6 Sociefy, Edited by Jean Taylor, Phone S573 Showers Are Arranged For Matrons Several showers have been planned recently and are im portant on the social schedule. Mrs. Frank Nicholls was hon ored Thursday evening when her co-workers at the office of the secretary of state arranged a dinner for her at Chuck's. In charge was Miss Peggy Peter son. r.npsts were Mrs. Nicholls Mrs. James H. Unruh, Mrs. Mar ian Leslie. Miss Edith Libbey Miss Louise Black, Mrs. Janet Wppphnm. Miss Dorothv Butz Miss Angela Kropp, Miss Irene Blankley, Miss Mary Foster Miss Margaret Davis, Miss Bes sie Beam, and Miss Peterson. Mrs. John Strickfaden enter tained Thursday evening at her hnmn in Thnmnsnn avenue. complimenting Mrs. Charles Fearing with a surprise parly and shower. Following dessert,' the eve ning was spent informally. finests were Mrs. Fearing. Mrs. Sam Speerstra, Mrs. Carl Walters, Mrs. David Cameron, Mrs. Charles Gregory, Mrs. John T.amh. Mrs. Charles KnaDO. Mrs. John Middlebrook and the hostess. Conference Plans Are Completed Mt. Angel Court Marion No. 718 Catholic Daughters of Amc rica, host for the 11th biennial state conference Sunday, made final preparations for the event at the Monday business session Monitors, Mrs. Richard Follz and Mrs. R. J. Welton will lead the parade of officers and all members will go from St. Ma ry's school to St. Mry's church faor the 8 o'clock conference mass. Members are asked to meet at the school and take part in the march. Mrs. Urban Butsch, Mrs. Paul Wachter, Mrs. Frank Neisius Mrs. Val Ebcrle, Mrs. Louis Schwab and Mrs. E. B. Stolle are in charge of the breakfast, assisted by Mrs. Al Lulay, Mrs. Lucille Prosser, Mrs. Joseph Rosno, Miss Lois Rosno and Mrs. F. Hoffer. Assisting the Mt. Angel Knights of Columbus are Mrs. Francis Schmidt, Mrs. Ben Ack crman and Mrs. Harold Bour bonnais, Mrs. Urban Butsch and her social committee. Automobiles will be available during the recess at 1 p.m. Sun day for guests who wish to view the Mt. Angel Benedictine's Ab taey and Academy by Mrs. J. J. Penner, Miss Helen Keber. Dec oration committee will be as sisted by Mrs. Fred J. Schwab, Miss H. Keber, Miss Eustcllc Bauman and Miss Pauline Saal ield. Charter members now num bering 28 will be honored at an informal get-logether Saturday evening at the St. Mary's club rooms at 8 p.m. Local members and visitors are invited to at tend. Musical selections will be given by Miss Pauline Saalfcld and Miss Eustelle Bauman, with Miss Helen Kcber accompanist. They will also serve refresh ments, assisted by Mrs. Al Wil ' de, Mrs. S. C. .Schmitt, Mrs. Bernard Schiedler and Mrs. Katherine Piennett. Mrs. R. J. Welton and Miss Elizabeth Un ger, charter members, will pre side at the coffee urns. Anniversary Is Honored Slayton In celebration of the 33rd wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Maisel of Stayton, a dinner was held at the Portland home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maisel, Sunday Present with the honored guests were their daughters Beulah and Elaine; Mrs. Austin Longfellow and children, Gcr aldine, David and Karen, of Stayton; Mrs. Robert Walls of Lebanon, and Miss Elma Shuck and the hosts and children of Portland. Bridge Party a I LeDoux Homo Mt. Angel A post-Easter bridge party was held at the home of Mrs. L. A. LeDoux. Miss Yvonne LeDoux of Salem assist ed her mother at serving the late supper. Special guests included Mrs. Fred J. Schwab and Mrs. Henry Zollner. Honors were won by Mrs. P. N. Smith, Mrs. N. G. Mickel and Mrs. G. D. Ebncr. Three tables were in play. Portland visitors on Thursday were Mrs. Prince W. Byrd and Mrs. William H. Burghardt. Engaged Miss Ardelle Hagen son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hagenson, whose engagement to John Meier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Flavius Meier, was recent ly announced. (Jesten - Miller studio) Mrs. Dealer Is Bearerton Bride Stayton In riles held in the Catholic church in Beavcrlon April 12, Mrs. Dora Dozler of Stayton and Jerry Marking, also of Stayton, were united in mar riage by Father George Snider-hon. The bride chose a light blue suit with accessories of turf tan for her wedding. She wore an orchid corsage. Attendants were the daughter and son of the bride, Miss Dar lcne Dozler and Bryce Dozler. Miss Dozler wore a suit of shock ing pink, with a grey hat, and a corsage of gardenias. A wedding breakfast was