O'Hara Fights Roble's Order Fire Chief W. P. Roble's drive for reduction of fire hazards in Salem ran into its first opposi tion at Wednesday night's city council meeting when Alderman David O'Hara protested the or der that residents must obtain permits by personal application at fire stations for open outdoor fires on their premises. "I appreciate the effort being made by the fire chief and the administration to reduce fire hazards," O'Hara said, "but this order is a petty, bureaucratic regulation. I am speaking in be half of the people I represent on this council." O'Hara contended that the chief was exceeding authority given him in a city ordinance requiring permits for certain types of fires, and insisted the permission could be given by telephone instead of by personal application at the fire station. City Attorney Chris J. Kowitz didn t think this was in excess of authority. Chief Roble said it was an ef fort to help and not to hinder or cause inconvenience. He men tioned that the written permits carry a list of 10 precautionary suggestions, and O'Hara wanted to know why these couldn't be given over the telephone. "And tie up the fire depart ment telephone lines?" asked the chief. "I don't think so. These permits are good for 20 days. That gives the applicant leeway to get them at his convenience." Robles said it was a dry wea ther order and would be lifted when wet weather comes on. Rail Franchise For One Year Second reading was given at the council meeting Wednesday night to the ordinance bill re newing the franchise of the Southern Pacific company on Union street. The bill will be amended making the renewal for one year instead of 20 years, and will, at the .suggestion of City Manager J. L. Franzen, embody a complete description of the company's installation in the street. Two ordinances for change of zones were passed, changing from Class I residential to Class III business Lot 3, Block 3 in Oak Lawn addition, and the south side of Market street be tween 17th and 18th. An ordinance bill to prohibit smoking at boxing matches at the Salem armory was intro duced by Alderman Howard! Maple. City Manager Franzen report ed that the petition for the im provement of 22nd street from Mill to a point 336 feet south was insufficient, so the council rejected it until it is brought up to requirements. A petition for the improvement of 15th from Market to Norway was suffi cient and was put on the list for paving. A petition for the Improve ment of North Commercial from Columbia to Pine was sufficient, but was temporarily rejected because it is part of tht location of the interceptor sewer. Youth Conference Calls Grand Island Mrs. Clarence Rockhill took six young students of Cascade college, Portland, to attend a youth conference at Yakima, Wash. Miss Jeanne Mage and Myrtle Rockhill of the Unionvale church were in the group. She and the girls at tended the Passion play at Port land Monday evening. FLEXALUM Venetian Blinds We measure, Install and Adjust All Orders ; Without Charge tBt' : OPEN HOUSE j Y'US,' , TODAY i jj If' WlfMlTj j '85 North Summer Str.et J tgSg Rapid Service I I K'tu.rm I Salem's Finest Residential I rLJCl-- District 1 Kxzty215 111 Largfi Liv. Room, nice dining room, modernistic kitchen, 4 I 340 Court St. 3rd Floor r i i ,. ;,, ninnu f,,n un,.nm-t -wAia un ii :l i .. FOR ANY PLAN AND USE romiteuMe Plum j , lirW 1 R- E- Meredith, Realtor e "'TmftA .jrCy j Ph8l 176 S. Commercial ' LVj'tLlin i 4 7-' . absolute faith ttSS "' IH Two big Jk kjjS ' ' ' J"1 that the druggist f f 'f Utlll V '11 advantages! jjj jtgTJ Th. u nwbmt ot the j. ' '' -will follow the I ""V'-Vvv vX & block.. Difftr.nt .C5 as directed. j , SME $P?l?J.g. MllfUK lllllltfllt yl. width. e.nhi.pr.c 4W V. ( Polishes furniture ) ! y ? . . . V wittft yon 6ttlr it. iea!Mu...anf ) ...