Locals i Governor Earl Snell today ap pointed Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal E. A. Taylor to repre sent Oregon at President Tru man's conference on fire pre vention in Washington, D. C, May 6-8. Special rates on house paint ing. A. W. Frye. Phone 23902. 95 Saturday service on Plumb ing, Heating, Wiring and Pumps costs NO EXTRA at JUDSON'S, phone 4141. 93 Have you heard him on KSLM? Don't miss it, Sunday, 5:45 p. m. 93 State officials, members of the Linn county court and legisla ture and industrial and forestry officials will be guests at the annual industrial banquet of the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce at Melody Lane April 21. W. H. Horning, regional administrator for land management of the de partment of interior, will be the Drincipal speaker. Carl C. Crow will be master of ceremonies ..with J. W. King, president of the Chamber of Commerce, the wel come ceremonies with J. W. flCing, president of the chamber ,ht commerce, the welcome. $1.25 Whirl-a-Way dust mops 98c. Ray L. Farmer Hardware Company. 115 South Commer cial. 93' Place your order now for canned asparagus. Aufrancs. Phone 8487. 93 World famous Akron Modern Trusses, correctly fitted. Private fitting room. Capital Drug store 93' Final rites for Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Meade, 68, who made her home in Corvallis for the last 13 years, will be held in that city Saturday afternoon with final rites at the City View cemetery here. She was born in Dayton. Ohio. October 18, 1879, and married Alvin W. Meade in Douglas, Wyo., April 9, 1910, coming to Salem with her hus band the following year. Be sides her husband she is sur vived by a daughter, two broth ers and a sister. Air-Steamship tickets, Kugel, 735 North Capitol. Phone 7694 93 Dance Saturday, Silverton Armory. Glen Woodry's Orches tra. 93' Dexter sharpens lawnmowers at your home by machine. 6833 93 Fire early Friday morning destroyed two automobiles and wo private garages at 640 South Capitol street. Owners of the cars were inmies'-j!,. vreueu burg, Jr., 640 South Capitol, and the Portland General Electric company. Firemen prevented a spread of flames to adjacent buildings. Eola Acres Florist. 5730. 93 Lawnmowers ground to a pa per cutting edge. Moore s 'Bike Shop. Phone 3844. 93 Hospital and Health and Ac cident Dept. of Mutual of Oma ha, local office 409 Guardian Building, G. J. Becker, manager Phone 8482. 93 Salem man serving with the 24th infantry division, which is now occupying the island of Kyushu in Japan, is Pvt. Edward J. Klukis, son of Mr. and Mrs Edward Klukis, Sr., of 969 South 13th street. The soldier, a graduate of Salem high school, entered the army September 27, 1946. Insurvo savings earn more than twi percent at Salem Fed eral Savings Association. 130 Soutn Liberty street. ' We Install Auto Glass. Wood row's, 450 Center street. " Get your Imperial Color Har- monizer at Elfstrom's wallpaper department, 25c. i a V Certificate of assumed busi ness name for Hubbard Food .Market has been filed with the county clerk by Harold D. Ab bott and William Whitmore, both of Hubbard. Dr. Wiles, Dentist, 701 First National Bank. Phone 4924 for immediate appointment. DeLuxe Cab. Phone 8050. 114 For Rent Floor Sanders Woodrow's, 450 Center St Mildred Gingrich, of Salem, was hospitalized in Albany for facial lacerations after, the auto mobile in which she was riding became unmanageable and left the Pacific highway two miles north of Jefferson and went into the ditch. L. D. Cannow, also of Salem, driver of the vehicle, received minor cuts. For sale Mollis azaleas In bloom. Strayer Azalea fields, 589 Locust street. 95 Wanted to rent, 2 or 3 bed room house, city or suburban reliable tenants, in business. Fiione 7311. 94 Skating four nights each week t the Capitola roller rink Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Sunday after noon sessions have been discon tinued. 04 Oliver C. Dilleshaw, 52, broth er of William Dilleshaw of Sa lem, died Tuesday in Astoria where he had operated a restau rant for 15 years. A heart at tack was the cause of death. Prior to going to Astoria he operated a ' bakery in Elma, Wash., and Hood River and for a while a Portland night club. He is also survived by his widow, daughter and another brother. Rev. L. T. Anderson has a message. Hear it, Sunday, 5:45 p. m., KSLM. 93 Galvanized garbage cans, 32 gallon, $4.75. Ray L. Farmer Hardware Company, 115 Soutn Commercial. 