18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Apr. 17, 1947 tfOR SALE HOUSES TOSS. IN one week. Fine 3 bdrm. home at 400 N. 23rd St. Fireplace, oaseinem, auto, heat, corner lot, $10,500. Good terms. GOOD BDRM. home, very close in on S. Liberty. Basement, auto, heat, extra fine lot, 75x165, with fruit and shrubs, dble garage, Good terms. LARSEN HOME ft LOAN CO. 164 South Commercial Phone 8383 Evening 7440 or 345i ay MUST SELL XEW. EXTRA NICE, 1 B R. home, hwd. floors. Pries 15250. Look this over and make your own terms. C. H. SANDERS 331 N. High 5838. ays1 HOLLYWOOD DIBTRICT t BDRM. bung, type home, auto-olt heat full basement, just redecorated Inside ft out, completely furnished. IT IS A REAL BARGAIN AT ONLY 16500. Call Dale L. Shepherd, with GRABENHORST BR08., RELTOrtS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 24457 a92 S. SALEM MOD. 4 BDRM home, 7 yrs. old. h.w. firs., excellently arranged floor plan, auto oil heat, tlec. h.w. heater, dble. plumbg. THIS IS A REAL FAMILY HOME. Price 113,000. Call Dale L. Shepherd, with ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 34457 S. SALEM 0 RM. PLAST. home with h.w. firs. In L. R. ib D. R,, brkfjst. nook, basemt., aawduat burner, large lot. Family fruit. Oarage. On bus line. Price $8500. 1 RM. PLAST. home with h.w. firs, in L. R. ft a. R. Basemt., mrnacc, cor. lot, fine location near Leslie Jr. High. Price $9750. Call G. H. Orabenhorst, Jr.. wllh GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 22948 803 PICTURESQUE VIEW PROPERTY ONE OF Salem's finest Colonial homes red brick front, dble. garage, 3 J rue. bdrms., plus den, brkft., rm., spacious rooms thru-out, commanding view of eity, valley ft nits.. A., well land scaped grounds, enuwtu m Arruini. ONLY. Call Cobum L. Orabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 a-ii' N. CHURCH ST. f BDRMS. Full basem't., auto-sawdust heat, el. h.w. heater, h.w. firs., fire place, nice cor. lot, well landscaped. Completely redecorated. Price 111,600, Call Cobum L. Orabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves, 7772' an f)500. 13500 down. 3 Bdrm., fine loca tlon. N. E. Auto Heat. No. 302 $26,000. i bdrms, A marvelous home In a grand setting. No, 322 158.10. 3 bdrms. Largo kitchen with nook, Pretty good. No. 324 10,5(10. 3 bdrms. Party room. 2 fire places. In top condition. No, .128 A ftn.ooM. 3 bdrms. Hollywood. Well de signed and finished. No. 320 9t3,'-!uO. 3 bdrms. Mahogany trim. Auto, oil heat. Very complete. No. 320 911,350. 4 bdrms. Nu house. Air cond. Heat. Good yard and location. No. 405. MAKE OFFER. 4 bdrm. old type. Poten tial become. Modern. No. 414 15,000. A very fine 4 bdrm. home. In glewood. Really homey. No. 410 7900. Very neat 3 bdrm. Fireplace, full basement, furnace. Vacant. No. 3a9 $11,000. Different. 3 bdrms., excellent kitchen ft bath. Nicely finished, extra large double garage. No. 2f)l ta.too. Close In, South, ',i Acre, 3 bdrm. mod. house, pleasant setting. No. 263 Wn.w. Acre. 3 bdrms. Hdw. floor, coved ceilings. Auto oil heat. Well Im proved yard. No. 265 Si I. MO, Large 3 bdrm. Rosemont Dlst, Elect, heat. Unusually good appearance. No 366 73M. '4 Acre. Kelser Dlst. Wclf Improv ed S R.jnod. house. No. 267 lll.flno. Very Nu Very modern. Inglc wood. 3 bdrm. Unique. No. 269 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 South High Ph. 0203 R92 COULD CONVERT to Convalescent home , and sell off acreage. Large house, oak firs., oil heat, rooms very spacious. East Center St. LUSE REALTY Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7952 n92 BURT PIC1IA. REALTORS HOUSES SftMO. 6 ACRES. River Bottom Soli 2 BR's., Ball), LR, DR, Kit.. Oarage-, Barn, Family orchards, all kinds of ' Irult, Oail "ELMER" AMUNDSON. $5750 HEW HOME, convenient location. Plns , tered. Hardwood firs., Cone. Fdn. A Bargain. Only S1250 down. Balance very easy terms. Call "ELMER" AMUND- : BON. $9850 ULTRA MODERN, new home. 2 BR's., Bath, LR, DR, Kit., Ldry. rm.. Dble. garage, Fireplace, Hwd. firs.. Elec. heat. Insulated ft wcatherstripped. Lot 100X 300 It. Call "ELMER" AMUNDSON. BURT P1CHA, REALTORS Phone M10 337 N. High Street . R94' ONLY 13950 TIS I BEDROOM partly finished house, on a largo lot. East front. Yes, there ao terms. Call or see Mr. Burt. MURPHY REALTY CO. REALTORS 1260 So. Com'l Ph. 6026; Eves. 878.5 . . a?3' TWO BEDROOM COTTAOE Good location, close to schools, stores and bus, Has living room, full bath, handy kitchen, nook, and largr utility roam. THIS YOU SHOULD SEE FOR ONLY ouu. LiHii uprj uoioath, JOE -L. BOURNE HKAT.Tnn 3140 N. Capitol St. Ph. 6210 Eves., 26923 . H04 ENGLKwnnn Nice modern home Englewood district, pricro io sen, Jii.noo. JOE L. BOURNE REAITOfl 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8216. Eves., 7217 m 894 G. I. SPECIAL New two-bedroom house, very attractive Kitchen, attached garage, for only $7000, See Dlek Fonts. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Pit. 8216. Eves., 9340' R94" BY OWNER cosy mod. 2 bdrm. hnnie, north, hwd. floors, rugs, elect heat, Venetian blinds, turn, new elect, stove. refrlg. washer, sewing machine, newly necoraiea inside and out. Nice yard, garden, garage, lawnmower and dishes. Bus H blk. poss. soon, 18950 terms. 6(15 Norway St. a97 BY OWNER New $10,000, 3 bdrm. home for $8850. Finished with exception of 2 bdrms. Lawn and sidewalks in. Lot 76 x 190. 697 Norman Ave., off Center St. a94 BY OWNER. Who wants a iTlcothreTbori room home, only 10 years old? Hdw. floors, fireplace, cove ceilings, $1500 down. 55 per month. Full price $6950. 3165 Berry St. a97 FURNISHED '" HOLLYWOOD" Kewly reflnlshed Inside and out, plas tered 2 bed r. house, i basement, oil fiirn.. trees, flowers, pav. St., furnished. 16500. NEW KB IIS ER 17850. $4500. down, 60x120 lot, 3 hrd r plastered. Llv. r., din. r., kit., bnth, all hwd. firs., oil furn., large garage, laun dry r., Elec. water heater. FIVE ACRES I6R50 buys this neat nice Utile two bed r. house, Eire, heat, wired for range, wa ter heater. El c. pump, double garage, poultry house, close In. SUBURBAN 16350. Neat fully plastered. 