n95. TRANSPARENT PLASTI-Kote for drain board, floors and furniture. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95 COMPLETE fireplace set, new fire screen, andirons, shove and brush. 705 South atreet. n95 i Ideal for restaurant, grocery or large 1 farm home, T YEATER APPLIANCE CO. f 265 North Liberty. nl02 1 tUkniAic i&uiea, cm nit, lains, end tables, two 9x12 rugs, one 1x0 rug. Swing rocker, 1440 Perry after 5 p. m. n05 PIN-UP AND table lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty MODERN trailer house with dolly, air brakes, hand signal, lnulatd, 11200. Call 22486 or 22484. n95 SEE US before buying an electric water heater. BROADWAY APPLIANCE CO. 410 Ferry Salem, Oregon n94 WESIX Flush Wall Heater, all sizes. BROADWAY APPLIANCE CO. 419 Ferry Salem. Oregon n94 O'EEEFE and Merrltt gaa range, Deluxe model with riddle attacneo, oven timer, completely automatic. Inquire '710 Edlna Lane or call 25012. nav RESTAURANT GRILL, automat, elec tric, 24 Inches square. yeater Appliance oo. 255 N. Liberty n95 FOR SALE Blue Tag Marshall Straw berry plants certified by Oregon State college. It pays to plant the best. We mrs contracting additional strawberry acreage. Phona 5502 or write United Growers, Inc., Salem, Oregon. nl02 PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type, YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 355 N, Liberty n95 ..FANS, pedestal and table models for homes, canneries, garages, loage nans, offices. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 206 N. Liberty . v nl07 ELECTROLUX cleaner St air purifier. Now aval able. Comp ete with all attach ments. 169.75 Home demonstration giv en. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. nlOB' HOT PLATES, single & 2 -burner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N, Liberty SIVER SILT, Phone 25912. IRONING BOARDS, metal and wooden pads it covers, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n9S BUILDING MATERIALS salvaged. Camp Adair. Delivered anywhere. Ed. Case Bldg. T. fl-222, Albany, Oregon. n94 FOR YOUR cabin at the coast, a radio that assures good reception, "The Tro- plo Master." YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 355 N. Liberty 095 WE BUY & sell furniture, tools, stoves dishes, motors, radios, electric appli ances, household goods. SXIOMAN'B 3S5 K. Commercial. Phone 9885. d PLABTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane fin ish for floors, furniture, automobiles, on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. YXATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 R. Liberty n95 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle .blankets. 175 S. High. Phone 6088. nl06 ELECTRIC 42 gallon water heater. $79.50. TA. 4314, Portland. nl06 C. E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine re pa It specialist. I do not sell new machines. Parts ' all - makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. 6765. 1940 N. 18th. nl02 PALLETONE, ONE coat, washable oil paint for walls, ceilings and wallpaper dries In one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n95' MONTAG wood range, round oak table. Call evenings. Rt. 1, Box 223. n94 I.E.S. LAMPS and Torchlers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n9S HALF fat young beef, 30c lb, Oov. in spected. Ph. 22639. n94 80, 40, 50 and 66 gal. water heaters for for Immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n05" COMPLETE Steam heating system, heat 60 rooms. 90 new doors and windows, casings and hardware. V 1 ft. sheet rock for plastering. Robert Renn, Woodburn. n95 FISHING TACKLE boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 386 N. Liberty VE ft, heavy-duty Tandam Disc. : Flsler, Rt. 3, Box 830, Salem. ;UIT JTJfCERS and can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty n96 SECOND hand washing machine, good cond. Ph. 24861 mornings. n94 ELECTRIC FANS, kitchen and Industrial exhaust, desk models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95' MAYFLOWER furnace with elec. blower and auto, controls with 100 ft. of' air ducts, fire brick. Oil burner can oe attached. One coal and wood burner, water heater and tank. One 14 ft. van for truck, priced to sell cheap. 1339 Franklin St., W. Salem. n95 PRESSURE COOKERS, 16 quart. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty nBV ABC washing machine, good cond. Ph. 21457. t)95 TOASTERS, I slice, 12.10. 4 slice, 13.85. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty nSV GOOD MARSHALL strawberry plants, 13.00 per thousand in fields, C. F. Webb. - Sllverton, Star Rt. n94 SIDEARM WATER heaters, automatic electric, fasten to your present tank. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty n96 RADIOS, RECORD players, recorder I01 Immediate delivery. YEA I ER APPLIANCE CO. J55 N. Liberty n95 CEDAR FENCE POSTS, Shakes, Hop posts. Order now, any amount, also reason able hauling. Phone 23152. n95 FLASHLIGHTS, GUARANTEED lights requiring no batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. IRON AND extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n96 ULTRA VIOLET (sun) lamps., infra-red (neat) lamps and heating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 356 N. Liberty 096' FOR SALE: Baby Buggy. Alio art I to t mut turn dresses. 371 N. aouu cue FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC ROOM heaters. Ail type. asa N. Liberty ' CABBAGE, lettuce, 15c dog. Cauliflower and tomatoes, 25? aos. ransirs, ioo aoi. Blue Primroses, 40c ea. Ataleai, II. 00 and up. Geraniums, 36 and 60c eacn. Merrill's Green House, Brooks. Ph. 24351. ' n94 WASHING MACHINES that fit OO your laundry trays tun sue. