2 Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon, Saturday, April 12, J 947 Merger Final For Districts Woodburn The revote in the Hall school district Thursday . night on the merger with the Woodburn district carried by about 25 votes which makes the merger of Woodburn, West Woodburn, Johnston and Hall districts effective. This was the third vote in the Hall district and was called on a remonstrance filed by 10 resi dents of the district after the vote on March 13 was in favor of the consolidation. No further remonstrance is possible and the merger of the four districts will become effective after the vote is canvassed by the boun dary board. Junior Church Guild Plans Union Session Silverton Thirty five mem bers attended the tmmanuel Lutheran Junior Woman's Guild program and social meeting with Mrs. Ole Meland home hostess assisted by her sisler, Mrs. Mcrl Rasmussen. The group decided to hold a cooked food sale at the Sugar Bowl cafe April 19, with the committee in charge including Mrs. Kenneth Henjum, Mrs. Ray Boe, Mrs. Alfred Johnson, Mrs. Ole Meland and Mrs. B. E. Gaffcy. Final plans were talked for the Wednesday evening April 30 meeting of the three wo men's organizations of the church, the Ladies Aid society, the Woman's Guild and the Jun ior Woman's Guild, with the hostesses the junior group, for the purpose of establishing Woman's Missionary federation with eash of the three groups to be a circle of the federation. Visiting commilte personnel for April and May named by the president, Mrs. B. E. Gaf fey, are Mrs. R. J. VanCleave and Mrs. Jonas Bybcrg. Mrs. E. V. Swayze led the topic discussion on "The Meek Mrs. Kenneth Henjum conducted devotional. Jefferson Dale Hepner of Slanwood, Iowa, who spent last summer in Jefferson, and was employ ed in the Santiam Flax plant, and returned to his home to spend the winter, has returned here and plans to get work. Mrs. John Henderson of Jef ferson and Mrs. Ada Wattenbar ger of Independence left Wed nesday for Tacoma, Wash., where they plan to spend e week visiting at the home of Mrs. Henderson's son Elmer Henderson and Mrs. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. William Lake have returned from a month's visit with relatives In Colora do, Nebraska and California. Their daughter, Miss Helen Lake, was unable to accompany them on the trip as had been planned because of injury on her leg, received in an auto accl dent near Lebanon. She has been in a hospital in Astoria receiving treatment for the leg injury, but is now at the home of her sisler, Mrs. Bob Warren in Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Shields plan to leave next week for Burlingame, Calif., for a visit with their uncle J. O. Angel and family. Their son Richard, who is in the navy. Is home on leave. He is stationed in a hospital In San Diego, Calif. Easter dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kihs were Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hofstettcr and three children of Pratum, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Stetller and family of Cheinawa Walter Kihs of Scio, and Miss Helen Kihs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rehfcld and Lawrence Rehfcld were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kills and family, near Marion At the Evangelical United Brethren church, spccii'l dedica tion service was held tor 10 chil dren. Parents presenting their children were Mr. and Mrs. John Kihs, Mr. and Mrs. James Hague, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stowe and Mrs. Arthur Rhodes. Miss Virginia Mason of Tilla mook came home for the week end and she and her mother, Mrs. George Mason, were Sun day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mason in Salem. Monday Miss Mason at tended the teachers' meeting in Portland, and returned to Tilla mook again. feck DANCE Silverton Armory TONITE,9to 12 GLENN WOODRY'S Orchestra 