serv ed at Carmen's in Beaverton for 34 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Mark ing left on a wedding trip to Cal ifornia and will live in Stayton on their return. Among those attending the wedding were Mrs. A. P. Her mens, Mrs. Wilbur Lesley and children Gay and Noel, Mrs. Henry Gescher, Mrs. Robert James, Mrs. Martin Gehlen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dozler and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Dozler, Robert O'Connor and Miss Colleen Fehlen, all of Stay ton; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Doerflcr of Mehama. The bridegroom's sisters, Mrs. Hilda May of Portland and Miss LaVina Marking of Aloha, were present as was Mrs. Victor Cook of Klamath Falls, daughter of Mrs. Robert James, who has been visiting her mother. jMiss Shepherd Tells Troth Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Ben Traviss enterclained at dinner in compliment to their son, Jack Traviss and fiancee, Miss Eileen Shepherd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Shepherd, when the engagement was announced. Miss Shepherd, a graduate of Mt. Angel academy and of the St. Joseph's School of Nursing, Vancouver, Wash., received her nurse's degree early this year. Jack Traviss spent four years in service with the U. S. navy. Covers were placed for Miss Shepherd, R.N., Jack Traviss,- N. B. Traviss, Mr. and Mrs. David Shepherd, Donald Shepherd, Miss Lola Traviss and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Traviss. Carl Spechts Celebrate Anniversary Silverton Ninety guests called at the Carl Specht home in Monitor road Sunday to ex tend greetings on the couple's 35th wedding anniversary. Miss Essie Benson and Carl Specht were married at the home of the bride's parents in Silverton Hills and have lived most of their married life in and near Silverton. Their chil dren are Raymond, Inglewood. Calif., Oscar of Salem, Lyle of Portland and Mrs. Louis Munro, who lives in the east. Greeting guests at the door was a niece, Miss Frances Ben son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Benson. Nancy Benson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Benson, passed the guest book that was passed at the wedding 35 years ago. Specially honored guest was Mrs. Otto Goodside of Portland, a bridesmaid. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Enloe of Silverton, who served at the original wedding. Pouring were Mrs. George Bensqn. Mrs. Willard Benson. Mrs. William Specht; cutting the cake were Miss Rose Specht, Mrs. Steve Enloe and Mrs. A. H. Sacher.- Assisting were Mrs. Oscar Specht of Salem and Mrs. Sybil Mulder of Portland. Delphian Club At Gillette's Independence The April meeting of the Delphian Book club was held at the home of Mrs. C. F. Gillette in Monmouth, with Mrs. James Riddell, Sr., as co-hostess. The entire mem bership of 20 members was present, also Mrs. George Bran- stator of Portland, and Mrs. Hattie Schweizer, as guests. Mrs. Estella Fluke and Mrs. Cora DeArmond presented the frog. am. The May meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ardella But ler, who will be assisted by Mrs. Sloper. Attending the baseball open ing game in Portland WednesT day afternoon were Secretary of State and Mrs. Robert S. Far rell, Jr. 'Amity Club Set ' To Attend Meet Amity The Amity Woman's club, which met at the Metho dist church, made plans to at tend the annual Yamhill county federation meeting at Dundee April 24. Hostess for the regular meeting of the club were Mrs. E. M. Jourdan, Mrs. R. Massey, Mrs. Nette Tovey and Mrs. Nof singer. Mrs. Bantsari presided. Mrs. David Smith reviewed "Life and Labors of Rev, A. E. Garrison." Mrs. Edwin O. Morse sketched pioneer history. Mips Revecca Wood gave the musical program. Grand Chief Makes Visit Independence The meet ing of Willamette temple, No. 45, Pythian Sisters, on April 3, one of the highlights of the year, was given in honor of Mrs. Mar cella Middleton, grand chief of Oregon. A degree staff captained by Mrs. Beth Mills, assisted in the initiation for inspection by the grand chief. Mrs. Jean Par sons and Mrs. Rose Maitland were initiated into the tem ple. . Mrs. Queen Wood of Condon, past grand chief of Oregon and member of Willamette temple, was also an honored guest of the evening. A large delegation from Dalore temple at Dallas also attended. Refreshments were served by the social committee composed