14 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SALE HOUSES HOMES. ALL PRICES SI 5,500 Extra nice, new. North. $11,300 New, nice 3 B R. N. 'i A. SIO.MO New, strictly mod. 2 B.R. N. S8250 3 B.R. new, on bus, E. f?AOO 3 B.R. mortem. flM 3 B.R. North. Zone 3. WELL LOCATED, older 5 room plast. home. North. Inspect, make offer. 1 B.R. home, 'i acre, in city, $4000. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 Ruu is sort for 5 rm. home and K A. of good sndy loam, Kelser School Dlst. Has elect, water pump, wired lor Tange, Cone, fan., garage. Jack Henningsen STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 a92" FOR SALE by owner, small, new house, App. 1 A. of ground, elect, water sys tem. Price 122.W. Inquire Rt. 8, Box llJ, or Phone 24259. a91 OWNER leaving Salem. Early possession of new, modern, 2 BR. home, all new ly furnished. Near bus. 'A acre, some trrma. Total price $5800. Off Sllverton Rd., 125 Falrhaven Ave. afll BRAND NEW t BEDROOM home, corner lot, attached garage, utility room, oil floor furnace. hard wood floors. Price hooo.od. uuy like rent, 1700.00 down, balance 160.00 per month. SUBURBAN t BEDROOM home, lot 80x163, hard wood floors, attached garage, gas floor iur- nace and hot water heater. Price 48300.00. Down payment $1000.00, bal ance $60.00 per month. MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. Com'l Phone 4217 a91' MOD. SUBURBAN HOME you CAN'T beat this, if you reiflly want a marvelous suburban nomc wun i little over 1 A. of around, 6 large rms with h.w. firs, thru-out. Li v. rm. 16x24 fireplace, Irge. brtrm., breakfast nook Full basemt., fin. Into one hdrm. A rumpus rm. with fireplace. Dole. Ka raite attached. Bung, style. Strictly mod. Call a. H. Orabenliorst, Jr., with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 22948 a89 ' MODERN BRICK HOME IF YOU really want something nice, don't neglect to see this strictly mod. 8 rm. brick home all on one floor, 'A A. of (round, cor. lot, 3 nice bdrms. St small den. Lrge. llv. rm., din. rm., utility rm., covered patio leading from din. rm. Dble. garage attached, tile bath. Price 117,000. Call G. H. Orabenhorat, Jr., with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 22948 CLOSE-IN HOME IMMED. POSSESSION, 3 bdrms.. redec. thru-out, h.w. firs., fireplace, basement, auto-oil heat. Large lot, No. 3 Bus. Zone. Price $10, 300. Call Richard E. Grnbenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 25080 aB9 N. CAPITOL ST. CREEK FRONTAGE Don't miss this home 7 bdrms., complete dble. plumb., auto oil heat, large spacious living quarters, beautifully decorated, carpented thru out downstairs, refrigerator Ac drapes bo, dble. garage. This home can easily be adapted lo apt. Current Income over $100. FOR DETAILS, Call Coburn L, GrnbenhorM., with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 N. SALEM 4 BD RM. bung.-typc. fireplace, elec. h.w. heater, auto-oll heat, recently redeco rated. Located close to schools. Price 18050. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 S83 BUSINESS PROPERTY t RDRM. home located E. in No. 3 Bus. Zone. Lot 50 x 243 feet. Home could be converted Into apts. or duplex. Price 1 8050. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 889 IT'S WORTH THE MONEY THIS ATTRACTIVE English style home, splendid location north near schools and bus, close to a good market center, extra good construction. 6 rooms with two bedrooms on first flr upstairs un finished, onk firs., nice plumbing, In excellent condition. You will LIKE THIS HOME. Price $10,500. $5900 cash, balance $50 per month. Call D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 2-533A a89 FURNISH ED MOV E RICH IT I N ONE BEDROOM, Garage house, 2 lots, In town. South. 13650. No. 6 MODERN GARAGE on 2 lots, Hanson Addition. 13250. No. 8 CITY LOT 50 x 100. 1375. No. 822 BUSINESS LOT. 50 X 80. $4000. No. 0 INDUSTRIAL SITE 415 feet railroad trackage, price Including 3 houses 117,000. DO YOU LIKE THE UNUSUAL TI1IS HOME of 2 large bedrooms has a very pleasant living room with large windows to the front lawn and to the rear lawn which Is rocked and terraced to the creek. A circulating fireplace adds additional charm to the unusual gracious living room. Automatic heat. Attached garage. $13,800. No. 204. AMONG THE FIRS A VERY pleasant 2-bedromn, fl-room home located North. Very modern. One Acre, email barn St chlx. house. Make an offer. No. 355A $7500 VERY NEAT $7500 ft ROOMS. Plastered, carpet wall to watt, tnlald linoleum, good location, close to bus and school. No. 357 ARTISTIC A 4 ROOM, with fireplace, neat bath and kitchen, unusual yard. Vacant and clean. $7900. No. 259 ALL ELECTRIC HOME Built to live fn. Not to sell. A VERY complete 2 bedroom home, oi large tot. hardwood floors thruout. Full Da.iement, iBrae garage. Improved yard. $8950. No. 248 G.I. Loans Secured F.H.A. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 So. Hieh St. Phone 9203 a89 1300 DOWN. $40 MONTH 4 Nil UNFINISHED houses located just on iarK Ave. between Market As Streets. Watch for Relman Real Estate For Bale Signs. No. 247 a89" 4 B.R., LR, DR.ncrcnNookT7iiirbase" ment, oil heat, landscaped, barn. Chick. Hou.se, 3 acres plus. East Center. LUSE REALTY Oregon Bldg. Ph. 7953 NURSERY At HDMF SMALL NUKSKKY, completely stocked, new one bedroom house, electric heat, nice modern kitchen. See Ben dolbath. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 8216; Eves. 26923 . a9l O. I. OR CIVILIAN TWO VERY nice new homes, well con structed, hardwood floors, automatic heat. 2 bedrooms, unfinished upstairs attached garages. Englewood School District. $8850. J850 down for G.l. Ser Ben Colbsth. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 8216; Eves. 26933 . a91" ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL KCELLENT 2 bdrm. home, large unfinished upstairs, full deep basement, auto, heat hardwood floors, flroplaoes, corner lot. Tan be purchased furnished or unfur nished. Shown by appointment. See Joe JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Phone 8316; Eves. 7217 , a91 l2,mn lovely brban home, latest design, hwd. firs, thru-out, coved ceil ings, fireplace, oil heat. Imm. Poss. Easy Terms. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 25830 . a91 I8.00O BDRM. home. close to McKtnley school, large lot. Imm. Poss. Easy Terms. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 148 S. Com'l St, Ph. 4590; Eves. 23830 , , a9l ia.oofl DOWN buys this 3 bdrm. home". Hwd. Ilri., coved ceiling, Alt, Oarage. Imm. Poss. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 845 S. Com'l fit. Ph. 4590; Eves. 25830 a9l 10,0004 BDRM. home, South. Close To school At bus. Double plumbing, hclwd. firs., fireplace, full basra't. Imm. Poss. Easy Term. OLSON AND REEVE. REALTORS 45 8. Com'l fit. Ph. 4590; Err. 35830 a9l Journal Want Ads Pay Oregon, Monday, April 14, 1947 FOR SALE HOUSES $1000 DOWN BAL. TERMS. 