93 Dance Saturday, Silverton Armory. Glen Woodry's Orches tra. 93 A pie social and dance will be held at the Macleay Grange hall, Saturday night, April 19. The event is sponsored by the Macleay Y.G.A., a newly organ ized youth grange. Marine Corps League presents dance. Salem Armory, Saturday. April 19. Glen Williams and his all-veteran orchestra. 85c, tax included. Novelties. 94 See complete line Color Per tect wai paper at Sean. State Senator Dean Walker, of Independence, is reported as having been seriously ill at his home. Top dirt and filled dirt, free for the hauling. Reinholt & Lewis, 560 South 21st street. Olson Washer Repair. 25100 99 Taxll Valley Cab. service Phone 8824. Prompt Regular meetings of the re cently formed Boy Scout troop 57 sponsored by the ( Hazel Green community club will start Friday at the school house. A. J. Chaffin is scoutmaster with troop committeemen Paul Rickard, chairman; Otis Phil lips, J. L. McDonald, W. H. Ros sow and Pat Bryant. Forty-gallon table top electric water heaters. Broadway Appli ance Co., 419 Ferry, Salem, Ore 93 Before you buy an electric hot water heater see Broad, way Appliance Co., 419 Ferry Salem, Ore. - 93 Spring, mattress, lawnmower. Sell cheap. 515 South High. 93 The Buena Vista inter coun ty ferry has resumed operations, reports County Commissioner Ed Rogers although the Wheat land ferry is still down due to high water. Expert watch and clock re pairing. Five day service at Steven's Jewelry. Top Hatters playing modern dance Saturday. Pop Edwards playing old time dance Wednes day and Saturday. Van Armi tage playing modern dance Wed nesday. Crystal Gardens. Johns-Manville Asphalt shin gles applied by expert roofers. Terms to suit your purse. Buy the best at no extra cost. Free estimates. Phone 4642. Mathis Brothers, 164 S. Commercial. The Riverdale Mothers' club will present an adventure movie Friday evening, April 18, at the Riverdale schoolhouse. The movie is entitled "Tundra" and was filmed in Alaska. A sports reel and a cartoon will be shown The movie will start promptly at 8 o clock. The school children for several weeks have been making bird houses, and after the movie a birdhouse auction will be held. Marine Corps League presents dance, Salem Armory, Saturday, April 19. Glen Williams and his all-veteran orchestra. 85c, tax included. Novelties. 94 River llt and fill dirt. Com mercial sand and Gravel. Phone 21966 Pink dogwood, azaleas, rhodo dendrons, magnolias, camellias Knight Pearcy Nursery, South Liberty, three blocks south of State. 95 Paulus Brothers Cannery Workers, attention. You can buy a new four-room home, all floors hardwood except kitchen, within two blocks of the new cannery for $1500 down and $49.00 a month. Total price $5900. See Wm. Bliven or L. C. Cooney, 429 Oregon Building. Phone 7906, evenings 8918. 93 Log hauling permits have been granted by the county court to S. P. Matheny and Sub limity Lumber company, both Sublimity. Three - room apartment for business couple. Best of refer ences. Phone 8037. Mr. Joy- ustick. 95 Large lot at Keizer, 108 feet x 148 feet. Has nine walnut trees. high ground, one block off high way. Real building site. Phone 3056 or 1260 North 17th. 94 Crowd Hampers Murder Sift Havana. April 18 IP) A jost ling, jabbering, gesticulating crowd of curious Cubans turned the reenactment of the fatal shooting of John Lester Mee aboard the yacht Satira into a Roman holiday yesterday. Inquisitive spectators packed themselves so tightly into the cabin where Mee was shot on April 8 that Patricia Schmidt. the sloe-eyed 21-year-old dancer who is charged with homicide in connection with Mee's death, was unable to demonstrate in the cabin just what happened on the fatal day. Miss Schmidt, who is billed in Caribbean capitals under the name "Satira," has informed Cu ban officials that she shot the Chicago attorney during an ar gument after she discovered he was married. Investigating Judge Santiago Mencia wanted to know how the Toledo, Ohio, girl, 5 feet 2, could have sent a bullet rang ing downward through the neck of the victim, who was 6 feet 2. Mee died five days after he was shot. When police brought Miss Schmidt aboard the 72-foot yacht from her prison cell yesterday, she burst into tears and was im mediately surrounded by a cur ious crowd which piled aboard the vessel and refused to obey authorities trying to clear them away. Judge Mencia gave up and ad journed the meeting to the sec ond floor of a nearby building, where the inquiry went on be hind locked and guarded doors. Governor Geer's Widow Dies Portland ADril 18 W) Mrs. Isobel Trullinger Geer, widow of T. T. Geer who was Oregon onvernnr at the turn of the cen tury, died here yesterday. She was 85. Thoft nf two motors from farms on route 1, Aumsville, has been reported to Sheriff Young. One, a IVt horsepower motor, was taken from a pump by a xrook on thp John Ellis Dlace. and the other, 2'A horsepower, was taken from me tooisnea on the John Harms place. 