Court Bans Slot Machines Olympla, April 17 () Spo kane courts dealt a dollar blow to state tax revenues in deci sions banning pinball and ilot machines in the inland empire city, the state tax commission disclosed today. A previous day's superior court ruling outlawing slot ma chines in private clubs was fol lowed yesterday in Spokane by a federal court denial of a tem porary restraining order to halt enforcement of a city ban against pinball machines. - The tax commission said $745,140 was collected on the machines In Spokane last year, more than in any other city of the state. Action of the recent legislature In doubling the tax to 20 percent in pinballs and 40 percent on slot machines was expected to Increase the state's shares. In denying the petition for the restraining order, Federal Judge Lloyd L. Black held pinball ma chines are a lottery and cited a decision of the Oregon state court to that effect. ' Spokane, the court said, "has .ieen a paradise for pinball op- rators for 10 years, but there re no squatter rights to viola tors of the law." The petition was sought by Jack R. Moore and company, an Oregon corporation. .. The latest decision, coupled with the preceding day's ruling against slot machines, cleared the way for enforcement of city ordinances banning devices of both types. It went into effect today. Brotherhood to Meet Hopewell The Brotherhood of the four churches, Dayton, Lafayette, Unionvale and Hope well, will meet here Monday evening. Americans normally average about 160,000,000 telephone conversations a day. CapHM Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, April 17, 1947 15 RIGHT-NOW CLEANER For nwwl Hoijm CfMRteff Inihtt, Laundry, wtttwwri ASK ALL QROCIRS -Com In pockooM 15c 50e l.00 Willamette Grocery Supply AH Dealer. Salem, Oregon. ormn fit " . p Ef C o nil' MAKE YOUR OWN POP ICICLE AT HOME WITH STAIIIIZI I IF TOTJR GROCER I , POESN'T HAVE I OLD MILL I I Send This Coupon I Bond Port In Mr i Bond r.rp., 1899 8. W. Park Atii, Portland 1, Oreion. tracer donn't hvr Old MUI F IeleU XIU. Pleue find tSe (nt iUshm) IaneloMd far mr Pop Ielela Kit can talnlnr one vaekara of Old Hill and It rc-at cable alamlnam handles. Fwl- I paid In U. S. A. Nama Addraci I Ciir taU PRODUCER-CONSUMER CAMPAIGN Here's your chance to make big savings on your favorite canned citrus juices. It's really an opportunity to stock up on health, because each kind is extra rich in vitamin C. Safeway offers zestful, golden orange juice, tangy grapefruit juice, and a taste-tingling blend of both. You can keep your family interested in citrus juices by serving a different one every day. Fill the pantry now while prices are low at Safeway. These Prices Effective in All Safeway Stores In Salem, Silverton and Dallas Compote, Sajumif. (pAiatL $&L WjoXsl fok, yauA. TTlowyJ Thursday, April 17, through Monday, April 21 msH nuns & mtmus Serve a variety of spring produce with every meal Fresh Produce Feotures 'or Friday and Saturday Only Grapefruit TEXaTrUBYREDS Navel ORANGES Sunkist LEMONS AYOCADOS c-iavo, POTATOES u. s. No.,d8K5V2 Special tiiei. Lb. Deschutes U.S. 77 c No. 1. 15-lb. ik. AVd7l lb. 9Vze Sweet Seedless ,, mm4. ID. I ITZ lb. 39c Thin Skins Juicy RHUBARB Spring crop ASPARAGUS Local crop TOMATOES Pre-ripened CARROTS No (opt to buy lb. 5c lb. 16c lb. 27c lb. 6k . Town House Swetf I Brgnd Wofuro I , g,enc.0-GoJ I Full-O'-Sold I VITA-NIP I V Grapefruit I firaDefruit 1 Grapefruit and I 0ranqe 1 Tfinaerine I Juice Juice Orangejuice rukm. Juice Value VEGETABLE JUICE Marc's necim ku-ronl3e 46-ox.29c TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn QC 46-OI- can Oregon Walnuts No. 1 Medium lb. 39c Dried Prunes cPt" 2 lb. 35c 4 lb. 69c Eyap, Apples or Pears Empire pU, 19c BKOnj Red BeanS Great Northern Lima Beans Creamettes (Macaroni) Idaho Oik HL OQ. C Ik L M. I IV. piV. - 11. piY. 2 lb. pkg. 29c California 2 lb. pkg. 49c 8 oz. pkg. 9c Frillets peeri 8 oz. 15c; lb. 25c Tenderoni vncamp-. 