t Few Applicants 1 For Director Closing date for tiling appli cations with the state civil serv- Ice commission for the position of director of the Oregon state employment service has been advanced to April 19, said T. Morris Dunne, chairman of the UCC, as he said "we hope to ob tain a man with high qualities of leadership for the job." He added that the commission was concerned about the small num ber of applications received. "Director of our 28 local em ployment offices, including the large metropolitan office Portland, is one of the biggest jobs in the state," said Dunne. "It requires a man with a thor ough knowledge of the economy of the state and a sound back ground of labor-management re lations." The position was vacated by L. C. Stoll last February and at the present time is temporarily filled by Silas Gaiser who is working in the joint capacity of administrator for the UCC and director of employment service. The beginning salary for the post is $400 a month. The di rector will be located in Salem and will have a staff of over 300 during the peak employment periods. Robert Genfzkow New Commander Robert Genlzkow was named commander of Capitol post No. 114, Catholic War Veterans as the result of an election held last week. Others named to of fice were: Bernard Gentzkow, first vice commander; George Day, second vice commander; Jim Vanderheiden, third vice commander; Frank Logan, post adjutant; Henry Meyers, post treasurer; J. P. Sullivan, post judge advocate; Stanley Parton, post welfare officer; James Corey, post historian; James Kirklin, post officer of the day; Lawrence Kessel, post medical officer. For n m. Contributions to this column must be confined to 300 words and signed by writer. To the Editor: In a recent editorial you men tioned present high prices and tossed the blame in the lap of government and labor (as was to be expected!). You slated, "The government is responsible for large inflation in money and credit. It is responsible for the 18 i c nts and hour basic in crease in industrial wages, which forced price increases." In the latter connection, it is interesting to note that a study of 15 industries between Janu ary, 1945, and September, 1946, showed that price increases av eraged 17.9 percent while in creases required to offset price rises would have been only 2.5 percent. In other words, price increases were more than seven times as much as the rise re quired to cover wage increases in this 21-month period! Regarding large inflation in money and credit, it is likewise interesting to note that govern ment studies indicate the top 10 percent of families in 1945 had 60 percent of personal liquid savings, while the bottom ou percent of families had only three percent. By now that three percent has probably dwindled to nothing. Again, you censure the gov ernment for the raise in price of livestock products. Statistics indicate that a prominent meat packing concern during the fis cal year ending November 2, 1946, made int profits after taxes that showed an increase of 229 percent over profits of the preceding year. "Present high prices are the fault of the government and la bor, while industry is only par tially at fault " A. L. Bruce. Railroad Diner Burns at Albany Albany, April 14 OP) A burn ing diner of a Southern Pacific passenger train from which diners escaped without injury was cut out of the train here Saturday night while city fire men fought the blaze. A railroad spokesman said the northbound Klamath, run between Oakland and Portland, was delayed here half an hour by the fire. The fire apparently started from a defective electric circuit, the official said. Apple Thinning By Spraying Spokane, April 14 iP Thin ning apples by spraying instead of picking is a new idea which promises to save labor and im prove production in northwest orchards. John C. Snyder, extension horticulturist at Washington State college, says the chemical removal of excess fruit in the blossom stage has been proved sound for self-pollinating vari eties if several fundamental cautions are observed. Research men and a few growers pioneering the techni que have found the spray suc cessful for Golden Delicious, Jonathon, Rome Beauty, Yellow Transparent and Mcintosh ap ples. These are ' -cMruitful