4 rooms, ex tra building, garage, Elec. Water Bvs tem, Elec. water heater. Apples, wal nuts, peaches, strawberries, pnv. rd. A REAL HOME $10 500. A large bed rooms, larae llv. r. din. r. very nice kitchen, wired for range, water heater, hardwood floors full basement, new furnace. Lot has 130 ft, frontage, flowers, shrubs and fruit. R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 16 years in Hollywood 1353 N. Capitol St. Phono 3031 a94 J"OR SALE 4 bedroom house, shadetrees shrubbery, etc. air-conditioned furnace fireplace, wired for range. Has electric water heater laundry trays, fruit room, kitchen with lots of bulk-ins, clothes drying room, double garage, lot 88x183 ft. More lots available, 1 block to city ' bus, school bus by door, oiled road. Would take good car as down payment. Owner 35 Lansing Ave. a9Q TvnT riNISllEDTa niod. 6 rm. houses, oak floors, ell furnace. Loans arranged for. Small down payment, Ry A. O. Hamil ton. 305 Park Ave. Ph. 34935. a92 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES NO RT HE AST M ODER N ATTRACTIVE and modern, 5-room home with unfinished upstairs, excellent auto. oil furnace fireplace, Insulated and weather stripped throughout, V. bunas, 5 1 us closets. Dlentv of cupboard space, handy kitchen, utility room. 63100 lot, nicely landscaped, Immediate possession terms 110.500. LEE OH MART ft CO.. REALTORS 477 Couit St. Phone 9680 or 4035 a1 16000 3 br. home with new gat rami. Must sell! $7350 N 9 R. R. home in fine location. Hdwd firs., elec. heat, elect, wtr, htr., priced for quick sale. NEW 3 B.R. 17800 Here Is a good 3-B.R. home, plastered, good sized dining rm. and living im. Large attach, garage with plenty of storage space. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1233 Edgewater Phone 5109 a93- R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 14500. NEAT, attractive 3 be dr. he. Ga rage. . . W5((0. FURNISHED 5 rm. plastered hse. Close-In Hollywood District, ATTRACTIVE L-MUTIFUL SPOT with nice home. Lawn, shrubs, trees. High VIEW LOT. $10, 500. GENUINE BARGAIN LOT HAS 120' frontage. SUBURBAN HOME. Full basement, new furnace, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds. Large llv. r.. din. r., nook, large bedr. ft bath downstairs, 3 large bedr. up. Wired for range. Elec. water heater. Double gar. Fruit. MUST BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. $10,500. JOE SPURLOCK BILL ESTEP R. A. FORKNER. REALTOR 16 yrs. Hollywood Dist. 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 a93 BY OWNER, clean 3 B.R. plastered home. 6 yrs. old. lovely kit., priced to sell. Pay down less than half, rest like rent. Imm. pass. 1231 Ruge, W. Salem. a93 T. A. BEROLAND REAL ESTATE 3205 Portland Road Ph. 2-1073 Res. 6438 $6500 GOOD 2 bdrm. home on corner lot. Int. rec. re-decor. This will be a valuable bus. cor. before too long. 39.100 LGE. home on vat. cor. lot. Mas sive liv. rm. ft din. rm., kit. ft nook. 2 bdrms. with extra room for den or sleeping rm. Yi bsmt. S035O AN ideal home for aged couple or newly-weds. Llv. rm.. din. rm.. kit.. bath ft bdrm. One of the best built places in town. SI 1 50 DOWN and the rest per mo. will give you a 3 rm. trailer hse., lot, cabin and gar. Let's get together on this. WE HAVE many others we will be glad to show you by appointment. Listings appreciated. T. A. BERGLAND REAL ESTATE 3205 Portland Road Ph. 2-1073 Res. 6438 a93 113,000.00. 8 BDRM. Colonial home. Lg. llv. rm., dining rm., kit., den, dble. Plumb., hwd. firs., oil furnace; very nice location. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Ohemeketa St. Phone 21S49; Eves. 25091 a92a MONEY TO LOAN on first mortgages 4 to I. Call for details. BYRKIT ft POTTS 339 Chemeketa Phone 6937 a 152S BELLE VIEW $6,100. nice L. rm.. D. rm.. kit., bath. 2 bdrms., bsmt., furnace, gar. Lot oaxiiu. MELVIN JOHNSON 548 N. Cottage Phone 1733 aSJ $4250. DRIVE BY I5fl,t SOUTH HIGH Street. Excellent lo cation, a 6-room home, 1 bedroom down, 2 small bedrooms up, wired for range, elec. water heater, garage. Immediate possession. LEE OH MART ft CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 9680 or 4035 a NEW" 2 BEDROOM H OME KEIZER DISTRICT. 14x30 living Ml., dinette, nice kitchen, utility rm.. at tached garage. A very good buy at $7500. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 24793 a92 LEO N. CIIILDS, INC. REALTORS GRAND VALUES $:til!M). ON"i ACRE good soil; some timber. New one bedrm. home; elec. water sys tem; closo to bus. Priced for Immedi ate sale. COZY, CLEAN COTTAGE: 3 bedrms., living rm., large kitchen, bath; closets; bullt-ins. Oarage; nice lot. 14200. Trrms. HEAD this one; Large living rm.. nice dining rm., kitchen with bullt-ins, 2 large bedrms. one small bedrm.; full basement; oil furn.; large garage. Fenc ed In large corner lot; lots of fruit and nut trees. Good location, close In. 18850. SPACIOUS COMFORTABLE HOME: Only yrs. oia. living rm., fireplace, dining rm.. kitchen and nook, 2 lovely bedrms.; full basement with knotty pine rec, rm. and fireplace, also extra bedrm. and doub plumbing. Att. garage. Very well landscaped lot. 110,500. CALL or SEE James B, Hartman or K. N. Voorhees with LEO N. CIIILDS, INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Phone 8361 a92 jioiHUJ. 4 rm. home wi'thnoDk,' bath, garage, utility rm., gas heater, immed. poss.. good terms. CALL RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Ohemeketa St. Phone 3793; Eves. 9441 a93 OUR BEST BUY M.MHl.oo, DANDY 2 bdrm. English type home. LR, Dn. rm.. Kit., full fin. base ment, elec. wtr. htr., dble. garaae, best location. Call RAY DAVIS HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Ohemeketa St. Phone 3793: Eves. 0441 a92 Wsoo.oo. GOOD 3 bdrm. home on nice comer lot. Fruit trees ft shrubbery. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Ohemeketa St. Phone 3793; Eves. 35260 a92 $IO,5oO. C It EE kproperty, "lot100""x 100. 5 rm. home, basement, furnace, fire place, hwd. floors, beautiful lawn. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793: Eves. 25260 a92 NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL 55750.00. NICE 2 bdrm. home. Liv. rm. kit., bath. 2 extra lots available. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 21549; Eves. 25091 a92 3 BDRM. HOME on Hillside, nearlng com pletion, at 353 Vista Ave. Valley and Mt. view. 1200 sq, ft. oil furnace, am ple closet space. Sea during day or Ph. 42B4 eves. B5 SOiioo. NEW 5-room home and i A. in Kruitland Dlst. This house Is attrac tive with an attached garage. Garden space and fruit trees. lt,uno. LATE built 5-rm. home N.E. with 5 Acres. Tills home has oak floors. At tached garage. Beautiful fir grove on bark of acreage. Nice lawn and shrubs. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 a93 M00. LIVEABLE but not finished home in h,k. section of city. Nice lot. This Is a buy for the right person. 3!.W. 5 B.R. home and M A. clou to 4-corners. Well St Elect, pump. Garden space. Sl.'too, s a. and 6 -room home close to bus line oiiin. Has bath. Elect, water htr., wired for range, garden, chicken house. This is an extra good buy. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S, High St. Phone 4121 a3 SSSM. NEW unfinished home North on inrse joi oo x 700. Attached garage. All wired and ready for plaster. Flooring, Plaster, etc. to with place. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. Hlah St. Phone 4131 Evenings 35561 a94' JOE lyjTC 1 1 1 SON R EALTOR 453 Court St. Phone T696 CITY HOME 3 11 ED ROOM, Brick, 1 yr. old, hdwd. firs.. nrrpiace, pieniy or ciosets, well plan ned, nice lawn, shrubs Si aarden space. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7696 a93 $3500 for ft rm. home and M A. of good sandy loam, Kelcer School Dlst. Has elect, water pump, wired for tange. Cone, fdn., garaie. Jack Tlennlngarn FT ATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S, Hllh St. Phon 4121 01 FOR SALE HOUSES nRST TIME LISTED, EXCLUSIVE Beautiful home on N. Church. Llv. rm. D. rm., 3 bdrms., kit., hwd. firs., full bsm't., furnace, wired tor ranac. juec. wtr. nir.. beautiful yd. Make offer. Terms. EXCLUSIVE LISTING Beautiful 5 bdrm. home. Neat and clean, hwd. floors, f. place, oil furnace, full bsm't. Dble plumbing. 111.500. N. E. SEE HESS NELSON WITH WILLIAM E. MOSES 331 State St., Ph. 4993 a92 SIX. 0OO LOVELY suburban home, latest design, hwd. firs, thru-out, coved ceil ings, fireplace, oil heat. Imm. Poss. Easy Terms. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 25830 a94 W.6O0 3 BDRM. home, close to McKlnley school, large lot. Imm. Poss. Easy Terms. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Ves. 25830 a94 S3.000 DOWN buys this 2 bdrm. home. Hwd. firs., coved ceiling, Att. Garage. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com') St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 25830 a94a (10,0004 BDRM. home. South. Close to school At bus. Double plumbing, hdwd. firs., fireplace, full basm't, Imm. Poss Easy Terms. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 8. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 25830 a94' MODERN HOME, elec. heat, completely furn. with good furnishings, equipped with elec. refrlg., stove and washer. Priced low for quick sale. Owner leav ing state. Reasonable down payment and bal. like rent. Inquire, 2090 Mill. a03 IN SILVERTON, choice district. 5 rm. modern house, 2 bdrms., bath, 14x32 ft. furnished rumpus roqm in basement, suitable for bedroom. New gas furnace, range an( water heater. Just complete ly .edecorated throughout. Sell fur nlshed or unfurnished by owner. 403 N. Church, Silverton, Ore. Ph. 3403. a93 OWNER SIX YEAR OLD lovely 2 bedroom house. Fireplace, basement, double plumbing. Furnace Insulated, Venetian blinds, lots of bullt-ins. Corner lot, size 50 z 100. 490 N. 33st. Ph. 21751 after 6 p. m. a92 MAKE AN OFFER 8 BM. -house. Could be several apart ments, swell location. Bus at door. Immed. Poss. Terms. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Commercial Ph. 25497 a93 OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY, 3 to S p.m. 985 N. Summer St. 3 B.R. home, large Liv. ft Dining room. One of Salem's finer homes. R. E. MEREDITH Ph. 8841 176 S. Commercial a92 18300 S B.R, on M acre, close to school, stores and bus. Immed. Poss. $65003 B.R. on acre near school, store and bus. Barn and poultry house. $8500 NEW 3 B.R., nlco district, close In, North. Will go 80 FHA. $90004 B.R., full basement, hdwd. firs., fireplace, corner lot, N.E. $11,600 BEAUTIFUL 3 B.R., with nice view, full basement, hdwd. firs., large lot. $11,600 LARGE 3 B.R.. electric heat, ex tra large rooms, hdwd. firs., beautiful surroundings. FOR THESE and many other fine homes See W. M. CHIPMAN Phone 4108 With A. A. LARSEN BROKER Guardian Building a92 NICE, NEW 3 B.R. home on lot 60 x over 300, creek on back. Extra good. 16500. ANOTHER WELL constructed home. 3 B.R.'s and very nice throughout. Should go G.I. It's out Kelier way. $7950. ENGLEWOOD DIST.. 3 B.R.'s with un finished atflc- A late built house. $10, 500. NEW RANCH type home In Englewood dist., a well built, attractive home. You will want to sec this. S12.800. EXTRA OOOD 3 B.R. home located In good dlst. North. Has fireplace, full basmt., auto, oil heat. Call for app. Art Holmes or Don Tungate. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High Tel. 7660 a03 FOR SALE LOTS l LOT, 50x100 It., on S. Capitol St. Phone BUILDING SITE Zone 3 Commercial St., 100 ft. frontage. Only $2000. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate Ph. 8835 aa92 VIEW LOT In Klnawood Terraces. 67x199 ft. Faces 2 streets. By owner. Phone 26631. aa92 CHOICE LOT. 60 ft. x 122 ft. Walnut Parte Sec. Phone 7396. aa94 BUY NOW FROM OWNER 35 LARGE, Choice Lots in Lou mar Heights Addition, just west of Commercial, Just South of Hoyt. Close to schools. L. W. RATH, 396 Jerrls St. Tel. 6849. aa' FIVE LOTS. 80x220, nice view, all. Im provements, $650 each. Ph. 7903 or see OLAF THONSTAD Real Estate, 941 N. Capita) St. aa92 SPECIAL TRICE: 10 lots, by owner. Wa ter turn. Good sol . sch. ft city bus. N. E. 33 Lansing Ave. aaI04 FOR SALE FARMS WALNUT ORCHARD ISO ACRES, never has paid less than 6 on fso.ooo. C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High 5B38 b93 TEN ACRES CLOSE-IN 4 BDRM. HOME, basement, auto-oll heat, bam, 9 A. under cult. New tractor and other farm equip, goes. Sco this before you buy, , Call Richard E. Grnbenliorst. with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty SI. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 b92 COUNTRY HOME U4 A. Late-built 5 rm. home with full basement, auto-oll heat, rumpus rm., 2 fireplaces, el. pumping system. A REAL FAMILY HOME. For details, Call Cobum G. Orabenhorst. with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 b92 BEAVERDAM 15 ACRES Beavcrdam. Will take house In trade. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 South High Phone 9203 b92 CITY COUNTRY 10 ACRES with perpetual water. Family orchard. Very modern 7 rm. home. Lois of machinery. 10 minutes from down town. 15000 gels possesion. No. 824 A FARMER'S FARM PRESENT OWNER retiring alter 17 yrs. on mis ou acres. 29 A. Bottom. 12 A. orchards. All crops In. 8 room house, good barn and other out bldgs. Price $14,000 Includes 4 milk cows, 4 young sturf, and crops. No. 1013 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 South High Phone 9203 b92 7 ACRES SUBURBAN IF YOU are particular, this Is a beautiful J bedroom home. Full basement, auto, oil heat. Hardwood floors, gumwood finish. Cow barn, hay barn, chicken house, good pnsturo and beautiful yard. Full price, $19,500. Shown by appoint ment only. Sre It today. MURPHY REALTY CO. REALTORS 1360 80. Com'l Phone 6026; Eves. 9785 b93 STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 54 A. N.E. Very nice modern 4 brd r. house, Llv, R., Din. R., Kit., bath. 54 A. cult., 38 crop, Elec. water system, wired for range. El-c. water heater. 3 gar ages, 40x50 barn. 15 stanchions, good soil, 13 cows, lbull, milking equipment, John Deere tractor, drill, complete farm equipment, shop. $32,500. R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 16 years In Hollywood 1853 N. Capitol St. Phone 3031 b94 (5800.00. FOUR RM. home on 6 acres good soil. Lota of fruit, apples, pears, grapes. 