3 bedrnis., llv. rm., dinlni rm.. dinette, bath, kitchen wired for Elec. Rante. Utility rm. Curtains at all windows. Possession in about 10 days. Price $5500. See Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham, Realtors, 341 State St., Rm. 4. aBB NORTH 13th ST. DUTCH COLONIAL home, 3 bdrms., h.w. firs, thru-out, fireplace, auto-oll heat, dble. garage, close to State Bidets,, apart ment lo rent, SEE THIS HOME. Call Coburn L, Grabenhorst with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 7772 a89 SAVE $lto. By owner, two bedroom home. 7 rooms and terrace, 1200 sq. ft., oak floors, Insulated throughout, heatolator fireplace, garage. Hollywood dlst. Fed eral Housing celling, 110.800. F.H.A. loan available. Inquire 1025 Maple Ave. a90 MODERN HOME, elec. heat, completely furn. with good furnishings, equipped with elec. refrlg., stove and washer. Priced low for quick sale. Owner leav ing state. Reasonable down payment and bal. like rent. Inquire 3090 Mill a93 IN SILVERTON, choice district. 5 rm. modern house, 2 bdrms., bath, 14x23 ft. furnished rumpus room in basement, suitable for bedroom. New gas furnace, range and water heater. Just complete ly redecorated throughout. Sell fur nished or unfurnished by owner. 403 N. Church. Sllverton. Ore. Ph. 2403. a93 $3,000 FULL PRICE BRAND NEW 2 rm. house, plus bath. ). lot. South. Completely furn.. city water. 1 blk. from store St bus. Imm. poss. $4700 FULL PRICE 2 HDRM. older type house, utility St bath, gar., lg. lot. South, city water, l blie. from mkt. St bus. Gas range St wood heater included in this price. M. O. HUMPHREYS St CO., REALTORS 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 24598 a90 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7608 HOME VALUES BROADWAY, 3 Bdrm., modem $5000 Englewood, 3 Bdrm.. modern $6300 Woodburn, 4 Bdrm.. mod., li. lot. 16500 Dallas, 2 Bdrm., modern 17500 W. Sal., 3 Bdrm., mod., age 8 yrs.. $7750 North, 3 Bdrm.. mod., large lot.. 18250 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7606 a90 NEW, COZY BDRM, mod. home. Electric heat, elec. hot water heater, pecan floors. Ready to move In. Lg. lot. See this value, 16500. GOOD 5 ROOM HOME ON PAVED ST. Not far from Stat bldgs. Priced lor quick sale, $6500. GEO. D. ALDERIN REALTOR 431 Ore. Bldg. Ph. 5780; Eves. 31462 90" ilK.300. CLEAN, modern 4 B.R. home partly furnished. Englewood DLst. Hard wood floors, basement, furnace. Beau tiful yard St shrubs. Immediate pos session. $7!50. CLEAN, modern 3 B.R. home close In East. Hardwood floors, auto, oil furnace. Auto, water heater. Wired for range. 2-car garage. $4250. t lots and clean 1 B.R. home close In North. Venetian Blinds. Oil circula tor St cook stove go with place. Lots of fruit trees, berries, etc. Immediate possession. $HH,n. NEW Modern 2 B.R. home North Attached garngc. Hardwood floors. Oil furnace. Large lot. Immediate posses sion. jnooo. 4 A. and clean 2 B.R. home, close in North on bus line. Elect, water heater. Wired for range. Chicken house. Fruit tree. Call Stanley Brown with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 Evenings 25561 aOO $705(1. NEAT, attractive 2 B.R. home North. Has hdwd. floors, oil floor fur nace, attached garage. 10500. 4-KM. home East on N. 34th St. Has large lot, 3-car garage. Elect, range St oil clr. goes with house. WOOfl. S-RM. home N. on small lot. 3-car garage. A very good home for the money. S.11KO. LATE built 2 B.R. home 8.E. Has attached garage. Aulo. water htr. Im mediate possession. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High Phone 4121 a89 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $1.1(10.00 down. Part furnished 2 BR, Llv rm. kit. close to sch Ac bus, north. Pull price 14600.00. Call tMER. HUFP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21349 Eves. 25091 NEW $12,600.00. Ranch type strictly modern 3 bdrm home. Very large living rm, din ing rm, kit, den. beautiful floors, auto oil furnace forced heat, lovely location north. Immed pons. Call RAY DAVIS. HUPP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St, Ph. 3793 Evej. 9441 $0500.00. 2 bdrm home on 1 acre good aolt. north. Elec. water system. A good buy. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUPP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 25260 aS9 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS CHOICE BUYS A LOT FOR A LITTLE: Nice living room, dinette, kitchen, bedroom. closets, butlt-lna; full basement, garage, nicely landscaped, good location. 14800. Terms. 1 ICED FOR QUICK SALE: 14950. Mod-1 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE: 14930. Mod ern 4 rm. bungalow. Living room, dln iiu room, bedroom, kitchen with built 1ns, garage, large lot approx. 30x120. Good neighborhood. See this for your self now. OUTSTANDING VALUE: Oood location. Very well arranged 2 bedroom home, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, lot approx, 50x200. All this for 17000. CHARM, PERSONALITY. COMFORT Lovely living room with fireplace, din ing room, kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms, full basement, garage, nicely landscaped lot and outdoor fireplace. Located North. 18000. Terms. KEI.KR dist. Lovely new home. Spacious living room with fireplace, large kit chen with breakfast nook, 3 nice bed rooms, larae utility room, attached ga rage, lot approx. 60M30. Located or bus line and close to school. Ill, 000. CALL or SEE James B. Hartman or K. N. Voorhees with LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS "31 years of dependable service tc home owners." 344 State St. Ph. 9361 aB9 SPECIAL 11375 down. bal. like rent. 3 BR. modern house, attic, dinette, attached garage, restricted district, good lot. R. K. MEREDITH, REALTOR 178 S. Commercial Ph. 8841 aS9- $15,000.00. Nice home in Hollywood Dist. Lv rm. D rm. kitchen, nook, 1 bdrm A bath down, 3 bdrms up. Fireplace, oil furnace, hwd floors. A real home on a beautiful street. Calt Mr. WALTERS. HUPF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtor, 341 Chemeketa St. (1. 3793 Eves. 33360 a89 90.150.00. Llv rm, D rm, kitchen, 1 bdrm. bath, utility down, 2 bdrms up. Good garden spot, fruit and shrubbery. Call Mr. WALTERS. HUFP REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 141 Chemeketa St. Ph. 1793 Evea. 35260 COMPLETELY furnished modern home. on larae lot In restricted residential dis trict. House is ft yrs, old and all mod ern. Furnishings to go. Upstairs can be finished into other bedrooms. For sale by owner, with immediate posses sion. Phone 3241. aS9 BY OWNER Nice modern 5 room house. 