14 Entertainers 14 Admission 71o plus Federal Tax l4o Total 85c Union High School, Report Is Awaited Stayton Stayton Chamber of Commerce has postponed its meeting from Monday until Tuesday evening when it will be held at the city hall at 8 o'clock. Time to afford the committee surveying the possibility of a union high school to gather ma terial for a complete report was the reason given for postpone ment. Arnold Takes Stayton Post Stayton The school board of Stayton announced this week that Albert N. Arnold has ac cepted the superintendency of local schools and will move here s soon as a house is available. He will replace George w. Ayres, who resigned recently. He has held various leacning positions in the state and has been superintendent at Drain Union high school for the past five years. An interesting sidelight is the fact that Mrs. Bertha McDaniel, teacher of mathematics in the high school, attended school with him when he was teacher of the seventh grade at Silver- ton. Another Staytonite, Mrs. Kenneth Farwell, also attended school at Amity where he taught her class. The Arnolds have two chil dren, one of them of high school age. Woodburn Chapter FFA Has Election Woodburn New officers elected by the Future Farmers of America at Woodburn high school are Richard Toepfer, president; Myrle ' Shaw, vice president; Ralph Undseth, sec retary; Charles Murphy, report er; Martin Krupicka, treasurer; Louis Walker, sentinel. The new president and vice presi dent were chosen as delegates to the state FFA convention which got under way at Pendleton April 10. The chapter awarded the pure-bred Guernsey heifer, pur chased at the sale in Salem, to Ed Kappel, who will return the first heifer calf to the chapter to be given to another member on the same terms. A new paint sprayer purch ased by the chapter was explain ed by Arnold Troftgruben, in structor. Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Stirber have returned from Seattle where they spent the week af ter accompanying their daugh ter, Mrs. Joe Slerk (Dorothy Stirber) and Freddie, Marie and Kathy, to their home in Seat tle following a fortnight's visit here with the Stirbers and oth er relatives. The Stirbers spent two months in southern Califor nia with other members of their family during the winter months. The sixth birthday an niversary of Freddie Sterk was celebrated while the young man was a guest of his grandparents. Mrs. Mona Hook and her daughter, the former Imogene Scanlon, now Mrs. Ellwood Nel son and two children, Marlenc and Danny, all of Portland were all-day guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Pitney of North Sil verton. Mrs. D. N. Ivcrson (LaVon Hcald) and Mr. and Mrs. Ber ger Fencide, Portland, have been house guests this week of Ihc parents of Mrs. Iverson, the Ed Healds, and are visiting oth er local relatives. Guests during the week of the George Kelsays have been a sister and brother-in-law of Kel say, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ger ctz of Valejo, Calif., leaving for home Friday. The three small children of the H. J. Spencers, Jerry Lee, Jill Joan and Jan Ella Marie Spencer, were among the can didates for baptism at the Eas ter services at Immanuel Luth eran church, the Rev. S. L. Aim lie officiating. Mrs. Oscar Loe will open her home Tuesday afternoon, April 15, to her fellow members of the East Side Immanuel Luth eran Guild. Falls City The PTA held a program of music at the high school. Rev. Quenten Schenck, pastor of the Falls City Metho dist church was the guest speaker. i V. F. W. I VICTORY CLUB ! DANCE Old Tim Dances TONITE i VETERANS' HALL : Cor. Hood & Church Sts. : music : wayne strahan's j ORCHESTRA ! Admission 60c, tax Ine. ; Everybody Welcome ..T.n....BTflv............. Phone Service Still Normal Woodburn Local telephone service in Woodburn continues to be normal in spite of the nation-wide strike of union tele