Wednesday IKSLM KGW Tr Hop Harrlarn So perm in Cspt. Midnight Tom Mil I Stan of Toda 1 News Sine Amtrlf-a 1 Newt :0ft New Daffy's Tarrn Must Duffr'n Tavern thfW American Forum 1 Horizons :4f I American Forum . Horizons 1:(WV ( Amerlran Forum 1 Rl Slnrr 9:1. Muttle Bi Story t l.nnr Kunrrr ' Krfnrr Time T:80 CUro Kid Kyspr's Knllrjrr ' Mlrhnrl l.nrini i Informnlitin 1:4ft I Cisco Kid I Krrr'a K oil rite ! Michael I.nrinx I Infortnallon 8:00 I Nam of Supper Club t 'n Ahner ) Nrwa B:IB That Son I Fleetwood I-awton I Snnit i .lark Smith Show 8:Sft I Music I nildernlerre ' Benin h I Dr. ChrUtliin 8:45 I Music ttilldrrslerve ' Brulnh lOr. Christian 9:00 Nrwi Dennis Day I Dim Crosby I .Inrk Carson 9:15 Pictorial Dennli Day llln Crosby I Ink Carnn 9:80 I Orchestra I l)lt Attorney I Henry Mnrcnn I N. W. Neiithhors 9:40 Orchestra 1 Dht. Attorney I Henry Morxan I N. W Nelnhhors 10:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr I N'rw. Flashes Tnw fi'lve star Final 10:16 News Muxlr Mr. Motoric Tourist Talk 0:80 1 Newa I Orrh. I Concert Hour 1 Our Town 10:45 ( Orchestra I Band Waion I Concert Hour Orchestra 11:00 I Open Honsa I News I Concert Hour l Army 1 1 :! Open noun Orchestra Concert Hour I Trio 11:801 Open flousa I Orchestra Orchestra I Air-Flo 11:45 News Orchestra ) Orchestra t News 12:00 ; Sign Off I Sign Oft I X-TnTlIour r S llent Thursday 6 A. I Newa Honeymoon 1 Music Tlmekeepeil Honeymoon March sf Tina l Sews Newa I Son. I Newt Rise and Shlna I Newt I Farm and Rome I Farm Time 1 Farm Time I The Old Sonrs I Newt I Ifaven of Rest 1 Fred IVarlnr - I Hares of Real I Fred Waring - finna of Pioneers t Jack Berch - Vie Llndlahr I James Ahha - Orchestra - I Music - Pastnr'a CaU I Art Baker f Musle t News I Words f Words , Musle Musle I Newa I Bin flint's Fashlonetla Harmony I School I School Quintrt I Joyce Jordan 10:4ft 11:00 11:15 11:80 11 :4ft Organ ill I let Today's Children Day Dreamt 1 Women White Queen for Day Masquerade Queen for a Day ( Lite of World 12:00 12:15 rioneer I Newt Newt I Ma Perkins Hillbilly Serenade Pepper Vnung Variety Show j Right to llauplns Jamhorea News Orchestra I Orrhestra I Backstage Wife I Stella Dallas j Lorenzo Jones I Wldder Brown 1:1ft 1:80 1:45 Show I A Girl Marries Show 1 Portia Faces I Hearts Deslra I Hearts Drslrt j Just Plain Bill I Front Pge Farrell I Musfe Muslt t Road of Ufa 1:1 ft 8:80 8:45 I l.ors I.awton t Aunt Mary I Dr. Paul Newt ( Orchestra 4:50 I Fulton Lewis. Jr. I Woman's Secret 4:15 I Res Miller ) News of World 4:3ft j fcrsNine Jonnson U1e Beautiful 4:45 Newt New, XateJt Pattern I "":.:::'" I IS ! " " 1 I !! '," timm , " - .. "Sk L.. ' Z' mmm S "a R253? Cf PATTERN NO. R2531 Filcl Roses It is the clever woman who uses odd moments of leisure to make lovely things for her home. This handsome filet bedspread, crocheted of crisp white or ecru, is even more beautiful when accentuated by an under-cover of rose, blue or orchid. The 4-inch jiffy squares work up quickly and add lasting charm to your home! To obtain this pattern, send 15c in COINS, giving pattern num ber, your name, address and zone number to Peggy Roberts, Salem Capital Journal, 828 Mission street, San Francisco a, Calif. ACROSS SI. Enrly Rnsllsll I. Cojnl,.,,, J4 Th.?onry I. Take tha disorder veiling meal jB FriRLI I. Imttnte 3S. Father 1. AncU'iit 3:. Hililtciil tower mnmiscrtpt 4)t, Minor ptancta II OniiKhtcr of I'iere out I'mtnnii 41. Unit 14. And not 45. Haiti shelled 15. Wratlilul fnilts lfi. Harsh 47. An.t: latln IS. Go away 48. I-Mk 10. American 4?. tinmitt Indian f.1. Anions 11. Ba eiionch 6.1. Pet-ay 12. Book of tha hh. I'ufis up Bihle 68. Mark for 14. Old musical misconduct not. II, Flarlne out lfi. Eiclnnintlon widely 18. Immotlhitcly 02. Metal na It followinpr comes from W. Chlnens animal the mine a 3 a s i " 17 la Y'yjfl p5 