5438 Plate Mirrors, regular $26.60. Special at $18.95. Wood row's, 450 Center. 94 Wnmnn wanted for sales Work in Salem. The person we want probably has had previous sales experience, either through coun ter snips or Dersonal contact. Hours 1 to 7 p.m. Salary, com missions. See Mr. Wick at Sen ator Hotel, 4 to 7 p.m. Friday. 3- Three-drawer Bedside Chest, reeular $9.45. Special $6.95. Woodrow's, 450 Center. 94 Standard, Union and Shell Oil companies were all bidders be fore the county court Thursday on the 420,000 gallons of oil needed on the county roads the coming summer and all sub mitted equivalent bids of $18 per ton, f.o.b. Willbridge, on penetration asphalt and $15.50 a ton on MC2 asphalt, estmated need of the former being 350,000 gallons and of the latter 70,000 gallons. The court will accept all the bids and divide up the business. Dahlia bulbs, cabbage, lettuce, tomato, bedding plants. Pansies, perennials, shrubs. Boyd Nur sery, 2440 State street. 93 Kidney Shape Vanities, $7.49. Woodrow's, 450 Center. 94 Meta's Grocery, 364 North 21st street. Open Sundays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 94 The county court Thursday approved application of Jack and Gwendolyne Bowron for a grade A package store beer li cense for Tip Top Grocery two miles north of Marion on the Marion and Turner road after holding a hearing due to re monstrance being filed. The remonstrators had been heard early in the week and propon ents for approval were before the court Thursday, with also four of the remonstrators pres ent in person. Seven residents nearby to the store expressed their approval and John Steel hammer appeared for the Bow rons. Special for Saturday. Closing out primroses, English daisies, 15 cents each. Yellow pansies, 75 cents dozen. Metropolitan Store, 136 N. Commercial. 93 Regina vacuum sweeper with attachments. Good condition. 2215 Mill. Phone 25049 after 6 p.m. 93 Certificate of assumed busi ness name has been filed with the county clerk for Case's auto camp by Roy J. and Muriel A. Case, route 9, Salem. Ferrill's Nursery still have a good line of fruit, nut and shade trees. Also shrubs, rhododen drons, azaleas and magnolias. Vegetable and flower plants. Pansies. Open Sunday, one-third mile east Keizer school. Phone 21307. 94 Three-drawer Chest, 23 inches wide. Special $9.49. Woodrow's 450 Center street. 94 Helgoland, former German bastion in the North Sea, has an area of less than a square mile. Governor Signs Hospital Bill Governor Earl Snell signed into law today the bill giving the state board of health au thority to inspect and license hospitals. The. bill was passed In order to bring hospitals up to standards where they can re ceive federal aid. Bills signed today: ' a.B. 41. by McKay Makes persons cl ing as labor contractors subject to laws reRulatlntT employment agencies. 8, B. 17, by committee on medicine, pharmacy and dentistry lets board of health license hospitals. S.B. 117, by labor and Industries com mlttee Restricts unemployment beneftu for persons who quit Jobs voluntarily. S.B. 130, by labor and Industries com mute Changes date for computing em ployers' unemployment compensation me rit rating from December 1 to Juna 1. H.B. 457. by elections committeeRe lating lo delivering of election certifi cates. H.B. 408. by Joint ways and means committee Declares void any transfer of property by a person for the purpose of getting old u( assistance. H.B. 508, by Judiciary committee Let i.ate land board compromise claims and Judgment!. .B. 519, by Joint ways and meanj imlttee Appropriates expense of gov ernor's office. H.B. 530, by Joint ways and means mmlttee Provides 1440,511 for depart ment of agriculture. H.B. 538, by Joint ways and means com ittee Appropriates 1700.000 for or phans and delinquent- a Iris. H.B. 543, by Joint