Skits and Scratches By Fred Zimmerman Capital Journal Sports Editor Coach Walter Erickson came back from Eugene late Tuesday firmly convinced that they (the Webfoot baseball club) "will be hard to get out of there." They have a powerful hitting club and on top of that they can field,' Erickson commented. He offered no comparison between Oregon and Oregon State, but the rec ords of the four games in which Willamette participated would indicate Coach Howard Hob son's squad has the edge. Ability of the Oregon pitching staff to cope with the bats of the op position will probably decide the issue. Failure to hit in the clutch and sparkling fielding on the part of the Webfoots kept the Bearcats from denting the home plate with greater fre quency. Thirteen men left on base needs no footnotes. There is a possibility that Oregon may come here next week for an other round with Willamette, al though nothing definite in this connection has been announced. Nothing ii!:e having support at home. Coach Erickson over heard one of his youngsters com menting about the games with Oregon. "They heat us but Dad dy's team outplayed them," the boy boasted as he stood up for the Bearcats, Quite a bit of loyalty there In view of the 21 to 0 score. This same boy, over hearing Walt discuss the possi bility of playing Oregon April 26 was quick to remind his dad that "that is the first day of the fishing season." Since the Bear cat coach is quite an ardent fish erman in his own right, pros pects for a baseball game that day may be considered quite re mote. . This year's Western Interna tional schedule at Waters field will operate similarly to that of last season. In other words all night games during the week will start at 8 p.m. and until June 8 Sunday doublcheaders will get under way at 1:30. Be ginning with the first Bremer ton series. June 8. Sunday and holiday doublcheaders will start at 7 p.m. The Sunday night doublchcadcr was inaugurated late In the 1946 season and proved quite satisfactory to the business office, for altendane Jumped considerably over the Sunday afternoon twin bill. The schedule calls for three appear ances afr Waters field of every team in the loop with Bremer ton winding up the home season September 5, 6, and 7. The championship flight ot the Elks club-sponsored golf tournament hps all the earmarks of being a title affair In every respect. This is particularly true of the lower half of the bracket. (No crLlicIsm of the ability of the contestants in the upper half implied). And, if one ex pert's predictions prove correct, the championship lies between three men Walter Cline, Jr., Jack Russell and Jack Brande. The latter is the defending champion. However, in a con test of this sort, the participant cannot afford to have an "off day," for his opponent will be right there to take advantage of every slip. The lower bracket contains golfers like Jim Shel don, who held medalist honors for a number cf days during the qualifying rounds: Glenn Len gren. an old campaigner; "Wif" Necrihiim, one of the younger generation; Tony Painter, Leo Esley and Floyd Baxter any one of whom will provide first class opposition for Russell or Brande, the men who have been given the nod by those who know their golf. Vancouver Tips Tigers Walla Walla, April 17 T) Holding their punch until the final innings, the Vancouver Capilanos pushed over 13 tal lies in the eighth and ninth frames last night to down the Tacoma Tigers 13-6 in their final Western International league exhibition tilt. Tacoma's Stan Gibson had a 6-0 lead going into the eighth and had given up but two hits in the preceding seven Innings. An error and four con secutive hits pushed over a quar tet of tallies to set the stage for the nine-run ninth inning . 8 WELCOME SALEM SENATORS BEST OF LUCK DURING THE 1947 SEASON FANS-Go to the the STATE ST. BUS Transfers good from any lint. 