n c o f? ti a b tl e: . tl C( m e) Pi e R. of of Wi v. st re av be th Ai n n of wi ne bu Btt ed till tlit I clo wo of fit: hip alii hig cop hel am . be the Le Fo A Fut has ber rece .Tun Kee Pik mor Ojui ROMANCE LEADS the parade this weekend, and if indications are to be believed, will do so for sev eral months now, with summer coming on. Several important announcements ot nuptial plans have been made this week, among them the engagement of Miss Harriet Hawkins and Miss Mar garet Hughlett. Town club members planning their final dancing party for next Saturday evening and quite i. number of large affairs are in the air. It looks like a truly gay. romantic springtime. J3y ean Jaijic Of "ISS LOUISE GRACE. Detroit, Mich.? president of Zonta Inter national, women's service club, will be entertained by the Salem Zonta club at a dinner meeting next Monday evening. The dinner, an informal one. will be served at Nohlgren's restaurant at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Harry W. Scott and Mrs. R. W. Land arc in charge of arrange ments. Miss Grace conies to Salem from at tending Hie district Zonta conference in Seattle this week-end. Members of the Portland. Corvallis, and Eugene Zonta clubs have been in vited fur the Monday meeting. A large group from the Salem club is attending the Seattle conference', opening Saturday. Among those goin.4 from here are Dr. Helen Pcarcc, past Zonta International president: Mrs. M. Theodore Madscn. Jr., president of the local club; Mrs. C. W. Slacey. delegate from the Salem club; Mrs. Harry W Scott, Mrs. R. W. Land, Miss Alene Phil lips, Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Mrs. May Smith, Miss Genevieve Morgan, Dr. Lucille Fortncr. Five new members are announced for the Salem club, including Mrs. James G. Heltzcl, Mrs. B. E. Lambert, Miss Mary Larson. Mrs. F. A. Massce, Miss Agnes J. Meyer. iKTirEWS is being ti INI bride-elect. Mis aL daughter of Mr. "EWS is being told by brunette Miss Jean Gorton, lighter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Gorton, of her wedding plans. She will become the bride of John Wchrli, son of Mrs. Elroy Nash, on Sat urday morning. May 17, at 9 o'clock in SI. Joseph's Catholic church. Rev. Ger ald Linahan will perform the cere mony. Wayne Mousey will sing before the nuptials'. Given in marriage by her father. Miss Gorton has asked her sister, Misi Wilma Gorton, to be her maid of honor. Attending her as bridesmaids will be Mrs. Robert Hauser and Mrs. William Wchrli, sister-in-law of the bridegroom. Junior bridesmaids will be cousins of the bride-clcct, the Misses Betty Lou and Patricia Crec. Best man will be William Wehrll. Sealing the guests will be Blaine Hanks and Robert Meier. a Miss Lois Barrick, daughter of Dr. mill Mrs. L. K. Harrick, entrains Sun day for Clarcniont, Calif., where she will resume her sludies at Pomona col lege, following a spring vacation visit with her parents. The American War Mothers will hold a no-host 12:30 o'clock luncheon Tues day at the American Legion hall. Plans will be discussed for the carnation tale, and three birthdays will be observed, Mrs. Gena Benson, Mrs. Mattie Prathcr and Mrs. Bertha Smart. Members are asked to bring needles and threat, it has been announced, for a quilt to aid a member. "(.' I , AT KNIGHT MEMORIAL rillTRCII. Easier Simdnv afternoon. Miss Marv Kliraheth Snow brcarne the bride of Herbert V. I. mas, son of Mr. and Mrs. .lames K. I.neas or Salem. She in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snmv, Jr., of San Fernando, Calif. They will make their home in Salem, tkainrll KIIIh studio) V ':( ,J I : ' & r y c Li ' - c&? ) mm ItKCKNT VISITORS IX THIC CM'l l AI, Mere Mrs. Donuld Sicgim-nd and her children. Surah and Charles or Ta rnniii, who were guests or Mr. Sii'nunid's parruls, Mr, and Mi's, diaries K. Sirgmum). Mrs. SifRimrcd is the daugh ter of Dr. I II. Danunaseli, ii-prcsenlntive hum Mullnumah county here during the legislative session. (Jcslen- Miller studio) "TITUNE, this year, will have more than p J "1e usual quota of glowing brides, it would seem. Miss Gcraldine Nelson, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nelson, is telling friends this week-end that she will be come the bride of Robert Jalinke. son of Mrs. Myrtle Jahnke of Denver. The couple's engagement was announced last August. The rites will lake place Saturday evening, June 14. at the First Presby terian church, with Dr. Chester V. Hamblin officiating. A reception at the North Capitol street home of (he bride s parents will follow the riles. The bride-elect attended Willamette university, where she is a member o Alpha Chi Omega. She has been work ing in Salem. Her fiance, afler serv ing in the navy, is now attending the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he is majoring in advertising. They will live in Boulder. The Salem Garden club is presenting Miss Margaret McKcnney, official pho tographer for Washington Stale Park