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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1947)
F or 11 771- Contribution! to thla column must be confined to 300 words and signed by writer. To the Editor: We are one of quite a few farmers who could not buy necessary equipment because of certain dealers, and their co horts. Many of us have tried over a period of time to get a rototiller for our berry and gar den work. Yes, I may say, one farmer has had an application in for one for two years. Then we heard they were available and would be demon strated and for sale at the fair grounds. We went in good faith to see, and buy same. But lo! and behold! these dealers and their cohorts would not let this man unload, dem onstrate or sell this carload of rototillers. Also another car load on the way had to be stopped at Portland and sent back. If this man had so much as tried to sell any, someone would have gotten hurt, or should I say beat up? One look at this bunch was enough! Now then, the factory is man ufacturing this machine, they are plentiful, tell me why these same dealers aren't sell ing them, and won't let anyone else sell them? What has become of the down payments made to these deal ers in good faith to get this power machine, and why have- n t they supplied them? We depend on the soil for a living. Why must we bow to gangster methods and suffer loss of crops, plants, etc. for this minority? Also the man who represent ed this equipment, wanted to put a notice of explanation in your paper to the farmers who were so disappointed in not get ting this merchandise and was refused by this paper (Capital Journal). I wonder, is this still the United States, and if so, where are our freedom and rights that save Mp 0 29 P'nT" with NO RUBBING AEROWAX it on -Ones ho to a shine! TT I 8 W ANOTHER BARGAIN! AERO PASTE WAX-tos,Ws-30' 3 ...WITH PALCO WOOL INSULATION Afar ft Jong snd tiring day how often have jou exclaimed "Ic'f too hot to eat it'i too hot to sleep." Yet, for very little cost, you can enjoy constant retreat . trorn the hear, all summer long, when you Temptrgturt Condition your home wtth PALCO WOOL Insulation. Capital Home Insulation Co. 147 N. Commercial St. Room 4 Phone 24412 No down payment No red tape 12 to 36 months to pay our forefathers, yes! and our sons fought and died for? Mr. Farmer, are we going to stand for this? Will someone please page Walter Winchell? mrs. n. Mcdowell Route 3 Box 723 Salem, Oregon. Editor's Note The county agent's office says that rototill ers,' handled by different con cerns and under different trade names, are on the market and that inquiry will reveal sour ces from which they may be purchased. To the Editor: In regard to the new proposed parking lo cation on the east side of High street, we heard from the city administration, the press and the county, now from Mr. John Q. Public. As I remember this was pro posed by a man last October or November. It passed rather un noticed, again it comes to right as a valuable suggestion. Com- eUllDUPREO BtOOt) TO GET MORE STOGCJ6TM If your blood LACKS IRON! Tou girls and women who suffer no from simple anemia that you're pale, weak, "dragged out" this may be due to lack of blood-iron. So try Lydia E, Pinkham's TABLETS one of the best home ways to build up red blood In such cases. Pinkham's Tablets are one of the greatest blood Iron tonics you can buyl Buy them at any drugstore. Worth trying! Lydia L Pinkham's TAOICTS TRAVEL rOR MOTORISTS APRIL 17-23 There's plenty to do this week in the Northwest Roam down any compass point, on almost any day, and you'll find a wealth of events that will make those regular scenic tours more interesting and more edu cational. If you're looking for a place to go, perhaps one of these events will add interest to your travels. CENTRAL WASHING TON MUSIC FESTIVAL Ellensburg, Washington, April 18 Approximately 900 high school contestants will participate in this annual event. 