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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1947)
It Shower Is Planned for Bride-to-Be Soon-to-be-a-bride, Miss Jean Rowland, who will trade vows with George Schroeher Satur day morning at St. Joseph's Catholic church, is a busy girl. Thursday evening, Miss Mary McKay will be a hostess in her honor at her home in the Royal Court apartments. The affair will be a dessert supper with a miscellaneous shower following. Guests will be Miss Rowland, Miss Pauline Dunlap, Miss Hel en Jean Gilbert, Miss Shirley Lewis, Miss Audrey Nyswancr, Mrs. Robert Lorenz, Miss Car olyn Brady, Miss Barbara Smith Miss Phyllis Ryan, Miss Mary ann Wittliff, Miss Olcne Mchl hoff, Mrs. Ralph Smither, Mrs. B. W. Stacey, Mrs. George Sch roeher, Mrs. Stanley McKay and the hostess. Mrs. Millsan Heads Club" Gates The Gates Woman's club met at 1 o'clock recently with hostesses Mrs. George Child, Mrs. Harry Reiser and Mrs. Edward Chance. The president, Mrs. Mel bourne Rambo announced that the club bid on a building at Camp Adair was successful, but the plan did not pass the club vote. Mrs. Albert Millsap was elect ed president; Mrs. Nelson Lan phear, vice president; Mrs. Ed ward Chance, secretary, and Mrs. Henry Eccelston, treasurer. The social meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lulu Collins, April 24, with Mrs Everett Stoakes assisting. The subject will be hobbies. The Liberty Women's club will present the Salem Civic Players in "Professor, How Could You?" at the Liberty hall, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Turner Friends have receiv ed the announcement of the marriage of Robert Fleck and Jessie O'Brien on April 4. Mr. and Mrs. Heck will make their home in Portland. ;ORfcGON STATE COLLEGE- Campus Clippings By Helen Paulson "Stale-Stations," sophomore show, had hundreds of people lit erally rolling in the aisles Friday night. One of the funniest parts in the show was a quartet of catting men in a comedy reverse of a women's bridge game. Very unusual and striking was the South American act in which Bobbie Meyer sang while four girls danced behind her. The lights were out- and the only thing visible was the phosphorescent costumes of the girls. , . . Mary Lou McKay and another Kappa did a very clever song satire on "In the Good Old Summer Time" ... . agile June Young thrilled the au dience in a modern dance num ber. The ushers and usherettes were dressed in true Dogpatch style to advertise Sadie Haw kins Day, April 23. Bob Ullman claimed he was Lil' Abner. Car- rail Gragg came from Salem to attend the show. Elections and honors always take part of the spotlight spring term. Phyllis McGregor was in stalled president of the Home Economics club at a formal ban quet held at the Benton hotel last Tuesday. In the election for the Business and Industry club, Pat Viesko was elected vice president. The Phi Deltas, Betas and Sigma Chis will hold their first Miami Triad formal at Oregon Stale next Saturday. The dance will be held in the Memorial Union ballroom with Freddie Keller's band furnishing the music. In traditional style, the Beav er engineer will conduct their annual three hour "laboratory dance next Saturday. The dance will be held in the second floor engineering lab, and decorations will consist of various pieces of stationary equipment used in classes and displays arranged by the different engineering socie ties. Engaged Miss Elsie Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G Webb, whose engagement to Pvt Lars C. Ash, son of Mr. and Mrs M. W. Ash. was recently an nounced. He is stationed with the AAF at Tyndall field, Fla No dale has been set for the wedding. (Kennell-EUis studio) Parsonage Rites Unite Couple .Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at ceremonies read in the par sonage of St. Johns Lutheran church, Miss Bernice Schaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Schaffer of Salem, became the bride of Robert E. Boyer. Rev. H. W. Gross performed Ihp reremonv and attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Moody. Mr. and Mrs. Boyer traveled to the coast for a wedding trip and after May 5 will be at home in Salem. Parties Set For Town Club Several informal affairs are being planned to precede the Town club dance at the Marion hotel Saturday evening. Among the hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes who have bidden to their home in North 21st street, Salem friends of their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Devers and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed, of Portland. Guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Potts for the dance will be his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Potts of Seattle. Eggs accounted for 5 per cent of the total income to farmers in 1945, 1 '! billion dollars. Miss Von Flue Kuenzi's Bride Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Von Flue are announcing the marriage of their daughter. Miss Louise Von Flue, and Lee Kuen zi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kuenzi, in Salem. The bride wore a pale blue crepe gown with brown acces sories and a corsage of yellow carnations. Her twin sister, Miss Lucile Von Flue, wore an identi cal suit of rose wool, black ac cessories and a pink and white carnation corsage. Lewis Kuen zi as best man stood with his brother. The parents of the bride serv ed a dinner to 25 relatives fol lowing the ceremony. For traveling the bride wore a three piece brown wool ensem ble. Following a fortnight's wed ding trip at the Oregon beaches, Mr. and Mrs. Kuenzi will make their home at their new resi dence built on the Kuenzi farm. Woodburn Woodburn Aux-. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, April IS, 1947 7 iliary of the veterans of f or-1 eign Wan will hold installation of officers at the regular meeting Wednesday evening, April 16, at the IOOF hall. Mrs. Marie Han sen of Salem, district president, and her staff will conduct the installation. Navy Mothers will meet Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock at the YWCA. Mrs. Addie Curtis will give readings and Freda Carlson will play the violin ac companied by Shirley Dean. Beaver Navy auxiliary will meet Tuesday evening to elect delegates to Ihe state conven tion in Grants Pass. Pythian Sisters, Cenlralia 11, will meet at the KP hall Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock for formal initiation. Election of officers will take place Thursday afternoon at the Chamber of Commerce at the meeting of the Salem Council of Women's organizations. Mrs. Frank Crawford pre sided at luncheon Tuesday after noon in compliment to members of the Tuesday Sewing club. The executive board of the Santiam area Girl Scout coun cil will meet Thursday after noon at 1:30 o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce. In ancient times many people believed that citrus fruits were a good antidote for poisons. Specializing in MODERN and ANTIQUE FURNITURE Refinishing Repairing Remodeling Plastics LEE BROS. LAWRENCE I.EE, AUr. Furniture Refinishing Co. 4020 E. State Phone 21233 East of Pcnn 4-Corncrs A8EY0UPAU VEAIMD due to MONTHLY LOSSES? You girls and women who lose so much during monthly periods that you're pale, weak, "dragged out" this may be due to lack of blood-iron. Bo try Lydia E. Pinkham's TABLETS one of the best home ways to build up red blood in such cases. Pinkham's Tablets are' one of the best blood-Iron tonics you can buy! lydia E. Pinkham's TAOICTS s 1 Art Exhibition Watercolor Landscapes Scenes of the Northwest and Old Mexico by BERNICE HUBER and NANCIE STAMPS WASHINGTON ARTISTS TO MAY 5 Thli 1 your opportunity to own i real ortdlnal watercolor to give Individuality to your home. Art Galleries 340 Court Salem, Oregon tPVOUB SCALES ARE JUST AND YOUR MEASURE FULL, VOU iwJUKft raw MAN Close-Out SALE Reimann Furniture Card Tobies Magazine Racks Juvenile Table and Chair Sets Radio Tables and Dropleaf Tables WHOLESALE PRiCES ZIHRUNG PROTECT YOUR LAWN AND GARDEN WITHB In 24-t. mi 6 -Ik m Coapttlt tostrvctient habit THE EASY WAY to get rid of Moles, Gophers, other Burrowing Animals Alwayi keep Go-Fr-Gi an hand to control pciti at first appearance and prevent re.infettillon. M Ittlir Fiif Hi Sill. Brtf u4 ImJnn Itvtt ZIHRUNG CHEMICAL COMPANY PORTLAND , OREGOH USE "Maid of Honor" KITCHENWARE and i i a if ii iiff . the AbSOlUT""'. design FINEST QUALITY... THICK Cast Aluminumware Precision - fitting covers hold in steam . . . mean faster, better cooking, retention of food flavors. Beautiful non-scratch stippled finish outside, smoothly pol ished inside; non-blackening. Built by skilled craftsmen in a large West Coast factory. Extra thick bottoms and walls for highest cooking efficiency Flat platform bottoms absorb heat, cook over low flame. DUTCH OVEN Cook and vegetable! In on utensil enjoy tastier, healthier food profit by the savings low flame cooking makes In your fuel and food budgets. Cook food without constant watching. Roast and bake In this dutch oven too. COVERED SKILLET Covered Saucepan 15 Fry chicken, Swiss steak, chorJe with minimum shrink, age. Heat spreads evenly and quickly through bottom and sides for rapid, uniform cooking. 11", 525 OPEN SKILLET Same at above without cover. Walnut handle fits securely. 349 Use for waterleas cooking of fresh vegetables and fruits, for better cooking of other food Walnut handles square shaped to prevent slipping. 3- Quart Covered SAUCEPAN 4- Quart Covered SAUCEPAN 395 2-Uuart Capacity 7S 5 49 &ttoiMp"aaHcimcu?x, jrjjjjj 434 STATE STREET ue Offtt TUB! MUI CONSOLE RADIO Pay Only 36.75 Down 109 95 Beautiful walnut veneer console radio with standard broadcast band plus short-wave band. Push-buttons for station selection, tone control and variable tone con trol for your listening pleasure. Powerful dynamic speak er. 8 tubes including power rectifier and phase inverter for balanced tone. Use Sears EASY PAYMENT PLAN On Purchases Totaling $10 or More . . . HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEW F. M. RADIO? Come to Sears Radio Department and hear for yourself this new and amazing performance of modern radio. Statk Free Reception, with Beautiful sparkling clear tones. Hear music in its full beauty as played in the studio. With F.M. you bring the studio into your home. Daily through April, from 1:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Port land's Radio Station KPFM broadcasts special test pro grams for your education on the new F.M. Wave Band. Be sure to hear this wonderful new radio in Sears Radio Department. Silverlone Table-Model RADIO PAY ONLY 4.50 DOWN V "one quality. S.tin-f ml M "''yp. dyn.mie .pwKer. Silverlone Combination RADIO AND 1 PHONOGRAPH 59.95 bxv nNLY 6.00 DOWN silent, ieiT-iri.w Silvertone Amplified Automatic Phonograph 39 95 ONLY 4.50 DOWN Plays almost a full hour's entertainment ten 12- or twelv 10-inch record? automatically with amazingly faithful tone be cause of Its "Silver Voice" speaker. Has volume and ton controls. "SajM&e puaumfce ctyrnt mep 6uA? JfflJJ 484 STATE ST. Hours: 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Daily; 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Saturday