1 acrt filberts. Call Ur. WALTERS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 31 Chemeketa St. pn.,n. i'9S. Evf 25260 b92 73 ACRES, 7 rm. bungalow type rise., $12,500.00. 3T A. red clover, 33 A. oats, 3 chick, hsea., barn, shop, brooder hses., nice location. Call ED SMITH. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 31549; Eves. 9441 b93 SILVERTON 35500 BY OWN5R, 7 A.. 4 A. bottom land, all year creek, 2 bdrm hse and out bldas.. water system, fruit and nuts, paved hwy, close to school. 3 mt. 8. W. John son. Silver ton 4703. 104 8. Water. SllTUtOiL b93 FOR SALE FARMS 10 ACRES. 6 room house, garage, chicken house, brooder house, old barn, 3 A, in pasture, 3 A in fruit and nuts, ft A. sown to wheat. Priced to sell. C. L. Berry. Rt. 2. Box 348, Salem, Oregon, b92 NELSON FARMS BEFORE TOU BUT a farm or acreage check our new list of more than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson St Nelson, Uasonle BldgH Pb 4419 b HAYESVILLE DISTRICT 5 ACRE Tract. Nice grove fir timber, good garden, berries, young orchard, excel lent 5 room house, hdwd. floors, coved ceiling, attached garage. Many other features. Priced at $10,900. R. E. MEREDITH, REALTOR Ph. 8841 176 S. Com'l. b93' FARMS 10 ACRES with modern 3 B.R. home, barn and poultry house. Equipment and stock at $12,500.00. 310 ACRES stock or turkey ranch now equipped for both. All equipment and 5000 poults go. 2 homes close to Sa lem. 140 acres under cultivation. $30,- O00.O0. 160 ACRES In strawberries and logan berries, nice home and all equipped. See W. M. CHIPMAN Phone 4108 With A. A. LARSEN BROKER Guardian Building b92 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 1698 FARM VALUES FRUIT ft NUT Farm, 35 A., 5 rm. House, Nort1 . High Prod., 15 A. Walnuts ft Peaches, 7 A. Filberts, 2 A. Berries. Very Fine Farm. 33 A., South, 5 rm. House, Barn, Poul try House, Garage. lVfc A. Timber. Bal ance cult. 12 A. Orchard. Live Springs. Close In. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court St.. Phone 7696 b93 FOR SALE ACREAGE $7500 BUYS this 99 Hiway acreage with good nouse, waier pressure, jouu uunu, balance like rent. LUSE REALTY, Oregon Bldg-. Ph. 7593 bb92 T. A. BERGLAND REAL ESTATE 1905 Portland Road $440 t bdrm. home on 2 acres .choice land. A Piace you win ub hu w - $5500 3 bdrm. home, cone, fdn., plast. walls, acre. This ! very fair Miaolooo ft. on graveled road, fruit ft nuts, 3 bdrms., liv. rm., din. rm., kit., 5V A. An ideal place for sub-division. $89.103 bdrms. on ground llr., liv. rm., din rm., kit., bullt-lns, utility rm., hdwd. ft Ur firs., coved ceilings. '4 acre. Just stone's throw from grade school. $11,000 ULTRA modern 2 bdrm. hse. with stairway to unfin. attic. Llv. rm., din. rm., kit., bullt-ins. Beautiful fir ft oak timber on & acres. You'll never go urrnnt on this. $12,(100 SPACIOUS living In this subur ban home. 3 huge bdrms., liv, rm id x 20, lge. din. rm., kit. with many bullt ins. Flrepl. up and In party rm. in basmt. Auto, oil furn. VA acres of good soil. East. T. A. BERGLAND REAL ESTATE 3205 Portland Road Ph. 3-1073 Res. 6438 bb93 72 ACRE FRUIT AND NUT FARM Cherries, prunes, peaches, pears, walnuts and filberts. Modern 4 B.R. home, wicn living rm., dining rm. and kitchen. Full basement, furnac. Large barn, machine shed, prune drier and warehouse. Small 3-rm. house for caretaker. 5 minutes from downtown Salem. Full price $30, 000. A DAIRYMAN'S OPPORTUNITY If you are looking for a first class Grade A dairy, we nave one 01 tne winameiie Valley's finest, located in he Salem area. 65 acres of soil that can't be beat, well fenced, all tiled and under culti vation. This Is a modern plant In a beautiful setting, complete in every de tail, ln-1. an attractive home. 36x73 barn, milk house, hammer-mill, hog pen and machine shed. Don't miss see ing' this one. Price $30,000, convenient terms. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1233 Edgewater Phone 5109 bb93a SPECIAL 10 ACRES of Strawberries, first good year, this will pay out in 60 Days. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 35830 bb94 L A, MODERN 3 bdrm. home, attached garage, fruit ft berries, elec. hotbed, hen hse., $8950. O. H. Coy. corner Sun nyvlew Ave. ft Garden Rd bb93 NEW $5000.00. H ACRE, 4 rooms, bath, utility rm., garage, nice trees, creeK, just out city limits. City water ft gas. Part furnished. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3793; Eves. 9441 bb92 10 ACRES MOD. HOUSE furn., farm tools, tractor. all go for $8500. S'-, ACRES 1 BDRM. House, laundry trays, gar., barn, chicken house, terms. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Com'l. Ph. 35497 bb93 STREAM FRONTAGE Nice settings. some view sites, on paved hiway. Ph. E335 for further details. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate bb92 SALEM REALTY CO. OFFERS SUBURBAN ,4 A. with neat 2 B.R. house nestled among native firs, close in and cosy. S5000. IV A. cult, land with comfortable 1 B.R. house. Furnished. $4750. 10 A. mostly pasture land with creek ft some timber. Quite nice, 4 yr. old houso for small family. A nice view. Only $4500, 1U A, Lovely building site with city wa ter, gas ft electricity, on pavement, a nice view. $3150. 10 A. No buildings, a fine tract to de velop. $3500. Call Holmes. SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. High St. Tel. 7660 bb03' li:o. i A, with clean 2 B.R. home North. Close to bus. Garage. Elect, water heat er. Good well, elect, pump. Chicken house. Immediate possession. $i!tf0. 4 A. large Filberts with new mod ern 2 B.R. home. East. Garage, elect, water heater. Good well, elect, pump. Immediate Possession. Call Stanley Brown with , STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High St. Phone 4121 Evenings 25561 bb94 REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS $3750, 2 BDRMS., N. E. A MODERN cottage with 3 Piece bath L. R.. D. R Kit., 2 bdrms., utility porch Si fruit room, unf. attic, garage, fruit trees, on paved at., off Capitol St. 4 BDRMS.. 1 FLR.. HOLLYWOOD GOOD SUBSTANTIAL, plastered, modefn home with L. R., D. R., Kit., 4 bdrms. ft bath on 1 fir,, full basmt., piped fur nace heat, garage, larae corner lot. paved st., near Hollywood dist., priced tor mm. saie, sjuuu. ATTRACTIVE HOME SITES EDGE OF CITY DRIVE OUT Center St.. then south Jiawmorne oust outside of city), to our signs on the Thompson's Addition. All lots have white stakes with lot numbers mcucaica. you will see new homes go ing up in this very carefully protected subdivision to Insure high class residen tial district. Free plat with lot prices shown. IF NEITHER of theje meet your require ment im us wnai you want, we prob ably have it listed. NELSON ft NELSON Chet I. Nelson Theo. G. Nelson Specialising Realtors Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St fn. 4419 or 4623. Eves. 31350 c93 BURT PICHA. REALTORS HOUSES $6300. NEW Plastered house. 