chises in West Salem that do not exist in Salem and the question Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday April-17, 1947 9 of their atatus in event of mer ger. Mentioned particularly was a franchise held in West Salem by Salem Electric, cooperative utility. Merger, It was said, would not wipe out existing franchises. Machinery for the merger of the two municipalities was set up by an act of the 1947 legis lature applying to cities in dif ferent counties with a river as a common boundary. pointed a special committee of the Salem city council to ad vise with West Salem and in a degree serve in an advisory way vith the neighboring adminis tration. The mayor appointed City Wards Biggest Cut-Price Sale of the Year! Is Continued for One More Week! Manager J. L. Franzen, City At torney Chris J. Kowitz and Al derman David O'Hara. MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts are only 33c The action was taken on invi tation from West Salem's gov SAVING CENTER Saiem & West Salem REG. 98c MEN'S SHORTS Fully cut of sanforized cot- mm a ton with gripper fastener. I Zlf 30-44. ' erning body. One reason for It is the existence of certain fran Envoys Named To West Salem Possible merger of Salem and West Salem took another serious turn Wednesday night when Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom ap , j 1 JAYSONS Outstanding Values in a URPRISE LACK ALE for PRING and UMMER 95 Cavalry Twills and Tropical Worsteds in BROWNS, TANS, BLUES, GREYS Bur-Mil Slacks are ideal for Spring and Summer wear because they're light and cool combined with . wrinkle resistant arid crease holding features-you will be a walking example of what the well dressed man will wear this summer. ' Made of Wool Blended with Spun Rayon. mm mm New Values, Just Arrived! New Reductions! 3-PIECE VANITY BEDROOM GROUP 159 Attractive modern waterfall styled bedroom group finished in Frencn walnut veneer with contrasting oak. Built for long wear. Roomy drawers with dust proof panels under drawers. The plate glass vanity mirror gives perfect reflection. BOYS' MOC-OXFORD REDUCED Regularly 5.00! of sturdy brown leather. soles. 6-12. Cord tire 3.69 DENIM BIB-TOP OVERALLS They're sanforized . . . won't shrink over 1. Full cut sizes. 2.69 REG. 7.79 HOBNAIL SPREAD Attractive two-tone pat tern. Pastels. Single and double bed sizes. 6.88 STURDY COASTER WAGON Wood body, 14 by 32 in ches. 8-inch steel wheels and undergear. 8.74 SEALED BEAM FOG LIGHT Ward Week special! Seal ed amber lens! Won't dull! Chrome plated. 4.95 REG. 1.59 SPAR VARNISH Designed for durability. Resists heavy traffic. Buy now! Save! Quart 1.44 ALUMINUM CAKE PAN Special Specially designed, quick heating aluminum cake pan. Cleans easily. 39c STEEL TOOL BOX CUT PRICED Hip-roof design. Baked enamel inside and out. 16x8Mtx7y4-in. 2.88 COTTON TEXTURE 1.00 After Ward Week! W. 77e Firmly woven! Vat-dyed! Ideal for slip covers and draperies. 42 inches wide. MEN'S DRESS HOSI 97c A SfMcaf Purerow pr' Regular and slack length rayon hose with cotton tops, feet. Sizes 10 to 12. ;29 BAVrtM DD1MT CUPFP Saltl flea. 6.98 Now 6' Smart, slenderizing rayon sheers in small flattering prints. Wanted styles I . , soit pastels. Sizes irom 38 to 44. feft ONE-CO? J vi wan P FLAT PAINT REDUCEDI 280 , Top quality Flat Wall Paint 1 Rich, velvet-glat finish. Quart 8-CUP PERCOLATOR ,48 Special for Ward W..H Family size . . . holds 8 six-ounce cups; Mirror finish aluminum; cool handle. SANFORIZED SHIRTS 049 Reduced from 2.79 They won't shrink over 1. Select smart stripes. Sizes from 142 to 17. STURDY DECK CHAIR 379 SptkJ for Word WeeM Built for comfort with wide arm-rests, sturdy canvas seat. Folds easily. :5 30-PC. POTTERY SET Word Wk VoWl 4 dinner and bread-and-butter plates, cups, saucers, fruit dunes in gay colors. 133 AUTO TROUBLE LAMP Sa.f Reduced 40 Plugs into cigarette lighter. 11 ft. of sord! Shocltproof wire lifht-suardl 1" 3-PC SAUCEPAN SET Word W;k Speclall Three handy sizes ... 1, 2 and 3-qt. Mirror-finish aluminum. Hurry!