adfo Program Thursday KSLM r IKGW IKEX IKOIN S. 5:00 Hop Harrlrtn Start of Today I Terry and Pirates j Frank Gosi :515 I Superman News (Sky Kim I M us la 5; 3ft Oapt. Midnlfbl Son it I Jack ArmMrnna Newi 6:45 Tom Mia Newt t, Memminrway New, 6:00 I Gabriel Heatter Music ITall I Be Frlenda I Dick Hit met 6:15 Orchestra Music Hall Music I Dick Harmea :30 Soncs Grand Marqort Mrandwynnt J Crlma Photog. 6:45 I Songi Grand Marque Town Meeting Crime Photog. " 7:00 I Family Theater Abbott A Coitelloj Town Meeting ) Radio Bluest 7:15 ( Family Theater Abbott Coitello Town Meeting I Radio Direst 7:Sfl I Playboya Orchestra f Town Meeting I Man Called "X" 7:45 (Playboya Orchestra 1 Newa Man Called "X" 8:00 Lawyer Co Snpper Club I 'n' Abntr News 8:15 Lawyer Cue Fleetwood Lawton ( Snnaa Jack Smith Show 8:30 I Orchestra Aldrlcb Family I Music FBI 8:46 1 Orchestra Aldrlch Family Music FBI 8:00 News I Burns and Alien j Work Shop I EUery Queen 0:15 Tames Crowley J Burns and Allen Work Shop Fllery Queen 9:30 Musle Noah Webster (Campus News 'Fires of 9:45 I Orchestra I Noah Webster I Campus News Inspiration 30:0O-I Fulton Lewis, Jr. I New "Flashes fNew'i Fke Star Final 10:15 News I Music Motorist Rrmphonette 10:30 News I Fiddle Cantor (Concert Hour Symphonette 10:45 Safety Prngram I Eddlo Cantor Concert Hour Tcaas Rangers 11 :00 I Open ITonsa News Concert floor Serenade 11:15 I Open Ftoasa Orchestra Concert flour Orchestia 11:30 1 Open Boas Orchestra Orchestra Air-Flo 11 :45 I News Orchestra Orchestra Air-Flo 12:00 Sign Olf Sign Off I X-tra Hour I Silent Friday- 6A. M. to 4:45 P. M. 6:00 ! News I Honeymoon Butler X I News fl:15 f Timekeeper Honeymoon Bugler X KOIN Klork 8:30 March of Tim I News Bugler X I KOIN Klock 8:45 I News Newa Rug I erX t KOIN Klock 7:00 I News I Farm Tlma ftingmg uowooyi KOIN Klock 7:15 I RUe Ji Bblna Farm Tlma Martin Atronsky Newi 7:30 (News Old Songs James Abba News 7:45 f Orchestra ) Newt Market Reports Fact Finder 8:00 naven of Rest Fred Waring Breakfast Club Consumer News 8:15 j Haven of Rest Fred Waring Breakfast Club Art Baker 8:30 Pioneer Songt Jack Berch Breakfast Club Grand Slam 8:45 I Victor Llndlahr James Abba Breakfast Club Rosemary 6:00 Camera Club 1 Musle I kenney Raker j Kate Smith 9:15 Orchestra f News f Kenney Baker I Aunt Jenny 8:30 I Pastor's CaD I Lew Larry J Rreneman's Rft, I Helen Trent 9:15 Art Baker Words Se Musle I Breneman't Bfst. I Our Gal Sunday J0:0O News I Mat line fhalan Draka Blr Sister 10:15 I Rina Sings Mattinea I Ted Malonn Ma Perkins 10:80 1 Orchestra (Quintet I My True Story Dr. Malono 10:45 Harmnny Ilousa ( Joyce Jordan My True Story Road of Life 11:00 Walls Tim I Today's Children I Hymns 2nd Mrs. Burton 11:15 Mmfc Women In White Melody Perry Mason 11:30 I Queen for a Day Masquerade (Listening Post Lone Joiirne Pioneer I News I Htllhilly Kerrnad I Variety Show News Ma Perkins Pepper Voung Right Happiness Racks Use Wife Stella Dallas Lorenzo Jones Young Wldder 12:15 13:30 12:45 J Wr it 1ft 1:30 Jamboree News Orrhelra Orchrstra Show Show Heart's Deslra Hrart't Desire. When a Girl Portia Faces Lift Just Plain Bill Front Page 8:00 j Red Crosa 8:15 I Invaler 8:30 News 8:45 CIIKII8 t Road of Life Lara Lawloo I Aunt Mary I Dr. Paul 4:00 I Fulton Lewis. Jr 4:15 Reg Miller 4:30 I Frskln Johnson 4:45 News Woman'a Secret News Life Beautiful Newa XateJt Pattern PATTERN NO. K24R4 Young and Pretty This sweet little dress will make your daughter look her prettiest. Dainty appliqucd ribbon bows trim this lovely rayon crepe or pastel collon frock. Tuck a vivid flower in the top bow and your child looks like a little doll! Pattern envelope No. R2484 contains pattern for sizes 2, 3 and 4 years plus complete instructions for finishing the above. To obtain this pattern, send 15c in