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n9B' GARDEN sand, gravel, crushed rock Shovel A drag-line excavating WALL INO SAND AND GRAVEL OO Ph 1561 LAWN CART all metal, rubber tread lawn and garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty nOI' ALARM CLOCKS, electric desk, mantle and wall clocks. ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty &96 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS A SETTING of goose eggs. Ph. 21425. na94 WANTED; Burlap and cotton bags, all kinds. Willis Keller. Ph, 23166. na94 USED FURNITURE Phone 9185 PERSONAL READING, know the truth. 2361 State. DADDY HOPE to go to clasa to get course anniversary time. Love, Mom mle. P9 PROFESSIONAL ADVISER. Well known by former name "Martin." Appts. dally. 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. 1271 Ohemeke- ta St. P96 WI NOT be responsible for any bills as of today except by myself, April 15. Signed Asa Clarence Lee, 2218 N. Com'l. P95 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. Box 724. p276 AUTOMOBILES 1040 CHEV, panel. Excel, cond , Can be seen Sat. or Sun, at 196 So. 94th. Q94- loan FORD deluxe coupe, heater, spot light. Marvin Van Cleve, rt. 7, box 246. Ph. 85191. QM i42 BUIck sedanette. Ph. 21391. q96 WrTxkiNG 1036 Ford. Rebuilt motors for Ford. Chevrolet, Plymouth, Dodge and Wlllvs. 1034 Ford transmission, Dodge rear-end suitable for building nost-ho e digger tor tractor. Everett's Garage, Salem-Dallas highway. Ph. 24336. 199 HHW CHRYSLER coupe. 700. Veterans Colony, 1130 Eirstrom ur apt, j. quo MUST SELL. 1946 aluminum 20-ft. Glider house trailer. Excellent condition. Ac commodates four. Furnished. Imme diate possession. Cash term. Hill whlt tler, route 9. box 428. Castle Hall Cot . tages, 12th St. Junction. q96 1034 FORD Victory 2-dr. ex. cond., new paint, 6x16 wheels, trunk, completely overhauled. 8385. 2606 So. Summer. 37 FORD 60 tudor, immaculately clean, A-l mechanically. Ph. 3456. q90' 'in STtmnKB Commander 4-dr. sdn. radio Sr heater, good tires, $995. Call after 8:30 p.m. HO N. ana st. or pn. 1052. 8ILVERTON. Q95' -41 dodge 4-yd. dump truck with 2 speed axle, Inside trip & heater. Price J 1850. 1315 Plaza, W. saiem. rn. aiuon, q96 1911 CHEV. 2-dr. sedan, clean, good cond. '42 Ford, 4-ton pickup. Clean. 2382 State St. lft.1.1 FONTIAC Con. Oood shape. Will sell for cash or trade for good ateei top ear, Doolittle's Service Station, after 11 p.m. q96 Q.M.C. TRUCK. 114 ton, 3 speed, flat . bed. Dale Elsenmann. Rt. 1. Jefferson 'A ml. 8. of Green's Bridge. ' q98 '38 NASH Deluxe Sedan. Radio, heater, seal beam head lights, excel, cond. 3460 Center. Phone 6751. Q95 FOR SALE: 1940 Ford dump truck, two speed axle, new motor. $1850. Ph. 3021. GET YOUR USED TRUCKS FROM SALEM'S TRUCK SPECIALISTS 1 1041 INTERNATIONAL Model K-5, IVi ton. 11041, Reo, Model OSL, heavy, duty stock rack lwb. 11941 International, Model D-400, cab over engine, stock Tack LWB. 11937 O.M.C. m ton with tas-a-long. Ideal for lumber haul for small mill. 11937 G.M.O. cab-over with van body LWB. All the above trucks are In A-l condi tion and are backed by our guarantee JAMES H. MAD EN COMPANY International Truek Dealer 3955 Sllverton fioao Salem, Oregon Phone 24128 94' '41 FORD 1-ton pickup, 1440 Ferry, after 5 p. m. q95 DeSOTO Sedan, good as new. Ph. 6139 ql02 1946 FORD Convertible. Best offer over S1&00, 905 N. 5th evenings. q94 MODEL A FORD 2-dr., motor In excel. cond. Good rubber, corner 34th and Lee. 1225. Ph. 3639. 41 FORD, 3-door, RH, new tires. Mer cury motor, 1440 Ferry after 6 p. m q98 II DESOTO cedan, custom, excellent cond. Must sell Immediately, cheap, after 4 p.m. 3920 N. River Koaq. 010 FORD truck. Good shape. All new tires. M. M. Gettls, 635 Norman Ave, q95 ATTENTION TRUCKERS it LUMBERMEN I HAVE A '41 Ford cabover with a Fabco tandem drive, new lumber rolls and motor. 8Vi tires. This Is a buy. 728 N, Commercial. Ph. 26539 after 6. q95 1936 PONTIAC 6, cpe. good condition. Call 310 Vista Avenue. q04 WANTED TOUR CAR foi cash. Will pay more tor late clean models. See us now. SQUARE ' DEAL USED OARS 1155 S. 12th St. q97' MOTORCYCLES INDIAN SALES - SERVICE - PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought -old repaired. SHROCK MOTOR OO. Phone 8502 Salem AUTO PAINTING. PH. 4010 WILLAMETTE MOTOR CO., 725 N. COM'L HUDSON SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimates overhauling Body and fender repair painting "Qivt Snrock a try and you'll know why. SHROCK MOTOR OO Phone 8503 - Salem FORD VS motor, good cond., 4 800x16 tires, tubes and wheels, good as new and other Ford parts. Ph. 3421. 1477 Marlon St. q94 NEW INDIAN CHIEF Motorcycle, 1300. accessories, only 5000 ml. Really 1 honey. 1890 8. 13th. DICK'S USED CARS Q94 29 CHV. box on back, 1100, 3917 State. Ph. 25162. Q95' 1036 CHEV. town sedan, clean, new tires, 1630 Roosevelt St. q95 3ft CONVERTIBLE Ford roadster, 9 miles 8. of Salem. 99E, 'Robert Feller. Rt. 4 box 249. q95 '41 BUICK. Special 4-door sed. radio and underseat heater. 1st class rubber. A-l mechanically. Prlv. owner, 320 Sunset, q95 39 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. deluxe sedan, dio, heater, seal beam headlights. 