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Few Patrons Watch As Abney, It seems to Tie a rule that when ringside seats the boys do their that was the case at the armory Wednesday night when Dick Abney disposed of Sonny Jackson in a little more than two minutes of the third round of their eight Rain Threats Solon Opener Rain, nemesis of all baseball managers and game hungry fans, cast a shadow over pre liminaries as the Salem Sena tors sought to prepare for the opening contest at Waters field Friday night at 8 o'clock. In spite of threatening weather, Business Manager George Emigh is proceeding with his original plans to accommodate a capacity crowd of 5000 spectators, while Jack Wilson, boss of the players, hoped for a final preview of his men during a practice session under the lights Thursday eve ning. In any event he had just about decided upon Ken Wyatt, 15-gamc winner of last season, to face the Capilanos. Wyatt reports he is ready to go, having recovered from a sore arm. His battery mate will probably be Bill Beard, who was turned over to the club after spring training with the Seattle Rainicrs. The usual pre-game prelimin aries are being arranged by the booster club while reserved scats for the grandstand remain on sale at Maples. General ad mission seats will be sold at the ball park. Districts for Prep Playoffs Portland, Ore., April 14 P)- The second annual state high school baseball championship playoff will be held at the Uni versity of Portland here May 22-24. Twelve teams will be in ac tion eight in class A and four in class B divisions with the contestants coming from the same districts that were set up last year, when Jefferson of Portland won the title. District winners will be selected by com mittees with entries to be posted at the University of Portland by May 17. The class A districts; District 1, fnatrrn Oreiion On team from Union. Wallowa, Baker, Malheur, Umatllln, Morrow, Gilliam, Sherman, Hood Rivrr, Waaco, Wheeler, Grant and Harney count irs. District 2. southern OrfBon One team from Jcnerson, Crook, Deachuten, Lake. Klamath, DoukIhs, Coos, Curry, Josephine and Jncksnn counties. District 3, northern subdivision of north western OrcRon Three teams from Tilla mook, Forest Grove. Hillsboro. Beaverlon, Tldfird, West Linn, Newbcr. McMlnnville, Dallas. Astoria, Seaside, Vernonla, Rainier, St. Helens, Scappoose, Columbia Prep, Pnrkrose, Central Catholic. Hill Military, Orrsham. Milwaukie, Oregon City and Sandy. The rlcht to send three teams al ternates yearly between northern and southern subdivisions or district i. District 3, southern subdivision Two teams from Corvallts. Albany. Lebanon. Sweet Home. Cottage Grove, Springfield. versity High. Eugene. Junction Clt. Toledo, Salem, Est acacia. Canby. Molalla. Sllverton, Woodburn and Ml. Angel. District 4 One team from the Port land schools. The class B districts: District 1. the same, ax class A; dlr'rlcl 2, the same as class A: district 3, one team from Tilla mook, Washington. Clackamas. Yamhill, Polk. Clatsop. Columbia and Multnomah counties; district 4. one team from Ben ton, Lane, Linn, Lincoln and Marion counties. Monmouth vs. Fallers Monmouth Monmouth High school's baseball team and girl's volleyball team are to meet the Fall City teams at Fall City Friday. Both boys and girls teams won over Perrydalc Mon day, and the baseball team lost to Ainily Wednesday. Venus' Fly Trap is a plant found in North and South Caro lina which feeds on small insects which it traps in its leaves. S & N's High Quality SPORT COATS Smartly-tailored. 100 wool In blurs, browns, tans plain and novelty pntterns. SLACKS A lai-Ke assortment, in hard-finish, gabardine all-wool novelty weaves. Tans, browns, blues slate blues. S & N CLOTHIERS 4.16 Slate Street Ball Park viaj. Ore., Thursday, April 17, 1347 Snap Win there are wide open spaces in the best job of leather tossing. And round engagement, frior to thai 'S'gory battle, Jack Snap, Klamath Falls' contribution to fistic en- tertainment, took a technical knockout decision over Ray Garcia. Garcia didn't like Ref eree Packey McFarland's action in calling a half a little bit, pro testing vociferously and almost physically and then came back between fights to issue a chal lenge over the public address system for another shot at the smooth punching Snap. Abney apparently had elim inated the word "retreat" from his vocabulary as he sailed into his dusky opponent, but few ex pected the sudden termination of the scrap. Early in the third Abney hit Jackson with a ter rific right and the latter fell forward on his face. He got up at nine and repeated the per formance a moment later but the third time he stayed down. Snap gave all the appearance of a finished fighter during the time he was tossing straight punches at the willing Garcia. He remained calm during the Mexican's rushes and in the third when Garcia tried to trade punches the latter came out a bad second best as he took a nine count. Garcia clearly was in no con dition to continue when McFar land stopped the punishment. Bill Boatman's terrific right slopped Nick Burley at 1:35 in the second round of one of the preliminaries. Hal Fries, one of Sam Duncan's boys, launched a two-fisted attack that