2U acres. Inquire at Shell Service Sta tion, Aunuvllle, Ore. a89 OWNER SIX YEAR OLD lovely 3 bedroom house. Fireplace, basement, double plumbing. Furnace Insulated, Venetian blinds, lots of built-in. Corner lot, site 50 x 100, 490 N. 23st. Ph. 21751 after 6 p. m. a92 $io..vw.oo. Nice 4 bdrm country home with all modern facilities. Large llv rm. with fireplace, basement, furnace, elec water htr, large barn. 8 acres good black soil, live stream. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors. 311 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Xvaa. 8441 89 MONEY TO LOAN on flral morUacea. 4 to 6- Call for details BYRKIT POTTS 119 Chemeketa Phone 1911 FOR SALE HOUSES NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 11900.00. Llv rm. kitchen, a BR. bath, hwd firs, fireplace, basement, furnace. Call OMER. MUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 31549 Eve. 35091 SB- TRADE 4 BEDROOM home in Portland, excellent condition, full basement, auto, oil furn.. double garage. Priced at $7500 for a quick trade on similar Salem home. ROSEDALE ADDITION 88500. I BEDROOMS, floor furnace, five years old. A real nice home for a de cent price. "C" KILOORE NEW 3 BR., elect, heat. HWD floors, cor ner lot, cement drive St sidewalk, priced to 'ill at 17600. CENTER STREET CORNER. 3 BRS, LR, DR. basement. Part ly furnished. A steal for 8000. Owner in California Si must sell. "C" KILOORE REAL ESTATE 425 South 12th Phone 4855 2342 So. Commercial Phone 26596 a01 FOR SALE LOTS OUT OF THE RAIN GOOD BUILDING lot and an 18x39 build ing for $1200. If you are handy with tools you had better hurry. $250 Down, $20 per month. Also other Excellent building lots for $125 down, $10 per month. JOE L. BOURNE. REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Phone 8216 SECOND LOT off Highland on Maple. In 2100 Block. Inquire at 3295 Norm wn erty, aa90 LOT BARGAIN LARGE LOT in apartment house zone. paved St., east front, cement walk, sire 50x250 feet. Suitable for a small court. Price $1300. See D. J. Dawson, with GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 2-5338 aa89' VIEW LOT WITH EAST front, ll2'.'a feet square, lo cated south In Candalarla Heights. Sa lem's new Residential section. Price $3250. See D. J. Dawson, with GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 2-5338 aas! PLAN TO BUILD M30 Lot 50x90, North. 1200 down. 8700 Corner lot, 48x108. Terms. Mttfl Lot 70x80. North. 1250 down. 10.10 Oood lot 50x150. North. $2100 Fine river frontage. North. $1300 Lot 90X100. Zone 3. Ml DO Well located lot 80x141. Zone 4. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 aa90' CHOICE LOT, 60 ft. X 122 ft. Walnut Park Sec. Phone 7396. aa94 BUY NOW FROM OWNER 35 LARGE, Choice Lots in Loumar Heights Addition, Just west of Commercial, just South or Hoyt. Close to schools. L. RATH, 396 Jerrls St. Tel. 6849. BY OWNER, 3 adjent. resident lots fn Hollywd. dlst. Ph. Main 36, SILVERTON. aa90 FIVE LOTS. 50x220. nice view, all iin provements, $650 each. Ph. 7003 or see OLAF THONSTAD Real Estate, 941 N. Capital St. aa92 LOT at Kleier 10Bxl4B-ft., 9 walnut trees, high, good soil. Bargain, this week only, 1260 N. 17th St., eves. aa80 SOxIflT LOT, Kelner dlst., 20x20 concrete slab, land broken for garden, $425 cash, by owner. Phone 3317, 380 Qrove St., after 5:30. aa89 SPECIAL PRICE: 10 lots, by owner. Wa ter lurn. oood sou, sch. St city bus. N. E. 35 Lansing Ave. aal04 FOR SALE FARMS 13 ACRE FARM GOOD, MODERN 4-bedroom home, bam, 3 large chicken houses, about 4 acres fruit and nuts, balance In farm land. This place is close in on Garden road. Price $15,000.00. This Is the best buy we nave, MORRIS REALTY CO. 970 S. Com'l Phone 4217 b91 CHERRY-WALNUT FARM LOCATED 4 miles out on paved road. 5 A. of bearing Royal Ann cherries, 4 A. of bearing walnuts. Some filberts. Good 1 rm. plast, home with elec. water sys tem, barn Sz garage. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. Price $13,000. Call O. H. Grabenhorst, Jr., with ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131; Eves. 23948 EXCELLENT 60 ACRES Mission Bottom now In Wheat. no buildings, on paved road. $230 an Acre. An adjoining 18 A. with bids, may be purchased. PEACHES mi aukkk Willamette silt Soil. 4 years old, 3 houses, 1 new and modern, good nam. oarage, etc. Well fenced. $33,500, No. 833 $235 AN ACRE 60 ACRES. 45 A. Cult. 25 A. bottom n A. orchard. 15 A. pasture. Grain crop In. Barn 42x38. machine shed. 8 room farm house. Good well. All In excellent condition. 1013 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High Phone 9203 b89' 40 A. N. E. 214 miles from Mt, Angel or pavement. All bottom land, Irrigation rights. Good 3 B.R, home, bnsement iiirnnce, oorn. pury. hse. Immd. poa- ov.-iftion. ju,uuu. LARSEN HOME St LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 8. Com'l St. Phone 8389 b90 nv mvvrn 7 t 1 j .. SJ!i' I AV boUom '""d-. ' eiccx. 4 Dorm nse ana out bldgs., water system, fruit and nuts, paved hwy, close to school. 3 mi. S. W. John son. Sllverton 4703. 104 s. Water Sllverton. Dg2 10 A. Willamette slit loam $6500.00. Fair Iwe. 3 bdrms, deep welt, elec pump. Soma cherries, pears, 1 A. timber. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. "elt0 341 Chemeketa Phone 21549 Eves., 9441 NELSON FARMS BEFORE YOU BUT a (arm or acreage check our new list of more than 100 properties. Copy available on request Nelson A Nelson. Uasonle Bldg. Ph FOR SALE ACREAGE OWNER, Ac. n7 Good 3 bdrm. home. Clean Interior. Elect, cook., heat and water. Oar., sm. chick house. Variety of berries. Bus at door. Priced for quick sale. $7750. 130 Lana Ave. bb90 JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 435 Court St. Phone 7696 A FEW OP OUR BETTER ACREAGE BARGAINS 314 A. off Silv. Rd. Unfin. House, 24x30. 6; A., 8., Good Walnuts, Nice View. 13000. 13 A., Lake Lab .6 A. Beav. Dam. 97500. 3i A. S. Cherries, Bldg. Spot, $1500. 80 A. South. Pasture, $3200. 7 A., W. ft A. Cherry, 2 A. Timber. $3000. JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR ' 433 Court St. Phone 7696 bb90 C" KILOORE 5 ACRES with 3 A. in bovsenberrles and strawberries, neat little home with L.R., D.R kitchen. 1 bdrm. and utility room. Fenced pasture. $5500. "C" KILOORE 10 ACRES, fenced, 4 A. cleared, rest In trees, English style house 4 yrs. old. $5750. "C" KILOORE M ACRE, new 3 bdrm. home, hdwd. thruoRhout, elec. heat. Insulated, beau tiful kitchen, attached garage. Some walnut and fruit trees. $8950. ,-C" KILOORE REAL ESTATE 435 80. 13th Ph. 4835 2342 So. Commercial Ph. 36596 bb91 SPECIAL 10 ACRES of Strawberries, first good year. tnis win pay out in 60 Days. OLSON AND REEVE, REALTORS 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590; Eves. 35830 bb91- 20 ACRES choice soil. North. 3 A. timber, a rm, piast. noiue with shade. Several acres good berries. Barn, equipment, $18,000. Terms. 1 ACRES, all ctiltiv., spring, berries, 5-room house, old barn, gar., chick, house, some equip. $6000. South. 