n c o K ti a b tl e: .tl C( m e: P R. of of Wi w! st re av be th Ai un of wi ne bu Htt rd tin dit I clo wo of fit. hif a hi hip cor he! am be the Le Fo Fut has ber reci Jun Kee Piki mor OJu. Radio Program Saturday P. M. M IKGW 7." IK EX ' IKSLM :Mt-Ntws I Bin (It I.ei Brown I Knoi Mannfnr :lfW C. R Hfh I Rind I Texa Jin I Dsnier Ahead 3ft- t Orebcitra I Soma I Hi Jina 1 X :ft TabcrnatU News fHI Jinki ' News f:00 Author Mceli I Roy Rmers Know 1 Sonis I Orch(lra :! Author Merta Ro? Roters Show ' Muic ! OrrhcMra : Meel the Press Can Ton Top ' Musie Lonlrin happen :& Meet lot rress 1 Can Voo Top ! Music ' Strenado TToft Nrwt I JititT Canora ' Roiton Rlackia ' srftiaHe 1:16 News Judy Canora (Roiton Blackie I his Is 1:an Rd Ryder I Grand OU Opr I 1 Oral in Crimt I Hollywood 9:4ft Red Ryder f Urand Ola Oprr t 1 Deal in Crime I Musle VtniTl'beatra j TnHhTr ' .lurt Trial ' vaurnn Monro :lr( Theatre I Truth or Jury Inala aunn ,onroo :.10 Orchestra M.lfe at Riley ' l.nne Ranser Mayor of town S:4il Orchestra I Life of Riley ' Lone Ranter 1 Mayor of Town "Vofl St-m Myttery flaiiKbiislers I Hit Parada :J!U- Mosls Myttery I Ganbulers I Hit Tarada :3u Newt t Orchestra I Retribution I Hit Parade t:4ff Orebcitra ' Orchestra 'Retribution L!.i?r "ioTftO rhleai-eTTheatrt Chalk Talk ' w 1 Five Star Final in:l5 Chieio Theatre I 5 porta I Trark Meel I Barry Hood 1(1:3" Chlcaao Theater I OrrnrMra 1 Orchestra ' Veterans ) 0:4 ft Chic a to Theater I Orchestra- 1 Orchestra 'T"a Rrr "lt;0o I Newt ! Orchestra I Orchestra I Barn nance Il;16 Open Hons I Orchestra Orchestra 'Barn Dante 11:301 Open Rtuie I nrchealra I Orchestra I Air-Mo 11:4V- Newt ' Orchestra I Orchestra Air-Flo 13:001 SIrn Off I sign Off X-tra Hour 1 Silent Sunday "Tn I I World News I Morn In e News :1.V I I Story to Order I r- Vtwtt Rlin : I I Words At Mosla I f- Power Blica :4S I Words Muli I Singers, ""T:W I Radio Rlhle Class Rellilous j Reliiious I Church of the Air 1:15 I Radro Bihla Claw t Rclitioas I Religious t Church of the Air T:ao VP Charrh Air ' Voices t Soutbernairea I church of the Air 7:4ft TP Church Air I Voices gonmernalrts Chprcb of the Air "tiCXu! Dr. Talbot I Church" In" Home ftonshlnt I Warren, Sweeney Dr. Talbot Church In Homo 1 Sunshin Wines Oer Jordan a.:A0 Voir of Prophecy News ' Hour of Faith I Tabernacle :!& Voice of Prop her r I Orchestra I Honr of Fatlh f Tabernacla 0 J Rellilous CaTdeDTalk I Chapel I Tni-Hatlon fa :I5 Religious (News Id Adr. Chapel Invitation to :AfW Religious Eternal Light Music I Child Craft tMfr I Religious i Eternal Lit ht iKaymona awing I N'ewt 1:00 I News :?& ' Commander Rcott 1:8ft I Juvenile Jury 1:151 Juvenile Jury America ( America United ) Round Table I Round Table 1:00 Crlm Case: 1:1?. News Musle ...I- l:ao 1 On-heslr; 1:45 Canary ' I llarrest of Start I Parade or Hits Here's To Ton ile ' HarTcsl of Stars Parade or Hits ! Here's To Tou I Carmen CiTlllaro I Sunday Srrenarie I Phllharmonlo :lA News :I5 Rill Cunnlnghan ?:3ft Young People t:45 Touni People 00 I Mystery :l!r Mystery 30 I Deleelira 15 Detective Quit Rids Qulr Kids Musle Music Mm The- Shadow !:tfc I The Shadow ran Quirk as a Flash 1:45 I Quick as a Flash Symphony (Symphony Symphony Symphony 1:00 I Those Webster 1:15 i Thosa Webster 1:0 I Nick Carter 1:151 Nick Carter Catholio Hoar Catholic Hour Orecon Album Orcton Album 1:00 Rook Qui 1:15 I Honk Qui I: no Wlnrs of Healini 1:151 Wlnis of Heallna News : 15- I Son I:, 10 I Invrstlsator li:45- ' Keliiious A:no I Ktplnrtnr Merry-Go-Round I Waller Wim-hell H.S I r.splorini Mrrry-Go-Ronnd