4-H CLUB STOCK SHOW Odessa, Washington, April 19 Young farmers will partici pate in the eighth stock show of this type since 1940. mercial street is a hazard In re gards to safety," traffic is choked in, the site is absolutely inade in fact it is a disgrace for a town of this size. High street affords ample room, the minimum of traffic hazards, it is close to the busi ness district and in no way should it mar the beauty of our future courthouse. In the matter of county objec tions I can't see how they differ in any respect from a private land owner. Surely their sov ereign right does not supercede city requirements. With the widening of High street ample room would be available for all requirements. Salem business district has not grown with the residfntial portion due to merchants who Aew-Streakess AEROiTUST CLASS CLEANER WINDOWS Keeps windows, mirrors, all glass surfaces- crystal clear HUNTOON SKI HANDICAP Mt. Baker, Washington, April 20 BROWN SWISS SALE Centralis, Washington, April 22 Sponsored by the Brown Swiss Breeders Associa tion. Cattle to be sold at this sale are picked from quality herds throughout the North and Mid-west SPRING FESTIVAL McMinnville, Oregon April 22 IDAHO STATE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CONV. Boise, Idaho, April 17-18 You'll find plenty of fun and interest wherever you go. For extra enjoyment along the way, we'd like to suggest a tankful of the new Richfield higher oc tane gasoline. SUMMERSHIElD NOW NW-4.10 are self-minded instead of civic minded. Salem has been retard ed by old-fashioned ideas that some were the salt of the earth. forgetting it takes all kinds of people to make Salem bigger and better. I dare say the objections are coming from those who do not have to ride the buses. What do they know of staggered schedules waiting in the rain or sun. I say more power to the city administration and the High street project and let public of ficials consider the mass of the people whom this will help. Through this forum people should voice their opinion and let our city embark on a new campaign to be a bigger and bet ter Salem, not for a few but every one. R. S.' Allen, Garden Road Scorrs Mills Church Gets New Minister Scotts Mills The Church of Christ has a new minister, Rob ert Simson, a student of North west Christian college at Eu- Brooks Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Conn were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson and Mrs. William Conn, all of Salem. Window SH ,rtf W k tut flri and grim JL , , In almost n Hm jkjmS JUfe fX 'loij "T Y II THI LAtOI fcBg'jjr ICONOMY till MagU OrthotolvaU Only New Formula Cleirrx contains Ofthoiolvire. the miftic ingredient that cleant lm Quicker, curs treaie o si si ilium sir cnix riASTiC SPIAYII . . . lanf l.iti, Mwi'l ruM r car,.... Pit the itx agnct batlW. CapHal Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, April 17, 194713 gene, Ore. Hii home is at Jef ferson. Beginning next Sunday the church will resume evening services. Young Peoples' meet ing at 7 p.m. and general wor ship and preaching at 7:30 p.m. Morning service will continue as usual at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. One out of every five persons in the world is Chinese. Salem Women Praise Veto! Women everywhere praise Vto new deodorant that checks perspiration, stops odor, yet is Doubly Safe. Doubly Preferred by Regis tered Nurses! Survey shows nurses who tried VETO pre fer it almost 2 to 1. Safe for norma! skin! Safe for clotnes! Mays moist in jar. I b m i rim hi m m. tumwmM mm "4 :. JVn fcW l i i I'lif sTTHw I TIT sf . 