10 ACRES near Pratum, poor house, all year creek, some timber. $3300. S ACRES, North, new 3 B R. house, wind range, elect, water heater. $6300. 5 ACRES, North. 3 B.R. older home, close to 9S. 17300. SH A., all fruit, fine view, $1175. Sold on easy terms. C. H. SANDERS 331 N. High 5838 bb90' Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE ACREAGE JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR 455 Court St. Phone 7608 SUBURBAN A., 1 Bdrm.. Modern I S500 'a A., modem, new, 1 Bdrm $ 6000 'i A., L., Bdrm.. mod., H.W. Flrs..S 6350 l'i A.. 6 rm., mod.. Lily Bulb Soll.l 9450 S A., 5 rm. mod., eqmt.. Bus Line. $10,000 JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 455 Cort St Phone 7606 bb90 3 A. WITH S-Rm. home South, close to bus line. House has full bath. Elect, water htr. Wired for range. Garage and small chicken house. Price $4300.00. Call O. V. Hume, with STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. High Phone 4121 bbS9 AURORA. 4 rm. hse., deep well, electri city. 5 A. Will. soil. $4950. Terms. Also acreage without bldg. Ph. 5128 eves. 2105 Berry. bb90 l'i A. SUBURBAN S13.100.00. Large llv rm Ss dining rm, kit chen, 2 bdrms, bath. Hwd firs, frplace, basement, furnace. Call OMER. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 21549 Eves. 25001 bb89 I A, MODERN 2 bdrm. home, attached garage, fruit St berries, elec. hotbed, hen hse., $8050. C. H. Coy, corner Sun nyview Ave. St Garden Rd. bb93 REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS NEW BUNGALOW W. SALEM A good niastered home with L.R.. dln ette, kitchen, 3 bdrms. and bath, all on 1 floor, utility rm. In garage, house electrically heated with W. Salem's cheap electric energy, elec. water heat' er, garage, large lot, close to bus, storea and school, lmmea. poss. 97&00, lurni ture avail. HOME WITH 965 INCOME FROM APARTMENT RENT OWNERS' living quarters consist of L.R. with fireplace, kitchen, nook. 3 bdrms., bath on 1st floor, full bsmt., sawdust furnace, gas water heater, paved street ana smewaiK, close in, rtortn. PICK A THOMPSON HOME SITE NEW STREETS being graded and gravel ed, new homes being built In the very attractive Thompson's Addition at the Intersection 01 Hawtnorne and Monroe Ave. (get onto Hawthorne to the right off center St., just a snort aisance irom the State hospital, get onto Monroe Ave. from Lancaster drivel. Note that this Is well drained ground with excellent soil. Building regulations for this tract insures a universally nign class resi dential area within a few blocks of Salem city limits. WE ALSO have two homes for sale In this subdivision. Drive out and look it over and ask for free plat with prices marked. NELSON & NELSON CHET I. NELSON THEO. G. NELSON Rm. 300-2 Masonic Bldg., 495 State St. Ph. 4419 or 4622; eves. 31350 c89' R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 9-1500. Neat 4 r. and bath. Garage, paved drive. 90500. 'A A. 8 r. plastered hse. Barn, chicken hse. Near school. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 98500. Liv, r.. Din. r., Kit., 3 large bedr. Oil heat. Fruit. EXCEPTIONAL 99000. 50x120 lot. 2 nice bedr. Lota of built-lns, beautiful floors. Wired for range. Automatic heat. Paved St. Bus. ENGLEWOOD 99500. New, attractive, larae rooms, nicely fin. All elec. New lawn, shruba. Pav. St. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. 98100. Vi A. Fully plastered. Oil heat. Wired for range. Elec. water heater. Grapes, cherries, filberts, walnuts, other fruit. 87100. 1 A. 4 bedr. hse. Oil heat. Wired for range. Flourescent lights. Utility r. Elec. water sys. Pav. Rd. Barn, poultry hse. Near sch. 12500 down. 3 A. 2 bedr. hse. Hi A. cult. Elec. Good rd. 13500. Joe Spurlock with Bill Estep R. A. FORKNER, REALTOR 16 yrs. Hollywood Dist. 1853 N. Capitol. Ph, 3031 LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS ATTRACTIVE SMALL HOME COMPLETELY FURNISHED, 1 bedroom home, wired for range, electric water heater. V. blinds, electric heat, ga rage, bus at door. Immediate posses sion. 16330. NEW MODERN HOME LOCATED ON North Cottage Street, a well built 5 room home, has living room, dining room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down, 1 bedroom up, wired for range, electric water heater. Price includes lovely draperies and curtains. $10,600. LOVELY ORCHARD HEIGHTS HOME COMPLETELY MODERN 2 bedroom home. fireplace In living room, hardwood floors throughout, double garage, pa tio with outdoor fireplace and grill. Over i acre of land, nearly all In cherry and walnut trees, fine view. A home you will enjoy. 115,000. 5 ACRES, BERRIES 3 BEDROOM older style home, 1 A. strawberries, H A. thornless blackber ries, 1 A. cherries, some walnuts. Price includes 75 chickens. This little place has fair potential income from ber rles and fruit, close in with bus ser vice. A nice place to live. $4800. LEE OHMART tt CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 4035 or 9680 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY 169 South High PHONE 5131 OR 8630 SUBURBANS 96000 SUBURBAN, 2 acres, partly clear ed land, nice small one bedroom home, seven years old, fir floors, L.R., K., Bath, nice front yard. 96900 FURNISHED, la acre, one atory, eight years old, 3 B.R. bungalow, Kelser District, electric cooking, oil heat, single garage. 7 walnut trees, ft prune, some berries, a garden spot, chicken house, electric water system, fenced, and furniture. Can be bought unfurnished. 9Mft 2M ACRES, New 3 B.R. house, oil heat, double garage, small barn with 2 stanchions, fenced, 5 apple trees, prune, 1 pear, 2 peach, electric well and well house, lumber for poultry house, nice lawn. 97100 LARGE Lot, 4 year old one-story house, 3 B.R., L.R., Dinette. K.. Nook, Bath, wash trays, electric cooking, oil heat, single garage. Immediate posses- slon, bus and grade school close. Oil circulator goes with It. foo LARGE Lot, bungalow style, 3 B.R. L.R.. D.K.. K.. Nook. Bath. Base ment, hdwd. and fir floors, plastered interior, sawdust heat, garage, sprin kling system, city water, 4 walnut trees, 6 cherry, 2 prune, 1 fig. some grapes, raspberries, youngberries. and a rock garden. Will take 94000 down. 99.WO u ACRE. New. one-story 2 B.I home, L.R., Bath, large kitchen with nook. Utility room and wash trays, plastered interior, hdwd. floors and carpeted from wall to wall In LR electric cooking and heating, electric water system, fluorescent lights, Jur mture is all new and may be pur chased. Owner may accept good auto- mom je m part trade. 99850 NEW Modern Home. Large Lot. 1 O.K., UK.. Dinette. K., Bath, Utility Room, plastered interior, hdwd. floors, electric cooking, automatic oil heat, aa- rage, drapes go with house. Terms can be arranged. 