proved too much for Frank Duane in the second round. Paul Kennedy, a well built Negro, decisioned Ralph Ayres in four heats. Ayers spent the entire four rounds looking for an opportunity that never came. WIL Veterans Dot Capilano Lineup; Some Rookies, Too Vancouver, B.C., April 17 (P) The kid brother of Rudy York one of the tall timbermcn of the Boston Red Sox, as you very well know is following In the first base footsteps of Rudy and this year he'll stamp on the initial sack for Vancouver's Capilanos in the Western International baseball league. Vancouver opens its season opposite the Salem: Senators at Salem tomorrow night. And Lavis York, hopes all Vancouver, will be a carbon copy of Rudy and knock down all the league fences a thing he has given promise of doing in training camp contests. Lavis, for instance, hit one 387-foot round tripper out of the Yakima park. Manager Bill Brenner, who took over the reins in the mid dle of last season and will han dle the catching, has a veteran club with a sprinkling of new comers. Pitching appears espe cially strong and the outfield is potent, on training camp per formance. Young Bob Stumpfl will understudy Brenner behind the plate. Back this year are four pitch ing veterans Ron Bryant, Hunk Anderson, Jim Hedgecock nd Bob Snyder. Bryant, bothered last year with arm trouble, has shown plenty of power and abil ity in pre-season workouts. Sny der was unimpressive through much of last season but caught fire near the close of the sched ule to win a return engagement. Hedgecock is the only "wrong- hander" of the quartet. Among the Rookie flingers. Jack Meister of Seattle has plucked a starting berth and Sandy Robertson, a Vancouver If You Are in Need of Transportation That Is Good and Medium Priced THEN YOU SHOULD STOP At Shrock'i LOOK LISTEN chased on monthly payments. 193(1 Chevrolet sedan. Kadin, healer, new paint. A food elean ear 1937 Hudson sedan. Heater, food and elean 1936 Ford coach. Oood tires and motor 1935 Ford sedan. Oood body and tires 1936 Hudson coupe. Good transportation with a low price 1936 Sludebaker sedan. Overdrive, runs food 1936 Plymouth coupe (two ot these). Good tires, motor and body 1936 Chevrolet coupe. New paint 1934 Plymouth Sedan 1934 Chevrolet sedan. This one Is priced riichi tor CHEAP travel 1931 Plmouth sedan. Rebuilt motor and 16-ln. wheels 19. Ford rick -up. Good tires and has 4S mercury motor We also have a (rood selection of late model ears SAVE AT HROCK'S On the Same Lot Twelve Years Corner Church and Chemeketa Listen KSLM, 12:45 noon Tues. thru Saturdays. Thursday night studio broadcast, Oregon Playboys, 7:30 to 8:00 Chemeketa & Church Sts. Phone 7932 or (Gar.) 8502 Erautt Loses Major Debut As Cards Win (By ths Associated Press) Stan Musial's batting lessons to Marty Marion have paid off with the first St. Louis Cardinals victory of the season. Coming up in the eighth in ning of yesterday's only big league game, with the world champs sporting a slender 2-1 advantage over Cincinnati, Mar ion poled a two-run homer that assured George (Red) Munger of his first win. It has been a long time since Marion went 4 for 4 like he did yesterday off Cincinnati's rookie pitcher, Ed Erautt, when he bunched three singls with his clinching homer. Erautt, from Portland, Ore. appeared on his way to a shutout in his first major league start with a 1-0 lead on Eddie Miller's fifth inning home run. One was out when the Pacific Coast lea gue strikeout king ran into trou ble. Musial tied the score with his first hit of the year, a homer into the right field bleachers. Enos Slaughter's double followed by Whitey Kurowski's single broke the tie. After Dick Sisler forced Kurowski, Marion came through with his clout to provide the clincher, 4-1. That blow flat tened Erautt and Clyde Shoun came on to lefthand the Cards into submission the rest of the way. All other games in both major leagues were postponed because of, bad weather. wu Pacific vs. Willamette university's base ball club wfll engage in its first northwest conference competition of the season Fri day afternoon at Forest Grove playing the Pacific Badgers. It is probable Coach Walter Erickson will send John Slan chik, his first string pitcher, to the mound. The following Tuesday afternoon Willamette will entertain Lewis and Clark of Portland at Waters field. - f boy, will work in home games. He is studying to be a mechani cal draftsman and the Red Sox, who holds his contract, optioned him to Vancouver so he could remain here and continue his studies. Other new tossers are