commission, who will illustrate her theme, "Spring Comes to America" with slides when she speaks at the Bush school auditorium Monday evening at 8 o'clock. As another feature. Miss Mc Kenney will present her collection of slides illustrating the study of mush rooms. Mrs. Arthur A. I'isher will preside at luncheon Tuesday afternoon in com pliment to incnihcrs of her contract bridge club. "ANY arc llic cnuaucincnt an- nounccniLMits being made on tho Williinn'tte university campus. Ueveiilcd Ihis week was the betrothal or Miss iViari'aret HutjhleU, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. H. VV. Hughlett, to Ed ward A. Peterson of Corvallis, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Peterson of Port land. The eoii)ie plan to marry in August. The bride-elect graduated last June fiim Oreu tin State college. She was a member of Delta Gamma at Willamette university. She majored in home eco nomics and is now teaching in Heppner high school. Mr. Peterson served in the navy for Ihrec years, serving in Pacific waters. He is a junior at Oregon State college. They will live in Corvallis. Miss Hughlett visited this week in Salem, revealing the news to her friends. Mrs. A. Kintlcn will preside at luncheon Moiuhiy afternoon at her home in I'ir Street in compliment to members of her contract bridge club. Additional Kitesls will be Mrs. Ed Vicsko. Mrs. P. U. Wood row and Mrs. George Hug:. Miss Beverly Iloffinc. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffine, Friday evening at 8 o'clock, became the bride of Paul Gilmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1. Paul Gilmer. The riles look place at the Knight Memorial church with Rev. Louis While officiating. Miss Beverly Kenncy sang, Willi Mrs. Louis Mitchell accompany ing. Mi.ss Betty Lou Edwards lighted the al.:tr tapers. liien in marriage by her faiher, the bride wore a gown of white satin brought bv l-.er husband from Japan. U was de signed with a nylon yoke, long pointed sleeve.- and a lull skirt. Her French net, iini'.ertip length veil was held in place bv a seed pearl coronet and she carried a shower of pink roses. 1 lie brine's sister. Mrs. Stanley Turn bull, was her matron of honor, wearing a salniun-pinU gown of taille, designed wilh voke- sweetheart neckline and full skirl. Shi carried a bouquet of blue 1 lowers. iirulrsmaids were Miss Gladys Killian and Mrs. Fred Marlowe, sister of the bridegroom. They both wore blue gowns ol laille with sweetheart necklines and gored skirls. They carried pastel nose gays. iest man was Stanley Turubull and ushers were Fred Marlowe and Harry hwinu .'ioir girl was little Billie Kay Her "!:!. wearing a white floor-length gown t! iniii;eif in blue. Dennis Pugh was ring bearer. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Hof Ime wore a brown suit with chartreuse blouse and neutral straw hat trimmed in brown. .She wore gardenias and Tally man roses. Mrs. Gilmer wore a pink costume suit with like flowers and mat eh in g accessories. At the reception in the church par lors following the wedding. Mrs. Lee Wood poured and Mrs. Clyde Stimson of Albany rut the bride's cake. Passing the guest book was Miss Penny Gilmer Mrs. Robert Barnwell and Mrs. Kenneth Barnwell assisted and at the gift tabic was Miss Jean Gilmer assisted by Mrs. Gary Pugh and Mrs. Margery Herrell. When Mr, and Mrs. Gilmer left for their wedding trip the bride was wear ing an ash green suit with a bustle ef fect. She wore white accessories and Jut flowers were gardenias. The couple will travel to the coast and south, re turning in a week to be at home in Salem, Spinners organization wilt meet Mon day evening at S o'clock at the home of Mrs. William II. Iturghurdt, KtiO I'nion street. Hostess will be the president, .Miss Jean Taylor. The West Salem Grange will hold open house with a pif social Tues day evening at 8 o'clock in the City hall, it has been announced. M' EXT Saturday evening Mr. and Wilmcr H. Page will be hosts at their home in Chetneketa street for an informal party honoring a group of their friends. Guests have been asked to a buffet dinner party, following which cards will be in play during the evening. Covers will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. John Copenhaver, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Whiscnand. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Haclley, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mcrscreau. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Burrell and Mr. and Mrs. Page. ADDING 1IKK XAMH TO TIIK LIST OF BISIDES-ELIXT Is Miss Margaret llughlrtt. diuuhlcr of .Mr. and .Mrs. II. W. Hughlett. who din-iii spring vaca tion told frirndx of thr betrothal to Edward A. Peterson, son of .Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Peterson. Miss llughlrtt. who attended Willamette and graduated from Oregon Stale college, is a inrniber of Delta Gamma. She is now learning at llrpnnrr High school. Her fiance, who served in the navy during tile war, is attending Oregon Slate college. IKenncll-Ellis studio) Active and alumnae chapters of Chi Omega from six states will be represent ed at the Western Elcusinia conference to be held on the University of Wash ington campus this week-end. Salem girls from Oregon Stale col lege who arc flying up will be Miss Mary Ana Bollinger, Miss Patricia Vics ko. Miss Conine Wade, and representing the Salem alumnae is Mrs. George "L. Hill. Going from the Willamette chap ter, are Miss Pat Miller. Miss Ginnic Atkinson. Miss Margaret Whittiker. Mrs. Barbara Crawford. Miss Jean Robinson. Miss Mildred Norton and Miss Carol Power. Included in the week-end plans are trips to Mt. Rainier and Victoria. Chi Omega alumnae met this week at the home of Mrs. Robert Corey, with Mrs. John Krcriin. speaker, who talked on her recent stay in Puerto Rico. The McCormick class will hold a no host dinner Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the First Methodist church. UNDAY afternoon at 3 o'clock the First Congregational church will be scene of the marriage of Miss Margaret Moekel and Trevor Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morriss Jones of Oregon City. Rev. Seth R. Huntington will officiate at the rites, to take place before a gath ering of the couple's friends and rela tives. Corydon Blodgett will sing. "O, Prom ise Me" and "Because," before the rites, accompanied by Mrs. Jean Hobson Rich. The bride will be given in marriage by Ernest Arncson. She will wear a white satin wedding gown with loin? sleeves, a peter pan collar and fitted . bodice with covered buttons to the waistline which falls into a full skirt. She will wear a fingertip length veil held in place wilh orange blossoms and she will carry a bouquet of pink roses and white swectpeas and stephenatis. Miss Helen Whitesell of Twin Falls, Idaho, will be the bride's only attendant. She will wear a petal blue floor-length gown with a net skirt and taffeta bodice. She will wear a coronet of blue forget-me-nots and carry a shower bouquet of yellow iris and blue forget-me-nots. Best man for his brother will be Ivan Jones of Spokane. Seating the guests before the rites will be Donald Turner of Portland, Carlton Niles of Molalla. John Whitney and James Bai ley of Oregon City. At the reception which will follow the rites in the parlors of the church, Mrs. Ernest Arneson and Mrs. O. R. Underwood will preside at the coffee urns. Mrs. John Whitney will pass the guest book and assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Donald Turner and Mrs. Carlton 'Niles. When the couple leave for a wedding trip to Vancouver and Victoria, the bride will be wearing a beige suit and topcoat with gold accessories and orchids. After April 27 they will be at home at 690 South Commercial street. The Salem Deaconess hospital aux iliary will meet in the hospital chapel in Oak street at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon for a short business session Mrs. Mayme Hill is arranging the pro gram to include a talk by Rev. W. Harold Lyman, pastor of the Court street Christian church. The social hour will honor Mrs. Sam Neufeldt. Hostesses will be Mrs. J. J. Nunn. Mrs. Dave Brown and Mrs P. W. Geiscr. In (lie capital over the week-end, to attend the marriage of Mi.ss Dorothy Ilardie and John R. Hay arc Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Vandcneynde, all of Portland. Mr. Allen and Mr. Vandcneynde are Alpha Tan Omega fraternity brothers of Mr. Hay at the University of Oregon. Mr and Mrs. C. S. Glass of Portland are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Nancy, to Marvin L. Amund son of Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Amundson of Salem. The bride-elect, now working in Port land, is a graduate of Portland schools. Her fiance, who served with the AAF in England 's now majoring in electrical engineering at Oregon State college, where he is a junior. No date has been set for the wedding. From Reno, Nev., has come word of the marriage of Mrs. Sylvia Kelly Fur lough of San Francisco, and James E. Aaron, which took place in Reno April (i at the Christian church. The couple will live in Calilomia. Delta Gamma Mothers' club will meet Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock for a regular business session at the chapter house. . -' J "'HE Order of Rainbow for Girls will celebrate the 25th year of its founding Tuesday, April 22, Willi a silver tea. Chadwick chapter is inviting thi public to a program given by Rainbow members, at 8 o'clock, to be followed by the tea. Proceeds will be sent to the Masonic and Eastern Star home at For est Grove. A shower business meeting at 7 o'clock will precede the affair. The program committee is composed O! Miss Barbara Hendrickson, Miss Marilyn Hill and Miss Marilyn Burns. The girls will preside at the urns, as sisted by Miss Wilene Wiper, Miss Bar bara Flagg and Miss Pebble DeSart. On Sunday, all Rainbow girls will