I 2U Zl "" 2B 5f " So" 3l" 5i 3tT38 "I? Op33 so "fry'v), , SI S2 ?y7. S3 54 , SS Sto" , -u- P. M. iK EX 1 1 IK) t ARO IKOIN CBS 1 Terry and Pirate (Sky Kim I Jarfc ArmMroni 1 llf mlrntwnr ! Sewn I Newt ' Dinner Mulr Rhvlhm ! Paul Uliitrmiin ' Caul Whilrinn I Rancrr M. to 4:45 P. ML I Buelrr I Hurler 'KOIV Klnek 1 KOIN Klork I KOIN Klock I Ilucler X I Bnaler X t isinnnjr cnwnnvV I KOIN Klock" I Newa I News I Fart Finder Martin Aaronsk I -lames Abbe I Market Reports I Breakfast Club I Breakfast Dub I Breakfast Cluh I Breakfast Club I Consumer Newt I Art Baker I Grand Slam I Rosemary I Kcnney Baker I Kenney Baker Breneman's Kfst. I Brenrmnn's Bfst. I Kate Smith I Aunt Jenny Helen Trent ( Our Gal Sunday I dalan Draka ( Ted Ma l tie Big Sister I Ma Perkins j Dr. Malone I Road of Life I ?nd Mrs. Burton Perry Mason I Tone Journey I Rose of Dreams I My Story I Ilymnt I Melody I Mstrnlna Post Klhel and Albert Walt Klrrnan l stars of Today I Fd. Hill Dave Rose I Nc 1 .Irslri Sunny Side Up" Sunny Side L'p At Home At Home House Party House Party Newspaper of Air Newspaper of Air School of Air School of Air IMret the Missus Meet the Missus I What't Don l.adlet Bride A Groom Bride it (".room Ladles Re Seated Ladies Be Sealed I Net Evelyn Winters ' HorolhT DIs Northwrsl Today I News ' My Opinion Due Im Honk ! Tracer of I Lost Persons I Rhythm 1 Nnrlhwesternrra Dick Tracy Tennessee Jed PS-lA L I C R A EBJM A C O NMU A D TlSA p'0 R ESiSA N.A R ELATE&CRA1ES TiA.M.EipElLie'TfHR A H R ONdYESfJCEOt p'e'nJi e'aS3 r u d e'r OLE A N p E R M E T I E RgE D I rtO R O eMl;a cBo I 5 E NfjM lM i,c eHa n od!e sKSa R1E Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle (13 Oconn 64. Social uniu fifi. Far down (irt. Unit of work 67. Wootly nlaiita DOWN 1. Sour 2. Had on 3. M.iko suitable 4. Koop f. Put tortti fl. Title of a kniK lit 7. Tio-iPtMi sloth 5. H.tfk door 9. Ti'opii'nl hlril 10. Hoily of water 11. Tliorefore 17. Annnal'a cunt 13. hmii.'r jacket M. Mcloiiloa ?. Apart 20. Train nmkdiR an stops. 1'7. W c it up 30. Serpent at. Hrron 33. Mac of Koralilp S7. Wish 41. Compunction conai-icm- 4!. I.oast frosh 4ti. Slave ship .SO. Pay's march 51. r.inan pol r2. lit. man despot fit Ht-w 56. t'lliu-clv Italian fnmliv 57. Bar of A knock-down oa frame he cai fiO. ChfMrcn' eOl AiP EGO r!et .ii Journal Feature Donald Duck Henry The Ncbbs Mull unci .Ifff GOSH, MUTT, I FEEL AWFUL. WARM LATELY.' Do YOU' Ut'n'lar Kellers THA'S WHAT ID LIKE- TO OWN - -A FOUNTAIN WHAT WHITES UNDER. ' Tiirnn IN THEIR EXCITEMENT AT SEEING B THEIR ELUSIVE TARGET IN PLAIN VIEW, BOTH HUNTERS WHIPPED THElR W GUNS IN HIS DIRECTION mi A " 1 AlKfT 1 WE FIGURED "WE Tl'VE GOT ITll I HECK.I1S TONICUtA ' - I I T ., LL! PLA.VINS GAMES PIACE AND HOUH.VlME 106-OAV KSTfakB ) -F?7Mr 'ucrr lE-niwriouroS MD V0U -10& MOST MEAKljoP THE VEAR-. iVKrcooM TadFlfTIEN MINUTISli It t MeIIagES oliE H ) LlPrr 7OW SMOKE, Su?y JO MAKE IT"7 L " Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray Two Other People SiffiSSSSHZZr"-wmmnmm W' mJ R R0j WHAT A SLS UIe" JEH?I THOUGKr- ( WHEN DID HELLO.' GOT TO GET BUSY! J I I LEAD! GAD! FEELTERPIBLE! WHEPE I 6AAAV ! I MUST BE 1 OU DO IT? m MEVEP BEEN SO LATE! GET 6 Tin- I ARE THE LAST PROOPS? GOT TO J W LOSING MV MEMORY- ) OH, OUT SOME PAPER-INK I "IT.. b GET AN IDEA!0H! MY HEAD.' I WHEN DID I ' BQR-RU-THER! I fc i'he (Jumps By Gus Edson Oh, Golly! alrAiWBWSBiMg;1 "M ii J I you ouaTvT to slow T that's ok-- T ook! hanging abound yw DOWN A BIT-TOO 1 I'M IN f I SABBINS WH VOU jiW H WHEW.' VOU KIPS ARE 60T A LOT OP MUCH NI6HT-CLUBBINS NO HURRf 1 I OLD FOGY, ALMOST W ftl SURE BURNING THE COURTIN' TO SAPS THE VITALITY L V I MADE ME LATE FOR Ml?,. OLD CANDLE YOU DO, SONNY ITS SLOW "mA1 1 I MY SUPPER RESERVATION ''N HAVEN'T BEEN HOME A POISON I AT THE 60LDEN SLIPPER K- . CDAVS, y HFRF? J TSHI