Slim Burke, Bill Reynolds and Bill Emerson, the latter a south paw. Leon Mohr, owned by the Se attle Rainiers, will be in camp soon to handle second base. Busi ness Manager Bob Brown says th" little Californian is so fast, "he can bunt .300 in this league." Jimmy Estrada returns to his shortstop position, but is getting competition for the job from young Buddy Hjclma. At third base the struggle is be tween Len Tran and Herb Pa- showski, with Tran likely to get the call and Pashowski to be held as a utility outfielder. Those outer gardens will be patrolled by Bill Wright, who hit .412 while playing the latter part of the season with the Caps last year; Frank Mullens, a star in the middle field defensive and a good hitter, and Charlie Mead, formerly of the New York Giants, who also played part of last year with the Caps. "We'll have," says Brenner, "plenty of hustle and will give all the teams a run for their money." ' At our leleetion of low priced con To our Sales Policy and the way that can may be pur Bevos Defeat Seals, 1-0, in Home Opener (By the Associated Press) It was left-handed day In the Pacific 'northwest yesterday and Portland's southpaw Roy Helser side-slanted the Beavers to a 1-0 win over the San Francisco Seals while Seattle's wrong hander, Charley Ripple, fell 3-1 victim to the portside tossings of Los Angeles' and Bellingham's Cliff Chambers. The Portland Salem Enters Eugene Relay Among the 700 high school athletes expected to be drawn to the Hayward relays at Eugene this week-end are 25 members of Coach Vern Gilmore's Salem Viking thin-clad squad. The Salem team has gone un defeated in early-season meets, but competition at the Univer sity of Oregon event will be considerably tougher than the Viks have encountered to date A tentative list of Salem en tries: 440 relay Ron Hall, Bud Michaels, Ted Covalt. Ken Fischer; 880 relay Jim Jen sen, Frank BrownelJ, Fischer, Ed Posset.; two-mile relay Ron. Sheets, Walt West linn, Jim McDonald, Al Tusstne; distance medley Gordon Hamelt 440, Dick More house 880, Jim Wilson 1320, Lowell mile; mile relay Al HaaelbftcJc, Jensen, Brownell, Wayne Trowbrldste; pole vault Fischer; discus Boo Howard; broad mp relay Brownell, Posschl, Bill Arm strong; shot put relay Bob CraiK. Boob Wiper. Jim Jeffries; hlth jump relay Bill Hill, Dave Chamberlain, Covalt. Vikings Defeat j ayvees, 12-0 Dick Allison slapped out a double and two singles on Ol- inger field Wednesday after noon to lead the hitting attack of Salem high school's Vikings as the prepsters defeated Wil lamette university's Junior Var sity, 12-0. Bud Craig limited the Jayvees to six hits and was still going strong in the last in ning when he struck out the only three batters to face him in that frame. Salem pushed across seven runs in the fourth inning on Brownie Valdez' double to cen ter, infield hits by Allison and Fleming and five collegian errors. Roger Dasch entered the ex tra-base hit column by blasting out a double in the first inning, and added a single his next time at bat. The victory was the fourth straight for Coach Harold Hauk's undefeated Vikings, who clash with the Oregon State col lege Jayvees at Corvallis Satur day morning. wu Jayvees ooo 000 0 o t a Salem 113 700 x 12 g 0 Kooertson, Medley u. Stocks (a) and Walker; CraiK and Allison. (By the Associated Press) NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .soo .500 Brooklyn 1 o Philadelphia 1 o Pittsburgh 1 o St. Loula 1 1 Cincinnati i i AMERICAN LEAGUE .., Unchanged. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Pet. .643 San Diego .... San Francisco ... 9 ... 9 sacra men I o Los Angeles ... Portland Hollywood .... Seattle OakI ,!d The SCOREBOARD Come In and See Us for Your Boat and Motor for This Season COMPACK RUBBER BOAT floats 4 persons and only draws 2 inches of water. Complete with oars, inflating pump for $11500 CHAMPION OUTBOARD MOTOR, 4.2 H.P.; speed range 1 to 10 M.P.H.; magneto designed to give quick easy starting at all times. Dual rotary valves. No springs to wear eut. Improved carburetor that cannot be flooded. $129oo Available on Our 600-16 and 650-16 Are Now 198 South triumph dropped the Seals out of the first place position they hold for a day, and boosted the slugging San Diego Padres back into the top spit. San Diego drubbed Hollywood 10-4. The cellar-dwelling Oakland Oaks stiffened up behind the seven-hit pitching of Charley Gassaway to squelch the upper division Sacramento Solons 3-1 and square their series at a game each. The Beaver -eal encounter was a hurling duel between Hel ser and San Francisco's Bob Chesnes, with the latter giving up but three hits. The game's lone tally came in the seventh after two were walked, and Dan ny Escobar lined out a hit to score Joe Dobbins. Ripple and Chambers were freer with the baseknocks In the Seattle-Los Angeles go but tight pitching in the clinches left the runners stranded. The An gels had 13 runners high and dry, and Seattle 9. San Francisco : Portland B H O Al Trower.a 4 2i Dobbins. s 3 3Oorbould,2 2 OlEscobar.r 1 O'Btorey.3 2 OILazor.l 1 2! Reich, 1 7 liWenner.m 4 2iMurator,e 0 3 1 Helser, p 0 OXLska.p Luby.2 Sherida.r White. m ResteUM OrteUt,3 Sanders. 