COINS, giving pattern num ber, your name, address and zone number to Peggy Roberts, Salem Capital Journal, 828 Mission street, San Francisco 3, Calif. ACROSS St. ttmrjf 1. Kiiuallly 35. conjunction 3fl- Slupeli" . Proiit'l with Tart of A aho oars SS. Unrlieekrtl 12 Trt'o 4n. Makoa well 13. Am. 41. Uiti'i'llon: 11. Silkworm Seoul! l.'i. Smm-IjiI ttftiilr 4-. Open vvaaela 16. to a 4:t. tlN-iim tldi'Diurnt 4:. I'lirdon 17. Cirown boy 4S. Color IS. Occurs 4a. Remlnff 2f. On contract 2L Kendcr vocal M. Wild attlitial tnualo f2. Salutation 2.1. Tirr t3. AnKlo-.Saxon 21. Kilnta alitvc. 2. Poetna (1. Tllln of rtlsr.nctimb.rt Mohammed n. lMprovcred IB. Flour 3t, You and 1 rcccplRcU .V. Hark bt. Local 83. Liicltt racing conveyance boat 67. Fermlt ' a 3 r y 4 p 5 7 a j UeU7 75 7' 75 , 7? (i 75 'T 3o ST" 33. i".' ' 33 : .. 57 " Ti tjfyfy ; '?', - ;M fa IT jfiJT sf 1 . i J-J..,, I. 1 , I , wm,.!..,,,. 1. . . P. M. Newt I tnr n T.rttj Fdwln 0. nil) Come and Get It j Sunny Side Hp Sunny Side Up I Kay West Kay West News I Come and Get It Ilib & Via I King's Jculeri House Parly louse Party Newspaper of Air Newspaper of Air I What's Duln' I Ladies I Bride and Groom Bride and Groom Srhonl of Air School of Air Mert the Missus Meet the Missus I Ladies ne Seated j News Ladles Be Seated Evelyn Winters Dorothy Oil Serenade Musle News Rhythm I Melody j Northwest Today ( Wash. Report I Northwesternera Linger Awbll Tennessee Jeb. Trio Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle DOWN 1, Tourao 2. On tlio ocean S. Ecatatlo uttoranc 4. Cnlni 6. Cov.vlns; 6. Mrnmirca of (WMRlh 7. Solid water 8. Hrltlsh genera) 9. nistant 10. AlKrrlnn aciiport 11. SiihonliitRt pail nf a building 19. Metnl fat ten ert 21. Country 3. Sulllos I'l. llonr 1'. lleuililrexsi -C. l-'asstMl, at time 27. Cord 2S. Ovulra .it. Milcirack 33. Frightened midden ly 34. Father of IiOhenfrrln Sfl. Hotat rapidly 37. Step of a liulilor 39. Horse, ha nover won a rm-9 Fondle 42. As sunt ed an uttltud S. FiiHtvh 44. MRRtMilin nam 45. Tempi: archaic 4fl. Oranrl slam at cards 47. rnjnc out 60. Compass point ("fR 2 484 aIwIaIrT e II sTuf p I! a! p e c o o e x 11 1 I n on o r RAT eUr'a S pV N S D EPA BlBuT eBDO E3t fT USn EC L AggJ laJHn e X tr a S SE 0raHd EjRANG I NG c oIl dd!aIpMe 0 A R a st e r oI I jpsBjE k e L EUjS EMNjOiTiSBET EES-1 m1s ca'l TB3 i nHr oTHeil a t e s D EM E R I fj E V A S t O R EnS E AS E PTS U 1 0"w U E R 0 El T I RE E S Journal Feature Donald Duck Henry The Nebbs NORTHVILLE STAR GIN ROBBERIES SOLVED CANGSECED IN BISMUTH WILBUR NEB8 EXONERATED.. HElBDETftflVE CRACK CASE A ClPHEr. MESSAGE DISCOER6D BV VilLBUfiNEBB LED TO THE CAPTURE OP THE "COIN GANG" AT tySMUTH MUSEUM LAST NISUT'DETECTIVE BURROW IN JURED IM THE RAID ALSO CREDITS - Little Orphan Annie Mult and .lei f Uee'lax Fellers liirziin AT THE SIMULTANEOUS CRASH OF THE HUNTERS' GUNS, JANE LEAPED UP IN FEAR FOR HER MATE. Aj, rT-Z UT TrrrT I MATERNITY I f) f) ffitig mmmimtS is it it's marvelous! Gflol WH!nowWDOH, he's a MAjIC! IT MUST BE! I STILL V WE DID- ALL RIGHT? I WHAT A TEAM IVE GOT! TEN BLOCKS TO GO! SEE I GENIUS. ALL 0K3HT.1 CAN'T BtLIEVE IT! I COME IN I SOMErSOOV (HAD I MUST DO SOMETHING BIG 1 VOU TWO BRIGHT AND I J HERE TO DO A WEEK'S WORK I TO-THE STUFP I DOES IT ) FOR VtXJ TWO QPLS. EARLV N THE MORNING.' 5(f Y5S IN The Gumps By Gus Edson The Fatal Step .39 I 0H,MIN LOOKS LIKE UNCLE J I OH, WONDERFUL, PEAREST--Y CHLOE, MY SWEET-- " "'"J" Jllii WONDERFUL FINALLY VfENT J THIS IS ALL SO SUDPEN-- I BELIEVE IN THE ZOWIE.'YOU A LITTLE V'l ANP PIP IT-HE AN P ARE YOU SURE YOU ( GOOD OLD SAYINC3 -- I YOUNGSTERS BUSINESS I'1 CHLOE ARE AT CITY . J W REALIZE THE STEP WE'RE ) "MARRY IN HASTE ARE STARTING DOWN AT HALL FOR THEIR J- TAKING ? SO YOU'LL HAVE OUT EARLV J CITY J MARRIAGE rfoS--, - 1. AMPLE LEISURE IN I 1A E CTQY THERE'S JEFF ) "A seed AND ' R& peJjEp,: lf MASHED , OUT in rilS r A spoon of ,V mm j. Afei ; ' . yy c:app:t . I WHAT DO YDtA . J I I THINK. OF IT. f RIGHT Y JIMMIE ? 