1 1 M I V6l 1 You get a regular 25 iar of Veto for only t When vou buv one at the regular 25 price! firoy26t maKU ' - co. Hprp it ta vonp mnnn., ,.,U,1Cj-oftymKUp portumty to join the thousands who use and praise VETO! But supplies of this special offer are limited so actast! ESM(SKS(S)E3 I V re-War Prices ' Here are some values that remind you of the p low prices of the '30s i. I Van Lamp s Beans O OQ fi With Tomato Sauce No. 2 can -"cans A V p SWEET PEAS S Sweet Fickins No. 2 can $ Whole Kernel Corn Heart of Valley No. Z can Pork and Beans 2 2 e van uamps No. 300 ""cans j 25c 29c I it. 1 M . Mm. W, You will enjoy shopping at f Erickson's Super Market, Prices You Will Like to Pay i iv I IUI I Iw Ul JVJ I CI 1 I J Illicit food values. Join the thou sands who have found the key to lower food costs at Erickson's. FANCY APRICOTS Hunt's Fancy Whole Peeled No. 24 can BARTLETT PEARS Green Tag, No. i'A can (Del Rogue, No. I'A, J9c) Specials Friday thru Monday Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Daily and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays PURPLE PLUMS A Starr, in Syrup . No. 303 Jar Fancy Prepared Prunes 25c 25c i 2 , 25c i "el jTiwnir. iu. yz jrti - SHORTENING Snowdrift, Spry WESSON OIL Fresh Cookies FIG BARS, Plain or OA Whole Wheat. . . .1 lb. cello X7C CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Oft 12 ox. cello JTC BANANA CREME SANDWICH 12 ox. cello JJC CHOCOLATE DROP COOKIES O 12 ot. cello 33C Sweet Mixed Pickles Libby's 12 oz. jar 27c No. 2'i jar 43 SWEET MUSTARD PICKLES SWEET RELISH, Libby's 12 oz. jar 25 e RIPE OLIVES, Wyandotte Med., tall 29 c K;aft's 2 lb. box Velveeta Cheese . 87c i PrPSPYVP 'i, 139 Preserves Plum ProcDrvec STARR -iri 1 1 lb. jar 9C SUNNY JIM Assorted Preserves 53c I l 2 lb, V far 3 lb. jar Pint jar . . 49c Quart jar 97c Fresh Meats You Will Find Both Quality and Price the Best at Erickson's CHB FANCY LARGE 14 OZ. BOTTLE CATSUP ..... bottle 19c SCHILLING'S MJ COFFEE . . . . lib. jar 4JC Pork Liver . . lb. 39c Rich in Vitamins Sirloin Steaks . lb. 59c Armour's Quality Steer Beef Pork Chops lb. 69c Grain Fed, Lean and Tender Beef Short Ribs, lb. 29c Grade A Steer Beef Corned Beef . lb. 49c Home Cured HORMEL'S SPAM or PREM 12 oz. -r Sanka . 1 lb. jar 49c 97 of Caffene Removed Guittard 1 lb. ran Ground Chocolate 39c Crackers, 2 lb. box 33c Tasty Maid Salted Wafers Garden-Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Top of the Market in Quality Asparagus 2 lbs. 25c Fancy Fresh California New Potatoes 4 lbs. 23c White Shatter Oranges . 2 doz. 43c Sunkist Med. Large Vl Case, 2.40 Case, 4 75 Grapefruit . 6 for 53c Texas Pink Jumbo Size Calavos . . 2 for 29c For Delightful-Salads NUBORA SOAP Giant Package PEETS Granulated Soap large pkg. VEL SOAP OOc Large package WW TOPS For Fluffy Suds large pkg. 63c 47c 19c C.H.B. CATSUP Large 14 oz. bottle COCKTAIL SAUCE, CHILI c SAUCE, Stokeley's reg. bottle Z3C MUSHROOMS AND GRAVY Shady Oak 1 0 oz. can MUSHROOMS, Pieces and Stems Shady Oak 2 oz. can 19c 25c 19c Koro Syrup, Sunny Jim Cane and Maple Syrup Now in Stock y j i Kerr's Jelly i Assorted & 1 'b. j 29C 2 lb. jar 55C i I -v J I B V Mm JUST BEySnB UNDERPASS ON PORTLAND ROAD 17c Frozen Food i At New Low Prices! i Apple Sauce .2 pkgs. 29c $ Bridgeport, 16. (Old price 25c) p Apricots 2 pkgs. 29c Pictswect, 16 01. (Old Price 29c) Blueberries pkg. 29c Delancy, 12 01. (Old Price 49c) i Raspberries .....pkg. 39c f, r. ie . tt. n.i tn 5 i Pineapple ..pkg. 29c $ Holmc, IS oi. (Old Price 39c) $ i Carrots pkg. 9c Plctswent (Old Price 19c) i Peas pkg. 19c Y Lamb's 12 o. (Old Price 29c) 3EIEJ Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.