2 BR's down nu unnnisnea upstairs, call "CRAIG"; Eve. 3053. $4950, 3 bdrm. home on paved street ft mrwaiK. wun extra apt. rented for $35 00 per mo. Basement, Garage, Alley. Shade and Walnut trees. Terms. A good buy. Call Burt Plcha. 3S9A0. 3 BDRM. home. Living rm., Din. rm. and Kit. South In Nob Hill Dlst.: Plastered, Oak floors, V-Bltnds, Full Bsmt.. Auto. Oil Furn. A good deal. Call Burt Plcha. $3950. 4 BDRM. home. North lust outside of eity limits. Living rm., Dining rm. and Kit, Corner lot. Call Burt Plcha. ACREAGE $1500. 34 ACRES. Chemawa Dlst., 3 B.R. modern house. Will take trailer house In trade. Call "CRAIG"; Eve. 5053. BURT PICHA. REALTORS Ph. 3210 337 N. High Street e92 Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN EAST 3 B.EOROOM unfinished upstairs. Extra large lot. Fireplace. Bus service 1 block. Attached garage. About 6 years old. Cement foundation. Part hardwood floors. Furniture can be bought. We believe this is a very good buy for only $7900.00 SUBURBAN 1 ACRE, 3 bedroom house. Close In. Family orchard. Near good school. Lo cated north close to 99E. Cement foun dation. Private well with electric water system. Liberal terms arranged. Full price only 1 6500. 00. HUBBARD 2H ACRES, 3 bedroom house. Garden tractor. New stoves. Double garage. Hi acres in thorn less boysenberries, 4 acre strawberries, several walnut trees. Low taxes. Stone's throw from school. All for only $8500.00. Better hurry on this one. SWEGEL SCHOOL H ACRE, modern, clean 2 bedroom house. Several outbuildings. Family orchard. Very close to school. Low taxes. Bus service. Paved street. Full price $6500. 'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY) AUTO COURT 4 UNITS. 2 finished, 2 under construc tion, which will be completed at this price. Modern 2 bedroom house, com pletely furnished with new furniture. Chicken house which could be converted into 2 cabins. Private well with electric pump. 1 acre highway frontage. Room for about 15 more cabins. Located north. A. bargain at $16,000.00. This Is one of our choice listings. M. O. HUMPHREYS ft CO., REALTORS 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 24596 c92 MONEY TO LOAN on tint mortgages 4 to 6 Call for details BYRKIT ft POTTS 339 Chemeketa Pboni 538 Phone 5131 or 8620 Mc LLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High $750J all Furnished, large lot, two story, 4 BR home, LR, DR, K, Bath, oil heat, garage, bus and grade school 4 blocks, closed-ln back porch, furniture includes electric range, washing ma chine, good furniture, and floor cover ings. $8.100 Two bedroom house, LR. DR, K, Bath, plastered interior, fir floors, composition roof, basement, laundry trays, electric or gas cooking, one blk. to bus, electric range, refrigerator, davenport and few other Items go. Apartment in basement now rented. $11,780 Very nice district, 3 BR home, bath, large cheerful DR, LR, Kitchen with lots of builtins, Fireplace, Base ment, automatic air conditioned gas heating plant with thermostat control, automatic gas water heater, lots of bullt-ins for fruit and storage In basement, doub': garage with cement floor, large corner lot, good lawn, shrubs and flowers, good garden spot, back yard fenced, close to bus, grocery store and grade and Jr. High school. $11,750 Very nice home, clean, beautiful hardwood floors, stucco exterior, plas tered interior, composition roof, 2 BR bungalow, LR, DR, K, Bath, built-ins, Fireplace, Basement with wash trays, electric cooking, garage, bus by door, grade and high school close. SUBURBANS $3000 Five Acres South, One Bedroom house, bath, LR, K, single garage, school by bus, 4 acres cherries and 1 acre mixed fruit. $10,500 Just Suburban with One and one-tenth acres, two story, 3 BR house, LR, DR, K, Nook, Bath, Venetian Blinds, plaster and firtex Interior, llr floors, electric cooking, oil heat, gar age, bus by door, one acre in filberts, garden tools go with place, very nice. $1 1,500 FURNISHED, Va acre, English style, 3 BR house, LR, DR, K, Bath, up stairs unfinished but sub-floored, HW floors, Fireplace, Basement, electric cooking, garage, bus by door, school by bus, house well built and arranged nicely, nice yard and shrubs and shade trees, nut and fruit trees, all furniture. $10,500 Portable Sawmill, 8 room house and 130 acres of rolling land, beautiful surroundings with North Santlam cut ting through one corner of property with 16 Inch trout. Sawmill is number one American make, brand new, 100 horsepower diescl motor, new, approx. hi to 'j million feet of timber, can get Additional timber, 14 acres fescue, 12 acres oats and vetch, land cleared for cultivation, hot and cold water, spring water piped to house, electricity, tele phone, barn, with 9 stanchions and a milking machine, chicken house with approx. 50 chickens, 3 milk cows, calves, team of horses, mowing machine, rake, disc, wagon, seeder drill, family or chard, 5 men to operate mill. FARM $30,000 EQUIPPED, 310 Acres, outstanding turkey farm, 5 BR house, electric lights, electrlo water pump, bath, basement, garage, barn with 4 stanchions, 10 poultry houses, 140 acres cultivated, 3 acres orchard, 160 acres pasture, 18 acres timber, all fenced, one spring and one stream, tractor, 4 horses, 2 cows, drill, spring-tooth harrow, corn plant er, hay rack, etc. 4000 or 5000 turkeys going In brooder April 15, also two, five-room tenant houses. Phone 5131 or .8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High Evenings, 6901 - 7163 - 4937 - 9340 C93 BEACH ft RESORT PROPERTY RESTAURANT ft BLDG., RENTAL ft large lot, center of Oceanlake. Restau rant did $679.00 last Sat. ft Sun. To tal business last yr. $58,700.00 net, shown from 1946 Income tax $13,000 net. This whole set-up. everything in cluded, only $22,000. $11,000 will han dle. Immediate possession, SERVICE STATION, SHOP, GROCERY AND CABINS LOCATED ON businest highway on Ore gon coast. Present owners retiring. All equipment, stock ft house furnishings Include", in price, $15,750. Terms. Bee this now if interested In a good going business. $7500 PUTS YOU IN POSSESSION OF THIS; Apartment house with 3 ren tals; 2 houses, and 2 bedroom owner's home, all furnished, on the bsy at Taft. Room for expansion, or a store or other income. Easy payments. 