680 H N. High or pnone 5&, qg FOR SALE '36 Ford 4-dr. sedan, good tires, new motor, $oo. 181 cattin St., Monmouth. q94 1937 FORD Tudor Sedan, 85 h.p., radio and heater, condition like new; this to believe it. 1935 Maple Ave. q94 114 CHEV. four-door sedan, S375. Matt Bronec, Box 236, Hubbard, Ore. q97 18 ft. House Trailer, Sleeps 4, factory ouiit, 1350. oooq cona., 100 Highway Ave., Salem. q97 1989 DODGE 4-dr. sedan, perfect cond. Very good rubber, heater, defroster, 1950 cash. Mrs. W. D. Olid will. 3508 Brooks 8t Salem. q94 TWO-WHEEL Trailer, good rubber. 16 in wheels. 706 N. Com'l. q94 TWO-WHEEL Trailer with new box, good tires, make an offtr. Ph. 31611. 9T AUTOMOBILES 194 rOB- Deluxe 2-door sedan, radio and heater. See at union station at Center and Liberty from 1 to 10 p. m. q94 It FOOT Trailer House with built-in oil stove, '4 mile west or onemawa. hi. z. Box 411. Elmer Schuh. q94 IS FORD 3 dr. sedan, new '39 motor. brakes and battery, laua. ibbo b. lain. DICK'S USED OARS q94 M V-8 Tador, seal beam lights, new leather upholstering. 2295. I800 s. lam. DICK'S USED OARS q94 35 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan, heater, 1325. 1890 S. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS s q94 'as STUDR. 4 dr. sedan, good cond., new paint. 1345. 1890 s. 12th. DICK'S USED CARS q94' A-V-8 ROADSTER, all hopped up, clocked at 114 m.p.h.. S395. 1890 S. 12tn. DICK'S USED CARS q04 1S40 PONTIAC 4 door sedan for $1075 or will trade for cheaper car. Ph. 25180. q94 FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE TARM LOANS ONLY 41 INTEREST ( to 40 Years and NO Commission! Leo N. Chllds. Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261. r95 MONEY FOR 1VERV PURPOSE IF YOU are capable of building 10 to 100 nouses saiem or vicinity aunng 1047 and need financial assistance. Contact Os. We are also In tenanted In financing one or two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO- Lie S216M332 163 B. High St. Ph. 4131 , r FARM AND CITY LOANS and 6 TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment with in reason Cash lor Real Estate Contracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES OO 307 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Ph 7162 r" 4H PERCENT money for loans on new or a read? du lit modern nomes any- wr re In the Willamette valley. 10 to 25. years repayment plan. Also plenty or money for building modern nomes, financed during construction. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 8. High St. WE LIKE to make LOANS WE LIKE to say "Yes" to loan requests, because making loans 01 $30 to liou or more is our ONLY business. Phone or visit Peisonal Finance Co.. You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" in Just 1-vlsit Call today. Kia fUaU fit. Am. 195. Salem Ph. 3191 E. Galllnger, Mgr1. Uz. 6. 122 M. 165 riua' FTRST MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE WE OFFER for sate first mortgages on improved real estate, Salem and vicin ity, amounts $500 to $5000, NET In vestors 6 pet. Interest Make your own selection. Collections of all principal and Interest payments made by us witnout cnarge to tne investors. 8TATE FINANCE CO.. 163 6. High St, 3 MONEY I REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS OAR LOANS Wt Bur Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS Lie 8-216 M-222 153 8 High St. t Real Estate Loam Farm City New Construction 4 4tt A. N. Duncan 12-14 Ladd Bush Bank Bldg. Phone 9651 GENERAL FINANCE CORP, LOANS eVUS and M-138 . and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 138 B Commercial St Tel 916S. r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT OO. Itb FLOOR OUARDI AN BLDG, Lloerse No. M-159. S-154 TRANSPORTATION AM DRIVING to Ohio about April 33. wouia tut. 1 or . pa... to .nare driv ing and expenses. Box 469 Capital Journal. xD5 Directory APPLIANCE REPAIRS OLSON WASHER REPAIR. Ph. 3-5100. olOO ACCOUNTING EXPERT BENDIX and commercial and domestlo refrigeration service, Ralph Johnson Appliances 133 Center Ph. 4038 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING house plans. Call 9031. ol02' AUTO BRAKES MIKE PANER, 275 B. Com'l. Ph. 8161 Brake & Wheel aligning specialist. O101 AUTOMOTIVE COMP. MOTOR overhaul, auto mech. serv ice. Body and fender, free estimates, reasonable. Ph. 5313. 843 N. High. one MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service, day Phone 7838 Night. 24417 333 Center. o BULLDOZING BULLDOZING, leveling, clearing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 305 Falrvlew Ave. Phone 33148, Salem. ol08 GLEASON'S Catering Service. Ph. 2E379. 0116 CEMENT WORK GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Cliff Ellis, 1005 N. 19th St. Ph. 4071. ollS CHIMNEY. SWEEP FURNACES, CHIMNEYS vacuum cleaned. ENSLKY , 771 S. 31st St. Ph. 7176. Ol03 CONTRACTING NEW HOMES, New roofs and alterations. 1 to 3 years to pay. Kann Construc tion Co. Ph. 4830 or 25106. oll8 GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTING. Harry Hill. Ph, 7641. olOO DECORATING DECORATING & general repair. Ph. 6522. O103 DELIVERY SERVICE EVANS MOTORCYCLE Merchant Delivery. Ph. 7:00 175 N. High. 0114" SALEM DELIVERY and Pickup Service 145 8. Church. Phone 4711. olOO DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, button holes, hemstitch ing, buttons it buckles covered, altera tions. 2365 N. 4th. Phone 3900. 096 EXTERMINATORY COCKROACH, MOTH EXTERMINATOR service. Ph. 3058 Lee Cross. 1260 N. 17th Ol02 PEMBERTON'S FLOWER Shop. I960 I 12th. PI 23346. 098 BREITUAUPT'S for flowers Dial 9195 o FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOWELL FUNERAL HOME Ph. 1673 e FURNITURE REPAIRING WANTED: Furniture to glue and repair Lee Bros.. 4020 K. Stall. Ph. 21233 0133 TRUCK SERVICE, moving and hauling. Arthur McClellar.. Phone 33456. O109 HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R. WATKINR CO. PRODUCTS. Free del 1717 Center St. Phone 6395. O101 HOUSEPAINTINQ C. HORN. Good work. Free estimates Ph. 5313. 