l.onrlla Persons :30 Double or Nothing I American Album I Jimmv Fidler :15 ( Double or Nothing I American Album Policewoman 7:IMr- Gabriel Heater 7-15 ( Gabriel Itealtcr 1:3ft- I Leave II to tba 7:I5 Glrlt I Don Amerhe I Don Amecht I Meet Me I Mert Mc K:0n ?0 Queslions R:I5 i "id QucKtiona : Walter Wine hell I Sheila Graham "V:ltO I Newt 9:15 i Rrs Miller :Sft Plnnters 6:15 News I Hob Burnt I Rob Burns I Symphony Symphony Symphony Hour 1 Chappel Symphony Hour I Snnit Jack Benney Trio I Jack Benney 1 Decision 10:f - Revival Hour - Revival Hour . Revival Hour - I Revival Hour I Nen s I Sonts Music Music 11:00 Sign Off News I Orchestra 'Explorer 11:15 ! Musie Brides to Drein Orrhrslra 11:30 1 Orchestra ) Rrlda to Dream I Orchrvlr- 1 1 :45 Orchestra I Bridge to Dream 1 Orchestra I SlKP Oil Farewell Arranged For Mrs. Roy Kern Silverlon Mrs. Roy Kern was complimented in a farewell party arranged by a group of the younger matrons, her neigh bors, Monday evening at the Max Holland home, on the eve of the family moving to Pendle ton to make their home. The Kerns have three daughters, the Misses Helen. Nancy and Doris Kern, who will accompany their parents to the eastern Oregon city. A gift of handkerchiefs was presented Mrs. Kern. During the evening's enter tainment, Mrs. E I s e r Aarhus directed the games. Prizes went to Mrs. Ray Boe and Mis. B. E. r.affey. siaiirlinf - Hi fill .i, llim block- In a ,t utiut but- .;: iiJ nail Ul.l ii Ciry In Nfbrnk Orerk lttr Wandered Co unit e in slit of M ni s Mental ptct uren Iiaoltte t rib Broihr of Odin Small metal disk Kind of butlerliy Flavor Hawaiian bird iood by I' TPiirh so'dltr Voiceless: plioneilc BolonjE Summit Burmese h 111- d wHler A mrii'an patholoilit ' S A T 6 N! T U R j E ACROSS !4 MOM ,cl. M Y f In GHAiCTR E' S 1 tain for III Ivn meaiir -l - ' ' - ' -- K,M.el to,r I S 1 ! W jSM A V O JsgH StKial i OVl E'Nllo, t I L E RB8 A HI P I3 I' -, f I5 I4" I7 I3 I V ? '0 73 ;V,;;'3 75 y'i '', H Tj . 1 18 "j 30 " ; 25 '': 'r 7 if ... la "las at (apr be 5? , Jo3T : 'ii Ti 5T 5s Sj , Jj 5a , Jj "" 35 r 1 to tr prpj - S5 si ? ?S If 55 R 0 'f Jj IKOIN I .Inlir I People's Platform Propte'a platform ) Melody 1 Karomy ! Sammy Kayo Kaye I Time or Rrason I noward K. Smith ' Dude Martin I News I n... Martin ( Vu l!W he-ABC I Carmen Cavallaro I Sunday "enade (Philharmonic I One Man's Famtlv Garden Talks Philharmonic I One Man's Famllyl Sam Petlingilt (Philharmonic Our Children I Philharmonic Our Children ' Philharmonic Wayne Klnc show I nour of Charm Wayna Kins show I Hour of Charm I Darts for Douith Family TTonr 1 Dart for Doucb Family flour I Counter Spy Hoaxy Carmlchael Counter Spy I William I.. Shlrer I Danrer Ozzte A Harriet i Danser I Onle & Harriet Slory I Tour nope Chesl I Story I Your Hope Chest I Jack Renney ! Drew Pearson iene Autry Jack Benney ) Headlines Gene Autry Phil narris I Musfo Hall I Nrws Lrh" Hfrl !Mu"lo Jfall ( Orchestra. I Charlie McCarthy Sunday FJva. I The City I Charlie McCarthy I Hour I The City I Fred Allen i Sunday Era. t Man Jordon I Fred Allen Hour ' Man Joidon I Illlrirrarde ' nildrrarde ' Tony Martin Theatre Guild ! 