1 JHAUP, pi ? AQCalEl 16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, April 17, 1947 By Walt k By Carl By THATS WoNMRrUU 10OK.DA.D-. .CREDITS JUNIOR NEBB FOR J VOO DIDMT DO ANV- I ' "t NEWS.PHOEBE HERES SOM DETECTING BOOT-LEG SHORT CTMlrJG.. WHAT ARE WILL BE SO yiHISlG ABOUT, WAVE MESSAGES WHICH PROVIDED 1V00 SO CHESTY, uul v HAPPV VME y THE FIRST TIP-OFF OM THE GANGS AJ ABOUT ? Jr ftV y J" By Harold Gray By Bud Fisher By Gene By Edgar Rice BUT OONT YOU X rJ, f THINK. ITS A BIT V WHAT ' I UNCOMFORTABLE. FOU. f k t v M i r r Disney Anderson Hess That Ought to Be an Byrnes I llUf " Burroughs ON INVESTIGATION, THEY FOUND THAT ONE OF THE HUNTERS WAS STILL ALIVE. Pae Bull's-Eye! Taking Credit I Br HESS What a Short Day that Was End to the Old Potato Masher One Man's Opinion I"- TEACH 1DO TO INSULT MY NEW SPRINS HAT.' , Compassion for a Youth WHEN THEY NOnCEO HIS EXTREME WITH COM PICKED HW TREE HUT. VCUTH THEY WERE BLLEP PASSION. GENTLY TARZAN UP AND STARTEO FOR THE rMi nr.,.! . . . i I By Cameron Dockery Chapter 8 Instead ot turning back to ward home Jeff took the road out of the west side of town. After two or three miles the desert gave way to cotton fields, then ranches and large truck gardens. At a sign 'saying Rocking B Ranch, Jeff turned in. There were no truck gardens here, only the pasture and white-washed fences and stables of a cattle ranch. The palomino whicker ed as it caught the scent of its own kind; Jeff tied it to a post and entered the cool shadows of an enormous barn. An elderly man came forward to meet him. "Jeff Irskine! As I live and breathe, boy, it's good to see you!" Jeff took the other's hand grinning. Aside from Luke Reems and Pacheco it was the first sincerely enthusiastic wel come he'd had. "It's mighty good to be back, Mr. Briscoe, even though some of the folks around here seem to look on me as a ghost." Briscoe's eyes crinkled at the corners . . "You mean that stuff about bein' killed, I guess. Hell's bells, I never believe half them news paper stories." Briscoe's keen sixty-year-old eyes could judge men almost as well as horse flesh. "What brought you out here, boy?" A horse. Briscoe grimaced. "That some of your army humor?" Jeff laughed heartily. "No joke intended I want to buy one." "Hmmm, that's a different story. What you got in mind?" "A riding horse, of course that's all it will be used for." "Got a pair of three-year-old seal geldings that are beauts." "Lead me to 'em." Briscoe took him to an en closure where a group of horses milled around. He pointed out two dark brown ones, each with a star marking his forehead. They re half-brothers," He explained, "sired by one of my best prize stallions, Desert Chieftain. Aren't they love lies?" 'Seems a shame to break up a pair like that." "In a way yes, in another way no. "I don't get you." "It's jes 'cause I've grown so fond o' them . that I feel that way. Jeff stared at him, puzzled. Thought you wanted to make a sale?" "Well, I'm in the cattle busi ness for love and money. No use keopin' them around jes for looks, but not many people are interested in matched geldings these days, unless they're lookin' for work horses. That is, ex cept for Ben Coulter." Coulter again! Jeff wondered if his name was going to crop up in every conversation he held. "What's he got to do with it?" 'He was out here about ten days ago and the geldings caught his eye. I asked him a pretty steep price for them. I don't like Coulter and I don't like the way he handles horses. I'd hate to think of him sawin' on their mouths the way I've seen him do with his own mount." 