1236 8. 19th. 086 LANDSCAPING LAWNS, planting, landscape plans. Ar bor Landscape Service. Phone 7665, ilOO LEVELING it DOZING JOHNSON BRIGGB. Grading BU. A Roads, Phone 8035 Salem. o07 LUMBER LUMBER, custom planing and car load ing. Lumber Industries. Inc., success ors to H. 8. Lumber Co., Wallace road, West Salem. Ph. 8691. 114 DIRECTORY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS , HAUSER. 926 Saginaw. P. 7838 0107" MATTRESSES CAPITAL BEDDING. Phona 4068. Ol08' SALEM MOVINQ A Delivery Service Phone 7665. insured carrier. MUSIC LESSONS SPANISH and HAWAIIAN Guitar, Mando lin, banjo, etc 1533 Court. Ph. 7568. 099' OIL CIRCULATORS OIL BURNER Bales and Service. Wm. O. Drew. Phone 5395. om OIL CIRCULATORS. 24 nr. service. Parts available. Phone 6072. wr PAINTING AND PAPERHANQING, ITee itimate. Ph. 9513. 857 snipping. ou ROY C. HANSON. Painting, decorating. Phone 2-5838. oiu PAINTING A PAPERHANQING JERRY JOHNSON. Phone 3492. PA PER HANGING EXPERT PAPERHANQING. J. vood-O-IM Orth. Phona 3015. PLOWING AND DISCINO GARDEN PLOWING and discing Is N. Salem or Kelzer. Ph. 32160. 0100 PLUMBING AND repair. Prompt service Larry Traviss. 1039 Highland Ave. rn. 8601. OllI PRINTING COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Letterheads. envelopes, business caras, onice lormi, briefs, small booklets. Quick delivery. Johnson Printing Co. In basement at 162 8. Liberty St. 7490. QlOl SAND AND GRAVEL GARDEN SOIL, crushed rock. Shovel dragline excavating Walling Sand Gravel Oo Phone 8561 SEPTIC TANKS SE-TIC TANKS and drain lines cleaned. 1067 Elm 5t- Jack Boening. rn. 0114 ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVICE: Sew ers and drains cleaned. Free estimate. Proi t service. Ph. 6337 or 9468. O107 MIKE'S Cesspool Sc Beptlo Service, mod ern equipment 1078 Elm St., w. eaiem Ph. 9468 or 5337. QlOl' k r. iiamel. Sentlc Tanks Cleaned. 1143 8th St. W. eaiem. rn. iwt. quo SPRAYING. L. W. Caudle. Ph. 7900. olOO COMPLETE spray service. Trees it weeds Modern equipment. Aerosol generator Conrentronal sprayer. Philip W. Blelke Phone 21203 oST TRANSFER AND STORAGE LOCAL A DISTANCE Transfer, storage Burner oils coal, briquets Trucks to Portland dally. Agent Lyon Van Lines for household goods to caiuornia points Larmer Transfer It Storage. Ph. 3181. o' VACUUM CLEANERS HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER owners, w will service your Hoover eieaner oom oleta tor 12.50 olus parts U required Hogg Bros. Ph 9149. 0 WEATHER STRIPPING FREE estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. 6965. oior WHITTAKER'S WELDING WORKS. Ph, 5600. oiu' WELL DRILLING Chester J. Push. Rt. 3. Box 38BB Salem, Oregon. Ph. 23412. 0110 WELL DRILLING. M. D. Enloe, Rt. 9 Box 144. Auburn Rd. Ph. 2519B. oiQB1 J. A, 8NEED SONS. Well drilling 2506 Brooks St., Salem, pnone ceoi. oij WINDOW CLEANING SALEM WINDOW Service. House Clean ing, floor waxing. Ph. 31343. olio ACME WINDOW CLEANERS. Windows walla A woodwork cleaned Floors clean ed, waxed A polished Ph. 3337 841 Court, uangdoo. Oulbertion and Mather 0' PROFESSIONAL CLEAN IN Q Phon. 4467 SERVICE ELECTRIC WIRING No delay. Material available. Phone 9740, oma WOOD SAWING R. B. Cross. Ph. 8178. LEGAL SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT Vnr tho vmnr ended December 31. 1046 Of THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Of MIL WAUKEE, in the State of WISCONSIN, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Total premium Income for the year I 19B,18.,sd3.u Interest, dividends and rmtjt received during the year 63,353,179.65 Income from other sources received during the year 88,852.010.11 Total Income I 301,&80,O43.bu DISBURSEMENTS Paid for losses, endow ments, annuities and sur render values 76,973,886.00 Dividends paid to policy holders .. SB, 138,7317. S Dividends paid to stock holders (Purely Mutual) None General Insurance expenses 24,234,265.46 Amount of all other ex penditures (Including In vestment expenses 13,265, 859.07) . 30,182,573.81 Total expenditures I 169,530,542.74 ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value) 12,957,817.57 Loans on mortgages 158,081,530.37 Value of bonds owned (amortized) 1,669,925,8B7.4R Value of stocks owned market value) 41,79B,B28.oo Premium notes and policy loans 70,835,001, SI Cnsh in banks and on hand 20,685,334.60 Interest and rents due and accrued 15,803,818.83 Net uncollected and de ferred premiums 19,736,483.13 Other assets (net) 338,967,14 Total admitted assets ..12,019,054,746.31 LIABILITIES, ' SURPLUS AND OTHER fUNDS Net reserves 11,533,668,016.00 Reserve for Installments not yet due In settlement death claims, etc 2S4,29S,loc.oo Policy claims and losses outstanding 9,800,063.27 Dividends declared and In oourse of payment, to policyholders 43,833,891.M All other liabilities 24,580,426.40 Total liabilities, except capital 31,875,168,583.48 Capital paid up (Purely Mutual) ' None Reserves for contingencies under investments 16,100,000.00 Unapportioned surplus re tained as a general con tingency reserve 127.786.162.rj3 Total 13.019.054,746.31 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums and annui ties received I. 1,804,392.81 Dividends paid to policy holders during the year 262,557.89 Net losses and claims, en dowments, surrenders, and annuities paid during the year 925. 