ways and .means com mitter -Appropriates 18346 to pay vari ous claims nualnst the state. H.B. 548, by joint ways and means com mittee Appropriates 1255.003 for state department of education, 1408,358 for vo cational education, and 125,121 for state library. H.B. 549, by Joint ways and means com mitteeAppropriates 11S7.350 for su preme court, 1339,000 for circuit Judges, 1 137,1 95 for attorney general, and 1218, 080 for district attorneys. H.B. 550, by Joint wavs and means com mltlee Appropriates 1322,040 for utili ties and assessment divisions of tax commission. H.B. 552, by Joint ways and means com mitteeAppropriates 110,000 for experi mental fur farm unit. H.B. 555, by Joint ways and means com Ittee Appropriates funds to nay ae clal damages to Frances M. Tiibbn, wi dow of a state policeman who was kill ed In line of duty. Lf. Comdr. Linbeck Enroufe fo Shanghai Bound for Shanghai via the Mediterranean is Lt. Comdr. John Lindbeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck, who is the gunnery officer aboard the USS Toledo, which left New York the morning of April 14. The Salem naval officer's first stop will be at Gibraltar, Spain, April 22, from here he will go through the Mediterranean, then through the Suez canal to the Red Sea. From the Red Sea the ship goes to the Arabian Sea, then to the Indian Ocean and the China Sea, thence to Shanghai, where it is scheduled to remain for 18 months. Though the ship will be in China IB months Lindbeck does not plan a stay of that long, as he is to be transferred to a de stroyer shortly after his arrival in the Orient and will take ovc- his new duties as executive of ficer of the destroyer. The ship to which Lindbeck is to be trans ferred will be coming to the States some time next fall. Miss Brady Comes From Oregon City City Manager J. L. Franzen announced Thursday that Miss Mary Brady of Oregon City, where she was formerly city re corder, will on May 12 take a position in the office of City Recorder Alfred Mundt as ac countant, bookkeeper and as sistant in budget preparation. She will not replace another employe, Franzen said. Salem Court News Circuit Court Motion to amend complaint filed in Glen Buiard vs. Prank Evans and Rich ard Covey. During his trial on a charge of as sault with a dangerous weapon with In tent to kill on Wanda Hardman, his wife. Glen Laurence Hardman Inter posed a Plea of guilty to a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon and time for Imposing sentence set for next Tuesday. Default order entered in Ruth Pearl Reed vs. Ida Swift and others. Complaint by Betty Etzel. John W. Etiel, guardian ad litem, v. Murray Shampagn, Sr., and Murry Shampanr, Jr., seeks to collect ill. 850.34 damages for injuries allegedly sustained by plaintiff in an accident July 33. 1945, on the Salem Aumsville highway, plaintiff alleging she sustained multiple lacerations and per manent disfigurement. Trial before a Jury started in Judge E. M. Page's court Thursday In Statt vs. Olen Laurence Hardman who is charged with aiuault being armed with a danger ous weapon with Intent lo kill. It being alleged he attacked his wife with a knife on February 16. Appeal taken from Salem Justice court In State vs. Kenneth Alfred Anderson, 1131 Union street, charged with driving while Intoxicated. Demurrer filed by Lowell Taylor vs. Lyman H. Case. Decree In eontest of will of Edna White, contested by Perrr Baker and others vs. Charlejt M. and Etta Warren holds the will of deceased to be valid and ratifies appointment of Charles M. Warren as ex ecutor. The decree is based on a stipula tion under which proponents pay con testants 110. BOO. and certain conditions arr set out In the stipulation. Default order entered in Mahala Reed vs. Byron W. Reed. Probate Court Pinal decree granted B. O. Cochran, ex ecutor of the estate of Mrs. W. H. Rlddell. Authority granted Mattle P. Beatty, ex ecutrix of the estate of Martin Olson, to execute a deed. Minnie J. Smith named administratrix of the 11000 estate of Paul P. Smith and Oeorga H. and Josephine Bell and Zelpha Orover named appraisers. Appraisal of 11000 made on estate of Pearl Norris by O. Crenshaw, R. M. Mor gan and J. C. Evans. Pinal order granted Lueinda Randall, Marlerro Takes Oregon City Job Oregon City, April 18 VP) Ted Marletto will become city recreation director here May 1, succeeding Don January, who will become recreation and park director at