of Mrs. Laurence Newton, Mrs. Martha McGowan, Mrs. Newton, Mrs. Gloria McKee, Mrs. Mof fitt and Mrs. Evelyn Newton. The committee also planned and decorated for the banquet hon oring Mrs. Middleton which was held earlier in the evening at the Woman's club building. Lyons The Woman's club held their regular meeting rt the club house. Officers elect ed were Mrs. George Huffman, president; Mrs. Floyd Bassett, vice president, and Mrs. Clyde Bressler, secretary-treasurer. Matrons Are . Birthday Feted Silverton Two matrons, both over eighty years old, were honored on their birthday an niversaries Wednesday after noon. Mrs. A. Torgerson was 81 years old and Mrs. J. L. Hatte- oerg, ou. Mrs. Torgerson's guests were Mrs. Al Torgerson, Mrs. C. E. Jacquet and Mrs. Oscar Ludahl all of Salem; and of Silverton, Mrs. Arthur Dahl, Mrs. Gilbert Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thorkildson and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Torgerson. At the home of Mrs. J. L. Hat- teberg evening guests were members of the family includ ing Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ostgaard (Bertha Hatteberg) with whom the honor guest makes her home. Martin Hatteberg, Thomas Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hatteberg and Lou Ann and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hatteberg and Katherine and Howard. Afternoon guests were Mrs. S. L. Almlie and David, Mrs. Ernest Erickson and Ernie, Mrs Lars Rogdeberg, Mrs. Lars Ope dahl, Mrs. Bessie Rogland, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Torresdahl, Mrs. Charlie Johnson, Mrs. S. Berg- land, Mrs George Walker, Mrs. N. Njust, Mrs. Haider Holm, Mrs. O. W. Olson and small grandson, Terry Larson, Mrs Cora Spurlock, Mrs. Paul Gas pell, Miss Edna Johnson, Miss Minnie Johnson, Mrs. R. O. Sol um, Mrs. B. E. Gaffey, Mrs. Mel vin Torresdahl and Mrs. Herman Christenson. Parsonage Is Wedding Scene Independence The parsonage of Immanuel Lutheran church at Albany was the scene of a wedding recently when Mrs. Ruby McClosky of Albany, be came the bride of Jess B. Hous- ley with, Rev. R. H. Weiland reading the service. The bride wore a grey doe skin suit and black accessories and her maid of honor, Miss Viona Grunich of Bismark, N. ;D., wore a black suit with matching accessories. Immediately following the wedding, a reception was held at the home of the bride at Al bany with the wedding party and a few close friends in at tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Housley left on a wedding trip to Seattle, re turning to 'independence on Sunday to their home on the Young ranch. Salem Members Attend Meeting Independence Thirty mem bers of the Salem chapter, OES, were in attendance at the regu lar meeting of Adah chapter No. 34. Escorted to the east were Mrs. Ben Felger, associate grand matron of the grand chap ter, and Mrs. William Newmyer, worthy matron of Salem chap ter. Substitute officers for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers, Jr., Mrs. Minnie Wolver- ton. Mrs. Fern Fratzke and A. L. Harding. Refreshments were served in the dining room with Mrs. Ed V Taylor, Mrs. John Irving, Dr. ) and Mrs. George Knott and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Newton serv ing on the committee. Dance SATURDAY NIGHT Salem Armory Glen Williams Orchestra 85c tax Included Wake up to Nestles ...in your coffee ! tj Smooth and thick as country cream! Art Exhibition Watercolor Landscapes Scenes of the Northwest and Old Mexico by BERNICE HUBER and NANCIE STAMPS WASHINGTON ARTISTS TO MAY 5 Thia Is your opportunity to own a real original watercolor to glva Individuality to your home. Art Galleries 340 Court Salem, Oregon Vacuum Cleaners Tank type with all attach ments. $595 NAIL PULLERS Sk.il Saws 7 and 8-Inch Collins Electric Water Heater 52-Gallon Size Barb Wire Sheathed Cable 14-2 and 12-2 KLUNDER Hardware 265 NORTH HIGH Phone 6634 Price's Take Pleasure in Presenting to Salem 7 V '-lAi DOESKIN finished lambskin White, black and brown, from 7.00 to 13.50 SALEM, OREGON Special FACTORY CLOSE OUT ON WOMEN'S Shorty Coats j IJL 1 For Only 1 This is one of the outstanding buys of the year! 100 per cent wool short ie coats in the finest fleece, suede cloth and novelty weaves. Smartly design ed sleeves, shoulders and free swing backs. All beautifully lined for comfort and smart appearance. Lovely pastel shades, blue and black. 2ND FLOOR.