phone operators, although no long distance calls are being taken except in cases of emerg ency. Calls are still put mrougn to Hubbard and Monitor, since they are cleared by the local of fice but all calls cleared through Portland or Salem are on an emergency basis. Operators at Woodburn are not union members and accord ing to Mrs. Hattie Lytle, local manager, the only possibility of Woodburn service being discon tinued would be a mechanical breakdown as maintenance workmen are included in the strike. Telegraph traffic at the Wood- burn office of Western Union has increased nearly 200 per cent since the strike, according to A. F. Fredrickson, local man ager. Eva Rebekah Lodge Initiates Quartet Stayton Feature of the meet ing of Eva Rebekah lodge was initiation of four candidates for membership. New members are Velma Limbeck, Pearl Leffler, Fay Hobson and Tomina Shower. Guests were present from Turner and Jefferson lodges and the degree work was put on. It was announced that the Three Links club would not hold its meeting because of the card party planned for Saturday night at the hall. Visitation to Scio and Jeffer son lodges was made April 1 and 2. A group of 18 attended the meeting at Scio Tuesday evening. Mrs. Marie Cole, Mrs. Marian Klecker and Mrs. Fran ces Ricks went to Scio in the afternoon and had dinner there, attending the meeting in the evening. A party of 10 went to Jefferson the following night. St. Paul Selects Honor Roll Students St. Paul The fourth six-week honor students, St. Paul high school, earned at least four Is and one or more 2s. First honor roll Laura Davidson, Beatrice Stupfel, Dorothy Blancn Second honor roll: Carole Tay lor. Bernlce Blanchett, Richard Brentano. Third honor roll: Nancy Smith Kathleen Wolf. Mildred Brentano, Robert McNamee. Fourth honor roll: Mnrllou Sim mons, Pat smith, Pat Kuenstlng. Semester exemptions for six-week honors: Nancv Smith, Carole Tay lor, Dorothy Blanchette, Laura Da vidson, Beatrice Stupfel. Second honor roll: Richard Bren tano. Nina Roe. Mildred Brentano. Arnold Bear. Bernlce Blanchette, Janice Buyserie. Third honor roll: Robert Mc Namee. Fourth honor roll: Marllou Sim mons. Leave for Alaska Mrs. L. D. Johnston made a trip to Seattle recently to see Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Johns ton, her son and daughter-in-law, when they took the plane for Anchorage, Alaska, where he has accepted a new job with the Alaska Broadcasting com pany, station KFQD. DANCE TONIGHT! Sloper Hall INDEPENDENCE With JOE LANE and His Oregon Play Boys The Valley's Top Western Band Sponsored by American Legion SPRING DANCE TONIGHT Woodburn Armory GLENN WILLIAMS 9-Piece Orchestra Dancing 9 to 12 Sponsored by Woodburn Junior Woman's Club Lime Quarry Victim Making Improvement Dallas Condition of Milton Baker of route 2 is much im proved now after he sustained serious injuries last week when a dynamite blast went off pre maturely in a lime quarry here. He was taken to the Dallas hospital where it' was found necessary to amputate two fin gers of his hand. His eyes were affected by the blast but now appear to be much improved. Baker is the son of Roy Baker, manager of the plant. Lodge Clubs Plan Future Activities Silverton Mrs. Cecil Ander son with Mrs. G. Ellers as co hostess, entertained the Pythian Altruistic club at the week s all- day work meeting. Guests fur nished a no-hostess noon lunch eon.