Eugene. Marletto, who has been sports director under the recreation program here, is a graduate of Commerce high in Portland and a veteran of three years' service in the navy. Budweiser's Horses Coming Budweiser's interna tional champion Clydesdale eight horse hitch is to be exhibited in Salem Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The huge horses will be seen on the streets daily on those three days, and at the Val ley Motor company until 9 p.m. The worla champion team of horses, said to be the largest draft horses in the world, weigh an average of a ton each. One of the wheel horses, by name Sir John, weighs 2250 pounds, and wears shoes twice as big and nearly four times the weight of those worn by ordinary horses The eight-horse team was as sembled in 1933 and since then has won a great collection of medals, cups and ribbons. On the wagon behind them as the appear on the streets is a com petent driver who executes the figure eight and many other dif ficult maneuvers. "Every one of Budweiser's international cnamplon Clydes dales," said Arthur Zerr, the driver, "is a direct descendant of Baron Buchlyvie, who was born in 1900 and'at three years of age commanded a price of $3750, but who in 1911 was sold at Ayr, Scotland, for $47,500, the highest price ever paid for a draft horse." Lions Hear McKay On Legislature Oregon is lo be congratulated that party politics pays little part in the business of law mak ing, said Senator Douglas Mc Kay during an address before the Salem Lions club Thursday noon when he touched on bits of legislation adopted during the recent session. The speaker expressed the hope that more people would interest them selves in government and said that representation in both branches of the legislature should cover more lines of en deavor than is the case at pres ent. Senator McKay spoke high ly of his' colleagues, declaring that they presented the highest average for intelligence and in tegrity during his experience. Longer legislative sessions can be charged to complicated gov ernment, Senator McKay slated as he pointed to a number of stale agencies that have entered into the picture in recent years, such as social security, compen sation, and old age pensions. He expressed the opinion that the legislature could have complet ed its chores within 60 days had it accepted Governor Snell's tax program. Certificate of assumed busi ness name has been filed with the county clerk for Evergreen Lumber and Supply company by Melvin G. Burdick, 210 Ever green avenue. executrix of Randall. the eat ate of Byron T. Pinal account of Bethlne M. Loose and Rex Olbson as administrators of the ea t ate of Loren Loose shows balance o 117,573.40. Pinal hearing May 10, Annual report of Oeorge A. Rholen ax guardian of Prank E. Moore shows bal ance of I155S.M, Annual account of United States Na tional bank as executor of Mary A. Jsham approved. Appraisal of estate of William Oeorge Ham rick filed by Beiale Elofson, Loretta Muhs and otto R. Skopll, Jr. Rachel A. Wled named administratrix of the 133,000 estate of Prank P. Wled i Dan Maxfield, A. B. Hlns and Earl Lynes named appraisers. Appraisal of 19984,97 made on enisle of Caroline Hammer by Oeorge P. flclimidl, Vai Eberle and William Beyer. Appraisal of 11132 madt on eetste. of Ira D. Rslston by Ralph Ruascll, Myrtle Russell and J. J. Johnson. Justice Court Plea of sullty by Gerald Edward Ester berr, 638 North Hith. to violation of atop s':n, fined II and cost. State M. Kenneth Alfred Anderson, 1111 Union, drlvinc while Intoxicated, fined 1350 and costs. 10-day tail sentence sus pended, notice of appeal to circuit court. Police Court Violation of the ba,le apeed rule: Tra E. Sumpter. 643 Bdiewater, bail 17. 50. Billle W. Roberlaon, route 8, bail 110 Ellen F. steffen. Silverton, ball 110. Wil liam Carr, route 3, Ealacada. Helen I. Williams, route 4. Lavern J. Splti, 180 Liberty road, ISO ball. Elmer R. Fehlen, Starton, bail 16. Elmo Dorro Brown, Jef ferson, ball 17.60. LeRoy Meredith John son, Interstate Tractor At Equipment com pany. James D, Csmpbell, 116 Breys, fined J6. Oerald W. Bros, route 1. fined 110. Ewalt W. Badeau, Parlflc Fruit Pro duce company, fined 110, Wasson H. Mc clain, route 8, fined 118. Violation of the noise ordinance: Fred W. Bowlln. 640 Ford, plesded Innocent; trial set for May I, ball 136. Improper headlishts: Billle Wayne Rob ertson, route ball 18. Violation of stop slfn: Peter L. Clark. 