2 COTTAGES ON BEACH AT NELSCOTT BOTH VERY good rentals, total price $10,000. Terms. OCEANVIEW COTTAGES CLOSE TO BEACH AT NELSCOTTi these two cottages com pletely furnished, tub bath. Live in one and let the other pay you $120.00 per mo. in season. $5000 total price. Terms, , MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE Theatre Bldg. Oceanlake. Oregon e93 WANTED REAL' ESTATE WE HAVE BUYERS WE NEED LISTINGS badly for 2 and 3 bedroom homes, acreages, farms and large or small business. E. M. HUNTER REAL ESTATE 770 S. Commercial Ph. 25497 ca96 WANTED TO BUY Acreage with 3 bed room house, $1000 down and $50 per mo. No Dealers. Phone 24318 or box 352. Capital Journal. ca94 FOR PROMPT and courteous service Uat your property with FLOYD VOLKEL. Real Estate Broker S53 N. Liberty Phone 7327 ca UST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM, SA LEM REALTY CO. O. W. BARTLETT, REALTOR, 149 N. PIQH ST PH. 7680 ca' WE ARB in need of good homes to tell In or near Salem If you wish to list your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea NOTTCII If your property is for gale, rent or exchange, list It with as. We bare all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 133 8 High St ea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOING grocery In valley town, doing around $7000 month. Rent $30. Stock and equipment $12,300. LOT AND BLDG., arranged for cleaning and pressing business. Ideal location. $21,000. C. H. SANDERS. 331 N. High 5838. p cd93" GUN REPAIR shop, fully equipped, lo cated In heart of thriving coast town, 3-yr. lease, low rent. Will consider low price of $2000 If taken at once. Splen did bus. Owner has other Interests. For Info, see Mrs. Phillips at 1371 Chemeketa. cd93" REAL tit VALUE NEIGHBORHOOD grocery doing ft very satisfactory business with an exclu sive trade. Fine equipment. Look Into It. $9000. NO. 751 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 80. High Ph. 9203 ed92 BY OWNER. Duplex, newly decorated. excel, location. East, on bus line. Price 1 111,000, Ph. 6483. C494 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $500 DOWN $40 MONTH FOUR NEW unfinished but livable houses located Just off Park Ave., between Market ft D streets. Watch for Rei- mann Real Estate for Sale signs. No. 247 cd92 CAVENDER'S CONFEXIONERY Good paying business For immediate sale because of Illness First class fountain Confectionery Groceries NEWS STAND Fine location 107 North Water Street SILVERTON cd92" BY OWNER; A photography studio in the heart of Salem s business dlst. that Is selling for Inventory. Ph. 4522. cd93 AUTO COURT 11 UNITS, all elec. all furn. Including 2 bdrm. house foe manager, on S9E. Price $34,000. Terms. E. M. HUNTER. REAL ESTATE 770 80. Commercial Ph. 25497 cd93 SUBURBAN grocery stock and fixtures. Doing better tnan sooo per mo. uooa stock of groceries. Reasonable rent. Better Investigate this. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121 cd93 JOE HUTCHINSON REALTOR 455 Court St. Ph. 7696 SERVICE STATION NORTH ODE, busy Intersection, 3 pumps. 2 hoists. 2 car garage, steam cleaner, large volume of business. S year lease on premises. Excellent equipment. Ad Joining bldg,- avail, for body and fen der shop. JOE HUTCHINSON REALTOR 45S Court St. Ph. 7696 cd93 A OOOD DEAL-MR. BARBER BARBER SHOP, 2 chairs, mod. equip.. good location ft business, 2 yr. lease at $20 a mo., for quick sate, $1500 Cash. HANSEN'S REAL ESTATE Phone 2-4566 . 971 Edgewater St. cd92 GOOD INCOMEt property located on main street in West Salem. 3 Apts. and shop bring In $116 a mo. Can be remodeled Into larger store rooms. Price $8500. HANSEN'S REAL ESTATE Phone 2-4566 971 Edgewater St. cd92 COMPANY representative will be at Hotel Marion. Salem, 9 a.m. until noon May 9 to interview person interested in oper ating own retail business in Marlon County. Car necessary. Write at once for advance Information and appoint ment. Rawlelghs, Dept. 155, Oakland 7. Calif. cd93- CLOSE IN ON 99 HIGHWAY S ACRES, wonderful building site, large fir trees. Good well. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Ph. 24793 Cd92 ZONE 4, CLOSE IN PROPERTY 80X140. Only $5700. 2 BLOCKS FROM CITY HALL INCOME property. 55x165. AfAK'i'MJSN'l'S SPLENDID location. Income $305 mo., plus large living quarters. A very good Investment. $23,000. Terms. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET. 433 N. High St. Ph. 24793 cd92 DUPLEX $1378.00. Llvlngrm.. kit., bath, 3 bdrmi. down: same up. can omer HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549; eves. 35091 cd92- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GARAGE on 99E doing good business. $6000 win handle. WM. BLIVEN L. C. COONEY 429 Ore. Bldg. Ph. 7906; eves. 8918 cd92 NEW LATH Mill, for sale or lease, Joe Slater. Mill City, ore. cass FIRST TIME ON MARKET Brown's Grocery by Swegle school. Good income, living quarters, 2 gas pumps, stock and fixtures. Some furniture, $5500. Good lease at $30 per month. SEE HESS NELSON WITH WILLIAM E. MOSES 331 Va State St., Ph. 4993 cd92 THIS TERRITORY is now available on an exclusive distributor franchise basis to a responsible, progressive Individual or firm on a fast moving, nationally ad vertised item. Write, wire, or call F. A. JOHNSTON JR. ft ASSOC., INC., 4922 Broadway, St. Louis, Missouri, cd92 SERVICE STATION on busy corner on four lane through highway Just out of Portland. 3 car garage, steam cleaner, 3 hydraulic hoist, tools, stock and equip., etc. $8000. Body and fender shop adjoining. Can be had for $1000. Owner must go East. S. M. O'Shaugh nessy, 3407 S.E. Floss Ave., Portland, Ore. cd93 WANTED: To lease small cafe or foun tain. Business woman. Ph. 33953. cd92 FOR SALE SHORTY'S CAB CO. 1947 Packard Clipper Cab Phone 8774 146 Gertb St. ed!12 FURNITURE FOR SALE 8-PIECE walnut Duncan Phyfe dining room suite, pre-war. first class, too large for our home. See at 985 Pine St.. Salem. d94 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CASH prices for your furniture. BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 7511 CASH FOB YOUR used furniture. Ph 7396. State Street Fura. 1900 State ds HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phons Glenn at Woodry Auction Market, Ph 5110. da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHILDREN or lady's brown and white pony for sale. Very gentle. $75. Also sad&c and bridle. Call at Eola Inn, Ph. 9003. e94 YR. OLD Springer, Guernsey and Dur ham heifer. Rt. 4, Box 151, L. C. Cor rell, turn right 3 ml. 8. of 12th St. June, on old 99. 1st house on right. e92 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. Will call at rarm. Write E. I. snethen. 1550 Lancaster Dr.. Salem. Pb. 21345 morn, or eves. eal03 WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows ft soars -1 your larm or delivered mar ket price. E. C. McCandlish, Rt. 9. Box 233, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147. ea98 PETS BEAUTIFUL canary singer and cage, $15. 