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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1947)
6 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, April 15. 1947 Mrs. Newman Gives Shower In Corvallis By Jean Taylor Saturday afternoon, at the Corvallis hotel in Corvallis, Mrs. C. Lester Newman will preside at luncheon in compliment to Miss May K. Finney of Hood River, bride-elect of Stuart Compton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Compton of Salem. The affair will be a luncheon and miscellaneous bridal-shower. Guests will be Sigma Kappa sorority sisters of Miss Finney. Rainbow Girls Install Chapter Woodburn Next Saturday evening, April 19, the girls of Evergreen Assembly No. 12, Or der of the Rainbow, and their mother adviser, Mrs. Neal Bul terfield, will go to Canby to in stitute a Rainbow Assembly for Laurel Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The date was first announced for April 12 but that was an error. Wednesday evening of next week, April 23, a joint meeting of Romona Assembly of Silver ton and Evergreen Assembly of Woodburn will be held at the Woodburn Masonic Temple with grand officers as special guests. Sunday afternoon, April 27, a silver tea will be held .by Ever green Assembly at the library in honor of the 25th anniver sary of the order, the proceeds to go to the Masonic and East ern Star Home at Forest Grove. Surprise lor INTiss Sdiot'iold Mr. and Mrs. Orland Cox en tertained recently at their South Cottage street home with a sur prise party honoring Miss Edna Schofield on her birthday anni versary. The informal evening was followed y a late supper. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. George Pickens, Miss Helen Jean Gilbert, Merle Cox, Miss Edna Schofield, Earl Morgan, G. W. Smallcy, Miss Idella Mc Adams and the hosts. Mrs. George Pickens enter tained recently at her Academy street home for members of her book and sewing club. She serv-i ed refreshments at a late hour. Members are Mrs. William Hy der, Mrs. Loyal Looney, Mrs. Douglas Smalley, Mrs. Orland Cox, Mrs. Wallis Atkinson, Mrs. Mabel Wolfe, Mrs. George Smalley, Miss Barbara Pickens and the hostess. Woodburn the annual mother-daughter banquet of the Woodburn Junior Womans' club will be held Wednesday evening, April 16 at 6:30 o'clock in the Lutheran hall, Mrs. Law rence Heer is chairman and tickets may be obtained from her at the Farmers Union store St. Vincent de Paul's Moth ers' club will meet the after noon of April 17 at 2:30 o'clock at the St. Vincent's hall. Sister . Earnestine Marie will present her piano pupils in recital dur ing the program hour. Officers of the club and room mothers will be in charge of the tea hour. Woodburn The Women s Missionary society of the Pres byterian church will hold ils monthly meeting Wednesday af ternoon, in the church social room. Reports will be given of the recent Presbytcrial meeting. The Young Matrons club of the Salem YWCA will meet at the YW Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Hostesses will be Mrs. Nelson Hickok and Mrs. Floyd McNall. The Spiritual Sunflower club will meet with Mrs. M. Y. Pier point, 1574 Mill street Thurs day afternoon at one o'clock. Electric Water H e a te r s Several Weil-Known Makes from Which to wiiuujc Appliance Dept., Lower Floor 340 Court St. Ph. 9221 X Bclrollial Told Easter Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Con ner of St. Paul announced the engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Elroy A. Bergquist, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Berg quist of Portland. The wedding is set for August. She is now with Portland clinic and he is attending the University of Portland. (D. Perry Evans Stu dio, Portland) Home Rites Unite Pair Under a bower of lilac and fern at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gornik, Jr., Miss Alice R. Gor nik became the bride of William M. Murphy, in a double-ring ceremony. Rev. Frank O. Ferrin of the Baptist church officiated at the rites, Sunday afternoon at one o'clock. The bride wore a powder blue suit with a white halo hat and she carried a bouquet of Ameri can Beauty roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. C. A-. Babcock, wore a beige suit with a small white and pink hat and a corsage of orchids. Mrs. Gornik wore a pink gown with a corsage of blue and white flowers. The couple travelled to East ern Oregon for their wedding trip and will be at home in Prineville, where the bride groom is employed. Mrs. Glenn Wilbur will pre side Thursday afternoon al luncheon at her country home in compliment to members of her contract bridge club. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Society of Chris tian service will be held Wed nesday at 7:30 o'clock at the Carrier room of the church. Mrs. Herbert Rahe, chairman of cir cle four, will have charge of the tea table, ENTER THE CHARMODE CORSETRY CONTEST TODAY! I Vk. - if I If YM-.; 'Slfc?jr? SEARS 484 Mrs. Williams Is Hostess For Parties Mrs . Winston Williams is hostess this week for two par ties to be given at the North Summer street home of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Holman. Tuesday afternoon, she pre sided at luncheon in compliment to Mrs. Willard D. Tiffany, now in Milwaukie with her parents before leaving to join her hus band in Japan. Guests were seated at a lunch eon table centered with yellow flowers and guarded with yel low tapers. The afternoon was spent in formally. Covers were placed for Mrs. Tiffany, Mrs. Stewart Johnson, Mrs. Holly Jackson, Mrs. Cal Cover, Mrs. Herman Jochimson, Mrs. Harold Busick, Mrs. Homer Smith, Jr., Mrs. Charles Heltzel, Mrs. Jack P. Napier and the hostess. Friday evening, Mrs. Wil liams will be hostess for another informal party. Following an in formal evening, the hostess will serve a late supper. Guests will be Mrs. Edward Schubert, Mrs. Leona Taylor, Mrs. Clayton Crawford, Mrs. Marvin McClain, Mrs. Rena Bush. Mrs. Andrew Baker, Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell, Miss Rutn Moore, Miss Velma Busch and the hostess. AVoavhig Is Chi l Feature Monmouth Program feature of the Civic club meeting was a demonstration by Mrs. Clif ford Farmer who spoke on "The Art of Weaving.' The musical program featured a quartet of high school students, Conrad Howard, Ed Fleishman, Betty uolinger and Nina Parks. Eleven visitors were present from the Independence and Park Woman's clubs. Plans are being made for a pre-school play ground adjoining the city hall, it was reported. Nominating committee for elections at the May meeting will be Mrs. C. C. Powell, Mrs. C. F. Gillette and Mrs. Hugh Van Loan. Mrs. Florence Pierce Chap man, former Monmouth resi dent, sang, accompanied by Mrs. Raymond Armstrong. Tea was served by Mrs. D. H. Searing, Mrs. C. F. Gillette, Mrs. Alice Taylor, Mrs. C. L. Tompkins and Miss Ruth Me-J Clure. Mrs. Tom Hart poured.) Mrs. Walter Spaulding will spend Wednesday in Gresham where she will attend the junior-senior play at the high school. Her nephew, Bobbie Mil ler, will appear. through CHARMQDE CORSETRY Win $10 Coupon Book Just complete this sen tence in 25 words or less: "Z like Charmode foun dation garments be- cause . . . You may be the lucky TO QUALIFY: Just make a purchase in the Char m o d e corsetry depart ment. You will receive an official entry blank with each and every purchase. Each week's winner will be an nounced over Radio Station KSLM Past Matrons to Hold Last Meet The Past Matrons' association of Chadwick chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold its last meeting of the year, Friday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the Golden Pheasant, it was an nounced by Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, president. Elections will be held and hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Leon Barrick, Mrs. Rose W. Babcock, Mrs. Volene Shields, Mrs. Ida Niles and Miss Amy Harding. Initiation Held At Rebekah Lodge Initiated into Salem Rebekah lodge Monday evening with Mrs. Fred Shafer, noble grand, presiding, were Mrs. Flora Jory and Mrs. Blanche Slavens. Tak en in by transfer were Mrs. Phena Parker and Mrs. Pearl Shipley. Special guests were Mrs. Ger trude Holman of Casper, Wyo ; Mrs. D. E. O'Brian of Roseburg, daughter of Mrs. Slavens, and Mrs. Mae West of Hubbard. Mrs. Victor Waklelc, of Laurel Re bekah lodge of Portland, spoke cn scouts. Mrs. Howard Hun saker was appointed to the com mittee sponsoring the scout troop. Past Noble Grands will meet Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Charles Newbauer, 1470 North 16th street. The rummage sale wi be April 28 and 29. Present for Monday evening's meeting were nine members from Jefferson and 13 from Stay ton. BPW Members 1 See Pictures Woodburn The April dinner meeting of the Woodburn Busi ness and Professional Women's club will be held at the Laurel cafe Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Entertainment will be moving pictures shown by Dr. Gerald Smith on his recent trip througn the south. There will be group singing led by Miss Gladys Adams and as a special feature a "Dutch auction" will be held, with "while elephants" as prizes. The program is in charge of the finance committee, Miss Zoa Lowthian, chairman; Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs. George Normoyle, Mrs. Alice Johnson and Mrs. L. J. Simonsen. The Jason Lee Woman's Soci ety of Christian Service will hold a no-host dinner in the church basement Thursday eve ning at 6:30 o'clock for mem bers, friends and their families. Guests are asked to bring table service. person STATE ST. Smith Home Wedding Scene Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Miss Katha lene Johnson, daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. Sander Johnson of Scio, became the bride of Robert G. Smith. Rev. L. Louck performed the ceremony before members of the families and close friends. The fireplace was decked with greens and rose-pink hydran geas. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a beige suit with brown accessories and an orchid corsage. Her sister, Miss Dortha John son, was the bride's only attend- ent. She wore a teal blue suit with brown accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Robert McLauchlan was the best man, A reception was held follow ing the wedding, with Mrs. V. R. Boydston of Dallas pouring and the bride's mother cutting the wedding cake. Miss Bonnie Hagen served. Following a wedding trip to the coast, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be. at home with his par ents, awaiting completion of their new home. Credit Women Hear Mr. Dyer The regular bi-monthly meet ing of the Credit Woman's Breakfast club was held Tues day at Nohlgren's with 29 mem bers, present. President, Mrs. Ethel Gallin ger introduced William Dyer. Cherrians president, who spoke in the interest of the Cherry festival to be held in July. Mrs. Blanch Hull introduced A. M. Morris of the First Na tional bank, who spoke on col lections. Special guest was Miss Jean Hill. Sunday, Mrs. Bessie Kayser will entertain members of clubs from Eugene, Centralia, Port land and Salem at the annual conference dinner at her home. Hayesville The Hayesville Woman's club will meet at the home of Mrs. E. L. Moor on the Portland Highway Thursday for a 1:15 o'clock dessert luncheon. Assisting Mrs. Moor will be Mrs. E. R. Bedwell and Mrs. George Strozut. Members are asked to bring articles for a white ele phant sale. MELLOW-FREEZE Ice Cream Quarts are only 33c SAVING CENTER Salem & West Salem TOMORROW 115 North Liberty St Marjorie Smith To Wed in May A May bride will be Miss Marjorie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Smith, who will exchange her marriage vows with Delbert G. McLaugh lin, son of Mr. and Mrrs. C. G. McLaughlin of Salem on Sun day, May 4. The rites will take place at three o'clock at the Knight Me morial church with Rev. Louis White officiating. The couple's engagement was announced 18 months ago. Both young people attended Salem schools. He served in the navy in the Philippines and is now working in Salem. Star Chapter Birthday Feted Honor guests at the Saturday evening meeting of Salem chap ter, Order of Eastern Star, were Mrs. Charles Graham of Tilla mook, past worthy grand ma tron, and Sylvan West of Port land, past worthy grand patron. and charter members of the chapter, who gathered for the first birthday anniversary of the chapter. Initiated were Mrs. James L. Cutler and Miss Doris Jean Cutler. In charge of decorations for the meeting we're Mrs. Arthur Wallace, Mrs. Jennie Sogge and Miss Helen Fletcher. Heading entertainment, which was built around a child's first birthday party, were Mrs. Leonard Kep hart, Mrs. Elmo McMillan, Mrs William Skewis, Mrs. William Merriott, Harvey Gibbons and Philip Yoder. Special prize went to Dan Clement. Mrs. John Carkin, state pre sident of the University of Ore gon Mothers club, will be in Portland at the meeting of the Portland Mothers club. Guest speaker will be Ernest Haycox, prominent Oregon author. 340 Court Street Phone 9221 MORNING will Pf PAINT LH NOW! 50 Expert fxj PAINTERS 0C ON OUR &lf a For Quality m i m Work, Phone Is i SAL 275 Spring Suits Values to 34.95 just Values to 49.95 just Values to 79.95 just and 70 Spring Coats for 20.00 - 35.00 - 45.00 (Values from 34.95 to 79.95) Nile Club Benefit Set Reservations for the Salem Daughters of the Nile club ben efit card party, to be held at the Masonic temple Tuesday may be made with several members of the club, including Mrs. Floyd Seamster, 5958; Mrs. Max Al ford, 21356; Mrs. B. E. Owen, 6954; Mrs. L. J. Stewart, 9546; Mrs. Harris Leitz, 4229; and Mrs. Roy Tweedie, 5769. Proceeds for the toent will go to the Shrine hospital in Port land. . Bridge, 500 and pinochle will be in play. It has been an nounced by Mrs. L. J. Stewart, chairman, that guests are asked to bring table accessories. PHONE 3143 - - DEL-ANN Beauty Salon FOR YOUR SPRING PERMANENT 7345 State Street Pleadant J YARD L E Y SHAVING BOWL It's the beit loved Shavinq Bowl in Hi World because 11 gives o long lasting lather Cool and non-drying, it ensure good groomlnq. ROM TNI OIICINAl I Mil lit FOIUUUI, WILLETT'S CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. "On the Corner" put on Mrs. Johnson Party Hostess Friday evening, Mrs. LeRoy Johnson was hostess with Mrs. Peery T. Buren as oo-hostess for an informal party given in com pliment to Mrs. Dudley Bullock. Guests were Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Wallis Atkinson, Mrs. Joe Hopkins, Mrs. Paul Harrison, Mrs. . James Ritchie, Mrs. Eva Tucker, Mrs. Irvin Bryon, Mrs. Buren and Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Walter Spaulding en tertained members of the con stitution and revision of by laws committee and executive board of the Salem Woman's club at an all-day meeting Tues day afternoon at her home in Court street. YliMsinq J ' J1.00 Salem, Oregon