81I.OOO JUST Suburban. large lot, 7 year 01a Bungalow, a B.R. down and one big room upstairs. L.R., Dinette, K.. ain, Venetian Blinds, gas cooking, heat, garaice, nicely arranged, well built, eirculator and gas atove go with house, greenhouse 9x12, nice ahadi trees, house weather stripped. 919.MAO SUBURBAN In Residential Dis trict. i! acres, 8 year old bungalow, 2 B.R., L.R., D.R.. K., Bath, plastered interior, nawa. iioors, fireplace, auto matic oil furnace, basement with party room and fireplace, single aarage, close to bus and grade school, chicken house, house well b.iilt and nicely arranged, lawn ana snruos. 91:, AOO VERY Ntce Suburban District. i' acrr-, iwo-story j B.R. home, hdwd. floors. L.R., D.R., K., Bath, electric or gas cooking, oil heat, large garage, bus by door, lots of shrubs, good little barn equipped for horses and some fruit trees. 931.000 BEAUTIFUL View Property, Ex tra large lot, good location, large rooms, drapes and carpet go. 3 B.R. Cape Cod Style home, double plumb ing. L.R., D.R., K.. Nook. Bullt-lni, Plastered Interior, oak floors and car peted, fireplace, electric cooking and heating, double garage, basement, house is not now complete but will be com pleted and lawn and shrubs will be in. PHONE 8131 OR 8620 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY Evenings 9340-4937-6901-7163 c89- MONEY TO LOAN an fnil mortgage. to 8 Call for details. BYRKIT POTTB 319 Chemeketa- Phont 8981 Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED: Property owners to list their places lor sale with C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 ca90 'LARGE or small, we sell them all." For quick, dependable service, LIST your property with us. LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 9261 eaSO WANTED TO BUY Acreage with 3 bed room house, 11000 down and 150 per mo. No Dealers. Phone 34318 or box 353. Capital Journal. ca94 WANT TO rfL'Y from owner ft to 10 acres land north on or off highway 99E with modern 2 or 3 bdrm. home, chicken house and barn, write P. o. box 333. Salem. ca91 FOR PROMPT and courteous sertlce list your property wltb FLOYD VOLKEU Real Estate Broker 655 N. Liberty Phont 7337 ca LIST WITH SALEM TO SELL 'EM, SA LEM REALTY CO. C. W. BART LETT, REALTOR, 149 N. HIGH ST PH. 7660. em WE ARK is Deed 01 good homes to tell la or near Salem If yon wish to Ut your property tor sale, see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8 Liberty St. Phone 4131 ea NOTICE! If your property U for aale, rent or exchange, lUt It with t. We have all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE COH REALTORS 153 8 High St ea BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES niTRTMRKn OPPORTUNITIES GOOD buy on the Portland rd. 10 pet. return on investment an can pb increas ed. $8500. EXCELLENT tourist court on 99E. Just right for a couple, clean, neat, well lo cated where value will Increase. JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capital Ph. 8216; eve. 7317 ed91 EARNINGS VERY GOOD GROCERY and meats. Exclusive trade. Excellent lease. All Investigation invited. Fine equipment. Top grade stock. Price $9000. No. 751 REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 SO. High Ph. 9303 WANTED: To lease small cafe or foun tain. Business woman. Ph. 23953. cd92 FOR SALE SHORTY'S CAB CO. 1947 Packard Clipper Cab Phone 8774 146 Gerth St. cdU2 BY OWNER Distributing business. Forced to sell due to other interests. Merchandise at In ventory. A money maker for right party. Phone 9500 between 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. cd89 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 455 Court St. Ph. 7686 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAFE, fully equip. Hot spot $4300 GROCERY, thru street, lnven. plus. 83000 JOE HUTCHISON HKALIUH 465 Court St. Ph. 7696 cdiO 3 ACRE Hollywood Dlst., 90 ft. front age on Portland Rd., So. of Underpass Good Income, plenty room for expan sion. A real value. 825,000. STORE BLDG., with parking lot, only 6 yrs. old, leased to large cnain store group for 15 yrs., excellent Investment, a mtg. of $12,500 can be arranged at 4 pet. Total price $23,000. BARGAIN Close In lot on So. Comt. Ideal for courts. Only 93,750. LARSEN HOME & LOAN CO. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 So. Coml. St. Ph. 8389 Cd90' BY OWNER: A photography studio In the heart of Salem's business dlst. that is selling for inventory. Ph. 4522. cd93 BUSINESS PROPERTY BUILDING partly finished, well located on one or Salem's busy streets, priced for quick sale, $uB0O. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phone 34793 cd90' FOR SALE SODA FOUNTAIN BACK BAR, nine stool counter. Complete with carbonator. refrigeration unit, Coca-Cola dispenser, electric shake mix ers, glasses, dishes, some fountain syr ups. $1250. Senator Sundries, Senator Hotel .uuuaing. ' ccw PRICED TO SELL $4000, Music store, Lock, Stock and bar rel. Good going business. No competi tion, no blue sky. Good lease, low rent. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 341 Chemeketa Ph. 1793 Evenings 9441 cd89' SELL EQUITY, 5 unit mod. court. Plus house, write box 343 Capital Journal. cdS9 ATTRACTIVE HOME St INCOME 1 APTS. & rear house. Completely fur nished, or without owner's furniture. 925 N. Winter. Ph. 24861. cd90 DUPLEX 812,650.00. A good duplex. 4 large rooms each. Basement, auto oil furnace, fire place, dble garage, perfect location. Call RAY DAVIS. HUFF REAL ESTATE COMPANY Realtors, 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3793 Eves. 9441 cd89 FURNITURE FOR SALE KROEHLER all wool mohair davenport and chair, aolt green, like new. $150. 1715 N. 19th. d91 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHER CASH prices for your furniture. BRIGHT FURNITURE CO. Phone 7511 CASH FOR YOUB used furniture. Ph 7598. Stat 'Street Furn. 1900 State da HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glean at Woodry Auction Market. Ph 5110. da AUCTIONS WED., APRIL 16, at 9:30. THE ESTATE OF WM. H. BERGER will be sold at LANE SUDTELLS COMMUNITY AUC TION. LOCATED l'i MI. E. OF FAIR GROUNDS ON SILVERTON RD. PH. 6098. Partial list as follows: New 6 ft. Cold Spot refrigerator, player piano, 1936 Plymouth car. In excellent cond. Davenport St chair, 4 dressers, rugs, 4 beds & springs. 1 new hospital bed with new mattress, 4 glass show cases, cooking utensils, dishes, 35 cal. rifle, fruit and many other misc. articles. Vegetables, farm machinery, many day old and veal calves. Welner and feeder pigs. A good selection of cows St heifers. dd69 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK A-l 8-YEAR-OLD fresh Jersey Guernsey cow, 5 gal. Dandy 2-year-old fresh Guernsey heifer. 