648 Bellevue. Marriage Licenses Wyntoun If. Oxley, 36. telephone llna man. Portland, and Josephine A. Petty, 35, domestic, Salem. Canners of Area Meeting About 73 representatives o( canneries in the Salem-Portland area are in attendance at a two- day session being held at the Marion hotel under joint spon sorship of the National Canners association and the Northwest Canners association for the pur pose of acquainting the canners with the latest information available from the National Can ners association laboratories on how to produce a better canned pack. Featured at the sessions are Ira Somers, E. S. Doyle and W. D. Lewis from the San Francis co laboratories o( the National Canners association and at the first day the matters stressed were sanitation, product con lamination, spoilage, water sup uly, waste disposal and kindred topics. Some of the talks are accompanied by slides showing greatly enlarged microscopic views of possible contamination factors and details of interest to canners. On the second day sanitary construction and the methods of cleaning up plants and equip ment will be the main feature? on the agenda. Plans for the meeting were arranged largely by Cecil Tul- ley, executive vice president of the Northwest Canners associa tion. Presiding is Arthur L Reiling, manager of the west di vision of the Birdseye-Snidei Packing company. "Topics throughout the ses sion are such as are mainly oi technical interest to the canners themselves," said Ira Somers ol the National Canners associa tion. Mrs. Lamoureaux Dies in Seattle Mrs. Emma Murphy Brown re ceived word Friday morning o" the death last night of a sister, Mrs. Elsie Lamoureux in Seattle, where she had made her home for the last 12 to 15 years. Mrs. Lamoureux was born In Salem and spent most of her life in this community. For sev eral years she was matron of Fairview home under the super intendency of Dr. R. D. Byrd. Besides her sister here she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Brisbon Davis, of Seattle, and another sister, Mrs. J. H. Ror nett, of Albany. Funeral services will be held in Seattle Monday. Mrs. Brown, who Is under the care of a doc tor, will not be able to attend the services but Mrs. Robnett will go to Seattle. NAM Meet May 14 Portland, Ore., April 17 (fl5) The regional meeting of the Na tional Association of Manufac turers will be held here May 14 Funeral services for Louis Jo seph DeMacon. 53, brother of Mrs Edward Slitter, of Salem. will be held at Oregon City Sat urday morning at 11 o clock. DeMacon, a millwright at the Hawlpv nanpr mill for 17 years. died suddenly from a heart at tack while at work Wednesday. He had lived in the Canemah district 38 years and was born at St. Louis, near Woodburn, Feb. 15, 1894. Besides his widow and mother he is survived by three sons, three daughters, three other sisters and a bro ther. Dr. Estill Brunk, Salem dent ist recalled 'Thursday that he made two trips to Texas City, Texas, scene ot tne irageay mai ctmr-k that community yester day. The trips were made in 1B20 when he was a raaio oper ator aboard an oil tanker oper ating between that port and New Jersey. At that time there was nothing much there except rinrk nnH a rnn fprtionnrv estab lishment, Dr. Brunk recalls. Drinking water was well im pregnated with sulphur and the unsuspecting did quite a bit of gagging over the fluid. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends' for the floral offerings. The Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren of the late James W. Rogers. Card of Thanks We desire to thank our friends who contributed so much kindly assistance to our family in our recent bereavement in the death of husband and father, Fredrick Arthur Garbe. Mrs. F. A. Garbe and Family. 83 We're one of th Imw Invitwj to momtMrihip In trips world-wide froufa. Professional Mortuary Skill Honost Pricing, Courtooul Wvico ro ALL Clough-Barrick Co. Est 1878 Phone I39 Salem. Ore. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday,' April 18, 1947 13 New Commanding Officers Lt. Col. Howard E. Helliesen (left) who this week took over the command of the local army recruit ing station, is greeted by Lt. Col. Michael C. Mattis (right) re cently given the assignment of commanding officer of the Oregon recruiting district, replacing Lt. Col. William Cohoon. Cohoon will go to the Presidio at San Francisco, where he will continue to be on duty with the recruiting service. (U.S. Army Photo) Hubert Hansen Dies at Hospital III for several months, Hubert H. Hansen, native of Salem and a late resident of 145 East Le- felle street, died at a local hos pital April 17. Born in Salem September 11. 