attend the First Presbyterian church in a body, assembling at the church H 10:30 o'clock. At the last meeting. Misses Carol Fuhr, Beverly Folston Helen Booth, Mitzi Patrick and Lucille Rogers were elected to receive the de grees of order and will be initiated May 13. Miss Barbara Hendrickson is wor thy advisor and Mrs. Wayne Henry -s mother advisor. Mrs. Wallace Bonesteclc will enter tain Monday evening at her home in Saginaw street in compliment to Delta Delta Delta alumnae members. IN an all-white Victorian setting at St. Paul's Episcopal church Satur day evening at 8 o'clock, petite and blonde Miss Dorothy Hardic will be come the bride of John R. Hay, son of Justice and Mrs. Arthur D. Hay. Rev. George H. Swift will officiate at the ceremonies, to be held before a large gathering of the couple's friends and relatives. Baskets of blossoms, calla lilies, and white flower and satin markers on al ternate pews will decorate the church for the event. Sister of the bridegroom, Mrs. Bob Napier of Corvallis, will sing "At Dawn ing" and "Without Thee," before the wedding. Miss Ruth Bedford will ac company her at the organ. Lighting the aisle tapers will be Mrs. Gervais Elliott of Salem, wearing grey chiffon, and Mrs. Robert Pickens, cousin of the bride, wearing white chiffon with white camellias in her hair. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hardie. the bride will be given in mar riage by her father She will wear a Victorian gown of while satin, designed with high puffed sleeves which are tight at the pointed wrist, a sweetheart neck line embellished with sprays of iride scent beads and pearls which also dec orate the tight fitted bodice. The gown buttons down the back, ending at the tiny waistline from which falls a full skirt. The bride's headdress is a small crown of pearl flowers and holds in place a double-tiered, fingertip length veil with lace insertion. She will wear a single strand of pearls and carry a white leather prayerbook which her grandmother brought from Scotland. It will be topped with a white orchid tied with showers of satin ribbon and white bouvardia. Cousin of the bride, Mrs. Richard Har mon of Tacoma, will be her matron of honor. She will wear a lilac gown of moire taffeta woven with a flower pat tern, resigned with a sweetheart neck- tern, resigned with a sweemeari nets-, line, elbow length sleeves, fitted bod-) ice and full skirts, slightly hooped. She will wear powder blue mitts and carry an arm bouquet of dark lilacs. Bridesmaids will be Mrs. Richard Cooley and Mrs. Bryon Mennis. They will wear gowns made like that of the matron of honor, in mist blue and will wear pale lavendar mitts. They will carry pale lilacs. All attendents will wear wreaths of mist blue tulle with lilacs. Besl man for his brother will be Douglas Hay of Eugene. Seating the guests before the rites will be Robert DeArmond, Claybourne Dyer, Harvey Quistad, Joseph Devers, Jr., Jack H. Dunn of Myrtle Point and Bob Napier of Corvallis. For the marriage of her daughter, Mrs. Hardie will wear a gown of gray f.oor-lcngth chiffon with a yoke of gray lace shot with silver thread, deep in back. Her mitts will be of the same, material. She will wear a wrealh of flowers in her hair and a lavender orchid. Mrs. Hay will wear a turquoise silk crepe gown with a flame panel from the shoulder. She will wear a corsage . ol flame Watsonia. A reception will be held at the South Liberty street home of the bridegroom's parents. Mrs. A. L. McCaffcrty will oe in charge and pouring will be aunts of An Hay, Mrs. J. B. Lawson and Mrs. James Cormack, both of Portland, Mrs. O. G. Noland of Portland and Mrs. G. y.. Ycagcr. Cutting the caKC will be Mrs. Ludd Read of Salem and Mrs. Duane Gib son. At the door will be Mrs. Glen, McCartey of Portland., cousin of the I bridegroom. Passing the guest book will 1 Mrs. James Nicholson, Jr., and at the gift ta ble will be Mrs. Harvey Quistad and Mrs. Robert DeArmond. Serving will be Mrs. Douglas Hay ut Eugene, Mrs. Fred A. Davis. Mrs. Rob ert Cannon, Mrs. Claborne Dyer, Mrs. Wallace Hug and Mrs. Joseph Devers, Jr. At the punch bowl will be Richard Cooley and Emery Hobbs. When Hie couple leave for a wedding trip to San Francisco, the bride will be wearing a suit of water lily blue, de signed with a long fitted jacket, small ' round lapels and iridescent bead trim on one shoulder. Her hat matches and is sprinkled with the same trim as the suit. It is an open-crowned pill box with a drape at one side. Her ac cessories and Balenciaga and she will carry a mink stole. Following their wedding trip of a week they will De at home in a house in West Wilson street. Marion auxiliary No. 661, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will hold public installa tion of officers MoViday evening at 8 o'clock in the VFW hall. The Salem Writers' club will meet Wednesday evening ai 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Flora Thompson End cr, 660 Marion street. T; K