4 gal. 9 7-weeka-old pigs. East on Center St. and 5th house on right East of Krueger's Mkt. e90 1 TR. OLD bull, fine shape. Ph. 3-4291. e8S AT STUD REG. Thoroughbred stallion. Ch. Broom stick blood line, also good quarter mare cross. Standing at Ward's Stables, Sll verton Rd. Rt. 7, Box 404. Ph. 35163. e39 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, all kinds of cattle and hogs. Will calt at farm. Write E. I. Snethen, 1550 Lancaster Dr.. Salem. Ph. 31345 morn, or eves. ealOS" WANTED, ALL kinds of cattle, hogs, sows es ooars -1 your larm or delivered mar ket price. E. C. McCandllsh, Rt. 9, Box 333, across from Ball Park on South 25th. Phone 8147. ea96 PETS FOR SALE: Police puppies, mother army trained dog. 798 N. 14th. ec91 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel puppies, pure- Bred. Females 135, males $35. Roy H. Simmons, Rb. 4. Box 370. PH. 31143. FOR SALE WOOD CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 6444 eell4 6" Old growth fir and 16 " oak. Arnold Phillips. Box 361. Turner, Ore. eelll GREEN SLAB St edgings, 3 cord load, $8.00. Oregon Fuel co. Phone 533$. tfo- FRESH CUT sawdust. Imm. delivery. 18.00 load. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. ee90 GOOD DRY 16 In. wood, Immed delivery OREGON FUEL CO., Phone 5531. te93' FOR SALE WOOD TRI CITY FUEL S Cord Loao 110.00 16" Milt Wood Screened Fresh Cut Fir Sawdust Dry 16" Slab Wood to Edgings Heavy 4 ft. Slab PHONE 6683 We Glva SAtH Green Stamps cel03' 34 CORD ON NITE DELIVERIES 16" SLAB es EDQINGS, PH. 6683 eel03' INSIDE MILL WOOD. Heavy block Double load $30.00. Imm. diL Pb. 346, Yamhill, Ore. eeI02a BONE-DRY mill wood 16" treto slab, good for furnace Ph 7721 GREEN OR DRY SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST PROMPT DELIVERY Ph. 3403 L WEST SALEM FT EL CO. GREEN DRY WOOD and sawdust. Stove oil and dlesel oil. Ph. 3-4031. FOR SALE POULTRY CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chick every Wed. Boylneton'a. 3710 State. f!15 CHRISTIE New Hampshire baby chicks every Wed. Boylngton's. 3710 State 189" BABY CHICKS hatching twice weekly Is seven varieties. New Hampshire! always available in chicks. Growing pullets, any age. Phone 33861. Lee'i Hatchery. f CUSTOM DRESSING of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phont 33861 Lee's Hatchery f j PRODUCE AWBERRY Plants: Rock hi II Ever bearing. Large plants now growing. Many are budding. Will deliver 60 or more. These plants will bear this year. All fresh and green. T. A. Brewster. Box 261-C, Salem. Rt, 2. ff89 WANTED HELP MIDDLE-AGED, reliable, able-bodied man for concrete mfg. chop St delivery work. Steady job for steady, conscientious man. Apply at Box 107. Rt. 4, Boone Rd. between new Sz old 6. Pac. Hlway. 889 YOUNG MAN to assist in ice cream plant. Apply Saving Center, Portland Rd. g HOUSEKEEPER for family of 5. Room, board and wages. 260 80. 23rd. Ph, 3070. g0I WANT someone to care for two year old boy tn their home. Please call Nohl gren's between 7 a. m. to 2:00. Ask for Alice Collie. g91 STENOGRAPHER for sawmill office near Salem. Salary to start $45. Only exp. need apply. Box 356, Capital Journal. g93 EXP. STENOG. H. L. Stiff. 80S USHERETTES WANTED. Grand Theater. Apply in person. g HELP WANTED: Exp. help for variety store. Capital Variety, 1262 State St. b90 EXP. CREDIT MAN. H. L. Stiff. AMBITIOUS Salesman with car. work on percentage basis, new Industry. Abrams Ave. Phone gSO' WANTED, exp, tire salesman, prefer man acquainted with city. State age and exp. write box 355, capital Journal. g92' WANTED Salesman with car. Dry Clean ing 1 :i. desirable. Ph. 21492 for appt g89 WANTED Experienced Ford mechanic for Ford Dealership near Salem, Box 350, Capital Journal. g89 WOMAN TO help with care of 2 children. Daily except Sat. Se Sun, Phone 3-5488. g90 PART time clerk. 18 to 30. Eve. work. Apply in person. Grand Sweet Shop, c WANTED Good Stenographer. Perma nent position If satisfactory. Salem Title Co., 285 State St. g89 I.WE OPENING for 10 men Interested In steady Job. Earn UP to 1100 per week while training, fast promotions with secure future. Experience not necessary. 360i State St. Room 34. g89 MEN FOR hop yard work. Bus will pick up at Farm Labor office at 7 a.m. Working hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Will Hart Hop Farm, Ph. Salem 32631. SILK FINISHER Ss wool presser. Fore man's Cleaners, loio s. com'l. Ph. 9448. g WANTED POSITIONS MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes care of chil dren day or night. 468 N. 21st. h93 CARPENTER, Alterations. New construc tion. Call for free estimate. City or country. Phone 24933, evenings. h90 IF YOU WANT your lawn mowed, call Gene 21568. h92 GARDEN Plowing and Discing, Ferguson Tractor, 1880 Center 8t. hll2 AM LOOKING for a responsible office posltlrn promising a future. Qualifica tions Include college math, degree, 4 years teaching experience, 5 years army record from a private to a major, and some dept. store controller's office experience. Mr. Pruett, 535 N. Winter St., Salem. h89 WILL DO IRONING in my home, 75c per hour. Phone 26897. h89 OIL HEATER SERVICE Installation, adjusting, cleaning and re pairing. 24 hr. service. 3042 Portland Rd. Phone 6072. h96 LEAVE your child with me while you shop or worx, en. lass. naa" LAWN MOWER need repairing, sharpen ing? call Ted 7603 for quick expert service. Pick up and deliver. Old established place, Salem Saw Works, 1293 North 5th St. h89 SPRAY PAINTING, Ralph Alsman, 1720 Lancaster arive. Fn. 24248. ni07 SPRAY NOW for apple Ss pear scab, eyneta beetles. Philip W. Beilke, dial 31208. h88 WINDOW FRAMES and screens, cabinet doors, drawer and regular cabinet work. Large or small orders accepted. Con venk location, U block Ladd St Bush. Masterwood's Cabinet Shop. 184 So. Commercial. Ph. 5596. hl06 GARDEN PLOWING Ss discing. Ph. 60-F-2. Hoills Bice. h89 WANTED: Interior painting. Small specialty. Phone 25745. i. M. TRANSFER, light hauling. Ph. 25637; eves. ph. 23665. hl04 SECRETARIAL; Stenographic service. Ph sasa. hl03 SPRAYING. L. W. CANDLE. Ph. 7900. hlOO GARDEN PLOWING Si DISCING. Ford Tractor. Ray Satter. Ph. 23504. h96 PLOWING AND discing. No Job too large or too small. Chas. B. Jayne St Sons, 1920 Lancaster Drive. Ph. 23753. D96 PLOWING St general tractor wore Have D-2. 