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M. to 4:45 P. M. 0:00 I News Percolator Party I Maiie I NVws 0:15 Mm, Tlmekfepev Percolator Party Mania j KOIN Klock S:SO March of Tina News Mania ( KOIN Klock 0:45 News Pays West I Matte : KOIN Klock T:0O News Rldlni Ranxa I Sonndop Boys I KOIN Kloek 7:15 Rise an SblB Hear This I Martin Axronsky 1 News 7:80 News Old Bonn I News ) News 7:45 Orchctrtra Nawa Maiie ( Conaaner News S:0ft Raven af Rl Masla Waka Dp Jb Smile I News 8:15 Ha ven af Rest Maiie Wake Dp a Smile I Let's PretenS S:S0 Sonta Kd MeConneH Waka Dp Smile Advents ret 1:45 Orchestra Ed MeConnell Waka Pp J Smile Ad Tent area :0ft Quartet Record Shop Research Theatre af Today :1ft- Quartet Record Shap Demonstration Theatre at Today :80 Pastor's Call Readina Is Fan Fanner AdTentara :4fr Orchestra Walker's Kltehea Farmer Kid Critics 30:00 News Fanta A Home j Taatfa Fornm Grand Central 10:15 Bins Stare Farm a Home Yontb Forsm Grand Central 30:80 I Boss Bonny Current Chalee Gay Nineties Coanty Fair 10:451 Bats Bunny News Dirt Doctor Coanty Fair 31:00 I Orchestra I Buffalo Opera Mary Lee Taylor 11:15 I Orchestra Peace Opera f Mar Lee Taylor 31:80 I Jan Baxters Opera I GItc and Take 31:45 Jats Consamer Opera I Give and Take 33:00 Pioneer Stars of Tomor. Opera J News 33:15 News Stars of Tomor. Opera Garden Gato 38:80 Hillbilly Serenad Stare of Tomor, Opera Trnaiury 38:45 Variety Show Stars of Tomor. Opera Bandstand 1:00 IRecordlnrs Then and Now Opera Newspaper aMUr 3:15 I Recordlnsa Then end Now Opera Newspaper of Air 1:80 I Orchestra Names of Treaanry Show Free for All 3:45 Orchestra Tomorrow Treasury Show Free for All 8:0ft Treasury Nloti Olmsted Concert Symphony S:15 Winnie Orchestra Concert Symphony C:S0 Open noma I f a, Tomliason . Concert Symphony 8:45 Open lloasa Trio Concert Symphony I Bands Banda Muaio Moie Velerana Proudly We Hall I News Orchestra I Hawaii CalH I Forrixn Policy 1 Hawaii Calls Foreign Policy ureneatr I Cartafn Tibia sports 1 curtain Time iateM Pattern r i rift, vtp PATTERN The Finishing; Touch! It is that extra touch you make tor your home that brings praise from friends. Towels enhanced by these fanciful crocheted edgings create a lovely bathroom. Choose any color you like you can do them in a jiffy. A fine shower gift! Pattern envelope No. R2530 contains stitch illustrations and complete, casy-to-read crocheting instructions for 3 designs. To obtain this pattern, send 15c in COINS, giving pattern num ber, your name, address and zone number to Peggy Roberts, Salem Capital Journal, 828 Mission street, San Francisco 3, Cnlif. "" mmmmmammmmmmmmm HtX p pit N sMauT 6 N ACROSS 8. Geometrical M S TIN C BJ Ptt T EJ I. Distant ratio bbbbbbbi p'apj L--1- assapai . Buliainn loll 15. Indin.r.nc. AJ1 9 MsB J OpNlNlE T . Debnsod Irish 5S' Kolnialliin RJ PlD S I P Ji ElDB WJl cuin SH. NarrAteil naAin ig A yHI HfE LlBP I j E 11: SL, & oiuLn nu'- 43. Tye AAMg B9I VI 1 ! H. Biblical king 4i- KoukIi oxteriur K3A ' Zft 1 - KSt Stint of bin-It Q i i "id THfToTr -0 "l V E Hi. a:ioo 4.V A.juuth. biros iLSlT- S A t Ji. yninll di ink T. Crowd J?.A 0HL 5 1 E 11 F X atldn sa Hi. Parts of alioea A JL 51 1 a Wp-f 1 1 - Plurry Oiieiiiii) nu'iib.ne . Biblical king . Stuff . Si one . Small drink . KlOtJIHMll addrcsa . Eat away . Nr-KAtlv pie (li . Type of I propeller I , fihit , Upaltli rpcirt I lll(lO-L.'llill(S0 klTiRtlom I Masculine I nam? i Pertaining to era pea . Aiuuti birds . Crowd . iVoininlne numi . Parts of alioea . Top.ii hum minfrbird . Pnd: poetic . liodent . how haunt Kiiropfiui dor mo use , Wrath . A so , Alloviftte , Nolo df tlis crow ' IJ y ( li I7 14 k .. "v o n ' . ? I ' . I) ,; ,4 Ti 3 'Bi:;1! wzrwjt "A as t 7Tl 5S 2) bo 33 Ji ' d--jr sr Jimmy Blair News Trie I Once CI bob Texas Jim . a Tune ! Trio I News I RHIjciom Crow Talk Cros Talks i Orchestra Orchestra Hsrry Wismer Maife ' Most NO. R3530 Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl DOWN Card garni . Jewish moiiih Sentimental . European country 1. Othfllo-M false friend i. InKtrumenta fur meahiir I riff the ei- rapa of watery vapor from plants 7. Devour R. Absolute 9. Yum 10. Grcfidy 11. Tube 19. Drlv a rail obiiyuely 31. Bfliave -4. Artificial watfrwava 25. Part of a tiowar 26. Hawaiian tn f at-o. I S7. Rnny acalr .j. arniicirriilur narm nf buildtnea Ruffoona Plavine card SJ. Huosler alata: bbr. T.R. roiiiniand 37. Denoting tonal baroiueiric pressing II. 1.aru lir.-iM 44. Bird of tlia Arabl.in Xlahts Ti-n-tlollar fold piece 4S. Put cnrii'o 4, State Woodwind Si. Kind of rubber I Q I IPtM U aX j 9 L E T rook In water Meadow Jou rnu I Feu tu re Donald Duck ( avjp ) J IT'S MOT I TELA- VA THW'5 valuabi-e ) (aMICKEL Henry Little Orphan Annie Ree'l' Fellers I aran BY THE TIME TARZAN AND JANE REACHfD THE HUT, THE YOUNG HUNTER WAS DELIRIOUS. I I 1 ! 7! I 1 1 JUST BOUGHT AN ) I I I 1 III""" f III ' Thf Nebhs By Hess The Morning Mail ( MAVBEHeYnQTHE H I WW, DONT Y WO WA.WTS Y SUTCOuSIM 1u.EBFS AM fkivfi nop V.. . S 1 1 hiss 1 J WAS SHOT W (NEWSPAPERS) WOU READ J LETTERS?! WANTjrtOEBErHlS H ENCWSED T3 SK ' .TX I THIS IS MY LITTLE HM-M-M.' f YEAH! DID V3U NOTICE WELL, HERE IT 18-If OH, I THINK 11 I SIS, fiNNIE, AMD MY DELIGHTED, B B!S ONE. I F THE SHARP WAY SHE OUST A STUDIO- () IT'S UTTAHLY I ASSISTANT, MISS PASTEL- I'M SUAH- B ISNT SHE? II LOOKED ME OVER"? rH dr l"" The Gumps By Gus Edson Just Like a Woman MAAMf I HAVE TO SET CHLOE, A WOMAN IS MOST VERY WELL. l. I Mutl and Jeff By Bud Fisher Jeff "Ought to Get n Jdb with the Circus as Animal Trainer l THOOSHT ID DROPfsuREll EVERY TIME I COME Y YEAK 1 W i VFH Vni I FF W'f'f n , TPA.wPn W IN AND CHAT WITH SlAD OVER To SEE You r ouE's A Y ' Z ! ) ytL ' S 1 P YOU For AWHILE. To THAT CAT IS IN J Z. ( MUTT BURNED "' T M JEFPV, HAVE EXACTLY THE (HOLE CAT' I CAT1? ) A HOLE IN I SLEEP OVER M AMEl VThA' " NASTY NANNISAf( C l I JAYS Ht3 50ER.Y Ht V (ri A - I HAD A f ISHT WITH YA f BEAUTIFUL ) . 1 AN' WAN5TA MAKE. A. DEAL ' p- PAL OF YA.' W 12 Capital Journal, Salem, By Walt By Carl -(.- ... f. r . . By Harold Gray By Gene TELL NASTY I'M LE.TO LEAVE. 6Y60NE5 6E. HAf. BE6NS - I LL IN A HOUR. AN JHAK By lidLrar Rice IN HIS LUCID MOMENTS HE TOLD HOW HE HAD BEEN FORCED TO ACCOMPANY HIS STEP-FATHER MAN ZEN, ON HIS IVORY HUNT ... i n Oregon, Friday, April 18, 1947 Disney Anderson 'The Byrnes GAME... MEET HIM 1 OKAY HANDS.' JIM.' Burrouphs WHEN VOU RECOVER, I WILL I GUICI GUIDE YOU ON YOUR WAY HOME, THE APE-MAN PROMISED. ili.'WltW..: Page A Quick Turnover Xs Fool ... His Ladv Fair" Sweet Armistice! Far-Reaching Action QuT AT that moment, on the other side of the wrld, sinister events were taking place which were to change HIS PLANS. I