varieties capable of pollinating themselves. The thinning spray is not recommended for var ieties not self-pollinating or af fected by mildew. The new idea is as simple as it is effective. The chemical spray is applied while trees are in full bloom. The spray kills the younger blossoms and leaves the older ones uninjured. The undamaged blossoms develop into apples. The excess blos soms never become apples and, hence, don't have to be thinned. The sodium salt of dinitro cresol, known as elgetol. has proved most effective of the blossom sprays tried, Snyder says. Club Members Offer Program for Pedee Pedee The 4-H club mem bers gave a program at the PTA meeting which consisted of music and readings and the 4-H club pledge. George Birchell is leader now since Richard Birch ell left for further schooling in New Mexico, their former home. The nominating committee, con sisting of Mrs. Earl Creoson. Mrs. Morris Boillet and Mrs. Rufus Dodge, was elected. All enjoyed a social evening. Re freshments were served by Jack Well, Elton Zewer and Ivanf Blankenbaker. I DO YOU OWN A STOMACH that tormenti you beciua of ctia icid and oai? Faatait rtllaf with TEBSIN TABLETS or men. ty back. Nen habit forming- No Soda No Laxativt. Ask Your Drufgiir for TIfiSIN! Whiskey Prices Go Up and Down Portland, April 14 VPi Price reductions in bonded and straight whiskies and increases in prices of blends, wines and some other items were effective today in state liquor stores. Bonded selling at $6.25 to $6.50 a fifth will be sold at $5.95. Increases on blends ranges from 15 to 35 cents. ITCH . (UrmhirM a hit hl7 comae i out moo win nttnua for life If net lopped. lis iolo canst It Ihe Iteh-mfta whlcb Is Imrnnni ta ordinary treatments. EX SORA kills the Itch-mite almnst laitanl It. OnJ threa day EXSORA treatment ti required At Yoar Nearest FRED METER Drug Section For Better Performance Get Lincoln Mercury Service Our mechanics ore skilled in Lincoln - Mercury service methods and will help keep your car running smoothly. Drive in soon. -k Skilled Mechanics Our Staff Is Trained ( in Factory Methods k Friendly Service Drive in Soon You'll Like Our Friendly Service A" Genuine Parts We Use Only Genuine Lincoln-Mercury Parts WARNER MOTOR CO. Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer 430 N. Com'l. Phone 7249 Fluorescent, Commercial and Industrial Lighting Fixtures For Immediate Delivery Salem Lighting and Appliance Co. Temporary Location, 255 N. Liberty. Salem, Ore. Phone 9412 WOMEN! TRY THIS if you NERVOUS On 'CERTAIN DAYS' of Month! If functional monthly disturbances cause you to sutler nervous tension t such times this great medicine la famous to relievo such symptoms. HARD OF HEARING? Fresh Batteries to Fit All Hearing Aids JAMES TAFT AND ASSOCIATES (Beltone of Salem) SIX OKEGOX BLDG. r I Announcement J I am again now able to take care of your electrical I needs. The same pre-war service and satisfaction will prevail. Salem Electric Supply 1020 N. Commercial St. Phone 9293 or Z1684 Signed, LEO II. JOHNSON HEAR EVANGELIST JOHN C. KASTELEIN of Burlington, Iowa, at tht M. B. Church West Salem The evangelist will speak Monday night on the subject, "Tlie Scriptural and Unscrip tural Administration of Wat er Baptism." A large chart will be used to explain this subject. See Ihe unusual demonstration on Tuesday night of the evil of nicotine and its effect on the human body. Don't miss these two special nights at the M.B. Church. 1125 Elm street, West Salem. These services begin at 7:30. Every one welcome. Come early for a good seat. Capita .Tniirnnl. Salem. Oregon. Monday. "April W. 1M7- DRUGS, TOILETRIES, CANDY AND ICE CREAM At Lowest Prices CUAhMHC Ji FLUID , ; Fred Meyer Cleaning Fluid Save money. Do your own dry cleaning at home. Gallon Fred Meyer cleaning fluid is a crystal dear non explosive solvent for safety and thoroughly clean ing fabric. Mny be used again and again. At Fred Meyer Drugs Conti Olive Oil Imported A 39' Mi, ' S STORAGE WHERE THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST" REPAIRING! RESTYLING! CLEANING! ALL ON THE PREMISES 73 At Fred Meyer Drugs Oz. Fred Meyer m Glycerine Oz., Reg;. 