fiONE? Y-rCT ROyl A. V , .NnpPtAJF AR I (THA'S WHAT I'D LIKE TO OWN - -A FOUNTAIN PEN j WHAT WHITES UNDER WATEKfA 10 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, April 16, 1947 By Walt By Carl By Bv Ruri Fishnr By Gene Ry Eripar Rice BUT, AS THEIR RIFLES ROARED IN UNISON, TAR7AN LEAPED HK3H---. v v v w ' j i j NO, x rtfcL bKKINto ! CcK TAINLY -AMU V SURE! V NoV t CKH M r-,lIT TLlt-fr- niWV k ODDlWrl IS ..... I . . , r- r- ,s O C.I - II ... NICE SPRING IS SPRING hsS HERE I ,S ALL V AGO 1 ort '! , vV.wTER - I HAD OWE , T I ONct but i ) washt rr M V DIDN' LIKE rrV I AMY 8000? H, Psl& -STC WVi Disney Anderson Cm, IW. !! Wat. ' Hess Doesn't Byrnes ITWAS I SOT A Burrtmphs EACH HUNTER'S BULLET H.K THe OTHER HUNTER eaw v iii jrLV run i nc i i ncn nun i r-i ssgrfi pasa Page One Gallon Will Do!" The Crucial Hour Even the Idea Make You Itch? Moist Correspondence OKAY - BUT TIRD O' 6ETTIN IN TH BATHTUB EVERY TIME. I WANTED T WHITE LETTER. .' In the Crossfire WHILf THE GUNS' ROARS ECH0fl THROUGH THE FOREST ,S0TH HUNT ERS FELL IN TAElR TRACKS. By Cameron Dockery Chapter 7 Jeff had a diabolic urge to say "Yea, they're old mentis, I've known them for years." That would give Coulter some thing to think about. But a pic ture of Linda rose before him, the pinpoints of anxiety that never left her eyes, the high spots of color on Hardy's wasted cheeks. They had trouble enough, he wouldn't do that to them. "No, I just met them." He watched Coulter s shoul ders sag with relief, his lips curl. "Okay Irskine, we'll have that talk and soon. I can see you need to be set straight on a lot of things." Jeff was conscious suddenly of an atmosphere of suspended animation in the Red Star as Coulter brushed past him and went into the blinding sunshine of the street. He stared after his receding figure for a mom ent then turned and ordered a beer. The bartender was fat, jovial Luke Reems, a long-time resident of McCloud. He shot Jeff a wry smile. "Looks like you kinda lost that round, Irskine." "Oh, I don't know. I'd say it was closer to a draw." v Luke wiped the counter be fore Jeff and handed him a glass of foaming brew; he leaned for ward over the polished wood. "I'd like to see someone get the better of that no-good skunk," he whispered. "Is he still running things around here?" Jeff asked. "Yep. Got his thumb in darn near every pie. He hasn't start ed monkeying with my trade yet, but I expect he will." "He seems to have plenty of enemies," Jeff mused. "Why don't you people get together and run him out of town?" "Perhaps we was just waitin' for a young hot-blooded bache lor like you to come along and do it for us," Luke grinned. "What's got into you, Luke?" "Haven't you ever noticed, Irskine, that most of the fellers Coulter picks on are respectable business men with families to support? When you've got a wife and kids depending on you, you can't risk your neck- like you might want to. It makes you think twice." The disgust inside Jeff made the beer taste brackish. "What's he doing? Trying gangster tactics?" "Somethin like that. Hes surrounded himself with three tellers as two-faced and quick- fingered and nasty as himself. Brasher, Dixon and Aaronson. They'd as soon plug you as not. And that s not the worst of it Harry Johanson who owns that big truck farm down in the flat lands bought himself a truck and started crating and carting his own produce in to the depot here. One day he got an anony mous letter sayin' he'd better use the services of the Coulter Transportation company or his daughter, Lois, might disappear some day when she was ridin' to school by herself. A family man can t buck that sort of thing, Irskine." Jeff swore under his breath. "But if you all got together ..." "He's got too many spies like Ira Benson toadying for him. If he found out we was gangln' up