Council Studies Occupational Tax As Source of Revenues in Salem An occupational tax, to which the city of Salem may have to resort to get money enough on which to operate during the next fiscal year, was broached to the city council Wednes day night by City Manager J. L..- Franzen. and Mayor Robert L, Elfstrom appointed the entire council as a special committee to investigate, and determine whether the tax is necessary and feasible. Alderman Dan J. Fry will serve as chairman of the committee. When Franzen mentioned the occupational tax as a possible revenue source Alderman David O'Hara wanted to know if suf ficient study had been given the subject to be sure it was neces sary. He said parking meters would provide enough revenue to finance the police department. Franzen said gome study had been given the matter, and con sidering salary increases and other increased expenses he doubted if revenue sources would be sufficient under the 6 limitation without resorting to an occupational tax. He had asked city departments for esti mates of their needs, he said and he would have more defi nite ideas when the estimates are received. O'Hara was of the opinion that the special study should be a function of the manager, but did not insist to the extent of opposing appoint ment of the council as a com mittee. Each member of the council was furnished with a lengthy bulletin from the League of Oregon Cities showing license fees and occupational taxes lm posed on businesses, professions and amusements in 97 Orgon cities. The city budget committee, by reduction of the size of the council under the new form of government and the automatic reduction in non-council mem bers, will be cut from 30 to 16 members, or one non-council member for each alderman and the mayor. Camp White Issue May Go on Ballot Portland, April 17 W) Initia tive petitions to direct the state board of control to take over Camp White as a state institu tion will be circulated, sen Lew Wallace said today. Governor Snell vetoed a bill which would have made the surplus Medford installation a state hospital. Wallace said he hoped to be able to induce the federal gov ernment to leave the camp's sta tus unchanged until the people vote which would be at ' the May 1948 primary if enough sig natures were obtained on the petitions. Lumber Production Hi.s All-Time High Portland, Ore., April 17 U.R) March lumber production in Ihe west coast Douglas fir re gion continued at a high level, breaking all records of the last 24 months, according to H. V. Simpson, executive vice presi dent of the West Coast Lumber men's association. Weekly output averaged 137, 976,000 board feet during March. This record production from west coast sawmills ex ceeds February output of 132, 183,000 board feet, Simpson said, and climaxes a steady in crease each month since the re laxation of government controls last year. Shipments during March aver aged 131,346,000 board feet weekly, Simpson said. "Lum ber is getting into the channels of trade. Consumers today are able to buy quality Douglas fir lumber at almost every retail yard in our. traditional mar kets." Judge Sweek Resigns Due to III Health Pendleton, Ore., April 16 Calvin L. Sweek, circuit court judge here since 1931, an nounced his resignation today because of poor health. Judge Sweek succeeded Judge James Alger Fee, now of the Portland federal court. LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN That the Silverton E. C. Gerlltz of Silverton, Rt. 2, sustained a fractured leg Wednesday while workinp wifh a fraptnr nn h i I Circutc Court ol the Slate ot Oregon tor WurKlIlg Willi a liat-ior On MS Ooun Marlon In Probate hai ar- farm and was receiving treat- polnte(i tlle unttcrsiuned administrator of 1V, , , i. r,.. , ,t the estate of RAY GRANT, deceased. ment at the SllverlOIl. He Was All clalnu, of persons aaalnst said estate unable to explain the details of n;URt 06 Presented to said adml!. istrator ; J-.,-, I at the office of J. F. Ulrlch. Pearce Bulld- llie accident. ilnKi Marloi County. Oregon, within six Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday; '"April W, 1947 .1 months from data hereof with proper voiicheri. DATED and first published the 21th day of March, 1947 J. K WEATHER FORD. Jr.. Administrator. WEATHEBFORD & THOMPSON, Albany. Oregon, Attorneys foi Administrator. March r April 3, 10. 17. St. Joseph in ASPIRINssttlU, Journal Want Ads Cay WANTED - Old roots to reroof have you got one? If so, just phone or write us and we will attend to all details regarding a new roof. All you do is to pick out design, color and pay. DON'T DELAY, PHONE TODAY Willamette Valley Roof Co., Inc. 30 Lona Ave. Sale Ph. 9694 18 MONTHS GUARANTEE Against All Road Hazards That's what you get when you buy a 600x16 Tire for $14.49 Plus tax at Teague Motor & Imp. Co. 355 No. Liberty Phone 7001 I muting . J Ifegjfe I E : "tBows :, Homi Off ict Building AT EASE! Title Insurance, by protecting your invest ment in REAL property, gives you peace of . mind. Even -though your life savings and part of your income may be involved in the financing of your home, you can PROTECT that investment with a Title and Trust Com pany title insurance policy. Insist Upon Title Insurance . . . When You Buy Real Property TITLE MID TRUST OmPlHW CAPITAL. SUftPLV AMD C9ftKVS OVCff TITLE & TRUST BtjftOirfS 325 S,W. FOURTH AVE. PGftTlANB MR EG OH Branch and Attoclatm Oltleets Albany Astoria Bend Corvallii Dallas Eugwit Hilltboro Hood River t La Grande McMlnnvilte Medford Oregon CHy Roseburf Salem St. Helens The Dalles Tillamook Toledo Men! Remember This! IT PAYS ALL WAYS TO SHOP JJ.'s Salem's Leading Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men NEW SPRING STOCK Now Here for Your Selection AT NEW LOW PRICES SUITS, TOPCOATS, SLACKS AND SPORT COATS AT PRICES YOU WILL BE GLAD TO PAY Closing Out and Discontinuing Our Entire Stock of Gents' Furnishings at Vi Off Plainly Marked Original Prices Everybody Knows the J.J. Clothes Slogan Is Style, Quality and Value It Pays All Ways to Shop JJ.'s QUALITY STYLE CLOTHES SHOP GREATER 387 State St. :r I VALUE 2 Doors West of Liberty on State Street y - J No Refunds or Exchanges CofltinuinQ OUT 11 Sales Final at These Prices COAS GROUP ONE Values to 34.75 GROUP TWO ! 3975s 21.00 GROUP THREE Values to 49.75 ., , GROUP FOUR Values to 59.75 . Several Groups Slightly Higher BREB One Rack Downstairs 5.00 Values to 16.98 GROUP 1 Values to 18.98 . GROUP 2 Values to 19.75 Values to 24.75 GROUP 3 If. 00 ALL HENRI IENDEL COSMETICS AND SOAPS. Liberty and Court St. Values to 29.75 . 'a lues 'to 534.75 . Values to 39.75 . Values to 49.75 . MAfl (1MM1I I Mill ViSMfiv wM UK I li r 29.00 M 3900 7 3.oof Urn rrf b i.:,- mm wr mmr i i i vm i i, i I f 1 . I ; 7 cZi Bv'2e; Values to AJ J ..Vns V fl flfl 14.98 MJ " .... .. a.yu 3oo m tji 99- A Vi Off S'U I T ONE RACK SUITS : . '' 10.00 GROUP 1 17.00 GROUP 2 21.00 GROUP 3 29.00 Several Groups Slightly Higher SPORTSWEAR SKIRTS 7Q9' . 1.99 SPORT JACKETS ' Group One Values to O AA io.98 ... a.oo Group Two Values to r AA 16.98 . . . 3,9g SWEATERS Values to 6.98 . . PURSES Group One Values to 7.98 .... Group Two Values to OOQ 10.98 . . . .93 Group Three Values to 25.00 . 1.99 59c 10.99 r ! 131 itc Ta v Contract Lines Excepted FABRIC GLOVES Valuei to 1.98 . . 39c