Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 16, 1947 9 ffW''.W''l.''llllllSl.lllW!JllJI'''WW')l.'-"'l'Wl It Starts Today! Don't Miss It! Wards Greatest Sale of the Year! - REGULAR 39c PANTY VALUE! Fine rayon knit panties. Cuff O O C leg style. Tearose. Sizes 4-16. 3 3 REG. 17.95 LEISURE COATS Plaid jackets wilh solid color "1095 fronts. Blue, brown. 34 to 42. ' - Big Reductions! Special Values! Hundreds More . . . like These! SPECIAL FOR WARD WEEK! FIBER SEAT COVERS Save now! Buy seat covers for your car, at this low Ward Week price! At tractive plaid fiber 'and sturdy fabric with neat, artificial leather bindings! Keeps your car in terior new looking longer! Tailored for' a smooth fit! Sets for most 2 and 4 door sedans. -'Jt GRACIOUS EARLY AMERICAN BEDROOM Full-size bed, roomy chest and Plate Glass mirror vanity charm of Early American styling with glowing Maple years of service, with drawers dovetailed for strength, - li95 X Dow 64 88 GROUP Boonc MaMUf . . . combining the finish. Fine construction assures you center-guided for smoothness. WIGWAM SANDALS 926 Now Reduced from 2.49 Women's barefoot sandals in w hile or natural leather. Ideal for summer. 4 -9. WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Regularly at 3.50 Tailored of top quality white woven stripe shirting. Non-wilt collar. 14-17. RANDOM WORK SOCKS A Special Savings! Great for work because they're so ab sorbent'. Of rugged cotlon. 10!a to 13. 57 DOTTED PRISCILLAS Save During Ward Weekl Fluffy dots on fine, sheer marquisette. Lavishly ruffled. Each side. 42"x81 SAIEI DISH DRAINER Reduced from 1.79 58 Rubberized wire, to save dishes from chipping and clattering, lied color. WARDS VITALIZED OIL ge SALtl fed. tax included. Keeps your engine clean! Cuts repair bills' Ering your containers, stock up! ' ZD CLOTH HATS Reduced from 1.69 i47 Smartly styled, sturdy cotton twill hats. Water resistant. Tan color. BOYS' BOXER SHORTS A Ward Week Special! These sturdy cotton broadcloth shorts won't shrink more than i Sizes 2-1-30 4-IN-l GRILL 4.95 Reduced from S.9S Use for griddle, skillet, roasting pan or broiling pan. . . . Heats evenly. 20-PC. POTTERY SET Word Week Valuel 5-95 4 dinner and bread-and-butter plates, oups, saucers, fruit dishes in gay colors. PAPER DRAPERIES Reg. 98c! Save at 77 Particularly handsome in dinette-! Col orful scenic prints. Kach side, Wx.d'. Sale! Carpet Sweeper Reduced from 5. 98 r 49 mi Streamlined case, protective bumper; rubber wheels. For thick or thin rugs. 9.97 BOYS' BOXER SHORTS AAC REG. 17.95 SPORT COATS Well-tailored 3-bllltnji single "IC75 breasted models. Sizes 34-42. ' SALE! WOMEN'S MOC-OXFORD Regularly 4.95! Of smooth, soft 0 97 brown leather with rubber soles. ALL WOOL TWEED SUITS Choose from guod assortment 1Q97 of colors, single breasted " styles. Ilcg. 21.5(1. REG. 1.59 KNIT "T" SHIRTS Snug-lilting shirts of fine cot- 147 ton. Small, medium and large. SANFORIZED WORK SHIRTS They can't shrink more than lTc 132 Blue chambray in sizes 14'i-17. CANVAS WORK GLOVES Slurdy, heavyweight gloves OQc with snug-fitting knit wrists. AIRLINE PORTABLE RADIO! Price cut! Compact, easier to 0 7 88 carry! Plays 3 ways: AC, DC. ' MEN'S REG. 1.00 NECKWEAR Color-bright tics from a wide selection in rich rayon fabrics. 87 SALE! MEXICAN HUARACHES Women's 1.89 hand woven sail- 167 dais reduced! In natural leather. ' 4-9. 15 REDUCTION ON WOOLENS! Spring woolens drasli- 098 rally reduced! Stripes, to checks, flannels. FIELDER'S GLOVE Reduced! "Joe Med wick", laced 088 and fully padded tan cowhide. BASEBALL CAP Whipped twill cap with large QC visor. Several colors. WO SALE! TIRE TUBE PATCH KIT Price cut !:i! About 17 patches, )C( 4 K t'j sq. in. patching, cement. SALE WEATHERPROOF WIRE Cupper wire with wax and mica insulation. Sizes No. 14. 12. 10, 8. 140 No. II 1110 ft. JACK KNIFE NOW REDUCED! Has 2 blades (it finest cutlery 77' steel. Hone handle 3-"'. ill. Imm. ' ' GARDEN HOE SALE-PRICED! A favorite all around hoe with OOC H' -j -ill. steel blade, 52-in. Ilan- OO dir. SPRING-TYPE CLOTHESPINS fteg. 19c. Smooth clean uoud 07C with strong metal spring. 3 tloz." I jyu.i win ii'f.wvjii.- w-pkj FOR JUST 10 DOWN You can now buy most merchandise at Wardi -j r 4