1 i Capital Journal. Salem. Ore. Wednesday. 'April IS. 1!H7 - v nwrv 69 y. I S w Jk nnn-sup 1 jlll mmsmmmkm sesmat BRINGS THE MARVELS OF SCIENCE TO f tit th E IMIM D o z SELF-POLISHING DS flOTO-SILDP! DOES AWAY WITH OLD-FASHIONED SLIPPERY FLOORS Yes, it's true! Now you can have gleaming, lustrous floors that are anti-slip. Underwriters Laboratories have proved it. Prove it yourself. Just wipe LIN-X WAX on your floors. Don't rub. Don't work! LIN-X WAX dries to a smooth, handsome finish in no time . . , a durable finish that resists wear. J And remember, you won't have to worry about dan- gerous slipping thanks to Sherwin-Williams Research. i69 I g$' I UTO POliilH ' LLij V 59 PINT (Uar cioM $1.85 iliiS'S, I QUART EaSsS A $1.03 lT. 5 CREAM POLISH Polishes fine furniture bone dry without hard rubbing, Hides surface scratches. Banishes fingerprints. Cleans as it polishes. QUICK SLICK AUTO POLISH Cleans, waxes, polishes in one simple operation! Restores original beauty, cleans and brightens chromium re quires less rubbing, less time. CLEAR GLOSS Just brush on linoleum or any floor surface. Dries to a handsome finish that resists boiling water, hot grease alcohol, fruit juices. ) spang gBCT aaiQOjafT KEED-MO-MORE KILLS WEEDS WITHOUT WORK Unbelievable? Not at all! Just spray WEED-NO-MORE on your lawn. Then watch those ugly weeds disappear. That's all there is to it! Weed-No-More absolutely will not harm common lawn grasses or the soil. A treatment every two rr, recommended. Another triun Sherwin-Williams Research! JLLS,1 dandelions pi COVtR f IARTH $1100 II 8 OZ. USIZE TREATS THE AVERAGE LAWN to. mm mi rajweed.bindweed Jchickweed,igtlii$tlesand many others Ihers cO- nromnu in nriT ertMKUi uuu '2 x ri , 3fj 30Z. 69 8 OZ. E ACTIVATED POWDER At last! Sherwin-Williams Research DDT for the home. PESTROY DDT v POWDER contains a special chemical that drives insects from tiniest hiding places to sure death. Just a finger-touch on new container forces powder into every nook and cranny. Lasts months! Will not harm fabrics or skin. Kills mosquitoes, ants, bedbugs fleas, lice, Aies, silverfish, etc. mj mm) n COVET EARTH PESTROY 6 DDT i'&SK A special resin binds DDT to the surface. Just brush on screens, baseboards, plumbing, thres holds, etc. Kills most insects. Keeps killing for months. Trans parent. Odorless. 69 QT. IS Phone 9221 340 Court St 'To Make Your House a Home" (