1 heal re Guild Theatre Guild I Theatre Guild 1 Take It or Leave I Take It or Leave f Kale Smith Kale Smith I Pal Novak I Put Novak Hour Masterpiece Hour ! Masterpiece j Crime Doctor 1 Crlmr Doctor I Rlonriie ' Rlonriie I Sam Spade ! Sam Spade 1 House in Country House in Country News I Orchestra I Vespers I Vespers I Five Star Final 1 Show ' Oirliestra 1 Talks Eitra Hour Fellowship Enjoyed At Unionvale Church Unionvalc The Youth Fel lowship Easter breakfast held at the Webfoot school house was attended by 30 young people un der the leadership of Rev. Rob ert D. Bennett, local pastor. There were 155 in attendance at the Easter Sunday school pro gram and forenoon worship hour at 10 and 11:15 a.m. Rev. Eldon Fuhrmau gave the Easter message. Four young people became members of the church during the Easter services. The Easter music was pre sented by the Ladies' chorus at the evening services. Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle Kfor Messut of lent t h (tifts of charllT Coloring agent DOWN The birds Toint of irai- fic congca lion RlHzoned Brines io- Clher Opposite of RealliT Hiik nsvrs Metal Salad plant Caliber Surface measurement Appends niblieal Harden Tim herb eve Tablelands South African native Of a historical pf rlod I'ni-le: Scoifh Address of Rt-eeting Hackneyed Round roof Hawaiian v rea t h Jewel mount Inge European native Rained hard Swi river flerti'ar P.illid rreeiou tore Factnc leland tree Water excur sion t T.a.- -I. lt..-i..c 66, Numbsr s"- coun h!e C,OiN;c!E r nH b!e ; !!;, j;1 BgulEBBT.u'N1 is r 111. UmI niuM,rtl iTiOjU R'SA I L fc.t nuie L In cM ,..' UiN o, e i R L gHaU aJnHtJ0,u t t o rl i k e1h ir,e sny II pJoJeJt U eIpJa m Journal Feature Donald Duck By Walt Disney There's One Born Every Minute SHOOTING GALLEEV ' r4f, ISftv ' BLANK. Henry By Carl Anderson AVW " ' The Nebbs By Hess Who'? a Chump? f SPOOXV 17! B6 READy TO SHOOT..T I I BURROW IVOORejUSrVSO HWE" I IINW.SUPTHE' ! I By Hess I I ' : loOiNT ISWT VTHIS MAV BE A 1RAP M 1 N TIME.. 1 TMIN I V, WILBUR BJC EE TS OKI L " Little Orphan Annie By Harold Gray Who Cares'.'.. Who, Indeed? SSS!Ji'2!ZSJfe. I II -!-syJM3 (oh. come on hecj name"isE5I rabx LEApITuoslTcrvffTTHe'l f THAT BIG BLONDE HAS A POSSIBty-SHE UUEO CVSTI VOU MOST VIKI SOMETHING fflf I TIK IS GOIN' OUT Z LIKES HER THAT'S 9 I SHELL CAR AND CHAUPFEUP, IN EUROPE POP YEARS-.-I i KNOW WHO OR OTHER -BUT KM L WITH HER I HIS BUSINESS, ISNT n I l-us AMD JtWELS SHE THAT'S ABOUT ALL I J 1 SHE IS ! WHO CARES J j k J ITV IT'S CERTAINLY I MUST Rp AWPUL RICH. FH? UNnw nc MPD- I L3 lE fl mvic rMT -uiqq... 1 I'he uumps By Gus Edson Don't Disillusion the Kids, Min fVi jai-iii24 1 I CUPID DOES THINGS VI PON'T WON" PEOPLE "1 I NOW. YOU WS" NIX, MIN DOMT LET X TO FOLKS -THOSE TWO 1 SAY WOMEN ASE LISTEN TO THEW CATCH US OLP DON'T THEY YOU BET THEY REALLY DO ACT LIKE I QUICKER THAN ME. MISTER MARRIED FOLKS MAKE A GRAND REMIND ME OF US KIDS--HM--I WONDER Vi MEN. BJT LESS dUMP.'- ) WRAS'GLINS- . COUPLE ) WHEN VIE WEBE HOW OLD AUNTY CHLOES OFTENBY THE THEY MIGHT TWO KIDS REALLY IS I WAY, HOW AAANY GET . -f-X INLOE.' . YEARS ???g&iJ!m&$5 0ISCOURASE0- T7rrCiJ-- . .. i I HAVE YOU BEEN -JP6Si. lill''llf uiTXaTryw I iS3 YW-fUA OBSERVING YOUR V'MSSsrvtBr-S Mull and Jeff By Bud f isher Maybe Mutt Intended It for a SilcnrPicture W6LL.WHAT f I THINK. CrtA THINK THE ENDING SPOILS IT rL AY f Kee'lat Kellers Tarzan A QUICK EXAMINATION SHOWED THAT WANZEN WAS DEAD. "HIS THIRST FOR REVENGE CAUSED HIS OWN END," TARZAN OBSERVED. ro .jc FAN UKE VOO jCiSlV OR.TER. GO FOR. W 9tL'l SWELL JURE'VV i 'i TLj s thev rounpep a beno in '''-vVsMSjI ' 'toilElWe 71 J AS( the trail, the two remaining -iay ,zjiS5r'r-mM x!f T'l' ' I " V GANGSTERS SAW TiRZAN AND JANE 5"- --T Sr J SENPINS OVER THE R DEAD LEAP6R. ( S Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 12, 1947 ENDING? V YEH, THE THATS ONLY THE ENDING IS Too FAR FROM THE BEGINNING! BEGINNING.1 By Gene (A NtW KINOA Y ( FI5HIN' UNE T I V-EXPLAIN By Edpar Rice Burroughs 1 ftClr&dilCfiri-- f - . I I BELIEVING TARZAN HAD KILLED "f I TLlCOC ..I ,IOTT NILIU TAU'T J I if kj vi 7 rwtm V THERE rvi j i, mi nun i you have the villain shoot Himself instead THAT'S THE H V Poison? x 1 Byrnes TH FEATHER. TICKLES TH'FISH UNDER. TH'CHIN-i TH BALL PORS IN HI5 MOUTH AN TH IASSO JUP1 OVER HIS TAIL.' ) ITS" 11 11 it;rti IV1U I 1, wn7 1 ... 