34s 1 7 23' Buv bottle of this fine qun'ltv ftlvrertne today. Will prevent yout face and hand from chapping while keeping Yoir kln hot mid white, At Fred Meyer Drug yy Mm 3 ...m. . wmmmmmmmnebx SPECIAL OFFER NOW YOU MAY SEE IN YOUR HOME WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ome Cleaning Astern It's the new way, trie caay way, ihe. timr.-iwmng way to keep your home shining from attic to cellar. An organized way to clean booBC with all the tools you need for efficient cleaning on the spot, where you want them, all the time. No more need to carry a heavy cleaner up and downstairs! The new Eureka Home Cleaning System gives you a powerful Eureka, all-purpose, tank-type cleaner. You alro get the new deluxe Eureka uprifiht cleaner equipped with Eureka's exclusive new double-art ion "Diaturhulator' that penetrates the deepext rug nap, loosens and sweeps up the "imbedded dirt. There's a complete set of im proved new cleaning tools that click into either cleaner! Every tool you need to do 101 cleaning job upstairs, downstairs, all through the bouse ... a complete home cleaning $ystem all wrapped up in one package. ASK ABOUT lUkiKA'S NfW AOD-TO PLAN Now er err one can own a complete home cleaning flrstetn. Eureka ha a special plan whereby ftm un make one key pnrchaae and "add-to on til yon acotuaulata tba complete ayatem. Aak about itt irSAMOTOK-VKIVtN WAM TOO Tour new Eureka upright tuna into a power -driven waxer with the flick of a finger Ton can thine kitehea linoleum and hardwood floort to mirror perfection is no tine. IT'S AN UPRIGHT! BnT them as a system, or choose! The unproved de lnxe Eureka upright with Its new motor-driven Disturbnlator action and many other features. The new Eureka tank-type, finest of its kind ever built, preferred by many as an all-purpose cleaner. The new com- IT'S A COMPLETE NEW SET OF TOOLS I Pe,e ,eJ oIJ?"?? eltin ,00,, "n be nsed with either cleaner. IT'S A TANK-WEI AMERICA'S WEST ' , EQUIPMENT FOR CIEANING THE HOME APPLIANCES Ralph Johnson Valley Motor Building, Salem Phone 4036 CALL SALEM 4036 or mail the coupon below for o home demonstration. DO NOT DEIAY. ONLY A LIMITED NUM BER OF THESE SYSTEMS ARE AVAIL ABLE FOR THIS SPECIAL OFFER. Name Address City Regular 10c Sweetheart Soap Lifebuoy $ap 6' our Choice Limit 5 Bars Don't pass up this exceptional savings on these popular toilet soaps. At Fred Meyer Dmjt Lip Allure for Her Easter Gift! Armond's Pearls in Wine Lipstick Exciting Indelible Alluring Shadei , Smooth, Long Lasting Large Tube i.oo Creamy, soft yet indelible. 4 distinctive new shades each rich in glowing warm tones. Assorted Back Again! Imho Ice CreOT Bars Chocolate Covered Chocolate Crunch Froicn Fruit Flavors .'1 Package lee Cream Section Alio Alt Fred Meyer r- - "' 5' each 15c Value $1.39 Ctn. of 200 Cigarettes PHILIP MORRIS OLD GOLD 24 Other Popular Brands At This Low Price At Frrd Meyer Tobarra Fifth Avenue CHOCOLATES 1.00 16 ox. Box Rich, creamy, chocolate creams, tender nougats and caramel chips, nuts and truits. Made fresh daily in our own candy kitchens. Each piece dipped in Swiss milk or dark sweet vanilla chocolate. Mail a box today for Mother's Day May 11. Fifth Avenue Clim-nlatcs 28 oz. box $1.75 Reg. 49c lb. Borden's Extra Rich Caramels 45c lb. Tender, chewy, creamy caramels with a rich cream taste deliciously flavored with vanilla. Each piece individually wrapped in cellophane. Fred Meyer Candy Section Deep Cut Prices 75 Iron & Yeast Tabl 100's 43 35Cuticura Ointment, 34-Oz. 19 25 Zinc Stearate, 1 Oz. 13 $2.C0 S. S. S. Tonic, 20-Oi.1.49 35 Allen's Foot Ease (Envelope) 19 35 Boric Acid, 1 Lb. 19 50s Blfs Nature Herb Tabl's, 65's 36 75Takara Powder 49 30Biolac, 13-Oz. 21 At Frtd Meyer Diit iV Folding Cofs New heavy duty folding rots. Buy now for bc.icli or mountain cabins, camping trips or for an extra bed at home for unexpected guests. At Fred Meyer Drug Open 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 148 NORTH LIBERTY Prices Good Monday through Wednesday Dunlop Gold Cup Golf Balls 95' E, $10 85 d., Your choice of rliAmpionihip long fligin balls or extra tour) rover balli. Liquid tenter, all natural rubber ten vnn wound constnirtron. Tommy Armour golf balls, 95c Ea. At lied Meyer Duigt Indian Tan Sun Oil 83 natural un tan with Indian Tan Sun Oil. Tht un oil thai tan pal facet and vcu a ful even J.j 6-oi State