1 4 0 12 I 2 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 3 0 1? 0 0 0 0 Leonard.e Chesnes. p Jennings Totals 32 4 24 13! Totals 25 3 21 13 "Batted for Orteis In 9th. San Francisco 000 OfiO 0000 Portland 000 000 lOx 1 Errors, Trover. Luby, Cheanes, Dobbins. Two-base hit. White. Stolen bases. Trow er 2, Dobbins. Sacrifice. Oorbould. Left on bases. Ban Francisco 7, Portland 10 Bases on balls, off Helser 2, Chesnes 9. Struck out by Helser 2. Chesnes 4. Hit off Helser 4. runs 0, S'.'a lnnlnns: Llska 0, runs 0, two-thirds Innings. .Wild pitch, Chesnes 1. Winning pitcher, Helser; los ing pitcher, Lis!:. Umpires, Mauslo, Pow ell ant' Ford. Time, 1:55. Los Angeles 110 100 0003 11 2 Seattle 000 100 0001 ft 1 Chambers and Novotny; Rlple, Pearson (8) and Sueme. Sacramento 000 000 010 1 Oakland 020 001 OOx 3 1 1 Smith, Nelson (7) and Fitzgerald; Oass away and Kearse. San Diego 020 151 00110 Hollywood 201 100 00014 Kerr in an and McDonnell, Rice Dasso, Per me 5 and Unser. The American Association is now in its 46th season. Peter B. Hawley is the only roll in every ABC bowler to meet. DON'T ACCEPT LESS THAN THE A FREE! ..POINT IRAKI INSPECTION Don't take chances with faulty brakes! Com in today and let our experts make th i free inspection of your entire braking system. Firestone Stores 395 North Liberty GOING FISHING! Easy Budget Plan Seal O Matri Tubes Available Commercial I C BiSTl L 'Y Handball Tournament' Progresses Something akin to an upset occurred during Wednesday night's play in the Marion-Polk county handball tournament be ing staged at the YMCA when John Hagemann defeated Bob Smith, 21-7, 21-18 in the class A singles division. Hagemann will meet Lee Shinn Friday night. The latter eliminated Norman Winslow, 21-18, 21-10. In the upper half of the bracket, Emerson Teague downed Chet Goodman 21-14, 21-6, while Henry Singer was beating Don U BASEBALL 1 Friday Night, 8:00 WATERS FIELD 25th and Mission SALEM SENATORS vs. VANCOUVER All Grandstand Seats o L Jieserved First Game Phone 4647 nrinr '"TlOr" GUARANTEED RECAPS 12 Months Unconditional Warranty on Kraft System Passenger Recaps. BUDGET TERMS STATE State & Cottage Get the INSECT SPRAY Qt.65c Pl.49c Kills llles, mosquitoes, gnats, moths. Contains 5 D.D.T. plus pyrethrum for quick knockdown. Gallon economy size, 2.19. MOTH-OFF rt 65c Qt. 1.00 One application will moth proof fabrics for one year subject to dry cleaning. Od orless, harmless, MOTH FLAKES 1 Pound 19c Prevent moth damage to stored garments with 100 naphthalene moth flakes. ft 1 1 LVOV Hours: 9-5:30 Daily; 9-9 Saturday Duncan, 21-8, 9-21, 21-10. Teague and Singer will meet in the semi-finals. In Class B doubles, Rethke , and Freel beat Park and Burris, 20-21, 21-6, 21-15. The Calfee Kelly vs. Douris-Mounts match will be played Friday. Since many Salvation Army songs and choruses have been translated into the Zulu tongue, non-Salvationist Africans may be heard singing them in the streets and fields almost any time of day. FOR SALE Roomy Summer Cabin 25 miles from Salem on Abiqua creek. About one acre. Seclud ed and protected loca tion. Hot and cold water, shower, toilet, fireplace, electricity. Partially fur nished, $3000. Appoint ment write Box 7, Sil verton, Oregon. TIRE Phone 9268 rid of insect pests NEW EASY WAY! IU lV 'VsW-'e.'' 259 With a rwiil of She vohasj, mitt-tote spray paniteotas room, WTma most insect ph. Pyremram knocks 'm down . . . DOT at svr lasting ItilL Quick, osy to m. Safe as any insecticide. Economical, enough for 90 average room. Simple oirocticra included. ENOZ 49c Quart Protect your woolens with this nationally advertised mothproofer. Use on gar ments, rugs, furniture with tafety. MOTH BALLS 1 Pound 23c Dependable and effective as a moth preventative. High quality, 100 naphthalene moth bails. ENOZ PARA PACK 12 ox. Pkg. 79c Hanger to fit clothes bar. Just hang In closet. Kills moths and prevents moths. A ft 1 m 484 State St.