1 SO 1 1 WIUL ' Pa'e So IT WILL JM WAKE UP THE 'AUDIENCE AT THE END.' Very Complete Angler At the Point of Death JUST IN TIME TARZAN'S ALERT EVE CAUGHT THE GLINT OP THEIR RIFLES. SEIZING JANE, HE SFSAN5 INTO A PATCH OP UNDERBRUSH. KSrJ WAKE UP THE LI H f -40,SIV-NOTiV fS 'TIL I'M J0R6 s I'VE. .SOAKED I ) ( I nlWimO m0iE IDEAS 1M SVuuiQe RekM-Mq By Cameron Dockery Chapter 4 When the Hardys accepted his offer, Jeff rode back to Pache co's adobe. Even if the solution to his problem was only temporary, from his point of view it was more than satisfactory. He had ;his own affairs to straighten out and it was a relief not to be bothered with the petty details of bachelor cooking. He could not help but wonder however, if Linda's cookery would justify the impression of capability that he had formed. He had his an swer that evening. ' Ummm, what a far cry this j is from army chow and K ra tions!" He paused before taking a second helping of stewed chick en and dumplings. Linda's cheeks flushed a little. I didn't think army food was! so bad "No, it wasn't usually," he conceded, "but I suppose food turned out for a thousand mouths at a sitting could never have the same flavor as real home cooking does." , "Well, I learned how during my probation period in a hospi tal kitchen," Linda explained. "I guess a year with Dad has perfected it though. He's fin icky. His artistic temperament extends to his stomach." She shot her father a half-amused, half-mocking smile. They were eating on the big oak drop-leaf table in the living room with Hardy seated near est the fire where he was pro tected from drafts. Between mouthfuls Jeff studied him curi ously. There were high spots of color on the older man's cheeks, whether from excite ment, the fire or the racking effects of his illness, Jeff could n't tell. "As an Easterner how do you like this country, sir?" Jeff asked. "To a man of my profession it's a continual frustration, Irs kine." "How's that?" "Here I am forbidden by my doctor to use paints or pastels because of my lungs, yet every lime I see a sunset or a sunrise my fingers ache to hold a brush. I It's almost sheer physical tor ment, yet I wouldn't have missed seeing it for anything." "The desert colorings change so rapidly, I should think it would be difficult to catch them on canvas," said Jeff. "Yes, they're enough to drive an artist mad," Mr. Hardy said with resignation. "Perhaps it's just as well I'm confined to pen and ink." Jeff eyed the plywood screen covered with mounted sketches. "I'm no critic but your stuff looks good to me." "Thanks. I wish I could con vince art editors" as easily." There was a trace of bitterness in Hardy's tone. Linda's hand went out swift ly and closed over her father's, but her eyes, lingered on Jeff. "How docs Arizona happen to be your home. Mr. Irskine, were you born here?" "In Phoenix," he said. "Dad raised cattle near there and af ter my mother died he was bit ton by the gold-mining bug. I think he'd always been itching to try his luck but his family held him down. I tcovered the state pretty well with him and his partner, old Amos Larabee. Then about ten years ago Dad bought this place. He