2 pkgs. 15c Spaghetti Dinner BOy-Ar -Dee pkg. 35c Spaghetti Dinner Pa.America pkg. 25c Egg Noodle Dinner American can 10C Green Beans BTu?le No. 2 can 20c Fancy Peas suyarBeiie No. 2 can 19c Gardenside Peas No. 2, 2 cans 25c Green Giant Peas No. 2 can 20c Sauerkraut Highway No. 2V2 can 10c Pork & Beans, C & S 13V2 oz. cn. 10c Pork & Beans cImnPS No. 300 cn 13c Peanut Butter Beveriy 2 lb. jar 69c Peanut Butter 29c 2 55c Welch's Grapelade 1 lb. jar 25c Orange Marmalade WeiCh 25c D.....u.. Dde Ranch Apricot and 2 AQ Apricot Pineapple Spaghetti ! With Mushroom Sauce Pan-American lb. can 10c Applesauce Allen's Old Fashioned jar No. 2 15C r SUNNY BANK 1 VuDAHrS TSTY 1 f dUDb RANCH 1 f aODA I 1 Margarine TAHG 1 I 1 Crackers I 1 .TarHtfrw- --39e 1 h,on ,2. A4 m 2M. ffi 1 1 Tatty 1 and twft " J I Mt J Swell iar m J 1 MaW Pfcg j 12c Sno-White Salt 4&12C, 10 lb. 27c A & H Baking Soda, 1 lb., 3 pks. 25c Baking Powder ciabbercin 21b. 23c K.C. Baking Powder 25 oz. size 22c Sugar 10 lb. 91c; cane 10 lb. 92c Cake Flour, Swans Down Ig. pk. 35c Cake Flour, Softasilk large 35c Krusteaz Pie Crust 17 oz. pkg. 33c Yellow Corn Meal Albers 2 lb. 20c White Flour, Harvest Bl. 10 lb. 78c Cake & Pastry Flour Sperry 5 lb. 45c Drifted Snow Flour Sperry 10 lb. 83c Fruit Cocktail SSfiS 2 can 37c Fruit Cocktail 2 can 39c Fancy Grapefruit jj.n" No. 2 can 17c Broken Grapefruit Highway No. 2 16c Citrus Salad, Adams No. 2 23c Pears SET No. 2Vi can 39c Pears, Green Tag No. 2Vz can 35c Pears, Hit Parade Diced 2lz can 25c rA LA'.iL, Nationally WUIIIICU IY1IIIY Adv Canned Milk Advertised Brands Cherub Tall can 2rs23c Rnku CaaIc Heinz Gerber's or RL. CaaI, Heinz or Clapp's Corn Starch pte. 8c 10c L.,,. Kraft American and vneese American Clapp's Strained Heinz or Chopped ;0 1 lb. pkg. 9c ind S oj. I..OO Pirn. American Spread jar A IWi A7l Vz lb. pkg. 29c Bulk Cheese, Superior per lb. 49c PUaafa Kraft " Dutch tl tK Vneese Mill, American 2 lb. brick HI.WJ Mayonnaise Nu-Made Vr 29cpt. 47c Duchess Salad Dressing pt. jar 43c Miracle Whip Krau8 oz. 25c; pt. 45c Nalley's Tang Dressing pt. 40c Catsup, Red Hill 13V2 oz. bottle 19c Heinz Ketchup 14 oz. bottle 22c Shoestring Potatoes "en xarge tm 15c Assorted Cookies AmCr 7 oz. pkg. 19c Tea Biscuits American 6Vi oz. pkg. 17c Hi Ho Crackers 1 lb. pkg. 25c Ritz Butter Wafers 1 lb. pkg. 29c Cigarettes All popu lar brands, Carton- $139 SNOWFLAKE Soda Crackers Deliciouily crisp. 2-lb. pkg. 39c NUCOA MARGARINE 1 lb. . . . 45c 2 lb. . . 89c ALBERS Flapjack Flour 10' 79c RADISHES Sarden frejh Lb. 21 e LETTUCE Fresh, firm heads Lb. 3 GREEN ONIONS Mild flavorful Lb. 3 EDWARDS COFFEE can 47C can 93C HILLS COFFEE 1 lb, can 47c M.J.B. COFFEE 2 lb, can 93c NOB HILL COFFEE Rich, Whole Mb. A 2-lb. QJ Bean! bag !C bag OJC Regular or Drip Grinds Regular or Drip Grinds J Mt I nd Can A3e Airway Coffee resh Whole Bean Mb. 3-lb. 1 1 r J-yt bag I 13 bag Leg LAM Meat Features for Friday and Sat.i Is cut sTtSSi . 'ryou. "moved b.ft,.. V at SAFEWAY Before a Leg of 1 Lamb goes on the scale, Safeway re moves the inedible shank bone and trims off all excess fat. At Safeway you pay onlyor the meaty, good eating part that will roast just right! Spring Lamb Legs b, 65( U. S. Government Graded "Choice" and "Good" Turkeys U.S. government graded birds. Re duce your meat costs with this economical Beef Pot Roasts lb. 48c Sirloin Beef Steaks lb. 63c Fresh Ground Beef lb. 3?c Sliced Bacon swiitorioi lb. 65c Piece Bacon Sugar curod lb. 65c PORK ROAST Shoulder round bon tb. cut food. lb. 39c GRADE A BUTTER Meadow Wood lb. 72 FRYERS lb. 67c ROASTERS J5?S?,'! FOWL lb. 57c Salmon Steaks lb. 65c Halibut Steaks lb. 55c Fillet of Sole lb. 45c FRESH CRABS Whole cooked ..... lb. only 25 PORK STEAKS Tender lean u55c FRESH OYSTERS Medium sizes . Pint 59 My Grocer's Name.. Ili address -j 3