WE'RE. FRJEND3. IftLOOD BROTHERS ""'M A 1M iinmtQiJUiiifUMiq By Cameron Dockery Chapter 9 "You know, Irskine, I could n't pretend I was glad to see you come walking in here two days ago, but now I'm begin ning to wonder if it wasn't s bit of luck for the Hardys." I hope so, sir." Good luck he added mentally. Mr. Hardy felt better the next morning; he came outside and sat in the sun in a chair Linda had arranged for him. Jeff brought the gelding around from the stable and put him through his paces. Hardy knew nothing about horses but his ar tist's'eye could appreciate the well-knit structure, symmetry and grace of the animal. Linda, who could ride, made friends with the gelding, running her sensitive fingers along'his gleam ing neck. What are you going to call him, Jeff?" "I hadn't thought. What would you suggest?" "It should be dignified to go with his fine breeding, yet short and easy to say?" "Well?" She studied the gelding's face, staring into his liquid brown eyes and fondling his muzzle gently. "Why not Star Chief tain? This is a perfect star on his forehead, and his father was registered as Desert Chief tain" He grinned down at her. "Star it is then, Linda." She glanced up quickly at the sound of her given name. Un consciously they had fallen in to the informality of first names, and it seemed to amuse her. When it became too hot for Mr. Hardy they helped him in side and he sat by the window sketching the different types of cactus to be seen from the house. Jeff returned to the back, helping Pacheco lay the 'dobe bricks. During a breath ing spell he told Linda what had happened in town. Her eyes burned with indignation. "I wouldn't wait too long be fore finding out something defi nite, Jeff. Your arrival home must have been a blow Coul ter may try and stall you along until he puts over his deal, what ever it is." "I wonder if his deal con cerns the Gentrys in any way?" Her mouth grew thin. "It wouldn't surprise me at all." "Well, I met one member of the tribe; she seemed pretty at tractive." He told her about his meeting with Monica and im mediately regretted it. "I knew she was up to some thing!" Linda exclaimed. "She spent all afternoon parading up and down the road in that sta tion wagon!" Jeff stared in amazement. "You mean she got that flat tire on purpose?" "Well, what made it flat? I'll bet it wasn't a nail or a spike! She probably drove over a tough piece of saguaro . . . was n't that it?" ' His dark brows drew togeth er. "It was a cactus thorn, but I don't see " 1 "Oh, don't be so naive!" Linda turned crimson and marched around the side of the house. After luncheon and table con versation which deftly skirted the topic of the Gentrys, Jeff saddled Star and road into Mc Cloud. He hitched the gelding to the . rail before Coulter's of fice and went inside. Coulter was alone, slumped In his swi vel chair, his feet on his desk and a half-smoked slogie be tween his flaccid lips. His gray Stetson was tilted back on his head. At sight of Jeff he push- it back even further. "Didn't expect to see you this soon, Irskine." "Got time for that talk now? ' Jeff said abruptly. Guess so. Jes' wait until I attend to somethin' in back here." He left the room for a minute, then returned. "Now, what's eatin' your, Irskine?" "You know what it is. What's the idea of renting my