was con vinced the property contained valuable mineral deposits but he never found much." "Did he move away?" Linda asked. "He died, during my last year at college." "Oh," her voice was gently sympathetic, "Then you're all alone?" Yes. except for a few aunts and uncles in the cast whom I've never met." He turned to Mr. Hardy, "Sir, I've been meaning to ask you if you ever came across any private papers hid den anywhere in the house since you moved in?" Hardy's blue eyes showed his j posta) unit or rone number in surprise. "No, I haven't Irskine." lyour address Jeff frowned. "You see at thej Address: Pattern Department, time my father Qied he was alone Capital Journal, 552 Mission and he'd been having trouble St., San Francisco, Calif. Room and Board FHAVE YUH HOID ,ffr HER. ANSWER. Wunw-UOl onuM DA NEWS? W TUH WHAT HAS W cxiKinrt DELIA WINS M 2. FEET If vf&SPiw h DA HUNNERX i Q MOUTHS I S.HJSS, Y DOLLARS FER. l AN' 6 EYES ) JJ2. FIG6ERIN OUT IS DIS, ? Vucri? 7 ) DA RIGHT J - -A DUCK. V THE BJDDLE? v ANSWER-TUH , A ) FLOATIN' ) V S iMUH RIDDLE ; ON DA AP Ntwtftalurti with Coulter over a small min ing deal. Coulter controlled ev erything in McCloud; everyone there held his job through him. You couldn't trust any of them. Dad apparently had a few heart attacks and was afraid Coulter might take advantage of his pre dicament. He hid all his papers including the deed to our prop erty. He was writing me about it when he had his fatal attack, but his letter wasn't completed." "You mean you have no proof of ownership?" Hardy said quickly. "Not the deed. Of course it should be in county records." "Coulter sounds like a skunk. I've never cared for his dark weasely face," Hardy said. "You'd better make a thorough search tomorrow, Irskine." After supper Linda and Jeff arranged a bed in the stable; they selected the empty stall be tween Linda's roan mare and Pa checo's palomino. "This is absurd," Linda re monstrated. "You could sleep on the divan." "Won't hurt me," Jeff said, "I like it for a change. Pacheco will be up with the 'dobe bricks to morrow and we'll start on the addition." "Well, you've plenty of blan kets, anyway. It's beginning to cool off already night comes so swiftly on the desert." They walked over to the spring and stood beneath the Cottonwood listening to the leaves coming to life again in the wind. The sky was a mixture of pearl grays, pinks and greens: one of the sun's rays caught something shiny a few miles distant and shot tt back to their Jeff whistled softly . . . "What's that? Looks like something's been going on since I left." "That's the Gentry estate. It's as big as a hotel and just as elaborate." "What's the matter? Don't you like them?" "I don't think I'll ever devel op a liking for war profiteers." Linda's tone was acrid. "I guess being an army nurse made mc allergic to them. If you ever meet the Gentrys, I'm sure you'll understand my feelings." He was surprised at the dis approval in her voice. (To be continued) Figure Favoring With this softly-executed all-day frock, the up and coming bright Spring afternoons will find you outfit- tea in gooa style . . . ana in good form, with loose cape sleeves and full skirt to play down the figure. No. 2769 is cut in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 36. 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, and 48, Size 36 requires 3Vi yds. 39-in. Send 20c for PATTERN, which includes complete sewing guide. Print your name, address and" style number plainly. Be sure to I state St7 vntl tvich fnnlnrt By Gene Ahem