3rd house south of Brooks on Paci fic highway. On right. J. K. Ulntv, Rt. 1. Box 374 Brooks. h90 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better oy Raj Btter. Call Shrock Motor Co 8803 EDUCATION INSTRUCTION OR TRADE SCHOOLS" INSTRUCTION, Male. Men to learn DIE- sei. New uses open huge field in Indus trial and farming communities. Reliable, mechanically Inclined men with fair education preferred. Training starts at home, will not Interfere with your Job. If you feel qualified, write for free facts. Utilities Diesel Training, 1328 Belden. Chicago 14. . hhSO INSTRUCTION OR TRADE SCHOOLS' WOULD like to hear from reliable men who would like to train in spare time to overhaul and Install Refrigeration and Air Conditioning equipment. Should be mechanically Inclined. Will not inter fere with your present work. Veterans and Civilians. For Information about this training, write at once giving name, address, age and your working hours. Utilities Inst., 1328 Belden, Chl caao 14. hh90 INSTRUCTION OR TRADE SCHOOLS" INSTRUCTION. Male. AUTO BODY and FENDER training. Including welding, spray painting and metal work. Look Into it! one of the most profitable branches of tremendous Auto industry offering chances for good Job or your own business. Learn In spare time. Vet erans and Civilians. Write for FREE facts. Auto-Crafts Training, 1338 Belden. Chicago 14, 111. hh90 Journal Want Ads Pay EDUCATION U. S. GOVERNMENT JOBS! $1756-13031 year. Men-Women. Prepare Immediate ly for next Ore. examination. Vets get preference. 33-page book on Civil 6erv lee. Sample coaching FREE. Write Box 334, Capital Journal. hh89 FOR RENT GENTLEMAN'S single Sz double room, reasonable. 1143 Oak. Ph. 24948. JS1' LARGE cabin, electricity and water, near nop yaras. 3 mi. on uauae nignway. Box 469. J89 SLEEPING rm. for employed woman. Breakfast privileges. Ph. 24611 eves. J91 DOUBLE sleeping room for 3 employed gins or ladies. Near boarding house. Call 7891. J90 SLEEPING BM. close In. Kitchen and nome priv. 335 Richmond. J901 FURNISHED sleeping Phone 3-4657. rooms; close in. FURNISHED light housekeeping room for unsie man or woman. Close in. Phone 3-4857. J90 SLEEPING ROOM. 1336 State. SLEEPING ROOMS, men. 395 N. 14th. J93 SLEEPING Rm. Private home, bua, gen tleman, or couple, 1076 Highland Ave. J39 SLEEPING rooms and trailer house, 944 n. comi. J89 POR RENT, modem 4 rooms, attic and work shop. About 1 acre of ground on paved road, north, 5 miles city center. Write P. O. Box 181. Salem. J89 UPSTAIRS ROOM Si double basement room. Twin beds, shower, reasonable. 790 N. Church. J89" ATMOSAYS. Ozone. Good health. Rent sell. H. G. Pugh, 684 N. 17th. Ph. 4692 GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff FLOOR Ward. sander for rent Montgomery WANTED TO RENT S BDRM. HOUSE, preferably furn. Man, wife and 3 -mo. old youngster. Ph. 25554. ja91 YOUNG couple wish 2 or 3-bedroom home. Need Place to rear one-year om aaugn ter. Will consider doing remodeling, pa pering or painting. Phone 3-6611. ja90 responsible Vet and wife would like to rent small furn. or unfurn. house or apt. Ph. United Air Lines 3848. ja94" 2 OR 3 BEDRM. Furn. or unfurn. house or apt. State employe. Ph. 25433 after 6 p.m. or all day Sat. or Sun. Ja93 VET. STATE employe and bride need furn. or unfurn. apt. by June lit or sooner Phone 8428. Ja89 MIDDLE AGED lady, wants furnished room In West Salem. Ph. 7659. jagB" MAY 1ST, mod. 3 bdrm., unfurn. house, city or suouroan, oy miaaie agea cou ple, no children. Box 354 Capital Jour nal. Ja89 WILL PAY up to one year's rent in ad vance for 2 or 3 bedroom furn. or un furn. house In desirable location by May 35th. Will consider option to buy. Phone 2-1935 or 3606. Ja91 SMALL ACREAGE near Salem with 3 to 4 or more bedrooms. Would consider lease, with or without option to buy. Write Route 2, Box 335 Woodburn or call Green 3012. Ia91 YOUNG WILLAMETTE Veteran and wife wish small apt. Call 4171 Ext. 46D days or 4360 evenings, Ja90 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Bay saddle mare. Swegle district, yackle Lee Johnson, Rt. 9, Box 36. k91 LOST Gold wrist watch. Reward. Lee Eyerly. Ph. 8909. xa MISCELLANEOUS ROCK WOOL insulating and metal Inter locking weather stripping. Workman ship and material guaranteed against delects. L. H. Clawson Co., 175 b. Hign. Ph. 6088 H. P. Lenton. local manager. Free estimate. m89 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked, $1.00. LES SPRINGER, 464 Court Bl. mm TAKE YOUR clocks to 190 S. 14th tor repair. Clock Doctor rnsii DEAD AND WORTHLESS stock temoved on moment's notice. Ph. cooo. man" BEAT your home electrically It's con venient, clean economical. See ne lor free estimates YEATER APPLIAM02 CO. 355 N Liberty FREE DIRT. Salem Armory. B197 HEAVY HAULING excavation and road building, land clearing, doaer work, ditching basement excavation, aaud gravel, crushed rock, mason sand, eon erate mix cement. SALEM BAND it GRAVEL CO. 1405 N FRONT ST., SALEM. OREGON Phone 9408 or 31934. ' DENTAL PLATB REPAIR 3-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State es CommarelaJ Bts SALEM Phone 8311 ea TOPPING AND removal danger trees any where. 412 Evergreen Ave. Fn. 35117. or 3349. B192 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FULLER brushes. 1745 Grant, Ph. 8357. mi GARDEN TRACTOR See the Nichols Garden Tractor at Ward's Farm store. All purpose tractor designed and built for small farms and acreages. Powered with 4.1 h.p. heavy-duty Wisconsin en gine. 89 HORSE OWNERS See the two-horse trailer now available at Ward's Farm Store, High and Trade Sts Salem. Also cattle trailer with built-in stanchions. Also available one and two-wheel trail ers. Two-wheel trailer, has dump body. COOK COVER CROPS DISCS In all sizes are now available at Ward's Farm Store, High and Trade Sts., Salem. n89 SEE US before buying an electric water heater. BROADWAY APPLIANCE CO. 419 Ferry Salem, Oregon 94 WESIX Flush Wall Heaters, all sixes. BROADWAY APPLIANCE CO. 419 Ferry Salem, Oregon n94 STRAWBERRY plants. Marshall. Good ones. 110. per thousand. Will start to dig Monday. 4 mi. N. of Kickback er Totem Pole. A. C. Thomas. nSl TARPAULIN 30 ft. x 20 ft. extra heavy tie ropes attached, used once. Rt. 1, Box 67, Brooks' Modern Cabins, 99E. n91 10 HIVES BEES. Call 21617 after 5 p. m. n91 FOR SALE 1 JXB Hercules motor needs work; also 1 radiator for Diamond T truck overhauled and in good shape, best offer. Harvey Halbett, 310 Brook St. Silverton. n91 ROYAL TYPEWRITER. Ph. 9321. nBl FIRTEX. 4x8, 16x32, 16x8 ft. Rt. 7, Box 431-L. McCain Ave,, off Sllverton Rd. n91 VELOUR daveno, good cond. 1 Holly wood bed, like new. Reasonable. 496 80. 19th St. nBl GOOD MARSHALL strawberry plants, 13.00 per thousand In fields. C. F. Webb. Silverton, Star Rt. n94 3 NEW 450x21. 4-ply tires. Will's Service Station, 837 80. Com'l. Ph. 7167. n91 18x35 RECTANGULAR, marble top, nut table. $35. Ph. 35294. wal- n90 DAVENPORT, blue slip cover, Capitol. 1800 N. n90 FISHERMEN WE HAVE ft complete line of tackle for bass, trout or salmon. Guns, ammuni tion and supplies. New 1.1 H.P. Evin rude motors available. Burehcraft boats and marine paint. If It's fishing, hunt ing or boating see Hain'a Outboard St Sport Shop, 1201 8. Commercial St. Phone 6050. n90 MOTOR BIKE with 3-ipeed transmission. Good shape. 1566 Franklin St., West Salem. 90 PANSY PLANTS, beautiful Swiss Giants. 