-.,.,... e Rely on us for Accurately Compounded Prescription .KiiiMMMMa HIDES SCRATCHES! r?s,dEnt"al an I nk fTS (M ! SClHIAEFEIHrS ffk my SrSSTa B0F DRUG STORE rJL Ima&MW 2460 State St. Phone 3701 1 T?77l "ri co;"tl7, T ZTt I rAllTIlll MHBCBTa 4m0m44HT!nm J I Original Xellow Front Drur Ctnflj Store tn Salenu II fll lfll mLJmMuitwtVm a-'-i. i,Jr Sole Atent for PeniUr Remedfei In Mirion Caantr. j flill rsMfcriy m&4rA7Uiw empire building material co. gmS 135 North Commercial St. Pbont 519) or 9121 nil II ItmsAvJw aaamm laSSZm, N.E.92tKldHlie7 Potthrxl 16, Or, j ' . - IjLV JA. 7Vr-rT. fOSXSmO 010006 (m,'"r UIXbId aaaa ctosogoo cpqqs PMM 1 Wh ... . . Capital Journal, Salem. Ore.. Thursday. April 17, 1 94 7 1 1 Try oM of thM prodtMti of I cNffrntf Prtmlxed with roal old. fqihioned buHormllk flavor. AH the axtra taito apptA mf "Centrellod-Taaitina" f Pearit ! of Wheit Creamy w lit at healthful for babieif youngittfi, odulh. NEW, IMPROVED Albers Corn Flakes now at, your .grocer's .' This new, exclusive toasting process assures crisper, more tender flakes of uniform, golden-brown perfection. Look for the many tiny, thin-walled, crisply -toasted bubbles on the flakesi They make flakes more tender keep 'em crisper! WESTERN MADE the only com flakes made right here on the West Coast, New Albers Corn Flakes naturally reach your grocer's shelves faster freaherJ TRIPLE-WRAPPED New Albers Corn Flakes' are the only corn flakes packaged with an extra outer wax wrap for better protection against sogginess. Laboratory tests prove that New Albers Corn Flakes stay fresher I ill ALWAYS BUY NEW, IMPROVSB ALBERS CORN FLAKESI Look for the red and yellow package at your grocer'i. I Cora's a "thomp" offer a ""Bowl of Inorgy" brtakhst with 50 MORE VITAMIN B, than the wholo wheat grain from whUh H It made There's an extra big helping of Vitamin Bi in every bowl of this delicious, quick cooking flaked wheat cereal. That's the vitamin everybody needs daily for energy, teadynerves.goodappetite.Buy Carnation Quick Wheat today! Serve it regularlyl atilCKCOOK.N0. TASTES WONDMfVLI mar M fo kb tm tdeworld-rYi'de shortage of (ah and oik for making' soaps, fabrics, fires .irons, j mm mm - ' ' " ' A-. . " ' Damask Table Cloth and Napkins To Match Fleur De Lis Pattern Size 45x210 J9.50 N-..'T"l0,h Q Value Makes 2 Cloths 45"xl 04" kT If Good quality long wearing cotton damask, with eight napkins to match. Snowy white. Launders and washes well. Makes two cloths 45x104. The continuous pattern makes them easy to cut and hem; or three cloths 45x70. $9.50 value. Limit one deal per customer while they last. At Frtd Meyer Verier) Secflena Vacuum Coffee Maker 8 Cup Size $2.95 Guaranteed heat resisting Black bakellte handles. At Fred Meytr Variety Section "It Maker CMna Bottom Aluminum Top WhiU They Last & 99c Serva-Snack-Tray With Cover Ml Metal Bright Red and White Enamel $2.49 Value 98 c ach Overall Diameter, 15Vi Inches Height 1 1 Inches Limit 1 Per Customer Heavy Weight Metal Rolled Edges Shiny aluminum inside. Used for cakes, cookie, sand wiches, and servinsr beverages. At Frd Mtyr Ymrliiy SmitlvnM Kites W 2 Stick Largexe Jow Is the time to fly a kita At Fttd Meyer Variety 5eelione 5 Pc. Ovenproof Mothers Day May 11th MC Cards 5c .d10c Large selection of everyday or personalized. Bowl Sets $2.49 Al frmd Mtpar Vtrittr SttHcna jP '-(3J-"","? Goodyear All Rubber Garden Hose Striped pattern. Large size. At Frtd Mtyer Varitty Secltonn High quality all rubber garden hose. Standard inch diameter. Brass couplings. 25 Ft. 50 Ft. $2.69 $4.95 All Bran Hon Noxzlei. Adjustable, 49c, 79c, 98c Rubber Sheeting 98c Yard All white rubber sheeting 36 inches wide. At Frtd Mtytr Vantly Seefien Decorated Tumblers 7c 4 for 25c Large "election of deco rations to choose from. Se lect yours now. Chocolate Supreme Cakes A truly different cake, chocolate and white butter cal.e swirled throughout, topped with chocolate and hite butter cream icing. CO Serve; 10 to 12 generous portions J C Butter Bread 15C Loaf Smooth textured loaf that stays fresh and moist. An unsliced loaf with that real "home made" flavor. Almond Butter Horns Reg. 8c each Week-end O ) A Only .... for vt Rich, moist, sweet dough made with Fifth Avenue butter, topped with sliced almonds and vanilla icing. AT FRED MEYER BAKERIES 80 ox. Ice Lip Matching Water Jug, 35c 170 NORTH LIBERTY