908. C7 PAUL H. ACTON. DISTRICT AGENT ROY O. OIROD. SPECIAL AGENT 408 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Oregon NOTICE TO CREDITORS No 128M Estate of LARRY VAUGHN COLLINS Attorney Louis Schnltser. Address 1031 Pacific Bldg., Portland, 4, Oregon. In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for the County of Marlon, Pro bate Department. Notice is hereby given that the under signed EDGAR VAUGHN COLLINS has been e poln:d Administrator of the es tate of LARRY VAUGHN COLLINS, de ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at Idanha, Oregon, within Six months from the date hereof. Dited and first published March 1847 Last publication April 1047. EDGAR VAUGHN COLLINS ADMINISTRATOR. LOUIS SCHN1TZER Attorney Mar. ;2-3-Apr S-I2-19. Journal Want Ads Pay Market Quotations Part I and FraCfle Csnkens I Butterfat Tentative isubleet SO imme diate change). Premium quality maximum Portland 7 1.12c: first Quality 70-7 ic lb.; sc:ond quality 65-B7c: valley routes and country points 3c less tnan ur-t, or oo- 69c. Butter wholesale f.o.b. bulk, on id cubes, AA, 93 score, 64c; A, 92 score, 63c; , 90 .sore, 63c; C, 89 score, 60c. Cheats Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 404-49c; Ore gon loaf. 39VS2c; triplets 38-50c. Eggs To wholesalers A graae ierr m M.Hiiim iil.IXUp: mall. (pullet) 42'4c; B grade, ia.ss. 'A-M'ie. Eggs Purchases liom farmers. uunn receipts 37-41C. buyers pay I -"Ac dos. below wholesale quotations on grade a basis for best hennery egga Pertland Dalrr Markev Butter Prices to retailers: Qrade AA caricn, 69c; AA prints, ose: A prints 67-68c; A cartons, 68-89c; B prints, 67c; one-fourth pound cubes, cent nigner. E-s Prices to retailers, aa extra targe. ,9c; AA large (certified) 57-58c; A large, 53-S4e; AA medium, 63c; A mediums. 49-50c: A smalt, 44c dozen; canon, avic additional. CheesePrices to retailers peruana Oregon singles, 41Vi-54c lb.; Oregon loaf, im--f ; triplets, 41-54C. Poultry: Live Chickens Paying price to produ cers No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs. 29-30C fryers. 2 to 3 lbs., 39-3 0c lb. 3 to 4 34-35.1 lb.: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. s.3Se Ita.: fowl Learrern. under 3 lbs.. 16-30c lb.: over 3a lbs 2Q-33C id.; iowi colored, all wis.. 32-33c lb. Rabbits Average to retailers 41-SOe Ps; dreued orlces to producers. 43c. fryers live white 30-24c tb.i colored. 17-21o lb Vecetablest Artichokes Cal., 4 and B don., 13.50. Asparagus Cal. smalls, 63.50-4.00 box; Oallf. Cent. dist. No. 1, mediums, box. few 18.85; U-12c. lb.; Sunnyslde, No, 1 mediums. ll-12c; small, 8-9c. Beets Cal.. bunched, tl.25-1.40 dos. Brussei Sprouts S2-J.2B Cabbage Round neao. 80 lb crate tmall 12.50-75: California crates. 13-3 76: red 10- 15c lb.; California No. 1, 13.60-4; km nt. It. 85-1.75: red. Call!.. 15.00-5.30 Track sale. Calif., round head. S3. 80-3.00 crate: local, 80 lb. crate, small, up to U for best. Truck sales, Cain., la.iu. Carrots Bunched. Calif., 6 doit., 14.25 4.50; tra sales, Cal.. 6 dos,, 13.66-3.65. Truck sales, 6 doz., 84.00. Cauliflower Calif., trimmed std. crate, 3.35. Celery Sturdy crates. Pascal. 16.50-7; heart material, std. crate, 15.25-5.60; fair quality, 14.50-4.75; tracK sales, sturdy crates, Santa Monica, 15.15. Cucumbers California nothouse. lugs, 19-9.50; local hothouse, $10-12; 30-35c lb. Garlle Oregon white 36-30o lb.,- Calif. 38-300 lb. Let hire- -Calif.. 4 dos.. 14.35-4.76. Truck sales. Calif. Delano, few 3.75; mostly 14-4 25. Dried Onions Oregon yellows, No. 1 and larger, $2.35-3.30; mediums, l.50-l.75: truck sale, mediums, Sl.BOi Leek, local, B0-90o dos. Egg Plant 22-25C. Green Onions Local. 75-800 dog, bun Local, mld-Columbla, 40-S0c. ParsleyCalif.. 15.-5.50, 10 dot. bunches Parsnips Local. $1.00-1.25 lug. Peas Calif . 20 lb. crate. 13.50-3.73; loose. 10-12c lb. Calif., 28-30 lb. crates, 82.40-2.75. Track sales, Edison, hamper, 12.00. - Peppers Mexico, 46 lb. 113-14 a lug Track sales, 111.00; 100 so 19-300 lb. Oallf., 45 lb $7-7.50, loose, 23-25o. Potatoes Russets No. 1 per cwt., 13.76' 4.00; Idaho No. 1. 13.50; No. 2s, 13.10 S.33; ' o. 3 A, 25 lbs., 11.00-1.05; 15 lbs. 6066c; Deschutes No. 2s, 60 lbs., 11.25 1.30; Baker, Ore., Russets, No. 1, 13.50' 3.60. Radishes Local, 70-75C dos. Rut abaca II 16-1.25 lug Spinach Local, mld-Columbla, 90c-11. 10 a 20 lb, box: new crop, 11.10-1.25. Squash Dan is nig li-l.is. orange boxes 12.502 75: Hubbard, Marblehead, 6-7c lb.i CaUf.. banana, 6-3 lb.; Calif. Zucchini, 13.75-4 a lug. Sweet rotators California Jersey 50 lb. basket, 14.75; Calif., yams, 14.50. Tomatoes Mexican. repacked. $".50-6.75; 20 tubs. 14-4.20. Track sales, lugs, I5.85-S.7S; 12 lb. tubs, $3.00-3.15. Truck sales, Mexican, $6 60, Turnips Bunches ll. 10-35 dot. bunches. California 50-lb. sacks, $2-2.25. Fresh Fruit: Apples Oregon delicious. I. es t., 14-4.25 box: choice 13 76-85; Ortleys, w. and p comb, grade, 13 15-25: Newtons t and f. $1.75-2; W ano P $4-4.25. Red Delicious w and p, up to 16.50; Wlnesaps w it p, 14.30-5.00, Hood River, w. and p.. 14.50-75 Avocados California Feurtes. sizes 34 and 30. 14.25-4.35. Bananas Bunched, 13 26-3 60; out hands, 112.00-13. SO a 100 lbs. Dates Calif 24, 8 ot pkgs. $4.35-5. Gi ipefrult Texas pinks, 7O's-90's, 14.75 5.75; small, $4.00-4.25. Marsh seedless. B0's-96'S, 13.00-3.35; Aril, white, 12.50-2.86 Ruby red, all sizes, 15.60-5.75. Lemon Calif., 300-360's, 17.00-7.26; 482's, 15.00-5.25. Limes Ualllornla 18 tubs ol 6 limes 12.75-3.00 Oranges Ca llf ornla navels, 300's and larger. 16.00-6. 