proper ty'" "Youi property?" "That's what I said." "Listen, I'll admit the house is yours but the land ain't." "You're crazy, Coulter. My Dad bought that land from Zeke Carston." Room and Board LOOKUT JUDGE t DELIA GIVE ME A BOX OF SUPER. BSR.LOON BUBBLE GUM WIT' AN ATOMIC POP-- ' WAIT'LL YUH HEAfc. IT, BETTER. N A COWB PER. LAYIN' BACK. YER. HAIP. Ntwtftaturif "Can you prove it?" "Yes, I think I can." "How?" "Never mind I'll produce the necessary papers when the. time comes." Coulter's eyes grew steely. "Naturally if you can prove your ownership all legal I've got no quarrel with you. But, I don't believe you can! I bought that land from the State Land Commission last year." This was a new angle; Jeff stiffened. "What do you mean? ' "When we got word in Mc Cloud that you'd been killed last year naturally we looked around your place for a will or some legal papers to find out if you had any kin. Wo couldn't find nothin'; the bank here had no account of yours; there were no records at the town hall showin' you owned that land." "Perhaps because the page had been torn out and a new one inserted." "What did you say?" Coul ter's gray irises hardened. , "Never mind, get on with your story it's so interesting. Coulter paused suspiciously then continued. " 'Course when we found you had no title your property was put up for sale an' I bought it." His entire story was such pure fabrication that Jeff al most laughed. "Evidently, Coul ter, you haven't heard of GI rights. You weren't notified of ficially that I was dead; you based all your actions on a mis taken rumor." "Makes no difference seem' " as how you never owned the land anyway." "I own the land and what's more I can prove it." "Listen son," Coulter drawl ed, "I don't want no trouble with a returned soldier boy . . I'm prepared to offer you a fair price for your house, say $500. ' Jeff's lip curled. "Why not make it $360? that would cov er the rent you've collected from the Hardys. There's one thing you can do, Coulter, show me the receipt from the state for your purchase of my prop erty." "It's in my safe deposit box. ' "Oh yeah?" "Are you doubtin1 my word?'' "Doubt is the wrong expres sion, Coulter, I'm calling you a damned liar." Coulter's boots hit the floor with a thud. He stood up and came around the desk to face Jeff. The veins at his temple were congested and throbbing, his fists were clenched until the knuckles shown white . . , (To be continued) SIZES 10 20 Pleats Are News Yes, pleats are back, lending new fullness, new verve, to the silhouette. Nothing could be smarter than this frock with the long torso effect and pleated fullness be low. No. 2219 is cut in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20. Size 16 re quires 4 yds. 39-in. Send 20c foi PATTERN, which, includes complete sewing guide,.' Print your name, address awf style number plainly. Be sure t'o state size you wish Include postal unit or zone number in your address Address: Pattern Department Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San i Francisco, Calif By Gene Ahem HE STILL HAS $ 50O OF THAT 600 THE CHIEF PAID FOP. HIS PET PIP;--. IF I CAN ONLY INTEREST HIM IN INVESTING IT IN A BUSINESS VENTUR.E OF MINE,- HOW ABOUT FURTHER. EXPERIMENTS TO PERFECT MY SYRUP FORMULA FOR A SOFT DRINK.?-: HM-M-. . -rTH Mm "jliA r t'ni:M Mun trndnit. ti