3355 Garden Road. 1 n90 FOR SALE: Direct flush toilet, complete and like new. 740 Stewart SU Ph. 8180. n90 NOW AVAILABLE. Durable rubber link matting (made of tires), made to order. Good for door mats, machine- shops, creameries, canneries, etc. Order now, protect your employes from accidents. Call or write RUBBER MAT SERVICE. 98 Abrams Ave. nM FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BOY'S BLUE Suit, 10-13, like new. Ttvf plaid jacketi and other misc. CheauL 1336 State. nH NOTICE: Complete stock new army truck parts. Phone 3810. WITH AM MAGNE TO Si PARTS CO. FIFTH Ss RIVER SIDE, MFEDFORD, OREGON. n9l FOR SALE Small office blulding, desk and electric heater, 9250.00. Ideal for used car or real estate office. 3295 Portland rd. Ph. 6421 or 26924. n8S ELECTRIC AND mechanical door chlmea. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 25ft N. Liberty &9S ELECTRIC floor polishers, Ideal for homo or store. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 35S North Liberty. nlOS iOOO NEW brick, 3180 Berry St. Anytime after 6 or Sunday. .. nfl3 LOOM WISE, 13-3 and 14-2. T EATER APPLIANCE CO. 35S N. Liberty 09b NEW BLDG, MATERIAL AT LESS . THAN RETAIL RED, square, tab comp. shingles. 5-ft. leit nana recess tub. c iron, lsxso-in. kitchen sink. 3'0"x6'8" screen door. 3'6"x6'8' 1-panel doors. 2'0"x6'8" 1 p anel door. Call 423 Marlon St. D90 BED danveno, excellent cond. Call 425 Marion et. DBS PLAY PEN, stroller, buggy, and elec. stove. 883 8. High. n89 LADY'S new black suit, size 16, $20. Sen at Beauty nook, 319 court. nan USED Royal Vacuum cleaner, 810. 306 n89 Columbia St. ELECTRIC washing machine, oil heater. new. Typewriter, Saxophone, lawnmow er. Bed with springs, 1076 Highland Ave. n8H NAVY BLUE rayon drapes, 3 pr., price $5.00. One pr. light blue rose facing drapes. $3.00. Lady's spring coat, new, size 14. Flaming red. 1793 8. Winter. nS9 IVORY PAINTED dressing table, with 8 drawers, lis. 1075 Market St. nas'j nai7 e Bollerl . at Ko FOR SALE: Used FT Locomotive Butt seamed. Can be inspected : atad Canneries, Inc., Front Streets, Sllverton, Oregon. n89 WALNUT twin-bed bedroom suite; also miscellaneous odd dishes. Phone 3577. n89 MONTAG wood range, late model, excel. cona. pnone 4iod. nsa GENERAL ELECTRIC Sweeper. With all attachments. Good cond., 385 Fisher Rd. Phone 31347. n89a OUTBOARD MOTOB. ft h.p., and boat. See at 1117 Edge water, W. Salem. Ph. 5819. n89 DELUXE radio, Chev. model. Complete with antenna. New. Never Installed. Sell at cost. 586 N. Liberty. n9 RESTAURANT GRILL, automatic, elec tric, 24 Inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty n9ft PRESSURE COOKERS, sauce pan type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 LIGHTING FIXTURES for kitchen and bath- om. fluorescent and Incandes cent. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95a TWO USED washers, good shape, 1117 Edgewater St., W. Salem. Ph. 5819. n89 I.E.S. LAMPS and Torchiers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N. Liberty nos 30, 40, 80 and 66 gal. water heaters for for Immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 SPINET PIANOS Knsbe, Krakauer and Lester Betsy Ross spinets. Immediate delivery, easy pay ments. Your old piano taken In trade. Finest selection of spinets in the north west. TALLMAN'S, 395 8. 13th, A mile from High Prices. n91- FISHING TACKLE boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty FRUIT JUICERS and can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty n96a ELECTROLUX cleaner Si air purifier. Now avauaoie. complete witn ail attach ments. 169.75. Home demonstration giv en. 175 S. High. Ph. 6088. nlOfl . .FANS, pedestal and table models for homes, canneries, garages, lodge halls, 1 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty nl07 ELECTRIC FANS, kitchen and Industrial exhaust, desk models. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 365 N. Liberty nS6 PRESSURE COOKERS, 16 quart. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 359 N. Liberty TOASTERS, 2 slice, 13.10. 4 slice, $3.85. YEATER ArFIiIANCJE CO, 355 N. Liberty n95 SIDEARM WATER heaters, automatic. lectrie, fasten to your present tank. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 356 N. Liberty n95 OIL CIRCULATORS; Super Flame, me dium slse. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 North Liberty. 90 RADIOS, RECORD players, recorders for Immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 H. Liberty n95a STEEL CLOTHES line posts. Steel all welded lawn swings. Chapman's Weld ing Shop. 1790 Front St. nSS FLASHLIGHTS, GUARANTEED forever ugnti requiring no batteries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. PANSY plants. 846 N. 16th. n9I RIVER SILT.' Phone 25912. HOT PLATES, single St 2-burner. 1 EATER A FFUA HCK CO. 358 N Liberty RON AND extension cords, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n96 ULTRA VIOLET sun) lamps, Infra-red tneat) lamps ana neating pads. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty b95 ELECTRIC ROOM beaters. All types. . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. '35& N. Liberty n9S WASHING MACHINES that fit on yaur laundry trays full size. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n9B" BUILDING MATERIALS salvaged. Camp Adair. Delivered anywhere. Ed. Csf Bldg. T. 5-222. Albany, Oregon. IRONING BOARDS, metal and wooden. pa as a covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty as PHILLIPS BROS., cedar postt, corner posts, wood, hop poles, bean stakes, shakes, fertiliser and special timber or ders. Rt. I, Box 118. Dial O. call 68P22. B89 POR YOUR cabin at the coast, a radio that assures good reception, "The Tro ple Master." YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 H. Liberty rJS HALF young fat betf, JOe lb., delivered. rnone now. bbd VACUUM CLEANERS: WMtlnghonse, Uni versal ana Koyai. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 38S North Liberty. n90 WE BTY sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motor 1, radios, alec trie appli ances, household goods. BXIOMANS. 385 N. Commercial. Phone 9885. n PLASTI-KOTE paint, the cellophane fin ish for floors, furniture, automobiles, on wood, metal, concrete and lino leum. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty n95 NAVAJO RUGS and saddle blankets. 17S a. High. Phone 6088. nl06 ELECTRIC 43 gallon water heater. 179.50. TA. 4314, Portland. nl0 FARMERS, ATTENTION: Portable Clean- Easy mux trig machine. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . 358 North Liberty. nto C E. WILLIAMS, sewing machine repair specialist. I do not cell new machines. Parts ' - all makes. Pinking shears ground. Ph. S765. 1940 N. 18th. B102 PALLETONE, ONE coat, washable oil paint for walls, ceilings and wallpaper, dries in one hour. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 359 It. Liberty Tttt ONE OIL burner circulator, good cond. neison Bros. Fn. maw. B" (Continued on Page 15)