15; 320-252's. 14.75-5.60 352's and smaller, $5,40-5.60; 260's and smaller, $4.00-t.10. Peara D'Anlou, $4.75-85, wrapped and packed; ioose. a.aa; aoso. loose, a,70-a; Yakima. 13-3 25 Persimmons Call lugs. 13.25-3. SO Rhubarb Extra fancy, 12.50-2.66; fancy, $2.00-10; choice $1.75-80, few high as $2.00; Sumner, Wash., "hothouse. 15c lb., local fl.'l grown, $1.00-1.15, 18 lb. box; Wine, $1-1 25. Quince Loral 2H-S0 h. Packaged Vegetables Cellophane wrsp I i. a dozen Broccoli. 12 oe.. 11.75-1. 85; spinach, 24 12-oz., 11.60; bn'ssell sprouts, 8-oz. 12.20-2.35; celery hearts, $3.50 doz. (iarlle Cloves 20 1-01 pacftagas ll.oo 1.76 Dressed Meats! Veal Heavy top quality 85-38c; top quality light, 32-34C lb.; B. 26-26ct C, 12 34c; cull, 18-20o lb. Hogs - Block outchers, packer style, 126-160 lbs . 37-38C over 213 lbs.. Ifl-37c sows, all weights, 30-340 lb. Lambs AA, 38-40CI A, 37-3801 B, I4-36C O, 28-300 Mutton 10-16c lb., according to quality and weight Beef Best quality. 2-34c: b. 26-26oi O, 22-24c; canner and cutter, 18-19c; bo- .og n a bulls 25-26o. Wool Cascara Barki Cascara Bark Green S-8Hm dry, 20c Wool Valley, coarse and1 medium grades, 42-43 'so, Mohair -4Uc lb on 12-month growth Hides -Green beef, 12-13c; calves, 40c lb. Kip hides, 20c. Rendered Inrdlble Fats I2fl lb The above prices quoted to the whole sale trade are F.O.B shipping points Delivered eastern price Is generally l b cents higher than F 03 plant quota tions ChlragA Grain Chicago, April 19 (U.R) Cash grain sites: Wheat: Weaker; sample grade mixed 321. Corn: Down one to two cents: 3 yel- LEGAL NOTICE OF HE.-. RING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCLIT COURT OF THE STATE r UKEGON, FOR MARION COUNTY No. 12635. In the matter of the Kit at if vvtjrm t HRUDKA. deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the undersigned has filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon uount., nis verinea una account as ad mlnlstrator ot the estate of vnii r Hrudka, deceaed, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday. April 22, 1847, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day as the time, and the Court room of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County In the County Courthouse In Salem. Oregon, as the place for the hearing of said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 21st day PAUL WHITE, Administrator of the Estate 01 vencel L. Hrudka. PEERY T. BUREN. Attorney, 613 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg., Salem, Oregon. First DUbllratlnn- U,r.i. 11 deceased 1947. Final publication: April 18, '1947, LODGES A Ainsworth Lodge 201, A. As A.M., 248 North Commercial, c- iuesasy, April 12, 7:15 p.m T. O. Degree, p,g I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday night. Third Degree. Visitors welcome. fraternal Order ot Eagles meet every Tuesday at 8 pan. Mors .man numon memoera. low 181-182; 3 yellow 178-181; 4 yellow 172'. -174; 6 yellow 163-165; sample grade yellow 154. Oats: Down one cent; 1 mixed heavy 93',; 1 mixed 93; 1 white heavy 944-9fi; 1 white 93-93 3 white 93: 3 white 92, Barley: Malting 160-190 nominal; feed 130-140 nominal. Portland Grain Portland. Ore., April II (Ph Wheat: no futures quoted. Cash grain unquoted. Cash wheat ibid): soft white 3.371 toft white lexrluding rex) 2.37; white club 3,37; western red 3.37. Hard red winter: ordinary 3.37; 10 per cent 3,39: 11 percent 3.45; 12 percent 3 56. Hard white baart: 10 percent 3.38; 11 percent 2.42; 12 percent 2.50. Today's car receipts: wheat 'fl5; barley t; flour 3; corn 9; oats 1; mlllfeed I. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore., April 19 (UR Weekly livestock: Cattle: For five days, salable 1828. to tal 2418; calves 310 and 322. Compared week ago most clases 25-50c higher: near ly all cows at new high range, edge of! market late, however. Medium to good fed steers 20-00-34.00, losd good to low choice 9S6 lbs. 24.25. new recent high. Medium to good helfen 18.00-22.50, odd head 23.00 common down to 14.00. Csn ner and cutter cows 11.00-13. 50, few ear ly to 14.25, shells downward to 8.50. Fat dairy type cows 14.00-17.00. odd' head to 18,00 and over. Good beef bulls 18. 00 18.50. medium to good sausage bulls 15.50 17,50. Oood to choice ' vealers 23.00-26.00 selects to 27.00 and 38.00; extreme high 29.00 for one vealer. a new hlah. Hogs: For five days, salable 1034. to- tnl 3912. Market around 1.75 lower. Late top 26.25, early sales to 27.00 for good to choice 180-350 lbs., one load to 27.25. Heavier and lighter weights penalised 1.00 to 2.00. Oood sows late 22.00-23.00. ear ly to 24.00. Good to choice feeder pigs late 29,50, early sales to 30.00; odd lots to 30.60 and 31.00. Good stags mostly 17.oo-lB.00 with 70 lb. dock. Sheep: For five days, salable 1042, tnl 4469, Market unevenly lower with most loss on grassy old crop lambs, un evenly 60c-fl.5o lower. One lot good t choice spring lambs early 22.00. Truck lot mostly choice lambs 21.00 but very little over 20.00, Deck good to choice fed shorn lambs. No. 2 pelts 19.00. Grassy Iambs largely below 18.00. Few feeders ln.uo-io.ao. Odd yearlings 15.00 down, Good shorn ewes 7.00, wooled ewes to S.00, one lot 9.25 early. Salem Markets Completed from reports ot Salem dealers for the guidance of Capi tal Journal Readers. (Revised dally.) Retail Price Rabbit Feeds Pellets, $4.25 cwt. Egg Mash $4.76 cwt. Dairy Feed 13.90 cwt. Poultry Heavy colored hens. No. 1, 33c lb.; No. 3, 38c; colored fryers, No. 1, 34c ID Esse Buyers' Prices White and Brown extra large grade A, 50c; med., 46c; standards, 46c do?en; pullets 30c; crax. 30c. W' olesale Price Large 54c dozen; med., auc aozen. Butter Wholesale A. 68c. Retail Orade A, 73c. Butterfat Premium, 72c; No. 1, 71e; no. 1, sic. New York Stock Quotations (By the Associated Press) New York St- Closing quotations today Allied Chem A Dye .. ...171 American Can Am Petver St Llghl ... .. 