280 N. 18th. ,ec94 BLACK CAT to give away to nice family, long haired. Ph. 7066. ec93 FOR SALE 3 beautifully marked 7 Wks. old male puppies, very intelligent. Ph. 24361 or 60 Ewald Ave. ec92 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure bred. Females $23, males $35. Roy tl, Simmons. Rl. 4. Box 270. Pb. 21143. J ec- FOR SALE WOOD CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 eell4 16" Old growth fir and 16 " oak. Arnold Phillips. Box 361, Turner, Ore. eelll GOOD DRY 18 In. wood, Immed. delivery OREGON FUEL CO.. Phone 5533. ee95' TRI CITY FUEL 3 Cord Loao $10.00 18" Mill Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood ft Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We Give SftH Green Stamps eel03 $4 CORD ON NTTK DELIVERIES 16" SLAB ft EDGINGS. PH. 6683 eel03 INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double load $20.00 Imm. deL Ph. 346. Yamhill, Ore. eel03 ORXEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 3403 L WEST SALEM FUEL CO. GREEN ft DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove oil and dtesel olL Ph. 3-4031. BONE-DRY mlU wood. 18" green also. good for furnace pn 7731 To place classified ads phone 3571 or 8037. FOR SALE POULTRY f.v Hampshire fryers, tl each. C. L. Berry, Rt. 2, Box 248, Baiem, ore. ivj CHRirlE New Hampshire baby chicks every wea. uoyingions. anu bihvc fits BABY CHICKS hatching twice weekly In seven varieties New Hampshlrea always available In chicks Orowlng pullets, any age. Phone 33861 Lee's Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 33861 Lee's Hatchery 1 WANTED HELP WAITRESS Excellent "hourti Ph. 8490. Tii N. Hlgn Bt. PARK ATTENDANT Par tiaJly disabled veteran or elderly man with trailer house to help establish park for swim ming, boating, fishing and picnic par ties. A good proposition for man cap able. Call 4677 eves., 6 to 9 or Sunday. g94 WANTED Reliable carpenter with gen eral building exp. Box 303 capital Journal. WANTED Body and paint man at Ford dept. g94 dealership to be in cnarge 01 Anderson Motor, Silverton. EXPERIENCED office worker with some stenographic ability. Permanent posi tion. For appointment, call 4171, Ext. 329. s&4 EXP. UPHOLSTERERS. H. L. Stiff. g97 REGISTER for strawberry picking. ml. E. of Hayesville school, Rt. 7, Box 365-J. Ph. 25780, after 5. g94 EXP FURNITURE salesman. H. L. Stiff. BUT" WANTED steno. for general office work. 5&a N. front. gJ- DENTAL assistant, no exp. necessary. Good wages while trianing. Apply nova N. Coml. Ph. 3311. Dr. Semler's office. g93 FULL TIME office help. Jonas J. Byberx Co. SILVERTON. g96 MAN TO WORK on farm cultivating strawberries. David Schafer, Star Rt., Silverton. g93 SET OF FALLERS with power saw to fall old growth timber. Also a "cat" driver. David Schafer, Star Rt., Silverton. g93 'ANTED Fry cook, nights. Blacx and White Coffee Shop. g93 STENOGRAPHER, single. 40-hour week. No Sat. work. Life, accident and health insurance, hospitalization and surgical benefits provided. Call in person at Metropolitan Life Insurance office, 311 Masonic Bldg. g93 WANTED Single man on dairy. $160.00. Board and room. Pn. 67riB. j. m. Nichols, rt. 6, box 141. Salem. g92 LADY, 30 to 40, ref., off Thursday on Sunday, ice cream service. Tne fixe, 138 8. Liberty. g WAITRESS Wanted. Black ft White Cof fee Shop. g92 PLASTERERS wanted, $20 day, 8 hrs., union. Housing. Ph. OA 0002 or write Bob Cherry, 2920 Apt. 3838 Broadacre, Vanport, Portland, Oreg. g95 RESPONSIBLE elderly man for light clerical work 6 nights per week. Box 361 Journal. g92 STENOGRAPHER for sawmill office near Salem. Salary to start $45. Only exp. need apply. Box 356, Capital Journal, g93 usherettes WANTED. Grand Theater. Apply in person. c WANTED, exp. tire salesman, prefer man acquainted witn city, state age ana exp. Write box 355, Capital Journal. ' g92 MEN FOB hop yard work. Bus Will pick up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m. Working hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 P.m. Will Hart Hop Farm, Ph. Salem 22631. SILK FINISHER ft wool presser. Fore man's Cleaners, 1070 B. Com'l. Ph. 9448. g WANTED POSITIONS KILL lawn weeds now. Philip W. Beilke. uiai zizus. H96a LAWN MOWER need repairing, sharpen ing? call Ted 7603 for quick expert service. Plok up and deliver. Old established place. Salem Saw Works, 1293 North 5th St. h96 ROOF spraying our specialty. Free esti mate. Ph. 35767. h93 MODERN LANDSCAPPING New lawns, shrubbery, and rockery work. Keasonaoie prices, contracting only. Call 8059 or 5244 eves., between 8 and 7 P. m. h93 WILL DO small cement Jobs and patch ing. 571 s. 17th. Ph. 24751 after 5 p.m. hl03 YOUNG lady exp. in real estate and gen eral oi nee wortc wishes position. Ref. Ph. 21614. h92 .MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes care of chil drenday or night. 468 N. 21st. h93 IF YOU WANT your lawn mowed, call Gene 21568. h92 GARDEN Plowing and Discing, Ferguson iractor. ibsu uenter sc. pn. 9809. nliz OIL HEATER SERVICE Installation, adjusting, cleaning and re pairing. 24 nr. service. 3043 Portland Rd. Phone 6073. h98 LEAVE your child with me while you shop or worn. rn. yooh, n92" SPRAY PAINTING, Ralph Alsman, 1720 Lancaster a rive. ea. 24248. nl07 WINDOW FRAMES and screens, cabinet aoors, drawer ana regular cabinet woric. Large or small orders accepted. Con vent' location. block Ladd ft Bush. Masterwood's Cabinet Shop, 164 So. Commercial. Ph. 5596. hl06 G. A M. TRANSFER, light hauling. Ph. 25637; eves. ph. 25685. hl04 SECRETARIAL: Stenographic service. Ph SB. hi 03 SPRAYING. L. W. CANDLE. Ph. 7900. hi 00 GARDEN PLOWING ft DISCING. Ford Tractor. Ray Salter. Ph. 22504. h96 PLOWP'G 4ND discing.. No Job too large or too small. Chas. B. Jayne ft Sons. 1920 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 23753. h96 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by Ray Ettei Call Shrock Motor Co 8302 WANTED Good cook and housekeeper wishes housekeeping on ranch near Sil verton or motherless home. Box 353, Cepital Journal. h92 RESPONSIBLE middle-aged widow will caro for children in your home. Days or eves. Ph. 3554. Ask for Kay. h95 WANTED Sewing and alterations. Ph. 8387. 285 W. Rural. hll5 MAN with csr desires position, some sales exp. Write box 359 Capital Journal. h92 WILL mow your lawns. Ph. 25230, after 4. 1)92 VETERAN needs steady Job badly. Wife and 4 month baby to support. Have chauffeur's license and have clerked and worked In office. Vet age 30. Write Box 363, Capital Journal. h92 FOR RENT NICE targe sleeping rm. 735 N. Capitol. rn. 7694. J94" WILL exchange rent of lovely furn. 4 oeorm. nome, piano, eiec. stove ana refrlg. Included for rental of smaller furn. home. Ph. 35856. J97 TRAILER space, all mod., near bus. 1005 s. aist or 3lst and Mission St. Jits TWO LARGE clean rooms, nicely furn. to middle age or elderly couple. No pets, children or drinkers. 731 Ferry. J94 SLEEPING rooms. 1935 N. Capital. J94" LARGE clean sleeping room, men, phone 34542, 1793 S Winter. Jg 40 ACRE hop ranch for lease. See A. A. LARSEN. BROKER 403 State St. Ph. 4108 J93 BED sitting rooms. Women only. 1445 Saginaw. J93 IMPORTABLE front room on ground floor. No drinkers. 