- Mrs. Albert Grinde, presi dent, directed the work program. Mrs. Grinde named as her pro gram committee for the May meeting at the Ben Gilford home, Mrs. E. Loe, Mrs. C. An derson and Mrs. G. Ellers. Home Temple No. 21, Pythian Sisters planning to. attend the Scio district convention, Friday, May 2, are asked to be present Friday, April 11, 7:45 p. m. at the K. P. hall for rehearsal of the part to be assumed at the convention by the local temple. A new temple of 77 members has been instituted at Condon and will be known as Condon Temple No. 77. Officials assist ing at the institutional included Pearl Kinzer, supreme junior: Frances Guy, grand M of R & C; Alma Friday, grand junior; and Queen Wood, PGC. Lincoln Miss Wilma Crawford, R. N., of Portland, was a guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lois Crawford at Lincoln. Miss Crawford started her training in 1944 and graduated from University of Oregon medical school January 11, 1947. She is now employed at Multnomah hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hammer were hosts at an Easter dinner, their guest list including Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Johnston and Michael Philip, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hammer and Leonard, Jr., and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Spittler, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Le Clerc and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Savage. , Mr. and Mrs. Avalt Miller gave an Easter supper at their Lincoln home Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stahl and Magdalene and Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. Alolph Gerling and Marvin, Norma and Verna Mil ler. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Yenckel and their granddaughter Wau nita Mackey were dinner guests at the home of relatives in Albany. HELD OVER AGAIN! Cont. Shows From 12:45 p.m., Sat. & Sun, "JOLSON" at 12:45 - 3:00 - 5:20 - 7:40 - 10 P.M. II rs? T musics ?- ' r .I'wm. HI j 4pll I ' Tomorrow! l xC!l BETWEEN THEIR ST"ifV1 AND v THE I KISSES TREMBLED f7 WfJ rr r nhVfRnT 3 7w SI V'l CWjr WM BRUCE CABOT W k V"5?lS W W rsMlll IRENE RICH ..V "I ' Al. 'f J mmi0S& Jp spiNsT0LrRE! lip". thflrT'lilJIfc w AS CHARLIE CHAN RUllfJ&LlZ "DANGEROUS The All-Amcrican Sweetheart! "" .-- , . S - fVlwINCY Jean PORTER - Jan SAVITT y V ! , ,n. "BETTY CO-ED" . , Lodge Schedule Is Well Filled Silverton M a r 1 o n Circle Neighbors of Woodcraft has had a busy program last month. More than 75 Marion county members attended the district meeting with grand and dis trict officers present as were neighbors from Salem, Dundee, Newberg, Monmouth, McMinn ville, Amity and Silverton. In structional talks were given by the officials and initiatory cere monials for new members were observed. At the meeting 35-year pins were presented Mrs, Al Down, Mrs. Fa ye Laurence and Mrs. Vera Ottaway-Jones with oth er local over 35-year members present including Mrs. Miles Ottoway, Mrs. O. J. Taylor and Mrs. Perl Blackerby. W. Wal- mer of Salem appeared on the program as violin soloist, ac companied at the piano by Mrs. Elma Dickey, a member of Sa lem circle and now living in Silverton, who also served as musician for the ceremonial work during the session. Later in the month a no-hos tess supper and social evening were arranged for the pleasure of Mrs. Bliss Jones (Vera Ot toway) at the country home of Miss Olive Ottoway with quilt ing done for the complimented guest during the evening. A special business meeting was held at the Richard Nelson home following a 6:30 no-host sup per. The Golden Jubilee meeting was attended by a number of lo cal members at the Woodcraft hall in Portland. Mayor Riley was featured speaker telling of the difficulties overcome in lodge work during the lifetime of the only living charter mem ber present, Mrs. Anna Haw kins. Amid significant decora tions in the gold color scheme fancy floor drills were exem plified during the initiatory ceremonials of 24 new mem bers. Grand officer speakers were present from Seattle, Mon tana and states farther east. The huge brightly decorated anni versary cake centered the main refreshment table. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Higinboth am were no-host supper guests to the Silverton circle after OLD TIME DANCES Waltzes, Quadrills, Paul Jones, 2 and 3 Steps Join the Crowd, and Have A Good Time OVER WESTERN AUTO 259 Court St. Every Saturday Night Music By Paul YVinslow's Gang Public Welcome Will Show Thru TUESDAY! which a business and social ses sion were held with the follow ing representatives selected to attend the Albany district con vention the last part of July: Mrs. Mabel Talbot, alternate Mrs. Pearl Blackerby; Miss Ol ive Ottoway, alternate Mrs. H. Storlie. Mrs. Miles Ottoway, local circle, is a district officer. Among the sixteen members present were two from Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stor lie, who retain their member ship here. On Sunday, April 13, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, offi cers will be installed in an open meeting at Legion Hall, the former lodge home of the circle. Arthur Nelson is in charge of refreshment plans. Mill City Residents Given Birthday Tea Mill City Mrs. James Swan, who was celebrating a birthday anniversary, was the honor guest at an afternoon tea given! at the home of Mrs. Clayton Bal timore with Mrs. Henry Balti more and Mrs. Lester Hathaway assisting hostesses. Also hon ored during the afternoon was Miss Daisy Hendricson, who was also celebrating a birthday an niversary during the week. At the tea hour following an infor mal afternoon, Mrs. Roy Huber presided at the urn. Honoring Mr, flwan and Miss Hen dricson were: Mm. Frrd Grimes, Mra. R. L. Faust, Mrs. Sin Jepsen, Mr. Cleve Da-Is, Mrst William Quinn, Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood, Mri. Frank Smith, Mra. Vi ola Beebe, Mrs. Ed Rupp, Mra. C. E. Mason, Mra. Curtis Cllne, Mra. D. B. Hill, Mra. Orvllle Odderman. Mrs. Willis Potter, Mrs. Herbert Schroeder of Sa lem, and Mra. Roy Huber of Lyona. Bend ins Bifta were: Mra. Fred Duffj, Mrs. Harry Wood, Mrs. Blancn Gibson, Mra. Roy Mundt, Mrs. Donald Sheythe. Mra. W. W. Mason, Mra. Ann Dawes, Mrs. W. J. Robinson, Mrs. Cecil Lake, Mrs. Ar thur and Cecil Catherwood, Mra. John Swan. Mrs. Robert Swift. Mra. Harry Mason. MM. Charles Kelly, Mrs. Charles Dolezal, Mra. Vernon Todd, Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mra. Harold Frlsch, Mrs. William McCoy, Mrs. Deloa Hoeye, Mra. Derrel Andersen. Mrs. Charles Sullivan. Mra. Frank Bass, Mrs. W. B. Shuey, Miss Ina Allen, Mrs. Catherine Lyona, Mrs. Ste phen Beck, Mrs. Leland Bassett and Mrs. Floyd Shepherd. From out-of-town, Mrs. Helen Andersen, Mrs. Alta Bodcker of Lyons and Mrs. Lee Morris of Salem. Contrary to popular belief, the age of Americans at the time of their marriages averages lower than that of people in most other countries. HftTa5l.tfl Cont. From 1 p.m. Ends Today! (Sat.) Johnny Weissmuller "TARZAN TRIUMPHS" o Gilbert Roland "BEAUTY & THE BANDIT" Tomorrow! Cont. Shows! WILLIAM POWELL "HOODLUM SAINT" o TIM HOLT "FIGHTING FRONTIER" PHONE 3467 MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. PREVUE TONITE! ... AND STARTING TOMORROW! Blazing Guns Meet a Gentle And a Bad Man Meets His Temperance Institute Is Held at Silverton Silverton The regular meet- i ing of the WCTU was an all-day j session beginning at 10:30 a.m., a no-hostess luncheon at noon Friday at the First Christian, church social rooms. Mrs. Fred Tooze, state presi dent, was the featured speaker ; during the afternoon. Marion county officials were present. ; Local officers are Mrs. M. G. ; Gunderson, president; Mrs. S. j Torvend, secretary; and Mrs. Minnie Rue, treasurer. NOW! nD0EHy U- 4 IT'S THE NEAREST THING TO HEAVEN! Berlin Favorites! k-ikiiiimmm ss& JjX? 1 Writ! miyVeWolfe AA3 sA? EXTRA! -Al 3rr' "STORK CRAZY" - "Musical Lulu" ZZT.B liMjVl'M'JL Ends Today! (Sll.) JOHN LODER "Wife of Monte Cristo" o "Tarzan's Desert Mystery" TOMORROW! 7&GREEN YEARS II CHARLES COBURN TOM BEVERLY HUME DRAKE TVLER CRONYN pim J CAROLE LANDIS "Shouldn't Happen to a Dog" Journal Want Ads Kay ! Dance. Bern" VSBffltt ITS A ENDS TODAY! (SAT.) Ann Sheridan "KING'S ROW" BRUCE CABOT "Wild Bill Hickok Rides" Smile . . . Match!