'Then they're already spok en for?" "Well, Coulter said he'd let me know in a week. I haven't heard from him yet and it's three days past the time. I d like to sell you one, Jeff, then Coulter won't be interested. He only cared about the pair. I'll save the other gelding until someone wants a single." "But I don't want to get you in trouble with Coulter. He may get nasty." "Yes, I hear he's runnin' things in a mighty high-handed man ner these days, but he hasn't interfered with me yet. I've kept my end of the bargain the week is up and he hasn't come out. I tell you, Jeff, you'd be doin' me a favor if you bought one of the geldings." Jeff studied the horses again. They were beautiful animals, their coats sleek and gleaming in the sun, their necks arched proudly. "What are you asking for Ihem, Mr. Briscoe?" Room and Board . I'M STIUL IN A DAZE OVER. WINNING TH' lOO PRIZE. FOR. ANSWERING YOUR. RIDDLE - AND TO SHOW MY THANKS, I GOT THIS FOP,NOU THRU A PRIFNDOFM1NE IN TH'CANDY BUSINESS, A BOX OF BAUJUUN , BUBBLfc fcium WIIH IH A Rl OWHI IT V ATOMIC POP J BLOWOUT BUBBLE GUM WITH TH ATOMIC POP Af Nawiftafurtt The older man named a very moderate price. Jeff knew it must be less than half of what he'd asked from Coulter. "But they're worth much more," he said, "but that fits my wallet nicely. Sure you know what you're doing now?" The Strange Chap 8 TWO "Sure, I'm sure. I tell you, Jeff, I've grown so darn fond of those boys I want to be cer tain of who rides 'cm." The deal completed, Jeff selected his horse and shifted his saddle from the palomino. It took some time to corral the gelding and get him calmed down, but once Jeff was on him he responded nicely to the reins. Instead of going back through town Jeff cut across the desert to Pacheco's, where he left the palomino. The shadows were long when he turned into his own yard. It surprised him to see Linda standing out under the cottonwood as though wait ing for him. "I'm glad to see you're back all in one piece." She forced a laugh. I was afraid 1 might be called upon to dress a bul ress a bill e?" I let wound." "Worried about me? "What do you mean? Has something happened to him?". "He had another coughing spell, Jeff a bad one. It it frightened me." Tears glistened in her eyes. Jeff patted her shoulder gently but didn't say anything. He couldn't. Linda was a nurse, she knew better than he the meaning of these attacks. The usual consoling phrases one said in cases of sickness would sound shallow and empty to her. He went in to Mr. Hardy. The older man was sitting up in bed, his eyes bright with fev er, a fine perspiration filming his face. Jeff told him about the gelding but carefully avoid ed any mention of Coulter. He tclt he wasn-'t fooling Hardy a bit though; when he arose to poke up the fire so Linda could get supper, Hardy said: (To be continued) Mother and Daughter Two pinafore patterns that make a delightful pair for mother arid daughter or big and little sister. Nothing cooler, nothing prettier, for a sleeveless Summer dress. No. 2904 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 33, 40, and 42. Size 36 requires 3 54 yds. 35-in. fabric, 414 yds. binding. No. 2005 is cut in sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Size 4 requires lis yds. 35-in. fabric with 3 yds. binding. Send 20c for PATTERN, which includes complete sewing guide. Print your name, address and style number plainly. Be sure' to state size you wish. Include postal unit or zone number In your address. Address: Pattern Department Capital Journal, 552 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. . . By Gene Ahem G AWSH, -THAN KS? 1 i BEEN LOOKIN' ALL Over. fer. dat super, kind it pulls cars over.tuh da CURB, WITH ITS POP LI Kb A TIRE BLOWOUT ll