343 S. Cottage. J92 SMALL D.droom. close in. Business girl preferred. 696 North cottage, ea. s3o J93 40OO SQ. FT. new warehouse completed in 30 davs for rent. Interior finished to suit tenant. Call Walter Nyatrom after 6 p.m. 31337. n bachelor Apt., for an employed man Phone 3033. J95' FULLY furn. light hskp'nn. W. Salem. Call 26495. J92 GIRL to share Apt., with young mother and son. Ph. Mrs. Lunt. 5588. 9 to 1 and 1972. 1 to 11. 02 FOR RENT COMF. 81. rm. for employed couple, c"af and bus. 1366 State St, lv FURN. housekeeping room, working mai" No drinkers, 160 Division St. jm ATMORAYS. Ozone Good health. Rent, sell. H. Q. PTlgh, 684 N. 17th. Ph. 4692. ! SLEEPING ROOMS, men. 395 N. 14th. J93 GOOD USED PIANOS B L. Stiff FLOOR sander lor rent. Montgomery Ward. ) WANTED TO RENT OFFICE space or home suitable for phy sician's office. Ph. 7124. Ja94 APT. HSKPING. rm., or small house. Mother ft 3-yr. son. Woodburn. Main 170. Ja97 DENTIST and wife desire furnished Apt. Please call Dr. Wiles, 4924. Ja94 $?5 reward for info, leading to rental of 3 room apt., by single emp. professional woman. Box 364, Capital Journal, Ja94 EMPLOYED woman would like 3 room apt. Phone 5915. Ja93 IF YOU are looking for a reliable tenant for 3 BR. house, call 5754. Ja97 BALLPLAYER, wife and baby would like furn, apt or house. Call Paul Boder burg, Marlon Hotel. Ja96 BALLPLAYER and wife would like furn. apt., or small house. Call Ben Gregory, Hotel Marlon. JaD6 1MMACU? TE Holland Dutch couple very much In need of house or apt., furnished. Call after 7 a. m.t 3727. Ja93 WANTED TO RENT or Icaso furnished house by permanent factory represen tative for Oreton. Best of references. No children. P. O. Box 1065, Eugene, Oregon. Ja96 YOUNG couple desire to rent 3 or 4 rm. furn. or unfurn. house or apt. Write Box 360, Capital Journal. Jarf VET and wife expecting baby, need 1 or iby, need l or Ph. 24518. Ja91 nJ wife WL,i 4171 Ext. 46) JB!)5 2 bdrm. furn. hse or apt. Ph. YOUNG Willamette vet and small furnished apt. Call days or 4360 eves. Ja9a. RESPONSIBLE Vet and wife would lika to rent small furn, or unfurn. house or apt. Ph. United Air Lines 3843. Ja94 2 OR 3 BEDRM. Furn. or unfurn. house or apt. State employe. Ph. 35433 after 6 p.m. or all day Sat. or Sun. Ja93 ROOM AND BOARD FOUND Gold-rlm glasses in Marion park. Identify and pay for adv. Ph. 9514. k93 WILL GIVE free board and room to girl 10 to 12. Ph. 7303. JJD3 BOARD and room for 3 elderly ladles. No bed patients. Ph. 6437, 406 N. 34. JJ93 LOST AND FOUND LOST. pr. glasses 13th and Howard. Harry Robertson, 745 Center. Ph. 21840, after 8:30 p.m. k98" LOST bunch of keys. Reward. Ph. 6814. kos MISCELLANEOUS DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock removed on moment's notice. Ph. 5000. mll5 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, $1.00. LES SPRINGER, 464 Court St. mll3a ROOF SPRAY PAINTING Only. Phone 3900 TAKE YOUR clocks to 190 B. 14th for repair. Clock Doctor. m97 HEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean economical See us for free estimates Y EATER APPLZANCB CO. 255 N Liberty FREE DIRT. Salcra Armory. m97 HEAVY HAULING excavation and rod building, land clearing, dozer work, ditching basement excavation, - taud, gravel, crushed rock mason sand, con crete mix cement. SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL OO. 1405 N FRONT ST., SALEM. OREGON. Phona 9408 or 21924. m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State ft Commercial Bts, SALEM Phone 8311 m" TOPPING AND removal danger trees any where. 412 Evergreen Ave. Ph. 35117. or 3349, m9, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOU FILL DIRT, - approx. 15 yds., directly on street. Free for the hauling. Ph. 24080. n94a PRE-WAR console radio. $90.00. Call 8810. n92- ELEC. WASH. MACH., hand elec vacuum cleaner, exc. cond. Ph. 5970. n94 NEW EASY Spindryer washer, cabinet style. Fhilco radio. 2090 Mill. n94 GRILS' pre-war bike. Excellent cond. Ph. 4750. 334 N. 31st. n94 ALL STEEL bunk bed. Also Simmons baby bed. $7, 1390 Hoyt St. E. of Han cock Station out S. 12th St. n94 BABY GRAND Piano, good cond. Phone 31409. n97 IRONER, Ironrite DuFoId, like new, $125. Phone 31871. ii94 3- SETS of Classics Eugene Field; Jas. w. Riley. Delphian, 405 union. na. FOR SALE 5-room size oil air cond. furnace. Sound metal 120 gal, oil tank, exc. cond. Installing elec. heat. Chinese Tea Garden, 162 V4 N. Commercial. (Closed Tucs.) Ji97 CLEAN cotton mattress, $10. 330 Ever green Ave. ns4 COME IN TODAY and see the Triad ' Universal Loader at Wards Farm store, High and Trade Sts., Salem. It picks up, loads and unloads, baled hay, sacked grain, sacked vegetables, boxes, A mar vel of Speed, Efficiency and Modern Engineering! Two men do It all Faster and Better. Will pay lor Itself In one season. n92 COW FERTILIER. Ph. 7330. n97 FULL SIZE dble. bed, box springs and mattress, dresser to match. 1630 N. 20th Street. n94 EVINRUDE Sportwln Outboard Motor- 3.3 H.P., in 1st class condition. 2380 So. Church. Tel. 2-1787. n94 PLAY FEN, S3. Phone 21433. LADY'S CLOTHES, size 18. Lady's shoes, size sfc-E. 405 union St. n92 ANSLEY combination piano, radio and phonograph. Beautiful instrument in excel, cond. L. A. Dashlell, Dallas, Ore gon, Rt. 1, Box 329. Ph. Dallas 31K4. Pit 4 3000 PUMICE-CEMENT brick, 5c earthy B94 FOR SALE OR TRADE NORGE refrig. In good cond. '36 Cher. sedan. '40 8-tube cab. mod. Sllvertone radio. Ice box, Elec. wash, mach. 2 cycle gas motor. Set of musical car horns. Ladies' fur coat cheap. See any time at 34 Park avenue. Go out Center, turn left on Park. n03 BABY BUIGY Ph. 3-4470. H93 14 INCH swing saw. Comb, rip and cross cut. Portable, all steel frame with 8 ft. by 33 Inches table top, 340 Garden Rd. Call after 5 n93 CORONADO Washer. Good running cond. Rt. 4, BOX 454F. 93 GOOD Ludwlg Piano, 3300. 1730 Berry St. naj ONE Wood Range, with oil burning at tachment, used a mos. 3870 Monroe. Ph. 33114. n93 FOR SALE OR TRADE, one comb, wood and elec. Dutch oven range. All white enamel, low back. One hot water tank, with colls, 3870 Monroe. Ph. 33114. n93 ONE Baby Buggy, play pen, 476 Gerth. w. Salem. ns? BOY'S Bicycle, good cond., $30.00: table model radio, good cond., $25.00. 1710 s. 12th St. n93 MONARCH gas range with trash burner. 30 Beech Avenue. Reasonably priced. n96 DISSTON CHAIN SAWS for Sale. See la for parts. Industrial Supply Co. of Salem, 1058 S. Commercial St. Phona 8023. n96 DAVENO and chair set, slightly used, $100, 1640 Broadway. n93 USED tin and galvanized hot air fur nace pipe, 8 Inch round. Sell cheap. Ph. 31970. n93a GREENHOUSE grown vegetable and flow er plants 20c and 35c doz., first house west of Keizer school. n96 (Continued on Page 19) i