12U mer Tel St Tel Anaconda Copper Atchison Bendlh Aviation Bethlehem steel Boeing Aircraft California Pncklng .... Canadian Pacific J I Case Chrysler Oorp ,. Commonwealth A Bout L nsolldated Edisor Consolidated Vultee Continental Insurance . Crown Zeilernach Ourtlss Wright C j Bias Aircraft Dupont de ifemouri ... General Electrlo General Poods Genera Motor Goodyear Tire Great Northern pfd ,, International Harvester Int Papei pfd Johns Manvllle ........ Kennecott Long Bell A Maytag Miami Copper Montgomery War ... Nash Kelvlnator National Dairy N Y Central North Am Co ....... Northern Pacific Pao Amer Fish Pacific Oas Eteo ..... Pacific TAT Pan American Penney J O Radio Corp Rayonier Kayonler Pfd Reynolds Metals Richfield Safeway Sears Roebuck ........ Sinclair Oil Southern Paoiflo Standard Brands Standard OH Calif ... Stewart Warner Studebnker Sun Mining Union Oil union Pacifie United Airlines United Alrciaft united States Steal ... ..163't , S0 14. , 64 , 16 ifc . 11 "i . 3314 . 89 . 2 . 2ft& . IS'i . 604 . 27 Mr , 4!i . 63 .. 41 Mr .. S6 1 j ,. 6U1 .. 40 ,. 62 '.'.116 .. 44 .. 1514 .. 9 .. is; .. 514 .. 16 .. 31 .. 15 .. 35 .. 164 .. 10' ... 37 ,..108 .. 12S ... 41 '4 ... 7 ... 19 !!! 37i ... ,..22 ... 32 .. IVi .. 36H .. 31 ... 52 .. 13 ,.. 19 ... 10 ... 30 U ...124 ... 26 ... 18H ... 68 Warner rirothers 14-I West Elec Mfg Oo 24'4 Woolwortn ,,, 44 Conciliation Service Enters Labor Case Portland, April 19 (P) With the CIO International Wood workers of America and fir operators of Oregon and Wash ington stalemated over contract negotiations, the U. S. concilia tion service stepped into the pic trWe today. Main issues were the union's proposal for wage increases and establishment of a health and welfare fund. James E. Fadling, union president, said the fund should cover hospitalization, sickness and death benefits, and provide for the employment of safety experts. He estimated it might cost employers 7 cents a man hour. Fadling said a meeting with the conciliation service had been set for next Wednesday. Hop Yard Activity Good at Wheatland Wheatland Hop yards in the Wheatland district are scene of much activity during this Ideal weather. In the J. S. Gllkey 15 acre field three men and one woman tied hops. At the Mag ness 25 acre field 18 men and women started tying Wednes day. Other yards here are lim llarly active. Columbus found Sea Island cotton growing in the Bahamas In 1492. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Stocks Advance On Strike News New York, April IP W) Stocks rallied sharply in the lat ter part of today's market, after many leaders had hit new lows for the past six months or long er, with steels leading the climb in reflection of reports that U. S. Steel and the union had reached an agreement. Most early losses running to a point or more were wiped out in the final half hour or con verted Into advances running to around three points for favor ites. Activity broadened for a lengthy interval but slowdows eventuated before the close and scattered declines persisted. Transfers for the two hours ran to about 700,000 shares. The Western Union wage agreement aided sentiment at the start although the stock it-, self did nothing until the rest of the market finally began to rise. It eventually added about a point. A certain amount of bid ding was credited to the thought that the list was due for a tech nical comeback. Bonds did better on an indi vidual basis. Closing Dow-Jones stock aver ages: Industrial, 168.44 up 1.67; rail, 44.32, up 0.48; utility, 33.96 up 0.41; 65 stocks, 59.77, up 0.62. Sales totaled 890,000 shares compared With 630,000 last Sat urday. Curb volume was 150, 000 shares compared with 160, 000 last Saturday. Bond turn over of $1,811,000 compared with $2,010,000. Late Rally in Grain Market Chicago, April 19 W) A late rally developed in grains on the board of trade today with de ferred deliveries of corn and oats pushing above the preced ing close. Cash wheat was quoted lower In the northwest. Offerings of corn by the county slackened There was a good demand for cash,iats. Wheat closed V4-2V4 lower, May $2.56-2.56 V, corn was 1V4 lower to -V4 higher, May $1.73 34, and oats were 1V4 lower to Vt higher, May 88. Reports from the Northwest said spring wheat farmers were in need of several days of dry weather to enable them to get Into the field and expand plant ing operations. Dairen Soviet To Bar Chinese Shanghai, April 19 (IP) Pri vate Chinese reports from Dai ren today said Soviet authorities had indicated they would refuse to permit government troops to enter when the Chinese take ov er administration of the big Manchurlan port. These reports said it was pos sible only administrative and police personnel would be per mitted entry. This, the reports added, would "nullify all the government's a d m i n i strative powers. The Sino-Soviet treaty of 1945 provided for Chinese adminis tration of Dairen, in Russian hands since the end of the war. Chinese officials attempting to arrange for the take-over have encountered many difficulties. The private reports received in Shanghai said Soviet authori ties had shown no disposition to permit seaborne national gov ernment troops to disembark at Dairen. SERVICE SERVICE FOR OTHER MAKES HOGG