on him there's no tellin' what he'd do. The women put the pressure on us, Irskine; they'd rather shell out than have some thin' happen to one of their kids, and you can't blame them." Luke looked toward the door; he gave the bar a swipe with his rag then grimaced at Jeff. "Here comes Brasher now," he muttered and turned away, then called back, "The beer is on the house we're mighty glad you're back." Brasher's small, darting eyes went to Jeff, examined him and slid off him. Jeff knew that Coulter must have seen him out side and sent him in to look Jeff over. He was a tall, heavy set man with wiry red hair and a red moustache, his skin al most a weather mahogany from years of outdoor living. As he picked up his glass of beer Jeff noted that the third finger of his left hand was missing. Leaving the Red Star, Jeff walked slowly up the street to the small neat town hall. In the office where records were kept Room and Board Y'KMCW WHERE ALL. A F UNlIIVCTDIDDCnilD WIT'MUH RIDDLE? -' " DA PART ABOUT DA 6 EYES DA DUCK HAD 2, AH' DA OTHER. 15 IN wis&isarn 1 i T AP Ntw$Uwtvm he asked for the book of real estate transactions made in the county during 1935. Leafing through the pages he came to the month of November. A sheet of paper caught his eye, it was different from the oth ers, cleaner and the ink a clear fresh blue instead of the time darkened writing of ten years ago. The writing was careful ly space to spread it out and fill up the page but there was still a blank. He looked beyond that page then came back. It was obvious now that the page containing . the details of his father's land purchase had been removed and a fresh one Inserted omitting the transaction. He stiffened, stunned and infuriated to his core. Yet he was puzzled, too. What was Coulter after? Sure ly he wouldn't go to all this trouble just to legalize his rent ing of Irskine's house to the Hardys! What else was behind it? He stared at the clerk and was going to ask if he had writ ten the new page until he saw that the man wore the samel hunted, furtive expression that', seemed to attach itself to all faces of all of Coulter's under lings. He'd get nothing out of him and would only give him self away. Bitterness welled up in Jeff. Squaring his shoulders, he stepped out into the sunlight and strode toward the rail where he'd left the palomino. Across the street a car caught his eye the Gentry station wagon, parked before Coulters office. -Monica Gentry was at the wheel. She waved to him and he lifted his hat, but his eyes went be yond her curiously. A man was beside her, a dark, youngish man in a tweed coat and a Stetson. He was in ear nest conversation with Coulter, who leaned on the side of the car. When Monica waved, he turned from Coulter and said something quickly. He cursed himself out men tally. (To be continued) 2229 SIZES 12 Ready to Go There's nothing like the two-piece to give that well-turned-out air. Here's one cut with careful attention to fashion details it has the new longer jacket, and pleated full ness in the skirt. Perfect to use for shantung, summer cottons, rayons, or even light-weight wool. No. 2229 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 36 requires 4 yards 39-in., 4 yards ric rac. Send 20c for PATTERN, which includes complete sewing guided Print your name, address ana style number plainly. Be sure to state size you wish. Include postal unit or zone number in your address. Address: Pattern Department Capital Journal, S52 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif By Gene Ahem GOOD THING YOU BE CAREFUL WERENTON Th ANTARCTIC TRIP, TO SPRING THAT OT PULLING THAT ON A GUY TUUR. 5IZ.E,-" - HE MIGHT SET SORE AND DOT A PAIR OF EYES urn- iki Tii' RIDDLE ON TH' OTHER. MEMBERS"' .THEYD HA LEFT XX) THERE WITH ONI Y A PALM-LEAF FAN 1 RIDDLE J T