893, Hansen had spent his en tire life here and at one time owned and operated the Salem Truck and Dray company. Later he was employed by Jim Kap pahn of the Oregon Taxi com pany and for a number of years he had been employed by the Oregon Pulp and Paper company in its lumber division. He was married May 22. 1915, to Ollie E. Ritchie, who survives him. Hansen was a member of Sa lem Elks lodge No. .136. Surviving besides his wife are a sister, Mrs. Carl Allport of Salem; a brother Leon Hansen of Salem; a step-brother, Ed. Huddleston of Salem and a num ber of nieces and nephews, all of Salem. Services will be held Satur day, April 19, at 3:30 p.m. at I he Clough-Barrick chapel with Rev. Frank Culver of Portland officiating. Ritualistic services will be by Salem Elks lodge No. 336. Interment will be in the City View cemetery. id to Greece (Continued from Page 11 Parodi was followed by Bra zilian Delegate Dr. Oswaldo Ar- anha, who said he fully support ed the American aid program and added that nations could help each other in maintaining order without "interference" from U. N. Awaiting a council decision were these two questions; 1. A U. S. proposal that the council order its Balkans inves tigating commission to leave representatives in the troubled area until the council has acted on its report, now being pre pared in Geneva. 2. A Russian proposal that the council establish a United Na tions commission to supervise American or any other kind of outside aid to Greece. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Chas lain have purchased the N. E. Hunts' property east of the Fruitland school which they now occupy. Cancer Kills By J. H. WllUlt f lh 0lIUl Drf Mar Cancer has demonstrated ill power to kill. Each year, 170.000 die of this disease. Of this number, 20,000 are boys and girls under the age of 20. Alarming as these figures are, they represent the ravages of an enemy who can be defeated. We know now that Cancer can be prevented, can even be cured if discovered in its early stages. Here is a great field for pre ventive medicine. Regular health examinations lead to the detection of slight symptoms, which if neglected could easily prove fatal. Medication is always import ant. This depends upon the druggist. Select a good one. Thin ti thr 41th vf urira of FrttltirUt Advtrtlar mm If appearing In Tht Capital journal each FHiUt. Copyright Willett's Capital Drug Store Cor. Statt Liberty Ph. 3118 Births Double Over Year Ago Babies born in Marion countv during the first three months of this year, were almost double the arrivals in the first quarter of 1946, the monthly statistical report of the Marion county de partment of health reveals. Ba bies born in March were 258, bringing the three months' total up to the 728 figure as com pared with 381 a year ago. One hundred and thirty nine of the March arrivals were male ba bies. Eighty-four of the moth ers were residents of Salem, 120 were from the rural districts and 54 came from outside of the county. March deaths totalled 76, or 217 for the first quarter as com pared with 232 for the three months period in 1946. There were 43 male deaths and 33 fe male. Heart disease was charged with 20 deaths, cancer 12, kid ney disease eight and apoplexy six. There were three fatali ties due to automobile accidents, bringing the total for the three months to seven, a decrease of three from a year ago. There were five deaths due to communicable disease three from tuberculosis and two from syphilis. March Payrolls Off From February March payrolls were down slightly from February totals but still were approximately $10,000,000 more than payroll totals for March, 1946, the state industrial accident commission said today. Payrolls in Oregon last month aggregated $39,101,097. The February figure was $39,371, 057. Multnomah county industries reported a payroll toial of $16, 560,239 for March, about $1. 000,000 less than the previous month, but $3,000,000 more than March, 1946. Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & A.M. Stated meeting Friday, April 18, 7:30 p.m. Address on practical Masonery by Daniel B. Trefethen of Seat lie, Wash. 93