BROS. APPLIANCE & FURNITURE 260 Stare St. FREE LUBRICATION Hurry Hurry Hurry On every ear brought to Teague Motor Company no itrings attached juit drive your car to Teague Motor Company, and you'll get a regular $1.50 lubri cation job on your ear . All work done by factory trained men! THIS OFFER IS GOOD DURING APRIL ONLY TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY North Liberty Street Salem, Oregon Saturday, April 19, 1947 11 Births, Deaths Births Sllverton Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Schar back have had word of the birth of a son, Raymond Thomas, to their son, Ohlef Petty Officer Raymond Scharback and Mrs. Scharbank at St. Joseph's hos pital, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 4 The child welshed only two and a half pounds, and measured six Inches in length. Me is being artificially fed and Is giving promise of living was the re port late this week. Muifer To Mr. and Mrs. Elliott N. Munger. 1485 Jefferson, a daughter, Ann Jeanette, April 12. De pen brock To Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Depenbrock. 2469 State, a son, Albert Charles. April 13. Bickell To Mr. and Mrs. Plovd R. Blckell. route 4, a son, William Russell, April 13. Egglman To Mr. and Urj. Norman M. Egglman, 3311 Center, a son, Wayne Lee. April 14. Mathlson To Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Uathison. 715 Highland, a son, Walter G?orge, April 13. Polzel To Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Poliel. 610 Hollywood, a son, Meredith Howard, April 15. Coop to Mr. and Mrs. Henry 8. D. Coop, 656 McNary, a son, James Bird well, April 16. Andrews To Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Ai- drews. 3225 Sllverton Road, a daughter. Marilyn Amalle, April 13. Satter To Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Q. Satter, route S, a son, LeRoy Gale, April Bproed To Mr. and Mrs. Edward c. Sproed, route 2, a daughter, Linda, Ap ril in. Wftlf Tn Up anrf 11.. tl.m. m J w.1 route 1, a daughter, Carrie Anne, April 10. Church To Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Church. 2060 McCoy, a son, Gary Wil liam, April 16. Jsckson To Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge D. Jackson, route 3. Turner, a son. Jim my Lee, April 3. Murders To Mr. and Mrs. Dawforrl W. Murders, Independence, a son, Ployd Leon April 6. Baker- To Mr. and Mrs. Wesley o. Baker, Woodburn, a daughter, Sara Lou ise, April 7. Bidwell To Mr. and Mrs. 7.n n. ntrf. well, Jefferson, a daughter. Carolyn Vir ginia, April 7. Myers-To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 7. Myers. West Stayton. ley Kae, April 10. ' daughter, Shir- Deaths Mm. Sallna B. West Mrs. Sallna B. West at the resirfeni?. 255 Market street. April 18. Survived by her daughter, Edna May West of Sa lem: four sisters. Mrs. Alice Nash of Salem, Mrs. Eva Hayes of Seattle, Wash., Mrs. Clara Hoffer of Redlands. Calif., and Mrs. Lucile Barnett of Portland: and a brother, Charles Ross of Senora, Calif. Services will be held Monday, April 31, at 3 p.m., at the Clough-Bar-rick chapel. Shipment will be made to Montana for Interment. Louise D. Woods Louise D. Woods. lata rirfint nt Port land, at Pendleton, April 16. Aunt of Robert Monroe of Inglewood, Calif. C.-aveslde services will be held Monday. April 21, at 1:30 p.m. at the rorest Lawn Park cemetery at. Gresham, Ore gon. Direction W. T. Rladon company. Michael J. Wagner Michael J. Wagner, at the residence on route 3, Salem, Thursday, April 17. at he age Of 83 years. Survived hv iht sons and daughters. Chris Wagner, Lodl, Calif.; Mrs. Mary Rleb, Vancouver, B.C.; Jacob E. Benjamin, J. L. and Michael wagner arm Mrs. Kale Braumberger and Miss Betty Wagner, all of Salem, and by 19 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Member of Seventh Day Adventlst churrh. Services will be held at Howell-Edwards chapel Monday. April 21, at 2 p.m., with Elder G. T. Dickinson offi ciating. Interment at City View ceme tery. Rimer Riley Lane Elmer Riley Lane, late resident of Polk county, at a local hospital, April 16, at the age ot 34 years. Brother of Mrs. Geraldlne Hall and Dortha Lane, both of Portland, and Lloyd Lane with the U.S. navy. Announcement of services later by dough -Bar rick company. Hattle n. Bi.ilrk Cady In Pasadena, Calif., April 2. Buslck Cady, former resident and late resident of Pasadena, by a, son with the U.S. army in Member of Chadwlck chapter, Hattie B. of Salem Survived Oermany. Order of Order of Rlgdon Eastern Star, While Shrine, Amaranth and the Rehekahs. ment of services later by W. company. Oft Idle Pay Plagg In this city. April 19, Goldte Pay Flagg, wife of Frank Plagg of Salem; sister of Normnn Duff of Enid, Ok la.. Frank Duff of Boyd, Ok la., Robert Duff of Balko, Ok la., Mrs, Laura Hullng of Beaver, Okla., Mm. Florence Buwel of Vlnlta, Okla., and Mrs. Edna Herscher and Mrs, Iva Bumps of Hennesy, Okla. Shipment will be made to Liberal, Kan., by W. T. Rlgdon com pany for services and interment. , Obituary Mrs. Lucy Orey Independence Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy Orey. late resident of Inde ppudence, who died at a Dalles hospital April 17, will be held at the Smith and Baun inortunary hero Monday, April 1, st 2 p.m. Interment will bn In the City View cemetery at Salem. Surviving are, her husband, Roy Orey of Independence; R daughter. Maxtne Marquis of Indepen dence; a sister. Mrs. E. B. Taylor of Sa lem; a brother, Ardln Straw of Saleml and two grandchildren. Daryl and Rich ard Orey, both of Salrm. ALSO Phone 9149